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Better Times Beckon for

Contract Engineers
The number of openings is rebounding
in both the U.S. and Western Europe

Treat Tanks with Care

November 2010

Understand the Shocking Truth

Consider Dynamic Simulation for

Steam System Design

Refinery Pumps Up Energy Savings

CP1011_01_Cover.indd 1 10/25/10 3:47 PM

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November 2010 | Volume 73, Issue 11

16 21 25

Cover Story Columns

16 B
 etter Times Beckon for Contract Engineers 7 F
 rom the Editor: Don’t Slight the Simple
The number of openings is rebounding in both the U.S. and Stuff.
Western Europe. However, much of the work focuses on rela-
tively short term assignments. 9 C
 hemical Processing Online: Keep
Communication Lines Open.
10 F
 ield Notes: Keep Confined Space Work
Design and Optimization
21 Consider Dynamic Simulation for Steam System
Design 14 E
 nergy Saver: Train Plant Managers on
Models can provide crucial insights for dealing with upsets and Energy Efficiency.
transient conditions. Here are some pointers for steam system
design and tips for staying out of “hot water.” 15 C
 ompliance Advisor: New IUR Report-
ing Heads Our Way.
Maintenance and operations
25 Understand the Shocking Truth 36 P
 lant InSites: Don’t Err with Air-Fin
Dissipating static electricity is crucial for avoiding ignition risks Exchangers.
in hazardous areas. This demands a rigorous approach to plant,
process and personnel safety. 42 E
 nd Point: Chemical Processes Make
 Fashion Statement.
Solids and Fluids Handling
29 Treat Tanks with Care departments
A variety of easily avoided problems can cause vessel failure. Yet, 11 In Process: Nanocatalyst Gains Greater
many people who design, construct, operate and maintain low- Reactivity | Light Simplifies Synthesis
pressure storage tanks don’t appreciate how frail they are.
34 P
 rocess Puzzler: Deal with a Decanter
that Can’t.
Making it Work
33 Refinery Pumps Up Energy Savings
38 Equipment & Services
Replacing an old electrical pump with a new one with appropri-
ate safety classification would be expensive. So, the plant opted 39 Product Spotlight/Classifieds
for a steam-driven pump to enhance condensate return.
41 Ad Index

Chemical Processing (ISSN 0009-2630) is published monthly by Putman Media Inc., 555 West Pierce Road, Suite 301, Itasca, IL 60143. Phone (630) 467-1300. Fax (630) 467-1109. Periodicals postage paid at Itasca,
IL, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Chemical Processing, P.O. Box 3434, Northbrook, IL 60065-3434. SUBSCRIPTIONS: Qualified reader subscriptions are accepted from
operating management in the chemical processing industries at no charge. To apply for a qualified subscription, fill in the subscription card. To nonqualified subscribers in the United States, subscriptions are $68
per year. Single copies are $14. Canadian and foreign annual subscriptions are accepted at $115 surface per year. Single copies are $16. Canada Post International Publications Mail Product Sales Agreement No.
40028661. Canadian Mail Distributor information: Frontier/BWI, PO Box 1051, Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada, L2A 5N8. Copyright 2010 Putman Media Inc. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not
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com also publishes Control, Control Design, Food Processing, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Plant Services. Chemical Processing assumes no responsibility for validity of claims in items reported.

5 ● November 2010

CP1011_05_TOC.indd 5 10/22/10 9:58 AM

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CP1011_full page ads.indd 6 10/25/10 10:21 AM

Don’t Slight the Simple Stuff

Vessels and other mundane assets can pose significant risks

Many plants now boast markedly better perfor- article stresses that it’s easy to avoid such dangers and
mance and reliability than they were able to achieve in offers a number of recommendations about tank layout
the past. A major reason for such gains has been increas- and design.
ing reliance on sophisticated equipment and software If that article isn’t persuasive enough, read “Don’t
that have become available thanks to the continuing Underestimate Overfilling’s Risks,” www.ChemicalPro-
evolution of technology., which recounts that
Of course, many factors contribute to improvements loss of level control in tanks contributed to three major
in equipment efficiency and durability — including industrial catastrophes. It outlines seven simple steps to Articles clearly
advances in materials, the ability to make more precise avoid dangers.
point up the
parts, and greater condition-monitoring capabilities. Another hazard that can occur with tanks and
Such developments underpin the technical and eco- common plant hardware is spark generation due to the hazards and how
nomic viability of producing more complex but better buildup of static electricity. “Understand the Shock-
to address them.
performing devices. ing Truth,” p. 25,
Meanwhile, developments in software, spurred articles/2010/192.html, warns that the absence of a good
by the availability and affordability of more powerful path to ground may result in the buildup of electrostatic
computers, are transforming how we design and operate charges on mundane items like metal flanges, fittings,
units. For instance, check out what simulation now valves and vessels that can lead to fires and explosions.
offers in “Consider Dynamic Simulation for Steam Here, too, some simple steps can avoid risks.
System Design,” p. 21, online at www.ChemicalProcess- Of course, tank failures and static-electricity-caused and “Consider Discrete fires have afflicted plants since the earliest days of the
Event Simulation,” industry. Safety guru Trevor Kletz notes in “Bhopal
articles/2010/178.html. Leaves a Lasting Legacy,” www.ChemicalProcessing.
Likewise, today’s process control software promises com/articles/2009/238.html, that the same mistakes
a host of benefits besides tighter control. For example, unfortunately recur regularly: “Chemical makers inves-
it provides a way to address the alarm overload that tigate and report on accidents and make changes — but
afflicts many plants (“Adroitly Manage Alarms,” www. then file away and soon forget the reports. Moreover, they don’t always share them with other firms.”
Another but often-overlooked opportunity is to use the Some companies are conscientiously trying to
control system to improve overall operational effective- improve their institutional memory (“Companies Keep
ness (“Consider State-Based Control,” www.Chemical- Know-how in Place,” articles/2009/114.html). Sophisticated technology
Further gains in plant performance are inevitable, undoubtedly can play an important role in capturing
as sites increasingly adopt digital fieldbuses (see “Take knowledge about plant equipment and operations. It’s
Advantage of Fieldbus,” www.ChemicalProcessing. particularly valuable for documenting subtle issues
com/articles/2010/149.html) and wireless technology uncovered over the years by veteran staff now leaving a
(“Whither Wireless,” firm.
articles/2009/112.html). There’s no excuse, however, for not appreciating
There’s no question that emerging developments right now — and acting against — the common risks
are attracting significant interest at sites because of their posed by tanks and other run-of-the-mill equipment.
benefits. However, we mustn’t let the increasing focus on They’ve been well documented for ages. Articles such as
sophisticated equipment and systems cause us to ignore the two in this issue clearly point up the hazards as well
less exciting plant assets like tanks and piping. Two as how to address them.
articles in this issue make convincing cases for paying
adequate attention to such mundane items.
“Treat Tanks with Care,” p. 29, online at www., points
out some common problems, e.g., overfilling, and over-
pressure or under-pressure, that have led to tanks being Mark Rosenzweig, Editor in Chief
reduced to scrap or even more severe consequences. The

7 November 2010

CP1011_07_Edit.indd 7 10/22/10 10:01 AM






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9 November 2010

CP1011_09_Web.indd 9 10/22/10 10:02 AM

field notes

Keep Confined Space Work Safe

Rigorous attention to detail is essential to minimize risks and enhance response

The operator was frantic as he choked Two people — the sentry and work leader —
down hot acid fumes. He had sat through a stern must be chosen carefully for any confined space
lecture on the need for a gas mask but apparently work. Of the two, the sentry must be the most
thought “Real men don’t need ‘em.” In desperation experienced. You need someone with the wisdom
he grabbed for others’ masks; my crew was split to realize safety comes from teamwork not an
between rescuing him and slamming the boom back individual act of heroism, and who can watch oth-
into the roaster. ers work without becoming bored or distracted. I
Choose the My operator learned a hard lesson; he was lucky. am reminded of the death of the contract foreman
Some chemicals are less obnoxious and even more in the nitrogen asphyxiation accident at Valero’s
sentry and the deadly. Let’s consider how you should approach a Delaware plant in November 2005. Don’t go into
work leader very confined space entry job the next time one comes up. a confined space without proper PPG! To be effec-
First, understand what constitutes a confined tive, a sentry must: 1) be aware of the area, equip-
carefully. space. Worldwide standards uniformly agree that it: ment and other work going on; 2) know how to use
1) is totally or partially enclosed; 2) isn’t normally rescue equipment, including harnesses and lifts,
occupied; 3) has limited egress; and 4) could contain as well as environment monitors and be physi-
a hazard. And that’s the rub. Assessing the actual cally able to operate the lift; 3) know directions
risk is a challenge. Another dilemma is defining to the site for emergency responders; 4) have spare
a space where one or more walls are open. Gener- radios and batteries; 5) understand the work being
ally, this is best left to continuous measurement: if done; and 6) be a stickler for procedures. This final
oxygen level is below 19.5% or above 23.5%, or a point is crucial because the sentry should inspect
hazardous chemical is ever present, it’s a confined PPG for each person entering the space — usu-
space. Some people say to ignore a periodic danger ally wearing a harness is mandatory — and test all
but I disagree. In much of the world plants are work equipment and communications gear prior
required to compile a confined space registry that to space entry and in the space before work begins.
includes: the danger, with material safety data sheet Once work is underway the sentry’s job settles into
(MSDS) references; the personal protection gear recordkeeping — who enters and leaves the space
(PPG) required; and a rescue plan. This registry and the environmental conditions in the space.
usually is available to the local fire marshal. Under no circumstance should the sentry enter the
Now, let’s consider what documents you’ll need space, including breaking the plane isolating it. In
before conducting confined space work: 1) the PPG some cases, this plane extends outward from the
list; 2) a roster of equipment needed for the work; 3) entry. The job foreman is in charge of safety in the
the MSDSs; 4) a detailed list of monitoring equip- hole; the sentry is in charge of work outside and
ment along with their calibration requirements; 5) the job itself.
an escape plan; 6) the location of emergency equip- Now, let’s consider some special circumstances.
ment and vehicles and their entry plan; 7) lighting Where heat stroke is a possibility, keep ice available
requirements; 8) shift rotation plans and break and exposure times short. This means rotating peo-
schedules; 9) a liaison blueprint for keeping opera- ple. If fire is a possibility, a fire blanket works best
tions and others informed; 10) a communication because flue gases, including steam, resulting from
plan — with multiple alternatives; and 11) the Per- a fire could cause asphyxiation. Air tools are better
mit to Work (PTW) and the preceding Job Safety than electric ones but make sure they’re driven by
Analysis (JSA), hot work permits, etc. Obviously, breathable air, not nitrogen. Protect ears in confined
permits will take days, maybe weeks, to complete spaces where sound dissipation isn’t possible.
the first time. As chemical engineers, it is our responsibility, as
With a green light on the permit, you’ll want to the best educated and most knowledgeable people in
schedule the work with production. By the time the a chemical facility or refinery, to look after others.
work is ready to begin things may have changed. So, Let’s do our duty.
walk down the confined space area to ensure there
are no conflicts with other work or production. dirk willard, Contributing Editor
Then you’re ready to start.

