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Wednesday, April 1, 2020

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

• Formed in oct 1948

• HQ- Gland Switzerland

• Members - 1300

• member union uniquely composed of both government and civil society

organizations NGO’s


ensure the use of natural resources in equitable and ecologically sustainable.

world that values and conserves nature *

provides public, private and non-governmental organizations with the knowledge and
tools that enable human progress, economical dev. and nature conservation to take
place together.


• Data gathering, research and education to influence world to conserve nature

and ensure sustainable uses of resources.

• The organization is best known for compiling and publishing the IUCN Red List,
which assesses the conservation status of species worldwide

• Provides Green List of Protected and Conserved Areas (the ‘IUCN Green List
Standard’) which is a new global standard for protected areas in the 21st Century.

Entities Associated - CITES 1963 , TRAFFIC 1976 , SAWEN 2011

IUCN Red List

• The IUCN Red list of Threatened Species, founded in 1964.

• assess the conservation status of species , sub species, varieties and even selected sub
population on global scale.

• Official term “Threatened “ is divided into 3 categories : Critically Endangered, Endangered

and Vulnerable

• Species are classified into 9 Groups : EX Extinct , EW Extinct in wild, CR Critically

endangered - population < 50 mature individual (90% less in 3 generation) ,

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

• EN Endangered ( Pop < 250 Individual (50-70% less) ) , VU Vulnerable, NT Near

Threatened , LC Least Concern , DD Data Deficient , NE Not Evaluated

• Pink Pages contains Critically Endangered Species

• Green Pages are used for those pages which contains species which were endangered
before but are now recovered.

IUCN Green List of Protected and Conserved areas

• program of certification for protected and conserved areas - national parks, natural
world Heritage Sites, community conserved areas, nature reserved and so on - that are
effectively managed and fairly governed.

• Till now 46 areas in 14 countries

• India has no areas listed in it.


Ex Species
• Caspian tiger, bala tiger , Java tiger

• Black Soft Shell Turtle

CR Mammals

• Cheetah : Asiatic Cheetah (African Cheetah- VU ) *

• Pigmy Hog : smallest in pig family ( Kajiranga NP Assam)

• Malabar Large Spotted Civet - Western Ghats

• Namdapha Flying Squirrel - Namdapha NP

• Kashmir Stag - Dachigam NP

• Elvira Rat - Eastern Ghats Tamil Nadu

• Nicobar Shrew

• Jenkins Shrew- South Andaman

• Kondana Soft furred Rat - Maharashtra

• Jeypore Indian Gecko - Eastern ghats Odisha

• Himalyan Brown Bear - HP

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

CR Birds
• The great Indian Bustard - areas adjoining pakistan

• Bugun Liocichla - Shinchung bugun Community Reserve Aru.P

• Jerdons Courser- And.P

• White Bellied Heron- Assam and Aru.P

• Bengal Florical- UP, Assa, and Aru.P

• Indian Vulture

CR Reptiles
• Gharial - Chambal

• Leatherback Turtle

• Northern River Terrapin - Sundarbans

• Red Crowned Roof Turtle- Chambal

CR Fishes
• Hump Backed Mahseer - River Cauveri

• Ganges Shark

• Pondicherry Shark

EN Fauna
• Asian Elephant , Bengal Tiger , Barasingha , Asiatic Lion , Lion Tailed Macaque - South
India ,Nilgiri Marten , Nilgiri Langur , Nilgiri Tahr .Red Panda ,Ganges Dolphin ,White Bellied
Musk Deer, Pangolin

VU Fauna
Snow Leaopord, Sloth Bear, Otter, Saras Crane , Indian Star Tortoise , Black Panthers,
King Cobra

LC Species

Red Fox , BlackBuck, Chinkara , Golden Eagle, Indian flying fox

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Convention on Int. Trade in Endangered Species of

wild fauna and flora (CITES )
• Drafted in 1963 by IUCN members by also consulting GATT

• came into force in 1 july 1975

• Members - 183

• HQ- Washington also known as Washington Convention

• administrated by UNEP

• world wild life day on 3rd March celebrated cuz signed on this date in 1973

• Ensures that int trade of wild animals and plants does not threaten the survival of Species( >
35000 ( 5000animals and 29k plant species ) in Wild.

