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Planets Exalted or Debilated in Signs and Stars

The traditional method of tabular presentation of information about the 7 planets and 2 Nodes with
Exalted or Debilated status in Signs and Stars.
Planets Exalted Star Pada-Deg Planets Debilated Star Pada-Deg
Sun Mesh Ashwini P3 - 10 Sun Tula Swati P2 - 10
Moon Vrishab Kritika P2 - 3 Moon Vrischika Vishaka P4 - 3
Mars Makar Dhanishta P2 - 28 Mars Karka Aslesha P4 - 28
Mercury Kanya Hasta P2 - 15 Mercury Meen U-bhadrapad P4 - 15
Jupiter Karka Pushya P1 - 5 Jupiter Makar U-Ashadh P3 - 5
Venus Meen Revati P4 - 27 Venus Kanya Chitra P2 - 27
Saturn Tula Vishaka P1 - 20 Saturn Mesha Bharani P3 - 20

Planets with Key Words and relationship to parts of the Body

No Planet Sym Period  Key Words Parts of Body

01 30days, Ist 5Days integrate, express, project Veins, Arteries, Circulatory System
Moon Stomach,Breast, Lymph, pancreas,
02 2.25 days respond,  react, regulate
Chandra Ovary, Sympathetic Nervous system
Mercury  communicate Respiratory, Sensory organs, Nervous
03 30d, All days   
Budh  concentrate transmit system, thyroid, brain
Venus 30d Retro 45d/yr, Venous circulation, lumbar region,
04 relate, unite, connect
Shukra mid 7Days kidney, throat
Mars 45d Retro 3m/yr, Sex, adrenal system, red blood
05 initiate, activate, move
Mangal Ist 8Days corpuscles, muscular system
Jupiter 13m Retro 4m/yr,
06 expand, mature, experience Liver, Posterior lobe of pitutary gland
Guru mid 2months
Skin, teeth spleen, gal bladder, anterior
Saturn 30m Retro 135d,
07 limit, control, discipline lobe of pitutary gland, bones, pneumo-
Shani Last 6m  
gastric nerve
08 7Y, Retro 5m/yr    deviate, invent, reform Sympathetic Nervous System
Spinal canal, thalamus,
09 Neptune 146.5 months refine, detect,  transcend
overall Mental &  Nervous process
Cell form, Reproduction,
10 Pluto 20Y, Retro 5m/yr    eliminate, transform, regenerate  
Tracts of secretion
18 months, In KP only Planets No. 1 to 7  are used
11 MNN Mysticism,  Unpredictable, Uproot
Last 2 Months Mnn & Msn=Imaginary shadow Planets.
In KP only Planets No. 1 to 7  are used
12 MSN 18m, Last 2 months Mysticism, Unpredictable, Uproot
Mnn & Msn=Imaginary shadow Planets.




LEO As per Sign / House GEMINI VIRGO


KP Astrology is all about being able to anticipate events using Krishnamurthi Paddhati of Astrology
and Shrikrishna Paddhati in combination. The Natal Chart, Horoscope  or Kundali are the basis one
has to use as a starting point and then apply Star Lord Sub Lord concepts.

SKP is an exclusive method which can be learned in a DIY or Do-It-Yourself  mode with advanced
Click-learning concepts. You need to Register with us and this is free with options to explore your

Western Astrology or Vedic Astrology if used with the concepts of KP astrology by using its Star
Lord and Sub Lord concepts you could still manage to understand the concepts of Event  Analysis.

Rahu - Ketu ie Moons North Node ( MNN ) - South Node ( MSN ) the shadow planets
are very important and they do not have a specific Sign assigned to them. The Signs
associated with the Planets are not important as the Nakshatra Swami ( Star-Lord ) is
more important. Any planet when it is placed in a Nakshatra has more power than the
Lord of Nakshatra.

In a natal horoscope if any planet is Retrograde then it does no harm and is to be considered as in
normal motion. In Prashna Kundali a retrograde planet gives results only in direct motion,
retrograde planet is considered powerless.

KP assumes that no Planet is Good or Bad by itself. In KP all Western Style Aspects ( Graha -Yog )
are accepted along with all Indian Style Drishti-Yog.

Working Rules of KP System For each Planet consider in which Star it is placed. The Star-Lord of
this planet own's a house or houses and will indicate the event matters of those houses owned by
the Star-Lord.

The Planet will occupy a Sub portion, the Sub-Lord of the Planet also own's a house or houses. The
nature of house decides if the event indicated by the Star-Lord is good or Bad. Planet considered to
be a Benefic by Lordship offers the results signified by it, through the Planet deposited in its Stars.
Planet is the source, star-lord shows the nature of results and Sub-Lord decides whether the event
is favourable or not.

Levels L1 to L6
Levels  Explanation of the Levels The importance of levels is based on the
L1  Planets placed in the stars of occupant of the house. defined order of L1 to L6. In such cases
L2  Planets Occupying the house. where the first 3 levels may not be
defined for a chart, the lord of the house
L3  Planets placed in the Stars of the House Owner.
ie. L4 is the most prominent significator
L4  Planet being the Owner of the house. of a house. In short the first available
L5  Planets associated with the above Significators. level is the most important significator to
bring about the results for the house
L6  Planets Aspecting the House / Bhava by their Drishti.
under consideration.
The Order of Giving results will take place during the Dasha / Bhukti. Significators when are
favourably aspected / conjoined in favourable houses with outer planets by Drishti / degrees act as

Mars, Saturn and Jupiter influence the inner planets Venus Moon Mercury. Except Rahu-Ketu all
others assist in Trine aspect and offer its house results and help the occupant ie. the aspected
significator. Likewise Evil Aspects also hinder the event.

Rahu and Ketu are exceptions as they completely replace the Planets conjoined with it or aspecting
it in any manner. Dasha / Bhukti / Anthra brings an event matter to happen very close to the timing
of the event. They will handover the matter to Sun, Moon and the current Lagna for completion.

How to use the KP System KP has classified the relationship of Questions with the houses and its
groups. A definite sequence exists to evaluate the strength of planets. This is indicated by the
Ruling Planets at the time the question is asked. Planets indicate the ways and means of the results
based on its location in the respective houses.
The Star-Lord indicates the subjective results and the Sub-Lord indicates whether the event will
take place or not.

The timing of any event depends upon Gochar Bhraman ( Transit ) of Sun - Moon, Lords of Dasha,
Bhukti and Anthra. A Planet tenanting a Star affects the matters of the house occupied by the Star
Lord and also the houses owned by the Planet.

The Occupant of the house will move the matter of the house it occupies, apart from the results it
has to offer due to its star position if there is no planet in any of its 3 Stars. Whether or not such
results as are indicated by the tenant planet will come to pass depends on the Sub portion of the
Star occupied by the tenant planet.

If the Lord of the SUB occupied by the tenant planet is favourable connected by Occupation,
Lordship to the matters signified by the Star Lord of the tenant Planet, the tenant Planet fructifies
the matter of which it is the significator due to its Star position.

If the tenant planet is placed in the SUB of a planet who occupies or owns houses detrimental to the
affairs of the Star Lord, the matter is not fulfilled. The Sub Lord should not be in unfavourable
aspect to the CUSP of the house signified by the Star Lord.

