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This is a short story about my daily life while undergoing Practical

Work at BRI Bank Lumajang Branch Office.

The first day when I came to meet with our mentor, we were quite

nervous, a little tense, and endlessly feeling restless. I don't know, maybe

because this is the first time for us to come here alone without being

accompanied by a supervising teacher from school.

Actually, from the supervisor at the school, it has been said

before, that it is possible for practical work this time students are not

taken to the place of practical work because of the busyness of the

supervisor. That is why our tension arises, in addition to not being

accompanied by a supervisor, also because this is the first time for us to

meet with the world of work formally. Really thrilling.

We arrived at BRI Branch Office Lumajang one hour earlier than

office hours. As a result, because we did not know which of our

supervisors, security told us to wait at the post while waiting for further

news. Actually we were also invited to take part in a rice briefing at the

BRI hall. But of course we refused, because of course we did not know

about the rules here.

After waiting for almost an hour, we were finally invited by

security. Unfortunately, the supervisor we would meet fainted while

conducting a morning briefing in the hall earlier. Mrs. Citra's name.

Thanks to the security direction we finally met Mrs. Indy’s on the second

On the second floor we are still waiting, fortunately the

employees here are very good. Every employee who passes in front of us,

they always say, "what do we need? Anything I can help ? wait a second

huh? " really a good work culture. I feel really treated like a queen here.


Long story short, after a long wait, we finally approached Mr.

Fadian who then gave us a briefing about the rules, procedures at BRI and

others that apply here. Here the three of us were placed in different

sections, I was in the credit administration section on the first floor, Ijah in

the PAU section and Rohma in the secretariat section which were both on

the second floor with Ijah. With this division, I was a little annoyed

actually, "Why do I have to be separated? I really want to be angry, but of

course I can't. Ah well, what's more important is completing this practical

work quickly! ” in my mind.

On the first floor, I got various things that were not easy to

get when I was in school. Starting from experience, extraordinary

knowledge, broad insights about Banking, get a lot of attention, and

others that I cannot mention one by one here. My mentor is also good, I

am often given gifts, whether it's in the form of money, food, praise. I am

really lucky.

Although I had been reprimanded several times, and sometimes

was scolded, I felt it was comparable to what I got here. I am quite

grateful and hope that tomorrow will be better than now.

It doesn't feel like now that three months have passed, I feel sad

that I have to leave BRI Bank Lumajang Branch Office this quickly. I

haven't even had time to say goodbye to my supervisors.

I hope we can meet again at another opportunity.

I am very grateful to all who have guided, taught and helped me

while I was here. Thank you very much

That is all my brief story about my three months of practical work,

although it is brief, I hope to be an example, and experience for all.

See you later

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