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Philosophy of the Human Person

Second Quarterly Examination
First Semester S.Y. 2018-19
collection of individuals shaped by
Name:___________________________ social relations and interactions?societyA. A
Year and Section:__________________
A. Society social class B. social system C.
Instructions: Please read carefully.Encircle your choice of answer social institution D. Social institution
logically for the following MULTIPLE TYPE OF TEST.

1. What are the building blocks of society?

A. Individuals B. social institutions C.
natural resource D. Agencies 2. What
structure of the society consists of individuals who Date:______________
interact and relate in a shared cultural and symbolic
environment? A. social
system B. social interaction C. social 10. What do you call a group of people with similar
institution D. social deviance 3. Which wealth and status? sociaA.l
situation demonstrates a reciprocal interaction between A. Social class B. social system C. social
an individual and society? A. institution D. social interaction
seeing the country’s health care system and deciding to 11. Which type of society focuses on the production and
practice medicine in the Philippines despite numerous selling of information?virtual A.
international offers B. surfing Virtual B. Agrarian C. Industrial
the internet to read about the country’s current events D. Pastoral 12. David is a blue-collared worker in
C. completing the whole school year without any Manila. What may be his job and social class?a
absences or tardiness D. messenger who is part of the working clA. A messenger
sleeping and waking up early to finish all errands being who is part of the social class B. a waiter who is
asked from you by your family part of the lower class C. a call center agent
4. Kyle is an educator who wants to know about the who is part of the working class D. a doctor who is
economic challenges encountered by the national part of the upper class 13. Which of the
government in 2013. Which social institution should he following situations show that man is a social
approach about his concern? A. Government B. animal?talking to a friend about a problem A.
Economy C. Education D. Religion Talking to a friend about a problem B.
5. Josh is a single parent who tries to balance his reading books on social interactions C.
responsibilities as a service crew and as an engineering playing extreme sports D.
student. What social role do Josh not play? contemplating on the meaning of life 14. Which
A. Employee B. Father C. Student D. Engineer 6. of the following is an example of an upper social
Which of the following statements is true? I. class?a family who owns one of the leading conglome A.
Individuals have the option to be social beings or not. A family who owns one of the leading conglomeates in
II. Society can exist without social institutions. the country B. a doctor who
A. Both statements I and II are false. B. happens to be the top notcher in his licensure exam
Both statements I and II are true. C. C. a waiter who owns a house in Manila D. a
Statement I is true. Statement II is false. D. physical therapist working abroad as the head of a
Statement I is false. Statement II is true. 7. Which rehabilitation division 15. Which of the
statement describes the basic tenet of a social system? following statements is true? I. Social class is
I. It is an organized structure. II. It is unchangeable. II. The type of society
smaller than all the social institutions combined. one belongs to is unchangeable. A. Both
A. Statement I B. Statement II C. Both statements 1 and 2 are false. B. Both
statements D. Neither statementsstatemen 8. Which statements 1 and 2 are true. C. Statement 1
concept about human relations and society is correct? is true. Statement 2 is false. D. Statement 1 is
I. All human relations can influence change in society. false. Statement 2 is true.
II. All human relations are only dependent upon societal
change. A. Statement I. For numbers 16-33 Choose the answers from the
B. BB. statement II C.both statements I following: A. statement I
and II D. neither statement I nor II9. What do you call a B. statement II C. both
statements I and II D. neither
statement I nor II 16. Which statement II. They use scriptures, rather than scientific evidences,
describes social class? I. It can be divided as proof of their belief. 28. Which
into different categories. II. A person may of the following statements is/are false? I.
experience two social classes at the same time. Discovering the meaning of life constitutes people to live
17. Which concept about individual transformation is life to the fullest. II. Research
true? I. Individual transformation is influenced by reveals that one out of five people are convinced that
society. II. Individual transformation is a social they are living their lives to the fullest and that majority
process. 18. Which of the following statements is of all individuals who want to live life to its fullest are
true? I. Finding meaning in life may only longing for excitement. 29. Which
occur during old age. of the following statements is/are false? I.
II. All people are capable of finding meaning in their Physical life is given an origin, meaning, and purpose
lives because it has an end. II.
Physical death is a state that all humans will encounter at
the end. 30. Which of the
following statements is/are false? I.
19. Why do some people refuse to believe that there is Individuals are social animals who need society for
meaning in life? I. food, protection, education, and other forms of support.
Because it is believed to be brought about by a god. II. II. Society is a collection of individuals shaped by social
Because it is believed to limit one’s experiences. relations and interactions.

20.How do people who found meaning in life manifest

themselves to others? I. by
showing happiness in life II. by showing 31. Which of the following statements is/are false?
simplicity in life 21. Lower Class is: I. Socioeconomic, technological, and environmental
I. experiences poverty, homelessness, and unemployment differences in societies may dictate cultural differences
II. relatively higher in number in developing countries among individuals. II.
22. Working Class is: I. Because different types of societies exist, it is also
constitutes blue-collared workers (e.g. waiter, driver, expected that there are various societal differences
salesperson) II. among individuals as well.
experiences low career opportunities and minimal wage 32. Which of the following statements is/are false?
23. Middle Class Is: I. I. Individuals are social animals who need society for
consists of white-collared workers (e.g. doctor, lawyer, food, protection, education, and other forms of support.
engineer) II. able to II. Meanwhile, a society is a collection of individuals
survive life with relatively minimal material difficulties shaped by social relations and interactions. 33.
24. Upper Class is: I. Which of the following statements is/are false?
consists of individuals born into aristocratic families I. individuals and society need each other to function
II. usually involves families with large businesses and properly. II. They
ventures 25. Which of the have a complementary relationship that is improved and
following statements is/are true? I. Individuals influenced by culture and social institutions. 34. What
from the upper class may primarily live in agricultural is established as a collective defense against
settings due to the nature of their family business (e.g. psychological problems like aggression and divisiveness.
haciendero). II. Provinces A. meaning of life B. Transcendence C.
near the Metro have an industrialized society and is meaning of the soul D. Death 35. What refers
primarily composed of middle class workers. 26. to the list of all goals, dreams, and achievements one
Which of the following statements is/are true? wants to attain before death A. Bucket
I. Evolutionists believe that everything in the cosmos, list B. traveler's list C. permanent list
including life, can be explained by the interaction of D. adventure list 36. What is the endpoint of all
matter. II. They initially believed in spontaneous biological functions that sustain a living organism?death
generation−that living things can arise from non-living A. Death B. Illness C. Aging D. Termination 37.
materials. 27. Which of the following statements Which of the following activities may be found in a
is/are true? I. Creationists, on the other hand, bucket list? A. Putting
believe that life came from a supreme being or a god. up a Chinese restaurant B. Learning to
speak another language C. Meeting a
famous Hollywood star D. Winning the
lottery 38. Why is physical death a
fearful endpoint for many people?
A. It is irreversibleItit is irreversible is irreversible.B.
B. It only occurs among elderly C. It is
unbearable. D. It is predictable.
39. Who among the following is most likely to have
already discovered the meaning of life?
A. Mike, who enjoys helping others through social work
B. Rick, who likes to eat vegetables C.
Gelo, who refuses to talk to other people D.
Chris, who keeps a grumpy attitude all day 40.
What may happen if a person fails to find meaning in his
life?He may develop negative behaviors.
A. He may be less prayerful or spiritual. B.
He may be afraid to die. C. He may
find happiness in life. D. He may develop
negative behaviors

Prepared by: ______________

Teacher I Noted and
Approved by:
____________________ MARINA
R. ABUEVA Principal III

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