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With -the help of Speed- torque chara clemistics | © motor, explain the ept of Coo: + Pi drive & Constant soeque | dwive. i —_=regguef Horse Power > yy | Constant Torque Consteod HP, oth ey Sea ae en ae eee loo % | ~Pavitr sJerqua * Speed TAeractue Cutrent oe Re “Te Feldo a, ~ Torque Ds Speed ° Wbase 1 Nmax (us) Te Armor Og: re Figs Pe ‘ canseal ~ + 5 7 ge @- Speed Torque chara®s of :Seperately Racited, DC Meter. “The torque | horse! Power Vvetsus Speed Ccharacterich_| cs oF a Seperasely excited de motor sis’ as shown in fig. @. As” seen ‘Brom’ the Figure, the base speed divides; this characteristics ints two operaing ions, Namely Constant torque Vegion od constant horse Power megion. Constant torque region —>_ “| Rhe_ armoukive current & field Curent are Maine | ; ~The -totque produced bby the motor is Prporiionsl cto Dr (see €99®) | therefore yveducton in Te | Control by Fied Current is achieted at the Cos} Of Beduced torque, Howevey. “the power developed [eg the motor Which is the Product of torque & Speed almost vemains, constant “This | region also | | er | Causes veducien in tozque (1). Thus the speeal [known a8 the eld weakening" region of operate) ‘Scanned wih CamScanner [ taplaie pte. block ock. diagram the ‘con cept. “ok an, “an _ ectyic tive. Power Semironducthss|—fMoter}—— plead] Converter = only zicit © - : a “feortrol sensing | ie unit! [os _ Bieae Nemes seo bs a : ere el Siga Fig.@ 8/0 Gan dectic one “The block dle gran: ofan electrical dvve Contalled by a power semiconductor” Conveetee is Shows in Fig... ud , o a Suitable, “dave ch: isa Selected for @ epeaFic loads, Complete infe. about the load vreguirements Should Fast Ge obtained. The power Semi conductor: cConvettor) Which will From new on simply be called a Convestesr, Contals the Flow of power From the Sousée bh che motor in such a. way thot the. motor Speed} dorque & speed-ceurment Characteristics become Compodible with the load “veguire ments . The contol For He Conveetez iave built jn &) Comic! Unit Which Operates at much lower voltage & Power levels. The contol Unit Consists of Uinéor & digital) it integrated ‘ekts -& teansistors .T4 ree also Consist of a Less prose teen when Sophisticated ‘Scanned wih CamScanner 3 paint of 4 vive, # Mal unit. The low vol | Ciacai+ For hwo reasons: [Asclation, a molfunckon May lead to the eppli OF the power ci€cuit Vig. to the Conde! unit [This May damage the Conte! “the harmonics can entee the Conte) unis & inteefere with its operation. Sensing of ceétain parametees— Such as isolated From nas e| t Convers+tees generate a Considentble amount 7 [oF harmenics. Tn the absence of _iSoleation, | Usuclly Fequired . eidher For. protection or for | | Closed —loop aperasion. “This Function 18 peatomnd Conmet HE Current, motor Speed & So on — is ) oy the Sensing unit. When Sensiag the Power [iCiecudt's ele chical Pasamekes— isuch as athe Cony exten current, (Voltage & 80! on—, “iSolostion is ‘provided bet? =the » power ek BQ ithe conde! | ORE Pa “the: -rreasonsy: road Idle 2 a ; | fi { at oy Ia ave Various : eprimelens Fer Selection of A | mr Qemotor drive Sui toble Porn given ‘mechanical lo lf The: ead is. ikcoly a Cmachiae | atsigned do accomplt sh a teetain. itusk.. For, Example Machines like teains, Tolling imills, marching, dools’ k {APaper - aMills 5. Creness eweavatters « 'R 58d om 'eondtigte vxed YO, Noel's onthe electrical. daive) US bythe srequirements oF He load tan roe specified in seems of speed. &, citque demands. ‘Scanned wih CamScanner For a Suitable drive do be, Selected feat specific. load 5 complete info. pdoout he A Lirequirements Should rest be Obtained » A_metor motor | having speed ~torg ue & speed — current Cherres | cksistcs thot Suit the lead requirements 1S | Chosen. A moter will have CharatS compet ble | Ap te lood fE 14 Sectishies the apeel & foequell_ Nequirements ef the load Without exceeding | the current limitation imposed sewes yn 1 E> Cumulative compound - Ag. ©, Cenmonly mel de moters >> I De drives ore Wi Used 10 “applicachons | wequinseg aldjusteble Spe | & Peeg uae Sterting; braki geod “sipeed regulation | TeVLESiIag . Some 4: mills, Mine, wainders , Machine - ‘cteels, &deacton. O32, important applications. are welll mills; Paper | Larnmenls s need De-meterS cre shioun io Tn “FaurCanie oP ey Separadely Peacnirell Meter | the eld & crm ature Vottages » can: be cocvalled | Independent dF each other, > j Dn. a- Shunt. meter, the Fela Lbenatas| : L OTE Connected te a common Souece, ‘Thertfere | ‘Scanned wih CamScanner _Only “by of Comba . = tt In the cose, “oF sone Mote, +ne field “is whe Same. as ane orrmechure ores & there TGzait; however, fhis Js an, nefeicient “method Lan independent Coco! oF the ore KR arme “arrest | Ore Connected ote o Comin e,_Voltag e ¢ , dene 7 fore | Field