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4/6/2020 10 Use Cases of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care

10 Use Cases of Arti cial Intelligence in

Health Care
venkat vajradhar
Mar 2 · 5 min read

The rise of artificial intelligence is obvious. As we

can see, AI changes our lives, from its app on voice
assistants like Siri, Google Assistance and Alexa to
supply chain, retail, manufacturing, enterprise
mobility, autonomous cars and much more. More
Despite advances in other industries and sectors, AI
has virtually transformed health care and has
impacted thousands of people and improved their

Use cases of artificial intelligence in health care — there are many.

Today, many technology vendors, such as mobile app development
companies, have begun to harness the power of AI by creating apps that can
seriously impact healthcare.

These companies have successfully implemented many applications that

help medical companies around the world using the leading tech giant
platforms such as Google, Microsoft, Apple, IBM, and Amazon. 1/6
4/6/2020 10 Use Cases of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care

AI In Health Care - Never Worry About Appointments USM Taylor Made Sol…

1.Virtual assistance in health care

There are tremendous health apps available in the App Store and Play Store.
According to Statista, by the end of 2019, smartphone users will reach 7 2.7
billion worldwide.

And, all the above-mentioned voice assistants. The combination of voice

assistants and healthcare apps helps users deliver medication alerts,
educational materials, and more. This level of personal help can help people
live healthier lives without human care.

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Venkat Vajradhar - 10 Use Cases of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care Th…

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2. Research and advanced analytics

Today, the majority relies on health care machines. Whether it is for a
routine inspection or important operations, machines that help doctors to
help their patients live a healthier life have become the way of doctors. Most
maximum of the period, computers and equipment work strongly, but they
also need maintenance and repair. 2/6
4/6/2020 10 Use Cases of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care

AI Jobs

I will help the technician to detect the fault in advance rather than fail the
machines in times of emergency. Also, AI can help surgeons perform
surgical procedures by providing information about the body part of the
patient who needs surgery. It supports doctors to generate highly
personalized treatments for their patients. For example, IBM Watson’s AI
has the potential to process structured and unstructured patient data and
demonstrate evidence-based treatment options for cancer patients.

3. Life coaching for personal health

Follow-ups are an essential part of health care, especially if the patient
suffers from a chronic illness. In the vast majority of hospitals and clinics,
doctors offer regular follow-up or life coaching as part of their treatment.

However, such services are expensive, and not every patient can afford it.
But, unique wearable technology and an AI-enabled mobile app can help
solve the problem. It captures data coming from a wearable device and also
addresses the necessary medications, exercises, activities and habits that
lead to a healthy life.

To keep diseases away in these polluted Era here it is to intake of a

balanced nutrition AI NUTRITION

4. Healthcare bots
It has become clear that chatbots will soon replace phone-based customer
service. Chatbots in healthcare can help patients solve their problems faster
than traditional counseling sessions with health care providers. Bots
support the sufferer to catalog a follow-up immediately.

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4/6/2020 10 Use Cases of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care

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Also, bots can help patients pay their hospital bills in a few clicks. Bots help
healthcare providers address and improve 24/7 customer service by
speeding up every service request, from scheduling appointments to paying

5. Diagnostics Assistance and Medical Imaging

Medical imaging has revolutionized the delivery of health care services by
providing a better picture of various conflicts. But sometimes, the
anomalies are so small that the human eye is unable to detect it. Failure of
doctors to detect such an abnormality can cost the patient life. AI can help
identify such anomalies that the human eye cannot detect.

6. Dictation Help
We have seen health professionals browsing through various documents
when diagnosing patients. If only one detail is missing, the doctor dies.
Natural Language Processing (NLP) supports doctors to separate important
information from long reports. The NLP not only allows physicians to filter
out relevant information but also helps them understand the information so
that doctors can easily access users’ information.

7. Drug Creation
He is a billion-dollar business today. Expensive medicines are often the
result of rigorous research and development. AI can help reduce medical
costs by reducing the cost of RANDD. In 2014, Atomic launched an AI-
powered program to find alternative drugs for the Ebola virus. The program
was discovered in a single day for drugs that could potentially reduce the
effects of Ebola. This has reduced RANDD work.

More about: Artificial Intelligence In Increasing Drug Development


8. Cyber Security

To read more about AI IN CYBERSECURITY 4/6
4/6/2020 10 Use Cases of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care

There is much confidential information in hospitals and clinics. This

information requires protection from cyber attacks. Even the smallest data
leak can cause significant harm to patients and health
centers/professionals. Hospital cybersecurity teams may not be able to
detect every threat to their systems. AI helps cybersecurity teams to identify
every potential problem or threat. The algorithm can rank them based on
their preference and display them to the team.

9. Fraud detection
Based on Gibson Dunn, the entire amount of recovery paid by the federal
government under the FCA is 9 2.9 billion in fiscal 2018. This amount
increased compared to the previous fiscal year. AI can help prevent these
pitfalls by learning from past events. The machine learning algorithm
searches for fraudulent claims in advance and sends them alerts as soon as
the relevant person is identified.

10. Health Care System Analysis

Unnecessary hospital admissions have made many people indebted.
However, new AI-based systems can help patients diagnose workflow
inefficiencies and mistakes in treatment.

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4/6/2020 10 Use Cases of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care

Health Arti cial Intelligence Robots Cybersecurity Machine Learning

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