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ACCOUNTANTS CLAUSE It is understood and agreed that any particulars or

details contained in the Insured’s books of accounts or other business books

or documents which may be required by the Company under the condition of
this Policy for the purposes of investigating or verifying any claim hereunder
may be produced and certified by the Insured’s Auditors and their certificate
shall be prima facie evidence of the particulars and details to which such
certificate relates.


CLAUSE Any particulars or details contained in the insured’s books or account
or other Business books or documents which may by required by insurers
under the Claims Conditions of this Policy for the purpose of investigating of
verifying any claim hereunder may be produced by professional accountant if
at the time they are regularly acting as such for the Insured and their report
shall be prima facie evidence of the particulars and details to which such
report relates. The cost of such preparation shall be at Insurers expense.

ACCUMULATED STOCKS In adjusting any loss account shall be taken and an

equitable allowance made if any shortage in Turnover due to the damage is
postponed by reason of the Turnover being temporily mantained from
accumulated stocks of finished goods.

ADDITION AND DELETION CLAUSE ( 30 DAYS ) It is agreed that all items

acquired by the Insured during the currency of this Policy shall be considered
as being included in the policy from the date of acquisition. It is further
agreed that all items disposed of during the currency of this policy shall be
considered as deleted from the policy following the date of such disposal.
Subject to thirty days notice after such addition and deletion have been

ADDITIONAL CLAUSE The insurance hereby extends to cover alterations,

additions and improvements (but not appreciation in value) in excess of the
sums insured for buildings and machinery specified in the Policy for an
amount not exceeding 10% of the sums insured thereby or Rp ….*……….,
whichever is the less, it is being understood that the Insured undertakes to
advise the Insurer each quarter of such alterations, additions and
improvements and to pay the appropriate additional premium thereon.


amended to read: The insurance under this item is limited to the additional
expenditure, not otherwise recoverable hereunder, necessarily and
reasonably incurred during the Indemnity period in consequence of the
Damage for the purpose of avoiding or diminishing a reduction in Turnover
and/or other operating income and/or resuming and/or maintaining normal
business operations and/or service and/or minimising the period of
interruption of or interference with the Business.

ADDITTIONAL INSURED CLAUSE The Company hereby that PT.Perusahaan

Pelayaran Equinox are included as additional insured but limited to the
liabilities arising out of the operations or activities that performed by or on
the named insured and such liabilities are not the result of sole negligence of
the additional Insured.

ADJUSTMENT OF PREMIUM (a)The Premium shown is provisional and is

calculated on the Declared Values of: i. Property Insured, ii. Gross Profit and
Insured Pay-Roll, on the day of commencement of each Period of Insurance.
(b)The Insured undertakes to declare to the Insurer(s) within a reasonable
time after the day of expiry of the Period of Insurance i. the value of Property
Insured on the day of expiry of the Period of Insurance.For the purpose of this
declaration, stock-in-trade and/or merchandise shall be taken at its average
value during the Period of Insurance; ii. the amount of the Gross Profit earned
and Pay-Roll paid, in accordance with the cover afforded in the respective
items of Section 2, in the course of the Business during the accounting period
of 12 months most nearly concurrent with the Period of Insurance. (c)The
provisional premium shall be adjusted by payment to the Insurer(s) of an
additional premium or by allowance to the Insured of a return premium, as
the case may be, calculated at the agreed rate on: i. fifty per cent (50%) of
the difference between property declared in accordance with clauses (a)(i)
and (b)(i); ii. the full agreed rate hereunder on the difference between the
amounts declared under clauses (a)(ii) and (b)(ii). (d) It is agreed to make
allowance for any abnormal fluctuation in values and to charge a premium
commensurate with the risk, such premium to be agreed between the parties
to this agreement. (e)The Declaration of Values at the expiry of the Period of
Insurance declared in accordance with this memorandum shall not be
reduced as the result of loss, destruction or damage in respect of which a
claim has been paid or is payable under this Policy.

AGREED VALUE CLAUSE It is hereby understood and agreed that in

consideration of the property insured being covered on an agreed value basis
all reference herein to replacement shall be deemed to be deleted but only in
respect of claim, adjusted on basis of a total loss. In respect of claims
adjusted on the basis of a total loss, underwriters shall pay to the insured the
agreed value of the property insured as stated in the policy schedule less any
applicable deductible. Underwriters may at their discretion, take the salvage
of such property insured together with appropriate documents appertaining


EQUIPMENT ) It is hereby agreed that in the event of the property Insured
being lost destroyed or damaged, the basis upon which the amount payable
under this Policy is to be calculated shall be the cost of replacing or
reinstating the property of the same kind or type but not superior to or more
extensive than the Insured properly when new, subject also to the terms and
conditions of the Policy.

ALL OTHER CONTENTS CLAUSE It is noted and agreed that this Policy extends
to include : a. Money and stamps not otherwise specifically insured for an
amount not exceeding in the aggregate IDR.5,000,000.00 b. Documents,
manuscripts and business books but only for the value of the materials as
stationery, together with the cost of clerical labour expended in writing up,
and not for the value to the insured of the information contained therein and
for an amount not exceeding in the aggregate IDR.5,000,000.00 c. Computer
system records but only for the value of the materials together with the cost
of clerical labour and computer time expended in reproducing such records
(excluding any expenses in connection with the production of information to
be recorded therein) and not for the value to the insured of the information
contained therein for an amount not exceeding in the aggregate
IDR.5,000,000.00 d. Patterns, moulds, models, plans and designs, for an
amount not exceeding in the aggregate IDR.5,000,000.00 e. Employees pedal
cycles, clothing, tools and other personal effects for an amount not exceeding
IDR.250,000.00 in respect of any one employee

ALTERATION AND REPAIRS CLAUSE Minor alterations, additions and repairs to

building plant fixtures and fittings, and machinery (exclusive of any Sprinkler
Installations) and works in progress allowed and the insurance by this policy
is extended to cover on and/or whilst in such additions.

ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS CLAUSE Notwithstanding anything contained in

the printed conditions of the Policy to the contrary, it is noted and agreed
that this Insurance shall not be prejudiced in the event of any alterations
being made to the property insured whereby the risk of damage is increased,
provided that notice of such alterations be given to the Insurer within sixty
(60) days of the commencement of such alterations and additional premium
paid, if required from the date of such alterations.

ALTERATIONS CLAUSE Notwithstanding anything contained in the printed

conditions of the Policy to the contrary, it is noted and agreed that this
Insurance shall not be prejudiced in the event of any alterations being made
to the property insured whereby the risk of damage is increased, provided
that notice of such alterations be given to the Insurer within sixty (60) days of
the commencement of such alterations and additional premium paid, if
required from the date of such alterations

ALTERNATIVE BASIS CLAUSE It is agreed and declared that at the option of

the Insured, the term‘outp ut’ may be substituted for the term‘turnover’ and
for the purpose of their policy,‘output’ shall mean the sale value of goods
manufactured by the insured in the course of the business at the premises,
provided that only one such meaning shall be operative in connection with
any one occurrence involving damage (as within defined)

ALTERNATIVE TRADING If during the Indemnity Period goods shall be sold or

services shall be renderes elsewhere than at the Premises for the benefit of
the Business either by the Insured or by others on his behalf the money paid
or payable in respect of such sales or services shall be brought into account
in arriving at the Turnover the Indemnity Period.

APPRAISEMENT CLAUSE If the aggregate claim for any one loss does not
exceed... by the item or items affected (whichever may be the less) no
special inventory or appraisement of the undamaged property shall be
required. If two or more buildings be included in a single item, this provision
shall apply to the range of buildings insured by this item. For the purpose of
this clause, the term "Item" shall be held to apply to the total sum insured on
buildings and/or contents by the items affected.

APPROVED ADJUSTERS CLAUSE It is hereby agreed and declared that any loss
under the Policy will be assessed by an Assessor to be mutually agreed upon.


SI) It is hereby noted and agreed as follows : (a) The insurance of each item
on Buildings or Contents includes an amount in respect of Architects’
Surveyors’ Legal, and Consulting Engineers’ Fees not exceeding those
provided under the scales of the various institutions and/or bodies regulating
such fees prevailing at the time of the destruction or damage and not
exceeding 5% of the individual sums insured. (b) The insurance on Fees
applies only to those necessarily and reasonably incurred in the
reinstatement or repair of Property Insured consequent upon its destruction
or damage but not for preparing any claim, it is being understood that the
amount payable under the item shall not exceed in total its sum insured.

ARMED ROBBERY / HOLD UP ENDORSEMENT Notwithstanding anything

contained herein to the contrary, it is agreed that this insurance is extended
to cover loss of property due to armed robbery or hold up or any attempt

Hold Up Clause It is hereby noted and agreed that this policy is extended to
cover loss and or damage to property/ies insured in connection with hold-up,
threat and/or under pressure with gun or with other weapon using bullet
inside the premises. Provided that this clause does not cover:  Hold-up act
by the person under control, care and custody of the Insured or any person
related to.  The first………………. (amount stated in schedule as deductible)
each and every claim.
 Loss Notification exceeding 24 hours.

Other terms and conditions will refer to the policy wordings.

ACCOUNTANTS CLAUSE It is understood and agreed that any particulars or
details contained in the Insured’s books of accounts or other business books
or documents which may be required by the Company under the condition of
this Policy for the purposes of investigating or verifying any claim hereunder
may be produced and certified by the Insured’s Auditors and their certificate
shall be prima facie evidence of the particulars and details to which such
INSURERS EXPENSE CLAUSE Any particulars or details contained in the
insured’s books or account or other Business books or documents which may
by required by insurers under the Claims Conditions of this Policy for the
purpose of investigating of verifying any claim hereunder may be produced
by professional accountant if at the time they are regularly acting as such for
the Insured and their report shall be prima facie evidence of the particulars
and details to which such report relates. The cost of such preparation shall be
at Insurers expense. ACCUMULATED STOCKS In adjusting any loss account
shall be taken and an equitable allowance made if any shortage in Turnover
due to the damage is postponed by reason of the Turnover being temporily
mantained from accumulated stocks of finished goods. ADDITION AND
DELETION CLAUSE ( 30 DAYS ) It is agreed that all items acquired by the
Insured during the currency of this Policy shall be considered as being
included in the policy from the date of acquisition. It is further agreed that all
items disposed of during the currency of this policy shall be considered as
deleted from the policy following the date of such disposal. Subject to thirty
days notice after such addition and deletion have been made. ADDITIONAL
CLAUSE The insurance hereby extends to cover alterations, additions and
improvements (but not appreciation in value) in excess of the sums insured
for buildings and machinery specified in the Policy for an amount not
exceeding 10% of the sums insured thereby or Rp ….*………., whichever is
the less, it is being understood that the Insured undertakes to advise the
Insurer each quarter of such alterations, additions and improvements and to
pay the appropriate additional premium thereon. ADDITIONAL INCREASE IN
COST OF WORKING The wording thereto is amended to read: The insurance
under this item is limited to the additional expenditure, not otherwise
recoverable hereunder, necessarily and reasonably incurred during the
Indemnity period in consequence of the Damage for the purpose of avoiding
or diminishing a reduction in Turnover and/or other operating income and/or
resuming and/or maintaining normal business operations and/or service
and/or minimising the period of interruption of or interference with the