Ruse Asien. Functon of Lanmadre current, Dia oumulodive Compound, orn athe Mag netomotive Force of a. Semmes. field isa Function of » the varmoture. cument 5& is io the Same diwecton a3 the emf of the Shuat field . Ee not D6 at ve Equation of “eee ae De aires Basic YSquadiong of De! othotoy: cre <= Reh tte or Tor FO HB + Rema ome Oo bee ai fur a ke oak b ae <) : i where & PSD + } o> ue ped pele, Weberey Ta => icemosure Current A» r ser N 1) aeMashre! No\rage ) V. pRa => vesistance of aemodive’” ekh, 2 1 wim +> peed of Gamechre, reid / sec s Te —> toeque povetabes gm onae> N-m, oy ke Constant | > { Fram ea OL ©: i=The speed of DC imnstey! |G ‘Scanned wih CamScanner = >| “The “speed torque elation oF | dc. metors , eq e_ T | shows thet the “speed can be contealied by any of _ the Fellowing Hyree metheds ' ty Aremncduve voltage ‘corte | [27 Field Flue Corhel h Ls, Prernecheree, Tesistance Cartel | dD Atmectere oliage Contes 2 tHE _ EF the crrmecture Neltege of “(a2 Seperate OF Seyi excited de moter runding at -ay Steady ~state | Speed is “veduced, thes othe (@emacture convent, [| & theveFere, the motor oeque. will) decrease : [Ps the motor Foeque will be sless than the load toegue, Ane Motor .will. decelerate, Cousin, speed | & back. emf do. decrease. E+ will Firally setue at| a lower speed at which: Ws toeque equals the load | _choeque. - “DF the CEmackrre- Voltage ofa Separately | excited “moter, is teduced by a laege ame unt i may hecome ‘Ness than thé back SAKE. The’ “aemadire — Cunrenst will then vevease. 6 the roster will woek as.a generator, -Prediasiag “| Regedive Fozque. This eperacion esill Contin ge | ‘Scanned wih CamScanner [Noltage is changed iby a lazgey Step, i+ does | unt) the Meter Speeg has Fallen -h wfe a Velu occury in the manner just’ escplained. In +e | cose jf a Sees motor , Even When Fhe rmodure | | Not wotk as gen eraser 5 & the deceleration ES eccurs bez the Motor. totque jis, lower cthan | _ [the ‘lead - teaque Wiad & Faw On ‘the other Rand, a Thuaemahne of a de Meter Tunniag at a. © retotespeediis qed the crmature ‘Currcent', “de thewefore , the motor toegue will increase 1& the-.meten oil accelerate}, Causi the meter Speed back enrf fo inereasd TH will” Piao settte ot higher Speed at which ts ue egulats +e: the load “hore ue. While. increasing: oe decreasing the-Speed | the | Arm octure Naar Shdutd be Chain wooly in |. small steps. “A -laegasichange tn the jor Flow the the omar, Which may. Samege the Voltage Causes a laege amount of! cumtent te commuteter OF ‘Feduce tts lifes 5 o> fidd flux _conol—> > 2289 th” re TF the Field vo a Seperarely 20° Series exCited Mortar Bunnie Oe a Spedd . ts weakened, ts induced emf deeredses: | Recauge™! of oud cemea-| Arure “FESISAANCR, the curren: Jnereases by an amount much laeger than _the, decrease in the Freld -Plinc? Asa resco im Spite of the “weakened Ped sitthe'tosque is increased by ow ‘Scanned wih CamScanner i _ sto ‘a news Speed higher than loage ‘amount, considerably exceed toque. The ‘Surplus storque thug) available Causes dhe motor +o accelerate AL dhe beck _ emf to vise.The motor coil) Anal [at which the ‘motor fetque with the weatleened Fietg becomes equel. to the lead torque. Roy : co attempt to Weaken the. Field iby a leege __ | Lamount @ will cause a dadgeroug inrush of Curent. Gocre Should thevefore be taken to (On. athe, “other hand 5 hen the field oF ‘ceperde excited. Meter is 1 ~inereased , "the vindbic increases & often eneeeds the supply My. 5 Hous | Prot only the owmaduve “Cumett reduces bot Tt |_ [often ‘teveeses. When this. happens, thes meter _|_ Wotks 88 a qenervastr “&» feeds eneegy do the| Supply “system. This enereay iS obdained. ot the | expense 6F the i Kinetic. ENCEQY GF he Machine ¢| the load. AA vapid, reduction of speed irekes place & Finally, the moter settles ar a new Speed, lower than the previous cone, iat ihids the { [meter | ctoeque becomes equal to the load torque. |Sfn_ the case oF a Seves~ motor, the incresuel in Fad , treduces the ammedure client by a laze amount. “Bez the moter teequeis lower than the feck load ctoeque, the metor decelerates che a lauren | Speéd at) which the moter cheque equals athe load tome, « 1 al In , : 1 Is) Remadure Resistance, Conhel es sul ae Fig. © Shows that, the. armature jaresistance | ‘Scanned wih CamScanner Tt —= == e Conte) changes athe Nechire of the “epeed— jorge chara SS of “a seperately excited meter 4 From Uthat me oF neadly a constant speed at al reaques de variable speed eas of his TR bee of the | _ poor efficiency, TS seldom USed width Seperotely re except Fos getting Speeds which are wequired oa | “for veny “shat ines. jen, Re KF rncreosi9) 4 OO cn =z> seperately excited . ae sexies 44.0 “Speed-torque Curves of dco moter With vesisternce Contra], ‘Scanned wih CamScanner

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