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VII. WORD BUILDING ’ The word in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences can be used to forma word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way: 1. On our......... we were greeted by the head of the department. ARRIVE 2. He bowed to us with elaborate Yo COURTEOUS 3. A person with an.......... complex is generally quite shy. INFERIOR 4. This has been an unusually .......... remark for you. COMPLIMENT 5. The injured men were carried to the ambulance on... STRETCH 6. Do you happen to know th f Ben Nevis? HIGH 7. It is amazing how ......... she looks at her age! YOUTH 8. We had an day boating on the lake. ENJOY 9. Snow lasts longer in .......... regions. MOUNTAIN 10. He proved so stubborn that it seemed ......... to insist. POINT 11. He is very anxious about his son’s . - LOSE 12. He was caught making faces at himself in the mirror, AWARE 13. Her faith in the power of God is QUESTION 14, All of us burst into .......... at his joke. LAUGH 15. The results of the test were quite different from OUF ...... EXPECT 16, It is absolutely dishonest and ......... to cheat your parents. HONOUR 17. The professor's explanation was out of My «so... DEEP 18, I felt like fainting as I knew I was........... in front of that strong man, POWER 145 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Zs 28. 2 3S 3 31 3 3 34, i: 36. 37. 38, 39, S$ op to 4l 42. & 44. 4 46. 47. 4 im oe . I felt she was .. . Sometimes all these . . On the 4th of July . You can never guess what she wants; she is so . This kind of work requires . . Ican’t recognize you; you're reacting like an .......... Lots of Americans .. in Europe. Romanian cuisine offers a great ......... of dishes. The movie is suitable only for not for children. He proved to be a very ......... man as Chair of the committee. I wonder what they expect from this .......... The animals appeared when the flames surrounded them. . has written an outstanding book about .. to fight in World War 1 Ican’t understand his attitude; it is absolutely He behaved rather... . under the circumstances. What possibilities of ....... would you recommend in your town? . What a shock he had when he realised his ......... were wearing masks. Practising any sport definitely makes you .... of me in spite of her smile. .. turn out to be rather boring. Ineed ......... that he will really recover. You have been cheated: these stamps are ... I'm glad you have so........... explained things to her. This world .......... hasn't been so efficient so far. You'll put on .......... if you keep eating so many sweets. You' Il have to do a lot of special exercise t0......... your muscles. Goat milk is believed to be Very... He is highly thought of for his mind. I'm not very sure about the of the room. There was .......... in her voice and it was encouraging. She resented having to make a ....... . Her boss can’t help shouting at her for being such a poor ..... 146 people watched the fireworks. VOLUNTARY VARY GROW ENERGY INVEST CONTROL SOCIOLOGY EXPLAIN SUSPECT ENTERTAIN PURSUIT MUSCLE ENVY FORMAL COUNT REASSURE CHANGE WORTH TACT ORGANISE WEIGH STRONG NUTRIMENT INVENT PRECISE AUTOMATIC LONG CERTAIN CHOOSE TYPE about her? +; at tomorrow's prospects. 49. What are your . 50. She is trembling with 51. He nodded to me ina way. 52. Good manners belong to civilized . 53. One needs .......... friends when one is in trouble. 54, She..... iptoed across the room for fear they might hear her. 55. My spirits rose at the .......... of her voice. 56. She hardly ever eats mushrooms for fear they might be ......... 57. Daily .......... of classes is desirable, if not compulsory. 58. Your . on the eve of the exam meant a lot. 59. The . retreat helped them survive. 60. They have to .......... this street to ease the traffic. 61. The floods made that path 62. He is in his late 50's and yct his energy seems . 63. The Grand Canyon is a place of........... beauty. 64. The cottage is not exactly what we wished for, but the ... are breath taking. 