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Name: Komalpreet Kaur Student Number: 8689997

1. What major HR issues must be addressed as an organization moves from

an international form to multidomestic, global, and transactional form?
Answer: An international corporation is a domestic firm that builds on its existing
capabilities to penetrate in the international market. A multinational corporation is a form
of organization with fully autonomous units operating in multiple countries. Global
corporation can be considered as a multinational corporation with parent company in
single country and having control over subsidiaries in different countries. A transnational
company is an enterprise that undertakes foreign direct investment, owns or controls
assets that generates income in more than one company, produces goods or services
outside its origin country or engages in international production. (Biersteker, 1978, p.
1) The first issue that HR must address would be the management of diverse work
2) Secondly, the organization should practice Equal Employment Opportunities so that
every employee of the organization around the world are treated equally.
3) The pay scales of the diverse work force should be decided on the basis of their
skills, knowledge and experience.
4) The next and the main issue to be addressed is Individualism and Collectivism. This
issue would arise due to cultural issues, specifically cultural communication. Some
cultures are more individualistic like in Britain, America and Australia and some are
more collectivistic like in Japan, Korea and China.

2. Where did you encounter struggles this half of the semester? What are
your plans to do to make improvements for the next half of the semester?
1) As the semester continued, I got to learn about new and entirely different concepts
of Human Resource Management.
a) While the struggle for adjusting in Canada continued, my part-time job started
and so it became difficult to adjust studies and work together. While the
adjustment was a real struggle, the classes turned online because of COVID-
19. Leaning online had its disadvantages. Along with it, being laid of from job
became a real struggle. In online lectures, there is less face to face
interaction, lack of flexibility and more assignment burdens. It all became
overwhelming and difficult to cope up with online classes and completing the
assignments. Time management also became an issue along with lots of
b) Additionally, the concepts of HR this half of the semester were new altogether
which I have never read and learned about before, for example the concepts
like employee compensation, Employee benefits Promoting safety and health,
The dynamics of Labour Relations, etc. I have never read these concepts
before which made it difficult to understand these.
c) As the classes continued to be online, my screen time increased which lead
to a severe effect on my health. E-learning makes it quite difficult because it
continuously strains the eyes and makes it difficult to concentrate.
2) For the next half of the semester, it is important to keep up with the quizzes, pass
the exam with good grades and also have a balance between school and personal
life and in order to do this, I would be setting up a schedule for myself so that I do
not fall behind in any subject. Thus, time management at this point is very important.

3. Based on the learning from this half of the semester provide two examples
how the information from this half of the semester will help you in your
future. Provide two specific examples of learning and demonstrate how
that learning will help with your future endeavours.
 As mentioned in the first reflection, I worked for an Immigration consultancy firm
where the Human Resource department played an important role. The leaning
from this half of the semester helped me learn more about the responsibilities of
a human resource managers. The following concepts of HR management would
help me in my future:
i) This half of the semester I learned about compensation management. I got to
lean that compensation management is a process of ensuring that the
employees of an organization receive equitable salaries, bonuses that are
competitive and appropriate. Compensation Management plays a great role in
HR management as it helps to retain the skilled employees of an organization
and also helps the HR manager with the hiring process and team
ii) Another concept I learned about that would help me in future is employee
benefits and incentives. In future, when working for any organization if I have
knowledge about the employee incentives and benefits, I would be able to
perform my job efficiently and effectively. If an organization offers great
employee incentives and plans, it works as an encouragement for employees
to work in an effective and efficient manner. Also, me as an employee would
be aware of the benefits and incentives that comes with my job which would
work as a motivational factor in my job.

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