November 2010  10

CP1011_10_FieldNotes.indd 10 10/22/10 10:05 AM

in process

Nanocatalyst Gains Greater Reactivity

Acidic reactions such as pentane isomerization for gasoline stand to benefit

Providing the right surface coverage of sub- the petrochemical industry, Tungsten Oxide Clusters
nanometer clusters of tungsten oxide on a zirconium especially in fuel enrichment
oxide support (Figure 1) makes the catalyst five times technologies. We are starting
more reactive for n-pentane isomerization, reports an to investigate metathesis in our
international group of researchers. And the strategy lab, because we think that other
promises to bolster a variety of other acidic reactions, forms of the surface tungsten
says Michael Wong, a professor at Rice University, can be good for this reaction,”
Houston, a part of the team. says Wong.
Refineries certainly stand to gain from more Wong and his team are also
efficient production of isopentane, which is used in investigating optimization of
gasoline. “We have a way to make a better catalyst the surface coverage of other
that will improve the fuels they make right now,” catalytic nanomaterials that
says Wong. “At the same time, a lot of existing are used on supports. “We’ve Figure 1. An atomic-level image of
tungsten oxide nanoparticles (green
chemical processes are wasteful in terms of solvents, started putting molybdenum circles) on zirconia support. The
precursors and energy. Improving a catalyst can also oxide and vanadium oxide in other circles show the less-active
make the chemical process more environmentally place of tungsten oxide using a forms of tungsten oxide. Source:
Wu Zhou/Lehigh University
friendly.” new synthesis technique we are
The key is achieving the optimum surface cover- developing,” he says.
age of the nanocatalyst on the support, notes Wong, Producing the catalyst on a large scale should
whose team at Rice collaborated with researchers at be straightforward, notes Wong. Lab samples were
Lehigh University, Greece’s Centre for Research and made using conventional dry impregnation — the
Technology Hellas, and the DCG Partnership of most common method used commercially. Industrial
Texas. Details appear in a recent paper in the Journal
of the American Chemical Society. Economic Snapshot
The greater reactivity for n-pentane isomerization
“translates into a higher concentration of isopentane 61,000 82.0
and, at the same time, a lower concentration of by- 81.0
products. The benefits from this double effect (higher 80.0
turnover rates and higher selectivity) are great and 59,000 79.0
we believe we can significantly reduce industrial
separation-unit costs if we can further improve our 58,000
material synthesis techniques,” Wong notes.
57,000 76.0
He says that the catalyst formula now is “just
right.” 56,000
$ Million

Recent studies show that after two catalytic 74.0


cycles, overall activity remained practically the same, 55,000

adds Wong, a professor of chemical and biomolecu- 72.0
lar engineering and of chemistry. “We expect the
catalyst to have a longer life due to the absence of 53,000
chloride species (used in industrial isomerization
catalysts) that eventually leach out causing serious 52,000 69.0

regeneration issues,” he says. 68.0

Besides pentane isomerization, other chemical 67.0
reactions that might benefit from the catalyst include 50,000 66.0
acidic reactions such a paraffin, olefin and aromatic
82 compound isomerization, dehydration of paraffins Sept 09 Oct 09 Nov 09 Dec 09 Jan 10 Feb 10 Mar 10 Apr 10 May 10 June 10 July 10 Aug 10

Shipments (NAICS S325) Capacity utilization

to olefins, esterification reactions, hydrolysis and
metathesis. Both shipments and capacity utilization increased slightly.
“These are reactions of great importance for Source: American Chemistry Council.
11 November 2010
CP1011_11_12_InPro.indd 11 10/22/10 10:07 AM
in process

Has your plant tested whether dusts in your

firms already have expressed interest in cooperating dust-collection system are explosive?
on further development.
Using the catalyst in existing reactors doesn’t
require any major modifications, he adds. Doesn’t apply


Light Simplifies
Don’t know

35 40 45 50 55 60 Ultraviolet (UV) light provides a simpler, more
environmental friendly way to attach phosphorus to
organic compounds, report researchers at the Massa- No
chusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.
Their approach avoids the use of chlorine, which
can pose health and safety risks, and produces an Responses (%)
6 pt
organophosphorus compound in a single step.
Most respondents say that their plants have tested their
5 Roman 6pt
“…The surprising thing about this work is that it dusts. To participate in this month’s poll, go to Chemical-
was not discovered long ago. There is nothing compli-
5 Heavy 7pt cated about it, and the starting materials are readily
available and needed only to be mixed together
0.0% and ir- that have an unsaturated carbon-carbon bond (1,3-di-
33.3% None 21.4%
radiated withFewUV light,” says Christopher Cummins, enes). He and graduate student Remained Daniel Tofan (Figure
a chemistry professor at the school. 2) exposed the white phosphorus the same to UV light for 12
“…The elimination of chlorine would be a huge20.0% hours and produced a tetra-organo diphosphane.
advantage for the industry,” he notes. “However, “It’s amazing to realize that nobody thought 50%
another intermediate in the phosphorus industry that earlier about such a simple approach to incorporate significan
would be good to avoid is PH3, and our process may phosphorus into organic molecules,” notes Guy
allow this as well to be circumvented.” Bertrand, chemistry professor at the University of
He drew inspiration from a 1937 paper detail- California, Riverside. “Such a synthetic approach to
ing that white phosphorus, also known as P4, could 13.3%organophosphorus compounds is indeed urgent, since
be broken into two P2 molecules with UV light. He Mostthe old (chlorine-based) phosphorus chemistry has a
decided to see what would happen if he broke apart lot of undesirable consequences Increasedon our environment.”
P4 with UV light in the presence of organic molecules The new reaction can’t somewhat
produce industrial quanti-
Seeing the Light Some ties of compounds, says Bertrand, who was not
Responses (%)
involved in the research, but may prompt research that
Responses (%)
could lead to such prospects.
One near-term goal of Cummins’ ongoing
research is probing the properties of the new organo-
diphosphorus compounds as ligands for a range of
transition metals including nickel. “The preliminary
results suggest possible applications as building blocks
for supramolecular chemistry in addition to precursors
to new materials,” he says.
Other goals include looking for other organic
molecules that may accept phosphorus under the same
photochemical conditions, and synthesizing a polymer
containing P-P bonds in its main chain and determin-
ing its properties.
A key challenge, notes Cummins, is to improve
currently low yields by optimizing reaction condi-
tions. This will involve a careful study of the wave-
Figure 2. Graduate student Daniel Tofan stands next
to UV light apparatus. Source: MIT. length dependence of the process.

November 2010  12

CP1011_11_12_InPro.indd 12 10/22/10 10:08 AM

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Train Plant Managers on Energy Efficiency

Present your energy program in a way the plant manager can quickly comprehend

This is the last of four articles on energy training. than two paragraphs so the plant manager can
read it in less than 3 minutes. Follow energy
We’ve already dealt with getting your consumption information with any explanation of
process specialist, operators and project manager why the number is what it is. Then tell the plant
to contribute to energy efficiency. There’s one last manager what energy-related items happened the
person you must get involved in the efforts — last week and what should be expected next week.
your plant manager. Monthly progress report: Here, provide more
Quick and con- I went to dinner recently with a refinery man- detail about individual systems and include more
ager of a large gulf coast complex. The conversa- information about projects, maintenance and
cise information tion ranged from safety issues, projects, person- energy concerns. If you have an energy team, put
can help get your nel, budgets, and an assortment of problems and in items from team meetings. The report should
opportunities. He was a busy man — hundreds never exceed one page. It doesn’t have to break
plant manager on of things at the plant commanded his attention. down each individual energy contributor but
board. However, I was mildly surprised when the conver- large groups (steam, electrical, furnace efficien-
sation turned to energy. He knew exactly where cies, etc.). The monthly report is a look back at
his plant stood relative to the industry and was what was expected last month and what really
making strides in reducing energy use. “The plant happened. It also tells the plant manager what
efficiency has improved 3% versus last year,” he to expect in the daily and weekly reports for the
boasted. I thought to myself, this is a well-trained next month.
manager. Quarterly report: Hold a 60-to-90-minute
To get maximum benefit from your energy meeting with the plant manager and other key
program, you must present it in a way that cap- staff. Include presentations by the energy team on
tures the plant manager’s attention while taking implementations that took place during the quar-
little or no time. It’s important to present infor- ter. Also mention any failures or setbacks, the
mation that doesn’t require the plant manager to reason they occurred, and how they will be fixed.
sift through the data or try to decipher a bunch Discuss new problems and pitch ideas for new
of raw numbers. Organizing the information in a projects. This is your chance to show any progress
repetitive fashion has benefits. and get feedback. Use the meeting to discuss bud-
get concerns and show that the energy team has
The Presentation Method spent capital well. Don’t throw quarterly meet-
I find the best presentation method is to set up ings together at the last minute. It may take time
a system of information. The system is meant to to compress material into less than 90 minutes. If
give the plant manager the right dose at the right you plan ahead, your report will be more concise
time. and will keep the attention of the audience.
Daily report: I would start first with the daily Fiscal year report: Here, show the entire pro-
report your plant manager sees each morning. gram’s accomplishments and outline how energy
This report, which usually includes everything projects will be implemented during the new fis-
about the plant, should contain two numbers that cal year. Include what you want to see in the next
summarize overall consumption of energy. These budget and your justification for that spending.
numbers must be something the manager is used Present problems that were found and resolved,
to looking at. The first is straight energy units projects that were implemented and whether they
in a certain time period (BTU/yr, Kcal/hr, MW, met expectations, and give individuals or teams
or kJ); the second is the relative number, based time to present what they did to save energy.
on product, feed or whatever the most common By improving the way you present informa-
method you use (BTU/lb, MW/klb, etc.). Present tion, you stand to make your plant manager a
these two numbers daily or weekly and display better advocate for your energy program.
them with a reference number — either the goal
for the plant or the budgeted amount. gary faagaU, Energy Columnist
Weekly progress report: Keep this to no more

November 2010  14

CP1011_14_EnergySaver.indd 14 10/22/10 10:10 AM

compliance advisor

New IUR Reporting Heads Our Way

Proposed rule will significantly impact reporting functions

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) revise consumer/commercial product categories for
proposed important revisions to the Toxic Substances reporting consumer-and-commercial-use information;
Control Act (TSCA) Inventory Update Rule (IUR). and require upfront substantiation for information
Chemical manufacturers and other stakeholders must be claimed as confidential business information (CBI).
aware of the proposal and plan now for its implications.
BACKGROUND Five proposed revisions are frequently cited as troubling
The IUR requires manufacturers (including import- by covered industries. Deadline is fast
ers) of certain chemicals listed on the TSCA Inven- First, byproduct reporting will be especially dif-
tory to report site and manufacturing information for ficult. Most byproducts are mixtures and reporting approaching and
chemicals produced in amounts of 25,000 lb or more at components by their unique Chemical Abstract Services manufacturers
a site during a reporting year. Additional information registration number isn’t feasible even if all components
on domestic processing and use must be reported for were known, which they typically are not. will have little
chemicals produced in amounts of 300,000 lb or more Second, the deadline for 2011 IUR reporting is fast time to adapt.
at a single site. The next reporting cycle will end Sep- approaching. EPA has stated its intent to issue a final
tember 30, 2011, for chemicals manufactured in 2010. rule in the spring. Because the reporting deadline is Sep-
EPA, states, and other entities have expressed tember 30, 2011, there will be little time to implement
concern with the relative lack of chemical processing, reporting strategies and complete reports.
use and exposure information, which, they claim, has Third, EPA’s proposal to require production volume
hampered regulators’ ability to assess risks of chemicals. information from 2006 through 2010 will be difficult to
Others question the utility of IUR data and the absence satisfy. It is likely many entities don’t have the means to
of a uniform IUR electronic reporting format. Public collect this information retroactively.
health and environmental activists claim that TSCA’s Fourth, lowering the processing-and-use informa-
information gathering authorities are limited and proce- tion threshold to 25,000 lb would be especially burden-
durally challenging to implement. Changes to the IUR some for reporters of inorganic substances, who weren’t
are in response to these and other concerns. required to submit processing or use information during
the last reporting cycle in 2006, as they were newly
KEY PROVISIONS TO PROPOSED RULE added to the IUR reporting scheme at that time.
Reporting information to EPA — Require use of electron- Fifth, requiring upfront substantiation of CBI
ic reporting software to submit all IUR information; claims will be challenging. Some believe this require-
and must report if production volume of a chemical ment could adversely impact a commercial interest’s
substance met or exceeded the 25,000-lb threshold in competitive standing.
any calendar year since the last principal reporting year.
Manufacturing-related information — Require CONCLUSION
reporting of certain manufacturing data, including: The proposal is complicated, with important changes
whether an imported chemical is physically at the too numerous to discuss here. Its issuance, even if modi-
reporting site; the volume of the chemical substance fied, will significantly impact chemical manufacturers.
exported and not domestically processed or used; Careful review of the proposal now is essential, as there
whether a manufactured chemical, such as a byproduct, will be little time after the rule is issued to adapt report-
is being recycled, remanufactured, reprocessed, reused ing strategies by the September 30, 2011, deadline.
or reworked; and reporting of production volume for all
years since the previous principal reporting year (2005). Lynn Bergeson, Regulatory Editor
Processing and use-related information — Eliminate
the 300,000-lb threshold for processing-and-use infor-
mation, require all reporters of non-excluded substances Lynn is managing director of Bergeson & Campbell, P.C., a Wash-
to report; revise list of industrial function categories for ington, D.C.-based law firm that concentrates on chemical industry
reporting processing-and-use information and replacing issues. The views expressed herein are solely those of the author.
the five-digit North American Industry Classification This column is not intended to provide, nor should be construed
System (NAICS) codes with 48 Industrial Sectors (IS); as, legal advice.

