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Nama : Finka Andriani

NIM : 1811020175

Kelas : 4C Keperawatan S1


Avtivity 2

Look at the pictures below. What do you think about the situations from the pictures?

Seeing the two pictures above is very sad because almost the whole world was hit by
a deadly virus epidemic COVID-19 and spread very quickly, including our country
Indonesia. From the first picture, it shows that Italians still think the virus is not too serious,
and still carry out activities as usual, they still think their country is safe from this virus, so
the spread of the COVID-19 virus in Italy is very fast. And in the second picture the victims
began to fall because of the COVID-19 virus, the victims of the COVID-19 virus increased in
Italy and spread very quickly because of their own behavior. Almost all regions of Italy
affected by the deadly virus COVID-19. Until the number of victims of the COVID-19 virus
exceeds the number of medical teams and doctors in Italy. The number of victims of the
COVID-19 virus in Italy now exceeds the number of victims of the COVID-19 virus in China
who were first exposed to the virus outbreak. The number of deaths in Italy due to the Corona
COVID-19 virus is now the highest in the world, at 10,779. To reduce the number of victims
so as not to increase again, we must follow government regulations by staying at home and
always washing hands. We hereby participate in the fight against the deadly virus COVID-

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