The Company hereby that PT.Perusahaan Pelayaran Equinox are included as

additional insured but limited to the liabilities arising out of the operations or
activities that performed by or on the named insured and such liabilities are
not the result of sole negligence of the additional Insured. ADJUSTMENT OF
PREMIUM (a)The Premium shown is provisional and is calculated on the
Declared Values of: i. Property Insured, ii. Gross Profit and Insured Pay-Roll,
on the day of commencement of each Period of Insurance. (b)The Insured
undertakes to declare to the Insurer(s) within a reasonable time after the day
of expiry of the Period of Insurance i. the value of Property Insured on the day
of expiry of the Period of Insurance.For the purpose of this declaration, stock-
in-trade and/or merchandise shall be taken at its average value during the
Period of Insurance; ii. the amount of the Gross Profit earned and Pay-Roll
paid, in accordance with the cover afforded in the respective items of Section
2, in the course of the Business during the accounting period of 12 months
most nearly concurrent with the Period of Insurance. (c)The provisional
premium shall be adjusted by payment to the Insurer(s) of an additional
premium or by allowance to the Insured of a return premium, as the case
may be, calculated at the agreed rate on: i. fifty per cent (50%) of the
difference between property declared in accordance with clauses (a)(i) and
(b)(i); ii. the full agreed rate hereunder on the difference between the
amounts declared under clauses (a)(ii) and (b)(ii). (d) It is agreed to make
allowance for any abnormal fluctuation in values and to charge a premium
commensurate with the risk, such premium to be agreed between the parties
to this agreement. (e)The Declaration of Values at the expiry of the Period of
Insurance declared in accordance with this memorandum shall not be
reduced as the result of loss, destruction or damage in respect of which a
claim has been paid or is payable under this Policy. AGREED VALUE CLAUSE It
is hereby understood and agreed that in consideration of the property
insured being covered on an agreed value basis all reference herein to
replacement shall be deemed to be deleted but only in respect of claim,
adjusted on basis of a total loss. In respect of claims adjusted on the basis of
a total loss, underwriters shall pay to the insured the agreed value of the
property insured as stated in the policy schedule less any applicable
deductible. Underwriters may at their discretion, take the salvage of such
property insured together with appropriate documents appertaining thereto,
but in no event shall there be any abandonment to underwriters. AGREED

It is hereby agreed that in the event of the property Insured being lost
destroyed or damaged, the basis upon which the amount payable under this
Policy is to be calculated shall be the cost of replacing or reinstating the
property of the same kind or type but not superior to or more extensive than
the Insured properly when new, subject also to the terms and conditions of
the Policy. ALL OTHER CONTENTS CLAUSE It is noted and agreed that this
Policy extends to include : a. Money and stamps not otherwise specifically
insured for an amount not exceeding in the aggregate IDR.5,000,000.00 b.
Documents, manuscripts and business books but only for the value of the
materials as stationery, together with the cost of clerical labour expended in
writing up, and not for the value to the insured of the information contained
therein and for an amount not exceeding in the aggregate IDR.5,000,000.00
c. Computer system records but only for the value of the materials together
with the cost of clerical labour and computer time expended in reproducing
such records (excluding any expenses in connection with the production of
information to be recorded therein) and not for the value to the insured of the
information contained therein for an amount not exceeding in the aggregate
IDR.5,000,000.00 d. Patterns, moulds, models, plans and designs, for an
amount not exceeding in the aggregate IDR.5,000,000.00 e. Employees pedal
cycles, clothing, tools and other personal effects for an amount not exceeding
IDR.250,000.00 in respect of any one employee ALTERATION AND REPAIRS
CLAUSE Minor alterations, additions and repairs to building plant fixtures and
fittings, and machinery (exclusive of any Sprinkler Installations) and works in
progress allowed and the insurance by this policy is extended to cover on
and/or whilst in such additions. ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS CLAUSE
Notwithstanding anything contained in the printed conditions of the Policy to
the contrary, it is noted and agreed that this Insurance shall not be
prejudiced in the event of any alterations being made to the property insured
whereby the risk of damage is increased, provided that notice of such
alterations be given to the Insurer within sixty (60) days of the
commencement of such alterations and additional premium paid, if required
from the date of such alterations. ALTERATIONS CLAUSE Notwithstanding
anything contained in the printed conditions of the Policy to the contrary, it is
noted and agreed that this Insurance shall not be prejudiced in the event of
any alterations being made to the property insured whereby the risk of
damage is increased, provided that notice of such alterations be given to the
Insurer within sixty (60) days of the commencement of such alterations and
additional premium paid, if required from the date of such alterations
ALTERNATIVE BASIS CLAUSE It is agreed and declared that at the option of
the Insured, the term‘outp ut’ may be substituted for the term‘turnover’ and
for the purpose of their policy,‘output’ shall mean the sale value of goods
manufactured by the insured in the course of the business at the premises,
provided that only one such meaning shall be operative in connection with
any one occurrence involving damage (as within defined)
ACCOUNTANTS CLAUSE It is understood and agreed that any particulars or
details contained in the Insured’s books of accounts or other business books
or documents which may be required by the Company under the condition of
this Policy for the purposes of investigating or verifying any claim hereunder
may be produced and certified by the Insured’s Auditors and their certificate
shall be prima facie evidence of the particulars and details to which such
INSURERS EXPENSE CLAUSE Any particulars or details contained in the
insured’s books or account or other Business books or documents which may
by required by insurers under the Claims Conditions of this Policy for the
purpose of investigating of verifying any claim hereunder may be produced
by professional accountant if at the time they are regularly acting as such for
the Insured and their report shall be prima facie evidence of the particulars
and details to which such report relates. The cost of such preparation shall be
at Insurers expense. ACCUMULATED STOCKS In adjusting any loss account
shall be taken and an equitable allowance made if any shortage in Turnover
due to the damage is postponed by reason of the Turnover being temporily
mantained from accumulated stocks of finished goods. ADDITION AND
DELETION CLAUSE ( 30 DAYS ) It is agreed that all items acquired by the
Insured during the currency of this Policy shall be considered as being
included in the policy from the date of acquisition. It is further agreed that all
items disposed of during the currency of this policy shall be considered as
deleted from the policy following the date of such disposal. Subject to thirty
days notice after such addition and deletion have been made. ADDITIONAL
CLAUSE The insurance hereby extends to cover alterations, additions and
improvements (but not appreciation in value) in excess of the sums insured
for buildings and machinery specified in the Policy for an amount not
exceeding 10% of the sums insured thereby or Rp ….*………., whichever is
the less, it is being understood that the Insured undertakes to advise the
Insurer each quarter of such alterations, additions and improvements and to
pay the appropriate additional premium thereon. ADDITIONAL INCREASE IN
COST OF WORKING The wording thereto is amended to read: The insurance
under this item is limited to the additional expenditure, not otherwise
recoverable hereunder, necessarily and reasonably incurred during the
Indemnity period in consequence of the Damage for the purpose of avoiding
or diminishing a reduction in Turnover and/or other operating income and/or
resuming and/or maintaining normal business operations and/or service
and/or minimising the period of interruption of or interference with the
The Company hereby that PT.Perusahaan Pelayaran Equinox are included as
additional insured but limited to the liabilities arising out of the operations or
activities that performed by or on the named insured and such liabilities are
not the result of sole negligence of the additional Insured. ADJUSTMENT OF
PREMIUM (a)The Premium shown is provisional and is calculated on the
Declared Values of: i. Property Insured, ii. Gross Profit and Insured Pay-Roll,
on the day of commencement of each Period of Insurance. (b)The Insured
undertakes to declare to the Insurer(s) within a reasonable time after the day
of expiry of the Period of Insurance i. the value of Property Insured on the day
of expiry of the Period of Insurance.For the purpose of this declaration, stock-
in-trade and/or merchandise shall be taken at its average value during the
Period of Insurance; ii. the amount of the Gross Profit earned and Pay-Roll
paid, in accordance with the cover afforded in the respective items of Section
2, in the course of the Business during the accounting period of 12 months
most nearly concurrent with the Period of Insurance. (c)The provisional
premium shall be adjusted by payment to the Insurer(s) of an additional
premium or by allowance to the Insured of a return premium, as the case
may be, calculated at the agreed rate on: i. fifty per cent (50%) of the
difference between property declared in accordance with clauses (a)(i) and
(b)(i); ii. the full agreed rate hereunder on the difference between the
amounts declared under clauses (a)(ii) and (b)(ii). (d) It is agreed to make
allowance for any abnormal fluctuation in values and to charge a premium
commensurate with the risk, such premium to be agreed between the parties
to this agreement. (e)The Declaration of Values at the expiry of the Period of
Insurance declared in accordance with this memorandum shall not be
reduced as the result of loss, destruction or damage in respect of which a
claim has been paid or is payable under this Policy. AGREED VALUE CLAUSE It
is hereby understood and agreed that in consideration of the property
insured being covered on an agreed value basis all reference herein to
replacement shall be deemed to be deleted but only in respect of claim,
adjusted on basis of a total loss. In respect of claims adjusted on the basis of
a total loss, underwriters shall pay to the insured the agreed value of the
property insured as stated in the policy schedule less any applicable
deductible. Underwriters may at their discretion, take the salvage of such
property insured together with appropriate documents appertaining thereto,
but in no event shall there be any abandonment to underwriters. AGREED

It is hereby agreed that in the event of the property Insured being lost
destroyed or damaged, the basis upon which the amount payable under this
Policy is to be calculated shall be the cost of replacing or reinstating the
property of the same kind or type but not superior to or more extensive than
the Insured properly when new, subject also to the terms and conditions of
the Policy. ALL OTHER CONTENTS CLAUSE It is noted and agreed that this
Policy extends to include : a. Money and stamps not otherwise specifically
insured for an amount not exceeding in the aggregate IDR.5,000,000.00 b.
Documents, manuscripts and business books but only for the value of the
materials as stationery, together with the cost of clerical labour expended in
writing up, and not for the value to the insured of the information contained
therein and for an amount not exceeding in the aggregate IDR.5,000,000.00
c. Computer system records but only for the value of the materials together
with the cost of clerical labour and computer time expended in reproducing
such records (excluding any expenses in connection with the production of
information to be recorded therein) and not for the value to the insured of the
information contained therein for an amount not exceeding in the aggregate
IDR.5,000,000.00 d. Patterns, moulds, models, plans and designs, for an
amount not exceeding in the aggregate IDR.5,000,000.00 e. Employees pedal
cycles, clothing, tools and other personal effects for an amount not exceeding
IDR.250,000.00 in respect of any one employee ALTERATION AND REPAIRS
CLAUSE Minor alterations, additions and repairs to building plant fixtures and
fittings, and machinery (exclusive of any Sprinkler Installations) and works in
progress allowed and the insurance by this policy is extended to cover on
and/or whilst in such additions. ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS CLAUSE
Notwithstanding anything contained in the printed conditions of the Policy to
the contrary, it is noted and agreed that this Insurance shall not be
prejudiced in the event of any alterations being made to the property insured
whereby the risk of damage is increased, provided that notice of such
alterations be given to the Insurer within sixty (60) days of the
commencement of such alterations and additional premium paid, if required
from the date of such alterations. ALTERATIONS CLAUSE Notwithstanding
anything contained in the printed conditions of the Policy to the contrary, it is
noted and agreed that this Insurance shall not be prejudiced in the event of
any alterations being made to the property insured whereby the risk of
damage is increased, provided that notice of such alterations be given to the
Insurer within sixty (60) days of the commencement of such alterations and
additional premium paid, if required from the date of such alterations
ALTERNATIVE BASIS CLAUSE It is agreed and declared that at the option of
the Insured, the term‘outp ut’ may be substituted for the term‘turnover’ and
for the purpose of their policy,‘output’ shall mean the sale value of goods
manufactured by the insured in the course of the business at the premises,
provided that only one such meaning shall be operative in connection with
any one occurrence involving damage (as within defined)
ACCOUNTANTS CLAUSE It is understood and agreed that any particulars or
details contained in the Insured’s books of accounts or other business books
or documents which may be required by the Company under the condition of
this Policy for the purposes of investigating or verifying any claim hereunder
may be produced and certified by the Insured’s Auditors and their certificate
shall be prima facie evidence of the particulars and details to which such
INSURERS EXPENSE CLAUSE Any particulars or details contained in the
insured’s books or account or other Business books or documents which may
by required by insurers under the Claims Conditions of this Policy for the
purpose of investigating of verifying any claim hereunder may be produced
by professional accountant if at the time they are regularly acting as such for
the Insured and their report shall be prima facie evidence of the particulars
and details to which such report relates. The cost of such preparation shall be
at Insurers expense. ACCUMULATED STOCKS In adjusting any loss account
shall be taken and an equitable allowance made if any shortage in Turnover
due to the damage is postponed by reason of the Turnover being temporily
mantained from accumulated stocks of finished goods. ADDITION AND
DELETION CLAUSE ( 30 DAYS ) It is agreed that all items acquired by the
Insured during the currency of this Policy shall be considered as being
included in the policy from the date of acquisition. It is further agreed that all
items disposed of during the currency of this policy shall be considered as
deleted from the policy following the date of such disposal. Subject to thirty
days notice after such addition and deletion have been made. ADDITIONAL
CLAUSE The insurance hereby extends to cover alterations, additions and
improvements (but not appreciation in value) in excess of the sums insured
for buildings and machinery specified in the Policy for an amount not
exceeding 10% of the sums insured thereby or Rp ….*………., whichever is
the less, it is being understood that the Insured undertakes to advise the
Insurer each quarter of such alterations, additions and improvements and to
pay the appropriate additional premium thereon. ADDITIONAL INCREASE IN
COST OF WORKING The wording thereto is amended to read: The insurance
under this item is limited to the additional expenditure, not otherwise
recoverable hereunder, necessarily and reasonably incurred during the
Indemnity period in consequence of the Damage for the purpose of avoiding
or diminishing a reduction in Turnover and/or other operating income and/or
resuming and/or maintaining normal business operations and/or service
and/or minimising the period of interruption of or interference with the
The Company hereby that PT.Perusahaan Pelayaran Equinox are included as
additional insured but limited to the liabilities arising out of the operations or
activities that performed by or on the named insured and such liabilities are
not the result of sole negligence of the additional Insured. ADJUSTMENT OF
PREMIUM (a)The Premium shown is provisional and is calculated on the
Declared Values of: i. Property Insured, ii. Gross Profit and Insured Pay-Roll,
on the day of commencement of each Period of Insurance. (b)The Insured
undertakes to declare to the Insurer(s) within a reasonable time after the day
of expiry of the Period of Insurance i. the value of Property Insured on the day
of expiry of the Period of Insurance.For the purpose of this declaration, stock-
in-trade and/or merchandise shall be taken at its average value during the
Period of Insurance; ii. the amount of the Gross Profit earned and Pay-Roll
paid, in accordance with the cover afforded in the respective items of Section
2, in the course of the Business during the accounting period of 12 months
most nearly concurrent with the Period of Insurance. (c)The provisional
premium shall be adjusted by payment to the Insurer(s) of an additional
premium or by allowance to the Insured of a return premium, as the case
may be, calculated at the agreed rate on: i. fifty per cent (50%) of the
difference between property declared in accordance with clauses (a)(i) and
(b)(i); ii. the full agreed rate hereunder on the difference between the
amounts declared under clauses (a)(ii) and (b)(ii). (d) It is agreed to make
allowance for any abnormal fluctuation in values and to charge a premium
commensurate with the risk, such premium to be agreed between the parties
to this agreement. (e)The Declaration of Values at the expiry of the Period of
Insurance declared in accordance with this memorandum shall not be
reduced as the result of loss, destruction or damage in respect of which a
claim has been paid or is payable under this Policy. AGREED VALUE CLAUSE It
is hereby understood and agreed that in consideration of the property
insured being covered on an agreed value basis all reference herein to
replacement shall be deemed to be deleted but only in respect of claim,
adjusted on basis of a total loss. In respect of claims adjusted on the basis of
a total loss, underwriters shall pay to the insured the agreed value of the
property insured as stated in the policy schedule less any applicable
deductible. Underwriters may at their discretion, take the salvage of such
property insured together with appropriate documents appertaining thereto,
but in no event shall there be any abandonment to underwriters. AGREED

