Analysis of Factors That Affect Entrepreneurship Interest in Students of Accounting Education Faculty of Economics Yogyakarta State University PDF

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Analysis of Factor...

(Syifa Nurrahmah) 1




By: Syifa Nurrahmah
Accounting Education Program Yogyakarta State University
Mimin Nur Aisyah, S.E., M.Sc., Ak
Educator Staff of Accounting Education Program Yogyakarta State University
This study aims to analyze the factors that affect entrepreneurship interest among students of
Accounting Education in Faculty of Economics Yogyakarta State University, namely
Entrepreneurship Education, Independence, Risk Tolerance, Family Environment, and Role Model
both partially and simultaneously. This research includes comparative causal research and using
quantitative approach. The data were collected through questionnaire. Result of this research show
that: 1) Entrepreneurship Education positively affects the Entrepreneurship Interest 2) Independence
positively affects the Entrepreneurship Interest 3) Risk Tolerance positively affects the
Entrepreneurship Interest 4) Family Environment positively affects the Entrepreneurship Interest 5)
Role Model positively affects the Entrepreneurship Interest 6) Entrepreneurship Education,
Independence, Risk Tolerance, Family Environment, and Role Model affect simultaneously the
Entrepreneurship Interest in Student of Accounting Education.

Keyword: Entrepreneurship Interest, Entrepreneurship Education, Independence, Risk Tolerance,

Family Environment, Role Model
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Minat Berwirausaha
mahasiswa Pendidikan Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta yaitu Pendidikan
Kewirausahaan, Kemandirian, Toleransi Risiko, Lingkungan Keluarga dan Role Model secara
parsial dan simultan. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kausal komparatif dan menggunakan
pendekatan kuantitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan
bahwa: 1) Pendidikan Kewirausahaan berpengaruh positif terhadap Minat Berwirausaha 2)
Kemandirian berpengaruh positif terhadap Minat Berwirausaha 3) Toleransi Risiko berpengaruh
positif terhadap Minat Berwirausaha 4) Lingkungan Keluarga berpengaruh positif terhadap Minat
Berwirausaha 5) Role Model berpengaruh positif terhadap Minat Berwirausaha 6) Pendidikan
Kewirausahaan, Kemandirian, Toleransi Risiko, Lingkungan Keluarga, dan Model Peran
berpengaruh bersama-sama terhadap Minat Berwirausaha pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan Akuntansi
Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.

Kata kunci: Minat Berwirausaha, Kemandirian, Toleransi Risiko, Lingkungan Keluarga, Role Model
2 Kajian Pendidikan Akuntansi Indonesia Volume 7 Nomor 1 Thaun 2018

INTRODUCTION the economic growth of a country.

Based on survey result conducted by
Peterson and Lee (2000: 401), explain that
Sakernas on Berita Resmi Statistik
entrepreneurship can help to
Yogyakarta on February 2017 showed that
provide employment opportunities, meet
the open unemployment rate if seen from
the needs and services for consumers, and
the level of education that was finished,
can grow the welfare and competition
the highest open unemployment rate occur
level of a country. Buchari (2013: 1)
in the labor force at the level of education
reveals that other benefits to be
of Senior High School (7.64%) followed
gained through entrepreneurship are the
by the University (3.43%) and Vocational
increasing the capacity of work and
High School (1.98%). On the other hand,
becoming an economic development
the lowest open unemployment rate
generator, as well as forming a superior
occurred in the labor force with the highest
community character and always want to
education level of elementary school or
help others.
lower (0.48%) followed by junior high
Indonesian people have low
school education (1.29%).
understanding over the entrepreneursip
The number of unemployed college
benefits. It can be seen from low number
graduates caused by the mismatch between
of entrepreneurs in Indonesia, that is only
the profile of graduates produced by the
about 1.6 to 1.8% of the total population in
University and the qualifications of labor
Indonesia, while in a developed country
required by the company. This is
the number of entrepreneur reach 2% of
supported by a research conducted by
the total population. This indicates that
Michael Gibbons that supported by World
there is still a lack of interest from
Bank (1998: 1), which stated that Higher
Indonesian society for entrepreneurship.
Education does not in itself respond to the
The low interest in entrepreneurship also
demands for skilled workers in the labor
occurs in the students. Based
market. This is one of the major
on preliminary survey on entrepreneurship
disconnections commonly identified in
interest in Faculty of Economics
most Asian countries.
Yogyakarta State University students,
Efforts that can be done to overcome
from 50 students, only 14 students or
unemployment is development of
about 28% of the total respondents
entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is one
interested in entrepreneurship after
of the important concerns to improve
completing the lecture.
Analysis of Factor... (Syifa Nurrahmah)3

