Hook Length or Cutting Length of Stirrups

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of any structural member. So be familiar with the below concepts.

To keep it clear,
firstly the concepts are discussed and in the end, this post is closed with an example
of BBS calculation of a member.

1. Hook Length or Cutting length of Stirrups:-

The hook length is commonly provided for stirrups in beams and ties in columns. In
general, Hooks are added at the two ends of the rebar in stirrups or ties.

Hook Length = 9d (d is dia of the bar)

Below image makes you clear why the Hook length = 9d

From above fig, length of hook = [(Curved Portion) + 4d] = [(4d+d)+4d] = 9d

Hook Length = 9d [d is Diameter of the Bar]

Example Calculation considering stirrup with the hooks at ends:
For clear understanding, look at the below image for calculation of the total length of
stirrup the with two hooks at ends.

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