The aspects are to be computed by reckoning the distance in terms of longitudes. Star Lord
compares with Dasha Lord, Sub Lord with Bhukti and Anthra to Sub Sub-Lord.

Planet becomes a Malefic / Benefic by reason of its owning or occupying Benefic / Malefic houses.
If a planet has to offer the results of its own house or houses in full measure, first it should not be
under the control of another planet. In short no planet should be in any one of the 3 stars of the said

Any planet be it for any lagna, if it has to offer the results of the house it occupies and the house it
owns, then it must be deposited in any one of its own 3 stars and in its own Subdivision out of the 9
Subdivisions. Then only the said planet will come into the picture to offer the results in full measure
depending on how it is conditioned by its own sub, which has the say, favourable or unfavourable,
advantageous or disadvantageous, Yes or No.

Ruling Planets are the Key to Timings In KP the Ruling Planets at the time of the question are the
same at the time of Results.

Lord of the Ascendant Sign In the current place and time.

Star-Lord of the Nakshatra where Moon is placed.
Rashi-Lord (Sign Lord) of the the Sign (Rashi) in which Moon is placed.
Day Ruler for the day under consideration.
These 4 Planets are Ruling Planets.

Nak-Lords and Sub-Lords of Ruling Planets should be ignored only when Ruling Planets are to be

Neglect those that are retrograde from these 4 planets. If the retrograde planets are forming or are
in any aspect in degrees then they can be considered as part of Ruling Planet Group. If along with
the 4 planets MNN-Rahu or MSN-Ketu are in the same sign as the planets then Rahu and Ketu are
added to the Ruling Planet Group and are Important.

In the Ruling Planets Group the Lord of the Ascendant is more important as he changes only after 2
hrs. Next important planet is the Star-Lord of the Nakshatra in which Moon is placed. If out of 4
planets if only 1 is retrograde then it can be considered for inclusion in the group. This retrograde
planet gives results only when it crosses its degrees at the point it goes in direct motion. This helps
in deciding matters pertaining to events to occur after a few days. For that specific day they are to
be ignored.

The Day ruler is to be considered from one Sunset to another only and should not be changed at
midnight as a day is considered from one Sunset to another sunset.

In special circumstances consider the the specific degrees of the ascendant and if these degrees
indicate that the Lord of the Star is not the same as the lord of ascendant then the Star-Lord
corresponding to the degrees is to be considered as the Lord of the ascendant. This needs to be
used only on rare occasions only.

Events in 24 hrs : by checking the Movements of the Ascendant amongst the Ruling Planets.
Events in few hrs or short time : Consider the Ascendant.
Events in a month : Moons Movement amongst the Ruling Planets. The day moon goes into the
Star of the Ruling planet the event will take place.
Events after a month : Events related to Employment, time of Child Birth, Starting of Closed
Industries, Allotment of House when on a Waiting List. Consider the Movements of Sun, this will
decide the month and movements of Moon will decide the day.
Events which need a year or more : Consider the Movement of Jupiter or Dasha, Bhukti and

In KP each planet has a Sub-Lord whose effects are most prominently seen in predictions. If in one
Nakshatra 2 planets are present and if the Sub-Lords are different for each then different results are

In KP the Planets may be in any house and if the Star-Lord of that house is in a positve or
auspicious house then all the planets in that house will give beneficial results. In KP any planet if it
is related to a house then the results are decided by the house under consideration.
In KP the Star-Lord gives results as per the Houses whereas Good or Bad is decided by the Sub-

Ruling Planet's elaborated : The Sub lord is the deciding factor in all cases and KP attaches
importance to the Sub Lords of different CUSPS and their Star deposit. In the analysis of any chart
the CUSPS exclusively indicates the matters of that house alone. After assessing the matter, the
time of fructification of such matters has to be found out and this led to the invention of the Ruling

The Ruling Planets are : Lord of the Day Lord of the Sign where moon is placed Lord of the Star
where Moon is placed. Lord of the Lagna rising at the time of query. Lord of the Star where Lagna
degree is formed. Nodes tenanting the signs of Ruling planets. These Ruling planets act as the guides
and assist in timing the event almost exactly.

When applied to the Natal Chart, the Ruling Planets will agree fully with the dasha / Bhukti / Antar
Dasha periods in operation. The Ruling Planets at the moment of Consultation agree with the Ruling
Planets at the birth time or their Dasha and Bhukti's.

The Ruling Planets are selected in the order of strength, the Lagna Star Lord being the strongest.
RP's are used to fix the date of realisation of an event under consideration without resorting to the
Horoscope or Horary, but using that particular moment of time to calculate these RP's.

The Sensitive degree formed or arrived by using Ruling Planets, when transitted by the lagna degree,
the exact hour and minute of the event can be told. If moon is moved to that sensitive degree the day
of the event can be arrived at. If the Sun, then Month. If Jupiter then the Year can be arrived at.

The Order of selection of Ruling Planets is Star Lord of the Ascendant, Lord of the Ascendant, Star
lord of the Nakshatra, Lord of the Rashi and then the Lord of the Day. Even though RP's are selected
as in item (1) above, If a RP were to be in the Sub of another who is detrimental to the houses to be
judged for a particular matter by being the significator of houses 8 and 12 to the house to be judged
then this will not be a fruitful ruling planet.

If RP selected according to item (1), were to be in the Sub of a Retrograde planet then also this
Ruling Planet is not useful. Hence while selecting Ruling planets these conditions are to be

A Ruling Planet fails to offer results only when it is in a Sub of the Lord which is retrograde. If Rahu
/ Ketu were to be in conjunction with another Planet or aspected by another planet or if it were to be
in a Sign without the the above conditions then Rahu / Ketu will act as agents for the planets.

If inclined you are requested to read the 6 volumes published by Shri K. S. Krishnamurthi, regularly
as a frequent review is necessary to understand and remember the basics of the subject.

The basics described here is only to create a background so as to support event analysis along with
event tracking on a daily basis which is the main objective of this explanation. The proposed usage is
not a defined or implied part of KP System.





LEO As per Sign / House GEMINI VIRGO


KP Astrology is all about being able to anticipate events using Krishnamurthi Paddhati of Astrology
and Shrikrishna Paddhati in combination. The Natal Chart, Horoscope  or Kundali are the basis one
has to use as a starting point and then apply Star Lord Sub Lord concepts.

SKP is an exclusive method which can be learned in a DIY or Do-It-Yourself  mode with advanced
Click-learning concepts. You need to Register with us and this is free with options to explore your

Western Astrology or Vedic Astrology if used with the concepts of KP astrology by using its Star
Lord and Sub Lord concepts you could still manage to understand the concepts of Event  Analysis.

Rahu and Ketu

Rahu and Ketu will represent the Sign / House occupied by them in your Chart, provided they are
not associated with any other planets. They have the right and the power to modify the outcome.

Whenever their main or sub-periods are active in the Vimshottari Dasha, look for the adjacent
period lords and check if they have any association with these lords due to the House / Sign / Star
or Sub.

