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Simple pleated mask

Visual of making a 3 pleated mask with inset pouch

Cutting 7x7 rectangle
First we need to cut 7x7 square
Position material
Make sure to identify the direction you want the mask to face. We are going to sew
top and bottom
Doing a roll hem of ¼”
Dont forget to sew another
Peice of meterial together

2 sheets. We will add 2 more

Once we hem top and bottom
Roll the hem
Roll the hem ¼” then another ¼” i only show 1 layer. You want to have a second
Now we will hem both top and bottom. We will be
Adding 2 more sheets for 4 layerss later
Double or even triple stitch
I like to double and even triple stitch. Dont forget
Your lock stitch which is reverse stitching to
Prevent the thread from coming out
Adding the other 2 layers
Here i have added two more layers under and will pleat
Forming pleats
Here we start from the bottom 1 ½” fold over and press
Pinch the pleat
I pinch the pleat making it
½” and fold over pressing
With steam iron
1 pleat
Here i marked it with green pen. Its ½” to the fold another half inch for the second
fold. The first fold will align to the the second mark
Pressed pleats
Here you can see the marks
And pleats.its important
The pleats do not overlap
If they do it will be hard to
Sew. when starting out
Use the hand wheel and
Make sure the material
Feeds correctly. You can lift
The foot and help if needed
Just dont let go
Use the needle down setting
If your sewing machine has
It. if not lower needle when
Turning. Lift the foot, turn,
Lower the foot. Since these will
Have the most stress. I triple
Dont be afraid of going slow
When starting out
Go slow. Use the
Hand wheel.
This is 8 layers
On each pleat
Almost done
Here is the mask almost done.
Now we just need the side strap
Channels That will allow straps
to be used
Strap loops
Here i am sizing strap loops
I use 2 ½” side scraps about
5 to 6” fold over these will be
Roll hemed.
Pressing side loops
Here i am pressing the side loops. I will slide the mask out and press. Then press
The roll the same way as the mask
Rolling the strap loops
The reason we do this
Is to add strength
Strap loops pressed
Here are the strap loops pressed. So press roll hems and then press in half
The left side is how it will be
Sewn on
Both sides done
Again we will sew these on
In this direction and then
As you will see we will
Press them flat
Sewing roll hem on strap loops
Here i also triple stitch for
Attach strap loops
Here we add strap loops. Again
Triple stitch for strength
Triple stitch again
Again here is the
Triple stitch
Finished mask without straps
Here is the finished mask without straps. They get fished through the loops so
they can be

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