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2019 -2020

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Patel Group of Institution, Indore

Department of Management

Supervised by:
Mr.Shantanu Verma Submitted by:
Asst. Prof. Santosh Jaiswal
Roll No. 82140086
Enroll No. DX1806743


This is to certify that Santosh Jaiswal MBA 4th

Semester (FT) (2018- 20) With HR & Operations
Specialization from Department of Management
successfully completed the research project
MOTOCORP AT INDORE” under my supervision and
the report submitted therewith is the result of
work done under my supervision.

Place: Indore Supervisor

Date: Mr.Shantanu Verma


I Santosh Jaiswal hereby declare that major report

MOTOCORP AT INDORE” is my own research work
conducted under the guidance of Mr Shantanu
Verma Department of management studies, PATEL
GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS, Indore. Department of


This is to certify that the project entitled “To study effectiveness of motivation tools &
techniques by TVS Motors at Lucknow” is a work done by Santosh Jaiswal, under the
supervision of Prof Shantanu Verma in partial fulfilment for the degree of Master of Business
Administration by Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya

Place: Indore
Santosh Jaiswal

Roll No. 82140086


Achievement is finding out what you would be then doing, what you have to do. The

higher the summit, the harder is the climb. The goal was fixed and we began with a

determined resolved and put in ceaseless sustained hard work. Greater challenge, greater

was our effort to overcome it.

This project work, which is my first step in the field of professionalization, has been

successfully accomplished only because of my timely support of industry guide. I would

like to pay my sincere regards and thanks to those, who directed me at every step in my

project work.

I take this opportunity to extend my sincere gratitude and profound obligation towards

my Project report guide Prof. Shantanu Verma for giving me valuable suggestions &

guidance rendered to me throughout the project without their encouragement and

continuing support, this project would not have been possible.

I am highly thankful to other faculty members whose able guidance in this project

makes my way simple & easy.

Santosh Jaiswal


It was a privilege for us to work in a reputed organization- TVS MOTORS. This has

given us an opportunity to work in a truly professional environment where team work

score over individual effort, where there is a helpful atmosphere. A well planned,

properly executed and evaluated training helps a lot in inoculating good work culture.


TECHNIQUES BY HERO MOTOCORP AT INDORE” has been made to facilitate

effective understanding about the marketing aspects.

The project training has provided me an opportunity to gain practical experience, which

has helped me to increase my sphere of knowledge to a greater extent. I have tried to

summarize all our experience and knowledge acquired up till now, in this report. This

project is a keen effort to obtain the expected results and fulfill all the information


At the end annexure and bibliography are given for effective understanding.

I am grateful to HERO MOTOCORP for providing required support.

Santosh Jaiswal


Research on motivation has attracted academic and corporate

entities over the last two decades. In the present study, authors
have reviewed the intense literature to extract all possible
dimensions of motivation, having direct and indirect impact on
motivation techniques. This has examined the multidimensionality
of motivation from the existing literature and present a conceptual
framework based on it, and it is experienced that various motivation
techniques (discussed in this study) are having a positive impact on
both employee satisfaction and the quality of performance in the
organization; however, the model needs to be validated using
quantitative measures. In order to study the various issues
highlighted in this paper related to employee motivation, a large
body of literature mainly from different journals have been
incorporated. To make the study more current only those studies
were included which were published in the last two decades. In past
research papers few dimensions of motivation were used to explain
the different models motivation theory which has direct influence on
employee motivation. The novelty of this study lies in its theoretical
framework where authors have made an attempt to come up with a
construct having dimensions that directly or indirectly influences
employee motivation.



1. Front page 1

2. Certificate from Guide 2

3. Acknowledgement 3

4. Declaration 4

5. Declaration (from the student) 5

6. Preface 7-18
7. Abstract 19-28
8. Introduction 09-19

9. Literature Review 20-28

10. Company Profile 29-37

11. Objective of the Study 38

12. Research Methodology 39-40

13. Questionnaire 41-53

14. Findings 54-57

15. Suggestions 58-60

16. Conclusion 61-63

17. Limitations of The Study 64

18. Bibliography 65
19. References 66
20. Annexure 67-70
The term “Employee Motivation” was brought to limelight by Hoppock. According to him,
Employee Motivation is the combination of psychological, physiological and environmental
factors that makes a person to admit, “I am happy at my job”. It has also been defined as the „end
state of feeling‟. It is an important dimension of morale and not morale itself


Employee Motivation is the end feeling of a person after performing a task to the extent that a person‟s job fulfills
his dominant needs and is consistent with his expectations and values, the job will be satisfying. The feeling would
be positive or negative depending upon whether need is satisfied or not.
Employee motivation is different from motivation and morale. Motivation refers to the willingness to work.
Satisfaction on the other hand, implies a positive emotional state. Morale implies a general attitude toward work
and work environment. It is a group phenomenon whereas employee motivation is an individual feeling. Employee
Motivation may be considered a dimension of morale and morale could also be a source of satisfaction. Thus
Employee Motivation is an employee‟s general attitude towards his job.


Like intelligence, measure of employee motivation is difficult. Most studies have measured employee motivation
through a questionnaire. Hoppock developed four terms, each one with seven alternative responses, developed
one of the earliest scales of measuring employee motivation

In India, Peptone developed a S-D (satisfaction-dissatisfaction) inventory consisting of cointerogatery statements,

the items leading to yes-no type of responses. There are four areas including both on job and off the job factors.
Each area includes 20 items some of which are given below:

.Job: Nature of work, hours, fellow workers,

overtime regulations, physical environment,
machines and tools, interest in work, opportunities
for promotion and advancement etc.
Management: Rewards and punishment, praise and
blame, leave policy, test revealed ssignificant
discriminatory potential. Favoritism, participation,
supervisory treatment, etc.
Social Relations: Neighbors, friends and
associates, caste barriers, participation in social
activities, attitude toward people in community,

Personal Adjustment: Health, home and living
conditions, finances,Relation with family members,
emotionalism, etc.

Statically treatments of the individual item in the

four areas are given above.