Try and imagine that the star portion in a Sign is a container by itself and if Rahu and another
planet occupy or are contained in this star, then Rahu can and will preside over the other planets
functionality in total and whenever such associated planet comes as an adjacent period lord Rahu
will provide the functionality instead of the said planet.

If the houses owned by the adjacent planet are favourable then it will act in a manner of enhancing
or blowing out of proportion the effect of such houses. Rahu being a deceptive entity it cannot
grant satisfaction and hence you will be left with a feeling of dis-satisfaction as Rahu multiplies,
enhances or blows out of proportion all the effects. It is a force multiplier which leaves one tired
and frustrated to some extent.

Rahu & Ketu are the two imaginary points of intersection formed when the Plane of Moon's Orbit
intersects the plane of the Sun's Orbit. The point of intersection in the North is called as Moon's
North Node and the point in the South is called as the Moon's South Node. Moon's North Node is
called as Rahu or Ascending Node and Moon's South Node is called as Ketu or Descending Node

Since Rahu & Ketu are the resultants of the computed elements based on Sun & Moon. The Sun
which represents the Spirit whereas Moon represents the Mind. The active or over-active part is
Rahu whereas Ketu is the inactive or the passive element. The proximity or association of other
planets with them represents the overall attitude in the chart.

In the chart, analyse their positions first, then check whether Rahu's Dasha is in the active age of
the chart owner and if Rahu is associated with planets owning favourable houses or are occupying
such houses in the chart then such a persons life will undergo struggle or a fight. In other words
such a chart owner will be active and dynamic in nature and actions.

If Ketu's dasha is in the latter part of life and if Ketu is associated with planets owning favourable
houses or placed favourably then that part of life could be passive or inactive
KP Number Chart 1-249 with all the Subs & Degrees to be used with Dasha Download
Degrees as a part of Shrikrishna Paddhati - SKP concept
1-5-9 2-6-10 3-7-11 4-8-12
N S G D B De.Mi.Se N S G D B De.Mi.Se B De.Mi.Se De.Mi.Se
1 AR MA KE KE 23 TA VE SU RA 42 GE ME MA ME 63 CA MO JU MO 00.00.00
00.00.00 00.00.00 00.00.00
64 CA MO JU MA 00.33.20
00.46.40 01.13.20 01.53.20 65 CA MO JU RA 01.20.00

3 AR MA KE SU 25 TA VE SU SA 44 GE ME MA VE 66 CA MO SA SA 03.20.00
03.00.00 03.00.00 02.40.00
67 CA MO SA ME 05.26.40
4 AR MA KE MO 26 TA VE SU ME 45 GE ME MA SU 04.53.20
03.40.00 05.06.40
68 CA MO SA KE 07.20.00
5 AR MA KE MA 27 TA VE SU KE 05.33.20
04.46.40 07.00.00 69 CA MO SA VE 08.06.40
6 AR MA KE RA 28 TA VE SU VE 06.40.00 70 CA MO SA SU 10.20.00
05.33.20 07.46.40
48 GE ME RA JU 71 CA MO SA MO 11.00.00
7 AR MA KE JU 29 TA VE MO MO 08.40.00
07.33.20 10.00.00 72 CA MO SA MA 12.06.40
8 AR MA KE SA 30 TA VE MO MA 10.26.40 73 CA MO SA RA 12.53.20
09.20.00 11.06.40
50 GE ME RA ME 74 CA MO SA JU 14.53.20
9 AR MA KE ME 31 TA VE MO RA 12.33.20
11.26.40 11.53.20 75 CA MO ME ME 16.40.00
10 AR MA VE VE 32 TA VE MO JU 14.26.40 76 CA MO ME KE 18.33.20
13.20.00 13.53.20
52 GE ME RA VE 77 CA MO ME VE 19.20.00
11 AR MA VE SU 33 TA VE MO SA 15.13.20
15.33.20 15.40.00
78 CA MO ME SU 21.33.20
12 AR MA VE MO 34 TA VE MO ME 17.26.40
16.13.20 17.46.40 79 CA MO ME MO 22.13.20
13 AR MA VE MA 35 TA VE MO KE 18.06.40 80 CA MO ME MA 23.20.00
17.20.00 19.40.00
14 AR MA VE RA 36 TA VE MO VE 19.13.20 81 CA MO ME
18.06.40 20.26.40
15 AR MA VE JU 37 TA VE MO SU 20.00.00
20.06.40 22.40.00 83 CA MO ME
16 AR MA VE SA 38 TA VE MA MA 21.46.40
21.53.20 23.20.00
17 AR MA VE ME 39 TA VE MA RA 23.53.20
24.00.00 24.06.40
18 AR MA VE KE 40 TA VE MA JU 25.46.40
25.53.20 26.06.40
19 AR MA SU SU 41 TA VE MA SA 26.33.20
26.40.00 27.53.20
20 AR MA SU MO 28.46.40
21 AR MA SU MA 29.26.40

84 LE SU KE KE 106 VI ME SU RA 125 LI VE MA ME 146 SC
00.00.00 00.00.00 00.00.00
147 SC
00.46.40 01.13.20 01.53.20 148 SC

86 LE SU KE SU 108 VI ME SU SA 127 LI VE MA VE 149 SC

03.00.00 03.00.00 02.40.00
150 SC
03.40.00 05.06.40 04.53.20
151 SC
04.46.40 07.00.00 05.33.20 152 SC

89 LE SU KE RA 111 VI ME SU VE 130 LI VE RA RA 153 SC

05.33.20 07.46.40 06.40.00
154 SC
07.33.20 10.00.00 08.40.00 155 SC

91 LE SU KE SA 113 VI ME MO MA 132 LI VE RA SA 156 SC

09.20.00 11.06.40 10.26.40
157 SC
11.26.40 11.53.20 12.33.20 158 SC

13.20.00 13.53.20 14.26.40 159 SC

94 LE SU VE SU 116 VI ME MO SA 135 LI VE RA VE 160 SC

15.33.20 15.40.40 15.13.20
161 SC
16.13.20 17.46.40 17.26.40 162 SC

96 LE SU VE MA 118 VI ME MO KE 137 LI VE RA MO 163 SC

17.20.00 19.40.00 18.06.40
164 SC
18.06.40 20.26.40 19.13.20
165 SC
98 LE SU VE JU 120 VI ME MO SU22.40.00 139 LI VE JU JU
20.06.40 20.00.00 166 SC
99 LE SU VE SA 23.20.00 140 LI VE JU SA
21.53.20 21.46.40
100 LE SU VE ME 24.06.40 141 LI VE JU ME
24.00.00 23.53.20
101 LE SU VE KE 26.06.40 142 LI VE JU KE
25.53.20 25.46.40
102 LE SU SU SU 27.53.20 143 LI VE JU VE
26.40.00 26.33.20

27.20.00 28.46.40

28.26.40 29.26.40

167 SA JU KE KE 189 CP SA SU RA 208 AQ SA MA ME 229 PI
00.00.00 00.00.00 00.00.00
230 PI
00.46.40 01.13.20 01.53.20 231 PI

