TAK English Elisa Cantik

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Arranged by :

Elisa Tara Panduyan (113063C117008)

Supporting lecturer: Melisa Yuliani Riduan, M.Pd


2019 /2020
A. Background
Therapeutic Activities Kelompo k (TAK ) socialization is an attempt memfas
ilitasi socialization skills a number of clients with problems of social relationships.
One of the social relations disorders in mental patients is social isolation is one of the
nursing problems that can be found in mental patients. Isola of the social is the state
of an individual experiencing a decrease or even totally unable to interact with others
in the vicinity. Patients may feel rejected, unacceptable, lonely, and unable to
establish meaningful relationships with others. One treatment is by conducting
activity therapy a group that aims to make the patient able / able to interact with other
people around him.
Bome cases of mental illness in Sambang Lihum RSJ there are cases of social
isolation. Therefore, it is necessary to hold group activity therapy on social isolation
B. Theoretical Basis
Humans as social creatures live in groups and are interconnected to meet
social needs. Naturally individuals are always in a group. Thus basically individuals
need the reciprocal relationships obtained through groups.
The use of group d nature prakt i k nursing soul impact positively in the
prevention , treatment or therapy as well as a person's mental health recovery. Some
benefits can be obtained by individuals or clients through group activity therapy
through educational support, increasing interpersonal relationships (Barkhead, 1989).
Relationship satisfaction can be achieved if individuals can be actively
involved in the relationship process. High participation in a relationship accompanied
by a positive environmental response will increase a sense of belonging, cooperation,
and synchronous reciprocal relationships (Stuart & Sundeen, 1995).
The focus of this group activity therapy is mengaj arkan clients to work
together d e ngan kli en others in doing permai nan , which aims to improve
socialization client relationships with others.

C. Aim
1. General purpose
Clients can gradually improve social relationships within groups.
2. Special Purpose
a. K lien is able to introduce himself
b. Klien is able to get to know group members

D. Sesssions Used
In Group Activity Therapy (TAK ) divided into 2 sessions, namely:
a. Session 1: The ability to introduce yourself
b. Session 2: Ability to meet others

E. Clients
Client Criteria
a. Clients withdraw themselves who have begun to do interpersonal interactions .
b. Clients damage verbal communication that has respondedin accordance with
the stimulus.
c. Clients hallucinations are planned to follow TAK further related hallucinations .
Selection process
a. Observe clients who qualify.
b. Identifying clients who enter the criteria.
c. Gather clients who enter the criteria.
d. Making contracts with clients who agree to participate in TAKS , including:
explaining the purpose of TAKS to clients, group activity plans and rules of play
in groups 

F. Results Criteria
Structure Evaluation :
a. The condition of the environment, carried out in a place that
is comfortable and allows the client to concentrate on activities
b. The client and therapist sit together in a circle
c. Participants agree to participate in the activity
d. A tool that is used in a condition good
e. Leader, Co- leader, Facilitator , O server plays the role they should .
Process Evaluation
a. The leader can coordinate all activities from beginning to end .
b. The leader is able to lead the event .
c. Co-leaders help coordinate all activities .
d. The facilitator is able to motivate participants in the activity.
e. Observer as observers to report the results of the observation to
the group that serves seba ga i evaluator group
f. Participants follow the activities were carried out from the beginning to the end
Evaluation of Results
It is expected that 75% of the group is able to :
a. introduce myself
b. get acquainted
c. cooperate

G. Anticipate Problems
            Handling of clients who are not active in activities
a. Call the client
b. Give the client an opportunity to answer the nurse or other client's greetings
            When a client leaves an activity without permission
a. Call the client's name
b. Ask why clients leave activities
             If other clients want to join
a. Provide an explanation that this activity is aimed at clients who have been
b. Tell the client that there are other activities that might be followed by the

H. Organizing
a. Day / Date : Wednesday , August 14 20 13             
b. Time : 10.00 - 10.45 WITA                           
c. Time allocation : introduction and direction (5 minutes)             
                                        Group activity therapy (30 minutes)
                                         Closing (10 minutes)
d. Place : Teak Room                           
e. Number of clients : 8 people             
              Therapy Team
a. Leader : Novi Mustahdiati Nasri ( Session 1), Hasby Pri Choiruna ( Session 2 
               Job description:
1) Coordinate all activities     
2) Leading the course of group activity therapy     
3) Lead the discussion     
b. Coleader : Hasby Pri Choiruna ( Session 1), Azizah Zahratun Nisa ( Session 2 
Description of duties :
1) Helps the leader coordinate all activities     
2) Remind the leader if there are activities that deviate     
3) Helps lead the course of activities     
4) Replace the leader if hindered by the task     
c. Observer : Azizah Zahratun Nisa (Session 1 ), Novi Mustahdiati Nasri
(Session 2 )             
            Job description:
1) Observe all process activities related to the time, place and course of the
2) Report the observations to the leader and all group members with group
d. Facilitator : Indah Ramadhan             
                                            Risna Irviani
                                            Ayu Septiana
                                            Noor Kamelia
              Job description:
1) Motivate participants in group activities
2) Motivate members in the expression of feelings after the activity
3) Set the position of groups in the environment to carry out activities
4) Guide the group during games and discussions
5) Assist leaders in carrying out activities
6) Responsible for the problem anticipation program
I. Place setting


