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Reflection Paper on “Master Plan of Evangelism”

Cinco, Clarissa Mae Palo

The world today is full of different beliefs and religions, but as I have observed, the main goal
of each is to find God. They are looking for a relationship with God, but they do not know how. Today
there is a gathering of individuals who spread their comprehension in the holy book or sharing their
convictions, which we call evangelism. The fact that people worship idols or believe in false teaching
does not need observation as it is obvious that people are craving for the truth. In Matthew 28:18-20,
Jesus Christ's great commission is to go and make disciples and teach them what was taught by Jesus in
the bible. The Master Plan of Evangelism focuses on the principles of Christ Jesus’ evangelization of
whole nations. The book helps us understand how he managed his ministry while he was alive. To
follow his teachings and principles is the success of the purpose of the disciples. No one will know
better how to spread the good news but Jesus himself. The author cites eight principles used by Jesus,
but below I will focus on two principles that I think are highly imitable for a fast and effective way to
evangelize the whole nation in this generation. 
One of Christ’s highly effective principles is his selection of leaders. At the start of his ministry,
he chose 12 disciples whom he called apostles. The apostles were not the ones you would usually
expect to be trained by Jesus to become leaders for they had the least in qualifications. But the most
important reason why Jesus chose them was their heart to follow him and to obey God. Their
teachability was what made them special and good followers. This method of Jesus helped me
understand the power of starting with a few rather than a multitude. Through focusing on the few: the
message remains clear, the foundation is built on Jesus, and the few become highly effective in
spreading the good news. In today’s time, this is much needed for unity and successful discipleship.
Through hearing the message directly from Jesus, the disciples’ wisdom and learnings are solidified.
Jesus did not just let them know but also taught them how to do it. By this principle, Jesus was able to
work effectively with them, passing the real truth of his purpose in the world.  
Christ also used his own life to demonstrate to the apostles how discipleship must be done. In
John 13:15, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” Jesus set an
example for them to imitate the exact thing he did. That through this there would be unity and one
foundation. By walking with the master, the apostles became part of Jesus’ life, seeing and learning
what to do. The most amazing part here is the apostles were not told by Jesus to do the same thing he
did; it was of their own accord to imitate Christ as they were humble and had the heart to learn and
serve the people. The heart of Jesus was passed on to the disciples as they saw his good example. A
true leader trains leaders. You can say you are effective if the people under your leadership are like you
in work and heart. They follow you because of respect and not of fear. There would be no need to order
around for there is unity and synchronization. In John 15:15 it says, “I no longer call you servants
because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for
everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.” Jesus saw his disciples as friends
for they had followed him. 
To evangelize the world, we must imitate Jesus as to how he was able to powerfully evangelize
his generation than anyone could. As Jesus gave us a great example throughout his life, we would be
able to evangelize the whole nation. I have decided to imitate Jesus' way of investing and starting with
the few. I will do my best to imitate Jesus' method for evangelizing the world. First is to start in my
bible talk, especially women I lead. As I start the few and as I imitate Christ in the bible, they will also
see that personal example. To walk with my disciples in their relationship with God, having a
consistent prayer time 5 am and 6 am quiet time. Involving them in my walk with God as I involve
mine to theirs. To God be the glory!

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