Employee motivation is an integral component of
organizational health and an important element in
industrial relations. The level of employee
motivation deems to have some relation with
various aspects of work behavior such as
accidents, absenteeism turnover and productivity.

Several studies have revealed varying degrees of

relationship between employee motivation and
these factors of work behaviors. But whether work
behaviors are the cause or effect of employee
motivation is not clear.

Research on the relationship between employee

motivation and accidents generally shows that
satisfied employees cause fewer accidents. Studies
on the relationship between employee motivation
and absenteeism have yielded inconclusive results.

of these studies showed that low absentee
employees were more satisfied with their jobs.
Research also reveals that unionized workers tend
to be more satisfied whereas employees of
disturbed organizations were generally less
satisfied. Less satisfied employees are more likely
to quit their jobs than more satisfied employees.

It is generally assumed that satisfied employees

are more productive. But research reveals no
relationship between employee motivation and
productivity. Studies revealed that workers with
positive attitude job attitudes were more
productive than those with negative attitudes. In
other studies job attitudes and productivity are not
related and in some studies there was negative
correlation between job attitudes and productivity.
After reviewing several studies Bray Field and
Crockett concluded that employee motivation did
not necessarily go together. Employees in highly
productive group were not more likely than
employee in the low productivity groups to be
satisfied with their jobs. A worker may be satisfied
with the work environment but may produce more
to prove his abilities to management. On the other
hand, a highly satisfied worker may not produce
more and get away with it because he may be
friendly with the supervisor.


The various factors influencing employee

motivation may be classified into two categories:

Environmental factors
and II. Personal factors.

Environmental Factors:

These factors relate to the work environment, main

among which are as follows:

Job Content: Herzberg suggested that job content

in term of achievement, recognition, advancement,
responsibility, and the work itself tend to provide
satisfaction but their absence does not cause
dissatisfaction. Where the job is less repetitive and
there is variation in job content, employee
motivation tends to be higher.

Occupational Level: The higher the level of the job
in organization hierarchy the greater the
satisfaction of the individual. These is because
positions at higher levels are generally better paid,
more challenging and provide greater freedom of
operation. Such jobs carry greater prestige, self-
control and need satisfaction

3. Pay and Promotion: All other things being equal,

higher pay and better opportunities for promotion
lead to higher employee motivation.

Work group: Man is a social animal and likes to be
associated with other‟s interaction

in the work group help to satisfy social

psychological needs and, therefore, isolated
worker tend to be dissatisfied. Employee
motivation is generally high when an individual is
accepted by his peer and he has a high need for

Supervision: Consideration supervision tends to

improve employee motivation of workers.
Considerate supervisor takes personal interest of
his subordinates and allows them to participate in
the decision making process.

Personal Factors:

Personal life exercises a significant influence on

employee motivation. The main elements of
personal life are given below:

1.Age: Some research studies reveal a positive
correlation between age and employee motivation.
Workers in advanced age group tend to be more
satisfied probably because they have adjusted with
their job conditions. However, there is a sharp
decline after a point perhaps because an individual
aspires for better and more prestigious jobs in the
later years of his life.

Sex: One study revealed that women are less

satisfied than men due to fewer job opportunities
for females. But female workers may be more
satisfied due to their lower occupational
aspirations. But this statement may not be
applicable now at present‟s level.

Educational level: Generally more educated
employees tend to be less satisfied with their jobs
probably due to their higher job aspirations.
However, research does not yield conclusive
relationship between these two variables.

Marital status: The general impression is that

married employees are more dissatisfied due to
their greater responsibilities. But such employees
may be more satisfied because they value their
jobs more than unmarried workers.

Experience: Employee motivation tends to increase

with increasing years of experience. But it may
decreases after twenty years of experience
particularly among people who have not realized
their job expectations.


The main theoretical approaches to employee

motivation are as follows:

Need fulfillment theory.

Equity theory.

Discrepancy theory.

Equity discrepancy theory.


According to this theory a person is satisfied when
he gets from his job what he wants. The more he
wants something or the more important it is to
him, the more satisfied he is when he received it.
In other words, “employee motivation will vary
directly with the extent to which those needs of an
individual which can be satisfied actually”.

Vroom views satisfaction in terms of the positively

valued outcomes that a job provides to a person.
Thus, employee motivation is positively related to
the degree to which one‟s needs are fulfilled.
What may satisfy one individual may not satisfy
the other due to difference in their expectations.
The strength of an individual‟s or his level of
inspiration is an important determinant of
employee motivation. Thus, employee motivation
is a function of the degree to which the
employee‟s needs fulfilled in the job situation.


Under this theory, it is believed that a person‟s

employee motivation depends upon his perceived
equity as determined by his input-output balance
of others. Every individual compares his rewards
with those of a „reference group‟. If he feels his
rewards are equitable in comparison with others
doing similar work, he feels satisfied, employee
motivation is thus a function of the degree to
which job characteristics meet the desires of the
reference group. For example, one study of the
effects of community features on employee
motivation revealed that workers living in a well to
do neighborhood felt less satisfied then those
living in poor neighborhoods.

Equity theory takes into account not only the

needs of an individual but also the opinion of the
reference group to which the individual looks for


According to this theory, employee motivation
depends upon what a person actually receives
from his job and what he expects to receive. When
the rewards actually received are less than the
expected rewards it causes dissatisfaction. In the
words of Locke, “employee motivation and
dissatisfaction are function of perceived
relationship between what one wants from his job
and what one perceives it is actually offering. In
other words, satisfaction is the difference between
what one actually received and what he feels

he should receive. This theory fails to reveal
whether over-satisfaction is or is not a dimension
of dissatisfaction and if so, how does it differ from
dissatisfaction arising out of the situation when
received outcomes one less than the outcomes one
feels he should receive.


This is a combination of equity and discrepancy

theories. Lawler has adopted the difference
approach of discrepancy theory rather than the
ratio approach of equity theory. From equity theory
the concept of comparison has been selected to
serve as an intervening variable. Under this theory
satisfaction is defined as the difference between
the outcomes that one perceives he actually
received and outcomes that one feels he should
receive in comparison with others, when the
individual feels that what he actually received is
equal to what he perceives he should receive there
is satisfaction. Thus an individual‟s reception of
his reward is influenced by more than just the
objective amount of that factor. Because of this
psychological influence the same amount of reward
often can be seen quite differently by two people,
to one it can be a larger amount, while to another
person it can be a small amount.


