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Nama: Abda Hidayatullah

Nim : 1907112975

Kelas : S1B



English Is Against Nasionalism

Associated with the role of English as opposed to nationalism will not be

separated from the pros and cons of everyone. Nationalism is an attitude of respecting
and fighting for a country. I quote the contents of the sumpah pemuda. “Kami putera
puteri Indonesia mengaku berbahasa satu, bahasa Indonesia”. Basically this is what
makes us have to speak Indonesian for the unity and integrity of the Indonesian state.

There is a phenomenon in southern Jakarta that young people use more English
than Indonesian. If this happens to every young person in Indonesia, it is feared that
the younger generation will fade in spirit of nationalism or, love their homeland. It
should also be recognized that there are no restrictions on relations between
countries, all countries are united because of international relations, both in
cooperation or global trade and using English as a communication tool.

This began when the queen of England spread her forces throughout the world
to trade and teach English culture in the area visited. that's what makes English better
known as an international language.

There is a statements, that is English reduces the sense of nationalism. And i

don’t really agree about the statement,because as a student, we can choose to fully
accept western culture or not. I think nationalism isn’t judged by how often we learn
english. Nationalism is all about loving your country and make and do something that
can make your country better. And living the life in harmony in pancasila ways. maybe
some people believe that if they are western oriented they are cooler than other
student, but many clever people who can use english fluently, use english for better
change. Like promoting indonesian culture in the world, improve quality of education
in indonesia and etc. so the choices that people choose isn’t really affected to our
culture, there’s many young people who love indonesia.”

So,it is depending on ourself to think about english is againts nasionalisme, and

according to me, english can be part to show how i love Indonesia.

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