It is hereby agreed that in the event of the property Insured being lost
destroyed or damaged, the basis upon which the amount payable under this
Policy is to be calculated shall be the cost of replacing or reinstating the
property of the same kind or type but not superior to or more extensive than
the Insured properly when new, subject also to the terms and conditions of
the Policy. ALL OTHER CONTENTS CLAUSE It is noted and agreed that this
Policy extends to include : a. Money and stamps not otherwise specifically
insured for an amount not exceeding in the aggregate IDR.5,000,000.00 b.
Documents, manuscripts and business books but only for the value of the
materials as stationery, together with the cost of clerical labour expended in
writing up, and not for the value to the insured of the information contained
therein and for an amount not exceeding in the aggregate IDR.5,000,000.00
c. Computer system records but only for the value of the materials together
with the cost of clerical labour and computer time expended in reproducing
such records (excluding any expenses in connection with the production of
information to be recorded therein) and not for the value to the insured of the
information contained therein for an amount not exceeding in the aggregate
IDR.5,000,000.00 d. Patterns, moulds, models, plans and designs, for an
amount not exceeding in the aggregate IDR.5,000,000.00 e. Employees pedal
cycles, clothing, tools and other personal effects for an amount not exceeding
IDR.250,000.00 in respect of any one employee ALTERATION AND REPAIRS
CLAUSE Minor alterations, additions and repairs to building plant fixtures and
fittings, and machinery (exclusive of any Sprinkler Installations) and works in
progress allowed and the insurance by this policy is extended to cover on
and/or whilst in such additions. ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS CLAUSE
Notwithstanding anything contained in the printed conditions of the Policy to
the contrary, it is noted and agreed that this Insurance shall not be
prejudiced in the event of any alterations being made to the property insured
whereby the risk of damage is increased, provided that notice of such
alterations be given to the Insurer within sixty (60) days of the
commencement of such alterations and additional premium paid, if required
from the date of such alterations. ALTERATIONS CLAUSE Notwithstanding
anything contained in the printed conditions of the Policy to the contrary, it is
noted and agreed that this Insurance shall not be prejudiced in the event of
any alterations being made to the property insured whereby the risk of
damage is increased, provided that notice of such alterations be given to the
Insurer within sixty (60) days of the commencement of such alterations and
additional premium paid, if required from the date of such alterations
ALTERNATIVE BASIS CLAUSE It is agreed and declared that at the option of
the Insured, the term‘outp ut’ may be substituted for the term‘turnover’ and
for the purpose of their policy,‘output’ shall mean the sale value of goods
manufactured by the insured in the course of the business at the premises,
provided that only one such meaning shall be operative in connection with
any one occurrence involving damage (as within defined)
It is hereby declared and agreed that this Policy is extended to cover the
insured person whilst mounting, riding or dismounting from any motorcycle
except for the purpose of racing pacemaking or speed testing. Mould Clause
(maximum USD 25,000.00) It is hereby noted and agreed that in the event of
loss or damage to the moulds hereby insured, the amount of indemnity in
respect thereof shall be limited to the value of the materials together with
the cost of labour expended in reproducing such moulds (excluding of any
cost of design)

NEW BUSINESS CLAUSE For the purpose of any claim arising from damage
occurring before the completion of the first year’s trading of the business at
the premises, the term “Gross Rental”,”Annual Gross Rental” and “Standard
Gross Rental” shall bear the following meanings and not as within stated.
Gross Rental: The money paid of payable to the Insured by tentants in
respect of rental of the premises. Annual Gross Rental: Proportional
equivalent, for a period of twelve months, of the Gross Rental realized during
the period between the Business and the date of the Incident. Standard Gross
Rental: The proportional equivalent, for a period equal to the Indemnity
Period, of the Gross Rental realized during the period between the
commencement of the Business and the date of the Incident. to which such
adjustments shall be made as may be necessary to provide for the trend of
the Business and for the variations in the business either before or after the
damage or which would have affected the Business had the damage not
occured, so that the figures thus adjusted shall represent as nearly as may be
reasonably practicable the results which but for the damage would have been
obtained during the relative period after the damage.

NEW BUSINESS CLAUSE (FOR GROSS PROFIT) For the purpose of any claim
arising from damage occurring before the completion of the first year’s
trading of the business at the premises, the term “Gross Profit ”,”Annual
Gross Profit” and “Standard Gross Profit” shall bear the following meanings
and not as within stated. Rate of Gross Profit The rate of Gross Profit earned
on the Turnover during the period between the date of the commencement of
the Business and the date of the Incident Annual Turnover The Proportional
equivalent, for a period of twelve months, of the Turnover realised during the
period between the commencement of the Business and the date of the
Incident Standard Turnover The proportional equivalent, for a period equal to
the Indemnity Period, of the Turnover realised during the period between the
commencement of the Business and the date of the Incident to which such
adjustments shall be made as may be necessary to provide for the trend of
the Business and forvariations in or other circumstances affecting the
Business either before or after the Incident or which would have affected the
Business had the Incident not occurred, so that the figures thus adjusted shall
represent as nearly as may be reasonably practicable the results which but
for the Incident would have been obtained during the relative period after the

NEW BUSINESS CLAUSE For the purpose of any claim arising from damage
occurring before the completion of the first year’s trading of the business at
the premises, the term “Gross Profit ”,”Annual Gross Profit” and “Standard
Gross Profit” shall bear the following meanings and not as within stated. Rate
of Gross Profit The rate of Gross Profit earned on the Turnover during the
period between the date of the commencement of the Business and the date
of the Incident Annual Turnover The Proportional equivalent, for a period of
twelve months, of the Turnover realised during the period between the
commencement of the Business and the date of the Incident Standard
Turnover The proportional equivalent, for a period equal to the Indemnity
Period, of the Turnover realised during the period between the
commencement of the Business and the date of the Incident to which such
adjustments shall be made as may be necessary to provide for the trend of
the Business and forvariations in or other circumstances affecting the
Business either before or after the Incident or which would have affected the
Business had the Incident not occurred, so that the figures thus adjusted shall
represent as nearly as may be reasonably practicable the results which but
for the Incident would have been obtained during the relative period after the

NEW LOCATION CLAUSE – Subject To 1st Class Construction, Non Pasar Risk
or Public Warehouse It is hereby declared and agreed that the company will
hold cover any new locations acquired by the Insured during the Period of
Insurance subject to the Sum Insured not exceeding of IDR. 100,000,000.00
any one location with max. 5 (five) new locations within the policy period and
subject to review. The Insured shall be declare to the company every
quarterly and an additional premium shall be charged accordingly.

NEW LOCATIONS CLAUSE It is hereby declared and agreed that the Company
will hold cover any new locations acquired by the Insured during the Period of
Insurance subject to: 1.not more than IDR. 500,000,000.-any one location.
2.1st Class Construction 3.Non Pasar Risk 4. Additional Premium The Insured
shall declare to the Company every quarterly and an additional premium
shall be charged accordingly.

NEW REPLACEMENT VALUE CLAUSE It is hereby agreed that in the event of

the property Insured being lost destroyed or damaged, the basis upon which
the amount payable under this Policy is to be calculated shall be the cost of
replacing or reinstating the property of the same kind or type but not
superior to or more extensive than the Insured properly when new, subject
also to the terms and conditions of the Policy.


(SUDDEN AND ACCIDENTAL) This Agreement does not cover any liability for:
1)Personal Injury or Bodily Injury or loss of, damage to, or loss of use of
property directly or indirectly caused by seepage, pollution or contamination,
provided always that this paragraph (1) shall not apply to liability for Personal
Injury or loss of or physical damage to or destruction of tangible property, or
loss of use of such property damage or destroyed, where such seepage,
pollution or contamination is caused by a sudden, unintended and
unexpected happening during the period of this insurance. 2)The cost of
removing, nullifying or clean-up seeping, polluting or contaminating
substances unless the seepage, pollution or contamination is caused by
sudden, unintended and unexpected happening during the period of this
Insurance. 3)Fines, penalties, punitive or exemplary damages. This Clause
shall not extend this Agreement to cover any liabilitiy which would not have
been cover under this Agreement had this Clause not been attached.


