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• Inform and explain to parents the whereabouts of the

foodreview (magpaalam)
• Always ensure safety and security when going out
(manatiling ligtas)
• Do not wear your school uniform or Dep’t Shirt in the resto
• Do not do the critique on the restau itself, just the filming
• Enjoy the food! 
The fate of the nation
depends on the way
that they eat.

Writing Food and Restaurant Review
At the end of the day, the learners/students will
be able to:
• define what a review is
• enumerate the characteristics of an effective review
• identify the main impressions presented in a review
• examine how the details included in a review support the
author’s main impression and trace the structure of a
• write restaurant review
Answer in your notebook.

1. Define the following in one sentence. Indicate your source. You may
use a dictionary or a reputable source.
• Gourmand
• Epicure
• Foodie
• Gastronomist
2. What is your favorite food and why? (Give each members’ favorite
food and explanation.)
3. Why is food writing an essential part of the field of writing?
4. Explain Brillat-Savarin’s quote “The fate of the nation depends on
the way that they eat.”
•Be familiarized with
the different terms used
in writing a food review

•Write a food review

• Are food
chefs or
• The Physiology of Taste by Jean Anthelme Brillat-
Savarin (French lawyer and politician)

• The Gourmand’s Almanac- Alexandre Balthazar

Laurent Grimod de La Reyniere (lawyer)

• Science in the Kitchen and Art of Eating Well-

Pellegrino Artussi (Italian businessman)

• Modern Cookery for Private Families- Eliza Acton

Food writing contributes to gastronomic literature
which is both science and history.
“Cooking is one of the oldest arts and one that
has rendered us the most important service in
civic life,” according to Brillat-Savarin.

Food and cooking are significant in the lives of

Knowing our Roots
• Food writing is not just about recipes- it is
about culture, history, stories about food
that let us live fully.

• Food is story itself.

Questions to Ponder:
1. How did history shape the different cuisines of Pampanga?
2. How did the geographic location of Pampanga affected the different cuisines
of Pampanga?
3. Why is Atching Lilian Borromeo a notable figure in the field of cooking?
4. How is Kapamapangan cuisine characterized by Atching Lilian?
5. Discuss the history of San Nicolas bread.
6. Why were there varied shapes of San Nicolas cookies?
7. How did the death of the daughter of Atching Lilian affcted her cooking? How
do you thing this manifest the old Kapampangan saying that one’s cooking is
affected by how he or she feels?
8. Do you think Kapampangan cuisine is threatened to diminish? In what way
can we preserve them?
Food writing contributes to gastronomic literature
which is both science and history.

• mentioned or explained in • humanities journals

fictional narratives
• mentioned in nonfictional • coffee table book
narratives • food blogs
• recipes • almanacs
• cookbooks
• feature and column articles as • Facebook statuses,
food criticism, review, notes, Twitter posts and
infographic, how to, etc.
• Food writing has two important

elements: purpose and

De re coquinaria
earliest known cookbook
written by Marcus Gavius Apicius
• Epimeles (The Careful Housekeeper)- recipes on
wines; preservation on various kinds of foods
• Sarcoptes (The Meat Mincer)- recipes on minced
• Cepuros (The Gardener)- recipes on vegetables
• Pandecter (Many ingredients)- recipes on
quiches, timbales and related food
• Ospreon (Pulse)- recipes on peas, beans and
• Aeropetes (Birds)- recipes on different kinds of
• Polyteles (The Gourmet)- recipes on roast meat,
mushrooms and truffles and egg dishes
• Tetrapus (The Quadruped)- recipes on venison,
lamb and pork
• Thalassa (The Sea)- recipes on different kinds of
• Halieus (The Fisherman)- recipes on different
sauces for seafood
Food and Restaurant Review