169 SA JU KE SU 191 CP SA SU SA 210 AQ SA MA VE 232 PI

03.00.00 03.00.00 02.40.00
233 PI
03.40.00 05.06.40 04.53.20
234 PI
04.46.40 07.00.00 05.33.20 235 PI

172 SA JU KE RA 194 CP SA SU VE 213 AQ SA RA RA 236 PI

05.33.20 07.46.40 06.40.00
173 SA JU KE JU 195 CP SA  MO MO 10.00.0 214 AQ SA RA JU 237 PI JU SA MO 11.00.00
07.33.20 08.40.00
196 CP SA MO MA 238 PI JU SA MA 12.06.40
174 SA JU KE SA 11.06.40 215 AQ SA RA SA
09.20.00 10.26.40 239 PI JU SA RA 12.53.20
175 SA JU KE ME 11.53.20 216 AQ SA RA ME 240 PI JU SA JU 14.53.20
11.26.40 12.33.20
198 CP SA MO JU 241 PI JU ME ME 16.40.00
176 SA JU VE VE 13.53.20 217 AQ SA RA KE
13.20.00 14.26.40
242 PI JU ME KE 18.33.20
177 SA JU VE SU 15.40.00 218 AQ SA RA VE
15.33.20 15.13.20 243 PI JU ME VE 19.20.00
178 SA JU VE MO 17.46.40 219 AQ SA RA SU 244 PI JU ME SU 21.33.20
16.13.20 17.26.40
201 CP SA MO KE 245 PI JU ME MO 22.13.20
179 SA JU VE MA 19.40.00 220 AQ SA RA MO
17.20.00 18.06.40 246 PI JU ME MA 23.20.00
180 SA JU VE RA 20.26.40 221 AQ SA RA MA 247 PI JU ME RA 24.06.40
18.06.40 19.13.20
203 CP SA MO SU 248 PI JU ME JU 26.06.40
181 SA JU VE JU 22.40.00 222 AQ SA JU JU
20.06.40 20.00.00 249 PI JU ME SA 27.53.20
182 SA JU VE SA 23.20.00 223 AQ SA JU SA
21.53.20 21.46.40
183 SA JU VE ME 24.06.40 224 AQ SA JU ME
24.00.00 23.53.20
184 SA JU VE KE 26.06.40 225 AQ SA JU KE
25.53.20 25.46.40
185 SA JU SU SU 27.53.20 226 AQ SA JU VE
26.40.00 26.33.20

27.20.00 28.46.40

28.26.40 29.26.40


1-AR–Ari 4 -CA– 7 -LI–Lib 10 -CP–Cap KE –Ket–7 MO–Mon– JU–Jup–16

Can 10
2-TA–Tau 5 -LE– 8 -SC–Sco 11 -AQ–Aqu VE–Ven– MA–Mar – SA–Sat–
Leo 20 7 19
3-GE– 6 -VI–Vir 9 -SA–Sag 12 -PI–Pis SU–Sun–6 RA–Rah – ME–Mer–
Gem 18 17

The precision part is achieved by introducing the Nakshatra or stars allocated to each Sign
based on D-M-S of Sun in house-01. This is elaborated in subsequent sections.

Stars in Signs
Star Star Star Lords Yrs. Sign & No. Sign & No. Sign & No.
 1 Ashwini  10 Magha  19 Moola Ketu 7  Aries-1  Leo-5  Sagi-9
 2 Bharani  11 Purva  20 P' ashad Venus 20  Aries-1  Leo-5  Sagi-9
 3 Kritika  12 Uttara  21 U' ashad Sun 6  Aries-1 Tau-2  Leo-5 Virg-6  Sag-9 Capr-10
 4 Rohini  13 Hasta  22 Shravan Moon 10  Taurus-2  Virgo-6  Capri-10
 5 Mriga  14 Chitra  23 Dhanista Mars 7  Tau-2 Gem-3  Virgo-6 Lib-7  Cap-10 Aqu-11
 6 Aadra  15 Swati  24 S' taraka Rahu 18  Gemini-3  Libra-7  Aqua-11
 7 Punarvasu  16 Vishaka  25 P' b'pada Jupiter 16  Gem-3 Can-4  Lib-7 Scor-8  Aqu-11 Pisc-12
 8 Pushya  17 Anuradha  26 U' b' pada Saturn 19  Cancer-4  Scorpio-8  Pisces-12
 9 Ashleshya  18 Jyeshta  27 Revati Mercury 17  Cancer-4  Scorpio-8  Pisces-12

Order of stars is as shown in the column of Lords and the no. of years in
the Yrs. column. We observe that the 3 stars of Ketu are allocated to
Signs/Houses 1 5 & 9. Sun, Mars & Jupiter are the only lords whose stars
are shared in 2 houses whereas the stars of other lords are not shared
amongst signs/houses.
The other observation being that only Sun & Jupiter have stars in their own sign/house whereas
all other lords are having its stars under distributed owners.
Stars in Signs based on owners of signs
Star Star Star Lords Yrs. Sign & No. Sign & No. Sign & No.
 1 Ashwini  10 Magha  19 Moola Ketu 7  Mar-1  Sun-5  Jup-9
 2 Bharani  11 Purva  20 P' ashad Venus 20  Mar-1  Sun-5  Jup-9
 3 Kritika  12 Uttara  21 U' ashad Sun 6  Mar-1 Ven-2  Sun-5 Mer-6  Jup-9 Sat-10
 4 Rohini  13 Hasta  22 Shravan Moon 10  Ven-2  Mer-6  Sat-10
 5 Mriga  14 Chitra  23 Dhanista Mars 7  Ven-2 Mer-3  Mer-6 Ven-7  Sat-10 Sat-11
 6 Aadra  15 Swati  24 S' taraka Rahu 18  Mer-3  Ven-7  Sat-11
 7 Punarvasu  16 Vishaka  25 P' b'pada Jupiter 16  Mer-3 Mon-4  Ven-7 Mar-8  Sat-11 Jup-12
 8 Pushya  17 Anuradha  26 U' b' pada Saturn 19  Mon-4  Mar-8  Jup-12
 9 Ashleshya  18 Jyeshta  27 Revati Mercury 17  Mon-4  Mar-8  Jup-12
Properties of Signs / Houses
1 Aries 4 Cancer 7 Libra 10 Capricorn Movable / Cardinal Angular Start
2 Taurus 5 Leo 8 Scorpio 11 Aquarius Fixed Succedent Control
3 Gemini 6 Virgo 9 Sagittarius 12 Pisces Mutable / Common Cadent Change
1 Aries 5 Leo 9 Sagittarius Fire 1-5-9 Life's aspirations Life Individual
2 Taurus 6 Virgo 10 Capricorn Earth 2-6-10 Material needs Wealth Temporal
3 Gemini 7 Libra 11 Aquarius Air 3-7-11 Sharing contacts Relation Relative
4 Cancer 8 Scorpio 12 Pisces Water 4-8-12 Emotional tranquility Emotion Terminal

We have seen earlier that the Nakshatra's or Stars are distributed in a 1-

5-9 order so  also the distribution of Signs with its properties of Fire,
Earth, Air & Water follows the 1-5-9 order.

In the initial stages of analysis if one simply remembers the order of 1-5-9, 2-6-10, 3-7-11 and 4-
8-12 while looking at a chart then the placement of Planets in the chart can show which of the
houses are active in a chart.