McShane and Travaglione 2007 defined Organisational
Behaviour as the study of what people think, feel and do
in and around organisations. This study is done by taking
a systematic approach when viewing the relationships
between employees and management or organisation. It
tends to study individuals, teams or the organisation as a
whole and its characteristics and try to influence them and
shape them in terms of organisational settings. The study
of OB helps both organisations and people to improve
relationships, working towards common objectives.

In this literature review, closer looks will be taken at

specific behaviours people in an organisation tend to
adopt, such as counterproductive behaviours,
organisational citizenship, and the reasons why people
adopt those behaviours, and how to influence or shape
negative behaviors in a way that meets organisational
objectives. Also, the role of communications between
employees and managers will be discussed as a way to
avoid such negative work behaviours.

Counterproductive work behaviours can be viewed as a

form of protest in which organisational member’s express
dissatisfaction with or attempt to resolve injustice within
the organisation (Kelloway, Francis, Prosser& Cameron

Common forms of counterproductive behaviours may

include ineffective job performance, absenteeism,
turnover, unsafe behaviours and it may even include

activity and sexual harassment, which clearly have very
negative consequences and can be very destructive and
costly to the organisation.

For example, organisations set goals and objectives that

they (with help of employees) want to achieve, whether in
the short or the long term. These objectives may include,
profitability, safe workplace, the reputation of being
socially responsible, and so on. According to Jex‟s
definition of counterproductive behaviour, any employee
who hinders the achievement of organisational objectives
is being counterproductive. Counterproductive behaviour
is also a result of the inner motive of the employee. For
instance, a retail employee who steals merchandise from
his/her employer is obviously doing it intentionally and
most likely, for a personal gain. On the other hand, it is
entirely possible for an employee to engage in
counterproductive behaviour without intending to. For
example, an employee who is poorly trained or lacking in
ability may want very badly to perform well, but may not
accomplish that goal.

Based on the definition provided by Kelloway, Francis,

Prosser and Cameron, counterproductive behaviour
(whether it was intentionally or unintentionally done)
occurs with no doubt, in most (if not all) organisations,
and in many forms.

Poor job performance is a common example of

counterproductive work behaviours. It is often difficult for
an organisation to recognize poor performance and in
which level of the organisation it is actually occurring. It
simply consumes a lot of time to detect it, and difficult to
measure. And sometimes, managers of an organisation
take poor performance as an intentional action, while in
some cases, it is not.

The level of training and the technologies adopted highly
influence the level of productivity of an employee. If an
employee does not receive adequate training, he/ she will
not be able to be productive enough.

It can also be caused by low self-esteem or negative

psychological effects. For example, a teacher, regularly
getting negative comments about his/her teaching
performance or capabilities. Eventually, this teacher will
lose motivation to perform well.

Causes of counterproductive behaviours may not be clear

for some organisations. Therefore, managers should try to
closely examine employee behaviours, to collect more
information about the actual atmosphere of the work, and
the consistency of a particular behaviour, because often,
managers do not have a clear vision of the day-to-day
work, and the day-to-day communications or relationships
between employees, until, they come to realise the
existence of counterproductive behaviours or actions.

Communications between employees and their employers

can prevent all forms of counterproductive behaviours. In
general terms, communication can be described as a
process which conveys information between people
(Rollinson 1993).

In some organisations, employees do not get to hear
about even minor matters which affect them until they are
overtaken by events. This can result in employees,
developing extremely poor opinion of management, and
they sometimes, impute a negative motive for them, being
“kept in the dark”. Ineffective or inadequate
communications or flow of information can quickly lead to
speculations and rumours.

It is better to regard effective communication as a process

which allows the differences between employees and
managers to surface and be dealt with. More
optimistically, it

will perhaps go further by helping employees and
managers to better understand each other’s viewpoint
and find mutually accepted solutions to their differences
(Rollinson 1993).

Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) is one other

common positive behaviour adopted by employees who
are happy about their work. It is defined as the individual
behaviour that is discretionary, not directly or explicitly
recognised by the formal reward system, and that in the
aggregate promotes the effective functioning of the
organisation (Maharaj&Schelcheter 2007). That is, the
employee voluntarily adopts this behaviour and not
required or compulsory as part of their job.

Research generally agrees that satisfied employees

deliver satisfied customers. The main two reasons for this
is that if employees are happy and satisfied about their
job, they will display friendliness to customers, which in
turn, encourages customers to be loyal to that specific
organisation. The second reason is that if the organisation
succeeded in keeping its employees satisfied, employees
are less likely to quit their jobs, eventually, employees
gain better knowledge and skills and better serve
customers. This also means that there‟s a consistent
service, because customers are served by the same
employees. (McShane and Travaglione 2007)

Happy employees are more likely to develop a sense of
meaning and belonging to the organisation, and more
likely to do volunteer things altruistically. For example,
helping other employees, performing extra duties, and so

Job characteristics (that is, the attributes of a particular

job) may affect OCB through employees' perceptions, for
example, the sense of responsibility, commitment of

completing a task, etc… regarding the motivating
potential inherent in job characteristics (Chen and Chiu
2009). An employee who’s more committed to completing
his/her tasks, is more likely to value and understand the
workplace environment and the relationships among other
members of the organisation, creating a sense of
meaningfulness of the job, and as a result, enhancing

Chen and Chiu suggest that employees with motivation

and commitment to their organisation, are more likely to
display higher job involvement (that is, the extent in
which an employee is committed and involved with his/her
job), and are more willing to put more effort to fulfil their
duties and might as well, fulfil extra duties. Employees
who demonstrate a sense of identity towards their
organisation are more likely to perform well, considering
their work as the center of their self-concept.

Based on a research, adopted by Maharaja and Schechter

(2007) management should focus more on OCB to gain a
competitive advantage, and promote the display of OCB.