15 November 2010

CP1011_15_Comp.indd 15 10/22/10 10:11 AM

Better Times Beckon for
Contract Engineers
The number of openings is rebounding
in both the U.S. and Western Europe
By Seán Ottewell, Editor at Large

Data on shipments and capacity utilization from then was pretty rough,” says Tim McAward, a
provided by the American Chemistry Council, Ar- vice president at Kelly Engineering Resources, Troy,
lington, Va., for CP’s monthly Economic Snapshot Mich., a firm that places engineers into contract and
(p. 11) clearly show that the U.S. chemical industry permanent positions. “I’d say demand for contract
is faring better this year than last. This recovery is engineers is now about the same as in 2008, which
bolstering demand for contract engineers. was a very good year in terms of staffing. 2009 was a
“The market [for contract engineers] in the U.S. disaster and it was good to turn over the calendar on
is certainly expanding, but this is relative to the that.” Much of the demand centers on three-to-four
economic downturn of 2009. The recession hit the month contracts that often focus on feasibility studies,
whole recruitment industry hard, so the baseline he adds.

November 2010  16

CP1011_16_20_CoverStory.indd 16 10/25/10 3:51 PM

“In 2010 we’ve seen solid growth from our cus- is being revived with the objective of rebuilding U.S.
tomers for contract staffing. The market is still soft for leadership in nuclear technology,” notes the WNA.
full-time engineering work. Engineering companies “I expect nuclear to take off and there are a num-
need talent and resources but are very skittish about ber of plans on the drawing board. But it is a very
an upturn.” long-term legislative process here,” says McAward.
The good news for contract engineers working Stalled plans for projects afflict most sectors of
in chemical processing is that the job situation is industry. “Anecdotally, a large number of projects
holding up. “Jobs are pretty secure in the chemical in- are stuck. Most firms across the board have been
dustry, from basic chemicals to other sectors. We are really scared of spending capital budgets, although
so heavily dependent on oil in the U.S. that this will they have big ideas. However, there will come a time
continue to be a crucial sector well into the future.” when they will have to make big investments in
Wages are holding up now, too, McAward says, operational efficiencies and install lean operations and
with a mean of $43.22/hr for chemical engineers so on. When this happens depends on what people
working as contract engineers. However, this mean believe the state of the economy is. My belief is that
masks quite a sizeable range: from the mid-$20s to the projects will remain stuck until people have the
the low $70s per hour. confidence to spend again,” says McAward.
“There was a period of time where some chemi- The vast majority of contract engineers in the U.S.
cal sectors did go after rates, but most of the focus aren’t lured by the growing economies of the Middle
has been on supplemental benefits such as retirement East and Asia, notes McAward. “Only a limited
and health care. However, as the economy expands, number of contract engineers go there. Over the last
the employers will have to quickly turn these benefits seven or eight years, there’s been a real strong desire to
back on because the availability of talent is very stay local. It’s a fundamental change in family values:
tight.” I really think this is to do with instability in the
Another important sector for contract chemi- geopolitical environment.”
cal engineers is pharmaceuticals. This market, he
says, isn’t growing as robustly as it has in the past. THE SITUATION IN EUROPE
“It’s okay but there are some major challenges with The three-to-four month contract scenario in the
product recalls.” U.S. also applies across the Atlantic, according to
An added challenge is the ongoing rationalization Mark Ballard, recruitment manager, Process Divi-
of the pharmaceutical industry. He cites as a typical sion, NES Group, Manchester, U.K.
example the acquisition by Abbott Laboratories, Ab- “Three to four months is common here, too.
bott Park, Ill., of Belgium’s Solvay Pharmaceuticals That’s because there have been a lot of feasibility
in February, which resulted in a planned cutback of studies carried out in the last 12 months so these have
3,000 jobs. gone out to tender and now there’s a lot of competi-
“This could prove very helpful for us in terms tive bidding and pricing up of contracts going on.
of contract engineering expertise coming onto the Once these get signed off, it moves on to the detailed
market. But people are still very reluctant to up and design stage and we would expect contract dura-
move [to new locations],” he adds. tion to increase then. However, what we have also
McAward speaks positively about two other seen over the last 12 months is that although a lot of
sectors that are major employers of contract chemi- feasibility studies have been carried out, they have not
cal engineers: “In terms of food and beverages, these moved on to the next stage because the money isn’t
industries are a good place to be as most of them have there to carry them on.
kept up performance during the recession.” “In the U.K., most of the work that feasibility
One sector to watch is nuclear, which is undergo- studies have been carried out on concerns revamps
ing a revival in the United States. Policy changes by and modifications. The few new potential projects
the federal government are helping to pave the way rely on American parent companies that haven’t
for significant growth in nuclear capacity, says the sanctioned them yet.”
World Nuclear Assocation (WNA), London. “Fol- NES has fewer contract chemical engineers on
lowing a 30-year period in which few new reactors its books now that it did six-to-seven months ago
were built, it is expected that four-to-six new units because so many are transferring from chemicals to
may come on line by 2018… After 20 years of steady other sectors, especially nuclear. The U.K. govern-
decline, government R&D funding for nuclear energy ment is commited to building new nuclear capacity

17 November 2010

CP1011_16_20_CoverStory.indd 17 10/22/10 10:13 AM

Opportunity in China

Figure 1. BASF employs

over 6,300 full-time
and contract workers
in China, many at its
$2.9-billion Verbund
site in Nanjing, being
jointly developed with
Sinopec. Source: BASF.

and the nuclear industry believes it can get the first to construction. Contract engineers tend to find
new plant on stream by 2017. this too slow moving and a little bit boring.” So,
However, the nuclear industry does have a he adds, “If a position comes up [in the fine or
problem retaining contract engineering talent, bulk chemicals, food or pharmaceuticals sectors],
says Ballard. “The nuclear industry is slower than I will get people back from nuclear who will want
slow: it can take seven years to go from feasibility to do it. Even if this means sacrificing rolling
long-term contracts in nuclear for a series of short-
term three-to-four-month feasibility studies often
Material Master™ done for E&C [engineering and construction]
Bulk Bag Conditioner companies.”
Pay rates in the U.K. and Europe are stabiliz-
 Returns hardened material to a free-flowing state ing after a period of rapid increase in mid-2008.
 Factory testing of your material prior to purchase “Rates have dropped but this is after it went stupid
about 18 months ago. At that time a contractor
with 10+ years experience could get £40 – £45/hr
($63 – $71/hr) working on a pharmaceutical plant
in Northwest England, although the figure could
vary slightly from industry to industry and location
to location. Now the same person is getting £35/hr
($55/hr). The main reason for this is that it is now
a buyer’s market. End-users are telling the E&C
companies that they only have “x” to spend, so this
is really squeezing margins, which in turn affects
rates for contract engineers.”
There are signs this rate is beginning to pick up
again and Ballard believes it could reach the high
£30s (high $40s) by end of 2010. “A lot of traditional
chemicals and pharmaceutical manufacturing is
moving to China and India and other locations where
contract rates are lower (Figure 1). So I don’t think
 Custom designed for your application requirements the rate for these sectors will ever return to the highs
 Stand alone unit or integrated with our discharging unit mentioned earlier,” he cautions.
Ballard holds out more hope for the oil and gas
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CP1011_16_20_CoverStory.indd 18 10/22/10 10:14 AM

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CP1011_full page ads.indd 19 10/25/10 10:23 AM

cycle, and the water industry, which is poised for RELATED CONTENT ON
major investments in new plant and infrastructure CHEMICALPROCESSING.COM
across Europe. “Please Don’t Hire Me,” www.ChemicalProcessing.
Opportunities in the pharmaceutical industry com/articles/2009/140.html
depend on where you are based, he says. “Our data- “Choose Your Next Position Wisely,” www.Chemical-
base fi lled almost overnight with contract engineers
from Ireland’s pharma sector [following a Septem- “Make the Most of Contractors,” www.ChemicalPro-
ber announcement by Schering-Plough that it’s
seeking 160 redundancies at its plant in West Cork] “Know When to Leave a Sinking Ship,” www.Chemi-
but, on the other hand, pharmaceutical commis-
sioning is steady in other E.U. [European Union]
countries, especially Belgium, France, Germany, mainly going to be on mainland Europe rather than
Switzerland and Holland.” the U.K.”
He particularly cites Geel, Belgium, which is Interestingly, Ballard has noted an increase in per-
becoming a hub for pharmaceutical production and manent posts needing to be filled — a sign that purse
distribution in Europe. Johnson & Johnson, which strings are being loosened. “Permanent recruitment
has already invested hundreds of millions of euros froze when the credit crunch hit. However, since April
there has just announced that Geel now will be its this year it has been getting busier. Not so much with
distribution center for 11 European countries and to the E&C companies but rather the manufacturers
J&J affiliates around the world. directly — which makes me feel that they are about to
“We pick up a lot of work in these E.U. countries start going ahead with some of the proposals. In my
because they don’t tend to have the skill sets they experience, a rise in permanent recruitment is usually
need. Overall, I think the future of commissioning is followed by an expansion or new project build.”

