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Foreign Aid is it blessing or curse



a. What is foreign aid?

b. Various form of foreign aid.
c. Who give foreign aid?
d. Who received foreign aid?
e. Thesis stamen.

Blessings of foreign aid.

a. It helps other countries fight local problems more effectively.

b. It stops the effects of poverty.
c. It can save lives.
d. Accelerating industrialization in underdeveloped countries.
e. Establishment of Modern Economic and Social Infrastructure.
f. Defense Modernization.
g. Foreign aid provides economic opportunities for the giver and the recipient.
h. It creates a positive back-and-forth relationship.
i. It benefits the country providing the foreign aid.
Curse of foreign aid.
a. It can create a dependency.
b. It can increase local costs for basic supplies.
c. It can be used for future influence.
d. It can affect global trade.
e. It can cause donors to get involved with governing.
f. It does not provide a guarantee of benefit.
g. Risk of corruption.
h. Hidden Agenda of Foreign-Owned Corporations.

Opinion paragraph

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