Job satisfaction can be defined as one's feelings or state-
of-mind regarding the nature of their work. Job
satisfaction can be influenced by a variety of factors, for
example, the quality of one's relationship with their
supervisor, the quality of the physical environment in
which they work, degree of fulfilment in their work, etc.
(Free Management Library 2008). If an employee is
satisfied with his/her job and the environment of the
workplace, he/she will be motivated to increase their
productivity and the willingness to perform better.

Dawis (1992) points out that it is important to know that
there are different kinds of job satisfaction. Intrinsic job
satisfaction is when employees consider only the kind of
work they do (that is, the tasks they perform). Extrinsic
job satisfaction is when employees consider the conditions
of work such as their pay, fellow workers, supervisors,
etc… These two types of satisfaction are different, and it
helps to look at jobs from both points of view. For
example, if an employee is dissatisfied with their job, it is
important to think of which extent they are actually
dissatisfied, and ask themselves whether they are
dissatisfied with the conditions of work or the actual tasks
they do. Knowing the reason of dissatisfaction delivers a
more relevant solution for this problem.

The second important thing to recognise is that job

satisfaction is a result of the fulfilment of job expectations
(that is, what employees look for in a job). Job
expectations can include, the kind of work that makes the
best use of one's abilities and gives a feeling of
accomplishment, having a secure job that provides a
steady employment, working for an organisation that has
a good reputation that one can be proud of working for,
being able to progress in the job or career, working with
coworkers who are competent and congenial, being paid
at least enough to meet one's needs and being paid fairly
in comparison to others, having an immediate supervisor
who is competent, considerate and fair, having working
hours that allow one to compromise between work and
family or to pursue other interests and live the preferred
lifestyle, having benefits that meet one's needs and
compare well with those of others, having physical
working conditions that are safe, not injurious to health,
not stressful. And the list goes on…

If most or all of employee expectations are fulfilled, it is
more likely that employees will become more involved
with their job, put extra effort to get the job done, and
eventually, their psychological needs are satisfied.

From the different opinions used in this literature review,

it can be clearly seen that all the different authors have
agreed upon the different types of organisational
behaviours and their causes. Kelloway, Francis, Prosser
and Cameron have agreed with Jex on the definition of
counterproductive behaviour and the forms it can take,
whether it is done intentionally or unintentionally. While
Rollinson stated that the causes of such behaviours are
unclear unless communications between supervision and
employees take place to minimise conflicts, achieve
convergence of views and keep employees updated about
what happens in the organisation. Maharaj and Scheltcher
defined Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) as the
individual’s discretionary behaviour towards the
organisation that is not recognised by the organization’s
reward system. They pointed out that such behaviours are
beneficial to the organisation as employees are more
willing to help other employees, might as well get extra
work done, and so on. They also claimed that management
should focus more on OCB to gain a competitive

Chen and Chiu suggested that employees who show
commitment and job involvement are more likely to better
understand the environment of the organisation and the
relationships among other employees and with their

Job satisfaction is one other indicator of employee’s OCB.

According to the Free Management Library, job
satisfaction is one's feelings or state-of-mind regarding

nature of their work. Chen and Chui suggested that the
fulfilment of job characteristics and employee perceptions
creates an inner motivation to put more effort into their
work, have more commitment towards the organisation,
become more satisfied and eventually more involved with
their job, creating OCB.

Dawis pointed out the importance of distinguishing

between the two different types of job satisfaction
(Intrinsic and Extrinsic satisfaction). He also suggested
that the fulfilment of job characteristics and employee
perceptions creates an inner motivation to put more effort
into their work, have more commitment towards the
organisation and eventually become more involved with
their job, creating OCB.

When two experienced figures have different views and
ideas about the same point (i.e. the organisational
behaviours in an organisation), they are actually putting
these ideas and views out of their experience and
feedback individually, and each one of them has definitely
different reaction and perception according to firstly their
satisfactions and secondly to the different environments
where they gained these views. Even if they agree about a
certain point in this regard, they may differ in the means
or methods used to achieve same results, because there
might be different methodologies leading to same
outcomes, and each one of these figures may suggest
different methodology but both agree to achieve same
outcomes. Ultimately, having these differences between
the two will impact positively on the overall knowledge
and will rise further discussions of how and what is the
best way to meet the goa

In any organisation, whether employers or employees all
need to have a reasonable exposure to organisational
behaviours to achieve the planned objectives of their
organisation. The behaviours of the employees are based
on their perceptions, hence, it is important that
management of an organisation understands these
perceptions by discussions, listening and communications.
This will reduce conflict between managers and their
employees be holding circular meetings together, and
having mutual feedbacks. It is ideal to hold these
meetings in order to reinforce the certain behaviours
desired to see increase. Furthermore, improving social
relationships between employees would enhance the team
work which is crucial in supporting and implementing the
planned organisational objectives.


TVS Motor Company Limited

Type Public

Traded as BSE: 532343, NSE: TVSMOTOR

Industry Automotive

Founded 1978

Founder T. V. SundaramIyengar

Headquarters Chennai, India

Number of locations 4 two wheeler and 1 three wheeler plants

Venu Srinivasan
Key people

Motorcycles, scooters, three-wheeler vehicles

and spare parts

Revenue 115.16 billion (US$1.7 billion) (2016)

Operating income 4.44 billion (US$66 million) (2016)

Profit 3.28 billion (US$49 million) (2016)

Total assets 49.22 billion (US$730 million) (2016)

Total equity 15.83 billion (US$240 million) (2016)

Parent Sundaram - Clayton Limited


TVS Motor Company Limited, part of the TVS Group, is one of India's leading two-

wheeler manufacturers. With a turnover of over Rs.2700 corers, the Company

manufactures a wide range of motorcycles, scooters and mopeds. Little wonder, it boasts

of more than 7 million happy customers.

The chapter called two wheelers in India begins…..

The year was 1980. And it is a year to remember for the Indian two-wheeler industry. For

it was this year that saw India's first two-seater moped, TVS 50, rolling out on the Indian

roads. For some it was freedom to move. For some shorter distances to span For the

Indian Automobile sector, a breakthrough to be etched in history.

