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We need to fail to succed

Muhammad Akhdan Rafif Falah


Class : Public Speaking (KG UMY 2018)

Everyone has a goal. They want to reach the targets in their lives so that they can benefit others
and can provide happiness for themselves or others

But to be successful is not that easy. Many people assume that success is when someone
succeeded in getting money or a high position. But can it be called success if someone succeeds in
getting rich but has an unhappy family? And can it be called success if you have a happy family but their
financial condition is bad?

For me, Success is relative. Success is when a person reaches a point that he thinks is difficult
and impossible for him to reach. And success is not the final goal by justifying any means to achieve it,
but as a process that must be carried out step by step with effort and prayer.

Before we can achieve success in our lives, we must recognize a failure. Success cannot be
achieved without a failure, this is absolute. There will never be a successful person in the world who has
never experienced a slightest failure. Then why do we need to fail to succeed?

So to get success we must fail first, because of the failure we can introspect ourselves and when
we know why we failed, we can find out our weaknesses. That way we can fix it and achieve the desired

According to
must-gagal-dulu-kalau-cuma-ingin-succes , that to achieve success we don't need to fail. Because we
only need to study other people's failures and don't need to imitate their failures. And certainly it will be
more effective and optimal if in achieving success we already know the tips and tricks. But in my opinion
it is not true because everyone's failure is different and everyone's success cannot be equal. Everyone
has their own success story. Someone who is financially capable will have a different storyline than
someone who is financially less able. The failure that approached them was certainly different.

We must fail to succeed. Failure is needed in the struggle to achieve success. Because if we
experience failure then we will know who our true friends are. Many things happen when failure comes
over to someone, that is, they are shunned by their friends. And his friends feel they don't trust him
anymore. Though that's where the rope of friendship is tested. Then failure is needed so we can find out
who our real friends really are. Although loyalty in friendship can be seen from another perspective,
nothing is more important than always being there when we fail. Because that's where someone will
choose to suffer together with his friends or leave him so as not to suffer. A good friend is one who
always gives encouragement when we fail

Everyone wants success not failure, but what often happens is if expectations do not match
reality. When that happens, that's when you have to accept the reality. Whatever happens you must
learn to accept life. Because there must be many other failures that will come your way.

If you want to achieve success, start off by making your bed. If you make your bed every
morning you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of a pride, And
it will encourgae you to do another tasks.

Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that little things in life are important. If you can't do
the little things right, you will never be able to do the big things right. Then why do we need to fail to
succeed? because that's the way.

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