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Selenium 1: Introduction to Selenium

i) What is Selenium?
ii) History of the Selenium Project
iii) Selenium Components / Selenium's Tools suite
a) Selenium IDE
b) Selenium RC
c) Selenium WebDriver
d) Selenium Grid
iv) Platforms supported by Selenium
v) Selenium License
vi) Advantages of Selenium
vii) Disadvantages of Selenium
viii) Testing Frameworks and other tools used in Selenium
ix) Selenium vs. UFT/QTP
x) Selenium Environment Setup
Introduction to Software Testing,

Software Testing can be done in two Ways,

> Ways of Conducting Software Testing,

1) Manual Testing
2) Automated Testing / Test Automation

> Levels of Software Testing,

1) Unit Testing
2) Integration Testing
3) System Testing
4) Acceptance Testing

> Types of Software Testing,

1) Functional Testing
2) Non-Functional Testing
Performance Testing
Usability Testing
Reliability Testing Etc...
Way of Testing: Automated Testing/Test Automation
Level of Testing: System Testing
Type of Testing: Functional Testing
Test Tool: Selenium

Note: In System Testing Level, we are going to conduct Functional Testing using
i) What is Selenium?
> Selenium is mainly used for Functional & Regression Testing.

(We have different types of Test Automation or Automated Testing, ex: Functional
Test Automation, Performance Test Automation, and Test Management etc..., Our
Selenium is used for Functional Test Automation and Other Test Tools in this
category are UFT / QTP, RFT, SilkTest, Test Complete, Test Partner etc...)

> Selenium is an Open Source Software to automate Web Browsers.

(Open Source means, Source code available on Internet and anybody can download &
use with free of cost. Selenium can automate Web based Applications only, it
doesn't automate Desktop or Windows based Applications, where as UFT (other tool
in this category) can automate desktop and Web Applications.)

> Selenium supports various Operating Environments.

(Suppose our AUT (Application Under Test installed on Windows then we use Selenium
for Functional Test Automation, Our Software Application installed on Linux
operating environment then we can use Selenium, Our Software Application deployed
on Macintosh then we can use Selenium for Automation. UFT formerly QTP supports
Windows operating environment only.)

MS Windows,
Macintosh etc...

> Selenium supports various Browsers to create and execute Tests/Test Cases/Test

We can use various browsers to launch our Web Application, and Selenium supports
various browsers for Test Automation, Test Steps in Test Cases are common for all
browsers, and browser driver only various from one browser to another.)

Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
Internet Explorer /MS Edge
Safari etc...

> Selenium supports various programming languages to write programs (Test Scripts)

(Selenium supports various Programming environment to write Test scripts (programs)

but you can use any one of those programming languages, and most of the Selenium
Testers using Java for selenium. UFT/QTP supports only VBScript for writing
Tests/Test Scripts)


i) Selenium IDE doesn't support any programming to write Test cases.
ii) Selenium IDE supports Firefox Browser only to create Test Cases.
iii) Selenium Grid is only for Test execution.
iv) Selenium RC is out dated, and removed from the Selenium latest version.
ii) History of the Selenium Project
> Selenium was launched in 2004,
> In 2006, Selenium WebDriver was launched at Google,
> In 2008, the whole Selenium Team decided to merge Selenium WebDriver with
Selenium RC in order to form a powerful tool called selenium 2.0

Selenium 1.0
(Selenium IDE + Selenium RC + Selenium Grid)
Selenium 1.0 + Selenium WebDriver = Selenium 2.0

Selenium 2.0
(Selenium IDE + Selenium RC + Selenium WebDriver + Selenium Grid)

* Selenium 3.0 (October 2016)

(Less feature enhancements and More new product environments in Selenium 3.0, in
Selenium 2.0 default browser is Mozilla Firefox, but no default browser in
Selenium 3.0. Selenium IDE doesn't support Mozilla Firefox browser only, and
Selenium WebDriver supports various browsers to create and execute test cases.)
iii) Selenium Components / Selenium's Tools Suite
(Selenium RC was removed from Selenium 3.0 (latest version of Selenium)
Selenium IDE
Selenium WebDriver
Selenium Grid

a) Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

Selenium IDE Features:

> It is a Browser plug-in (Chrome and Firefox) and Prototype type tool.
> It is used to create and execute Test Cases using Chrome or Mozilla Firefox
(* Record Test Steps / Type Test Steps using Element locators and Selenese
commands/Selenium IDE Commands)
> User can edit Test Steps in Test Case(Add/Update/Delete)
> Using Selenium IDE we can create Test Cases and form Test Bathes /suites/set...
> We can export Selenium IDE Test Cases to other supported formats (Java/Ruby...)
Note: Selenium IDE Test Case default format / Native format is .html
> User can debug Test Cases, and insert comments in Test Cases.

Selenium IDE Disadvantages:

> It doesn't support Programming to enhance Test Cases, so it not suitable for
complex Test case design.
> It doesn't support Parameterization/Data driven Testing
> No centralized maintenance of Elements / Objects
> It doesn't generate detailed Test Reports but generates Test summary only.
c) Selenium WebDriver

> Selenium WebDriver is a powerful tool in this suite of Tools (Selenium)
> Selenium WebDriver doesn't have IDE, but having programming Interface only.

Selenium IDE - has IDE but no Programming Interface

Selenium WebDriver - has Programming Interface but no IDE
UFT/QTP - has IDE as well as Programming Interface

> Selenium WebDriver having Programming Interface only but no IDE,

> Selenium WebDriver is a powerful tool in the Selenium suite

Selenium IDE- It has IDE only but no programming Interface

Selenium WebDriver- It has Programming Interface only, but no IDE
UFT/QTP - It has both IDE as well as Programming Interface
> Selenium WebDriver is used to create and execute / run Test cases,
> We / Testers/Users use Element Locators and WebDriver API Commands / Methods to
create Test Cases,

> Selenium WebDriver supports various Browsers, Operating environments, and

programming languages to create Test Scripts / Test Cases /Programs

Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, MS IE / Edge, safari, Opera etc...

MS Windows, Linux, Macintosh etc...
Java, Python, C#, Perl, PHP, and Ruby

> Selenium WebDriver supports Data Driven Testing, Batch Testing, Cross Browser
Testing and Database Testing.
Drawbacks of Selenium WebDriver:

> Selenium WebDriver has no IDE, so it takes more time and efforts to create Test
> No Built-in Object Repository
> No built Result Report facility
> No other Test Tool Integration for Test Management
> Difficult to configure Selenium WebDriver when it compares to other Test Tools
d) Selenium Grid

Selenium Grid is not for Test Case Design, only for Test Execution,

* Selenium Grid doesn't support Selenium IDE Test Case Execution,

> Selenium Grid (in Selenium 1.0) supports Selenium RC Test Cases execution only
> Selenium Grid (in Selenium 2.0) supports Selenium RC, and Selenium WebDriver
Test Cases execution,
> Selenium Grid (in Selenium 3.0) supports Selenium WebDriver Test Cases execution

> Selenium Grid supports Parallel Testing (It can execute Test Cases against
different browsers and machines/computers in Parallel)

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