With the joint venture with Suzuki Motor Corporation in 1983, TVS-Suzuki became the

first Indian company to introduce 100 cc Indo-Japanese motorcycles in September 1984.

Through an amicable agreement the two companies parted ways in September 2001.

Unmatched Performance

Today TVS Motor Company has the largest market share in the moped category with a

whopping 65.3% and is also the undisputed leader in the scooterette segment with 34.3%

share. It also holds 18.3% market share in motorcycles. Graph

With a strong sales and service network of 500 Authorized Dealerships, 1018 Authorized

Service Centres and over 864 Certified Service Points, TVS is growing from strength to


World Class Facilities

The company manufactures its motorcycles, scooterettes and mopeds at its state-of-the-

art factories in Mysore and Hosur.

Product Range

TVS offers a wide range of two-wheelers

- Motorcycles - TVS Centra / TVS Victor / TVS Fiero F2/ TVS Max 100/ TVS Max 100

- Scooterettes - TVS Scooty Pep/ TVS Scooty 2S

- Mopeds - TVS XL Super/ TVS XL Super HD


TVS Motor - Driven by the customer

TVS Motor will be responsive to customer requirements consonant with its core

competence and profitability. TVS Motor will provide total customer satisfaction by

giving the customer the right product, at the right price, at the right time.

TVS Motor - The Industry Leader

TVS Motor will be one among the top two two-wheeler manufacturers in India and one

among the top five two-wheeler manufacturers in Asia.

Motor - Global overview

TVS Motor will have profitable operations overseas especially in Asian markets,

capitalizing on the expertise developed in the areas of manufacturing, technology and

marketing. The thrust will be to achieve a significant share for international business in

the total turnover.

TVS Motor - At the cutting edge

TVS Motor will hone and sustain its cutting edge of technology by constant

benchmarking against international leaders.

TVS Motor - Committed to Total Quality

TVS Motor is committed to achieving a self-reviewing organization in perpetuity by

adopting TQM as a way of life. TVS Motor believes in the importance of the process.

People and projects will be evaluated both by their end results and the process adopted.

TVS Motor - The Human Factor

TVS Motor believes that people make an organization and that its well-being is

dependent on the commitment and growth of its people. There will be a sustained effort

through systematic training and planning career growth to develop employees' talents and

enhance job satisfaction. TVS Motor will create an enabling ambience where the

maximum self-actualization of every employee is achieved. TVS Motor will support and

encourage the process of self-renewal in all its employees and nurture their sense of self


TVS Motor - Responsible Corporate Citizen

TVS Motor firmly believes in the integration of Safety, Health and Environmental

aspects with all business activities and ensures protection of employees and environment

including development of surrounding communities. TVS Motor strives for long-term

relationships of mutual trust and inter- dependence with its customers, employees, dealers

and suppliers.


Launched Centra in January 2004, a TECHNOLOGY Uncompromising Quality,


TVS Motor Company's R&D division has an imposing pool of talent and one of the most

contemporary labs, capable of developing innovative designs. Committed to achieving

total customer satisfaction through Total Quality Control (TQC), the Company

continuously strives to give the customer, the best value for money.


TVS is committed to protecting the environment. The company's manufacturing facilities

at Mysore &Hosur have state-of-the-art facilities & air pollution control measures. Even

the suppliers are encouraged to ensure that their products meet eco-friendly norms.

AWARDS (Deming Award)

TVS Motor is the third Indian company to win the Deming Prize. Only two other TVS

companies have managed this before.

It's been a long time since the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers instituted the

Deming Prize. But very, very few organizations outside Japan have had the honor of

receiving it. In fact, the TVS Motor Company is the world's first motorcycle company to

be awarded the prize.

As for the TVS Group, it's a third. TVS-Clayton Ltd. (Brakes Division) and TVS Brake

Linings Ltd. have already won it. The Deming Prize is the ultimate confirmation of our

commitment to quality control. A confirmation known to every TVS rider across the


TVS Motor Company unveils TVS Centra with 'VT-i Engines'

Creates History in the Technology Frontier of the

Automobile Industry in India TVS Centra crosses an astounding 20,000 sales mark in 40


Hosur, March 6, 2004: TVS Motor Company today announced that the sales of TVS

Centra, powered by the indigenously developed Variable Timing Intelligent (VT-i)

engine technology crossed 20,000 units in just 40 days since its launch in mid January

2004, the best ever clocked by any new product from the TVS Motor Company stable.

This achievement is expected to spiral the overall growth of TVS Motorcycles sales in

the coming months.

The impressive sales figures reflect the customer's faith in the technological capability of

TVS Motor Company to fully live up to its promise of delivering a world-class product at

an affordable price. Due to excellent customer feedback across the country, TVS dealers

are being pressurized with enquiries on the new 100 CC 4 Stroke Centra and its

revolutionary VT-i engine technology. Having caught the public's imagination, TVS

Centra has fully lived up to its promise of a 'Fill it Once a Month Bike' where a full tank

of petrol lasts for a month based on the average use of motorcycle customers.

A panel of leading auto experts in India, after having tested TVS Centra, have endorsed

the fact that it was the 'best in its class' and also commended TVS Motor Company on its

technology prowess and innovation.

TVS Centra is powered by VT-i engines which are designed to deliver superb

performance on fuel efficiency and torque delivery based on three fundamental actions

namely variable ignition timing and superior combustion of fuel, friction reduction and

fuel wastage reduction.

Added to its technological edge are features that include attractive price, fuel efficiency,

low maintenance, contemporary style, ride comfort and backed by TVS Motor

Company's reliability, making it truly the preferred two-wheeler in its class.

Chennai, January 5, 2004: India's leading two wheelers major, TVS Motor Company's

commitment to produce the best technology in its products for its customers has led to the

launch of TVS Centra with Variable Timing intelligent engines

(VT-i), a 100 CC 4 Stroke motorcycle targeted at the Popular Segment.

This revolutionary new VT-i engine technology, developed indigenously by TVS Motor

Company, inbuilt into TVS Centra will make it the most fuel-efficient motorcycle in the

Country. It will be rightfully called as the 'Fill it Once a Month Bike' where a full tank of

petrol will last for a month based on the average use of motorcycle customers.