• critic suggests critical, evaluative stance

that often involves some kind of rating
system about a restaurant’s overall
service and performance.
Content of Restaurant Review:
• Taste and Food Presentation: Do the dishes they offer taste
good? Is there something unique about how the food is
prepared? Is the presentation appetizing both to the eye
and the palate?
• Ambiance: Will the customers feel relaxed or jubilant when
eating at the restaurant? Does the restaurant feature a
certain theme?
Content of Restaurant Review:

• Service: Are the chefs, waiters and

waitresses friendly? Do they cater well to
the customer’s demands? Are they able to
serve food efficiently?
• Value of Money: Are the prices
Content of Restaurant Review:

• Cleanliness: Is the restaurant well as its

kitchen tidy? Will customers need to
worry if the food they are eating is safe?
Structure of the Restaurant Review

• Title: Serves as hook. It should be

interesting enough to draw the attention of
your readers.
• Paragraph 1: Provides sufficient background
information about the restaurant being
Structure of the Restaurant Review

• Paragraph 2: It contains author’s general

impression. This general impression also
serves as the thesis statement of the review
as it is the basis of the critique presented at
the body of the paper.
Structure of the Restaurant Review
• Paragraph 3: It marks the beginning of the critique proper.
Note that concrete and specific details serve as the support
for the general impression to make review as objective as
• Paragraph 4: Added supporting details to justify the
Structure of the Restaurant Review
• Paragraph 5: This part discusses both the positive and
negative facets of the item being reviewed. Normally,
however, the positive points are presented first to serve as a
climactic or anticlimactic purpose.
• Paragraph 6: A recommendation may also be given towards
the end of the review to help the establishment improve the
services it offers.
Structure of the Restaurant Review
• Paragraph 7: Some reviews also provide a rating
to help readers gauge the quality of the product
or service provided by the establishment.
Structure of the Restaurant Review
• Paragraph 1: Background Info
• Paragraph 2: Author’s General Impression
• Paragraph 3: Giving of concrete and specific details
• Paragraph 4: Supporting Details
• Paragraph 5: Positive and Negative Facets of the Item
• Paragraph 6: Recommendation
• Paragraph 7: Rating
They mean BIZ
at a ChiNESE resto!
This intimate and cozy restaurant is
located in the Tseung Kwan O area by the
Hang Hau MRT. It seats about 18, with small
tables and wooden stools for seats and has
an extensive menu for BBQ items.
This place is so good, that I’ve been there three
times under a month. Each time we go, we always
order the different assortments of meet; the cubed
meat, the cubed beef, lamb, chicken wings, glazed pork
and the eggplant. Each dish is seasoned with its own
spices and herbs which come out smelling savory and
appetizing unlike other places that use the same
seasoning for all dishes.
The chicken wings are one of my favourites. The
wings are seasoned with a spicy seasoning and done
just right with the skin a bit crispy and the meat juicy
which makes for a heavenly delight. The glazed pork
and chicken are also delectable and mouthwatering. All
the flavor is kept in while grilling and goes well with a
cold drink.
One of my new favorites is the grilled chinese
buns with condensed milk to make it something of a
The service is quite good with about 3 servers who
are polite and efficient with cleaning up the empty
plates so more can come.
The prices are extremely reasonable compared to
similar places in Causeway Bay or TST and just as good,
if not better.

Overall I can give the restaurant a 5 out of 5.

Activity: It’s canteen time!
Choose one of the food stalls at the canteen. Write a review of the said
stall using the following criteria:
• ambiance
• taste and food preparation
• value of money/ prices
• service Film/ Movie Review
• cleanliness

Follow the format in writing an effective restaurant review.

Two groups in 1 food stall only.
Work by 3.
Output Time!!!
Choose one restaurant/ fast food of your choice. Write a review
of the said store using the following criteria: ambience, taste and
food preparation, value of money/ prices, service and cleanliness.
Include pictures or videos proving you really went there.
Follow the format in writing an effective restaurant review.
Provide a title.
Submit WRITTEN output to
The VIDEO must be compiled by the class president in a
flashdrive and have it submitted before September 4, 2019.

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