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Tas 3 – Variables for Designing an ESP course

Jhon Anderson Ruiz Leon – 1083 912 939

Silvia Victoria Vargas - 1.083.908.527
Edwin Alexander Martinez –
Isan Jaimet Hermida –
Claudia Yaneth López – 1084257393

Course code: 551038_12

Presented to: Clara Esperanza Bilbao Cortés

National Open and Distance UNAD University

CCAV – Pitalito
Bachelor`s Degree in English as a Foreign Language
April 5th of 2020
Task 1. Write a paper (essays) on needs
analysis and the components of an ESP course

Jhon Anderson Ruiz León

Scenario Analysis E

Within the different ways to teach English are presented various scenarios where the

teacher needs to implement some strategies, methods in every situation with students who

have many needs at the time to learn English. In fact, speaking in English for Specific

Purposes (ESP) is different. In this essay It is going to analyze certain important aspects

such as: steps, variables, methods and resources; precisely in order to sort out this

situation. Then It is shown the Scenario E with its respective description.

E. A flight attendant is hiring you because she has a month to take an English exam

by means of which she may be promoted to a better position at the airline she works for.

She has a B1 level of English and manages a good range of vocabulary. She speaks with

some fluency but needs to prepare for the writing, language use and reading parts of the


We certainly have a very common case regarding people who work as stewardesses

on airplanes and different public transports. In this case there is a stewardess who has a

certain need in the English language considering that she wants to be in a better position at

her job. Therefore, in order to achieve the objective, we must follow the following steps: a)

Identify the needs of the objective; Collect target information; c) Analyze the information

and d) Design a study plan. Where a) The stewardess's need is to be able to deepen her
writing, speaking and reading

comprehension skills, in order to be able to take the exam; John Munby (1978) describes it

as a Communicative Study Plan. B) To collect the information, we will use an Interview

where the following questions will be presented: a) What are the learning strategies that

you have used in your training process? B) What is the purpose of deepening the

following skills: writing and speaking? C) In what environments or contexts will you use

the language? According to this information, the objectives, strategies and skills to be

developed are already known. C) Based on the previous information taken, the information

will be analyzed, using the following questions: What is your academic training? What

types of techniques are not favorable in your process and which are not? What time

intensity do you prefer for this training? Finally, what is the learning environment where

you feel comfortable studying? Considering as a basis, the James B. Herbolich kite box

project (1979). With first steps we will be able to understand from a more general

framework the situation of the stewardess, her objectives, learning strategies, expectations

regarding the course; to be able to plan in the best way the curricular mesh by units.

Thanks to the stewardess's previous knowledge, which is precisely a B1 level in

English, more practical and flexible methods can be used, using certain resources. I would

like to mention them as 2 aspects, such as: 1) Communicative Method, allows me to

develop in the student the listening ability and at the same time comprehensive. Using

resources such as: Dialogue, dramatization of some games. 2) Exegetical Communication

Method, consists of the commented reading of texts related to the

matter under study. It is very interesting

since it looks for topics of interest and through it it deepens in grammar and reading

comprehension. Using resources such as: Dictations, written exercises, stories on topics of

interest, text translation and reading. As a third aspect. The activities to be developed in

each method are more effective if they are used in 90% using ICTs (Information and

Communication Technologies). On the other hand, since the training time is only 1 month,

the hourly intensity should be 5 hours per week, 1 hour per day.

Finally, cases like this are always presented, and in these situations is where the

ESP is applied to form a specific plan for teaching English, with direct, effective structures

and that clearly if carried out taking into account each step, it will be possible to have a

very good result. The stewardess will develop not only the writing and reading skills that

are precisely the ones requested, but also the communication skills that, although she is not

the requested skills, will be developed in the process.

Silvia Victoria Vargas

Scenario analysis C

Nowadays , many educational institutions are only based on teaching in a traditional

way to fulfill the standard of teaching-learning model making fulfill the objectives posed in

its curriculum, but many times without taking into account the real learning needs of their

students; As every student aspires to learn according to their prior knowledge ; the method
of teaching which they like to strengthen the

shortcomings of learning that are motivating frequently ,that they teach in a playful themes

to encourage class participation among others. In addition to the teacher becomes the

companion that generates confidence to ask concerns and not the authoritarian professor

that generates fear and doubt their learning capacity.