The VT-i Engines by TVS Motor Company will go down in the history of the

Automobile Industry in India as one of the most innovative technology developed

indigenously. The VT-i engines are designed to deliver superb performance on fuel

efficiency and torque delivery based on three fundamental actions namely variable

ignition timing and superior combustion of fuel, friction reduction and fuel wastage

reduction. This action facilitates deceleration fuel cut off, faster warm up of the Engine

and has four curve ignition mapping.

Like all TVS Motor Company products, TVS Centra too has been engineered and

designed keeping in mind extensive customer feedback and changing customer needs.

TVS Centra will be the first motorcycle in India that will bundle price, mileage,

maintenance, style, reliability, power, ruggedness and ride comfort making it truly a

value for money personal transportation two-wheeler. Those who want all these

performance attributes in a commuter motorcycle at a great price; nothing will beat the

TVS Centra for all the advantages it offers.

TVS Centra is built around to give a mileage that will offer atleast 10 per cent more than

any other motorcycle in the country, today. It will be powered by 7.5 Brake Horse Power

(Bhp) at 7250 RPM making it the most powerful motorcycle in its class. TVS Centra will

also be known for its nimble handling and riding comfort enabling easy maneuvering

even in busy city traffic. Its contemporary style with big muscular tank and well-rounded

looks with a horizontal engine and superior ergonomics will mark a new standard in the

popular segment of two wheelers. It will come with Econometer to keep a check on the

mileage / power ratio, wide and skid free seat and Utility space.


In order to improve the shareholder value and to facilitate greater liquidity in its equity

shares, TVS Motor Company recently subdivided the face value of its shares to Re. 1/-

each. Earlier the face value of the shares was Rs. 10/-



The Shareholders of TVS Motor Company and Lakshmi Auto Components (LAC) have

on 19th January 2004 approved the merger of Engine Division of LAC with TVS Motor

Company and transfer of Rubber and Plastics division of LAC to TVS Auto Components

Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of TVS Motor Company. The company expects to

obtain the approval of High Court of Tamil Nadu and complete other statutory formalities

in the next few months. This merger is expected to improve the overall profitability of

TVS Motor Company.


1. To evaluate the extent to which leadership behavior affects employee motivation.

2. To study the effect of monetary and non-monetary benefits provided by the

organizations on the employee’s motivation.

3. To determine the relation between motivation and personal effectiveness.

4. To learn the employee’s satisfaction on the interpersonal relationship exists in the



Descriptive research.
Type of research

random sampling
Data collection
Primary data was collected by
Data Source
questionnaires and secondary data was

collected from magazines, books, and


Sample Simple Random Sampling


Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited

Non-probability Sampling

Type 100 Respondents

Sampling Employees of TVS MOTORS Lucknow


Sample Unit

Descriptive research is used to describe characteristics of a population or phenomenon being

studied. It does not answer questions about how/when/why the characteristics occurred.

DATA COLLECTION SOURCE: Two methods have been used to collect the relevant

data, which are essential for the study, they are:

Primary Data: data is collected to obtain desired information through structured


Secondary Data: it is compiled through books, magazines, newspapers and internet etc.

STATISTICAL TOOLS TO BE USED: A structured questionnaire is used to collect

the data and data will be analyzed with the help of percentage table, respective graph, bar

graph and pie charts.

Q1. How far you are satisfied with the incentives provided by the organizations?

Particular percentage

Highly satisfied 36
Satisfied 58

Neutral 6

Dissatisfied 0

Highly dissatisfied 0
Total 100

40 36%


0% 0%
satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly

The table shows that 36% of the respondents are highly satisfied and

58% of the respondents are satisfied with incentives provided by the

organization so we can conclude most of the employees are satisfied

with the incentives provided by the organization.

Q2. Does your Job improve your skills and abilities?

Particular Percentage
Yes 64
No 20
Never 16
Total 100





20 16%

Yes o Never


64% of the respondents are agreed that their job improves their skills and abilities and

20% of the respondents agreed that their skills and abilities are not improves. It can be

concluding that their job improves their skills and abilities.

3. Do you think that the incentives and other benefits will influence your


Particular Percentage
Influence 64
Does not influence 24
No opinion 12
Total 100







Influence Does not influence No opinion


The table shows that 64% of the respondents says that the incentives and other benefits

influence their performance, 24% respondents says that it does not influence much and

12% respondents did not say any opinion.

Q4. Management is really interested in motivating the employees?

Particular Percentage
Agree 50
Disagree 36
Neutral 14
Total 100







Agree Disagree Neutral


From the above table it is clear that 50% of the employees are agreed that the

management is really interested in motivating the employees and 36% of the employees

are disagreed and 14% are neutral. So it can be concluded that management is really

interested in motivating the employees in organization.

Q5. Does the management involve you in the decision making which are connected

to your department?

Particular Percentages
Yes 94
No 0
Occasionally 6
Total 100

100 94%



0 0
Yes No Occasionally


The table shows 94% of the respondents says that they involved by the management

when management is going to take decision which is connected with their department.
Q6. Do you enthusiastic about your work?

Particular Percentage
Always 30
Sometimes 60
Never 10
Total 100

Never, 10%

Always, 30%


Sometimes, 60%


From the above table, we can conclude that 60% of the respondents agreed that they feel

enthusiastic some times in their work.

Q7. Are you encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things?

Particular Percentage
Strongly agree 40
Agree 20
Neutral 24
Disagree 16
Strongly disagree 0
Total 100





Strongly agree agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree


From the above table we can conclude that 40% of the employees agreed that they are

encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things.

Q8. Have you been promoted at work in the last six months?

Particular Percentage
Yes 36
No 64
Total 100

Yes, 36%


No, 64%


The table shows that 64% of the employees are not promoted from the last six months

and 36% of the employees are promoted. From this we can conclude that most of the

employees are not promoted.

Q9. Are you adequately recognized for your good work?

Particular Percentages
Agree 56
Disagree 20
Neutral 24
Total 100

60 56%



20% 24%



Agree Disagree Neutral


The figure shows that 56% of the employees agreed that they are always recognized for

good work and 20% are disagreed and 24% respondents are neutral. So it can be

concluded that most of the employees recognized by their good work.