: Leader : Facilitator

: Co-leader : Observer

: Klien

Number of ners: Students Ners 7 peopel and CI 1 person


1. Aim
a. Introducing yourself : full name, nickname, origin, and hobbies.
b. Ask yourself other group members : full name, nickname, origin, and hobbies.
2. Settings
1) Clients, leaders, co-leaders, and facilitators sit together in a circle.
2) The room is comfortable and quiet
3. Tool
a. Paper and pens
b. Observation sheet
c. Notebook
d. Schedule of client activities 
4. Method
a. Group dynamics
b. Discussion and question and answer
c. Role playing / simulation
5. Step Activity
a. Preparation
1) Choose clien ts according to indications     
2) Making contracts with clients     
3) Preparing tools and meeting places     
b. Orientation
At this stage the therapist performs :
1) Giving therapeutic greetings: greetings from the therapist     
2) Evaluation / validation : ask the client's current feelings     
3) Contract:     
a) Explain the purpose of the activity, which is to introduce yourself     
b) Explain the rules of the game / therapy     
c. Work stage
1) Explain the activities in the TAK this time there are 2 sessions. Session
1 is introducing yourself and session 2 is getting to know other
people. First of all clients / members of the group will be taking the
paper lottery . Each paper contains a number. The number obtained by
the client will be used as the client's serial number to introduce
themselves and get to know the group members.     
2) The session 1 leader explains that TAK session 1: introducing yourself,
starts immediately.    \
3) Give clients the opportunity to draw lottery papers containing
numbers. Each client getsone paper.     
4) Invite group members to open the paper , group members
who get number 1 then get the first turn to mention : greetings, full
name, nickname, origin, and hobbies started by the therapist as an
5) Write nicknames on paper / nameplate and paste / use.     
6) Give the next opportunity to other group members to introduce
themselves according to sequence number (2-8) until all group
members have their turn.      
7) The session 1 leader explained that TAK session 1 was finished and
will be continued with session TAK 2. The session 1 leader invited the
session 2 leader to lead the session 2 TAK.    
8) Leader of session 2 explains that TAK session 2: getting to know
others, starts immediately.    
9) Explain that the client has a turn to get acquainted with other clients /
members in the group according to the serial number ie the client with
number 1 is acquainted with number 2, number 3 is acquainted with
number 4, number 5 is acquainted with number 6, number 7 is
acquainted with number 8 in a way :      
a) Greet and shake hands.     
b) Mention it full name, nickname, home and hobbies.     
c) Ask your full name, nickname, origin and hobby of the other
d) Started by the therapist as an example     
10) Give the client a chance to get to know the client / other members in
the group until all group members have their turn.       
11) Once acquainted, invite ang Gota group to introduce the members
k elompok are invited to get acquainted with the group, including : full
name, nickname, home ,   and hobbies. Started by a therapist as an
12) Invite the client with serial number 1 to start introducing his
friend until all members have their turn.       
13) Give praise for each group member's success verbally and / or by
giving a round of applause.  
d. Termination stage
1) Evaluation
a) Ask the client's feelings after following the TAK     
b) Give praise for the success of the group 
2) Follow up plann    
a) Encaurage ench group member to train introducing themselves
to other in daily life
b) Incorporate activities to introduce yourself to the client's daily
activity schedule.     
3) Upcoming contracts     
a) Agree on the following TAK activities , which are about
b) Agree on a time and place .     

J. Evaluation and Documentation

a. Evaluation
Evaluation i is carried out during the TAK process , especially at the work
stage to assess the client's ability to do TAK . The aspect that is evaluated is
the ability of the client in accordance with the objectives of the TAK. For
TAK session 1, the client's ability to introduce themselves verbally and
nonverbally is evaluated . For TAK session 2, the client's ability to get
acquainted with others verbally and nonverbally is evaluated.
b. Documentation
Document the abilities that the client has when not on the record of each
client's nursing process. For example, the client follows session 1 of TAK, the
client is able to introduce verbal and nonverbal envy. A njurkan clients
introduce themselves to other clients in the ward (for schedule) 


a. Verbal ability

Clients Name
No. Valued Aspects
1 Mentiion the full name
2 Mention the nickname
3 Mention origin
4 Menyebutkan a hobby

b. Nonverbal ability

Clients Name
No. Rate Aspects
1 Eye contact
2 Sit up straight
3 Use appropriate body laguage
4 Follow the activities from
beginning to end

1. Under the title of the client's name, write the initials of the name of the client who
took the TAX.
2. For each client, all aspects begin with marking [√] if found on the client or [x] sign if
not found.
3. Add up the abilities found, if the value of 3 or 4 clients is able, and if the value of 0, 1,
or 2 clients has not been able


a. Verbal ability
Client Name
No. Valued aspects
1 Mention the full name                
2 Mention a nickname                
3 Mention origin                
4 Mention a hobby                
5 Ask your full name                
6 Asking a nickname                
7 Asking origin                
8 Asking hobbies                

b. Nonverbal ability
Client Name
No. Rated aspect
1 Eye contact                
2 Sit up straight                
3 Use appropriate body language                
4 Follow the activities from                
beginning to end

1. Under the title of the client's name, write the initials of the name of the client who
took the TAX.
2. For each client, all aspects begin with marking [√] if found on the client or [x] sign if
not found
3. Just sum of the abilities found:
a. Verbal ability, called capable if it gets a value of ≥ 6, is called not yet able to get a
value of ≤ 5
b. Nonverbal ability is called capable if it gets a value of 3 or 4, it is not yet capable if
it gets a value of ≤ 2.


