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Mashhoor_AlSuhaibi Abo.Suhaib Mashhoor_Suhaibi@hotmail.com



Removing Removing
State of Impurity Filth

Major State of Impurity Minor State of Impurity Heavy Filth Regular Filth Light Filth
Hadath Akbar Hadath Azghar Najasah Mughlladh Najasah Mutawasitah Najasah Mukhffafah
caused by sexual intercourse, Filth on garments, body i.e. male infant urine,
ejaculation of semen, state of caused by deficating, urinating, i.e. Vessel used by a or praying place. such as who breast feeds and
menses or postpartum bleeding passing wind etc. dog. urine on clothes. does not eat food.

Requires a full shower Requires a full ablution Wash seven times Wash until filth is Only sprinkle water
(Ghusl) before praying (wudu’) before praying the first or last fully removed. on the urine spot
wash using earth. without washing.
Before prayer

Mashhoor_AlSuhaibi Abo.Suhaib Rulings of Purification


Types of

Pure Water Impure Water

Tahur Najis

Natural Water If its color, odor or taste If its color, odor or taste If filth falls into Water which
Water which remained in the changes because of a changes because of a PURE water WITHOUT changed color, odor
same nature it was created
PURE material and is still material and is NOT called changing its color, or taste because of
i.e. Sea, river, rain, spring, called water. water any more. odor or taste. mixing with filth.
well water or snow i.e. changed because of tree i.e. it is called tea, juice or soup i.e. Sewage, corpse, urine.
leaves, earth etc.

Can be used for Can be used for CANNOT be used for Can be used for CANNOT be used for
ablution ablution ablution ablution. ablution
But if water is very
little in quantity,
better to avoid using.

Mashhoor_AlSuhaibi Abo.Suhaib Rulings of Purification


Made from Animals’ Made from Owned by

Hide (skin) Metals & Others non-Muslims

Animals, that we are A corpse of an animal that Animals that Gold or Silver; Other than gold or
allowed to eat, killed in we are allowed to eat. we are NOT or coated by any silver
a legitimate manner. i.e. a sheep died on its own, or allowed to eat. of them. i.e. steel, brass,
i.e. sheep, cows, camels, slaughtered by a non-Muslim, i.e. pots, dishes, porcelain, glass, wood
deers, rabbits etc. who is not a Christian or Jew. glasses, cutleries etc.

Predators(1) Dogs Non-Predators Permissible if not

i.e. lion, tiger, or Pigs i.e. elephant, used for
wolf, bear donkey, monkey impurities (i.e.
pig, illegitimately
animals, wine),
otherwise it must
Permissible to Only if the skin is NOT permissible to Permissible, only if NOT permissible Permissible to
be washed before
use their skin tanned(2), it becomes use their skin in any skin is tanned. to use or to use.
permissible. way (tanned or not) (Majority of Scholars) keep. using.

(1) The Prophet PBUH: “Forbade wearing the Hides of predators and riding on them.” Abu Dawud (Declared sound by Al-Albani)
(2) Tanning is using herbs or chemicals to cleanse the skin (hide) from blood and flesh.

Mashhoor_AlSuhaibi Abo.Suhaib Rulings of Purification

Responding to the
Call of Nature

Obligatory Acts Recommended Acts Forbidden Acts Not Recommended Acts

Wajib Mustahab Muhrram Makruh

 Cleanse one’s self with  Saying Invocation of  To urinate or defecate in  To use the right hand
water, paper or stones. entering toilet. people’s way, shade, for cleansing the filth
 Cleanse one’s self at  Entering with the left foot underneath fruitful trees or  To urinate in a hole
least 3 times.  Leaving out the toilet with water ponds. or crack.
 Use only water if the right foot.  To hold the private part with  To enter the toilet
impurity surpassed  Saying invocation of right hand. with anything that
point of excretion. leaving the toilet.  To read Qur’ān has Allah’s
 Not to reveal one’s  Cleansing one’s self odd  To face or turn your back remembrance
groins. number of times. toward the Qiblah without a (But if there is a
 Using water. barrier (outdoors) necessity it’s fine, while
 Screening and Distancing  To use bones or dungs or hiding it if possible.)
one’s self from others anything sacred (i.e. papers
(outdoors) with Allāh’s Name, food etc.)
 To urinate on a soft