Therefore knowing that there are many learning needs in different contexts as the

teaching of English in other subjects for this reason we will analyze the following scenario:

C. Two parents are planning to live abroad with their two children in one years, and

they are looking for an English Tutor who can help their son and daughter of 12 years old

to have a smoother transition to a science class. These two children have gone to a bilingual

school for 2 years, but for some reason the science teacher talked more in Spanish than in

English during his class, and for this reason the children were not familiarized with enough

English vocabulary on science topics. Their parents want their children to learn and master

the science vocabulary used for 6th and 7th grade. The children are pretty good at learning

English, but do not understand the specific vocabulary quite well.

According to the above scenario we can deduce that the teacher must first identify

what are the strengths and weaknesses of children making them a diagnostic evaluation as

the document in English for specific purposes 6- need analysis where specifies that it is

necessary to know what the student already knows so that you can decide which lacks and

needs in this way to build a support plan in learning the vocabulary unknown in science; it

is also important that parents of children who seek a right teacher so that they can provide a
significant learning in its shortcomings

which have qualities such as : experience in pedagogy in the use of technology; as children

learn more in a novel way and fun.

It should be noted that these children were two years in a bilingual school the

teacher then must identify which both know in order to design materials and methodologies

to strengthen the vocabulary of science that children need. Secondly, the teacher must

speak with the science teacher for collecting data about that topic is going to teach for

himself to teach him his two students; as if they are taught different vocabulary to which

they are going to need in their science classes the children are going to confuse and not be

able to improve the vocabulary they really need. On the other hand the teacher must

perform a framework of analysis of the situation objective how raises the document English

for specific purposes 6- need analysis must solve some specific questions such as:

 ¿Why is the language need? In this case, children need to study

 ¿How will the language be used? The teacher is going to prepare to acquire the four

English language skills focusing on the vocabulary of science

 ¿What will the content areas be? We already know are the sciences

 ¿Who will the learner use the language with? The children used it with his

professor of science and its partner

 ¿Where will the language be used? The children will use it in the classroom with

professor of sciences and their peers.

In the third place already having

clarity on the framework of analysis of the situation the teacher must inquire more about his

two students answering questions about

the learning needs raised in document English for specific purpose 6-need analysis; ¿what

do you think students who achieved? ¿ How do the learners learn? What methodology will

appeal to them? ¿Who are the learners? What sort of techniques are likely to bore/alienate


Already having answer to these questions the teacher can begin to design

methodologies, according to the variables of the situation that are age: 12 years, in the

country that are going to be living abroad, sixth and seventh grade, time: two years have

studied in the bilingual school, it should note that the children are pretty good at learning

English, but do not understand the specific vocabulary quite well. The teacher will all the

information can to know what methodology is most suitable for them which likewise is

going to motivate to continue studying vocabulary of science. From my perspective I think

that the teacher must use teaching methods making use of technology so the children are

going to be more easier to familiarize with the vocabulary of science, obtaining a

significant learning and playful.

Fourthly according to resources or materials I would think that the teacher should

implement in each of the classes lessons to support children taking into account their age

and the degree; that is to say that these activities are focused on their ages and grades and

therefore the vocabulary they need in their science classes as making use of videos, didactic
readings, games and interactive activities

encouraging children to discover their capabilities and are able to participate, understand in

their science classes a significant vocabulary English vocabulary in the field of science;

there are many ICT tools for the classroom science that will help to enhance the skills at the

time of acquiring new knowledge.

Finally achieve that teachers of institutions change their teaching methodologies in

identifying the real needs of learning in students are going to be able to ensure that their

students improve their academic level, strengthening their skills during the learning a

foreign language where they leave well prepared and able to respond to different

circumstances ; since it acquired a significant learning in vocabulary based on subjects such

as science, as English we are going to use in different contexts of reality.

Edwin Martinez


In this document, the particular case or scenario is analyzed in order to define an

adequate use of teaching methods to apply according to factors such as needs, desires,

objectives and motivations that the learner has to achieve his specific purpose in learning



Analyzing the components (steps, variables, methods and resources)

Scenario analysis
A doctor is hiring you to prepare him

for a job interview that he will have in 3 months, for a new position. He has a B2 English

level and a good range of vocabulary related with his profession, but he lacks fluency and

confidence to speak because he has not found anyone to practice with, therefore he decides

to hire you to prepare him for this specific purpose. He would like to reinforce his speaking

and listening skills.