65. There are . Ways to persuade a man. 66. The body lay there .......... but no one dared touch it. 67. The wild horses were driven into an 68. Good crops require plenty of good 69. To make food taste and smell better add some .. : 70. The .......... down that steep slope is quite ia ing 71. They've gota villa in the area. 72. The .......... use of any fuel will save your money. 73. They live somewhere in the w....... 74. Don’t you think that .......... expenses keep going up? 75, He wants to study 76. This pop singer is gai . in Europe. 77. She rose to .. in no time, they say. 78, Fashion design is highly , oday, 79. The wide of entertainment attracts tourists here. 80. I heard a voice whisper my name with ..... 81. That was a highly .. .« performance. 82. Locusts are .......... to crops. 147 but I don’t think he'll make it. FEEL ANXIOUS FRIEND BEHAVE, RELY CAUTION WARM POISON ATTEND COURAGE SPEED WIDE PASS EXHAUST SCENE SURROUND VARY LIFE ENCLOSE FERTILE SEASON DESCEND RESIDE ECONOMY NEIGHBOUR HOUSE ARCHITECT POPULAR STAR COMPETITION DIVERSE CLEAR SPECTACLE HARM 83. He hit the little boy ......... 84. One has to eat and drink with 85. I find his boring insistence . 86. Your interference proved more of @ sss than a help. 87. One’s relationship with one’s priest or lawyer is strictly... 88. Why should you if . when the fault was not yours? 89. The food on the table all looked .......... 90. Unfortunately your essay lacks 91. How do you know he is that 92. One must be highly ... 93. Do you think they'll succeed in .......... these weights? 94. After so many successes your present inefficiency AS) eee 95. Telling the truth is ........ 96. Meeting her sooner or later is ......... 97. 1am.......... at a loss but I'll come to my senses, that’s a promise. .. in this case. 98. The .......... of your remark dishonours you. 99. To become a writer requires .......... of the written language. 100. He was known to be a miser and that’s why his unexpected ..,....... amazed everybody, 101. He took a va....... of water to quench his thirst. 102. The Germans gave the world some of the most remarkable . 103. There was a... 104. He raised his sword in . 105. Too many people still die of .......... 106. He knew he was going to lose his ... 107. We are interested in the . relationship. 109. He is a world famous 110. Their supreme goal was the ILL. All the discoveries of that century brought about the ..... . of monarchy. .. of the human mind. 148 in her insistence that I didn’t like. MERCY MODERATE TROUBLE HINDER CONFIDENCE APOLOGISE APPETITE ORIGINAL, INFLUENCE IMAGINATION, STANDARD BELIEVE ADVISE AVOID MOMENT STUPID MASTER GENEROUS MOUTH PHILOSOPHY FIX DEFEND STARVE KING. DEVELOP MEAN. CELLO ABOLISH ENLIGHTEN 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. . He boasted about his 118. 119: 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 17, 129. 130. 131 132. 133, 134, 135. 136. 137: 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144, The owl is the symbol of oe The room was scarcely furnished but its . made it pleasant. It is quite a problem to be granted ..... The poet made .. How long does the .. to this club. . use of commonplace words. last? of several estates. You have made a thorough .. of the scene. She looked like the very .......... of his dreams. Agatha Christie’s .......... are still the best. One of the major problems in today’s society is The doctors suspect him of .......... The .......... of the landscape was depressing. They confirmed the . of all the parcels. He knew that the The rumours about their secret ......... created a stir. The . of the tortures was heartbreaking. The . of the town feared another attack. Your .. spoilt everything. Is she an of yours? When the church bells started tolling all the came out of their houses. I know this has pean sheer ... Are you sure ., She didn’t turn up, and her ... Should they really interrupt all movies with ..........? Will you please check when the s? He was awarded a prize in........... of his merits. He was watching the . of the, troops from the top of the hill. The ballet was exquisite. We may speak about a .......... of the interest in the music of the 60s, The ni.le is striking. You could feel the .......... of the audience. His blood .......... was alarmingly high. The .......... of the committee met all our expectations. 