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Name : Asri Samrotul Hilmiah

NPM : 182122090

Class : C

CDA Mid-term Test Answer

1. As power is a central concept in critical discourse studies, critical here means to have a
critic skills considering negative uses of power of a text. Critical also means to analyse
the impact of power, uncover hidden assumption, and also to have a struggle to against
inequality. The end goal is to hope, to dream, and to create alternative realities that are
based in equity, love, peace, and solidarity.

2. Models of CDA

1) Van Dijk’s Model of CDA

CDA is studying and identifying power, dominance, inequality, biasness. Power is as a

control of a text. To analyse a text, Van Dijk uses Socio-cognitive approach to connect
micro-structure which is language level and macro-structure which is social content. This
model also considers how the social structures such as institutions or elites use their power on
a text. The questions of this model could be analysing social components: Membership,
Activities, Aims, Norms, Relations, and Resources.

2) Fairclough

CDA means the analysis of relationship between concrete language use and the wider social
cultural structures. Fairclough uses three stages of discourse analysis: description (text
analysis), interpretation (processing analysis), and explanation (social analysis). The analytic
tools of each stage are: 1. Description: lexical classification, transformation, and transitivity.
2. Interpretation: intertextuality such as news source, reporting mode, and reporting verb. 3.
Explanation: political context, cultural, and economic.

3) Wodak’s Model of CDA

CDA is fundamentally interested in analysing opaque as well as transparent structural

relationships of dominance, discrimination, power, and control when these are manifested in
language. Wodak uses Discourse-Historical Approach (DHA) which views discourse as a
form of social practice. For Wodak, the notion of context is crucial for CDA, since this
explicitly includes socio-psychological, political and ideological components. The DHA is
three-dimensional: 1. Identify the specific contents or topics of a specific discourse. 2.
Investigate discursive strategies. 3. Examine linguistic as type and context-dependent
linguistic realizations. The DHA does not just look at the historical dimension of discourses,
but is – more extensively – concerned with areas of discourse studies: such as discrimination,
language barriers, politics, identity, ecology, and media.
4) Van Leeuwen’s Model of CDA

Van Leeuwen (1996: 33) has stated that there is no neat fit between sociological and
linguistic categories and if Critical Discourse Analysis, in investigating for instance the
representation of agency, ties itself in too closely to specific linguistic operations or
categories, many relevant instances of agency might be overlooked. As discourses are social
cognitions, socially specifi c ways of knowing social practices, they can be, and are, used as
resources for representing social practices in text. This means that it is possible to reconstruct
discourses from the texts that draw on them.

3. Text Analysis

 Critique

Although the text informs the reader about how the government react and do for handling
novel coronavirus disease in Indonesia, the text also shows a critique to the government with
comparing the rapid test in Indonesia and South Korea. “The government has only tested
samples of 155 suspected patients across the country, two of which have come back positive.
For comparison, as of March 2, South Korea, which has the most COVID-19 patients outside
China, has performed 109,591 tests.” Also many parties, including scientists and foreign
governments, have cited the lack of tests as the primary reason Indonesia, one of the top
tourist destinations for people in Wuhan, the Chinese city from which the animal virus first
infected human, could have been underreporting cases. This shows how the government was
too late to prevent the virus outbreak. The text also shows the lack of coordination among
ministry and others involved in this cases that Health Minister Terawan Agus Putranto
initially claimed that the government had proactively traced Case 1 but then clarified that it
was the woman herself who came to the hospital to have herself checked.

 Identity

The Jakarta Post is a daily English language newspaper in Indonesia. The paper is owned by
PT Niskala Media Tenggara and based in the nation's capital, Jakarta. The Jakarta Post
started as a collaboration between four Indonesian media at the urging of Information
Minister Ali Murtopo and politician Jusuf Wanandi. The founders of this media are majority
a politician. That is caused the news from this post is more critic and credible. The writer
is Gemma Holliani Cahya, a reporter for breaking news, opinions, politics, weather, and
traffic that up-to-date.

 Power

This text has power to make the readers know the current condition and the government’s
steps to handle it.

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