Q10. Rank the following factors which motivates you the most?

Particular Percentage
Salary increase 42
Promotion 30
Leave 6
Motivational talks 10
Reorganization 12
Total 100

45 42%

15 10% 12%
Salary increase Promotion Leave Motivational talksrecognization


The table shows that 42% of the respondents are responding that the increase in salary

will motivate them the most.

Q11. Have you been nominated for training & development programmes for the last

6 months?

a) Yes

b) No

Particular No. of respondents Percentage

Yes 30 60
No 20 40
Total 50 100



The table shows that 60% of the respondents are expressing that they are nominated for

training and development programme in the organization for the last 6 months.
Q12. Does the management provide continuous feed back in solving work related


a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree

Particular No. of respondents Percentages

Strongly agree 15 28
Agree 16 32
Neutral 9 18
Disagree 5 10
Strongly disagree 6 12
Total 50 100

35 32%
30 28%


20 18%

15 12%
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly


The table shows that 28% of respondents strongly agreed and 32% agree that they are

getting feedback from management and 20% are neutral and 10% are disagree that

they are not getting feedback from the management.

Q13. Overall are you satisfied with your job?

a) Yes

b) No

Particular Percentage
Yes 56
No 44
Total 100

60 56%


30 Yes




The figure shows that 56% of the respondents are satisfied with their job and only 44%

of the respondents agreed that they are not satisfied with their job .It can be concluded

that most of the respondents are satisfied with their job.

According to me some findings on the issues are as below:

 Out of the 100 employees, all most all the executives are quite satisfied with the
job they withhold, but in contrast, the other two categories show the variation. The

supervisors make the 35% contribution to the data i.e., about 21 in number & out of these

16 were quite satisfied which makes 76% approx. and the worker class which constitutes

about 50% of the total sample i.e., 30 in number & out of these 18-19 were quite satisfied

which makes 60-63% approx.

 Almost all the employees of TVS MOTORS are very much satisfied with the
medical facility that they get from TVS MOTORS. The reason for some dissatisfaction

that has been shown by some of the employees that includes the worker class (they are 3

in number).

 The housing facility which the employees of TVS MOTORS are getting are
according to them are the best which the organization can provide, well ventilated and

good houses are there with the better sanitation facilities and as the result of this the

percentage of the fully satisfied employees are to the larger side i.e., 98% approx.

 The interesting and quite mixed responses had come into light when the question
regarding the promotion policy was asked form the employees. About 23% of the

employees(i.e., about 14 in number) were agreed to the promotion policy adopted by

TVS MOTORS, about 65% of the employees(i.e.39 in number ) were disagreed(it

includes worker class to the maximum extent) and about 12% of the employees(i.e., 7

in number) were strongly disagreed to the fact that the promotion policy adopted by

TVS MOTORS is not appropriate up to the great extent(it includes some supervisors

and some worker class employees)

 According to me, TVS MOTORS working conditions are good and are fully met
with: Proper lightening, Noise, Ventilation and temperature, mental environment, Social


 Most of the employees have good relations among themselves.

 When asked from the employees that how they rate their job on the 5-point scale
the responses were towards the positive side, very few had rated their job under 3 point

except one, who belonged to the quality control department of TVS MOTORS, when

asked why he is rating his job to such a low point on scale the answer was quite shocking,

he said that the major reason for his low rating is that he has not work to do in the

 The study found that 64% of employee motivation with regard to increments
given to employees

 About 56% of the employees agree that financial incentives motivate them than
non-financial incentives.
 68% employees are satisfied with salary drawings at present.

 68% employees are satisfied with regards to the lunch breaks, rest breaks and
leaves provided by the organization.

 Majority 72% of the employees agree good working conditions are provided in
the organization.

 Majority 72% of the respondents are satisfied with the opinion of the job
securities provided.

 Most of the respondents 60% agree that the retirement benefits available are

 Most of the respondents 64% of them agree that the medical benefits provided are

 Majority 76% of the respondents are satisfied with the responsibility and role of
their work.

 Majority 76% of the respondent visibility with top management are considered

 Most of the respondents 60% feel superior recognizes work in the organization.
 68% of the respondents feels the job gives a good status in the organization

 76% of the respondents are satisfied with regard to responsibility and role they

 Majority 88% of the respondent quality of relationship in informal workgroup.

 72% of respondents are satisfied with the support from the HR department.

 Majority of the respondents 72% shows fare amount of team spirit in the
 TVS MOTORS should make arrangement for the workers to skill them in all
fields & in all kinds of job regular training & education programs should be arranged for

the supervisor and executive so as to uplift them as multi-skilled & to end monotony. In

this way, the workers would also enjoy their work.

 It is suggested that organization should make arrangement for routine, energizing

scheduled and should also be made compulsory for all class of employees. This will also

help the employees to remain fresh & healthy at their work place.

 The management is requested to educate the employees about the policies of the
organization. Even there are some policies, which are to be amended as per suggestions

of employees.

 It is suggested that the procedure should be made more transparent to the

 Not only in papers but in practical employees should be strictly allowed to
participate in policymaking. It is suggested that there should be proper communication

establishment within the company right from top to lower level so that the employees can

convey their problems & give suggestion to the top management & they should also be

accepted accordingly this will indeed also motivate the employees.

 It is suggested to the TVS MOTORS organization to make perfect in some areas,

such as policies & procedures, working conditions & environment, incentive to the

workers, training and a better, effective union to workers.

 Employee- employer relations: The employer should make effort to talk to the
employees and share his/her view on various topics. Employer should encourage and

support the employee.

 Employee- employee relation: Only a few of the employees trust their co-workers,
therefore this area needs improvement. Group activities should be encouraged more so

that employees can work together and thus strengthen their relation. More informal

gatherings should be encouraged so that they can know each other.

 Few of the employees are not satisfied with the lunch breaks, rest breaks provided
it can be extended.

 Some of the employees are not satisfied with the relationship between the top
management they should be free to speak with their employees.