According to the author’s ideas the analysis of the needs of the target situation is

essentially a question of asking questions about the target situation and the attitudes

towards that situation of the various participants in the learning process. Hutchinson, T., &

Waters, A. (1987); that is why in the case of the doctor who wants to improve their level of

English it is clear that the analysis answers the questions of how the language will be used

and why it is necessary to improve weaknesses such as fluency and confidence when giving

an interview or conference related to knowledge in the area of medicine that he already has.

The question of needs analysis regarding the establishment and development of a

program within the curriculum of a language class has been specifically studied. Munby

(1978) argues that a good analysis of constant needs in two parts: the needs focused on the

objective, that is, in the specific situations in which the student is going to use the language

they are going to learn, and on the other hand, student-centered needs is that is, the

knowledge and lacks that the student possesses when the course begins. In doctor´s case his

lack of fluency in the ability to speak in the English language is known, and their need to

improve in this aspect is also known, which can focus the teaching method through

linguistic interaction orally and exchange of ideas.

According to the analysis of Doctor´s

needs, lacks and his objective the teacher have to take interactive tools based on

audiolingual, or suggestopedia method taking into account that the objectives of

Suggestopedia are to deliver advanced conversational proficiency quickly. It bases its

learning claims on student mastery of prodigious lists of vocabulary pairs and, indeed,

suggests to the students that it is appropriate that they set such goals for themselves.

Lozanov emphasizes, however, that increased memory power is

not an isolated skill but is a result of “positive, comprehensive stimulation of personality”

(Lozanov 1978: 253).

Finally knowing that the doctor's motivation is focused on achieving a new position

in their employment, they can channel these efforts into activating their confidence to

express in the English language with the help of the using of elements such as technologies

chat, web conferences, recordings, videos, images and presentations to allow the learner

achieve an optimal level, the teacher can guide the learner to his objective.


In order to properly design an ESP course, it is necessary to focus on the learner, get

to know him and give him the necessary tools to achieve his learning objectives in his

specific area.

Isan Jaimet Hermida

Scenario Analysis
Teaching ESP, which aims to meet

the needs of particular learners, so and to design a course, is fundamentally a matter of

asking questions in order to provide a reasoned basis for the subsequent processes of

syllabus design, materials writing, teaching and evaluation. I think that it's relevant the

approach with their know how to do and its know how to be, besides allow the knowledge

transfer from the perspective of the methodology, didactic, behaviorist, but always with the

certainty to starting from the needs, in this case we have a

university student from an English Bachelor program in Colombia wishes to hire an

English teacher to prepare her for a language test. In the context this student already has an

English level of B1 and is highly motivated to graduate as soon as possible, but she lacks

the ability in the receptive skills of listening and reading comprehension. Therefore, she

wants the tutor to help her prepare on these two areas for the exam to achieve at least a B2

level. She has a language according to the context, with a sequentially in: Listen, speak,

read and write, she must have motivated spaces to practice and improve the capacities and

abilities, it also shows a series of variables that are useful for teaching English learning.

First of all, she needs to graduate, but lacks the capacity of the receptive skills

¡Lack of listening and reading comprehension! In this case the student should be clear that

all process carries some requirements to can comply the goals; the student must commit and

motivate to obtain the level B2 that she wishes for your bachelor in English.
The teacher in this context has a

great job in the pedagogic field because it is vital that are interested for the performance of

their students, and having the greatest satisfaction of teaching English, teaching in the best

way, so the students to learn and develop their potential to put into practice in their daily

life, in order to have a communication.

In other hand the listening practice skill or her is very important because through is

assessed through listening comprehension, one example of this can be answering

questions, the listening sub-skills are evaluated. Among these are: identifying main idea or

purpose, noting details, making connections, concluding, determining tones and attitudes,

identifying organization or even summarizing. Under different settings and her

situation this is a great solution for improve the receptive skills. In the Reading she has to

improve her comprehension skills may be evaluated in distinguishing main idea from

supporting ideas, identifying main topic, extracting details, identifying key words,

recognizing vocabulary and understand its meaning, getting important information, making

inferences, understanding author’s view, and even summarizing sentences and passages.