149 pelt disaster for people like him. WISE CLEAN MEMBER ART TRAIN OWNER DESCRIBE EMBODY THRILL EMPLOY SANE DULL RECEIVE UPHEAVE MARRY CRUEL INHABIT CHILDISH ACQUAINT VILLAGE MOCK ADMIT ABSENT ADVERTISE DEPART RECOGNIZE MOVE PERFORM REVIVE RESEMBLE, BORE PRESS RESOLVE 145. To her parents’ anger, she wouldn’t hear of his .......... PROPOSE 146. of the estate was on lease. REMAIN 147. Do you have any .......... to make? COMPLAIN 148. His glance was full of .. towards me. HATE. 149. The Romanians are the .......... of the Dacians and of the Romans. DESCEND 150. He moved about the house so .......... that he woke me up. NOISY 151. The arrow flew so swiftly that I couldn’t follow i FLY 152. The ......... she had to make kept her busy all day. INQUIRE 153. Aren’t you.......... of what you have done? SHAME 154, There has been a great .... in unemployment lately. REDUCE 155. I am positive that their house is not for .......... SELL 156. This drug can provide .......... for someone having breathing problems. RELIEVE 157.1 wish I were a .. .. but I'm sure I'll never be one. MILLION 158. Do you think it was ...? [strongly doubt it. WORTH 159. Why are you so ..........? I’m sure he'll make it. WORRY 160. She accepted to be the first to try. WILL 161. He was the .......... of the monastery until he died. ABBEY 162. She looked at her son .......... LOVE 163. The .......... of her movements made me sad. WEARY 164. He fixed everything with amazing ... ABLE 165. There is no such word; it is absolutely MEAN 166. Many of the.......... fought valiantly. WAR 167. This opera singer enjoys popularity. WORLD 168. He is a........... man and that’s why he finishes everything on time. METHOD 169. There are on all the hills surrounding the town. VINE 170. It turned out to be a .......... attempt VICTORY 171. He suffered a breakdown after the repeated .......... FAIL 172. Who are the .......... today? ABSENT 173. His unexpected recovery seemed ...... : MIRACLE 174. You may think of him as being ....... after so many accidents. FORTUNE 175. There’s surely been some ......... ; he should have been here by now. UNDERSTAND 176. He provided a certain ........ for him until he became of age ALLOW 150 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189 190. 191, 192. 193, 194, 195. 196. 197. 198: 199. 200. 201 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. ..of you to say such a thing. on the floor for minutes on end. of three different drinks. The cocktail is a They have reported some .. He obeyed all your orders ... I feel that this is going to be a We watched him do all those tricks with ........0. She glared at US «0... His voice was full of ... He is fond of .......... an You may tell him everything there is to it; he is a......... person A bird imitates other birds' songs. Sooner or later you'll have to .... Killing him was a.......... deed. It was quite ....... of you to join us in those grievous moments. Unfortunately .......... came too late. They have to make an . this evening. When I looked down the steep rocky wall T felt a kind of ..... The .......... made a statement last night. The .. on the walls was utterly unhealthy. Thi f his room was impressive. Be .........., Will you? . Could she give me a rough........... of the likely cost? . His behaviour was........... all through the evening. matter, when he rang me up. . I don’t think this heavy piece of furniture is . How dare you .......... me? . The citizens’ . .. took them by surprise. . Don’t let's have another ......... ! . We resented his unbelievable .......... . We hardly need any .......... in planning it. . The little boy finds .......... quite difficult. Tt was voc of you to give up when you were so near. . 