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CP1011_16_20_CoverStory.indd 20 10/25/10 10:11 AM

Consider Dynamic Simulation
for Steam System Design
Models can provide crucial insights for dealing with upsets and transient conditions

By Ian Willetts, Abhilash Nair and Charles Rewoldt, Invensys Operations Management

Most process plants consider steam as an design, control and operation of the steam system can
indispensable means of delivering energy. After all, it directly impact the entire facility’s overall efficiency,
offers many performance advantages including low translating into substantial operational savings.
toxicity, ease of transportability, high latent heat and low Traditional steam hydraulic analyses assess demand
cost of production. Because most of the energy in steam and production issues at different steady-state operat-
is stored as latent heat, large quantities of heat can be ing conditions. Such analyses can’t predict the steam
transferred efficiently at constant temperature. system response through multiple headers all across the
Typical steam systems encompass multiple pressure complex during process upsets.
levels connected to a number of steam producers and Understanding the response through dynamic
steam users or consumers spread across a site. As econo- transients and ensuring the steam system can handle all
mies of scale drive operating companies to build ever expected events without jeopardizing the availability of
larger and more integrated facilities, the design of the the facility becomes a critical aspect of the process and
shared steam utility system becomes extremely critical to controls design of such systems.
their operation. The steam headers often run throughout This article takes a look at how dynamic simulation
the complex, tying together myriad units. This creates a can assist steam system design and offers up some tips
highly non-linear control and operability challenge. for staying out of “hot water.”
It’s essential to ensure that steam can be provided
to all reaches of the facility without interruption and AN IMPORTANT TOOL
that the system can be controlled in the event of upsets Dynamic simulation is a “best available technology”
to maintain stable operation. Improper controls could that can be used to evaluate the “as designed” process
lead to loss of the entire steam system, trip or damage of and control strategy to maximize the likelihood that it
critical equipment, off-specification products and, in the can provide stable and uninterrupted operation follow-
worst case, loss of the entire steam system and shutdown ing steam system or process upsets.
of the complete facility. Normally, such design deficien- A typical dynamic simulation of the steam system
cies become apparent only after an incident — this involves building a rigorous first-principles model that
could be costly or potentially disastrous. includes:
Further, with ever-increasing energy costs, better • boilers;

21 November 2010

CP1011_21_24_Design.indd 21 10/22/10 10:18 AM

Dynamic simulation can aid in a number of areas of steam
system design, including: The high fidelity model can simulate many steam-
Properly sizing lines. One of the common errors encoun- system or process upset scenarios in a matter of just days
tered in steam system design is incorrectly sized distribution — to predict the system response following such events
piping. Undersized lines have higher velocities and pressure in a safe and controlled environment on the computer.
drops, leading to insufficient flow and pressure of steam to The model then can be used to determine how best to
users. Undersized lines also increase the risk of erosion, noise correct any issues identified during the upset scenarios.
and hammering. On the other hand, oversized lines are ex-
pensive and cause higher heat losses, impacting the quality TIPS AND STRATEGIES
of steam. In addition, flows through steam pipes can undergo While dynamic simulation has become more prevalent
drastic changes. Understanding this phenomenon through due to software and processor advancements, it involves
simulation is crucial for accurately estimating and verifying far more than simply entering numbers into a form.
line sizes. Experience has shown that certain considerations and
Getting the system control loop right. Feedback loops pre-planning strategies significantly contribute to the
alone might not suffice to control the steam system through a success of steam-system simulation projects. Here are
wide range of upsets. Scenarios where steam supply exceeds some tips:
demand can be handled by disposing of excess steam for Make conservative assumptions. This is one of the
a short while until feedback loops bring the system under most critical aspects of design. It’s inevitable that the
control. However, when there’s a sudden shortage of steam, model won’t capture every possible nuance or feature
the feedback control actions might be too late. Appropri- of the process, so the model’s response won’t fully
ate feedforward control actions must be initiated before the replicate actual system response. However, if the
shortage affects operation of the facility. Understanding the model is designed to the highest possible rigor and
extremely non-linear characteristics of a steam system by all assumptions and modeling approaches err on the
simulation is critical for successful design of these feedfor- side of safety and over-design, you can have confi-
ward controls. dence in the results.
Setting correct priorities in steam shedding. Situations For example, Gandhi et al. [1] discuss the model-
where there’s likely to be a severe shortage of steam require ing of steam systems (specifically boilers following
an emergency steam-shedding plan to avoid a full-scale a trip) and the phenomenon of self-boiling in which
shutdown. But which units should be shed and in which residual heat in the boiler continues to generate
order? Such situations require a carefully designed strategy steam long after fuel is cut off. While it might be
that prioritizes shedding of steam users based on the impact possible to rigorously model the boiler to the level of
on the overall operation. As with designing feedforward con- detail to capture the self-boiling phenomenon, it may
trols, a simulation model can be used to evaluate different be more prudent instead to take a more conservative
steam-shedding strategies in a cost effective and safe man- approach — assuming steam generation stops shortly
ner, thereby ensuring the best possible emergency shedding after fuel is cut off. A control system that can handle
strategy is determined and deployed in the master controller. a rapid loss of steam certainly can deal with the situ-
ation where the steam supply decays more slowly.
On the other side of the coin is modeling the
• steam turbine generators and drivers; ramp-up of boilers when more steam is needed. The
• multiple pressure headers; boiler manufacturer will supply the design maxi-
• pressure letdown stations; mum rate of change of steam production up to the
• steam consumers; and maximum continuous rating. The vendor may give a
• regulatory and plant master control. 20% per minute ramp but what if it’s actually only
Today commercially available software packages 10% or 15% due to unforeseen issues. The dynamic
such as DYNSIM from Invensys allow steam system simulation platform provides a perfect environment
models to be built in a fraction of the time of older pro- to run multiple cases to test the sensitivity to key
gramming languages or software platforms (Figure 1). parameters.
The model is built and the controls are configured Employ strict quality-assurance procedures. The
to maintain the steam system at the normal design accuracy of simulation results depends upon many
operating point(s). The model encompasses all regula- factors, including the modeling approach, assump-
tory controls, including those specifically designed to tions, data mining and data input. Experts follow
manage expected transients resulting from steam-system strict procedures when executing a project to ensure
or process upsets. the model is built to the highest possible standard


CP1011_21_24_Design.indd 22 10/22/10 10:19 AM

Steam System

Figure 1. Dynamic simulation can serve to validate control

systems, check control valve sizes and response times, and
provide initial controller tuning parameters.

and model inputs are correct. It’s crucial to establish

quality-assurance procedures that will certain results
obtained are meaningful and trustworthy.
The main focus should be on checking the data
input into the model. Discuss assumptions made and
confirm they’re conservative enough that the results
won’t compromise any objectives of the study. For
instance, using a larger steam header volume than
actual in the model could yield a slower response
than actual; this could lead to inaccurate results and
conclusions for the design of pressure controls.
In addition, have experts from operations review
scenarios that are tested on the model to ensure the
worst case is considered.
Such a quality-assurance process guarantees the aspects and phases of the design process.
model developed includes all the right inputs and Validate steam-network piping design. The piping
assumptions, making the results more reliable and network often is designed for the flows and pres-
credible. sure profile at steady-state conditions. In the event
With a high-quality steam system model, of process upsets and the transients that may follow,
engineering and operating companies can begin to these parameters undergo rapid changes that normal
reap the benefits of dynamic simulation in different hydraulic analysis can’t discern.

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CP1011_21_24_Design.indd 23 10/22/10 10:19 AM

“Do Your Own Steam Survey,” www.ChemicalPro-
Some pipes within acceptable limits at normal “Steam Projects Provide Fast Payback,” www.
conditions could exceed design limits during tran-
sients and become potential bottlenecks to the steady “Simulation Gets a New Dynamic,” www.Chemical-
operation or startup of the facility. Identifying such
bottlenecks during startup, commissioning or after
an incident could lead to expensive field changes that sary, for example, to switch from steam-driven turbines
impact the project schedule for new plants or opera- to electric drivers (if available) or to identify which less-
tion of an existing facility. critical units should be taken offline and for how long to
A dynamic simulation analysis of the steam system protect the more-critical equipment and units.
helps precisely understand transients in the system. When transient demand exceeds transient produc-
Simulating upsets enables monitoring flows and pressure tion, as in the case of multiple boiler trips, a steam
drops across pipe segments as a function of time, to shedding strategy must be initiated quickly to counter
identify violations of design criteria during the tran- the upset before steam networks reach unacceptable
sients. The greatest benefit from this type of analysis pressures. Developing a steam shedding plan that could
occurs when it’s performed closely with the engineering be implemented during a major upset is critical to main-
design of the system. At that point, incorporating neces- taining the availability and un-interrupted operation of
sary design corrections incurs the lowest possible cost the steam system.
and impact on schedule. Dynamic simulation can be a great help with this
Confirm steam system controls. Dynamic simula- evaluation as it can be used to test and evaluate critical
tion also can be used to evaluate the proposed control shed lists and to develop a strategy — prior to startup
strategy around the integrated steam system. It can help and operation — that least impacts the economic profit-
get the control system right the first time, thereby saving ability of the overall complex. It allows analysis of either
valuable time during commissioning, helping ensure reducing steam consumption or dropping steam users
stable operation during day-to-day operations and outright based on priority and criticality. Both feedback
keeping the system up and healthy during some of the pressure-driven and feedforward event-based shedding
worst-case scenarios the facility could experience. strategies can be easily configured and tested.
An upset, like loss of a boiler, has the potential to
bring down the entire steam system, causing shutdown KEEP OUT OF HOT WATER
of critical process units. Because a dynamic simulation Dynamic simulation quickly is becoming an accept-
model incorporates all the controls, analysis can deter- ed technology for performing in-depth steam system
mine if the as-built controls can maintain stable opera- analyses that can’t otherwise be done except by trial
tion after an upset. The model allows easy configuration and error in the plant. Engineering companies can
and testing of control alternatives that might improve benefit greatly from performing such analyses by
steam-system response. Feedforward signals to boiler following the tips described here and other best prac-
controls, low/high selector clamps on letdown stations, tices as early in the process lifecycle as possible.
priority settings on steam headers, set-point staggering Moreover, the simulation software platform mod-
across the facility on various control loops are some of els become assets within the company and can be re-
the important handles that can be quickly changed and used beyond the design environment to support plant
fine-tuned using a dynamic simulation analysis. These commissioning and for the development of operator
parameters can prevent nuisance trips and shutdowns training systems.
and can accelerate startup.
Identify steam load-shedding strategies. A critical IAN WILLETTS is a director of Invensys Operations Manage-
outage of major steam producers for scheduled main- ment (IOM), Carlsbad, Calif. ABHILASH NAIR is a principal
tenance or due to an unforeseen trip requires adjusting consultant for IOM in Carlsbad. CHARLES REWOLDT is
steam demand to balance supply and demand across the an application engineer for IOM in Carlsbad. E-mail them at
complex. If backup boilers can’t make up the difference, and
or are slow to respond to the upset, it will become neces-

1. Gandhi, S.L., Graham, J., Duffield, M.A., and Cortes, R.M., “Dynamic Simulation Analyzes Expand-
ed Refinery Steam System,” p. 3, Hydrocarbon Processing (Nov. 1995).


CP1011_21_24_Design.indd 24 10/22/10 10:20 AM

Understand the


Dissipating static electricity is crucial for

avoiding ignition risks in hazardous areas

By Graham Tyers, Newson Gale, Inc.

Engineers and safety professionals at plants lost production or plant downtime, and environmen-
must work long and hard to eliminate the possibil- tal release issues.
ity of fires or explosions in areas where flammable or Static electricity is generated continuously through
combustible materials are being processed, handled relative motion — in other words, whenever surfaces
or stored. This involves identifying all potential of materials come into contact and separate. This
ignition sources — whether electrical, hot surfaces, interaction causes electrons to be stripped from one
mechanical sparks or naked flames. surface to the other, creating an electrical imbalance.
However, no matter how well the working The rate at which electrons are transferred is influ-
environment has been designed, there’s one potential enced by a number of factors such as speed and area
source of spark discharges that’s ever-present in virtu- of contact and the characteristics of the materials (for
ally every workplace and that has enough energy to example, the transfer rate will increase greatly if the
ignite all common flammable or combustible liquid materials are dissimilar or one is an insulator). In the
vapors and gases as well as many airborne dusts and workplace typical examples include liquids flowing
loose solid materials. That energy source is static through pipelines or into drums and tanks, powder
electricity, also known as “electrostatic” or just simply dropping down a chute — and even a person walking
“static.” across an insulating floor. Charge generated in this
Static electricity is the prime culprit for at least way often is lost by a combination of conduction to
two serious fires or explosions in industry worldwide ground and contact with atmospheric moisture (hu-
every day of the year, according to the National Fire midity). However, generated charge becomes a serious
Protection Association (NFPA) and the U.K.’s Institu- problem in hazardous areas when it’s allowed to ac-
tion of Chemical Engineers (IChemE). In the U.S. cumulate on objects not at ground potential. In these
alone, static electricity causes on average 280 indus- cases, a significant potential (voltage) can develop and,
trial incidents each year reported to fire and emer- depending on the characteristics of the ungrounded
gency departments, resulting in injuries and fatalities, object, this may have many times the surrounding
tens of millions of dollars of direct property damage, flammable atmosphere’s minimum ignition energy