 Most of the employees agree that the performance appraisal activities are helpful
to get motivated, so the company should try to improve performance appraisal system,so

that they can improve their performance.

 Non-financial plans should also be implemented; it can improve the productivity

level of the employees.

 Organization should give importance to communication between employees and

Gain co-ordination through it.

 Better carrier development opportunities should be given to the employees for

their improvement

 If the centralized system of management is changed to a decentralized one, then

there would be active and committed participation of staff for the success of the
 The TVS MOTORS has a well-defined organization structure.

 There is a harmonious relationship is exist in the organization between employees and


 The employees are really motivated by the management.

 The employees are satisfied with the present incentive plan of the company

 Most of the workers agreed that the company is eager in recognizing and
acknowledging their work.

 The study reveals that there is a good relationship exists among employees.

 Majority of the employees agreed that their job security to their present job.

 The company is providing good safety measures for ensuring the employees safety.

 From the study it is clear that most of employees agrees to the fact that performance

 Appraisal activities and support from the coworkers in helpful to get motivated.

 The study reveals that increase in the salary will motivates the employees more.

 The incentives and other benefits will influence the performance of the employees.
The motivational strategies used in TVS MOTORS are very good. The employees are

found to be motivated and they are happy with the pay structure, benefits, work hours,

freedom to work etc. The organization has to be appreciated for keeping the employee

highly motivated and thereby helping them to meet personal as well as organizational


The study concludes that, the motivational program procedure in TVS MOTORSis found

effective but not highly effective. The study on employee motivation highlighted so

many factors which will help to motivate the employees. The study was conducted

among 60 employees and collected information through structured questionnaire. The

study helped to findings which were related with employee motivational programs

which are provided in the organization.

The performance appraisal activities really play a major role in motivating the employees

of the organization. It is a major factor that makes an employee feels good in his work

and results in his satisfaction too. The organization can still concentrate on specific

areas which are evolved from this study in order to make the motivational programs

more effective. Only if the employees are properly motivated- they work well and only

if they work well the organization is going to benefit out it. Steps should be taken to

improve the motivational programs procedure in the future. The suggestions of this

report may help in this direction.

Creating a workplace with excellent morale and motivated employees is a long-term

project, and needs to be embedded within the fabric of an organization‟s daily

operations. Highly motivated and engaged personnel are a tremendous asset to any

organization. While money is an important foundational consideration, the main

factors that attract and maintain “talent” within an organization include:

 recognition

 having interesting work to do

 being heard by management

 having skilled managers

 having good communication flows

 Being provided with opportunities for advancement.

Developing well-motivated employees leads to more satisfied customers and higher

sales; this in turn leads to greater employee motivation and creates a virtuous circle.

Highly motivated employees are likely to be engaged employees, willing to go the

extra mile with customers, and to reward their employers with loyalty, high levels of

productivity, and greater innovation.


 The system covers only executive cadre, so it is limitation in scope.

 Scope of the study is confined to the areas of Reliance Communication& that

too with limited sample size of 100.

 It was difficult for some executives to fill up the questionnaire themselves. Thus
the researcher has to clear all the doubt about the questionnaire that consumed most of

the time.

 Some executive might have not answered the questions currently because of the
busy schedule. They tend to hurry up the talk, which inhibits proper collection of data.

 The higher level executives were unavailable for response as they have a very
busy schedule.



3. acct=WQ5907226K7DEMENo&p=S.

4. motivation.



8. Ashwathappa.k.(2007), Tata McGraw-Hill, Human Resource and Personnel


 Akhtar, M. S. (1994). Job satisfaction in primary teachers. Bulletin of Education

and Research, XVI(1-2), 87-99.

 Albrecht, K. (1988). At America's service. Homewood, IL: Dow Jones-Irwin.

 Albrecht, K. (1990). Service within: Solving the middle management crisis.

Homewood, IL: Dow Jones-Irwin.

 Albrecht, K., &Zemke, R. (1985). Service America. Homewood, IL: Dow Jones-

 Aliff, J. V. (1998, April 25). Are students "customers" of collegiate education?

Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Georgia. Academy of Science (75th,
Savannah, GA).


Topic name: Employee motivation of TVS MOTORS employees

Focus group: Executives and Supervisors and worker.

Q1. Do you feel that employees in TVS MOTORS are satisfied in job assigned to


a. Fully Satisfied ( ) b. Satisfied ( )

c. Partially Satisfied ( ) d. Dissatisfied ( )

Q2. What actually you have understand by Employee motivation.



Q3. How well you like your job?

a. Fully Satisfied ( ) b. Satisfied ( )

c. Partially Satisfied ( ) d. Dissatisfied ( )

Q4. Are you satisfied with the medical facility in TVS MOTORS?

a. Fully Satisfied ( ) b. Satisfied ( )

c. Partially Satisfied ( ) d. Dissatisfied ( )

Q5.Are you satisfied with the housing facility at TVS MOTORS?

a. Fully Satisfied ( ) b. Satisfied ( )

c. Partially Satisfied ( ) d. Dissatisfied ( )

Q6. Do you agree with the promotion facility in TVS MOTORS?

If so, at what extent?



Q7. Are you satisfied with the working condition particularly at

your work place,

also with the prevalent working condition?

a. Fully Satisfied ( ) b. Satisfied ( )

c. Partially Satisfied ( ) d. Dissatisfied ( )

Q8. To what extent you are motivated by your job? Give in 5-point scale?

1 2 3 4 5

Q9. How is your relationship with other people in organisation?

a. Fully Satisfied ( ) b. Satisfied ( )

c. Partially Satisfied ( ) d. Dissatisfied ( )

Q10. The amount of participation that you fell with other

management people in decision-making is adequate?

a. Fully Satisfied ( ) b. Satisfied ( )

c. Partially Satisfied ( ) d. Dissatisfied ( )

Q11. What are career opportunities given to you by your job?



Q12. Are you satisfied with the education facilities provided by


employee’s children?

a. Fully Satisfied ( ) b. Satisfied ( )

c. Partially Satisfied ( ) d. Dissatisfied ( )

Q13. What other measure you would like to give for employee motivation?



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