This Policy does not cover any loss, damage, cost, claim or expense, whether
preventative, remedial or otherwise, directly or indirectly arising out of or
relating to: a.the calculation, comparison, differentiation, sequencing or
processing of data involving the date change to the year 2000, or any other
date change, including leap year calculations, by any computer system,
hardware, programme or software and/or any microchip, integrated circuit or
similar device in computer equipment or non- computer equipment, whether
the property of the insured or not; or b.any change, alteration, or
modification involving the date change to the year 2000, or any other date
change, including leap year calculations, to any such computer system,
hardware, programme or software or any microchip, integrated circuit or
similar device in computer equipment or non-computer equipment, whether
the property of the insured or not. This clause applies regardless of any other
cause or event that contributes concurrently or in any sequence of the loss,
damage, cost, claim or expense. However this section shall not apply in
respect of physical damage occurring at the insured’s premises arising out of
the perils of fire, lightning, explosion, aircraftor vehicle impact, falling objects,
windstorm, hail, tornado, hurricane, cyclone, riot, strike, civil commotion,
vandalism, malicious mischief, earthquake, volcano, tsunami, freeze or
weight of snow. SECTION 2 Notwithstanding Section 1 above, this Policy does
not cover any costs and expenses, whether preventive, remedial, or
otherwise, arising out of or relating to change, alteration or modification of
any computer system, hardware, programme or software or any microchip,
integrated circuit or similar device in computer or non-computer equipment,
whether the property of the insured or not.

SECTION 3 The date change to the year 2000, or any other date change,
including leap year calculations, shall not in and itself be regarded as an
event for the purpose of this Policy.

NOMINATED ADJUSTERS CLAUSE In the event of any claim under the Policy
one of the following adjuster shall be appointed : d.PT. Japenansi Nusantara
e.PT. Satria Dharma Pusaka Crawford f.Any Other Adjuster as mutually
agreed by the Insurers and the Insured.

NOMINATED ADJUSTERS CLAUSE It is hereby noted and agreed that in the

event of a loss the following Adjuster should be appointed and the
preliminary and/or Final Report should be forwarded to the Agent and/or the
Broker concern Nominated Adjuster : g.PT. Japenansi Nusantara (GAB Robins)
h.PT. Cunningham Lindsley Indonesia i.Any Other Adjuster as mutually agreed
by the Insurers and the Insured.

NOMINATED ADJUSTERS CLAUSE It is hereby noted and agreed that in the

event of a loss the following Adjuster should be appointed and the
preliminary and/or Final Report should be forwarded to the Agent and/or the
Broker concern Nominated Adjuster : j.PT. Japenansi Nusantara (Toplis and
Harding Indonesia) k.PT. Satria Dharma Pusaka (Crawford THK) And PT Tri
Dharma Proteksi Insurance Broker is given the right to select and appoint the
adjusters for and on behalf of the insurer

NON CANCELLATION CLAUSE The Insurance Company undertakes to obtain

the Mortgagee’s and/or Banker’s consent prior to the cancellation of the
Policy if instructions have been received for the cancellation of the Policy and
also to advise the Mortgagees and/or Bankers immediately of any other
material changes which are proposed to be made in the terms of the

NON INVALIDATION CLAUSE It is hereby agreed that this insurance shall not
be invalidated by : a. Any change of occupancy or increase of risk taking
place in the property insured without the Insured's knowledge, provided that
they shall, immediately on the same coming to their knowledge, advise the
Insurers and pay any additional premium that may be required from the date
of such increase of risk. b. Workmen on the premises for the purpose of
affecting repairs minor alterations or general maintenance purposes and the


DAYS Both the Insurer and the Insured are entitled to terminate this
insurance upon 30 (thirty) days notice in writing being given. Such
termination should be effected of the registered letter. When the Insurer
terminates the insurance, he is obliged to return pro rata premium for the
unexpired period of insurance. If it is the Insured who terminates the
insurance, premium will be calculated on the short term rate laid down in the
current Fire Insurance Tariff of Indonesia for the completed period of


MURDER & SUICIDE Infectious or contagious disease manifested by any
person whilst at the premises or an outbreak of a noticeable infectious or
contagious disease within twenty-five miles of the premises or murder or
suicide or any attempt thereat or fatal accident at the premises; Noticeable
disease shall mean illness sustained by any person resulting from any human
infectious or human contagious diseases (excluding Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or any AIDS related condition) an outbreaks of
which the competent local authority has stipulated shall be notified to them

NOTIFICATION CLAUSE The present situation, manner of connection,

construction, nature and interior of the buildings and also the trade carried
on therein is known to us.

NUCLEAR ENERGY EXCLUSION CLAUSE This agreement shall not apply the
following: (i) Nuclear energy risks in accordance with the Nuclear Energy
Risks Exclusion Clause (Reinsurance) (1994) NMA 1975a (Worldwide
exclusion USA and Canada) (ii) Any other liability, loss, cost of expense of
whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from, arising out
of or in connection with nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation or radioactive
contamination regardless of any other cause contributing concurrently or in
any other sequence to this loss, save were such liability, loss, cost or expense
arises under insurances or reinsurances expressly exempted from Nuclear
Energy Risk Exclusion Clause (Reinsurance) (1994) NMA 1975a (Worldwide
excluding USA & Canada) in respect of which the Reinsured has specifically
granted cover.
OCCUPIER’S LIABILITY Notwithstanding of anything contained in the policy,
this insurance is extended to cover for loss or damage to the tenants and
guest’s property occurring at the insured premises, controlled by the insured
security to which this policy applies as described in the schedule. Subject to
the term, conditions and exceptions this policy.


UNLISTED LOCATION (MAXIMUM IDR 1,000,000,000.00) Subject to 5% of
stock value with maximum IDR 1,000,000,000.00 and sufficiently protected
and 30 days notice for automatic cover subject to additional premium
OUTBUILDINGS CLAUSE The insurance by each item under buildings is
understood to include walls, gates and fence, small outside buildings,
extensions, annexes, exterior staircase, fuel installations, steel or iron
framework and tanks in the said premises and the insurance by each item
under contents

extends to contents of each outbuilding, provided their values are included in

the sum insured.

OUTPUT REPLACEMENT CLAUSE Notwithstanding anything contained herein

to contrary, property insured this section which measurable output and which
is capable of replacement with new item or items which perform a similar
function is valued for insurance purposes as follows and values for settlement
of any loss,destruction or damage in respect thereof shall be on the same
basis: (a)If property loss, destroyed or damaged is to be replaced by an items
which has or have the same or a lesser total output, then the insurable value
thereof is the new installed cost of such replacement item or items as would
give the same total output as the property lost, destroyed or damaged. (b)If
the property with the same total output as the lost, destroyed or damaged
property is not available within a reasonable time of the loss, destruction or
damage then no deduction shall be made from any claim to allow for the
improve output of the replacement property. Provided that in the event of
partial loss where property is to be repaired this policy shall pay the cost of
restoration of the property to a condition substantially the same as but not
better or more extensive than its condition when new.

OUTPUT SUBSTITUTED FOR TURNOVER " It is agreed that in the event of a

claim arising under this Policy, adjustment may at the option of the Insured,
be based on "TURNOVER OR OUTPUT" or whatever other index of business
activity affords the most equitable result, and, except in the definition of
turnover, the word "Turnover" wherever used in this Policy shall read
sale value of goods manufactured by, or sold by the Insured in the course of
the Business at the Premises."
OUTPUT REPLACEMENT CLAUSE Where any Property Insured hereunder
constitutes property which has a measurable function, capability or output
and it is, or may become, necessary to replace such property with a new item
or items which perform(s) a similar function or function then such property
shall be valued for Insurance purpose as follows, and the value(s) of
settlement of any claim in respect thereof shall be on the same basis :
a.Where and damaged property Insured is to be replaced by an item or items
which have the same or a lesser total function, capacity or output, then the
insurable value of such damaged property insured is the new installed cost of
such replacement item or items as would give the same total function,
capability or output as the damaged property insured b.Where any damaged
property insured is to be replaced by an item or items which have a greater
total function, capability or output and the new installed cost of such
replacement property is no greater that the replacement property is no
greater than the replacement value of the damaged property insured, then
no deductions shall be made from any claim for the improved function,
capability or output of the replacement property c.If any damaged property
insured is to be replaced by an items which have a greater total function,
capability or output and the new installed costs of such replacement property
is greater than the replacement value of the damaged property insured, then
the insurable value of such damaged property insured is either :

i. The estimated cost of reinstatement of such damaged property insured as

defined in sub-clause (a) of the reinstatement and replacement
Memorandum; or ii. That proportion of the new installed cost of the
replacement item or items which the output of the damaged property insured
bears to the output of the replacement items or items; whichever amount is
the greater

OUTPUT SUBSTITUTED FOR TURNOVER " It is agreed that in the event of a

claim arising under this Policy, adjustment may at the option of the Insured,
be based on "TURNOVER OR OUTPUT" or whatever other index of business
activity affords the most equitable result, and, except in the definition of
turnover, the word "Turnover" wherever used in this Policy shall read
sale value of goods manufactured by, or sold by the Insured in the course of
the Business at the Premises."

OUTSIDE PREMISES STORAGE Where the Insured enters into a contract for
the storage of his goods and/or merchandise at outside premises and the
terms of such storage contain a disclaimer clause then this insurance shall
not be prejudice by the Insured agreeing to such terms.


Excluding losses in respect ofoverhead transmission and distribution lines
and their supporting structures other than those on or within 150 meters (or
500 feet) of the insured premises. It is understood and agreed that public
utilities extension and/or suppliers extension and/or contingent business
interruption coverages are not subject to this exclusion provided that these
are not part of a transmitters’ and distributors’ policy

PARTIAL COMPLETION CLAUSE If the whole or any part of the Contract Works
insured by this Policy is taken over, occupied or put into use by the Principal
or other prior to completion, the Insurers will not be liable for any loss
damage or liability in respect of : a.The occupant or their property b.The
Contract Works c.Third Party or their property Arising from taking over,
occupancy or use of any part of the Contract Works. This endorsement is
subject to the terms and conditions and exclusion of the Policy.

PAYMENT OF PREMIUM WARRANTY (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of

Article 257 of the Commercial Code (Kitab Undang- undang Hukum Dagang)
and notwithstanding anything herein contained to the contrary, and subject
only and without prejudice to clause 2 hereinafter set out, it is hereby
declared and agreed that it is a condition precedent to liability under this
Policy, any Renewal Certificate, Endorsement or Cover Note that any
premium due must be paid and actually received in full by the company:

a.when the period of insurance is 30 (thirty) days or more, within30(Thi rty)


y) days from the inception date of coverage under the Policy, Renewal
Certificate, Endorsement Cover Note. b.when the period of insurance is LESS
than 30 (thirty) days, within the period of insurance specified in the Policy,
Endorsement, Renewal Certificate or Cover Note. (2) In the event any of the
above mentioned premium is not paid in full to and received by the
Company, as described above in the manner and within the time stipulated
above (the premium warranty period), the cover under this Policy, any
Renewal Certificate, Endorsement or Cover Note shall be deemed to have
terminated from the expiry of the premium warranty period and the company
shall be discharged from all liability therefrom but without prejudice to any
liability incurred before that date and the company will be entitled to a pro-
rata time on risk premium subject to a minimum of IDR.50,000.00

PAYMENT ON ACCOUNT CLAUSE It is hereby declared and agreed that

progress payment on account of any loss recoverable under this Policy will be
made to the Insured at such stages as may be mutually agreed upon if
desired by the Insured and on production of an interim report by the loss
adjuster (if appointed) provided that such payment are deducted from the
finally agreed claim settlement figures. Payment on Account Clause - IBS It is
hereby declared and agreed that process payment on account of any loss
recoverable under this policy will be made to the insured at such stages as
may be mutually agreed upon if desired by the Insured and on production of
an interim report by the loss adjuster (if appointed) provided that such
payments are deducted from the finally agreed claim settlement figures

PAYMENT ON ACCOUNT CLAUSE - TDP Notwithstanding anything contained in

this Policy to the contrary provided that liability has been admitted, progress
pavements on account of any claim may be made to the insured at such
intervals : 75% of interim payment from the Loss and/or for such amount as
may be agreed upon production of a report by the Loss Adjuster (if
appointed) provided such pavements shall be deducted from the amount
finally determined upon adjustment of the claim

PERILS EXTENSION CLAUSE (ACT OF GOD) Nowithstanding anything

contained in the terms, conditions and executions of this policy to the
contrary, it is hereby noted and agreed that this insurance covers loss of or
damage to the insured motor vehicle caused by or in consequence of the
earthquake and / or volcanic eruption and / or flood and / or windstorm and /
or Affiliated natural Catastrophe subject to terms and conditions of the policy.