25 November 2010

CP1011_25_28_Ops.indd 25 10/22/10 10:22 AM

Assured Protection

Figure 1. An intrinsically safe,

self-testing grounding clamp prevent safe static dissipation. The extent of charge
visually indicates proper generation current is usually very low, typically no
greater than 1×10-4 A; however, on isolated conduc-
tors this charge can quickly build up to a very high
(MIE), the minimum potential, with voltages in excess of 30 kV not uncom-
energy that can ignite mon. Depending on the capacitance of the object,
a mixture of a specified this may result in significant levels of energy available
flammable material with for discharge, well above the MIE of the surrounding
air or oxygen, measured flammable atmosphere. Typical MIEs vary accord-
by a standard procedure. ing to whether the flammable atmosphere comprises
vapor, dust or gas, but many commonly used solvents
PERVASIVE PROBLEM and other flammable chemicals have MIEs well below
In any typical working 1 mJ (Table 1). If the isolated conductor then comes
environment hidden into proximity with another object at a lower poten-
dangers may lurk in tial, much of this energy could be unleashed via the
the hazardous area in air gap in the form of an incendive spark. Of course,
the form of “isolated static ignition of the flammable atmosphere also
conductors.” These are requires a suitable concentration of fuel (vapor, dust or
conductive (commonly gas) in the air. For the purposes of safe plant design,
metal) objects that are though, the very fact there’s an identified flammable
either inherently or acci- atmosphere should suggest that this is possible or
dentally insulated from likely.
ground. This prevents any static electricity generated Three main international technical standards for
from safely discharging, resulting in accumulation static control have been developed and maintained
of charge on the object. These isolated conductors by panels of fire prevention and process safety experts
may exist in commonly used items, including metal around the globe. NFPA 77 (North America) and
flanges, fittings and valves in pipework systems; por- Cenelec CLC/TR: 50404 (Europe) both draw atten-
table drums, containers and vessels; tanker trucks, tion to a range of hazards, illustrating static control
rail cars and intermediate bulk containers (IBCs); practices for a diverse range of industrial processes.
and even people! Isolated conductors are probably The American Petroleum Institute (API) 2003 stan-
the most likely source of static ignition incidents dard focuses on hazards more specific to the petro-
in industry, ranging from small-scale fires to major leum industry. The guidelines propose maximum
damage to plant and injury to personnel. processing rates, recommended charge relaxation
Paints, coatings, gaskets, seals and other non- times for conductive and nonconductive liquids and,
conductive materials can be sufficiently insulating to most importantly, the maximum level of resistance
recommended for static dissipative circuits.
Minimum Ignition Energy
The standards have a high degree of commonality
Material (Gas/Vapor Minimum Ignition concerning conductive metal grounding circuits. For
or Powder/Dust) Energy (MIE), mJ such circuits, which encompass the plant equip-
Carbon disulfide 0.009 ment at risk of accumulating charge and the route
Methanol 0.14 to ground, most standards recommend a maximum
Xylene 0.20 resistance of 10 Ω. The rationale is that conductive
Toluene 0.24
metal circuits in good condition have a somewhat
lower resistance. If a circuit is compromised due to
Propane 0.25
faulty connections caused by long-term degradation,
Ethyl acetate 0.46 corrosion, damage or operators not following correct
Zirconium 5.00 procedures, its resistance will exceed 10 Ω. Therefore,
Epoxy resin 9.00 this value becomes a good positive benchmark to
Aluminum 10.00 verify that circuits regularly used for eliminating static
Sugar 30.00
Table 1. These values are for guidance only — always verify the
Wheat flour 50.00 specific MIE of any material. Source: NFPA, IChemE

November 2010  26

CP1011_25_28_Ops.indd 26 10/22/10 10:23 AM

Verification and Interlock System
hazards are performing their intended safety function
effectively, particularly in tough industrial processing
Effective grounding and bonding best remedy
the problems associated with isolated conductors.
Grounding involves linking the conductive object to
a known ground point via a mechanically strong and
electrically conducting cable, thereby giving it zero
(ground) potential. Bonding (or equipotential bond-
ing) links adjacent conductive objects so as to equalize
the potential between them; at some point the linked
network also is grounded, meaning everything is at
zero potential. For fixed installations such as pipe-
work, storage tanks, etc, this is relatively simple to
implement. However, it’s more difficult for mobile/ Figure 2. Such a system can automatically
shut down operations if a problem develops.
portable objects such as drums, IBCs and tankers. instruments are required
Such objects require use of purpose-designed tempo- for working “live” in a
rary grounding and bonding devices, along with strict hazardous area.
procedures to ensure they’re always in place prior to
starting of the process to prevent any static charge FURTHER CONCERNS
accumulation. Even when the appropriate static safety equipment
NFPA 77, “Recommended Practice on Static Elec- has been specified, those responsible for operations
tricity 2007 Edition,” suggests specific types of clamps within hazardous areas must address some additional
and devices for grounding and bonding portable or concerns. In operational terms attaching a ground-
mobile plant, drums and containers; these generally ing clamp to a plant object is always a “physical”
have to employ hardwearing sharp contacts and posi- action. Even if diligently following company recom-
tive spring pressure, and be universally adaptable to a mended safety procedures, an operator can never
wide range of plant objects. If such units are properly know whether the clamp has made good enough
specified and used, in most cases you can be sure of ef- contact with the object to safely dissipate any static
fective static control through grounding and bonding. generated before it can accumulate to dangerous
In all situations, it’s also important to periodically test levels. Lots of conductive objects capable of ac-
the control measures used, checking clamp/contact/ cumulating high static charges also have insulating
cable condition and the all-important connection back layers — e.g., paint or a coating or even product
to the ultimate grounding point. Intrinsically safe build-up — on their surfaces that may prevent this
low resistance contact. Many common ground-
ing and bonding clamps show very high resistance
TAKE FOUR KEY STEPS readings when clamped onto conductive objects with
To achieve effective static control in hazardous insulating surfaces. The problem can be even worse if
areas: a plant uses standard welding clamps or lightweight
1. Identify hazardous areas and processes alligator clips in place of purpose-designed devices.
where static electricity may accumulate. To solve these problems, use intrinsically safe,
2. Specify conductive or static dissipative continuously self-testing grounding clamps (Figure 1),
items of plant, equipment and packaging. as recommended in NFPA 77. An operator employs
Only use insulating plastics after carrying these in exactly the same way as conventional ground-
out risk assessment/hazard evaluation. ing clamps.
3. Ensure correct grounding and bonding and These devices employ certified, active electronic
other prevention techniques are in place — monitoring circuits powered by a low energy bat-
and are properly maintained. tery. The circuit only is completed when the clamp
4. Provide ongoing training and awareness achieves a low resistance contact onto the object to be
for employees and contractors about safe grounded; the operator receives visual confirmation of
working practices in hazardous areas. this via a light/indicator (usually a pulsing LED). The
self-testing grounding clamp also monitors cable con-


CP1011_25_28_Ops.indd 27 10/22/10 10:23 AM

Shoe Tester

Figure 3. Device provides an

either by nonconducting shoes, insulating floors or
easy way to check that static
dissipative shoes remain both, static charge can start to accumulate as the
effective. person walks along the floor. After just a few steps, a
fairly high potential may develop (especially in low-
dition back to the designed humidity atmospheres); if the person then approach-
ground point, and won’t es a conductive material at either ground or a lower
give the visual go-ahead if electrical potential, a spark may occur. It’s generally
the cable has worked loose thought such sparks can reach energies as high as 30
or is broken. Clamps for mJ, sufficient to ignite almost all flammable vapors
use in hazardous locations and gases, and many sensitive combustible powder
should carry the appropri- (dust) atmospheres. These sparks can be avoided by
ate certification or approval using ground wrist-straps for sedentary workers, or
mark, e.g., from Factory static dissipative (SD) safety shoes for personnel who
Mutual (FM) or the Cana- need to move around to carry out their tasks. In the
dian Standards Association case of the latter, it’s also necessary for floor materials
(CSA). to be sufficiently conducting to allow a “ground leak-
To move to an even age” path to safely dissipate any static charge as each
higher level of security, foot contacts the ground.
NFPA 77 recommends In the U.S., SD footwear is manufactured
ground verification and according to ASTM F2413-05, which specifies
interlock systems to provide maximum and minimum levels for ground leakage
not only visual verification via the shoe. Leakage should be low enough to allow
to the operator but also static charges to relax to ground but high enough to
interlock switching contacts provide some protection against electric shock. SD
that may be linked to pro- footwear can be checked for ongoing effectiveness
cess pumps, valves, alarm/ using test stations (Figure 3). These types of devices
shutdown/control systems, help prevent incorrect shoes being used in static-
etc. Such interlocks can sensitive environments.
preclude process startup until the conductive object
has been safely grounded; if at any time during the GET GROUNDED
operation the condition changes (due to a clamp The dangers of static electricity in hazardous areas
falling off or wire breaking), the system automatically demand a rigorous approach to plant, process and
shuts down the process. Systems employing interlocks personnel safety. As the speed and scale of modern
also can prevent accidents caused by operators ap- manufacturing and distribution techniques increase,
proaching plant objects already carrying accumulated and the range of materials used and processed
static charges, as in these cases static electricity won’t grows, such an approach to safety becomes even
be generated until the process is initiated. more important. So, gain a greater understanding
Static ground verification and interlock systems by reviewing NFPA 77 and other industry-specific
generally are line-powered. They employ approved codes of practice that provide practical guidance for
intrinsically safe barriers to limit the monitoring cir- specific situations.
cuit to safe levels but still must have proper hazard-
ous location and safety certification. These systems GRAHAM TYERS is president of Newson Gale, Inc., Jackson, N.J.
typically handle ultra-safety-critical applications like Email him at
loading/unloading tanker trucks and rail cars with
low conductivity flammable liquids (Figure 2), IBCs,
fluid bed dryers, mixers, transfer equipment and spe-
cial process machines. They also are useful wherever
it’s highly likely that static charge will accumulate in
“Static Electricity References,” www.ChemicalPro-
very low MIE flammable atmospheres.
A static safety audit also requires us to consider
“Avoiding a Future Accident,” www.ChemicalPro-
the people working in the hazardous area. If the hu-
man body is insulated from contact with the ground,


CP1011_25_28_Ops.indd 28 10/22/10 10:24 AM

Treat Tanks
with Care
A variety of easily avoided problems can
cause vessel failure

By Roy E. Sanders, chemical process safety consultant

Storage tanks play a vital role at chemical

plants, oil refineries and other facilities, and repre-
sent major investments. Yet, despite all-too-frequent
incidents of wrinkled roofs, collapsed walls and
other failures, many people who design, construct,
operate and maintain low-pressure storage tanks
don’t appreciate how frail they are.
In his popular book “What Went Wrong? Case
Histories of Process Plant Disasters” [1], Trevor Kletz
starts the chapter on storage tanks by saying: “No
item of equipment is involved in more accidents than
the storage tank, probably because storage tanks are
fragile and easily damaged by slight overpressure
and vacuum. Fortunately, the majority of accidents
involving tanks do not cause injury, but they do
cause damage, loss of material and interruption of
Dramatic tank failures feature in about a quarter
of the case histories presented in the Beacon [2], a
free Internet publication of the Center for Chemi- tanks. (Some low-pressure tanks have a floating
cal Process Safety (CCPS) of the American Institute roof but we won’t discuss these here.) Another
of Chemical Engineers. The incidents covered stem popular choice is the API-620 tank, which is lim-
from causes such as overfilling, vacuum damage and ited by code to 15 psig. Its top resembles a puffed
explosions resulting from flammable mixtures in the cupcake. There also are small shop-built tanks,
vapor space. transportation vessels, plastic tanks and an array
So, here we’ll look at factors that can compro- of non-code vessels.
mise such vessels — and how to address them. In addition, a wide range of pressure vessels
are designed and fabricated to Section VIII of
TANK CLASSIFICATIONS the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Tanks come in a variety of designs. Some low- (ASME) Pressure Vessel Code. Such pressure
pressure storage tanks, sometimes called at- vessels come in a variety of shapes — the more
mospheric storage tanks, are built to American popular ones are like a fat straight sausage or a
Petroleum Institute (API) 650 specifications. sphere. The ASME Code covers vessels with inter-
Many large API-650 tanks have a flat to slightly nal design pressures from 15 psig to 3,000 psig.
coned roof and appear similar to a can of tuna fish The largest low-pressure storage tanks often
or soup. However, a can of tuna fish or soup will are the most fragile and most vulnerable to failure
withstand many times more pressure than a typi- from both over-pressure and vacuum [3]. Basically
cal low-pressure tank [3]. The weight of the roof that’s because a slight pressure over a very large
often limits the pressure rating of low-pressure area creates a large force.