Entrepreneurship interest indicates Entrepreneurship needs the character

the joy or interest of someone to of a person who is not always dependent
entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship interest on others or independent. Suryana (2013:
requires the courage to take risks in order 34) explain that personal independence is a
to gain profit and willingness of someone person who does not like to rely on others,
to work hard or strong desire to be a but instead optimize all the power and
creative and innovative personality. efforts he/she has. Independence can also
Entrepreneurship interest arises because of be defined as a condition in which a
the impetus to prove directly what is person is independent of authority and
obtained from knowledge and information. requires full direction (Parker 2005: 86).
In addition, entrepreneurship interest is Entrepreneurship is an activity that is
also based on feeling of pleasure and uncertain or contains many challenges. In
desire to engage in business activities. entrepreneurship, someone will be exposed
Buchari (2013: 11) stated several to various possible conditions that will
factors that affect individual’s occur. In this case someone who chooses
entrepreneurship interest, namely to be an entrepreneur is expected to have
personality factor, environmental factor, the courage to take a decision that has a
and social factor. Personality factors negative impact on the sustainability of the
consist of independence, and risk business. This negative impact is a risk
tolerance. Environmental factor consist of that may be faced when a person makes a
entrepreneurship education, and family decision.
environment. Social factor consist of role Family environment is one of the
model. factors that influence the mindset of a
Retno and Trisnadi (2012: 113) person either directly or indirectly.
revealed that entrepreneurship education is Semiawan (2010: 1) mentioned that the
a learning process to change attitude and family environment is the first and main
mindset of the student towards the media that affect the behavior of one's
selection of entrepreneurship career. development. The family environment is
Students who have taken entrepreneurship the smallest group in society that plays an
courses will have knowledge of important role in someone's growth and
entrepreneurial characteristics that will development and plays a role in guiding
increase an interest to become an someone's future. This means indirectly,
entrepreneur. the family environment can affect a
4 Kajian Pendidikan Akuntansi Indonesia Volume 7 Nomor 1 Thaun 2018

person's interest in choosing a job Yogyakarta. Karangmalang

including being an entrepreneur. Caturtunggal, Depok, Sleman,
Gibson (2004: 149) stated that the Yogyakarta. This research was conducted
existence of role model can help a person from January to July 2018.
in creating an individual vision. In
Research Subject
addition, Gibson added that the importance The subject in this research were 154
of role model lies in the interrelated students of Accounting Education
functions between learning, motivation, students, Faculty of Economics
and inspiration and also helping individual Yogyakarta State University.
to define self-concept. A person needs
Data Collection, and Data Analysis
support and advice at every stage in Technique
pioneering a business, role model will Data Collection Technique
Data collection technique used in
gives examples of behavior that emerges
this research is questionnaire. The
(Suharto et al., 2015: 228).
questionnaire is a technique of
This research aims to investigate the
collecting data by asking a question or a
effect of entrepreneurship education,
statement to the respondent to be
independence, risk tolerance, family
answered (Sugiyono, 2011: 192). The
environment, and role model on
data used in this research are primary
entrepreneurship interest.
data, ie a data obtained directly from
Design of Research Data Analysis Technique
This research belongs to Data analysis technique used in
comparative causal research. this research are (1) Descriptive
Comparative causal research is a type of analysis (2) Prerequisites test consist of
research in which research is conducted Linearity test, Multicollinearity test,
to determine the cause or reason of and Heteroscedasticity test as well as
differences in behavior or status of (3) Hypothesis test consist of Simple
certain group or individual (Hamid: Linear Regression and Multiple Linear
2011: 171). The approach used in this Regression.
research is a quantitative approach.