1 won't be in time for the 151 . of their initial plans. id to have green fingers. MISCHIEF CONSCIOUS MIX ALTER TRUTH TROUBLE AMUSE CONTEMPT ANNOY GARDEN TRUST MOCK APOLOGY MONSTER TOUCH REALISE ANNOUNCE DIZZY GOVERN MOIST TIDY REASON APPROXIMATE GRACE MOVE THREAT REBEL ARGUE IDLE GUIDE MULTIPLY THOUGHT REHEARSE 210. Was this meant to be a 211. I find it surprisingly 212. I can . Tesist this oppressive heat. 213. I like company; I resent ........- 214. They had the king .......... in the public square. 215. Her ......... grieved us all. 216. Can’t you .. the knot a bit? 217. To our relief, her .. attempt to commit suicide failed. 218. He was.......... with fatigue. 219. I have spilled some ink on the desk; give me that 220. They have made .......... use of the coal left here. 221. At the end of the marathon he was .. 222. The .......... was unfavourable for me. 223. Could you recite the ten 7 224. Let’s take the first zebra 225. I'm sure he did it in .. of my orders, 226. He was the last .......... of China. 227. I felt in my soul scared me. 228. You have judged all my deeds .. 229. They sell the best cigars at the .. 230. He is the best heart .. .. in town. 231. He proved very .......... in his new job. 232. Don’t mind him; he is just a .......... 233. She is in after her father’s death. 234, Such a thing is absolutely .......... 235. Wearing school uniforms is no longer 236, This affair seems highly .......... 237. “Say your last .”, he sneered at his victim. 238. Foxes have ... fur. 239. He was one of the greatest .... 240. Do you have any idea what the rm 241. Will you make a brief of the fellow? 242. All of us hope for the . of our sins. 243. We were astonished by the .......... of her angry retort. 244, This examale is of this approach. 245. I want you to this rather long text. 246, It is not an expensive thing, but it is a dear .... round the corner. 152 WARN, SUIT BARE LONELY HEAD BETRAY LOOSE DESPAIR SHAKE BLOT MASS BREATH COMPARE COMMAND CROSS DEFY EMPIRE EMPTY WRONG TOBACCO SURGERY ZEAL YOUNG MOURN CONCEIVE COMPULSION INTRIGUE PRAY RED MATHEMATICS GREEN CHARACTER ABSOLVE SUDDEN ILLUSTRATE SUMMARY KEEP 247. He felt they expected him to give the for his deed. 248. She has always had . .. behaviour. 249. She never joined us because of her.......... father. 250. I’ve got a terrible .......... after last night’s party. 251. Although this course is ... . many of us attend it. 252. The horrible experience seems just a .. 253. They say that his ....... reached a climax in his last ...... 254. Don’t be 255. The pretense of 256. He spent all his 257. Appearances are .. 258. Her last diary .......... revealed her deep sorrow. 259. Reality confirmed the predictions of that 260. A ..... 261. I caught sight of a... 262. I felt his back ... at my touch 263. He wants to be a carpenter like his father and that’s why he attends this . 264. The general .... voted against it. 265. He has spent all his life in this small .......... 266. They were fined for ......... on private property. 267. In droughtstricken areas the . of water is rapid. 268. He whispered the prayer with tears in his eyes: “O God ......., save me!” now. .. reform is the only solution to this inflation. ... Feaper in the field. .. school. . town, 269. His unique goal was the .......... of his family. 270. He was highly respected for his long and successful career. 271. The .......... of his verbal attack shocked everybody present. 272. The .......... of orchids in the hothouse was breathtaking. 273. We still couldn't believe his .......... was real. 274. The 275. He was a all through his school years. 276. All of us envied him for the extraordinary .. 277. We are interested in strict . in this field. 278. This onion tea is .........; throw it away. 279. Give the a rub today, will you? 153 speech was suddenly directed at the chairman. JUSTIFY LADY TYRANT HANG OPTION NIGHT POET RIDICULE RESPECTABLE WIN DECEPTION ENTER VISION MONEY SOLITUDE STIFF VOCATION ASSEMBLE PROVINCE TRESPASS ABSORB MIGHT REDEEM JOURNAL VIOLENT RESPLENDENT SOBER ACCUSE BOARD ACQUIRE SPECIAL DRINK SILVER 280. Christians believe in the .......... Of Jesus. 