IN THE AGGREGATE) (N- 692) Clause (g) in Section 1 "The Indemnity" is
amended to read: (g) damage to: (i) personal property (including money and
negotiable instruments) of directors, partners, proprietors and employees of
the Insured whilst engaged on the business of the Insured anywhere in the
Republic of Indonesia other than whilst on the private premises of such
director, partner, proprietor or employee; and (ii) property of welfare, sport
and social clubs of the Insured whilst such property is at the Situation.
be limited to an amount of US$ 5,000 per occurrence and not exceedingUS$
100,000 in the aggregate and not subject to the Co-insurance memorandum
contained in Section 1 of the Policy;

PLANS AND DOCUMENTS CLAUSE It is understood and agreed that this Policy
will also indemnify the Insured against the necessarily incurred costs of re-
writing of plans and drawings or other contract document lost destroyed or
damaged as a result of a peril insured hereunder providing such loss
destruction or damage occurs at the Project Site. Such indemnification shall
however be limited to : 1. a maximum amount of IDR 100,000,000.00 each
and every occurrence or series of occurrences arising out of any one event.
2. the cost of labor expended in such re-writing or re-drawing including all
necessary overtime or research.

PREMISES CLAUSE Extends to cover property whilst on platform, alleys,

yards, buildings and in the open within the compound.

PREVENTION OF ACCESS CLAUSE ( Time excess as per policy schedule) It is

hereby agreed and declared that loss as insured by under this policy resulting
from interruption of or interference with the business in consequence
damage (as within defined) to property within one half mile of the premises
which shall prevent or hinder the use thereof access thereto, whether the
premises or property of the Insured therein shall be damaged or not shall be
deemed to be loss resulting from damage to property used by the Insured at
the premises.

PREVENTIVE MEASURE CLAUSE Itis agreed that in the event of actual damage
(or imminent damage) to the Insured Property, the Insurer will pay the
reasonably cost necessary in preventing, minimising or reducing damage to
the Insured Property, which the insured can prove were necessarily incurred
immediately and urgently in an emergency.

PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANTS CLAUSE Any particulars or details contained in

the insured’s books account or other business books or documents which
may be required by the Company for the purpose of investigation or verifying
any claim hereunder may be produced by professional accountants if at the
time they are regularly action as such for the insured and their report shall be
prima facie evidence at the particular and details to which such report
relates. The Insurer will pay to the Insured the reasonable charges payable by
the Insured to their professional accountants for producing such particulars or
details or any other proofs, information or evidence as may be required by
the Insurer under the terms of Claims Condition of this policy and reporting
that such particulars or details are in accordance with the Insured’s books or
documents. Provided that the Sum of the amount payable under this clause
and the amount otherwise payable under the policy shall in no case exceed
the liability of the Insurer as stated.

PROFESSIONAL FEES CLAUSE The Insurance by this Section includes in

addition an amount in respect of Architects, Surveyors, and Consulting
Engineers Fees or other professional fees and normally reimbursable
expenses necessarily incurred by the Insured in the reinstatement of the
Insured Property consequent upon its loss, destruction or damage but not for
preparing any claims, it being authorized amount payable for such fees shall
not exceed that authorized under scales authorized by the Royal Institute of
British Architects, the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, the
Association of Consulting Engineers or of the equivalent body in the country
of domicile of the professional body concerned.

PROGRESS CLAIM PAYMENT CLAUSE This insurance is extended to cover

costs and expenses reasonably incurred by the insured following loss or
damaged to the property insured to extract and compile information required
by the company from the insured’s own records for the purpose of preparing
a claim under the policy but excluding legal, investigation and research
fees/expenses incurred for the purpose of contesting any issue over the
Company’s liability under the Policy. Provided always that no amount shall be
recoverable under this endorsement if subsequent to the incurring of any
expenses, the Company shall deny liability for any claim in respect of which
the expenses have been incurred (with or without consent of the Company)

PROPERTY DAMAGE CLARIFICATION CLAUSE It is hereby declared and agreed

that property damage covered under this policy shall mean physical damage
to the substance of the items insured. Physical damage to the item(s) insured
shall not include loss of or damage: a)To data or software e.g. any
detrimental change in data, software or computer programs caused by a
deletion, corruption or deformation of the original structure. Notwithstanding
this, however, loss of or damage to data or software which is the direct
consequence of insured physical damage to the substance of the item(s)
insured shall be covered. b)Resulting from an impairment in the function,
availability, range of use or accessibility of data, software or computer
programs of the item(s) insured. Consequently, any business interruption
losses resulting from the above, shall not be covered by this policy.


agreed that this policy is hereby amended as follows: The Insurer will not pay
for Damage or Consequential loss directly or indirectly caused by, consisting
of, or arising from: 7.Any functioning or malfunctioning of the internet or
similar facility, or of any intranet or private network or similar facility. 8.Any
corruption, destruction, distortion, erasure or other loss or damage to data,
software, or any kind of programming or instruction set, 9.loss of use or
functionality whether partial or entire of data, coding, program, software, any
computer or computer system or other device dependent upon any microchip
or embedded logic, and any ensuing inability or failure of the Insured to
conduct business. This endorsement shall not exclude subsequent damage or
Consequential loss, not otherwise excluded, which itself results from a
Defined Peril. Defined Peril shall mean: Fire, Lightning, Earthquake, explosion,
Falling Aircraft, Flood, Smoke, Vehicle Impact, Windstorm or Tempest. Such
Damage or Consequential loss described in 1, 2, or 3 above is excluded
regardless of any other cause that contributed concurrently or in any other
sequence. All Other terms, conditions and exclusions of this policy remain
cover the property in care, custody and control of the insured.

PROPERTY IN THE OPEN The property insured under this policy is including
property in the open within the premises


extends to cover Property Insured (other than stocks or raw materials and
finished goods) whilst in transit between port or ports, place or places within
the Republic of Indonesia (including whilst being loaded onto or unloaded
from conveying vessels and/or vehicles and/or aircraft). It is agreed that the
liability of the Insurer(s) shall not exceed the amount of the Sub-limit stated
in the Schedule of the Policy against “Property in Transit within the Republic
of Indonesia” in respect of any one loss or series of losses arising out of any
one event or occurrence. The cover granted by this extension shall be in
respect of loss or damage arising out of and/or caused by fire, lightning,
explosion, earthquake, impact of aircraft, riot, strikes, malicious damage,
hijacking, civil commotion, sabotage and terrorism, storm, tempest, wind,
rainwater, hail, theft of such property whether left in open air or not, water
from or action by the sea, tidal wave or high water, erosion, subsidence,
earth movement or collapse resulting therefrom.

PROGRESS CLAIM PAYMENT CLAUSE This insurance is extended to cover

costs and expenses reasonably incurred by the insured following loss or
damaged to the property insured to extract and compile information required
by the company from the insured’s own records for the purpose of preparing
a claim under the policy but excluding legal, investigation and research
fees/expenses incurred for the purpose of contesting any issue over the
Company’s liability under the Policy. Provided always that no amount shall be
recoverable under this endorsement if subsequent to the incurring of any
expenses, the Company shall deny liability for any claim in respect of which
the expenses have been incurred (with or without consent of the Company)

PRORATA RETURN PREMIUM CLAUSE Notwithstanding any contained to the

contrary, cancellation of any policy arranged for this program, return
premium, if shall be subject to prorate premium calculation basis

PRO-RATA REFUND PREMIUM CLAUSE In the event of the Gross Profit earned
(or a proportionately in creased multiple thereof when the maximum
indemnity period exceeds twelve months) during the accounting period of
twelve months most nearly concurrent with any period of insurance as
certified by the Insured’s auditors being less than the sum insured thereon, a
pro-rata sum insured for such period of insurance will be made in respect of
the difference. If any damage shall have occurred, giving rise to a claim
under this policy, such return shall be made in respect only of so much of the
said difference as is not due to such damage.

PUBLIC AUTHORITIES CLAUSE The insurance by this Policy extends to include

such additional cost of reinstatement of the destroyed or damaged property
thereby insured as may be incurred solely by reason of the necessity to
comply with Building or other Regulations under or framed in pursuance of
any Government Act or Bye-Law of any Municipal or Local Authority provided
that : 1.The amount recoverable under this Extension shall not include: a. the
cost incurred in complying with any of the aforesaid Regulations or Bye-Laws.
i. In respect ofdestructionordamage occurring prior to the granting of this
Extension. ii.In respect of destruction or damage not insured by the Policy.
iii.Under which notice has been served upon the insured prior to the
happening of the destruction or damage. iv.In respect of undamaged
property or damage portions of property. b.the additional cost that would
have been required to make good the property damaged or destroyed to a
condition equal to its condition when new had the necessity to comply with
any of the aforesaid Regulations or Bye-Laws not arisen. c.the amount of any
rate, tax, duty, development or other charge or assessment, arising out of
capital appreciation which may be payable in respect of the property or by
the owner there of by reason of compliance with any of the aforesaid
Regulations or Bye- Laws. 2.The work of reinstatement must be commenced
and carried out within reasonable dispatch and in any case must be
completed within twelve months after the destruction or damage or within
such further time as the Insurer may (during the said twelve months) in
writing allow and may be carried out wholly or partially upon another site (if
the aforesaid Regulations or Bye-Laws so necessitate) subject to the liability
of the Insurer under this Extension not being thereby increased. 3.If the
liability of the Insurer under (any item of) the Policy apart from this Extension
shall be reduced by the application of any of the terms and conditions of the
Policy then the Liability of the Insurer under this Extension (in respect of any
such item) shall be reduced in proportion. 4.The total amount recoverable
under any item of the Policy shall not exceed the sum insured thereby. 5.All
the conditions of the Policy except insofar as they may be hereby expressly
varied shall apply as if they had been incorporated herein.

PUBLIC UTILITIES CLAUSE (Time Excess: 7 Days) Any loss as insured by item
no. of this Policy resulting from the interruption of or interference with the
Business in consequence of loss destruction or damage at the under-noted
situations or to property As under-notedbe deemed to be an incident.
Property at any generating station or sub-station of the Public electricity
supply undertaking land based the premises of the Public gas Supply
undertaking of or any natural gas producer linked directly therewith
waterworks or pumping station of the Public water supply undertaking from
the Insured obtains (electricity) (gas) (water) or (telecommunications service)
all in Indonesia.

REBATE CLAUSE In the event of Gross Profit earned as certified by the

Insured's Auditors, for the financial year most nearly concurrent with the
period of insurance being less than the sum insured hereon, a prorata
premium not exceeding 50% of the premium paid on such sum insured for
such period of insurance will be made in respect of the difference. If any
damage shall have occurred giving rise to a claim under this Policy, such
return shall be made in respect only of so much of the difference as is not
due to such damage.


the Policy is limited to: (e) cost of recompiling records but only for the value
of the materials together with the cost of clerical labour expended in
producing such records and (f) reasonable charges incurred by the Insured
for producing and certifying any information as may be required by the
Insured under the items of Condition II of the Policy. It is further understood
that the Company shall not be liable under this extension for an amount in
excess 10% of claim.

REINSTATEMENT ADDITIONAL CLAUSE It is hereby understood that in case of

reinstatement of the sum insured referred to in Article XVII of the within
policy, the additional premium shall be calculated on a prorate basis in
accordance with the remaining of cover

REINSTATEMENT OF LOSS CLAUSE In consideration of the Insured

undertaking to pay an additional premium at the agreed rate on the amount
of loss calculated on a pro-rata basis from the date of such loss to the expiry
of the current period of insurance it is agreed that in the event of loss the
insurance hereunder shall be maintained in force for the full sum insured.


PREMIUM) It is understood and agreed that in the event of loss or damage by
any of the perils insured against to the property above described and in the
absence of written notice by the Company or the insured to the contrary the
amount of insurance cancelled by loss is to be automatically reinstated as
from the date of loss. The Insured undertaking to pay such premium which
may be required for such reinstatement from the date.