Place and Time of Research

This research was conducted at the
Faculty of Economic, University of
Analysis of Factor... (Syifa Nurrahmah)5


DISCUSSION supporting
Data obtained from respondents are Good 47.29%
presented in the form of a data description 6. Role Model Enough 52.71%
Poor 0.00%
of every variable that includes Mean (M), Source: Processed primary data
median (Me), mode (Mo), Standard Based on the table can be concluded
Deviation (SD) in table 1 below. that the entrepreneruship interest in

Tabel 1. Data Description medium category, entrepreneurship

Variables M Me Mo SD education in enough category,
27.3 27 26 3.9 independence in enough category, risk
Entrepreneurship tolerance in enough category, family
25.6 26 27 2.9
environment in supporting enough
Independence 20.5 20 20 2.1
Risk Tolerance 32.7 33 33 2.5 category, and role model in enough
Family category.
20.9 21 22 3.0
Role Model 30.8 30 30 3.4
Hypothesis Test
Souce: Processed primary data
The summary of first hypothesis test
Furthermore, data of each variables
are presented by the table below.
are classified into three tendency
categories. The data tendency of each Tabel 3. Summary of First Hypothesis Test
variables are presented on the table 2 Var. r-r2 rx1y 0.344
below. Entre. value r2x1y 0.119
Education t count 4.133
t value
Tabel 2. Data Tendency of Variables t table 1.981
Tendency Entre. Sig. 0.000
No Variable Interest Coef. Regression 0.595
Category Percent.
High 48.84% Const. 11.304
Entrepreneurship Sources: Processed primary data
1. Medium 50.39%
Low 0.78% Based on the table, the regression
Good 18.60%
Entrepreneurship equation can be expressed as follows:
2. Enough 79.84%
Poor 1.55% Y = 0.595X1 + 11.304
Good 21.71% Based on this equation can be seen
3. Independence Enough 78.29%
Poor 0.00% that the regression coefficient of 0.595,
High 33.33% which means if the value of
4. Risk Tolerance Medium 66.67%
entrepreneurship education (X1) plus one
Low 0.00%
Supporting 48.84% unit, it will be followed by an increase in
5. Supporting 50.39% entrepreneurship interest (Y) of 0.595.
6 Kajian Pendidikan Akuntansi Indonesia Volume 7 Nomor 1 Thaun 2018

Constants of 11.304 means if Based on these equations can be seen

entrepreneurship education (X1) is 1, then that the regression coefficient is 0.567,
the entrepreneurship interest (Y) will which means if the value of independence
increase 11.304. (X2) plus one unit, it will be followed by
Table 3 show that the correlation an increase in entrepreneurship interest (Y)
coefficient (rx1y) of 0.344 with a of 0.567. Constants of 15.952 means if
coefficient of determination (r2x1y) 0.119 independence (X2) is 1, then the
which means that the variable entrepreneurship interest (Y) will increase
entrepreneurship interest is affected by 15.952.
variable entrepreneurship education Based on the table 4 correlation
11.9%, this shows there is a 81.9% factor coefficient (rx2y) of 0.321 with a
or other variables possibility that influence coefficient of determination (r2x1y) 0.103
entrepreneurship interest. which means that the variable
The first hypothesis stating entrepreneurship interest is influenced by
entrepreneurship education positively variables independence of 10.3%, this
affects entrepreneurship interest is shows there is a 89.3% factor or other
supported. Entrepreneurship education variables possibility influence
coefficient is positive and have tcount entrepreneurship interest.
4.1343 > ttable 1,981 and sig 0.000 <0.05. The second hypothesis which states
The summary of second hypothesis independence positively effect the
test are presented by the table below. entrepreneurship interest is supported.
Independence coefficient is positive and
Table 4. Summary of Second Hypothesis
Test Result have tcount 3.825 > ttable 1,981 and 0,020 sig

Var. r-r2 rx2y 0.321 value <0.05.

Independence value r2x2y 0.103 The summary of third hypothesis test
t value t count 3.825 are presented by the table below.
Entre. t table 1.981
Interest Sig. 0.000 Table 5. Summary of Third Hypothesis
Coef. 0.567 Test Result
Var. r-r2 rx3y 0.430
Const. 15.952
Risk value r2x3y 0.185
Sources: Processed primary data
Tolerance t value t count 5.375
Based on the table above, the t table 1.981
Entre. Sig. 0.000
regression equation can be expressed as Interest Coef. Regression 0.677
follows: Const. 5.193
Y = 0.567X2 + 15.952 Sources: Processed primary data
Analysis of Factor... (Syifa Nurrahmah)7