Mashhoor_AlSuhaibi Abo.Suhaib Rulings of Purification


Conditions Pillars Recommended Invalidators

Shurut Fraa’ed Sunan Nawaaqid

1. Islam, Sanity and 1. Washing the face including 1. Saying Bismilaah 1. Any discharge from
reaching age of the mouth and nostrils 2. Using siwak (teeth brush) the private parts (i.e.
discernment (around 7 2. Washing the hands up and 3. Washing the palms excrement, urine , gas,
years) including the elbows 4. The 2nd and 3rd wash (i.e. for semen, menses )
2. Intention 3. Wiping the head including face, hands and feet) 2. Coming out of urine or
3. Purity of Water (Tahur) the ears 5. To exaggerate in washing the defecation from other
4. Removal of 4. Washing the feet up to mouth and nostrils than the private parts
Impediments (i.e. Nail and including the ankles 6. Letting the water enter 3. Losing consciousness
polish, paint from 5. At-Tarteeb – to perform between the beard hair (i.e. deep sleep,
ablution parts) the ablution in sequence 7. Letting the water enter fainting, insanity or
5. Abstaining from the 6. Almuwalaah - not to leave between the fingers and toes intoxication)
invalidators (i.e. do not a big time gap between 8. Starting with right before the 4. Eating camel meet
urinate or release gas the ablution parts, where left (i.e. hands and feet) 5. Holding the private
whilst making ablution) the last part become dry 9. The remembrance after the part directly with your
before washing the next completion of ablution hand(1)
part 6. Committing apostasy

If any of the CONDITIONS is If any of the PILLARS is missing Ablution is valid if not done. But If any of the INVALIDATORS is
missing the ablution is invalid. the ablution is invalid. one is rewarded for doing it. done ablution is invalid.

(1) A highly disputable issue amongst the jurists; some say if it were with lust then it invalidates the ablution; some say it is recommended to make
ablution but not obligatory. (Allāh, the Exalted, knows best)

Mashhoor_AlSuhaibi Abo.Suhaib Rulings of Purification


Obligatory Showers Recommended Disputable How to Shower

Reasons Showers Showers (Both are acceptable)

 Coming out of semen Full Shower Minimal

even without (more reward) Shower
 The convergence of
the circumcised male  For the two Eids  When washing a  Have intention  Have intention
and female private  For the Ihram of dead person  Wash the hands  Wash the mouth
parts by the Umrah or Hajj (Many say it’s  Wash the private and nostrils
disappeareance of the
 For cleanness recommended) parts  Encompass the
male glans in the  Friday Prayer
when needed  Take a full ablution entire body with
female private part Shower  Wash the head letting water
(even without (Majority say water reach in
ejaculation) recommended) between the hair and
 The cease of menses  Accepting Islam encompass the entire
or postpartum blood(1) (Abu Hanifah
Only for Obligatory
head with water showers and not
 Death and Shafaee say  Pouring water on the recommended ones
recommended) entire body starting
(1) Women do not need to unbraid their hair in case of shower due to copulation (agreed by with right side Recommended shower
jurists). In case of cease of menses & postpartum shower, majority say no need to unbraid must include ablution
hair, but to be on the safe side better to do so. intention

Mashhoor_AlSuhaibi Abo.Suhaib Rulings of Purification


Socks - Khuf Surgical Splint/Bandage Turban or Veil

Leather or Fabric Jabeerah Imamah or Khimaar

Conditions How to wipe When you

cannot wipe?
 Wearing sock after a full
ablution including
washing feet  Wet hands  Major state  Should cover only  Wipe turban/veil after
 Socks must cover ankles with water impurity wounded part and full ablution
 Socks must be pure (i.e.  Rub the right  Taking the socks necessary area to  Only for minor state
not made from impure foot from toes off and putting hold splint impurity
material) to above them back after  Must be removed  Same timing like socks
 Only for minor state ankle, then the wiping over from surpassed  You cannot wipe on
impurities (must take left foot them unnecessary area them in the same
socks off for major state (or rub both feet  Taking them off  No need to have situations like socks
impurity) simultaneously and putting ablution priorly  You can wipe Only if
 Wipe 24 hours for
-right foot with them back after  There is no time there is hardship in
right hand and loosing ablution limit for wiping putting them on,
dwellers & 72 hours for
travellers (timing starts
left with left)  If the duration  Wipe wether in otherwise you should
from 1st wipe after losing for wiping minor or major not wipe. (said by Ibn
ablution) expires. state of impurity Taymiyyah)

Mashhoor_AlSuhaibi Abo.Suhaib Rulings of Purification

Using earth as a substitute for
wudu’ (Ablution) & Ghusl (Shower)