29 November 2010

CP1011_29_32_Fluids.indd 29 10/25/10 10:14 AM

Tilting Tank

Figure 1. Over-pressure due to left-in-place blind caused

base of tank to give way.

— via alarms and high-high level interlocks — against

overfilling of hazardous materials and the resulting
Over-pressure and under-pressure. It’s crucial to main-
tain the integrity of tank venting systems. Otherwise,
catastrophic damage may result.
Over-pressure caused a sudden drastic failure at
the base of a 12-ft-dia., 24-ft-high fiber-glass acid tank
(Figure 1). The tank was equipped with a separate vent
line, an overflow line and a vacuum breaker.
As a safety precaution when repairing an under-
ground sewer line that would receive acid if the tank
overflowed, supervision had the overflow line blinded
and instructed operators to run the vessel well below the
overflow line. The thought was that the vent line was
sized sufficiently for filling purposes.
Unfortunately, a blind from a previous job had been
left within the vent line and wasn’t detected. As opera-
tors started filling the fiber-glass tank, the inerts had no
SOME COMMON PROBLEMS place to go and the tank was pressurized to destruction.
Simple operational situations often cause tank failures. Fortunately, no one was injured [4].
Accidental overfilling, impeding exiting vent flow, and Under-pressure led to a well-maintained low-
not allowing in-breathing as a tank is being pumped out pressure 20-ft-dia., about-30-ft-tall carbon-steel solvent
are cardinal sins. tank with ¼-in. walls ending up as scrap metal after
Overfilling. A recent CP article, “Don’t Underesti- “improvements” to the vent system. To reduce emis-
mate Overfilling’s Risks,” www.ChemicalProcessing. sions, vent recovery compressors and more-sophisticated
com/articles/2010/143.html, focused specifically on the instrumentation were replacing old-style conservation
hazards posed. It cited three major industrial accidents vents.
resulting from overfilling — including a massive fire in While the first batch of material after the tank
December 2005 at the Buncefield Oil Storage Depot in conversion was being pumped out, the roof and two
Hertfordshire, England. The tank that caused the inci- courses of vertical walls were sucked in due to the lack of
dent had an independent high-level alarm and interlock the nitrogen padding and the vacuum protection system
but the system didn’t work. The September 2006 Beacon being inadvertently isolated by a small block valve.
provided details on that disaster and related that overfill- A simple hinged vent lid had served well for decades.
ing has contributed to a number of serious incidents in The lid was replaced with a much more complex system
the chemical and oil industries in recent years. involving a vent compressor to recover the vapors and
Tanks must be engineered to provide protection a nearly zero leakage pressure/vacuum device. The

1. Kletz, Trevor A., “What Went Wrong? Case Histories of Process Plant Disasters,” p. 97, 5th ed., Gulf
Publishing, Burlington, Mass. (2009). Similar details are also found in all earlier editions.
2. Beacon, a free single-page monthly publication of the CCPS comes in many different languages.
To subscribe, go to:
3. “Safe Tank Farms and (Un)Loading Operations,” BP Process Safety Series, BP Safety Group,
Sunbury-on-Thames, U.K. (2008).
4. Sanders, Roy E., “Chemical Process Safety: Learning from Case Histories,” p. 108, 3rd ed., Elsevier
Butterworth-Heinemann, Burlington, Mass. (2005).
5. Sanders, Roy, “Human Factors: Case Histories of Improperly Managed Changes in Chemical
Plants,” p. 150, Process Safety Progress (Fall 1996).


CP1011_29_32_Fluids.indd 30 10/25/10 10:15 AM

operators were well trained on the new compressor but RELATED CONTENT ON
not on the new piping arrangement. Worse yet, closure CHEMICALPROCESSING.COM
of a single small-diameter impulse valve rendered all “Don’t Underestimate Overfilling’s Risks,” www.
the well-conceived improvements worthless. Oops, a
$100,000 mistake [5]. “Bhopal Leaves a Lasting Legacy,” www.Chemical-
Plant designers must strive to develop user-friendly
piping, layout and control schemes, and must clearly la- “It’s Time to Tank Complacency,” www.Chemical-
bel equipment safety systems to reduce opportunities for
failure. Venting systems should ensure proper protection
during all phases of operations. dike designs, demand professional handling.
Tank venting systems mustn’t be altered or tam- • Venting systems not only must be well designed
pered with without a management-of-change review. but also must be inspected and maintained dur-
ing the life of the equipment. Tamper-proof vent
AN OLD STORY designs are ideal.
None of this is new. In an ICI Safety Newsletter pub- • Tank bottoms should be sloped and associated
lished in the 1970s, Kletz predicted a storage tank would piping should be laid out to facilitate complete
be sucked in each year. Experienced process safety drainage. Tanks should be checked for internal
people hear of such situations every so often. and external corrosion.
CCPS has pointed out tanks’ vulnerability to • Local conditions, such as the possibility of flood-
vacuum in two issues of the Beacon. Vivid photos of ing or hurricanes, which can affect low-pressure
failed tanks demonstrated the importance of maintain- storage tanks should be considered.
ing proper vacuum protection. • Ongoing corrosion monitoring is essential. The BP
The February 2002 Beacon, titled “A Little ‘Noth- booklet [3] contains a number of photos and brief
ing’ Can Really be Deflating — VACUUM is a Power- descriptions of tank failures from corrosion.
ful Force!,” showed a rail car sucked in and a tank that
collapsed while being painted. One main message was:
“Whenever vacuum relief systems are removed, covered,
modified, etc., special precautions are needed to prevent
an incident.”
“Vacuum Hazards — Collapsed Tanks” in the
February 2007 Beacon stressed three key points:
1. Well-intentioned people can easily block vents.
2. Never cover or block the atmospheric vent of an
operating tank.
3. Routinely check for plugging of vents on tanks in
fouling service.

Always keep in mind the following points about low-
pressure tank layout and design:
• Tank spacing and layout are critical. Various prop-
erty insurance publications and pamphlets from
the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
offer some guidance about the proper spacing of
storage tanks, especially those that contain flam-
mable or toxic liquids.
• Tanks containing incompatible chemicals
shouldn’t be allowed within the same diking
• Fire-protection features, including static
electricity dissipation, vapor space inerting,
protective foam generators, water spray and

CP1011_29_32_Fluids.indd 31 10/25/10 10:15 AM

Essential Effort

Figure 2. There is no substitute for an internal inspection to

help ensure mechanical integrity.

• Many helpful references are available. These

include API-650, API-620, API-510 “Pressure Ves-
sel Inspection Code — Maintenance, Inspection,
Rating and Alteration,” API-653 “Tank Inspec-
tion, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction,”
NFPA codes and Reference 3.

To quote from the BP booklet [3], “Most tanks are made
of carbon steel, which can corrode when exposed to air
and water. Over time, uncontrolled rusting can weaken
or destroy the components of a tank, resulting in holes
or possible structural failures, and release of stored prod-
ucts into the environment.”
Effective timely inspections can drastically reduce
failures from corrosion.
Three different approaches to tank inspections are
widely used.
A periodic visual inspection by operators is the
first line of defense. This type of routine monitoring
focuses on evidence of seepage or leakage, tank set-
tling, bulging or significant corrosion.
In-service inspections generally are less frequent
than operator reviews and typically are performed by

PROTECT PUMPS certified inspectors. Such checks often start five years
after commissioning, with frequency adjusted accord-
ing to tank history, the risk involved and the corrosion
• Dry Running rate. These most often involve taking ultrasonic thick-
• Cavitation ness readings at key locations.
Periodic internal inspections after the tank is
• Bearing Failure drained and washed are a must (Figure 2). These can
• Overload identify components that have shifted, localized pit-
TRUE POWER LOAD DISPLAY ting, etc., that may not be apparent from an external
• Best Sensitivity inspection. Typically internal inspections take place
COMPACT EASY MOUNTING at a frequency between annually and once every ten
• Starter Door • Raceway years. The exact frequency is best determined by the
• Panel • Wall corrosive nature of the fluid, including its trace com-
TWO ADJUSTABLE SET POINTS ponents, and the past history of similar equipment on
• Relay Outputs the site.
MODEL PMP-25 • Adjustable Delay Timers
Tanks can and do hold large inventories of a wide
• Works on Wide Range of Motors
variety of raw materials, intermediates and finished
• Simplifies Installation products safely for decades. However, if a tank and its
accessories are poorly designed, abused by operations
or deprived of effective inspection and basic mainte-
CALL NOW FOR YOUR FREE 30-DAY TRIAL nance, bad things can happen.
888-600-3247 ROY E. SANDERS is a chemical process safety consultant based
in Lake Charles, La. E-mail him at Sanders.Roy@Suddenlink.Net.


CP1011_29_32_Fluids.indd 32 10/25/10 10:16 AM


Refinery Pumps Up Energy Savings

Switching to a steam-driven pump enhances condensate return system

By Michael Calogero, Armstrong International

Steam Pump
A SITE-WIDE steam and condensate system audit
of a Midwest refinery conducted by Armstrong
and its local representative, the Steam Econo-
mies Company, revealed that the refinery was
discharging condensate to the sewer through a
temporary hose due to a faulty condensate pump-
ing system.
As it investigated the situation further, the audit
team discovered the system that returned conden-
sate to the boiler house used electrically driven
centrifugal pumps. While these units worked most
of the time, they required significant maintenance
due to their numerous parts and sensitive sensors
that demanded ongoing calibrations. Because the
pumps were old, they also were unreliable and parts
were hard to fi nd. Moreover, the system needed
a pump-around loop to prevent burnout of the
pump and motor. Also, the controls to direct the Figure 1. Unit only operates when triggered by condensate level.
condensate were complicated and required periodic
Any replacement electrical pump would have to CHECK OUT PAST ARTICLES
meet all the electrical safety requirements of a Class Making It Work stories going back to 2005
1 Division 1 environment and its installation cost are available at
would be high. Other drawbacks of an electrical voices/making_it_work.html
pump in condensate service are cavitation issues due
to insufficient net positive suction head (NPSH) and unneeded piping, controls and valves. The payback
leaking pump seals. period should run two to three years.
Seeking a lower cost and a more dependable The Armstrong PT-516 steam pump has been in
solution, the refinery was drawn to the simplicity of service for more than a year with no interruptions
Armstrong’s PT-516 pump (Figure 1). It uses steam to returning condensate from the crude unit to the
from the plant rather than electrical power. And, boiler house. This has helped the refinery maximize
unlike the centrifugal pumps that ran continuously, energy savings and capture an additional $75,000
the PT-516 only consumes steam when the conden- annually.
sate level in the pump requires a pumping cycle. Now the refinery is investigating other opportu-
The refinery reports there no longer are any NPSH nities to use steam-driven technology for condensate
concerns and hotter condensate (212°F versus 180°F) collection and return.
now can be returned. The steam-driven pump can
handle up to 65,000 lb/hr of condensate. MICHAEL CALOGERO, P.E., is Allentown, Pa.-based refining
The pump plus accessories and check valves cost and petrochemical manager for Armstrong International. E-mail
about $20,000. Installation also involved removal of him at