Based on the table above the third

hypothesis, the regression equation can be
Table 6. Summary of Fourth Hypothesis
expressed as follows: Test Result
Y = 0.677X3 + 5.193 Var. r-r2 rx4y
Based on the equation can be seen that Family value r2x4y
Environment t value t count
the regression coefficient of 0.537, which t table
means if the value of risk tolerance (X3) Entre. Sig. 0.000
Interest Coef. Regression 0.681
plus one unit, it will be followed by an
Const. 13.009
increase in entrepreneurship interest (Y) of Sources: Processed primary data
0.677. The constant of 5.193 means that if Based on the table above, the
risk tolerance (X3) equal to 1, then the regression equation can be expressed as
entrepreneurship interest (Y) will increase follows:
5.193. Y = 0.681X3 + 13.009
Table 5 showed that the correlation Based on the equation can be seen that
coefficient (rx3y) of 0.430 with a the regression coefficient of 0.681, which
coefficient of determination (r2x1y) 0.185 means if the value of family environment
which means that the variable (X4) plus one unit, it will be followed by
entrepreneurship interest is influenced by an increase in entrepreneurship interest (Y)
risk tolerance variable of 18.5%, this of 0.681. Constants of 13.009, it means
shows there is a 82.5% factor or other that if the family environment (X4) of 1,
variables which may affect the then the entrepreneurship interest (Y) will
entrepreneurship interest. increase 5.193.
The third hypothesis stating risk Table 6 showed that the correlation
tolerance positively effect the coefficient (rx4y) of 0.528 with a
entrepreneurship interest is supported. risk coefficient of determination (r2x1y) 0.279
tolerance coefficient is positive and have which means that the variable
5.375 tcount> ttable 1,981 and sig 0.000 entrepreneurship interest is influenced by
<0.05. family environment variables by 27.9%, it
The summary of fourth hypothesis test shows there is a 72.1% factor or other
are presented by the table below. variables which may affect the interest in
The fourth hypothesis which states
family environment positively affects
8 Kajian Pendidikan Akuntansi Indonesia Volume 7 Nomor 1 Thaun 2018

entrepreneurship interest is supported. The there is a 57.8% factor or other variables

coefficient is positive and family may affect the entrepreneurship interest.
environment has7.011 tcount> ttable 1,981 The fifth hypothesis which states role
and sig 0.000 <0.05. model has positive affects
The summary of fifth hypothesis test entrepreneurship interest is supported.
are presented by the table below. Role models coefficient is positive and
have9.905 tcount> ttable 1,981 and sig 0.000
Table 7. Summary of Fifth Hypothesis Test
Result <0.05.
Var. rx5y 0.660 The summary of fifth hypothesis test
r-r2 value
Role r2x5y 0.436 are presented by the table below.
Model t count 9.905
t value Table 8. Summary of Sixth Hypothesis
t table 1.981
Entre. Sig. 0.000 Test Result
Interest Coef. Regression 0.754
Const. 4.090 Variables Coef. Reg.
Sources: Processed primary data
Based on the table 29 above, the Entre.
regression equation can be expressed as
Independence 0.106
follows: Entre. Risk
Y = 0.754X5 + 4.090 Interest Tolerance
Based on these equations can be seen .366
that the regression coefficient of 0.754, Role Model 0.555
r-r2 ry(1,2,3,4,5) : 0.715
which means if the value of role models value r2y(1,2,3,4,5) : 0.511
(X5) plus one unit, it will be followed by F count : 25.663
F value
an increase in entrepreneurship interest (Y) F table : 2.69
Sig. : 0.000
of 0.754. The constant of 4.090 means that
Const. : -0.029
if role model (X5) of 1, then the Sources: Processed primary data
entrepreneurship interest (Y) will increase Based on the table, regression
4.090. equation can be expressed as follows:
Table 29 showed that the correlation Y = 0.041X1 + 0.106X2 + 0.048X3 +
coefficient (rx5y) of 0.660 with a 0,366X4 + 0,555X5 - 0,029
coefficient of determination (r2x1y) 0.432 Based on the result of calculation,
which means that the variable indicating that the correlation coefficient
entrepreneurship interest is influenced by (Ry 1,2,3,4,5) equal to 0.715 which means
variables role model 43.2%, this shows that the influence of entrepreneurship
Analysis of Factor... (Syifa Nurrahmah)9