REINSTATEMENT VALUE CLAUSE It is hereby declared and agreed that in the

event of the property insured being destroyed or damaged the basis upon
which the amount payable for interest insured (except stock) of the Policy is
to be calculated shall be the cost of replacing or reinstating on the same site
property of the same kind or type but not superior to or more extensive than
the insured property when new, subject to the following Special Provisions
and subject also to the terms and conditions of the Policy except insofar as
the same may be varied hereby. Special Provisions i. The work of
replacement or reinstatement (which may be carried out upon another site
and in any manner suitable to the requirements of the Insured subject to the
liability of Insurer not being thereby increased) must be commenced and
carried out with reasonable despatch and in any case must be completed
within 12 months after the destruction or damage or within such further time
as the Insurer may (during the said 12 months) in writing allow otherwise no
payment beyond the amount which would have been payable under the
Policy if this memorandum had not been incorporated therein shall be made.
ii.Until expenditure has been incurred by the Insured in replacing or
reinstating the property destroyed or damage the Insurer shall not be liable
for any payment in excess of the amount which would have been payable
under the Policy if this memorandum had not been incorporated therein. iii.If
at the time of replacement or reinstatement the sum representing the cost
which would have been incurred in replacement or reinstatement if the whole
of the property covered had been destroyed exceeds the sum insured
thereon at the breaking out of any fire or at the commencement of any
destruction of or damage to such property by any other peril insured against
by this Policy then the Insured shall be considered as being his own insurer
for the excess and shall bear a ratable proportion of the loss accordingly.
Each item of the Policy (if more than one) to which this memorandum applies
shall be separately subject to the foregoing provision. iv.No payment beyond
the amount which would have been payable under the Policy if this
memorandum had not been incorporated therein shall be made if at the time
of any destruction or damage to any property insured hereunder such
property shall be covered by any other insurance effected by or on behalf of
the Insured which is not upon the identical basis of reinstatement set forth
herein. v.This memorandum shall be without force or effect if (a). The Insured
fails to intimate to the Insurer within 6 months from the date of destruction or
damage or such further time as the Insurer may in writing allow his intention
to replace or reinstate the property destroyed or damaged. (b).The insured is
unable or unwilling to replace or reinstate the property destroyed or
damaged on the same or another site.


On first loss basis

The insurance under this heading is not subject to the Average Clause. 1.In
consideration of the payment of an additional premium this policy extends to
indemnify the Insured in respect of: The cost of removal of debris, demolition
and any temporary repairs necessary (including the Insured's legal liability for
the cost of removal of debris, demolition and temporary repairs in regard to
adjoining premises, roadways or waterways, as well as on the site),
consequent upon the destruction of or damage to any property, insured by
the Insured's Fire Policy (of Policies) occasioned by fire or any other perils
thereby insured against. Provided always − that such cost is not recoverable
under any other Policy of Insurance; − that the indemnity afforded by this
insurance shall not apply to or include liability assumed by the Insured under
agreement entered into after the commencing date of this insurance unless
such liability would have attached to the Insured in the absence of such
agreement. 2. Sum insured : which in no case shall exceed 10 % of the total
sum insured on building(s) and/or contents.

REMOVAL PERMIT CLAUSE It is hereby understood and agreed that this policy
shall be extended to cover against all direct loss and/or damage caused by
the removing of property hereunder insured, from locations or premises
affected by the perils insured hereunder, and also to cover during the terms
of ten (10) days, such property in any other place where it should be
necessary to move the insured property in order to preserve it from the perils
insured hereunder or to maintain if safe from the peril of the occurrence.

RENT CLAUSE Insurance of Rent (if any) applies if (any of) the said building(s)
or any part hereof is unfit for occupation is consequence of any of the perils
hereby Insured and then the amount payable shall not exceed such
proportion of the sum insured on Rent as the necessary period of
unoccupancy bears to the term of Rent insured under the Policy. Rental Value
(1) Rental Value loss sustained by the Insured resulting from the necessary
untenantability caused by loss, damage, or destruction covered herein during
the term of this Policy to real and personal property not excluded by this
Policy, but not exceeding the reduction in rental value less charges and
expenses which do not necessarily continue. (2) "Rental Value" is defined as
the sum of: a. the total anticipated gross rental income from tenant
occupancy of the described property as furnished and equipped by the
Insured; and

b. the amount of all charges which are the legal obligation of the tenant(s)
and which would otherwise be obligations of the Insured; and c. the fair rental
value of any portion of said property which is occupied by the Insured. (3)
Experience of the Business: a. In determining the amount of rental value
covered hereunder for the purposes of ascertaining the amount of loss
sustained, due consideration shall be given to the rental experience before
the date of damage or destruction and to the probable experience thereafter
had no loss occurred to real and personal property not excluded by this
Policy. b. With respect to alterations, additions, and property while in the
course of construction, erection, installation, or assembly, due consideration
shall be given to the available rental experience of the business after
completion of the construction, erection, installation, or assembly.

REPLACEMENT VALUE CLAUSE It is hereby agreed that in the event of the

property Insured being lost destroyed or damaged, the basis upon which the
amount payable under this Policy is to be calculated shall be the cost of
replacing or reinstating the property of the same kind or type but not
superior to or more extensive than the Insured properly when new, subject
also to the terms and conditions of the Policy.


during the Financial Year most nearly concurrent with any period of insurance
as certified by the Insured’s Auditors being less than the SUM INSURED
thereon, a PRO-RATA return of premium not exceeding 50% of the premium
paid on such Sum Insured for such period of insurance will be made in
respect of the difference. If any damage shall have occurred, giving rise to a
claim under this Policy, such return shall be made in respect only of so much
of the said difference as is not due to such damage.

RETURN PREMIUM CLAUSE (1/3 PREMIUM) If the insured declares at the latest
six months after the expiry of any of any policy year that the gross profit
earned during the accounting period of twelve months most nearly
concurrent with any period of Insurance, as certified by the Insured’s
auditors, was less than the sum insured thereon, a pro rata return premium
not exceeding one third of premium paid on such sum insured for period of
insurance shall be made in respect of the difference If any loss destruction or
damage has occurred giving rise to a claim under this policy, such return
shall be made in respect only if so much of said difference as is not due to
such loss destruction or damage (this clause does not apply for EQVET)

SALVAGE AND RECOVERIES CLAUSE All salvages, recoveries, and payment

recovered or received subsequent to a loss settlement under this Policy shall
be applied in proportion to the losses of the parties as if covered or received
prior to the said settlement and the parties shall make all necessary
adjustment hereto.

SALVAGE SALES If following the Damage giving rise to a claim under this
policy the Insured shall hold a salvage sale during the Indemnity Period,
Clause (a) of item 1 of the Specification shall for the purpose of such claim
read as follows: (b) In respect of Reduction in Turnover: The sum produced by
applying the Rate of Gross Profit to the amount by which the Turnover during
the Indemnity Period (less the Turnover for the period of the salvage sale)
shall, in consequence of the Damage, fall short of the Standard Turnover,
from which sum shall be deducted the Gross Profit actually earned during the
period of the salvage sale.


(SUDDEN AND ACCIDENTAL) This Agreement does not cover any liability for:
4)Personal Injury or Bodily Injury or loss of, damage to, or loss of use of
property directly or indirectly caused by seepage, pollution or contamination,
provided always that this paragraph (1) shall not apply to liability for Personal
Injury or loss of or physical damage to or destruction of tangible property, or
loss of use of such property damage or destroyed, where such seepage,
pollution or contamination is caused by a sudden, unintended and
unexpected happening during the period of this insurance. 5)The cost of
removing, nullifying or clean-up seeping, polluting or contaminating
substances unless the seepage, pollution or contamination is caused by
sudden, unintended and unexpected happening during the period of this
Insurance. 6)Fines, penalties, punitive or exemplary damages. This Clause
shall not extend this Agreement to cover any liabilitiy which would not have
been cover under this Agreement had this Clause not been attached.

SELF-COMBUSTION COVERAGE CLAUSE (4.8) Subject to the Warranty

underneath, it is hereby expressly understood and agreed that in
consideration of the payment of an additional premium as arranged, this
policy also covers loss or damage the whole or any part of the property
insured under item…………of the Schedule of the policy caused by self-
combustion or self-heating. Warranted that the goods hereby insured shall be
professionally stored.

SELLING PRICE CLAUSE It is noted and agreed that in respect of goods sold
but not yet delivered for which the Insured is responsible and with regard to
which under the written or printed conditions of sale the Sale Contract is
cancelled by reason of the loss or damage indemnified by this Policy either
wholly or to the extent of the loss or damage, the liability of the Insurer shall
be based on the contract price, and for the purpose of average the value of
all goods, to which this clause would in the event of loss or damage be
applicable shall be ascertained on the same basis.

SERVICE CLAUSE The insurance by this Policy relating to machinery and

equipment extends to include telephone, gas, water and electric instruments,
meters, piping, cabling and the like and accessories thereof including similar
property in adjoining yards or roadways or underground all the property of
the Insured or of suppliers or others for which the Insured are responsible
provided their values are included in the sum insured.

SILENT RISK INSURANCE Warranted that during the currency of this policy the
said factory be silent and that the machinery be not worked, except for the
purpose of keeping it in good order, no material being passed through it and
that no repairs whatever to machinery be carried on and that no material or
goods except spare machinery and/or accessories be stored in the building.

SINGLE DEDUCTIBLE CLAUSE The deductible under this Policy is running in

conjunction with the deductibles under the Policies no(s).…………………. and
that only one deductible in either Policy will respond to a claim or loss (if

SINGLE DEDUCTIBLE CLAUSE The deductible under this Policy is running in

conjunction with the deductibles under the Policies no(s). JKT00-G-0505-
00F0007064, JKT00-G-0505-00F0007051, JKT00-G-0505- 00F0007040, JKT00-
G-0404-01F0006854, JKT00-G-0404-01F0006857, JKT00-G-0404-
01F0006858, JKT00-G-0404-01F00068560 and that only one deductible in
either Policy will respond to a claim or loss (if any).

SMOKE AND VEHICLE IMPACT CLAUSE It is hereby declared and agreed that
the insurance hereunder is extended to cover: 4.11.1VEHICLE IMPACT, which
for the purpose of this Endorsement shall mean: Damage to the property
insured directly resulting from actual physical contact of a vehicle with the
property insured hereunder or with the building containing such property.
Provided that the Insurer shall not be liable for any damage caused: (i) by any
vehicle owned or operated by the Insured or by any tenant of the insured
premises; (ii) to fences, driveways, walkways or lawns; (iii) to any other
vehicle including its contents, other than stock of vehicles in process of
manufacture or for sale. For the purpose of this Endorsement, ”vehicle” shall
mean any vehicle running or land or tracks but not aircraft. It is further
agreed that for each and every loss recoverable hereunder, the Insured shall
bear Rp. 1,000,000.- (one million Rupiah). 4.11.2INDUSTRIAL SMOKE, which
for the purpose of this Endorsement shall mean: Loss or damage to the
property insured resulting from smoke due to a sudden, unusual and faulty
operation of any heating or cooking units connected to a chimney by a smoke
pipe or by a vent pipe, which is in or on the insured premises, excluding,
however, smoke from fireplaces or industrial apparatus.

SMOKE ENDORSEMENT The term "SMOKE" shall mean only smoke due to a
sudden, unusual and faulty operation of any heating or cooking unit, only
when such unit is connected to a chimney by a smoke pipe or by a vent pipe,
and while in or the premises described on this policy, excluding, however,
smoke from fireplaces or industrial apparatus. Deductible (Excess) 1% of the
total sum insured in any risk, any one occurrence or Rp.2.000.000,-
whichever is less. This does not apply to the Impact of vehicles Endorsement
and the Smoke Endorsement.