A. Conclusion
A group is a collection of individuals who have relationships with one another,
are interdependent and have the same norms (Stuart & Laraia, 2001 quoted from
Cyber Nurse, 2009). The benefits of TAK are: Improving the ability to test reality
(reality testing) through communication and feedback with or from others.
Improve socialization by providing opportunities to gather, communicate with others,
pay attention to each other responding to the opinions and feelings of others. Instill
hope, partly mediated by finding others who have been able to progress with the
problem, and with the emotional support provided by other groups. All clients,
especially rehabilitation clients need to get group activity therapy except those who
are: psychopathic and sociopathic, always silent and autistic, uncontrolled delusions,
easily bored.
The group structure explains boundaries, communication, decision making
processes and authority relationships within the group. Group structure maintains
stability and helps regulate patterns of behavior and interaction. The therapist should
start by creating an appropriate level of anxiety, so that the client is motivated to open
up and not cause or restore a self-defense mechanism.
The stages of TAK are: the pre-group phase, the initial group phase, the group work
phase, and the termination phase. Group Activity Therapy (TAK) perception
perception is therapy that uses activity as a stimulus related to experience and / or life
to be discussed in groups (Keliat, 2004).
Therapy group activity of groups of individuals who have relations with each
other, are interrelated and follow the same norms. Group activity therapy (TAK) is a
therapy carried out on groups of sufferers together by discussing with each other led
or directed by someone therapist there are liders, co-liders, facilitators etc. to
complement and the course of this TAK. The activity is used as therapy, and the
group is used as a target of care for the client to be independent and can carry out
activities like normal people if they have returned home or returned to the community.
In the group there is a dynamic of interdependent interaction, mutual need, and a
laboratory where clients practice new adaptive behaviors to correct old behaviors that
are maladaptive.
Pre-group Starting with setting goals, planning, who is the leader, members,
where, when the group activities are carried out, the evaluation process for members
and groups, explaining the resources needed by the group such as projectors and if
possible cost and finance. Initial phase In this phase there are 3 possible stages that
occur namely orientation, conflict or togetherness. The members' orientation starts to
develop their own social system, and the leader begins to show a therapy plan and
take a contract with the members. Conflict Is a difficult time in the group process,
members begin to think about who is in charge in the group, how the members' roles,
duties and interdependencies will occur. Togetherness Members begin to work
together to overcome problems, members begin to find who he is. The work phase at
this stage the group has become a team. Positive and negative feelings are corrected
by a trusting relationship that has been fostered, working together to achieve agreed
goals, anxiety decreases, groups are more stable and realistic, exploring further in
accordance with the goals and tasks of the group, and creative problem solving.
Termination phases There are two types of termination (final and temporary). Group
members may experience premature termination, unsuccessful or successful TAK.

B. Suggestion
In this case the nurse must provide comfort to the patient, the nurse must assist
the patient in fulfilling the activities of daily needs, the nurse must motivate the
patient so that the patient heals quickly and does not suffer from his illness so that the
patient can perform independent activities properly, this will also have a good effect
on the patient's family and reduce the stigma in society that states mental patients will
be forever like that can not be cured.

C. Make 3 Questions Based On Answers Related To Paper Material

1. What group activity therapy (TAK) is based on which problems are the most
common TAK findings and do?
a. TAK socialization (for clients by withdrawing who have reached the stage of
being able to interact in small groups and so physically.
b. TAK sensory stimulation (for clients who experience sensory disorders)
c. TAK reality orientation (for hallucination clients who have been able to control
their hallucinations, clients who understand that they can be oriented to reality
and physically healthy).
d. TAK stimulation of perception: hallucinations (for clients with hallucinations).
e. TAK increase self-esteem (for clients with low self-esteem).
f. TAK channeling energy (for clients violent behavior that has been able to
express anger in a constructive manner, clients withdraw themselves that have
been able to deal with other people gradually and physically healthy)
2. What are the Roles of Nurses in group activity therapy
a. Preparing a group activity therapy program.
b. As a leader and co leader
c. As a facilitator
d. As an observer
e. Addressing problems that arise during implementation
3. What are the therapeutic benefits of TAK in rehabilitation?
a. Improve self-expression skills
b. Improve social skillsImprove the ability of empathy
c. Improve problem solving skills or knowledge
See, Budi Anna. 2005. Mental Nursing  : Group Activity Therapy. Jakarta: EGC.


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