The tasks require skills, techniques and even previous knowledge to identify correct


Claudia Yaneth López Agredo


As a matter of fact, globalization has increased the importance of communicating

in English at workplaces. In this respect, English is of particular importance for engineering

and science students because it is the

principal international language of science and is looked upon as an effective means for

enabling those students to become familiar with professional texts written in English...

since books, papers, handbooks, and journals written in English are included in their

reading lists. After graduation one of the most valuable resources of these students will be

English in the workplace. However, preliminary discussions with these revealed that they

perceive the English courses offered to them up to then in their field of study as deficient to

account for their future job requirements. This study, therefore, attempted to investigate the

language needs of these respondents at the workplace. And accordingly, it attempted to

propose a more efficient model of syllabus design based on the respondents ‘vocational

needs… In this case who is also familiar with a specific vocabulary

related with coffee plantations, production, machinery and refinement processes, thus they

have the whole knowledge about the coffee process and exactly that is what the people and

investors want to know about. That’s why, they are so important for the company because

about the knowledge they know how to do and the experience also they have. We need also

that everyone can get good communicate between each other because the investors they

want to know of course about what they are going to invest the money and the rentability it

can make for them, not only them also the visitors coming want to know about the technical

process that is going there in the meantime.


Scenario Analysis A
You have been hired by a young

tourist guide who already has an English level of B2, and who is highly motivated to get a

better job opportunity at a banana plantation. In three months, this banana plantation is

expected to hire new staff with a general knowledge of English, who is also familiar with a

specific vocabulary related with banana plantations, production, machinery and distribution

processes to be able to explain to foreign business investors and/or visitors all the steps

required for the development and completion of the product, meanwhile they are showed

them the different areas of that banana plantation.

English for specific purposes, or ESP, is the teaching of the English language for

professionals in different areas, focusing on the types of expressions, vocabulary, standard

and formal structures that will be used especially in a specific field, etc. in this case we’ll

talk about English for tourism

Observing the needs analysis in students is based on a defined learning or work

situation in which English plays a key role.

When we start a course of these, the first thing we have to take into account are the

needs of the students, identify these needs and the capacities imply to identify the functions

for which the students will use the English.

We can call 'necessities' the type of

need determined by the demands of the target situation, that is, what the learner has to

know in order to function effectively in the target situation. For example:

The staff who will be hired at the coffee plant should have general knowledge of

English, and who is also familiar with a specific vocabulary related to coffee plantations,

production, machinery and refinement processes to be able to explain to foreign business

investors and/or visitors all the necessary steps for the development and completion of the

product, while showing the different areas of that coffee plantation.

For the design of the ESP course we must make a Curriculum, materials,methodology

and evaluation procedures.

Listen, read, speak and write: these are the four basic language skills. In this course these

tour guide skills should be emphasized in listening and speaking, however, no skill should

be taught in isolation.

Activities for Teaching speaking and listening.

 We must bring to class all the useful vocabulary on the subject of coffee production.

 Match the students and give them a theme about coffee production and collection

each student becomes a speaker or listener when he or she has finished speaking.

 Practice, Practice, use the words as often as possible and in as many ways as

possible. Say, write, and point to the words in all appropriate contexts. When an
appropriate time comes up, not only

should you repeat the word clearly, but have all of the students repeat after you to

practice using the word in the correct contexts.

 Dictation exercises. Dictation combines listening and writing practice. When

dictating, read the whole sentence at normal speed three times, allowing time for

writing between each repetition.

 Debating. You can divide students into teams and have those present opposing sides

of an issue.

 Giving directions; for example, looking at a map and explaining how a person

would get from point A to point B.

We must select and schedule activities for each lesson.

It is useful to build the lessons around a common format. For example, every Monday the

class can start with a listening activity and then have a series of reading activities.

On Wednesday you can work on grammar and writing. Having a common format in

the classes gives us a framework on which to build each unit and helps students get used to

a teaching routine.
To determine if you have reached the

goals and objectives and then make adjustments to those programs.

