Sabian Assembly Publishing Society's Annual Meetings Recap

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SPS Annual Mtg 7/29/17

Held at Claymont DE

The meeting was called to order at 10:00am.

Those present in person were: Lisa Callan, Megan Carnarius, Stan

Carnarius, Richard DeGeiso, Barbara DeStefano, Linda Doodnauth, Michael
Elliott, Charles Ford, Lori Luttrell, Saijin Jack, Melody Kutka, Lizanne McClenon,
Warren Newman, Mayte Picco-Kline, Martha Rose Rhine,William Roche, Diana
Roche, Joan Wilson, Maidie Wilson, Carol Zengara. Present by proxy were
Thomas Green, Suzanne Lussos, G.K. McClung, Elizabeth McClung, Isabelle
McFarlin, Suzanne Montalalou, Al Tumolo, and Harriet Sheely. Total present
were 28 members, our membership in good standing is 40, so this is a satisfactory
The election of officers, conducted by Suzanne Montalalou and assisted by
Janice Shannon yielded 30 usable ballots, since two were rejected for lack of
signature on the inner flap, as required. The results of the election were:
Lizanne McClenon 28
Elizabeth McClung 24
Mo Saladin 7
Board discussion following on election results led to the decision to maintain the
same officer assignment as before: President, Elizabeth McClung, Vice President
Lizanne McClenon, Treasurer James Sharpe, Secretary Stan Carnarius and
Member-at-large Michael Elliott.
Minutes of the previous annual meeting were read. Discussion of the vote to
donate included the need to use specific wording in proxies so intent is clear. The
minutes were accepted with that correction.
The Treasurer’s report was explained as covering our year from one annual
meeting to the next, while the Board gets reports for each month as well as the year
so far. He reviewed the format for requests to use advertising, but we did not use
any in 2016. A request from Dromenon chapter for assistance with book storage
was accepted for a period of one year/
In our discussion of The year in review, Mayte Picco-Kline requested of the
secretary to receive by email a corrected copy of each month’s SPS minutes.
Lizanne reported on our contributions to the Harry Ransom Center, which will not
include MEJ’s diaries or appointment books, and will be about half literary and
half occult materials; amounting to about 15 linear feet, and we will have digital
imagery of everything contributed, within the limits of practicality. HRC provides
Finding Guides of what is available, so people set up a research account (as Susan
Lussos has done already). Diana Roche reported that from her review the HRC is
the crown jewel of humanities archives, with a worldwide reputation. Under
discussion of Item 5, questions were raised as to whether our materials are
available on Kindle or are our various projects available for downloading.
We were reminded that members can suggest projects to the SPS.
In relation to the Second Cycle, Marty commented on hyphenations and
everyday work and disagreements with Hugh. Elizabeth asked for suggestions on
the Second Cycle to come to Bob Kline and thanked Board members for their work
on the archives project. She mentioned that Margery Thurman has reels of MEJ
materials and wondered if it is convertible to digital format.

A motion was read....get wording Seconded by Marty Rhine.

Discussion What we are contributing is second cycle material as scanned by Bob
Kline, and a complete cycle of Blue Letters, along with various literary works. The
SPS continues to own the copyrights it already holds. A question was raised about
the possibility of de-accession and the response was that once HTC has material, it
does not de-accession it. What we put in the HRC collection is not a match for
what students are provided.
The vote, indicated by raising hands, was 24 Ayes (of which 4 were proxies)
and no Nays, so the motion passes. Appreciation was expressed for Warren
Newman’s assistance.

Under new business, we discussed the fact that Del Norwood has reel-to-reel tapes
of astrological talks. We already have astrological typescripts, but with the clear
understanding that these materials are not to be published. Some members feel
these materials ought to be available to nonmembers. Lizanne expressed interest in
exploring these tapes, so we need to get information from Del on what is available.
Our understanding is that these materials are not to be loaned or copied outside this

Michael Elliott made a motion that we adjourn. The motion was seconded.

With no further busness, we adjourned at 12:09 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Stan Carnarius, Secretary

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