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lRound 1

Motion1: TH, as an Asian parents, would not pressure their children to succeed
1. Status quo:
- Prop: Try searching “How many students committing suicide are there
per year ?” on Google, a-800-thousand result will appear on your screen.
And the very first heading is related to “The obsession named academic
studying and exam result in Asia”. So why is this happening? Almost
every case is caused by a mass pressure in academy from parents . And
that is the reason why...
2. Defi + Chara:
● Defi:
- 'Pressure' means the use of influence to make sb to sth (in extreme way),
push others to one's own idea. Specifically it can be a type of stress which
means forcing people to achieve a certain goal as their desire/ hope.
● Chara:
- Asian society: (consists of developing countries) and asian citizens
requires perfectionism in almost every perspective/ fixed mindset
about everything especially academy → students are
under high pressure from parents. (E.g: In etiquette, in
daily style, in timing custom, family rules...)
- (Students) Succeed academically: intelligent, lots of rewarding
achievements, much beneficial background knowledge
+ Prop: 'Industrial chicken', lack of soft skills, no chance to develop
innate/ inborn ability, follow fixed route that parents have drawn
without being aware of what they’re doing and why they are doing
+ Opp:

3. Purpose + Scale:
- Prop:
+) Stakeholder: students, family, society
+) Purpose:
1. Ensure the holistic enhancement of students
2. The family members live in complete concord, happiness
3. Assure that society can develop comprehensively.
- Opp:
+) Stakeholder: students, family, society
+) Purpose:
4. Arguments:

Prop Opp
Point 1: Make students gain holistic Point 1: Ensure the higher rate of
enhancement (including mental students’ success in getting a stable
improvement, social skills, job (especially some main industrial
performance in academy/ other fields) work)
_ Mental health: Dr. Nguyen Tung _ To survive in this
Lam - President of Vietnam competitive society and to
Association of Psychology & gain a good job → pressure is
Education said that the conflict necessary, crucial and vital
between parents’ expectation and + Pressure is motivation:
students’ ability is not just a common + Pressure especially in academy
familiar story - it is a true serious trains us to be more patient,
social problem. Lots of students are more sustainable in the current
put under much pressure to succeed/ context
get to the top in academy. => Pressure comes from good
Situation 1: To succeed, they're intention.
forced to study and study
only. They aren't allowed / REBUTTAL:
don’t even have any chance
to access other fields to 1. Motivation: When good
explore themselves → don't intentions are not put in
know what their true dreams suitable place (specifically in
are, what majors should they Asian society), they will
pursue, and significantly, become worse and worse, and
what the aims for all their even become a real disaster.
work they have been doing Ex: Children dream of being a
are, follow their parents' fixed dancer or a musician, but
mindset (they must be parents want them to be a
successful) without being President or a CEO to earn
aware of what is truly suitable handsome income without
for them → become caring about their children’s
dependent on parents in dreams, as well as neglect
years to come, can’t be their hobbies and potential
responsible for themselves, abilities → put heavy pressure
indecisive on them, force them to learn
Situation 2: They do not have an to satisfy themselves (good
aptitude for academic intention but wrong method)
subjects and they're → likely to make children feel
undeniably good at some exhausted and depressed →
areas: art, sports… They don’t mental health
have the right to make their
own decision about their 2. Patience and sustainability:
future, their career. Some + Unnecessary: Children
cannot make dreams come have to suffer from a lot
true as they are just pushed of hardships, apart from
down that academic route by parents’ pressure,
their family, follow their fixed namely competitive
mindset (they must be environment with
successful) without being friends, high demand
aware of what is truly suitable from teachers at school,
for them → become fight for the balance
dependent on parents in between learning and
years to come, can’t be studying, the changing
responsible for themselves, mood at the puberal
indecisive → live a period → they find hard
meaningless life, live for to tackle those
parents not for themselves. difficulties, let alone
Situation 3: They do have parents’ pressure.
opportunity to participate in
extra-curricular activities or + Become harmful: When
engage in other disciplines children get stuck in
and they are entitled to being such a lot of pressure,
what they want. Therefore, they have to be more
they're getting enough patient and learn to
pressure. But if parents still endure the hardships ,
move on pushing/ stressing which may be beyond
them in academy → their ability→ harm to
imbalance and failure → they health → main cause to
will get stuck, be tired and the depression. When you
problem will be worsened. can’t unleash your
negative innermost
_ Pressure gets them suffer lots of feelings for a long time
trouble in mental health. Many are too but keep it to yourself, it
tired to suffer from such pressure any is easy for them to boom
more. They also have to face to other powerfully once you
outer factors like: teachers, can’t bear it anymore →
competitiveness amongst students, even a worm will turn.
social norms / preconception...
+ India: According to India Times, 3. Well and fully developed
about 20% students aged ranging countries:
from 4-16 have to suffer from mental Whether a society where
disorders caused by academic every person is a professor is
pressure. Every 55 mins, 1 case of a fully developed one? Asian
student commit suicide due to parents have fixed mindset
unbearable stress from learning that children need to have
expected by parents. high qualifications so that
they can be good ones →
+ Vietnam: In year 2015, the death of force them to be in knowledge
a student named T.T from Binh Phuoc professions, such as doctors,
Province created the terrible scientists, teachers,...
obsession for a lot of people. She → higher proportion of
committed suicide leaving 5 suicide unemployment: when
notes for her family and teachers. All everyone get the same levels
5 letters showed her sadness and and degrees, the competitive
depression about her school rate is higher → higher
performances, which didn’t meet her demand to get a job.
parents’ demands. In the letter, she → imbalance in working force:
apologized her parents for not coming + people are good at
up to their expectations. She felt theoretic learning, not skills →
exhausted, her world was completely lack of workers, craftsmen,...
dark, there was no way for her to → who will hold responsibility
exist. She couldn’t even decide which for building houses, cleaning
uni to go to please her family. All the environment,...?
those notes were definitely a + a small number of artists,
nightmare for all people for a long sportsmen → affects badly to
time. those fields: entertainment,
⇒ If we don’t put pressure, sports,...
when they fail or get bad → not fully developed nation.
marks, they’ll no longer be
stressed/ less burdens (there
will be no criticism) → no
depression, no suicide and
even more incentive will be
created. (No pressure does
not mean forget or leave
children freely do wrong
things. They fail, they accept,
they learn precious lessons)
⇒ Instead of putting pressure
on children, we just let them
choose their favourites,
pursue their passion and
decide what to study, what
best fits them. Still,as a
parent, we also need to orient
them, be their advisor and try
our best to keep track of
them, follow their steps and
support, encourage what they
want to do → they will be
more comfortable and feel
free, interested in terms of
learning → better result.
_ Not only do they have high
motivation and satisfaction
because of choosing subjects
that they are interested in, we
also help them to boost a
number of different abilities,
as well as their hobbies, such
as singing, dancing,... as they
can gain more time taking
part in other activities →
enhance social skills.
⇒ boost both academic
knowledge and social skills,
fully developed.
_ In our world, we let our children
freely decide their future, choose their
occupation but still under our sensible
control and good upbringing. When
children fail, they will not regret and
cannot accuse/ blame their faults/
mistakes for parents. They have to
face, be responsible and deal with
what they've done cuz they're all their
own choice and decision without our
pressure. Even when they don't
become boss, directors or presidents,
they can be waiter, waitress in
restaurant but what is important is that
they live healthily and happily. They
can feel satisfied with what they do -
that's enough. ( >< opp)
Point 2: Assure a harmonious and Point 2:
comprehensively developed society.
_ Harmonious life, cozy atmosphere
in family
+ Parents: → better
+ Children: open lòng,...
_ Children can promote/ advance their
favourite majors
_ Society: as children are of free
choice in learning what they want, the
students who are good at academy
will keep concentrating on their
studying and the new opportunity are
open to artistic students but under no
_ Minimizing ... among children
+ children feel free to think
and do whatever they
want without any harsh
barrier → more broad-
minded + less despair
from parents → self-
esteem → connect them
with others.