From the 1960s, the demand for specialized language programs grew through the

ESP(English for Specific Purposes) movement and applied linguists increasingly began to

employ needs analysis procedures, particularly in relation to English for specific purposes

and vocationally oriented program design (Richards , 2001) Richterich (1983) defines the

concept of needs analysis as a procedure which consists primarily of compiling information

both on the individuals or groups of individuals who are to learn a language and on the use

which they are expected to make of it” .In another definition of needs analysis, Nunan

(2006) focuses on the information-gathering process: techniques and procedures for

collecting information to be used in syllabus design are referred to as needs analysis.

Brindley (1989) differentiates between objective and subjective needs. Objective needs as

those which are derivable from different kinds of factual information about learners, their

use of language in real life communicative situations as well as their current language

proficiency and language difficulties” . To assess objective needs, a need analyst may

include information about students’ background (e.g. country, culture, education, family,

profession, age), their proficiency in different language practices, and their needs as far as

the language use outside the class is concerned. Subjective needs, on the other hand, are

obtained from the learners themselves. They include the cognitive and affective needs of

the learner in the learning situation, derivable from information about affective and

cognitive factors such as personality, confidence, attitudes, learners’ wants and

expectations with regard to the learning of English and their individual cognitive style and
learning strategies. That’s why on this

circumstance what I would recommend is just keeping the people busy learning English

every day as much possible making knowledge about how to talk about the job they are

doing and how to develop a conversation about and teaching them the most possible

questions they can hear by the people around, how to answer of course and what to do on

this circumstance On the another aspect we have also our another motivated friend who we

have to teach in another ways, how to treat whit our sponsors just as neatly way we can,

teaching him to get in touch whit them, like that with intense program every day every time

until reach the time over to make the goal we want to score.

Pons (2001) emphasizes that an instructor who is aware of the educational needs of

his/her learners is in a better position to devise effective instructional material. Needs

analysis may serve three basic purposes: it can be used as a means of getting wider input

into the content, design, and implementation of a language program; it can be implemented

in defining goals, objectives, and content; and its data can be used to review and evaluate a

current program. Long (2005: 2-18) Refers to growing demands for accountability and

relevance in public life to justify the need for performing needs analyses to create syllabi

which can meet the needs of the learners as fully as possible. Accordingly, every language

course should be viewed as a course for specific purposes which just varies in the precision

with which learner needs can be specified. Valdez (1999:8) also suggests that the results of

needs analyses can be used to modify and improve existing programs. Researchers have

also realized that focusing on the reasons why learners need to learn a foreign language will

enable language teaching professionals to meet their learners’ specific needs and save a lot

of time and energy. This is mainly because trying to teach the whole of a foreign language
requires more time and effort. In relation to

language practices, the results of a comparison between the language components that

made up the English courses for engineering students and the vocational needs mentioned

by the respondents revealed that these courses did serve those needs. The findings revealed

that there were many English language sub-practices that the students had to know in order

to function effectively in the workplace. The English sub- practices that the students had

acquired from the previous English practices attended to their needs for general English.

These mainly include: writing assignments, reading course handouts, following lectures,

reading study notes, listening to instructions for assignments, and writing test/exam

answers. Interestingly enough, all these language sub-practices have been perceived by the

respondents as useless in the workplace because their future occupation requires such skills

like: reading technical catalogues, writing professional emails, giving spoken presentations,

watching and listening to video conferences in this case related with the production of

coffee plantation this way to give the correct information to people who is looking for that

type of knowledge.

In the environment in which we live, I think it is very important to have knowledge

about this language since it is the universal language, and there is a need to learn how to

handle it since it influences the social, economic and cultural environment. We are

surrounded by this language but unfortunately, there is very little interest except when we

are exposed to a job, that's where we see the need to learn it, that's why I think it's very

important to start infusing this language from childhood so that you have an idea of another

language since ESP is based on how to understand and learn English from the beginning

and relate it to our language since language is excluded a bit. It is complex for people who
do not use English and do not put it into

practice English for specific purposes focuses on a way of designing how to teach it to

students and make it understood in a way that they can interpret it and speak about it.

maintain a constant flow of lexicon among speakers.

The teacher is the main part in the classroom where he is the only subject who

understands and interprets the language and therefore must be willing to detect the lack of

knowledge of his students and how he can help them to interpret this language to have

better communication between them, is the communicating person among their students to

be able to make the classes enjoyable and to develop the activities with an optimal

performance of trust where their students feel that their answers and concerns are solved to

fullness and are understood by the only character that has certainty about English which

should look for alternatives as for good development of activities for their apprentices, it is

not the same to teach an adult with a degree of management in this field, to teach people

who have not had enough relationship with English that is why management is very

important didactic of how to get this information.

