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Disusun untuk memenuhi salah satu tugas mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris yang
diampu oleh Miss Ni Luh Putu Krisnawati,S.S.,M.Hum

Oleh :

NIM. P07124219020


1. Decide who is the winner and explain your reason?
- The closing opposition is the winner because the measures taken is more sustainable in
the long term. Tax revenues from sales of land, property, and even on company profits
can be used to drive better policies to protect the middle income to the poor groups.
Being controlled by the market with high value investment would mean that all class of
society will have a job from the highest salary to the lowest in every commercial
building. Therefore, it is a better mechanism to drive economic growth where all class of
people have a chance to work in metropolitan cities regardless of background.

2. Point out the arguments for all speaker!

Opening Government
a. Local government understand needs better than central government, have more
information to what people need
b. 2 key challenges in urban planning; access to water, electricity, gas, school and public
services and pricing where foreigners can afford expensive properties compared to
c. Living near where you work will offer better quality of life
d. Real estate is inelastic good, there is high demand for it and it is a way of gaining
wealth by the rich

Opening Opposition
a. Inheritance of private property through generations in the family
b. Money loses value over time but property always gain
c. It is not fair to take people’s hard-earned income and property
d. Guaranteed utilities even though it is more expensive
e. Less incentive to protect the poor in metropolitan area once population start growing
and people start shifting from rural to urban area

Deputy Government
a. Allocation of resources in cities are better
b. Planning pricing and smart transportation
c. Effort is not proportionate to property that is small and expensive, does not provide
the satisfaction needed
d. Government can be controlled by electoral cycles, but private companies cannot
which is based on profits alone
e. Government can protect local communities and prevent cultural loss
f. Persuade investors to place resources in mid-sized cities rather than already
developed, high resources cities
g. No incentive to place people far, infrastructure for public transportation is expensive

Deputy Opposition
a. Chance to go against the sate with private property
b. Gentrification of smaller cities are not advantageously positive
c. Government need people to work to collect taxes and build proper transportation
d. Problematic to just vote under fear of getting displaced
e. Not right for rich politicians to govern the state and influence policies made
f. Investments will more likely be reinvested in cities where tax gain is high
g. Houses need maintenance and resources are finite, it would be too high of cost for
government to maintain public homes
h. If government pay for the house, resources for education and healthcare will be
smaller or non-existent
i. Citizen will be forever paying rents without owning the anything when they retire
j. No check and balance if local government control housing prices

Closing Government
a. Can use votes to check and balance the government in elections
b. Equal opportunity to housing similar to rights for medical care
c. Rich people are holding up a lot of land that they never need or use
d. No access to middle class groups to jobs, education in cities, chance to develop and
improve status
e. No incentive to build nearby smaller cities due to fear of property price dropping in
f. Equal chance for everybody to improve lives

Closing Opposition
a. High land value in the middle of city
b. High revenue for government, high value jobs and even jobs for lower class such as
c. Tax revenues from offices, malls, land ownership
d. Usage of proceeds from sales of land in prime areas in cities to fund policies such as
public housing
e. Less income if government-favored corporations are chosen to be placed in central
area not according to market and inefficiencies will impact business climate
f. Hard to attract investments if land is fully controlled by government who only collect
g. Very delicate and sensitive decisions must be made to select tenants of building.

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