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Dayananda Sagar University

School of Engineering
Department of Electronics and Communication

16EC209 - Microprocessors – 4th sem – 2018 2019

Assignment Questions (Module 1)

1. Explain the architecture of 8085 microprocessor with relevant block

2. List out various addressing modes of 8085 and explain them with
3. Describe the functions of various registers in 8085, including Accumulator
and flag register.
4. Explain the pin configuration of 8085.
5. List and explain the instructions classification, and provide sufficient
number of examples for each category.
6. Calculate the T-states of the instruction cycle for the given instruction and
draw the corresponding timing diagram. (Assume the hex value of
mnemonics to be 01H).
8800: LXI H,8830H
7. Explain the following instructions of 8085 with suitable examples:
a. DAA
b. CMP reg
c. LXI reg-pair,16bitData
d. LDAX reg-pair
e. STA 16bitAddress
8. Write an assembly language program using 8085 to interchange two data
bytes in locations ‘x’ and ‘x+1’ with locations ‘y’ and ‘y+1’ using direct
addressing mode.
9. Write an ALP using 8085 to find whether a number in memory location ‘x’
is odd or even.
10. Write an ALP using 8085 to add N BCD numbers stored at locations
starting from ‘x’, and store the result in locations ‘y’ and ‘y+1’. Assume that
the length N is stored at location ‘z’.

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