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Lesson Plan

Class: Interior Design Date: 1/22/2020

Unit: Housing, Interiors, and Furnishings Lesson Title: Formal and Informal Balance
Instructor: Brooke Nielsen Lesson Length: 55 Minutes
Audience Age: 10th Grade
Content Standard Alignment:
3: Content Standard- Analyze Interior Space and Planning
3.01: Competency- Examine the Principles of Design
3.01-2: Describe Formal and Informal Balance

Lesson Objectives/Instructional Outcomes: (Framework Domain 1c: Setting Instructional Goals)

After completing this lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Describe formal and informal balance
2. Compare different styles of rooms and determine whether formal or informal balance was used
3. Debate whether formal or informal balance would be a better design choice when presented with
client scenarios
Relationship to Unit Structure: (Framework Domain 1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
In Interior design, there are elements or “tools” used to create design (line, shape, form, space, texture,
pattern, and color) and principles or the “rules/guidelines” od design (scale, proportion, balance, rhythm,
emphasis/focal point, and harmony). Today we will be talking about balance, specifically formal and
informal balance.
Instructional Materials/Resources: (Framework Domain 1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources)
 Several boxes of the same size with different weights of rocks in each box, each wrapped in
different paper (with strong contrasts between each other). 
 Interior design magazines
 Scissors
 Glue Sticks
 PowerPoint
 Client Scenarios for group discussion
Methods and Instructional Strategies
(Framework Domain 1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy)
Anticipated Student Misconceptions:
As long as you have the same number of things on two sides of a room, it will look balanced.
If objects physically weight more, they will have more visual balance in a room

Concept Prerequisites:
Understand that there are elements and principels of balance.
Understand that balance is one of the principles

Introduction- 1. Routine and Greeting:

Anticipatory Set: Students will know that they need to grab materials in the back of the room
when they come in and then take a seat.
 Have them grab their guided notes, 2 pieces of black construction
paper, and 2 pieces of white construction paper. Greet them as they
come in and do this.

2. Motivator:
 PowerPoint Slide #2: Write the word balance on the board and ask
the children what the definition of balance is. Write down their ideas on
the board. Then, tell them the real definition (The resolution of
interacting forces, attractions or weights. Also known as equilibrium.)
 Display the boxes (see material list) in the front of the class. Pick a few
students to come up to the front of the class to arrange the boxes in a
way that looks balanced according to appearance.
o They can use the rest of the class for help.
 Powerpoint slide #3: Explain how the actual weight of an object does
not represent how it affects the visual balance in a room
o Visual weight depends more on what attracts attention. For
example, this shade of red attracts the eye more than this
shade of yellow and so it has more visual weight.
Instructional Activities: 3. Group Discussion and Lesson
Includes questioning  Ask the students: “If the actual weight of an object doesn’t affect the
techniques, grouping visual balance of the room, what does affect the visual balance?”
strategies, pedagogical  Divide the class into 8 groups and have them discuss the following
approaches. questions.
o Pass out a question to each group and have them discuss it.
Then, go through the PowerPoint and discuss each of these
points. Ask the group what they think about it first, and then
show them the right answer on the PowerPoint slide and
explain why each one is. Have them fill in their guided notes for
each of these points.
o Slide 4: There are no absolute rules for the creation of good
design. However there are suggested principles that lead to a
greater amount of balance, such as…

Group 1: Do large objects or small objects appear heavier in a room?

Answer with Slide 5:
 Large objects and spaces appear heavier than small ones, but a
grouping of small objects can balance a large object.

Group 2: Do opaque (objects you can’t see through) or transparent materials

appear heavier in a room?
Answer with Slide 6:
 Opaque materials appear heavier than transparent materials.