“What’s Involved in Changing From an Electric Motor to a Steam Turbine?,” www.ChemicalProcessing.
“How Do You Decide Between Steam or Electrical Turbines?,”


CP1011_33_MIW.indd 33 10/22/10 10:30 AM

PROCESS puzzler

Deal with a Decanter that Can’t

Readers recommend ways to save a standing separator

This month’s puzzler

have a quick separation of the organic and water
Our decanter for separating a mixture of C10, C 20, C 30 and C 40 phases. Based on your problem definition, if the
compounds from a water/toluene solution isn’t performing right. nozzle for removal of the organic layer is located at
To save space, we opted for a 3-ft-diameter vertical unit with a about seven feet from the top straight side, there is
length/diameter ratio of about 3:1. The flows are 6,000 pounds sufficient residence time to separate the two layers.
per hour (PPH) of organic and 2,500 PPH of aqueous phase. The Actual time can be determined in the laboratory.
viscosities are: 300 cP for the organic; 0.8 cP for the water. The The feed location as described should be all right.
specific gravities are: 0.8 for the organic; 0.99 for the water. Feed The following equation can be used to calculate
is at about 50% of the straight side length and we use a dispersion the height of the interface:
layer of about 5%. Although the decanter is designed to capture H2 = (H12 - Ht (ρ 1/ρ 2))/(1 - (ρ 1/ρ 2))
100 micron (μ) droplets, the carbon filter that’s supposed to serve where ρ 1 is the light phase density; ρ 2 is the heavy
as a water polishing filter actually is removing them. We’ve had phase density; Ht is the distance between the exits,
to change it out every 30 hours at a cost of $250/500 pounds. On light and heavy; H12 is the height of the riser in
examination, we discovered that during construction 1-in. high-flow the heavy-phase exit line; and H2 is the height of
packing was dumped into the decanter. It fills the bottom third of the heavy phase (see Figure 1).
the column. How can we fix the decanter? Should we be happy with The top of the tank and the water outlet pipes
100 μ? How can we reduce our carbon costs? SG
should be connected in such a way that they equalize Simple design
the pressure
(organic so phase)
that the liquid does not siphon out.
The water outlet pipe should have an adjustable arm SG

RE-EXAMINE THE DESIGN so that the height of the water layer can be adjusted.
I would do the following to resolve the problem. It can be used to control the interface level.
H1 the packing from the decanter as it is
Remove Don’t use the manual shut-off valves H1in the SG
Ht taking up valuable space. And install a dual basket waterHeavy and organic outlet pipes to adjust flow and Rag layer SG

filter in the Rag

feed layers SG
line to break the organic/water interface layer height. SG
(aqueous phase) SG
mixture and facilitate the phase separation in the Girish Malhotra, president Feed
decanter. Such filters are commercially available. EPCOT International, Pepper H2Pike, Ohio

Feed SG H12
Review your design against the following sug-
H2 method. These Filter
gravity-based decanters are CHANGE THE CONTINUOUS PHASE
based on hydraulic balance and have been success- The viscosities are very different and, in this appli-
fully used for continuous processes. cation, the water should be the continuous phase Figure 1. Vertical decanter
The density numbers suggest that we should and the organic should be the dispersed droplet
phase. I would check this
Vertical Decanter
first. Because of the rela-
tive amounts of the two
SG Light phases (70% organic), the
(organic phase) organic is likely to be the
continuous phase. Look
at the process forming
H1 the emulsion.
Ht If the feed emulsion
cannot be modified,
(aqueous phase)
Feed SG H12 Figure 1. The inlet filter shown
usually isn’t necessary unless
lab tests indicate the rag
H2 Filter layer (layer of emulsion of the
liquids) is stable.

November 2010  34

CP1011_34_35_Puzzler.indd 34 10/22/10 10:31 AM

PROCESS puzzler

Hydrogenation Column

Hydrogen FT

FC Figure 2. Venting from

vacuum pump incurs
C20+ branched oils* a hydrogen loss of as
much as 3 std. ft3/min.

Vent stack



Liq. ring vac. ESTCODE

pump FT
Product SC
tank TT

Gear drum Interchanger FC

Catalyst bed
500°F, 400 psig
* Oil was pretreated to remove sulfur
and other impurities.

perhaps water could be recycled and added to the variable. Running the decanter at a warmer tem-
feed, making water the continuous phase. The perature may also improve separation.
decanter can give superior separation; even at the Mike Gentilcore, principal research engineer
higher total inlet feed rates needed for a system Covidien Imaging Solutions, Hazelwood, Mo.
with a recycle.
Look at the inlet and outlet nozzles. The inlet REDUCE SURFACE TENSION
velocity may be too high and may encourage Dump the column, remove the packing. The
stirring and mixing in the dispersion band. If current mechanical design won’t work. Instead,
necessary, add a diffuser internal to the decanter. design an impingement plate for the entrance to
Consider the packing. help divide the two streams in the dispersion zone.
The packing in the bottom of the decanter is serv- If the feed pump permits, install a static mixer at
ing as a static mixer, decreasing separation perfor- the inlet to the decanter.
mance. Removing of the packing should be beneficial. The process design for the vertical decanter is
Lastly, the temperature is not discussed as a Response continues on p. 37

Our hydrogenation system, consisting of a column filled Send us your comments, suggestions or solutions
with catalyst, an interchanger and a knockout drum for this question by November 13, 2010. We’ll include
under vacuum (Figure 2), produces excess hydrogen. The as many of them as possible in the November 2010
drum is meant to separate the hydrogen from the prod- issue and all on Send visuals — a sketch is
uct, which is then pumped to the tank farm. The vacuum fine. E-mail us at or mail
pump surges constantly, unable to find a sweet spot. The to Process Puzzler, Chemical Processing, 555 W. Pierce
pump vents to atmosphere perhaps as much as 3 std. ft 3/ Road, Suite 301, Itasca, IL 60143. Fax: (630) 467-1120.
min of hydrogen. Our plant manager wants to know if Please include your name, title, location and company
there’s a way to recover the hydrogen and stabilize the affiliation in the response.
level feeding the pump. How can we address this situa- And, of course, if you have a process problem you’d
tion? Is there any way to limp along with this process until like to pose to our readers, send it along and we’ll be
it’s convenient to shut it down? pleased to consider it for publication.

35 November 2010

CP1011_34_35_Puzzler.indd 35 10/22/10 10:32 AM

plant insites

Don’t Err with Air-Fin Exchangers

Take considerable care when specifying maximum air temperature

Deciding on the maximum air temperature is usually imposed to forestall major plant problems.
one of the important steps in defining the basis for As a result the percentage target generally is small,
air-fin heat exchanger design. Too low a maximum e.g., 1% or 2% of the days.
air temperature may result in an exchanger that fails Usually, I use a temperature that’s exceeded only
to perform. Too high a maximum air temperature a certain number of hours per year, typically 1%
can lead to excessive costs — and to an exchanger so to 2% of the hours. This approach is less stringent
large it becomes a problem when air temperature is because it’s based on the temperature being topped at
Adjust the base lower than normal. any time during a day, not for the full day — 1% of
Air temperature selection affects both process and the days where the high temperature goes beyond a
climate tempera- mechanical design of a fin-fan. A vendor will design certain value is a lot less than 1% of the hours where
ture to account to whatever temperature limit you give. It’s your job as the temperature passes the same value. The strategy
the purchaser to set the correct air temperature. particularly suits plants where high air temperatures
for any special Setting maximum design air temperatures involves pose an economic cost but don’t create safety, environ-
factors. finding answers to three important questions: mental or major operational problems. Detailed data
1. How critical is it to meet your process are needed for this.
temperature? Another approach is to use the average high
2. What are the climate data for your location? temperature for the coldest month(s) of the year. This
3. W hat special or local factors should you is a relatively low temperature for most locations.
include? For example, the “mean max” temperatures for that
The more critical meeting your process tempera- snow-belt plant are 24–25°F (~13–14°C) colder than
ture is, the more stringent your air temperature selec- the maximum monthly temperatures (Figure 1). This
tion guidelines. strategy suits processes with minor cost or operational
The most conservative approach is to pick an air consequences from air temperatures higher than the
temperature that’s never exceeded. However, this can air-fin’s design basis.
be surprisingly high. For instance, at one snow-belt There are sources of general data for local climate
site, temperatures occasionally reach 70°F (24°C) conditions. For the U.S., the National Oceanic and
in December (Figure 1). This strategy is needed for Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has a superb
extreme cases — if exceeding the temperature will website that gives climate data (
cause a plant shutdown or pose safety or environmen- climate/ or
tal consequences. tionlocator.html). Find the weather station closest to
The second approach, which applies to plants your location that has the same climate conditions.
that have significant step changes in operation tied The station you choose should be physically nearby,
to temperature, is to set the maximum to an air at similar elevation, and in the same general type of
temperature that’s exceeded only a specific number location — e.g., on the water or in the same valley (if a
of days per year. This is a stringent requirement that’s mountain location). All of these factors can signifi-

Historical Data

Figure 1. December temperatures for location were obtained inexpensively from NOAA website.

November 2010  36

CP1011_36_37_InSites.indd 36 10/22/10 10:33 AM

plant insites

cantly affect local temperature patterns. Data available Large tanks, vessels, buildings and fired heaters
will vary between different stations. near the air-fin can starve the exchanger of air or force
You can download the best data for a trivial fee. hot air toward it.
Current pricing for the data used to generate this The typical design method for handling such
starts at $3 and goes up gradually. Figure 1 shows an issues is to adjust the design air temperature. Often
extract from a NOAA report. a 5–10°F (3–5°C) allowance will deal with most of
Another excellent source is the ASHRAE Funda- these special factors. If you really think a larger al-
mentals Handbook, which lists worldwide summaries lowance is needed, you should reexamine the entire
of temperatures that are exceeded 35 hours (0.4%), 88 location selection logic for the exchanger.
hours (1%) or 175 hours (2%) during an average year. Selecting maximum air design temperatures for
Once you’ve selected a base climate temperature, you air-fins can dramatically change process economics:
must adjust it to account for any special factors — such too high and the equipment becomes very large and
as air recirculation and potential air maldistribution expensive, too low and process performance suffers.
because of wind and the effect of nearby equipment. Select a temperature strategy consistent with your
Will layout considerations force placing the new requirements. Find good climate data on local condi-
air-fin adjacent to an existing air-fin? If so, this may tions. Then allow for special circumstances for your
require adding some temperature allowance due to the plant and exact equipment location.
neighboring unit. Watch out in particular for induced-
draft and forced-draft air-fin exchangers close to each andrew sloley, Contributing Editor
other and adjacent exchangers at different elevations.

