Sho-Bo-Gen-Zo: 11Th. Septembar 2008. New Premier in Atelier, Kanji Ža/magyark Anizsa

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Regionalni Kreativni Atelje „Jožef Nađ“, Kanjiža

Nagy József Regionális Kreatív Műhely, Magyarkanizsa

Regional Creative Atelier Josef Nadj, Kanjiža
24420 Kanjiža/Magyarkanizsa, Glavni trg 9./Fő tér 9., Serbia
Tel/fax: 00-381-24-873-043,,
Kontakt: Bicskei Zoltán

Regionalni Kreativni Atelje „Jožef Nađ“, Kanjiža

Nagy József Regionális Kreatív Műhely, Magyarkanizsa
Regional Creative Atelier Josef Nadj, Kanjiža


 cooperation with:
 Pécs– European Capital of Culture 2010, Jugokoncert, Belgrade and Kanizsa Circle

On the festival: 14th Jazz, improvisative music...

IX. 11. Wednesday

Art House 21,00 H

/The paths of true seeing/ 60 min.

Jozef Nadj/Nagy József –actor /SRB/F/

Cecile Loyer –actress /F/
Joelle Leandre - contrabass /F/
Akosh S.- reeds, percussions /H/

Light master: Dobó László

Based on Dogen`s, XIII. century zen master`s main work. On the harmonization of all beings
time, on the desire after the True Harmony. On the challenge of the verity of the time
compressing second with the instruments of analogous improvisation.

Dógen zen

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Zuimonki Dogen zen master`s lines speak to man`s hidden, timeless truth-seeking intentions,
regardless of the state of existence. To follow this intention one does not have to wear frock or
change religion. It is enough to be true to our truth-seeking desire.

"Sitting in Zazen we get right to the depth of Buddha`s heart. In the last five hundred years
few can be comapared to my master, few taught rightly, that zazen is dharma`s teaching and that
dharma`s teaching is zazen. That the zazen is the Path and the Path is the zazen.."
(Dogen zenji: Shobogenzo, Zanmai o zanmai chapter.)

Taisen Deshimaru
Introduction to Shobogenzo /passage/

Shobogenzo, the holy book of japanese buddhism was compiled by Dogen zenji, founder of soto
zen between 1231 and 1253. Nowdays this writing evokes intrests not only among those who study
Buddhism in Japan but among those too, who do researches on today`s fields of sience:
philosophers, psychologists, doctors, matematicians, physicist, etc.

This book is not only the essence of the zen buddhism but it represent the essence of the eastern
philosophy and culture, should it be indian, chinese or japanese. It is hard to find the idea in its
pure form even in these countries in the modern era. We can find all this compressed in this book,
which not only has a religious meaning but it introduces us East`s cultural and above all its
philosophical side.

Beyond the orientalism and beyond the religion this book gives a method to the whole humanity
how to find the inner freedom, happiness, universal piece and eternal truth.

The aim of this book is to explain us how to study and get to know our endless and constant life
and mind, which can not be fixed in time and place. No one can capture and explain it exactly with
logical reasoning or according to classical categories.

Sobogenzo is not a logical dissertation. It is also not illogical. It is beyond all logic

„The dream is the whole Universe.” (38th chapter: Musu-secumu).

Master Dogen wrote this book to inspire you to practise spirituality in your life and not only to
study its texts.

Taisen Deshimaru
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4. January 1970., dojo in Paris

The structure of Shobogenzo

The meaning of the title

So in chinese and in japanese means true, right, the highest, the biggest, absolute. The meaning of
bo is dharma, eternal, immortal, universal, immovable truth. Therefore sobo means the highest
principle, the absolute truth, the essence of buddhism. Buddha professes: „what I experienced was
the dharma`s absolute and unique truth. This is the true nirvana and bodhi (satori) my original
consciousness, my true pureness, my true buddha nature.”

Buddha gave this sobo directly to his firs follower, Mahakasjapa. He was the only one who
understood it in its depths.

Gen means eye, eyeball, most important point, principle. In the same time it also means to wake
up, to return to the true sense, to the normal state of the original consciousness and at the end
reaching the satori. Zo means warehouse, store and treasury.

Therefore Shobogenzo means the treasury where the highest, widest, deepest truth, the essence of
dharma, the consciousness of Buddha is kept.

The meaning of the whole

The sobogenzo means the whole universe, it considers not only what is right but everything that
exists in the universe. Everything that exists has buddha nature or sobogenzo. Everything is equally
important on the other hand every existing thing has its own karma, which distinguishes them and
so all of them are independent. When we see a cow, we see the whole animal: it`s head, it`s horn,
it`s tail, which make up the animal, but all these different parts can be divided into skin, meat,
bone, etc.

It is not possible to explain the meaning of the sobogenzo with talking or sentences. It has to be
handed over by silent comprehension, „from my soul to your soul”...

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Tour in 2009:

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