Group 3: Do bright, warm, dark-patterned colors or gray, cool, light colors

seem heavier in a room?
Answer with Slide 7:
 Textures and patterns hold one’s attention longer than smooth, plain

Group 4: Which holds ones attention longer: smooth, plain surfaces or

textured. Patterned surfaces?
Answer with Slide 8:
 Textures and patterns hold one’s attention longer than smooth, plain

Group 5: T or F: Unusual and unique shapes and objects have importance

beyond their size, while typical shapes and objects settle into the background.
Anwer with Side 9:
 Unusual and unique shapes and objects have importance beyond their

Group 6: T or F: Strong contrast adds weight.

Answer with Slide 10:
 Strong contrast adds more visual weight

Group 7: Are objects below eye level or above eye level visually heavier?
Answer with Slide 11:
 Objects above eye level appear heaver than objects placed below eye

Group 8: Do brightly lit areas attract more attention or dimly lit areas?
Answer with Slide 12:
 Bright-lighted areas attract more attention than dimly lit areas

4. Balance Analogy
 Slide 13: Explain that balancing a room is kind of like balancing our
lives. For example, some people struggle to find a balance between
work and leisure. Similar to when we are off balance in our lives, an
unbalanced interior space can be uncomfortable.
 There are no absolute rules for the creation of good design, but there
things, like the principles of balance we just learned about that can
help us make a room feel balanced. There are also three different
types of balance we should be aware of and use.

5. Three Types of Balance

Slide 14: Using the PowerPoint, explain that there are 3 different types of
balance: Formal, Informal, and Radial.
Slide 15: Explain formal balance vs informal balance:
 Formal balance is also known as symmetrical balance. Does anyone
know what symmetrical balance is?
o It is when one side of the room is the mirror image of the other
o It is the easiest kind of balance to create because you make
both sides of the room identical to each other.
 Informal balance is also known as asymmetrical balance. Do any of
you know what asymmetrical balance is?
o Visual weights are equal, but elements are different in size,
form, color, pattern, and spacing
o It has more lasting appeal. People don’t get bored of it as fast.
Slides 16-23: Show examples of Formal and informal balance
in the powerpoint and talk about why the pictures are that type
of balance
Slide 24: Explain Radial Balance
 Radial balance is when furnishings or patterns are arranged in a
circular manner
Slides 25-27: Show examples of rooms that are radially
balanced in the PowerPoint

5. How to Use Balance Acitvity:

 Now that we know the types of balance, we are going to discuss the
best times to use them.
Formal Balance Usage
 Show them another picture of formal balance (Side 28) and ask “How
does this room make you feel? (e.g. calm, excited, sleepy) and “When
do you think you would use this type of balance?”.
o Have the students go to padlet on their through a link on their
cromebooks or by scanning the QR code on their phone.
o Turn on the feature that lets you approve each answer before it
is posted and turn on voting.
o Tell the students to write how the picture makes them feel and
when we should use this type of balance. If someone has
already posted the answer you were going to say, vote for that
o Once they are done, discuss the students answers one
everyone has posted.
 Tell them that different types of balance create different responses in
us. Formal balance creates a quiet and restful feeling. It was often
found in classical architecture and traditional interiors. It tends to focus
on the center of the room. This division makes the room look
somewhat smaller. It would be a desirable design choice when:
o Slide 29:
1. Formal, Traditional, or calming effects are desired
2. One wishes to focus on attention on something important
3. The use of the room suggests symmetry, such as sofas or
chairs facing one another.
4. Contrast with natural surrounding is desired.
Informal Balance usage
 Show them a picture of informal balance (side 30) and ask them how
it makes them feel and when they would use this kind of balance.
o Have the students go to padlet on their through a link on their
cromebooks or by scanning the QR code on their phone.
o Turn on the feature that lets you approve each answer before it
is posted).
o Have them write a word that the Discuss the students answers
one everyone has posted.
 Tell them that it usually makes us feel more invigorated and suggest
movement and informality. It forces one to try to discover how the
balance is found and has more lasting appeal. It would be a desirable
design choice when:
o Slide 31:
1. Informality and flexibility are desired
2. An effect of spaciousness is wanted
3. Use of the room suggests asymmetry
4. Harmony with nature is sought.