PROCESS puzzler

Process Puzzler, continued from p. 35

even less promising. Although the residence time If you can add a small trace element, perhaps
for a 3-ft-diameter decanter is more than sufficient a surfactant that will not contaminate the organic
to remove the droplets, the calculated entrainment phase or can be separated easily, this might be the
droplet size is about 2,000 μ. This is not the 100 μ direction to go. Anything that reduces the surface
desired and explains why carbon is being rapidly tension may be effective.
consumed. Carbon columns usually capture drop- Do a drain test in the lab. Cut a circular hole
lets in the range of about 30 μ. in a small container with about 100 ml of the
There is another reason for reducing the overuse organic phase. The hole should be smooth but
of the activated carbon — disposal: roughly $0.50/ sharp, without a nozzle. Measure the time it takes
lb for transportation (within 200 miles) and $0.60/lb to drain through the hole after adding the chemi-
for disposal by drying and incineration via a thermal cal or doing whatever you decide to do. You’ll
oxidizer (TOX). Once you factor in the disposal, for this want to run a standard first with the untreated
example you’re paying $1.60/lb as the true cost of car- organic. If you’re making headway, the drain time
bon. A more realistic price for activated carbon is about should decrease.
$1.80/lb, including shipping to the site. The final price You must reduce the surface tension of the
would then be $2.90/lb. Regeneration is possible and co- dispersed light phase. Reducing the aqueous
generation, typical of a TOX, might reduce costs. Let’s phase by half will cause a phase inversion but this
reconsider the design again. trick won’t improve separation of the two phases.
With decanters sometimes efficiency can be Dirk Willard, contract staff engineer
improved by increasing the diameter or the tempera- Hemlock Semiconductor, Hemlock, Mich.
ture. However, a quick check with these parameters
shows no improvement: the viscosity of the continu- An additional response appears online at
ous phase, i.e., the light phase, is too high. We need
to consider other options. articles/2010/194.html

37 November 2010

CP1011_36_37_InSites.indd 37 10/22/10 10:34 AM

Equipment & services

thereby equating to a lower cost of

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Feature Pressure Control resistance as previous Saunders EP or A&E, thus preventing industrial
Available with nickel-plated bronze and butyl-based diaphragms. network attacks and accidents. The
or PTFE gears, stainless-steel or Crane ChemPharma Flow Tofino hardware is simply installed
brass pump bodies, and stainless- Solutions into the live network and config-
steel drive shafts, the UP Series (513) 745-6000 ured using a drag-and-drop editor
compact, self-priming gear pumps to select permitted clients and serv-
are designed for water processing ers, eliminating any control system
and oil, fuel or antifreeze transfer. Unit Eases Supercritical changes. Once installed, network
UP Series models vary according to Fluid Use security is assured, with all OPC
flow and pressure capability, product The SFT-150 Supercritical Fluid traffic managed behind the scenes.
features and options. Some models Extraction/Reaction System is Byres Security Inc.
come with built-in pressure control, designed to perform extractions (877) 297-3799 x764
whereby a factory programmed and run reactions in a supercritical
pressure setting is maintained via fluid media. The modular stainless-
a micro-processor-based variable steel vessel is capable of containing
pump speed control circuit that supercritical fluids at pressures
utilizes an internal pressure sensor up to 10,000 psi, comes standard
for loop feedback. These pumps are with a 100-mL hand-tight sample
also said to be ideal for pumping sea- vessel, and can accommodate pres-
water, acids or alkaline solutions. sure vessels of up to 2-L capacity.
Clark Solutions Pressurization is controlled by an Regulators Handle High
978-568-3400 air regulator which regulates the Pressures amount of air supplied to the pump The Instrument Series regulators
allowing “dial in” pressure control. precisely control pressures up to
A proportional-integral-derivative 5,000 psig using Type 316 stainless
temperature controller allows for steel diaphragms. Fitted with Kalrez
the control of the fluid temperature o-rings, the device can operate up
in the unit’s vessel. In addition, an to temperatures of 327°C (620°F).
optional co-solvent module can be A flow rate turndown ratio of up to
configured into the SFT-150. 10,000:1 reportedly enables these
Supercritical Fluid Technologies regulators to excel at ultra-low
302-738-3420 flow rate applications, controlling
Diaphragm Offers Longer down to a flow coefficient (CV) of
Life 10-8. Maximum CV ranges from
Developed using a compound Firewall Protects OPC 0.1 to 0.6. Inlet pressures can be
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Diaphragm offers increased erosion locks down any industrial network Diaphragm options include PTFE,
resistance in both corrosive and using the previously hard-to-secure Viton, and SS316, making these
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According to the company, the new packet-inspection firewall technol- sive chemistries.
diaphragm provides enhanced flex ogy, the Tofino OPC Enforcer Equilibar
life, resulting in reduced down- provides security and stability for 828 650-6590
time and improved productivity, any system using OPC DA, HAD

November 2010  38

CP1011_38_E&S.indd 38 10/22/10 10:35 AM


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39 November 2010

CP1011_39_41_CLASS.indd 39 10/25/10 3:36 PM




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Saflex™ 3000 operates at up to 40,000 psi (2,800 bar). It inserts three flexible
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hose change adapts the system for diameters from 4 mm to 15 mm. The lances
are flexible to go through bends in the tubes. NLB Corp., (248) 624-5555, 555 W. Pierce Road, Suite 301
Itasca, IL 60143 Phone: 630-467-1300 • Fax: 630-467-1109
Web site:

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Chemical Processes Make Fashion Statement

Chemical technology developments add new twists to fashion trends

While chemical processing technology has long Chemical technology is at the heart of another
been involved with both the production of fabrics novel fashion development, too — this time at Kings-
and their associated dyes, the Science in Style event at ton University, London.
Imperial College London on September 16th added For part of her degree project, Master of Arts fash-
a novel twist to the industry’s relationship with the ion student Emily Crane has been working with top
fashion world U.K. chef Heston Blumenthal, chemical engineers and
The event was chosen for the official launch of couturiers on a range of edible clothes.
Spray-on fabric Fabrican Spray-on: a fabric that can be sprayed directly Kingston has a reputation for encouraging innova-
onto the body using aerosol technology. The spray tive design and one of Crane’s first dresses was grown
dries instantly to dries instantly to make innovative clothes that can be from soap bubbles in her freezer. However, she was
make innovative washed and re-worn. determined to pursue the edible route and searched
Fabrican Spray-on is the result of a collaboration out alternative ingredients. Gelatine, seaweed and food
clothes. between Spanish fashion designer and academic visitor dyes are now the primary raw materials.
at Imperial, Dr. Manel Torres, and Paul Luckham, A big turning point for the designer came when
professor of particle technology in the school’s depart- she fortuitously discovered how her garments could
ment of chemical engineering. drape over a body: “I was designing a dress which
The new fabric consists of short fibers that are was half white and half black and experimented
combined with polymers to bind the fibers together using a black food dye. The white side stayed solid,
and a solvent that delivers the fabric in liquid form and but the black side became soft. I realized that the
evaporates when the spray reaches a surface. The spray glycerol in the food dye had completely changed the
can be applied using a high-pressure gun or an aerosol texture of the garment.”
can. The texture of the fabric can be changed accord- Moving from high fashion to more practical wear,
ing to which fibers — such as wool, linen or acrylic — Clariant, Muttenz, Switzerland, has announced the
are used and how the spray is layered. latest advance in its Advanced Denim technology.
“When I first began this project I really wanted to Known as Pad/Sizing Ox, the new dyeing procedure
make a futuristic, seamless, quick and comfortable ma- will allow retailers to offer fashionable, high-quality
terial,” says Torres. “In my quest to produce this kind jeans based on what the company describes as the most
of fabric, I ended up returning to the principles of the sustainable, resource-saving production method avail-
earliest textiles such as felt, which were also produced able today.
by taking fibers and finding a way of binding them The new process allows textile mills to use up to
together without having to weave or stitch them. As an 92% less water and 30% less energy, and reduce waste
artist, I spend my time dreaming up one-off creations, cotton by 63%. Most of these savings come about as a
but as a scientist I have to focus on making things re- result of using ozone and peroxide for bleaching wash-
producible. I want to show how science and technology down, avoiding the use and consequently the presence
can help designers come up with new materials.” in wastewater of harmful chemicals such as hypochlo-
Fashion is just one of the uses of this technology. rite or permanganate.
Torres and Luckham have set up a spin-off company Among the benefits being claimed for denim
called Fabrican to explore other applications such as manufacturers are: improved fastness, better reproduc-
medicine patches and bandages, hygiene wipes, air tion of tones and shades, and easy application for more
fresheners and upholstery for furniture and cars. precise results.
“The fashion application of spray-on fabric is a Clariant says this will expand the market’s poten-
great way of advertising the concept, but we are also tial to achieve new and interesting colors, deeper and
keen to work on new applications for the medical, faster blues, “amazing” blacks and grays, finely-graded
transport and chemical industries. For example, the shades and special wash-down effects. It will also meet
spray-on fabric may be produced and kept in a steril- current market demands for an efficient process to dye
ized can, which could be perfect for providing spray-on small and varied denim batches.
bandages without applying any pressure for sooth-
ing burnt skin, or delivering medicines directly to a Seán ottewell, Editor at Large
wound,” adds Luckham.

November 2010  42

CP1011_42_EndPoint.indd 42 10/22/10 10:36 AM

Join Chemical Processing editors and industry experts as we engage in lively discussions about hot topics
challenging the chemical processing market today. Our 2010 CP Panel Discussion Series was a big success!
Join us in 2011 - each of these FREE 60 minute Webcasts will inform and educate. Plus, you’ll have the
opportunity to ask our panel of experts questions related to the topic being discussed. Mark your calendar
for the 2011 CP Panel Discussion Series topics now! Our 2011 line-up includes:

Energy Efficiency Condition Monitoring Security Asset Management

January 20, 2011 February 17, 2011 March 17, 2011 April 21, 2011
Electrical and thermal energy rep- Plants are stepping up their efforts Find out about the current and Getting the most out of equip-
resent substantial operating costs to monitor the condition of key as- pending legislative impact on man- ment is crucial for efficient and
to plants. Increasing power and sets to identify potential problems ufacturing, storage and the use of economic plant operations. This
fuel costs make it critical to boost before they effect operational Chemicals of Interest (COIs) — plus discussion will provide practical
energy efficiency and lower energy performance, damage equipment practical advice for compliance. pointers for optimizing asset use,
costs, especially since those sav- or lead to costly downtime. This Hear from industry professionals improve efficiency and lower main-
ings go directly to the bottom discussion will review key tools and who have helped companies with tenance costs.
line. This panel discussion will solutions that will enhance your CFATS compliance at many Tier
provide guidance on how plants operations, optimize efficiencies, 1-4 CFATS sites. Also, learn about
can improve energy efficiency and improve asset life and improve important legislative updates from
optimize use of energy resources. overall reliability. Learn what you the SOCMA (Society of Chemical
need to do to bring your condition Manufacturing & Affiliates).
monitoring program up to date.

Emissions Alarm Management Dust Control CFATS

May 19, 2011 June 16, 2011 July 21, 2011 August 18, 2011
The materials that a plant emits Most plants have too many alarms, Many plants process solids and so Many chemical facilities now must
often pose regulatory, operational hampering operators’ ability to must contend with dust. Depend- comply with U.S. Department of
and economic issues. Panelists will properly respond to issues. This ing upon its composition, dust can Homeland Security anti-terrorism
examine effective approaches to discussion will look at proven present both environmental and standards. This discussion will
minimize and control emissions methods to address the problems safety concerns. This discussion explore issues that plants must
and maintain regulatory compli- and alleviate your alarm issues. will examine the various regula- address.
ance. tions and standards that target
dust and dust-collection systems
and explore how to handle poten-
tially explosive dusts to reduce the
risk of explosion and fire.

Process Safety Energy Efficiency Dry Materials Handling

September 22, 2011 October 20, 2011 November 17, 2011
The chemicals and processes Electrical and thermal energy rep- Solids can pose tough challenges
involved in plant operations often resent substantial operating costs both in processing and stor-
can pose significant hazards. to plants. Increasing power and age. How materials like powders
Panelists will offer advice on how fuel costs make it critical to boost behave depends upon a host of
to successfully avoid or minimize energy efficiency and lower energy factors such as size, shape, overall
such risks. costs, especially since those sav- particle-size distribution and cohe-
ings go directly to the bottom siveness. This panel discussion will
line. This panel discussion will examine options for moving solids
provide guidance on how plants through a process such as convey-
can improve energy efficiency and ing, mixing and drying in addition
optimize use of energy resources. proper assessment and character-
istics of the properties of solids.

For more information on each topic View our CP Panel 2010 Discussion Series
and to register, go to: archive at:

Sponsorship opportunities available - contact Faith Dalton @ 630-467-1301 x 485 or email

CP1011_full page ads.indd 43 10/25/10 10:19 AM

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