The properties of the Sign on the House, the attributes of the planet
owning the sign on the house shall shape the outcome of that house.

If this house is vacant and the owner of the sign on the house is placed elsewhere then the
outcome of this house stands modified as this owner is influenced by the new environment.
The outcome of this house shall be modified by other planets Drishti on the house.

The Longitudinal aspects by other planets on the owner of the sign on the
house again modifies the outcome of the house under consideration.
Finally the results of the house are modified by the planet's occupying the house. This planet
shall bring in the results of his owned house to shape the outcome of the house under review.

We shall now consider a few keywords attributed to planets.

Keywords attributed to the 9 planets
Ketu Malefic spiritual detached dissatisfied separations break philosophers liberation
Venus Unite relate connect attachment attraction pleasures arts, wealth fortune
Sun Project express integrate authority courage  inflexible determination fame
Moon Respond react regulate calmness health thinking overall Life emotions
Mars Activate initiate move aggressive hate control ambitious loves work do by self 
Rahu Malefic desire ambition dissatisfied fear, radical accidents provocative deceptive
Jupiter Religion justice expand protection affluence advisors legal matters optimism
Saturn Control limit discipline patience seriousness philosopher difficulties adversities
Mercury Convey analyse messenger knowledge convertible liberal intelligence research

We shall now consider a few keywords attributed to Houses.

Description Keywords attributed to the 12 Houses
Personal/self-related concern,
1 physical vitality start, tendencies, life activity, head, vigour
Earning possession security
2 observe family document food voice express, profit, eye
3 Relates to immediate environment courage change inclination of mind,  firmness, agreement
4 Home & private life, mother, peace happiness vehicle land building water Edu. School/College
Instinctive affections/re-creation,
5 pleasures child speculate, intellect Sports, Creative
6 Service given / received & health struggles debt fear, disease,danger obstacle, anguish
Partner / relations at personal
7 spouse partner legal agreements Interact with others
Material relations shared
8 death, will sorrow anxiety, insult, pain scandal, obstacle
9 Mental, physical explorations, luck philosophy travel intution, wisdom, law Edu.Higher, Religion
Place in society & standing in goverment,
10 career status occupation, honour
world promotion
11 Hopes wishes attachments gains aspirations friends fulfillment, ambitions income, desires
12 Freedom restriction secret loss limitation bondage sin, poverty, misery investment, expense

Allocation of Nakshatras or Stars to each Sign and their Analysis :

01-Aries Mars is House-01 Stars = Ketu, Venus and Sun-1/4
02-Taurus Venus is House-02 Stars = Sun-3/4, Moon, Mars-1/2
03-Gemini Mercury is House-03Stars = Mars-1/2, Rahu, Jupiter-3/4
04-Cancer Moon is House-04 Stars = Jupiter-1/4, Saturn, Mercury

05-Leo Sun is House-05 Stars = Ketu, Venus and Sun-1/4

06-Virgo Mercury is House-06 Stars = Sun-3/4, Moon, Mars-1/2

07-Libra Venus is House-07 Stars = Mars-1/2, Rahu, Jupiter-3/4

08-Scorpio Mars is House-08 Stars = Jupiter-1/4, Saturn, Mercury

09-Sagittarius Jupiter is House-09 Stars = Ketu, Venus and Sun-1/4

10-Capricorn Saturn is House-10 Stars = Sun-3/4, Moon, Mars-1/2
11-Aquarius Saturn is House-11 Stars = Mars-1/2, Rahu, Jupiter-3/4
12-Pisces Jupiter is House-12 Stars = Jupiter-1/4, Saturn, Mercury

Observations about allocation of Stars :

House-01, House-05 and House-09 is Fire
House-02, House-06 and House-10 is Earth
House-03, House-07 and House-11 is Air
House-04, House-08 and House-12 is Water
1-5-9, 2-6-10, 3-7-11 and 4-8-12 are a series having the same set of Stars. These houses are
also called the Trine houses holding the basic elements Fire, Earth, Air and Water.
The allocation of stars in signs are made such that only Sun and
Jupiter have 1/4 of their stars in the Signs owned by them whereas all
other planets have none in their owned Signs.

01-Aries ruled by Mars is House-01 and the Stars being Ketu, Venus and Sun-1/4
The first house is a Fire house which deals with Personal and Self related concerns and
appearance are holding the Stars of Ketu, Venus and Sun.
The general outlook is structured by Ket, Venus and Sun in a joint manner. Venus is the lord of
houses02 and 07, Sun being the lord of House-05 and Ketu shall represent the houses owned
by Sign Lord occupied by it in the Chart.
Venus by itself relates to beauty and appearance and being the lord of house-02 relates to
money matters and the family in general. Venus as the lord of house-07 represents the spouse
or wife.
The 13D-20M sector of Venus takes care of the basic needs of life,
Sun-05 as the lord of house-05 represents that facet of human
existence relating to pleasures and or children. This part is just a minor
part of house-01.
Ketu is that variable which relates to your past life in some form or
other and connects with the present life. Ketu is a malefic or loss
causing by nature. By its sheer presence in favourable House or Sign
or Star can disable the loss causing nature to a greater extent but
shall always leave you with a feeling of dissatisfaction in one way or
another at mental level.
If the first house or Sign is Aries then the relative placement of the 3 lords of the stars from this
house shall define the success or failure of the individual at the primary level.
The properties or attributes of the first house stand changed or modified when a planet occupies
the house. The nature and properties of the planet and the houses owned by it are important in
changing the flavour of the results expected from house-01.
Imagine that the fist house is glass container with 3 independent sections filled with clear water
representing a clean first house. A transiting planet with a healthy color will impart a similar glow
to that section as seen from the top. If seen from the side then even the other sectors shall
radiate the visiting planets color. The perspective in this case counts as it gives an impression
limited to the viewers imagination and understanding of the planets and its attributes.
If more than one planet occupies the first house then the radiated
color will be a mixture of personalities. Here the Container and the
content both are variables and can influence each other.

Trine houses 1-5-9 be read in a similar manner but by changing the lords of the signs.

02-Taurus ruled by Venus is House-02, Stars being Sun-3/4, Moon, Mars-1/2

Sun as lord of house-05 having 3/4 stars rules pleasure, children and
the speculative aspects of earning money for the family.
Moon as lord of house-04 having its star in house-02 is indicative of
earning through produce of earth and or property.
Mars-1/2 star in house-02 whereas the owned house is house-01
being in the 12 to house-02 indicates that Self has to expend for the
family for earning.
Similarly Moon as lord of house-04 having its star in house-02 is in 11th position showing gains
for house-04. Mars as the lord of house-08 holds a star in House-02.

Trine houses 2-6-10 be read in a similar manner but by changing the lords of the signs.

03-Gemini ruled by Mercury is House-03, Stars being Mars-1/2, Rahu, Jupiter-3/4

House-03 relates to Communication, relatives and Courage. Mars-1/2 part imparts courage as it
owns House-01
Rahu ia again a malefic like Ketu but more potent than Ketu and has a
bearing to ones past life and its current position in the chart by the Sign,
House and Star it occupies can improve or cause failure. Rahu
represents deception or implies a threat perception in all matters
pertaining to house-03.