education, independence, risk tolerance, education on entrepreneurship interests

family environment and role model of Accounting Education Student is
together against the entrepreneurship about 11.9%.
interest is equal to 0.715. Coefficient of This research is consistent with the
determination (R2y 1,2,3,4,5) equal to statement of Buchari (2011: 11), one of
0.511 meaning 51.1% entrepreneurship the factors that affect a person's
interest influenced by the entrepreneurship entrepreneurship interest is
education, independence, risk tolerance, environmental factors. The environment
family environment and role model factor consist of following a course or
together, the rest of 48.5% is influenced by education related to entrepreneurship or
factors or other variables not examined in business.
this research. According Zimmerer, Scarborough,
Based on the table of multiple and Wilson (2008: 20), one of the
regression result, it can be seen that the factors driving the growth of
value of F is 25.663 with sig 0,000 entrepreneurship in a country lies in the
because sig 0.000 <0.05 then H0 is not role of universities through the
supported. So we can conclude that at the implementation of entrepreneurship
0.05 significance level there are positive education both in lectures and seminars
influence entrepreneurship education, and entrepreneurial practices. The
independence, risk tolerance, family university is responsible for educating
environment and role models together and providing entrepreneurial skills to
against the entrepreneurship interest in graduates and provide motivation to
Student of Accounting Education, Faculty dare to choose entrepreneurship as their
of Economics, Yogyakarta State career.
University. Based on the research result,
entrepreneurship education positively
1. Effect of Entrepreneurship Education affects the entrepreneurship interest.
on Entrepreneurship Interest. 2. Effect of Independence on
The first research result support Entrepreneurship Interest.
the hypothesis that the education The results of the research support
entrepreneurship variable affect the the hypothesis that the variable
entrepreneurship interest. Contributions independence positively effect on
effect of variable entrepreneurship entrepreneurship interest. Contribution
effect of variable independence on
10 Kajian Pendidikan Akuntansi Indonesia Volume 7 Nomor 1 Thaun 2018

Entrepreneurship Interest is about take risks. According to Suryana (2013:

10.3%. 40) An entrepreneur will always be
The results of this research prove faced with an associated risk of
the theory that has been formulated by business being operated. Risks in
some experts and supports relevant business, every entrepreneur has
research that has been done. Suryana demanded a high courage with
(2013: 34) revealed that the calculation and optimism owned must
independence of a person would form be adjusted with confidence. Risk is an
the person does not like to rely on obstacle, impact and uncertainty in the
others, but rather to optimize all of its business. An entrepreneur will certainly
resources and efforts. Buchari (2013: face with risks.
11) states one of the factors that affect Based on these discussions, one
entrepreneurship interest an individual that will become an entrepreneur should
is a boost to be able to compete with have the ability to take risks. This is
others. These demands will lead to an because in doing business will always
individual applies independently. found the problems and obstacles. The
Based on the result, independence problems and obstacles need to be
positively affect the entrepreneurship resolved with the decision quickly and
interest. accurately. If someone entrepreneurs
3. Influence of Risk Tolerance on are not able and willing to take risks to
Entrepreneurship Interest. make decisions that do business meal
The results of the research will be hampered.
support the third hypothesis that Based on the result, risk tolerance
variable risk tolerance positively effect positively affect the entrepreneurship
on entrepreneurship interest. interest.
Contribution affects of risk tolerance on 4. Influence of Family Environment on
entrepreneurship interest is about Entrepreneurship Interest.
18.5%. The fourth research result support
The results of this research the hypothesis that the Family
reinforce the theory of experts and Environment variables positively
support relevant research ever affects Entrepreneurship Interest.
undertaken. One of the factors that Contribution influence of Family
affect the Entrepreneurship Interest by Environment towards Entrepreneurship
Buchari (2013: 11) is the courage to
Analysis of Factor... (Syifa Nurrahmah)11

Interest of Accounting Education entrepreneurship is a parent, a teacher

Student Entrepreneurship is 27.9%. or a lecturer, and other entrepreneurs.
The results are consistent with Parties are usually located near the
research conducted by Paul Patria neighborhood of an individual.
Adhitama (2014), which indicates that Someone who has parents that
there is a positive influence Expectation entrepreneurship will be encouraged
Income, Family Environment and also to be entrepreneurs (Buchari, 2013:
Entrepreneurship Education of the 11). Teachers or lecturers are in the
Interests of Entrepreneurship. educational environment of an
Family environment is one of the individual. Teacher or professor who
factors that influence the mindset of gives lessons on entrepreneurship
someone either directly or indirectly. generally will give examples of the
Semiawan (2010: 1) states that the success of entrepreneurs and
family is the first and main media that entrepreneurial advantage that it will
influence the behavior of one's increase interest in entrepreneurship an
development. individual.
Based on the result, family Based on the result, role model
environment affect positively the affect positively the entrepreneurship
entrepreneurship interest. interest.
5. Influence of Role Model on 6. Effect of Entrepreneurship Education,
Entrepreneurship Interest.
Independence, Risk Tolerance, Family
The result of the research support
Environment, and Role Model effect
the fifth hypothesis that the variables
simultaneously on Entrepreneurship
Role Model positive effect on
Interest in Student of Accounting
Entrepreneurship Interest. Contributions
Education, Faculty of Economics,
effect of variable Role Model of the
Yogyakarta State University.
Accounting Education Student
The sixth research results support the
Entrepreneur Interests amounted to
hypothesis that the variable
Entrepreneurship Education,
The result of this research
Independence, Risk Tolerance, Family
reinforce the theory of experts and
Environment, and Role Models together
supporting relevant research. According
positively affects Entrepreneurship
Ayogyam et al (2014: 91) parties can
Interest in Student of Accounting
serve as a role model of an individual in
Education, Faculty of Economics,
12 Kajian Pendidikan Akuntansi Indonesia Volume 7 Nomor 1 Thaun 2018