281. Such handwriting! I can hardly make out the name or the ...... 282. The tourists were admiring the .. of the snowcovered mountains. 283. She will have to act in .......... with my instruction. 284. The students were discussing Dickens’ use of ... in his novels. 285. The sea as the wind grew stronger. 286. His methods were not very ... 287. Do try to behave siren 288. I'm always .......... of people like her. 289. He suffered from .......... of the stomach, 290. He had to work hard to feed and his family. 291. The .......... of people in Britain live in towns. 292. The teacher was surprised at the .. 293. has been the main characteristic of the recent election. 294. The girl was wearing a........... dress. 295. It was .......... of him to ignore our invitation. 296. He had a very good to deal with his financial matters. 297. Ihave bought the evening .. ..of my answer. .. of the newspaper. 298. It was sheer ... 299. The arrival of Santa Claus caused great .......... among, the children, ~300_This woman was very unpopular because of her .....:: about other people’s affairs. 301. Will you give me some .......? 302. The........... of that task took him several months. 303. Their .......... Was impressive and touching. 304, I admired her.......... in saying that she is not able to do the job. 305. She is so........... that she can’t even change an electric bulb. 306. The .......... of this design will take us a long time. 307. I have a valuable stamp 154 +. that they were born on the same day. RESURRECT ADDRESS GRAND. ACCORD IMAGE ROUGH SCIENCE RESPONSE SUSPECT ACID CLOTH MAJOR COMPLETE ABSENT FASHION POLITE ACCOUNT EDIT COINCIDE EXCITE CURIOUS ASSIST ACCOMPLISH FRIEND HONEST PRACTICE MODIFY COLLECT 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324, 325, 326, 327. 328. 329, 330. 331. Wada 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338 339. They should take into account every ......... possibility. We are witnessing a huge .......... of capital. Father .. the car by removing part of the engine. How of her to behave like that! Many soldiers were killed and the rest were taken ......06 . to our criticism. He showed complete Alice couldn’t open the safe because she had forgotten the .. of numbers. Jack had the .......... to admit that it was his fault, My letters have never met with any ... . about our son’s future. on them. We have finally come to a... This thing made a great They appreciated the ... She is the very .. of stupidity. The woman got her ... ack slowly after her illness I would like to help her, but .......... I can’t. I find it We need an all the details. They have great The .......... of this seaside resort include sandy beaches and very good restaurants. of your speech. ... of that photograph to study in this sportsman, She .......... me that my dress was beautiful. Kerry is a very . child. My skirt is too long; I'll have to .......... it. He looked with .. . at his pretty daughter. . between good friends can be harmful. My proposal met with their .......... The earth has a .......... movement round the sun. Our firm has more than two hundred .......... Your .......... proved to be right. Jane is so .......... ! She never knows. what the teacher has asked her. I’m not going to climb that mountain; it’s too .......... The music was so .......... that we couldn’t hear each other. Her conduct was absolutely .... 155 that she can make such a terrible mistake. IMAGINE ACCUMULATE MOBILE HORROR PRISON INDIFFERENT COMBINE DECENT RESPOND DECIDE IMPRESS ACCURATE, INCARNATE STRONG FORTUNE CONCEIVE LARGE CONFIDE ATTRACT SURE OBEY SHORT PROUD SUSPECT AGREE CYCLE EMPLOY ACCUSE ATTENTIVE RISK NOISE SHAME 340. 34 342. 343. 344, 34: 346. 34" a a 348. 349. 350. 351. 352. 35: 354, 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364, 3 36! 306. a 367. 368. 369. 