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Survey Results

Web Accessibility

As of today I was able to collect 100 responses to 7 questions dealing with basic web
accessibility across the world.  I was able to collect a sample from 30 states as well
as Ontario and New South Wales.  The survey was given to music teachers with
internet access.  After determining were my answers were collected from it gave me
a better idea that I was able to cast a  wide net with this survey. 

83% of surveyed teachers said that their schools were handing out technology for
students to use at home, in addition only 7% of Schools were not facilitating the
deployment of technology to students at home. The remaining schools are only
providing some students access such as only High School or only grades 4-12.

30% of surveyed teachers reported that their schools were providing internet access,
an additional 9% indicated that their schools were providing Hot Spots or guest
network WiFi if students could get to a school parking lot to log on. 11% are working
with local carriers to provide free service to families in need. 36% of schools are not
providing internet access of any kind. The remaining teachers were unsure.

• "Was information shared on assistive technology such as voice recognition, text to
speech, customizable text options, ASL options, YouTube Caption possibilities? "

• 16% of teachers surveyed have been notified of assistive technologies

available to them, 4% were shared specifically to Special Education teachers or
privately to families. 17% were not notified at all and 18% were unsure if they had
been notified at all.  

• It was found that a mix of people were in charge of disseminating this information,
other teachers, the Technology Department, Special Education Department, and
well as Administration.

• The majority of information was disseminated through phone calls, however email
and website were some school's only forms of communication, this is troubling for
those students that do not have transportation to the internet to find the
information. Only 2% of the schools used print to communicate.

Teachers 39% of teachers surveyed feel that their schools are meeting the
technology needs of their students in addition, 25% believe that their school is trying
to do the best thing for students at this time despite many difficulties.  6% are unsure
of the progress and only 28% believe that their school is not meeting the needs of
students at this point in time. 

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