• Regulate trade of Wild Animals and plants , animal products ( crocodile leather , Ivory )

• Does not protect habitat of species or how species are used by countries

• Controls int. movements of species

• If species is in danger of extinction then it will impose ban on trade of listed species

• 3 Appendixes - ban (1200), regulate (21000) (yellow stone)- Asiatic Elephant , one country’s

• Also ban trade of endangered flora like - rosewood, dalbeergia siso

• Gecko - prohibited

World Wide Fund for nature ( WWF )

• WWF is an international non-governmental organization founded in 1961

• Gland Swiss - HQ

• President- Pawan Sukhdeva

• Members more than 100 countries , 3000 projects partnerships with communities,
companies, and governments

• Initially known as World Wildlife Fund, renamed in 1987

• Mission is to conserve nature and reduce the most pressing threats to the diversity of
life on Earth

• Works around these six areas : F C F O F W : Food | Climate | Freshwater | Oceans | Forests | Wildlife

• WWF works to help local communities conserve the natural resources they depend
upon, transform markets and policies toward sustainability, and protect and restore
species and their habitats

• Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act
• Living planet report , 1998 in every 2 years
• wwf launched several worldwide campaigns including Earth Hour , depth for nature swap
• takes fund adopt an animal 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Greenhouse Effect
• Greenhouse gases (GHGs) are a group of gases that are able to absorb heat from mainly sun
in the atmosphere keeping the earth’s surface warm

• Acts like blanket absorbing heat/thermal radiation by the greenhouse gases is re-radiated back
to earth’s surface

• InfraRed absorb - opaque - short wavelength -

• This ability of GHG( water vapour ( less duration ), CO2,N2O,CH4, O3 ) to trap heat in
thermal form and spread evenly at earth’s surface is known as Greenhouse effect

• GHG - abundance , duration , potential

National Green Tribunal, NGT Act 2010

• NGT is a tribunal set up to address environmental issues

• Justice Adarsh Kumar Goyal - Chairman

• Principle place of sitting - New Delhi = 4 Zones -

• was est. under Article 323A

• inspired article 21 “Right to healthy Env.”

• It is a statutory body established under the National 

Green Tribunal Act 2010

• not bound by procedure take down under the court of civil procedures act but
shall be guided by principles of natural justice

• has a status similar to high court and for further review can goes to SC


• One full time Chairperson,

• Not less than ten but subject to maximum of twenty full time Judicial Members as the
Central Government may, from time to time, notify;

• Expert Members

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• Effective and expeditious disposal of cases(within 6 months) relating to environmental

protection and conservation of forests and other natural resources,

• Enforcement of any legal right relating to environment, and

• Giving relief and compensation for damages to persons and property and for matters
connected therewith or incidental thereto.

• The tribunal has three courts in its principal Bench in Delhi and four zonal Benches —
in the east, west, central and south to encompass all States and Union Territories. 

NGT deals in following Acts

• The Water Act, 1974

• The water cess Act, 1977

• The Forest(conservation)Act, 1980

• The Air Act, 1981

• The Environment Act, 1986

• The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991

• The Biological Diversity Act,2002

not includes wildlife act and forest dwellers act

Dividend Distribution Tax

• Tax on dividend that is distributed by the company to its shareholders
• It was paid by the companies before distributing dividends
• In Budget 2020 DDT was abolished
• Now dividend will become a part of investor’s income which may be taxed in accordance
income tax slabs.
• Reduce Cascading(double Taxation) Effect
Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Chernobyl disaster
•  nuclear accident that occurred on Saturday 26 April 1986

• Near City Pripyat Ukrainian SSR

• RBMK nuclear type reactor - caused due to using Graphite as a cheap alternative for
conductor causing Steam explosion in reactor. 30 - 60 km - from all side

• U - 235 clean radiation till 2065

Right to Property Article 300A

• No person shall be deprived of his property save by the authority of law.

• Therefore, the article protects an individual from interference by the State and dispossess a

person of the property unless it is in accordance with the procedure established by law.

• right to property is a constitutional right, though right to property is no longer a

fundamental right and constitutional protection continues inasmuch as without authority
of law, a person cannot be deprived of his property
• 9th schedule (Land Reform) used to remove Article 31

Ayushman Yojna ( PM Jan Arogya Yojna ) *Not Enough

World’s largest health care scheme including both preventive and protective care

to achieve Sustainable Dev Goal 3


• Preventive care -wellness health care services ( Nat. health policy 2017) under
MoHFW ( 1 lakh health care centres ) ( 60:40 Ratio States, 90-10 NE states and

• Protective care -Nat health Protection Scheme (PMJA) at secondary and tertiary

• PM Jan Arogya Yojna

A completely cashless health insurance ( upto 5 Lakhs per family ) scheme for
poor and vulnerable population with budget 1200 Cr

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Article 243 - Panchayati Raj

• This Article is added by 73rd ammendment act of 1992 part IX (the Panchayats)

• Contains 29 matters in responsibilities of panchayat

• Defines Panchayat

• Gram Sabha" means a body consisting of persons registered in the electoral

rolls relating to a village comprised within the area of Panchayat at the village

• "intermediate level" means a level between the village and district levels specified
by the Governor of a State by public notification to be the intermediate level for
the purposes of this Part;

• "Panchayat" means an institution (by whatever name called) of self-government

constituted under article 243B, for the rural areas;

• "Panchayat area" means the territorial area of a Panchayat;

• "population" means the population as ascertained at the last preceding census

• "Village" means a village specified by the Governor by public notification to be a

village for the purposes of this Part and includes a group of villages so specified. 

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