6. Application Assement: Client Scenarios

Scenario 1:
 Read the students this design scenario: Slide 32
o Your client says want a bedroom that she won’t easily get
bored of and will enjoy for a long period of time. She also
wants it to be exciting and look spacious. What would probably
be the most desirable design choice for this client’s room and
1) Formal Balance
2) Informal Balance

 This question will be posted on Poll Balance. Studetns will use their
chromebooks to try to pick the right answer. Then, the poll results will
come up with how many people picked both answer. Students will
what the true answer is with eachother.
Scenario 2:
 Read the students this design scenario: Slide 33
o Your client wants you to design the front desk of her hotel. He
says she wants it to feel eloquent and traditional. He also
wants her guest to feel relaxed when they come in. What would
probably be the most desirable design choice for this client’s
front desk and why?
1) Formal Balance
2) Informal Balance

 This question will be posted on Poll Balance. Studetns will use their
chromebooks to try to pick the right answer. Then, the poll results will
come up with how many people picked both answer. Students will
debate the thre answer is with eachother.

7. Create Portfolio Examples

 Now that we know when to use formal and informal balance, I want us
to add an example of each of them to our portfolios. This will help us
recognize what kind of balance is being used in the room, and it will
give us a reference to come back to.
o I want you to find an example of formal balance and informal
balance in the interior design magazines.
o Then, I want you to paste the picture to a piece of cardstock.
Leave enough room to title your page (either formal balance or
informal balance), and to write a description of why the picture
is that kind of balance.
 For example, you might say that it is formal balance
because both sides of the room are identical. Give
specific examples like “The bed is in the middle of the
room and has identical pillows on both sides of it. There
are also identical nightstands on both side of the room
with identical lamps on top.”
o Here is the rubric you will be graded with when you turn this in
(hand them the rubric). First, you will grade each other with this
rubric, then I will grade you. If you lose points on something,
you will be able to redo it to make up the points. This can be
difficult once you’ve glued stuff; however, so try your best the
first time.

Write steps on the board for this project:

1: Using magazines, find a picture of a room that is formally balanced and a
picture that is informally balanced
Raise your hand when you’re done with step and have me check the
2. Cut the pictures out of the magazine and paste them into your notebook
(leave room for description and title).
3. Write a title at the top of the page (Formal Balance or Informal Balance)
4. Write a description at the bottom of the page (list specific examples)

Draw a picture of what the page should look like. For example:



Write description here

Wrap Up- 8. Review and Importance:
Synthesis/Closure:  Ask: “What were the three types of balance? When Should they be
used?” Discuss their answers and review the three types of balance.
 Ask: “Why do you think it is important for interior designers to know
about balance?” Discuss answers
Interior designers can use many different principles or guidelines to help them
create attractive designs. One of those principles is balance. People feel
uncomfortable when a room isn’t visually balanced. A good designer knows
how to achieve visual balance in a room.

Differentiation According to Student Needs: (Framework Domain 1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of

Address diverse student needs including students with an IEP or 504, cultural linguistic needs.

I am going to write step by step project instructions the board. Then we will focus on one step at a time,
repeat it more than once, and around and help students who are struggling.

I am going to draw a picture on the board of what I want the project to look like for the students who
struggle with language and/or following instructions. I also made my PowerPoint have shorter phrases
and many pictures.

I made sure to make many different slides with lots of pictures to keep the attention of my students. I also
made quite a few different types of activities to keep the class interesting. If I feel like my students will
benefit from it, I will also write guided notes to go along with the PowerPoint so that student don’t need to
write as much and help them focus.

I will give extra time to students who need it to finish their projects.

Assessment (Formative and Summative): (Framework Domain 1f: Assessing Student Learning)
 Using interior design magazines, students will find an example of formal balance and informal
balance. They will paste the picture on a piece of cardstock, title it with the type of balance it is, and
write an explanation of why it is that type.
 I will Present students with a client scenario and have them debate whether formal or informal balance
should be used.


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