Policy excludes any Software Loss except: 1.1.Software Loss resulting solely
from direct physical loss of direct physical damage to the equipment,
hardware, media or device on which the programme, computer software or
operating systems, programming instructions, or data are transported,
processed or contained. 1.2.Direct physical loss or direct physical damage to
tangible property by Fire or Explosion that result from a Software Loss. For
the purposes of this endorsement, electronic data, programme(s), computer
software or operating system(s), programming instruction(s) and data are not
tangible property. 2.Software Loss means loss of or damage to any
programme(s), computer software or operating system(s), programming
instruction(s) or data arising out of resulting from any failure, malfunction,
deficiency, deletion, fault, Virus, deletion or corruption or any loss of use,
reduction in functionality, cost expense or liability resulting therefrom.
Software Loss includes, but not limited to, loss or damage resulting from any
authorized or unauthorized access in, of or to any computer, communication
system, file server, networking equipment, computer system, computer
hardware, data processing equipment, computer memory, microchip,
microprocessor (computer chip), integrated circuit or similar device in
computer equipment, any program, computer software or operating systems,
programming instructions or data. 3.Virus means software, data or code that
affects the operation or functionality of any computer, communication
system, file server, networking equipment, computer system, computer
hardware, data processing equipment, computer memory, microchip,
microprocessor (computer chip), integrated circuit or similar device in
computer equipment, program, computer software or operating systems,
programming instructions or data including, but not limited to, any
destructive program, computer code, computer virus, worm, logic bomb,
denial of service attack, smurf attack, vandalism, Trojan Horse or any other
data introduced into any electronic system causing deletion, destruction,
degradation, corruption, malfunction or compromise of or to data, software or
electronic business systems.


understood and agreed that in consideration of the payment of an additional
premium as arranged, this policy also covers loss or damage to any
generator, motor, transformers, and/or any other electrical machine and/or
electrical installation except household appliances insured under item. . . .. of
the Schedule of the Policy caused by short circuit or self heating


understood and agreed that in consideration of the payment of an additional
premium as arranged, the policy also covers any loss or damage to any
generator, motor, transformer, and/or any other electrical machine and/or
electrical installation caused by short circuit and self heating


hereby expressly understood and agreed that in consideration of the
payment of premium as arranged, this policy also covers loss or damaged to
any generator, motor, transformer, and/or any other electrical machine
and/or electrical installation except household appliances insured under the
schedule of the policy caused by short circuit of self heating subject to
maximum limit of IDR. 20,000,000.00any one accident. However, this cover is
inapplicable if the risk is covered under "Machinery Breakdown" or any other
special policy.


understood and agreed that in consideration of the payment of an additional
premium as arranged, the policy also covers any loss or damage to any
generator, motor, transformer, and/or any other electrical machine and/or
electrical installation caused by short circuit and self heating


hereby expressly understood and agreed that in consideration of the
payment of premium as arranged, this policy also covers loss or damaged to
any generator, motor, transformer, and/or any other electrical machine
and/or electrical installation except household appliances insured under the
schedule of the policy caused by short circuit of self heating subject to
maximum limit of IDR. 20,000,000.00any one accident. However, this cover is
inapplicable if the risk is covered under "Machinery Breakdown" or any other
special policy.


hereby expressly understood and agreed that in consideration of the
payment of premium as arranged, this policy also covers loss or damaged to
any generator, motor, transformer, and/or any other electrical machine
and/or electrical installation except household appliances insured under the
schedule of the policy caused by short circuit of self heating subject to
maximum limit of IDR. 20,000,000.00any one accident. However, this cover is
inapplicable if the risk is covered under "Machinery Breakdown" or any other
special policy.


underneath, it is hereby expressly understood and agreed that in
consideration of the payment of an additional premium as arranged, this
policy also covers loss or damage the whole or any part of the property
insured under item. . .. of the Schedule of the policy caused by self-
combustion or self-heating. Warranted that the goods hereby insured shall be
professionally stored

SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION CLAUSE It is hereby agreed and declared that

this insurance covers loss of or damage to the insured property caused by its
own spontaneous combustion, notwithstanding anything stated to the
contrary on the printed conditions of the policy.

SPRINKLER LEAKAGE CLAUSE It is hereby agreed and declared that the

insurance under the Policy shall extend to cover loss or damage to the
property insured caused by water accidentally discharged or leaking from the
Automatic Sprinkler Installation subject to First Loss sum insured (subject to a
maximum limit as stated in the policy schedule) any one location and further
subject to all the usual conditions of the Policy and the following special
conditions : 1.The liability of Insurer shall in no case under this endorsement
and the Policy exceed the sum insured by each item of the Policy. 2.It is
expressly stipulated and made a condition thereof that the insured shall
maintain the function of alarm or watchman service insofar as it is under his
control or supervision. 3.Further provided that such discharge or leakage of
water shall not be occasioned by or happen through: a.Repairs or alterations
to the buildings or premises. b.The automatic sprinkler installation being
either repaired, removed or extended. c.The order of the Government or of
any d.municipal local or other competent Authority. e.Explosion, the blowing
– up of buildings or blasting. f.Defects in construction or condition of which
the Insured is aware. g.Condensationordepositson the Automatic Sprinkler
Installation. Additional premium for this extension is 5%o of the first loss

STOCK DECLARATION CLAUSE 10. In consideration of the premium by this

Policy being provisional in that it is calculated on 75% of the sum insured
hereby and is subject to adjustment on expiry of each period of insurance: -
The insured agrees to declare to the Insurer in writing the value of his stocks
(other than retail), less any amount insured by Policies other than declaration
policies, on the following basis namely the average of the values at risk
during the month and to make such declaration within thirty days of the last
day of the calendar month, such declaration to be signed by the Insured or by
a responsible person authorized to sign on his behalf. - If other policies on a
declaration basis cover the stocks hereby insured the declaration shall be
made so as to apportion to each policy a share of the value of the stocks
insured under such declaration policies, pro rata to the respective amounts
named in the policies. - In the event of a declaration not being made within
the 30 days mentioned above then the Insured shall be deemed to have
declared the sum hereby as the value at risk. - On the expiry of each period
of insurance the premium shall be calculated at the rate quoted on the
average sum insured, namely the total of the values declared or deemed to
have been declared divided by the number of declarations due to have been
made. If the resultant premium be greater than the provisional premium the
Insured shall pay the difference, if it be less the difference shall be repaid to
the Insured but such repayment shall not exceed one third of the provisional

11. The basis of value for declarations shall be the market value and any loss
hereunder shall be settled on the basis of the market value immediately
anterior to the loss. 12. If at the time of any loss, there be any other
subsisting insurance of insurance on other than a declaration basis, whether
effected by the Insured or by any other person or persons, covering the
stocks hereby insured, this Policy shall apply only to the excess of the value
of such stocks at the time of loss over the sum insured by such insurance or
insurances, and this Insurer shall not be liable to contribute more than that
proportion of such loss which such excess (or, if there be other declaration
insurances covering the same stocks, a rateable proportion of such excess),
but not exceeding the sum insured hereby, bears to the total value of the
stocks. 13. If after the occurrence of a loss it is found that the amount of the
last declaration previous to the loss is less than the amount that ought to
have been declared, then the amount which would have been recoverable by
the Insured shall be reduced in such proportion to the amount of the said last
declaration bears to the amount that ought to have been declared.
14.Notwithstanding the occurrence of a loss it is understood that the sum
insured will be maintained at all times during the currency of the Policy and
the Insured therefore undertakes to pay extra premium on the amount of any
loss pro rata from the date of such loss to the expiry of the period of
insurance, the premium being calculated at the rate applicable to the stock
destroyed and such extra premium shall not be taken into account in, and
shall be distinct from, the final adjustment of premium. 15. In the event of
this Policy being cancelled by the Insured during its currency (whether stocks
exist or not) the premium to be retained by the Insurer shall be the
appropriate short period premium calculated on the average amount insured
up to the date of the cancelment, or 50% of the provisional premium
whichever is the greater but if the Policy is cancelled by the Insured after a
loss has occurred the premium to be retained by the Insurer shall be the pro
rata proportion of the premium calculated on the average amount insured on
the date of cancelment plus the pro rata proportion if the premium from the
date of loss to the expiry of the period of insurance on the amount of the loss
paid, or 50% of the provisional premium whichever is the greater. 16.The
maximum liability of the Insurer shall not exceed the sum insured hereby and
premium shall not be receivable on values insured thereof. The sum insured
may, however, be increased by prior agreement with the Insurer in which
event the new sum insured and the date from which it is effective will be
recorded on the Policy by endorsement. 17. If the stocks hereby insured shall
at the time of loss be collectively of greater value than the sum insured
thereon, then the Insured shall be considered as being his own insurer for the
difference and shall bear a rateable proportion of the loss accordingly. Every
time, if more than one Sum Insured exist on stocks (other than retail) it shall
be separately subject to this condition. 18. It is warranted that every other
Policy on a declaration basis covering the stocks insured hereby shall be
identical in wording with this Policy. This insurance is subject in all respect to
the printed conditions of the Policy except in so far as they may be varied by
these special.
STRUCTURAL ALTERATION CLAUSE Subject to article III of the within policy, it
is hereby understood that structural alteration and extension of the buildings
mentioned in this is allowed, as are the erection of new buildings, installation,
reinstallation, replacement of machines, tools, implements, piping or other
installations required for the process carried on, parts of installation and
objects as well as to move all these within the premises In case of removal or
demolition of an insured object this insurance will cover the new items
substituting the removed or demolished objects up to the original amount


anything contained to the contrary in Section II of this Policy, its is noted and
agreed that the indemnity granted under section II of this Policy is extended
to include liability in respect of damage to property, land or buildings caused
by vibration or by the removal or weakening of support. Provided that : 1.
Indemnity upon discovery of damage to the third party property caused by
vibration or by the removal or weakening of support due or alleged to be due
to any operations of the Insured shall suspend operations, carry out repairs
and install additional supports to the damaged property if the Insured shall
fail to comply with this special provision the Insurers shall be under no
liability for any claims in respect of the damaged property. 2. The Insurers
shall not be liable for : a. Claims in respect of damage to buildings under
demolition or declared by the public Works Department to be dangerous b.
Any expenses incurred in taking safety measures to prevent damage to Third
Party Property. c. Claims in respect of loss or damage to buildings or other
structures caused by cracking or otherwise unless the stability of the
buildings or structure or the safety of its users is impaired. d. The first US$.
7,500,000.00 or 10% of the loss in respect of each and every claim for loss of
or damage to Third Party Property due to vibrations or weakening or removal
of support. Whichever is the greater. Subject otherwise to the terms,
exceptions and conditions of this policy.

SUBSIDIARY COMPANY CLAUSE Where the term “Subsidiary Companies” is

used herein, it shall be deemed to include any company or its subsidiary
which may be formed, purchased or acquired by the insured during the
period of insurance.

SUE AND LABOUR CLAUSE In case of actual loss, it shall be lawful and
necessary for the Insured, his or her factors, servants and assigns, to sue,
labour and travel for, in and about the defence, safeguard and recovery of
the property covered hereunder and part thereof without prejudice to this
insurance, nor shall the acts of the insured or the company in recovering,
saving and preserving the property covered in case of loss be considered a
waiver or an acceptance of abandonment.The expenses so incurred shall be
borne by the insured and the company proportionately to the extent of their
respective interests.


noted and agreed that interruption of or interference with the business in
consequence of an accident (as otherwise herein defined) at the premises of
the Insured’s suppliers and/or customers shall also be deemed to be loss
resulting from damage to property insured at the insured’s own premises
provided that the liability hereunder subject to the terms and conditions of
the policy (the list of suppliers and customers as per attached)


policy is expected to cover loss as insured by this policy resulting from
interruption and/or interference with the Insured Business in consequence of
destruction or damage caused by contingency insured hereunder to the
property of the insured’s suppliers and customers

SUPPLIERS/CUSTOMERS PREMISES Subject to the terms, conditions and

exclusions of the certificate, loss resulting from interruption of or interference
with the Business in consequence of Damage: a. property of suppliers,
manufactures or processors of components, goods, materials, suppliers of
service or other facilities and their suppliers b. property of customers c.
property whilst in transit by road, rail or inland waterway, anywhere in the
World due to the insured Events insured by the Specification shall be deemed
to be loss resulting for Damage to property of the Insured.