Yogyakarta State University. Variable support an individual to become

Entrepreneurship Education, entrepreneurs. Someone who choose a
Independence, Risk Tolerance, Family career as an entrepreneur must have
Environment, and Role Models gone through a variety of thought and
simultaneously affect the consideration and certainly fits the
Entrepreneurship Interest about 51.1%. personality he has. The better the
The results of this research personality of the higher student’s
reinforce the theory of experts. entrepreneurship interest.
According to Buchari Alma (2013: 9) In addition to personality in a
Interest in entrepreneurship is person, external factors is the family
influenced by several factors: 1) environment also affects a person's
personal factors, concerning aspects of Entrepreneurship Interest. In the family
personality, 2) factors environment, established a close relationship between
concerning the physical environment parents and children, the role of parents
such as education and 3) factors could not be separated in guiding and
sociological, regarding relationships directing their children toward a better
with family and etc. Buchari (2013: 11) future. Directly or indirectly, parents
also argues that interest in strongly influence the determination of
entrepreneurship is also influenced by the child in selecting a career. Support
their courage to take risks. Environment family environment can influence
of role model presented by Buchari entrepreneurship interest in children.
(2013: 7) also affect the The higher the family support, the
Entrepreneurship Interest, where role higher the Entrepreneurship Interest.
models typically look to parents, Role Model also has a role in
siblings, other family, friends, spouses, increasing someone's Entrepreneurship
or employers who idolized. Interest. Role model is derived from the
One's personality will affect a family environment which is usually a
person's Entrepreneurship Interest. parent, a good education environment
Someone who has a personal teacher or professor, and other
confidence, brave soul at risk, as well as entrepreneurs or friends. Environmental
the spirited leadership and innovative education will influence on individual
initiatives tend to dare to step into the knowledge related to entrepreneurship.
world of entrepreneurship. Besides Individuals who have studied
personality of one's own self will also entrepreneurship then knowledge about
Analysis of Factor... (Syifa Nurrahmah)13

entrepreneurship will also increase. The entrepreneurship that can motivate

knowledge gained will encourage and add positive energy to the
interest in entrepreneurship as a way to students to be an entrepreneur.
apply the knowledge acquired. In this c. Government and businessman can
research, Entrepreneurship Education, work together to provide a better
Independence, Risk Tolerance, Family understanding of the public about
Environment, and Role Models together the profit and benefit of
have an influence on Entrepreneurship entrepreneurship so that people do
Interest. not well only looking for a job to
become an employee to earn
Conclusion d. Students are more courage and
Based on the result of data analysis
confident to be entrepreneur
and discussion, it can be concluded that
because many benefits would be
entrepreneurship education,
obtained from entrepreneurship,
independence, risk tolerance, family
and one of them is provide
environment, and role model positively
employment for others.
affect the entrepreneurship interest, both
2. For Further Research
partially and simultaneously.
a. Researcher can then conduct
Suggestion research with larger number of
Based on the research findings, the
researcher gave suggestions as follows:
b. Provide the non self-assessment
1. To Related Parties instrument like test for measure the
a. Based on the result of research,
evaluation is needed regarding the
c. Further research on family
use of entrepreneurship laboratory
environment viewed not only of the
of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
support, but it could be from a
which is not optimal yet in
family background and last
providing entrepreneurial skill
parent’s education. In addition,
directly to students.
factor that might be further
b. Educators can improve the quality
investigated is the demographic
of entrepreneurial learning by
factor that affect the interest in
providing a variety of stories and
entrepreneurship such as
inspiring story about
respondents' gender.
14 Kajian Pendidikan Akuntansi Indonesia Volume 7 Nomor 1 Thaun 2018

Retno Budi Lestari dan Trisnadi Wijaya.

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