 Jupiter-3/4 star owning house-09 and house-12 has to balance the

courage part of Mars star by religious and judicial counter balance by way
of which all actions or communication should be firm and legally correct
else Jupiter as lord of house-12 will play its role of causing a loss by legal
or religious means.

Trine houses 3-7-11 be read in a similar manner but by changing the lords of the signs.

04-Cancer ruled by Moon is House-04, Stars being Jupiter-1/4, Saturn, Mercury

 Personal home and private life sukhasthan and Matrusthan
Jupiter being Lord of house-09 and house-12 implies that quest for
happiness leads to losses and reduction in the fortune factor as its owned
house-9 is in 6 & 8 to house-4 whereas house-12 being a trine house
which holds a star of jupiter itself is supportive to growth only when the
objective is related to the produce from the earth in order to satisfy the
basic needs.
Saturn owns house 10 & 11 and its star in this house shall indicate that
the house of gains being in 6 & 8 to this house one needs to struggle and
then gain else the house-10 which is exactly opposite that of house-4 will
also tend to suffer. Lack of status in the absence of efforts and therby
happiness denied or delayed.

Mercury owning houses 3 & 6 being associated with communication,

flexibility and intelligence facilitates the use of assistance and help from
around you and intelligent use with labour to assist in success by efforts.

The composition of the 4th house which stands for happiness has all the required components
in the form of Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury which represent, Correctness or fairness, Labour and
intelligence if these are used in the correct proportion then happiness is possible and if any one
component is more or less then it is destroyed. Similarly  house-8 and house-12 being in trine to
house-4 will give the same results if the 3 components are unbalanced.
Trine houses 4-8-12 be read in a similar manner but by changing the lords of the signs.





LEO As per Sign / House GEMINI VIRGO


KP Astrology is all about being able to anticipate events using Krishnamurthi Paddhati of Astrology
and Shrikrishna Paddhati in combination. The Natal Chart, Horoscope  or Kundali are the basis
one has to use as a starting point and then apply Star Lord Sub Lord concepts.

SKP is an exclusive method which can be learned in a DIY or Do-It-Yourself  mode with advanced
Click-learning concepts. You need to Register with us and this is free with options to explore your

Western Astrology or Vedic Astrology if used with the concepts of KP astrology by using its Star
Lord and Sub Lord concepts you could still manage to understand the concepts of Event  Analysis.

Introduction to ShriKrishna Paddhati - SKP and Event Analysis

Welcome to KPAstrology, the site which offers knowledge and an

opportunity to experience the concepts of Astrology as propounded by
the Krishnamurti Padhati which lets you feel that "The Future is ours to
see". If you learn from your past then wisdom will be with you for the
Future. Dasha Years

Shri Krishna Paddhati or SKP : is a collection of all the techniques, methods and Teaching
Tools introduced at excluding Krishnamurthi Paddhati - KP and Din-Varsha
method, are referenced by the author as ShriKrishna Paddhati or SKP, not as a religious
overtone but with due reverence to the authors Father.
The SKP terms used on this site have a bearing on event analysis which was the main objective
in doing research as the author believes that events are the stages in life whereas the passage
between the events is what makes it worth exploring with the how and why, this obviously leads
to a day to day review of what, why and how.
An event is an end whereas the means need to be explored and understood as this itself will
give you the profound understanding of the next event in store for you. This could be used and
appreciated by all those who wish to venture into understanding the self first and then sharing or
using it for an end use in a suitable form. The innovation or techniques used here are for
individuals who have retained or can develop the capabilities to try and learn first hand.
The defined SKP terms : Co-Owners, Guardian-Lord, Dasha-Degrees, The extended Dasha
Degrees, Event Analysis, Self Analysis, Event Triggers, Teaching Tools, Click-Learning, The
use of the Cusp Controllers in Transit, Active Cusps and the developement concepts described
in other pages. The usage of the described SKP terms are reserved by and its
owners and also the right to implementation in Software is not released in the public domain.

Due Respect : The author and the site owners have due respect for Shri K. S. Krishnamurti the
propounder of Krishnamurti Paddhati. This site has no reference to the heirs apparent of
Krishnamurti Paddhati or their Institutions, Publications or their Business in any manner. We at
kpastrology are not inclined to be the torch bearers for any specific streams or methods of
analysis and refuse to indulge and or depend on historical texts. We do have reverence for
historical past, but the path chosen can be different.
Self Help : All interested readers are requested in their own interest to
read the books authored by Shri K. S. Krishnamurti to get a grip on the
basics of the subject and the reasons for the deviations from other
systems in vogue.


The Starting Point

Inside Information : Astrology is a means of trying to know the unknown. The ways and means of
predicting are as numerous as one would like to encourage due to our native desire to know. The
future has been predicted in many different ways all over the world. We prefer a refinement to
Astrology as propounded by Shri K. S. Krishnamurti and his Krishnamurti Paddhati along with
Shrikrishna Paddhati or SKP introduced at this site.
How it Started : It all started on May 12, 1999 when for reasons unknown the author had a
persistent nagging thought or feeling of some problem yet to occur over a period of 15 days before
the actual event. The event took shape on the said date. The pre-monition of an impending
problem with the waiting period and its agony was too much. This needed to be rectified which
resulted in the inception of this project of wanting to know the unknown and the how and why of
The objective : The defined objective being the need to know needs a starting point so you start
reviewing all the information that is available through printed books or the internet. Information of
any type and of different streams like Vedic and or western concepts is important to create a formal
background of the basic concepts, try to imagine that you are visualising a object without a
background then its flatness becomes obvious. The lack of depth due to the absence of a
background is prevalent in all aspects of learning process, especially so at the starting point.

Research Mode : The basics of any subject has to be learned in a

research mode by seeking information, may be the information could be
primary in nature or with exhaustive details. The application or usage of
this information would then become the next objective in time. If one
does serious research then you will have scanned through numerous
rules which are again interdependent on other set of rules. In short one
gets confused with the nested rules and the overall impression or the  
after taste will not be pleasant. Click the top label

The first Step : If you have a liberal frame of mind then you would try and find a software tool
which has in place or have implemented all such rules in part or full depending on the version you
are inclined to pursue for your convenience. The amount of time and energy invested so far has
conditioned you to select one of the many available tools. You will now have taken the next
imperative step of buying the tool. Imagine that you are now a proud owner of a tool with all the
research options enabled.

KP Introduction : The concepts of KP are also explained in depth on other pages but an
additional explanation would be of interest to the readers. 7-Planets, 2-Nodes and the 12-Cusp,
are the 21 entities of primary concern to us.