370. - It is very difficult to .. A large sum of money has come to her by a recent ....... . We had to ... the message. Why are you driving $0 ......:..? You might have an accident. This man had no proper .......... until he was thirteen Elisabeth has a ... . faith in her brother’s ability. This girl is very .......... towards her parents Tam sure that our team can win this .. .. your heart when you hear a baby crying. This report takes a ... company’s problems. A bear isa. nimal. Whenever I buy a newspaper, I first look at the .......... This new dictionary has poor .......... of medical vocabulary. The senator gave a .... . view of your ... Summary of the meeting. . We noticed that she had a happy «ss. + Of a misfortune. of your licence. victory. to do this job properly. of her new life. voice. Thave a strong ... You need a... That was but an I don’t have the .. She seems to enjoy the John answered in a rather True . is worth more than money. Only a. of those present agreed to his proposal. 1am thinking about the We came to the ........ . that she was lying to us. The noise in the house .......... considerably when the children left. +. of time, . Will you take this .......... to the chemists? I'm looking for a more job. They have started a........... business. When he was stopped by the police, he was driving at a... speed. Your duties will be mainly .. The professor’s . appreciated by the audience. .. lecture was very much 156 INHERIT MEMORY CARE SCHOOL CHILD AFFECT COMPETE EY HARD. ) GLOBE FUR > HEAD COVER LONG DISPOSE SENTIMENT RENEW ILLUSION ABLE CONVENIENT DISTANCE FRIEND MINOR PASS. CONCLUDE LESS PRESCRIBE, REMUNERATE WHOLE SUICIDE ADMINISTER INAUGURATE 371. His unexpected ......... surprised everybod 372. Not a living soul did they meet in that .. 373. I think that this is an ......... point. 374, Jane introduced me to a very young man. 375. He is recovering from that serious illness; now he is a... 376. Lucy iS @ cision. child to have such parents. 377. The doctors say that her recovery is 378. She uses very .......... language in her poems 379. He was responsible for the of mail in that village. 380. Their behaviour was ... _381. The rent is £15........... of heating. 382. His .. .. mother was very kind to him. 383. The child was looking in ... advised me what book to borrow. 385. Her words caused a great deal of es... 386. “The ..........” is a novel written by Th. Dreiser. 387. These paintings are in a poor state of .. 388. Margaret is not very .......... in her behaviour. 389. People like him can never be trusted; they are .......... 390. The of that car is 50 dollars a week. 391. It is known that Roosevelt was elected four times to the .. of the USA. 392. A... is a man whose wife is dead. to assume that everyone thinks the same way as you do. 394. It’s rather ... today. 395. My brother sho interest in politics. 396. Her ......... in that firm was very rapid. 397. She announced the name of the .......... who was taking part in the show. 398. The must be protected against the sale of poor quality good: 399, They want to their house by putting in central heating and new electrical wiring. 400. We admired the .... 401. Those young people were charged by the police with causing a... ... decorations. . at the people around him. RENOUNCE WILD ARGUE PRESENT CONVALESCENCE LUCK MIRACLE FIGURE DISTRIBUTE ADMIRE INCLUDE ADOPT CONFUSE LIBRARY DISSENT FINANCE PRESERVE CONVENTION LIE RENT PRESIDE WIDOW LOGICAL WIND PASSION ADVANCE, ART CONSUME MODERN FLORA DISTURB 402. The .......... between the twins was amazing. LIKE 403. Unfortunately, there were several .......... to our plan. ADVANTAGE 404. There was an amazing .......... of opinions on that matter. | DIVERSE. 405. Your.......... that he did such a thing proved to be false. | PRESUME 406. She has just started a ........ business. FLOURISH 407. All the .. .. Were arrested. CONSPIRE 408. Is my watch still i REPAIR 409, She hada feeling of fear. MOMENT 410. The .......... ftom yards into metres is difficult for some pupils. CONVERT 411.1 gave my wife a gold ......... for Christmas. LIGHT 412. This loan in five years. REPAY 413. Years ago, lung diseases used to be ......... among miners. PREVAIL) 414. This child really had artistic INCLINE 415. The beauty of your wife seems AGE 416. Under the circumstances, the of responsibility was natural. DIVIDE 417. Ican’t understand your se PASSIVE 418. The of your English is surprising. FLUENT 419. Thad to explain the .......... structure of that substance. MOLECULE 420. My sister is not very good at ADD 421. I would be grateful for her ... if COOPERATE 422. I've heard she has an son. LEGITIMATE 423. The Christians worship the .......... of God. DIVINE 424. I was amazed at the .......... of some of the drivers in such weather. FOOL 425. We opened a new .......... in the town. AGENT 426. This criticism has always been .... CONSTRUCT 427. I finally got a loan froma 428. His words are not ... is better than cure. 430. It is very . today. 431. Did you listen to the weather forecast on the ......... 2 432. He will have to find a.......... for his gardener. REPLACE orator. PATHOS 8 in front of ladies. 433. You are a really .. 434. Is the subject of this sentence animate or .......... > ANIMATE 435. Given the circumstances, the .......... of her studies is vital to her. CONTINUE 158 436. The boy was surprised by the of his pony. 437. We know that the artist spent many years on thi: sculpture. 438. I'm on a friendly .......... with all my neighbours. 439. Monkeys are known to be ....... 440. The .......... of your papers took me a long time. 441. Time and space are ......... 442. 1am.......... about ae walls of his suggestions. 443. The witness gave ... pinions about the accident. 444. The .......... of his actions is questionable. 445. The police had to make a .. entry. 446. This jewel of yours is .........; you should keep it in a safe. Pp 447. She bases her statement on a false .......... 448. This novel is .......... of his work. 449. The .......... of that task took him several months. 450. I dreamt I was talking to some from outer space. . animals. 451. A lot of people practise ......... nowadays. 452. She showed great ........ when she worked here as a nurse. 453. When he was young, he worked for a while aS ........... for an important newspaper. 454, Water supply is a great problem in this 455. Recent statistics show that infant 456, This soil has good . o 457. They were urprised by the quality of the new products. 458. The universe is .. 459. We all agree tie a child's first five years are the most ... 460. I felta painful. .. of my stomach muscles. 461. By accepting the bribe, this official proved to be .......0. 462. The old woman rented a room to a to make alittle extra money. 463. .... of the law is no excuse. 464. She will never forget your ... 465. He was unable to .......... because of the smoke. 159 DOCILE MONUMENT (Foor) IMITATE CORRECT LIMIT DOUBT CONTRADICT MORAL (FORCE) PRICE SUPPOSE REPRESENT ACCOMPLISH BE WITCH PATIENT REPORT LOCAL MORTAL DRAIN AGREE MEASURE FORM CONTRACT CORRUPT LODGE IGNORANT KIND BREATH 466. Thank you for the meal. LOVE 467. I put those papers in the ....... of my desk. raw 468. Your aunt is a........... type of a woman. MOTHER 469. The written part of the examination is just a .......... FORMAL 470. The chalet was.......... only on foot. ACCESS 471, Has she received an .......... to their party? INVITE 472. On her birthday, she got a ....... gift. @RINCD 473. Why does she look $0 .......:? REPROACH 474. This actor is said to rely on the ......... of some very influential persons. PxrRO® 475. Few people dispute Shakespeare's «usu as a playwright. SUPREME 476. He felt .......... in his new job, so he left. ADEQUATE 477. To leave the chalet in the dead of night would be(sheen).... MAD 478. He went to visit his parents like a.......... son. DUTY 479. We all admired the .......... thinking of this inventor, CREATE 480. The .......... around a town were extremely important in the Middle Ages. FORTIFY 481. Your foolish behaviour is for a woman of 35. MATURE 482. The two presidents made .......... efforts to establish peace. CREDIT 483. While digging in the garden, they found an old ....... ae 484. This is a chair with .......... arms. MOVE 485. An old man was lying on the se. PAVE 486. Your knowledge of the subject is no more than ........... FRAGMENT. 