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1. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………………....3
2. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS………………………………………………………………….…..3
2.1. STANDARDS…………………………………………………………………………....……......3
2.2. DOCUMENTS & DRAWINGS………… ………………………………………………….........3
3. RESPONSIBLE PERSONS…………………………………………………………………….….4
4. SCOPE………………………………………………………………………………………………..4
5. PIPELINE CONNECTIONS…………………………………………………………………………5
5.1. LOCATION OF CONNECTIONS…………………………………………………….................5
5.2. PREPARATION OF THE PIPE SURFACE………………..…………………………………..5
5.3. PIN BRAZING……………………………………………………………………………….……..6
5.3.1. TESTING A COMPLETED PIN BRAZE ……………………………………………..…...…7
6. FOREIGN CROSSING BOND BOX (FCBB).......................................................................7

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This document covers the requirements for implementation of testing facilities at points where a
new gas pipeline crosses with an existing metallic service in order that possible mutual interference
can be monitored, and if required remedied.


2.1. Standards

British Standard Institute:

• BS EN 12954: 2001 Cathodic Protection of Buried or Immersed Metallic Structures. General
Principles and Applications for Pipelines.
• BS EN 113636: 2004 Cathodic Protection of Buried Metallic Tanks and Related Piping.
• BS 7671:2018 Requirements for Electrical Installations.

Other Standards:
• All applicable Country National and Local Standards; Contract Standards; Site Standards.

2.2. Documents & Drawings

Project Drawing Document No:

• 000-BCL1901325-EL-DR Cathodic Protection - Typical Cable to Pipe Connection Detail - Foreign
Pipeline Crossing Test Facilities
• 000-BCL1901326-EL-DR Cathodic Protection - Gas Pipeline - Foreign Pipeline Crossing Test
• 000-FIS1900165-QA-PL Contractor Site Quality Plan
• 000-FIS1901192-HS-PL Contractor Site HSE Plan

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All persons associated with the installation of cathodic protection equipment and materials, and
any inspection and testing of same, shall be carried out by suitably experienced and trained
Service Technicians will be directed by the assigned Project Engineer.
Project Engineers report to the Manager, Engineering Services or appropriate Line Management.
Ensure that all relevant site conditions and working practices are observed. Obtain relevant work
permit(s) as required by the site.


Where new installed gas pipeline crosses (underneath) an existing pipeline and either one or both
are subject to a cathodic protection system, then there is a possibility of interference of or by either
on the other. It is often a project requirement to either install a dielectric shield (insulating
membrane e.g., neoprene sheet), or to provide additional coating on the new pipeline in the vicinity
of the crossing point) which can reduce interference effects by increasing local ground resistance
at the crossing point. Whether this is provided or not, facilities must be provided at the pipelines
crossing to allow testing and to provide a means of mitigating any such interference. Normally a
simple resistive bond inserted between the two pipelines will suffice. This can be arranged within a
standard foreign crossing bond box rated appropriately for the area zone.
A monitoring or test facility comprises making two pin brazed test cable connections to each
pipeline as shown in drawing document No. 000-BCL1901326-EL-DR Cathodic Protection - Gas
Pipeline - Foreign Pipeline Crossing Test Facilities. The four cables are brought to the surface to
be terminated into the foreign crossing bond box (by a cathodic protection engineer).
Where the test cables are to be installed prior to construction of bond box arrangement, then four
test cables shall be cut to sufficient length to allow for reaching the bond box location. The ends of
each cable shall be protected with electrical insulating tape shall be marked with a tape tag as
• Existing pipeline 2 x cables: ‘FX’
• New gas pipeline 2 x cables: ‘PL’

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• Excess cable length shall be surface buried for protection, and the location suitably marked so
the location is not lost.