5. Clash + Scenario:
a) Clash:
- Students’ benefits:
+ Long-term benefits: ensure the length and
satisfaction when children get a job. When children
have a job that she/he isn’t really into but just due to
parents’ force → easily get bored and quitted.
However, when children can do what they want, they
will feel free and put a lot of efforts in their career.
+ More benefits: While your team just ensure that pupils will receive
wide knowledge academically, our team can even be sure about
both improving both skills and background knowledge by
balancing between them.

b) Scenario
- Opp:
+ A world where children can’t be themselves, can’t make decision
about their life, they have to depend on parents, on family. Your
world will actually be a world of robots, where every kid is
programmed and controlled mainly by their parents, they are
limited in everything they want to achieve.
+ A world lack of entertainment and other abilities, just focus on
academic achievements.
- Prop:
+ Children don’t lose their true identities. They can pursue their
goals, but still balance their academy by being under suitable
parents’ control. They still receive enough care and orientation
from family.
+ A world where every field develop equally → this is
ideal society.


Round 3:

Motion: TH opposes the practice of selling the land-use-rights of previously-

owned land, at discounted prices, to corporations to develop for residential
and/or tourism purposes.
● Note: We oppose the opposing …
1. Status quo:
- In this day and age, some businesses purchase the land-use-rights at
discounted prices, particularly in the countryside and unsightly locations
for commercial activities. People agree to sell for a wide range of
individual purposes, however, the most crucial is that in the countryside
and unsightly locations, their prices are hardly high, which means people
sell them at low cost. Also, this action could help transfer waste land into
residential or tourism purposes. Therefore….
2. Defi + charac:
- Previously - owned - land:
- Discounted price: st has discounted price is st being sold at a lower price
than usual.
- Residential/ tourism purposes: st is aimed for the service of citizens,
specifically accommodations or to be used for promoting facilities,
infrastructures to attract a great amount of travellers and visitors.

3. Purposes:
- Assure a better economy
- Ensure citizen's rights
4. Arguments:

Opp Prop
Point 1: Selling land at discounted price
does no harm.
- Citizens are legally allowed to do so
- Because of the location, …
of land → factors determine
the price
Point 2: Help the economy to develop
more and flourish by means of service/
tourism industry.

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