Without forgetting that ESP is designed to meet the specific needs of a group for the

same disciplines a similar distinction for example for business, tourism, engineering,

medicine, cultural, administrative and quantitative part.

We must be very precise in identifying the needs of our students, in understanding, it

is an objective need. who understands and analyzes the situation of destiny trust in their

listening skills, the perception of the need for more vocabulary. However, a high priority is
placed on the needs analysis and the various

approaches described above. I believe that the key stage of the ESP course design and the

development of materials is the necessary action following this stage of needs. The next

stage is when the ESP teacher considers the (written or spoken) texts that the student has to

produce and understand tries to identify the key of the texts presented and designs a

didactic material that allows the students to use the texts of an effective way

The work of ESP has therefore always been interested in the structure of discourse

and in fact often being at the forefront of applied linguistic research.

Help to expand this basic knowledge, in a didactic way, supporting the student, in

the practice of social interaction and the negotiation of meanings. Also, improve your

ability to establish relationships with other people and to cope with new situations. Given

the nature of the different competences that develop in learning, from a foreign language,

the individual increases their awareness of how to learn. In this case, the need to acquire

more knowledge, deeper by a different need of life will facilitate learning and that is where

the teacher comes to play his very important role where he should argue and analyze how

much capacity he can explore in these guys since it is the only person who manages this

language and they will focus on him, to clear doubts and concerns, one of the advantages is

that here there will be a personalized teacher, who will be willing to answer your questions

and focus more on this field that they require, it is very important to interact and bring this

more to the daily life that the student or the people are facing, without neglecting grammar

and linguistics.

The process of identification is first of

all carried out by analyzing the students’ learning ability in speaking course. Learning

ability is measured based on the result of analysis of the students’ prociency level in the

area of the three speaking components vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar.

An ongoing needs analysis should be a prerequisite for any program/course design in

order to achieve effective instructional outcomes. Besides this, it can help educators and

administrators to gain awareness of the context variable and program designers to provide

appropriate instructional input to foster effective learning. Needs of administrators

/educators and students generally vary across time, instructional contexts, the requirement

of an ongoing needs assessment for any educational institution becomes crucial in order to

promote effective teaching and learning environments


The process of identification is first of all carried out by analyzing the students’
learning ability in speaking course. Learning ability is measured based on the result of
analysis of the students’ prociency level in the area of the three speaking components
vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar.

An ongoing needs analysis should be a prerequisite for any program/course design in

order to achieve effective instructional outcomes. Besides this, it can help educators and
administrators to gain awareness of the context variable and program designers to provide
appropriate instructional input to foster
effective learning. Needs of administrators /educators and students generally vary across
time, instructional contexts, the requirement of an ongoing needs assessment for any
educational institution becomes crucial in order to promote effective teaching and learning



 Hearing difficulty and

 Study plan suitable for

both the student and me.

 It has an English level  The needs, cognitive and

of B2. affective of the

 Necessities analysis. apprentice in the learning

A  Daily and extensive
Claudia Lopez practice on English.
Agredo  Suggests that the results
 Practical methodology. of the needs analysis can
be used to modify and
 There are not many
components in improve existing
common. programs.

 Assess the situation in the

educational context in
which the young person
develops his prior
knowledge assessment,
his ability to learn and
Isat Herminda
Silvia Victoria V.
Edwin Martinez
Jhon Anderson


 Hutchinson, T., & Waters, A. (1987). Needs analysis. In English for Specific

Purposes (Cambridge Language Teaching Library, pp. 53-64). Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511733031.010. Retrieved from


 Carvajal, H. (20,05,2017). Analyzing needs and components for designing an ESP

course, Foundations. [Archivo de video]. Recuperado de:

 Hutchinson, T., & Waters, A. (1987). Approaches to course design. In English for

Specific Purposes (Cambridge Language Teaching Library, pp. 65-78). Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511733031.011. Retrieved from

 Hutchinson, T., & Waters, A. (1987). Language descriptions. In English for

Specific Purposes (Cambridge Language Teaching Library, pp. 24-38). Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511733031.008. Retrieved from

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