Resolve by Parts : The 12-Signs are together allocated 27 Nakshatras or Stars hence each
sign is allocated 27/12 stars and each star is having a span of 360 degrees / 27 or 800 minutes.
This is the basic traditional approach to create sections in each sign so as to infer a specific
effect or event. The stars in each sign are being owned by other planets. The only exceptions
are Jupiter and Sun as they have their own star in their own signs. All other planets as Lords of
specific signs do not have their owned stars in the signs alloted to them.
It takes two : It simply means that a house event cannot be
triggered by the owner of the sign alone but it needs two to create
such an eventuality. If one studies the allocation of stars in signs
then your depth of event analysis will improve substantially. The
allocation of stars in Signs has been in existence well before KP.
The modality or concept of this distribution of stars has been
improved upon based on the computation of the Vimshottari Dasha
system to create smaller sub sections in each star based on the
number of years allocated to each planet in the Dasha system.
Atlast the Sub : The word Sub has latched on as the basis of precision in KP. It is very obvious
that in a Sign of 30 degrees or 1800 minutes span, a star is 800 minutes, and 2-1/4 stars are
allocated to each sign hence the level of precision was only to this extent but if you sub-divide
800 minutes across 7-Planets and 2-Nodes then precision is in place to explain within those 800

Action Ladder : The 21 entities referenced earlier now have more Sign / Star / Sub
parameters to explain their actions. The base level is the Sign-Lord, then
comes the lord of the star and finally the lord of the Sub. So a transiting or
the birth planets actions are represented by Sign-Star-Sub, this is a linear
mode in top down order.

Linear Rule : This mode is applied to all the 21 entities. All the cusps
with their repective Sign-Star-Sub shall denote the designed events for
each house. The Sign-Lord defines the overall nature of the house, the
Star-Lord gives more information concerning events for the house. The
Sub-Lord by its ownership of the houses shall define whether the events
of that house shall be favourable or not. In all such analysis their
respective placements in the chart will modify the results.

Apply the Linear Rule : This linear rule being applied to all entities
minimises the confusion and gives direction to the user to try and reach 
the next mile-stone. Let us now recap the resultant inferences and
effects. A planet in a House / Sign thereby is more powerfull than the
owner of the House / Sign. In other words the occupant as the source of
events through its owned houses is powerfull than the owner of the
House / Sign. In a similar case the planet in a star is more powerfull than
its Star-Lord to provide for the effects of the owned houses of the star-
lord. The planet occupying such a star has contributed the effects of its
owned house to the star-Lord and through its owned houses.

Cusp Controllers : The Cusp controllers are the Sign-Star-Sub, of these the Star-Lord is important
as it defines the event for that Cusp / House. The Sub-Lord has the power to negate the effects
proposed by the same house and has the final authority. In such a scenario if a planet is occupying
the house under consideration it may occupy any of the stars in the span of that house and it will
also be in a specific Sub, the effects of such a planet then should be finally under the control of the
cusp Star-Lord and Sub-Lord and if they support then the occupying planet can perform to its
optimum potential.

Why you are Different : Cusps are important as they the are ones which change in time and
are faster than the planets and they are the ones which can differentiate between co-borns and
the events in their lifetime. Since we are trying to understand a concept let us postpone the
arguments over the correctness of the birth time and the validity of the same to avoid an
argumentative frame of mind. The planets position may not change at the Sub-Lord level for the
co-borns. It could change at a higher levels.
The Levels : The 1st level of division of a Sign is the Star, 2nd level is
the Sub, the 3rd is Sub-Sub, the 4th is SS4, 5th is SS5, 6th level is SS6,
or more levels will add to more details to the planets and the cusps. Let
us synchronise with the 2nd level ie. the Sub for now and continue and
explore the path to the next milestone.

The Action Significators : Significators of a house are the planets which are placed in the stars of
the occupants of a house. The planet itself, occupying the said house. Planets in the Stars of the
owner of the house and finally the Lord of the house are all termed as the significators of the house.
They give good results for the said house provided the Sub portion occupied by them is a
significator of good houses. The good and bad effects are relative to ones perception of the same.
The good and bad are termed as benefic and malefic effects.

Cusp Sub-Lord : If the sub-Lord of the first cusp is not the significator of
the house-1 then such a person will not be concerned much about self
and the primary focus will be on the houses signified by the sub-lord.

Projections : If the star-lord is the lord of the 12th house, no planet is occupying the 12th house
but this star-lord of cusp-1 is placed in house-9  in his own star then the houses signified by this
star-lord are 9 & 12. Now if the Sub is placed in 3rd house in his own-star and owns houses 5 &
6 then this sub says more of the projected events of 9 & 12 with that of 3,5 & 6 houses. If we do
a visual elimination of opposing houses then house-5 alone will give the overall results based on
who occupies and the cusp controllers of house-5. House-5 is also the house of gains of the
opponent in this case. Such a person has to give and in giving he creates. The houses 3,6, 9 &
12 will imply a lot a changes in ones lifetime. This happens when such planets come as
Vimshottari Dasha period lord, or in the periods or sub-periods of other lords placed in the stars
of the cusp controllers.

Power of the Star-Lord and Sub-Lord : The owned houses of the planet as a Star-lord or Sub-
Lord stand modified if its houses are occupied. If such a planet has planets in its stars then
results are further modified by such planets placed in the stars of the planet under
consideration. Such modified results can be expected in the Vimshottari Dasha when the related
period lords follow in the specified order in time.

Event Triggers : The action of planets in the respective Dashas as prescribed is based on the
effects sanctioned by the Star-Lord of the Dasha-Lord signifying a set of houses, the sub portion
occupied by the Dasha-Lord defines the good or bad based on the sub being a significator of
good houses.


Interactive Click-Learning Tools Downloads

Download All the Tools

Move the mouse over the 12 coloured Strips which represent the
1 12 signs of the zodiac. The lords of each sign will be displayed for

The 12 coloured strips represent the 12 signs of the Zodiac and

2 on navigating the mouse over these will display the months in
which Sun visits the 12 signs.

3 The 12 Signs are classified as Male Female, Positive Negative.

4 The 12 Signs and its attributes or properties are displayed here.

5 The 12 Signs are differentiated by being Northern or Southern.

6 Equinoctial and Tropical Signs amongst the 12 Signs

The 12 Signs and their distinction as Fire, Earth, Air and Water

8 Movable, Fixed and Common of the Zodiac.

9 Barren, Fruitful, Semifruitful Signs.

10 The types of Signs being Violent, Human, Voice, Mute etc.

11 Bestial and Dual Signs amongst the 12 signs of the Zodiac

12 Signs being of Short Ascension and Long Ascension.

Life-Identity, Material Wealth, Relations- Sharing, Emotions

allocated to the 12 Signs of the Zodiac.

Self Starting, Control and Manage, Change and Improvement as

characteristics of the 12 Signs.

What each Sign Implies in comparision with corresponding


What each Sign Implies in comparision with corresponding

houses with additional significance.
The Badhak Signs for each Sign when it is considered as an
17 ascendant or otherwise when the point of reference is a specific

Navigate over the coloured strips representing Ketu, Venus, Sun,

Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury from left to right.
The name of the planet and the allocated Vimshottari Dasha
years are displayed.