TEMPORARY REMOVAL CLAUSE It is hereby agreed that the property insured

by this policy (other than any stock in trade or merchandise) is covered in
respect of the perils hereby insured against whilst temporarily removed for
cleaning, renovation, repair or other similar purposes, elsewhere on the same
premises or any other premises in the republic of Indonesia and in transit
thereto and therefrom by road, rail or inland waterway. Provided always that :
1. The amount recoverable under this extension in respect of each item of
this policy shall not exceed the amount which would have been recoverable
had the loss occurred in that part of the premises from which the property is
temporarily removed nor, in respect of any loss occurring elsewhere than at
the said premises, 10% of the sum insured by this policy after deducting
therefrom the value of any building (exclusive of fixtures and fittings), stock
in trade or merchandise hereby insured. 2. This extension does not apply to
property if and so far as it is otherwise insured. 3. As regards losses occurring
elsewhere than at the premises from which the property is temporarily
removed this extension does not apply to : A. Motor vehicles and motor
chassis licensed for normal road use, B. Property held by the insured in trust,
other than machinery and plant This clause is subject otherwise to all the
terms and conditions of the policy to which it is attached

TEMPORARY REMOVAL CLAUSE It is hereby agreed that the property insured

by this policy (other than any stock in trade or merchandise) is covered in
respect of the perils hereby insured against whilst temporarily removed for
cleaning, renovation, repair or other similar purposes, elsewhere on the same
premises or any other premises in the republic of Indonesia and in transit
thereto and therefrom by road, rail or inland waterway. Provided always that

1. The amount recoverable under this extension in respect of each item of

this policy shall not exceed the amount which would have been recoverable
had the loss occurred in that part of the premises from which the property is
temporarily removed nor, in respect of any loss occurring elsewhere than at
the said premises, 10% of the sum insured by this policy after deducting
therefrom the value of any building (exclusive of fixtures and fittings), stock
in trade or merchandise hereby insured. 2. This extension does not apply to
property if and so far as it is otherwise insured. 3. As regards losses occurring
elsewhere than at the premises from which the property is temporarily
removed this extension does not apply to : A. Motor vehicles and motor
chassis licensed for normal road use, B. Property held by the insured in trust,
other than machinery and plant This clause is subject otherwise to all the
terms and conditions of the policy to which it is attached

TENANTS IMPROVEMENTS CLAUSE The insurance by this Policy extends to

include tenants improvements and alteration to Landlord’s property insofar
as the Insured is responsible therefore.

TENANTS LIABILITY CLAUSE It is hereby understood and agreed that property

in the charge of or under the control of the Insured or any servant of the
Insured shall be deemed not to include Premises (including Fixtures and
Fittings) leased or rented to the Insured including residence occupied by
expatriates. Subject otherwise to the Terms Exceptions and Conditions of this

THEFT ENDORSEMENT It is hereby noted and agreed that in consideration of

the Insured having paid an additional premium, this policy is extended to
cover loss and or damage to the insured property caused by Theft without
any visible violent or forcible entry to the insured premises, provided always
that : a.This endorsement shall be deemed to exclude property stored in the
open air. b.This endorsement does not cover: ∗ loss and/or damage whilst
the building containing the property Insured hereby is totally unoccupied for
5 (five) consecutive days. ∗ loss and/or damage to the insured property
unlessthe Insured can prove that Theft has occurred. ∗the first
IDR.2,500,000.00 for any claim. ∗ Theft by the person under control, care
and custody of the Insured This clause is subject otherwise to all the terms
and conditions of the policy.

THEFT INCLUSION CLAUSE It is hereby declared and agreed that

notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary this policy is
extended to cover theft of insured property during a fire or other peril
covered under the terms of this policy, but this extension does not cover
theft by employees.


agreed that any loss or damage to the Insured Property arising during any
one period of seventy two (72) consecutive hours, caused by earthquake,
volcanic eruption and tsunami shall be deemed as a single event and
therefore to constitute one occurrence with regard to the Deductible provided
herein. For the purposes of the foregoing the commencement of any such
seventy two (72) hour period shall be decided at discretion of the Insured it
being understood and agreed, however, that there shall be no overlapping in
any two or more such seventy two (72) hour periods in the event of damage
occurring over a more extended period of time.


transmission and distribution lines, including wires, cables, poles, pylons,
standards, towers and any equipment of any type which may be attendant to
such installations, including substations of any description. This exclusion
includes but is not limited to transmission or distribution of electrical power,
telephone or telegraph signals, and all communication signals whether audio
or visual. This exclusion applies to above and bellow ground equipment which
are more than 300 meters (or 1000 feet) from an insured structure. This
exclusion applies both to physical loss or damage to the equipment and all
business interruption, consequential loss, and/or other contingent losses
related to transmission and distribution lines.

TURNOVER ELSEWHERE AFTER DAMAGE If during the Indemnity Period goods

shall be sold or services shall be rendered elsewhere than at the Premises for
the benefit of the Business either by the Insured or by the others on the
Insured's behalf, the money paid or payable in respect of such sales or
services shall be brought into account in arriving at the Turnover during the
Indemnity Period.

TURNOVER/OUTPUT ALTERNATIVE At the option of the Insured the term

'Output' may be substituted for the term 'Turnover' and, for the purpose of
this Policy, 'Output' shall mean the sale and/or invoice value of goods
manufactured and/or processed by the Insured in course of the Business at
the Premises. Provided that only one such meaning shall be operative in
connection with any one event involving Damage. If the meaning set out
above be used, the memorandum 'Turnover Elsewhere After Damage' shall
be altered to read as follows: "if during the Indemnity Period goods shall be
manufactured and/or processed other than at the Premises for the benefit of
the Business either by the Insured or by others on the Insured's behalf the
sale and/or invoice value of the goods so manufactured and/or processed
shall be brought into account in arriving at the Output during the Indemnity

UNDAMAGED GOOD CLAUSE The Policy extends to include any loss incurred
less the amount of any salvage monies obtained in respect of undamaged
stock and/or materials in trade becoming unusable for any reason
whatsoever resulting solely from an occurrence of loss or damage insured by
this Policy.

UNINSURED STANDING CHARGES If any standing charges of the business be

not Insured by this policy (having been deducted in arriving at the gross
profit as defined herein) the in computing the amount recoverable hereunder
as increase in cost of working, that proportion only of any additional
expenditure shall be brought into account which the gross profit bears to the
sum of the gross profit and uninsured standing charges.

UPWARD ADJUSTMENT CLAUSE (10%) In the event of the Gross Revenue

earned during any annual period of insurance (or during the accounting
period of 12 months more nearly concurrent with any period of insurance) as
certified by the Insured’s Auditors being greater than Sum Insured thereon,
the Insured will be held covered to the extent of 10% of the Sum Insured
thereof and pro-rata additional premium not exceeding 10% of the premium
paid on such Sum Insured for such period of Insurance will be charged in
respect of the difference

VALUATION CLAUSE ‘A’ In the case of damage, each amount mentioned for
the buildings, machinery and tools will be accepted by us to represent
separately the actual value of the respective covered risks, immediately
before the fire, as if, in accordance with article 275 of the commercial code, a
valuation had taken place.

VEHICLE LOAD CLAUSE In the event of the Insured’s Property being left
loaded in vehicles or freight containers overnight while in, on or about the
premises hereby insured the Insurer will indemnify the Insured for the loss of
or damage to such Property caused by fire or any other peril insured hereby,
providing always that the Insurer’s Liability shall not exceed the sum insured
of such Property under the Policy.

VEHICLE/CONTAINER LOAD CLAUSE In the event of any of the Insured’s

vehicles/and/or containers being left loaded overnight whilst in and/or on the
premises described in the specification hereto the Company will indemnify
the Insured in respect of such load in the event of loss or damage by any of
the perils insured against by this Policy.

WAIVER OF SUBROGATION Subrogation right of the Insurers against

Companies where the Insured have interest in or Companies having an
interest in the Insured is hereby waived by the Insurers.


under this policy shall at the request and at the expenses of the underwriters
do and concur in doing and permit to be done all such acts and things as may
be necessary or reasonably required by underwriters for the purpose of
endorsing any rights and remedies or of things shall be or become necessary
or required before or after indemnification by the company.The rights of
subrogation against associated, affiliated and/or individual connected
therewith is hereby waived.


Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary within this insurance or any
endorsement thereto it is agreed that this insurance excludes loss, damage,
cost or expense of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by,
resulting from or in connection with any act of terrorism regardless of any
other cause or event contributing concurrently or in any other sequence to
the loss. For the purpose of this endorsement an act of terrorism means an
act, including but not limited to the use of force or violence and/or the threat
thereof, of any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on
behalf of or in connection with any organization(s) or government(s),
committed for political, religious, ideological or similar purposes including the
intention to influence any government and/or to put the public, or any section
of the public, in fear. This endorsement also excludes loss, damage, cost or
expense of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from
or in connection with any action taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing
or in any way relating to any act of terrorism. If the Underwriters allege that
by reason of this exclusion, any loss, damage, cost or expense is not covered
by this insurance the burden of proving the contrary shall be upon the
Assured. In the event any portion of this endorsement is found to be invalid
or unenforceable, the remainder shall remain in full force and effect.
08/10/2001 NMA2920

WAR AND CIVIL WAR EXCLUSION CLAUSE This agreement does not cover any
liability assumed by the Insured for loss or damage directly or indirectly
occasioned by happening through or in consequence of war, invasion, acts of
foreign enemies, hostilities or war-like operations (whether war be declared
or not), civil war, mutiny, civil commotion assuming the proportions of or
amounting to popular rising, military rising, insurrection, rebellion, revolusion,
military or usurped power, martial law, confiscation or nationalization or
requisition or destruction of or damage to property by or under the order of
any Government or public or local authotiy.


of nullity of this Policy that during its currency, storage in the premises of the
following materials is permitted only up to the limit quantities stated below,
namely : i) Paints (limit 600 liters) ii) Mineral oil or other liquid giving off
flammable vapor with flash-point not less than 930 C (2000 F) (limit 400
liters) iii) Kerosene oil or other liquids giving off flammable vapor with flash-
point not less than 380 C (1000 F) (limit 1.200 liters) iv) Petrol or other liquids
giving off flammable vapor with flash-point below 380 C (1000 F) (limit 30
liters) v) Matches (limit 30 kg or 4 cases or cartons whichever is higher) vi)
Fire cracker (limit 30 kg or 4 cases or cartons whichever is higher)


of nullity of this Policy that during its currency, storage in the premises of the
following materials is permitted only up to the limit of quantities stated
below, namely: i.)Paints (No limit) ii.)Mineral oil or other liquids giving off
flammable vapor with flash-pointnot less than 930 C (2000 F) (No limit)
iii.)Kerosene oil or other liquids giving off flammable vapor with flash-point
not less than 380 C (1000 F) (1.800 liters or 400 gallons) iv.)Benzene, petrol
or other liquids giving off flammable vapor with flash-point below 380 C (1000
F) (900 liters or 200 gallons) v.)Matches (30 kg or 4 cases or cartons
whichever is higher)


of nullity of this Policy that during its currency, the storage of goods and the
quantity of the goods stored in or upon the within mentioned premises are in
compliance with the Regulations and Laws of the Republic of Indonesia.

WORKMENS CLAUSE Workmen are allowed in and about any of the described
premises for the purpose or making new erections or alteration, repair,
decoration, plant installation, general maintenance and the like without
prejudice to the terms and conditions of the Policy.

Y2K ABSOLUTE EXCLUSION CLAUSE (Property and Business Interruption) " We

will not pay for loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by any failure,
malfunction or inadequacy of computer operating systems or networks,
computer hard and software, microprocessors, integrated circuits or any
other computerized or electronic equipment or components arising out of Y2K
events or other change of dates (e.g. Sept. 09th, 1999). However, resulting
direct physical damage to insured property or business interruption damage
following this direct physical damage, will be insured if not otherwise
excluded by this policy."

Y2K PARTIAL EXCLUSION CLAUSE (Property and Business Interruption) " We

will not pay for loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by any failure,
malfunction or inadequacy of computer operating systems or networks,
computer hard and software, microprocessors, integrated circuits or any
other computerized or electronic equipment or components arising out of Y2K
events or other change of dates (e.g. Sept. 09th, 1999). However, resulting
direct physical damage to insured property or business interruption damage
following this direct physical damage, will be insured if not otherwise
excluded by this policy."

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