Test connection for monitoring purposes at gas pipeline crossing with existing buried pipeline
requires two number test/bond cables from each pipeline of sufficient length to reach the bond box.
The fixing method to the pipeline surface will be by BAC Easybond Pin Brazing System using
direct lug pin brazing.
The pipe connection cable is single core 10mm2 XLPE/PVC/SWA/PVC and shall be cut from the
supplied coil in 10m lengths. Each cable shall have one end prepared by stripping away the
insulation and armour, to expose the stranded copper core of sufficient length to fully accept the
cable lug but not allowing any exposed core when lug is offered to the cable. The cable lug shall
be a BAC direct connection pin braze lug. The lug shall be crimped to the cable with a suitably
sized crimping tool.
Drawing Document No. 000-BCL1901325-EL-DR Cathodic Protection - Typical Cable to Pipe
Connection Detail - Foreign Pipeline Crossing Test Facilities refers.

5.1. Location of Connections

At all incidences of crossings with existing pipelines or new pipelines.

5.2. Preparation of the Pipe Surface

• The pipe coating is 3-layer polyethylene which must be removed of sufficient area to
accommodate the pin braze gun head, and in a separate area close by but not closer than 100mm
an area sufficient to permit secure location of the pin braze magnetic earth clamp. The PE shall be
carefully removed by cutting, then peeling from pipe surface using a suitable scraper.
• Once the PE has been removed and the primer exposed, scrape and clean the steel before
carefully grinding an area for the earth clamp and braze.

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• Using the grinder provided with the pin brazing kit, clean the surface to a bright finish removing
only sufficient surface contamination to expose a clean bright steel surface, minimising the amount
of steel removed.
• To prevent the steel surface re-oxidising, brazing must take place as soon as possible after
grinding, maximum 5 minutes delay.

5.3. Pin Brazing

• A pin brazing handbook is provided with the Pin Brazing Kit.

• Attach the magnetic earth lead attachment to the cleaned surface.
• Insert the correct pin and ferrule.
• Adjust the pin brazing gun.
• Locate the cable and lug onto the cleaned pipe surface in the position for attachment to the pipe
• Locate the gun with the brazing pin head into the lug hole with the gun perpendicular to the pipe
surface. Apply firm sustained pressure on the brazing gun so that full contact is made between the
ferrule and the bond attachment. Hold the brazing gun steady and close the circuit by squeezing
the gun trigger. Avoid looking directly at the actual braze.
• Keep the trigger depressed until the braze has completed.
• After about 2 seconds the fuse wire should rupture and the braze will be complete.

(In the event of the fuse NOT rupturing after the normal time, withdraw the brazing gun completely
from the work keeping the trigger depressed.)
• After the fuse has ruptured, hold the brazing gun in place for a further 3 seconds to allow the
braze to set.
• Remove the brazing gun by pulling straight off in line with the pin.
• If the ferrule has remained in the tool break out by levering against a suitable edge.
• Take care not to touch the ferrule since it may be hot.
• Hold the brazing gun in a vertical position, and then depress the ejector button to expel

the remaining fuse wire. Catch the wire in your gloved hand to ensure it has been ejected.

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5.3.1. Testing a Completed Pin Braze

• Test direct braze pins by carefully breaking off the shank of the plain pin with a 1kg hammer.
Take care not to damage the lug. After breaking off the shank, the broken surface should be about
level with the top surface of the lug. Ensure the lug is complete in all respects.

Warning: Repeated bond attempts must NOT be made at the same position as this may cause
structural/metallurgical damage to the base steel. Prepare a new site and repeat procedure.


The Foreign Corssing Bond Box (FCBB) shall be installed adjacent to the point of pipelines
crossing, as close as site features will allow. The FCBB is to be installed onto a concrete plinth of
nom. 300 depth x 700 x 300mm.
The concrete plinth shall be provided with cable conduits and support bolts. The DC cables shall
be installed up to the junction boxes but not entered or terminated. Termination shall be done by
the CP engineer at the time of commissioning.
The cables from the two pipelines shall be run underground to the box plinth, then shall be run
through provided ducts and onto a cable management system to the box. Cables shall be tagged
and ends taped for protection (electrical insulation tape).
Cables underground shall be protected per site requirements.
Drawing Document No. 000-BCL1901326-EL-DR Cathodic Protection - Gas Pipeline - Foreign
Pipeline Crossing Test Facilitiesrefers

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