What to use for When can we do How to do Invalidators of

Tayammum Tayammum Tayammum Tayammum

Juirists went into two  When there is no water  Intend in your heart; say  The same invalidators of
opinions: and one fails to find it Bismillah wudu’ (Ablution)
1. Only earth (soil) which  If water is scarce and  Hit the ground with your  Finding water (but if you
have dust (Ashafaee & needed for drinking two palms once find water after
Ahmad)  If one is sick and using  Rub the face with your completing a prayer,
2. Anything, which is part of water will hinder or hands once (it is fine to you do not have to
land (i.e. soil, dry mud, worsen his recovery blow the excessive dust repeat that prayer)
stones, sand, pottery) or before rubbing the face)  Recovering from the
anything that has dust  Finally, rub your two reason, which made you
(i.e. walls, woods, floors hands up to the wrist refrain from using water
only if there is dust on once. such as sickness.
Opined by Abu Hanifah,
Malikoand later by Ibn Tayammum can be done in You can pray with the same
Taimiyyah & Ibn case of minor or major state tayammum more than one
Othaimeen and others of impurity. prayer.

Mashhoor_AlSuhaibi Abo.Suhaib Rulings of Purification


Menstruation Post-Partum Bleeding

Hayed Nifaas

Duration Presupposes Forbids

 No menstruation occurs  Taking a shower once  Intercourse  No limit for the least
before 9 years or after 60 pure from menses  Praying duration it may last.
years old  Reaching age of puberty  Fasting Post-partum blood can
 No limit for the least (i.e. one of the signs of  Circumambulation cease moments after
duration it may last reaching puberty)  Divorce delivering.
 It should not exceed 15  Using it as a counter for  Reading the Qur’ān(1)  It does not exceed 40
days; if it does women divorce waiting period By heart days; if it does it is
should take shower and (iddah, which is 3  Touching the Mus-haf(2) deemed bleeding and
pray. And make ablution menses)  Staying inside the women should take
for every prayer. (Majority)  Negation of pregnancy Masjid(3) shower, pray and have
 Average women period her regular life.
lasts 6 or 7 days

(1) Said by the Jamhoor (majority); but Malik, Ahmad (in a narration), Ibn Taimiyyah, the Permanent Fatwah Committee in KSA and others said it’s fine to read.
(2) Said by the four Imams; the Permanent Fatwah Committee in KSA, Ibn Baaz and Ibn Othaimeen asserted that and said –instead- she can wear gloves, use a
tissue or a piece of cloth to flip the pages of the Mus-haf with.
Another opinion by Al-Albani and other hadith scholars say that there is no sound hadith, which forbids women with menses from touching the Mus-haf.
A way out for all that is: to read the Qur’ān from mobiles and tablets because many contemporary scholars opined they don’t take the ruling of a Mus-haf.
(3) Said by the four Imams. Others like Al-Albani and other hadith scholars said there is no sound hadith to support the Jamhoor opinion; rather the hadith
proves the opposite. One proof the Prophet PBUH said in Hajj to Aishah RA, when she had menses: (Do everything a pilgrim does, but not to
circumambulate the house –Ka’ba- until you are pure) Al-Bukhary & Muslim. (They said: He PBUH did not forbid her from staying in the masjid).

Mashhoor_AlSuhaibi Abo.Suhaib Rulings of Purification


Vaginal Bleeding

Blood Types & A woman, who has

Characteristics istihaadah, has 3 cases

1 2 3
 Menstrual Blood:
Black colored, thick and has If the woman knows her If the woman does not If the woman does not
odor period time: know her period time, have a specific period
 Vaginal Bleeding Blood - she should stop the but she can distinguish time and she cannot
Istihaadah: prayer (Salāh) during that between the menstrual distinguish between the
Red colored and without time; and after the period and istihaadah blood: menstruation and
odor finishes, she takes a She should stop the Istihaadah blood:
shower and prays. And prayer during the She should refrain from
during the bleeding, she menstrual blood. Once praying for 6 or 7 days,
only needs to make the menstrual blood which is most women’s
ablution (wudu’) for every ceases, she takes a regular period, after that
prayer without having to shower and prays. In the she takes a shower and
take a shower. time of the other blood, prays. Then for every
she makes wudu’ for prayer she makes wudu’ if
every prayer. blood is still there.
(1) Istihaadah is when a woman’s vaginal bleeding does not cease.
It was narrated from Fatimah bint Abi Hubaish  that she suffered from Istihadah and the Messenger of Allāh e said to her:
"If it is menstrual blood then it is blood that is black and recognizable, so stop praying, and if it is other than that then perform Wudu', for it is just a vein."
(Al-Nasa’i, declared sound by Al-Albani)

Mashhoor_AlSuhaibi Abo.Suhaib Rulings of Purification

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