The 12 Zodiac signs shown in a circular mode where E

is the Eastern Horizon where the ascendant is located.
Aries is the first Sign referenced as 1. The span of any
sign is 30 degrees. Outer sectors on this circular chart
are the 27 stars allocated to Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon,
Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury. One set of 
stars owned by the 9 planets are arranged in a cyclic
manner in the signs 1 to 4 which equals 120 degrees.
19 Ketu Star is at the start of Sign 1-5-9 then Venus star in
1-5-9 and lastly a part of Sun Star in 1-5-9 Signs. The
2nd set of stars are allocated from Sign 5 to 8 and the
last set of stars are allocated from Sign 9 to 12. Use the
mouse to explore the 27 stars and the 12 signs. The
area occupied by each sign is referenced as a house
that is contained in the sign. The Sign equalling a
house is just to make it simple. In reality it is never

This object is similar to the one above but here

instead of the Sign a house is again considered
as equivalent to a sign for the sake of simplicity.

20 The Nakshatra names with the number of years

allocated in the Vimshottari Dasha or Time-Line
are included along with what the 12 houses
imply or mean to you and the functional scope of
each house is displayed for reference.
The Ascendant : It is an interactive tool, the first label
referenced as  Aries when clicked, displays Aries as
the Ascendant. If you click on TAURUS which is
House-2 then you have selected Taurus as the
Ascendant and all other Signs on the 12 houses are
changed  or re-ordered to reflect your selection.

The sign and house label is followed by 3 coloured

strips each of them represents a Star allocated in the
sign. The length of this coloured strip is proportional to
13degrees and 20minutes or 800 minutes in a 30
degree span of the house / sign.

On Navigating over these coloured strips the names of

the planet as owner of the star, the number of dasha
years allocated to each star and the name of the star  is
displayed. The colour scheme used is uniform hence
you can easily get used to the planets associated with
each colour.

The Ascendant can be reset to display Aries as the

Ascendant by a left-click of the mouse on the the
portion just below the coloured strips which changes
colour from Silver to Magenta.

22 This object may look familiar and similar to you

but a functional difference does exist. In this the
use the left Click of mouse at the center of the
object marked as ARIES ASC-1.  The
Ascendant will now change to TAURUS ASC-2.
The Color blobs with a line exteding to the
center are the Sign-Markers.

The mouse should be moved over the sectors

of the stars and the Sign Markers to get
additional information. The Sign Markers can be
selected with the mouse by holding down the
left button and rotating the sign markers. This
will change the default degrees of 0d-0m-0s
allocated to all the Sign markers or the start of
the house in each sign. If you pick and rotate
one of them all of them will rotate with the same
change as effected by you.

You may also selectively rotate individual Sign

Markers to select the starting degrees of each
of the cusp by holding down th 'Ctrl' on your
keyboard and selecting the Sign Marker as
before and rotate it to the desired degrees.

This is the same as above but the Sign colours are added to
display the span of the house instead of the white space in the
earlier objects and is a smaller object. If you have not noticed
earlier the span of each star in degrees is also displayed.

Planet Key-Words are displayed when you move the mouse

over the coloured strips that are allocated to  Ketu, Venus,
Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury in an
order from left to right.

The stars is each sign with their name and the dasha years
allocated to them are displayed. Left Click of the mouse over
the label marked 'STARS IN ARIES' will display the next set of
stars in Taurus, sequentially all the stars in the 12 signs will be
displayed. The this Silver bar below each such label will reset
the object to display 'STARS IN ARIES'.

This is a similar object as above but the Sub portions within

each star have been added. You need to experiment with this
26 object as you can change the stars to whichever ones you
want so that the orders of the Star, Sub-Sub and Sub can be
easily visualised.

In this object select the Dasha you desire then the Bhuktis of
each planet are displayed  in months. As an example Left-
Co-Owners of the Cusp in Event Analysis

The Placidus cusps yields an unequal divison of houses and the span of each cusp overlaps into
the next sign whereas the allocated stars in the divided signs has a sign-lord of its own but the
cusp lord at the start of the cusp is considered as the overall owner of the cusp and its span.

We deviate at this point and introduce the concept of Co-owner of the house as the sign-lord in
whose sign the star is allocated needs his or her own guardian to supervise the work allocated to
that section of life. In effect a house may have many co-owners due to the placidus system.
In the table below you will notice on the 1st cusp we will have 2 owners due to the division of the
stars arising due to the cusp of 1st house being located in the middle of a sign. In effect Sun and
Mercury shall become the Co-owners of the 1st house. Likewise each cusp has co-owners, due
to this divison or sharing of ownership results will be modified. This is a part of Shrikrishna
Paddhati -SKP.
The table depicts the distribution of stars and their sign lords in each cusp for a sample chart

H Sign Star Sign Star Sign Star Sign Star Sign Star

1 Sun Ven Sun Sun Mer Sun Mer Mon --- ---

2 Mer Mon Mer Mar Ven Mar Ven Rah Ven Jup

3 Ven Jup Mar Jup Mar Sat Mar Mer --- ---

4 Mar Mer Jup Ket Jup Ven --- --- --- ---

5 Jup Ven Jup Sun Sat Sun Sat Mon Sat Mar

6 Sat Mar Sat Rah Sat Jup --- --- --- ---

7 Sat Jup Jup Jup Jup Sat Jup Mer --- ---

8 Jup Mer Mar Ket Mar Ven --- --- --- ---

9 Mar Ven Mar Sun Ven Sun Ven Mon Ven Mar

10 Ven Mar Mer Mar Mer Rah Mer Jup --- ---

11 Mer Jup Mon Jup Mon Sat Mon Mer --- ---

12 Mon Mer Sun Ket Sun Ven --- --- --- ---
Co-Owners of the Cusp in Event Analysis

The Placidus cusps yields an unequal divison of houses and the span of each cusp overlaps into
the next sign whereas the allocated stars in the divided signs has a sign-lord of its own but the
cusp lord at the start of the cusp is considered as the overall owner of the cusp and its span.

We deviate at this point and introduce the concept of Co-owner of the house as the sign-lord in
whose sign the star is allocated needs his or her own guardian to supervise the work allocated to
that section of life. In effect a house may have many co-owners due to the placidus system.
In the table below you will notice on the 1st cusp we will have 2 owners due to the division of the
stars arising due to the cusp of 1st house being located in the middle of a sign. In effect Sun and
Mercury shall become the Co-owners of the 1st house. Likewise each cusp has co-owners, due
to this divison or sharing of ownership results will be modified. This is a part of Shrikrishna
Paddhati -SKP.
The table depicts the distribution of stars and their sign lords in each cusp for a sample chart

H Sign Star Sign Star Sign Star Sign Star Sign Star

1 Sun Ven Sun Sun Mer Sun Mer Mon --- ---
2 Mer Mon Mer Mar Ven Mar Ven Rah Ven Jup

3 Ven Jup Mar Jup Mar Sat Mar Mer --- ---

4 Mar Mer Jup Ket Jup Ven --- --- --- ---

5 Jup Ven Jup Sun Sat Sun Sat Mon Sat Mar

6 Sat Mar Sat Rah Sat Jup --- --- --- ---

7 Sat Jup Jup Jup Jup Sat Jup Mer --- ---

8 Jup Mer Mar Ket Mar Ven --- --- --- ---

9 Mar Ven Mar Sun Ven Sun Ven Mon Ven Mar

10 Ven Mar Mer Mar Mer Rah Mer Jup --- ---

11 Mer Jup Mon Jup Mon Sat Mon Mer --- ---

12 Mon Mer Sun Ket Sun Ven --- --- --- ---

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