487. Itis........... impossible for him to learn such things. ABSOLUTE 488. Her low salary was a.......... factor in her decision to change her job. CONTRIBUTE 489. He asked me about the ......... of the bank. LOCAL 490. A fire engine must have over other traffic. PRIOR 491. This painting is a......... REPRODUCE 492. They say it is impossible to be certain Of the ......... Of a child by medical means. PATERNAL 493. I want to specialize in ....... SURGEON 494. She is fat because she i$ $0 sees ACTIVE 495. There is a pile of for you today. CORRESPOND 496. Grandfather used to hire a......... t0 entertain us at the Christmas party. MAGIC 160 497. The day is next Friday. 498. The new cook's meal was scarcely .... 499. His sister was a gentl girl. 500. The police have finally arrested that 501. “2 x 5 = 10” is an example of . 502. We can say that we have had a 503. We witnessed an 504. My neighbour is an the end of the world. 505. Her .... annoyed us all. 506. The castle was given to me in 507. Uncle John is the kind of person who can... 508. After a long time, our plans have come to 509. He used to be a monarchist, but now he is a 510. We all look for .......... sometimes. S11. The .......... of troops took place gradually. 512. They took up... 513. This time he took a .. 514. He apologized for that . 515. This time there is little . 516. We had to study the ... of the two forces. 517. Our shop can supply all you 518. My new neighbour is a fairly .. 519. The future of our bank is .......... 520. The measures they have taken are .......... 521. Everybody smiled when they saw her hat 522. I'm afraid your dress is 523. My daughter is.......... to dust. 524. She told him that piece of news for his 525. We had to make a written .......... 526. The woman had a sweet, 527.1 won't allow any ... in my business. 528. I can say that your clothes are .... 529. The woman accepted her fate with 530. The secretary made a note of the .......... 531. My granny is a ......... person. 532. The scientists were studying the problem in sub zero temperatures. meeting. ceremony. who is always forecasting of all we saw there. .. Voice. 161 . others. for such a formal dinner. PAY EAT ALTRUISM DANGER MULTIPLE FRUIT IMPRESS ALARM ECCENTRIC PERPETUAL MAGNET FULFILL REPUBLIC PRIVATE WITHDRAW RESIDE CONTROVERSY ACCIDENT PROBABLE INTERACT REQUIRE PEACE PROBLEM DEBATE FUN PROPER ALLERGY EDIFY DECLARE MUSIC INTERFERE FUNCTION RESIGN PROCEED WONDER SURVIVE 533. The manager's suggestions met with some RESIST 534. She doesn’t think your scheme is .......... WORK 535. Everybody admired her buttons, PEARL 536. Although his former wife married again, he had to pay a lot of money towards the .......... of the children. MAINTAIN 537. The ......... of Romania's independence took place in 1877. PROCLAIM 538. Alex is a.......... young man. RESOURCE 539. Her efforts to improve the school have been .......... EFFECT 540. The president made an fo the new state of affairs. © ALLUDE 541. He is such an .......... person. IMPULSE 542. It is ......0. . to drive a car without a driving licence. LEGAL 543. I know that her hobby is .......... EMBROIDER, 544, Margaret is such a .......... woman. (PEDANT> 545. The church was full of .. WORSHIP 546. We all admired the .......... arrangement of flowers. DECORATE 547. What is he f his words? INTERPRET 548. Our firm has entered into an........... with a larger one. ALLY 549. She visits her grandparents YEAR 550. Iam curious to see how the .. will react to the new law passed by the Parliament. PEASANT 551. She has retired from work and now receives MN ......0 from her former employers. ANNUAL 552. The Browns are being very ........ about their holiday plans. MYSTERY 553. Mr. Smith isa. musician. PROFESS 554. I had to use a . to add all those numbers. CALCULATE 555. In this case, our.......... is accurate. DEDUCE 556. We have finally arrived at an ......... Compromise. ACCEPT 557. Five goals is a . .. Score. RESPECT 558. Mike's .......... of Liza was unsuccessful. COURT 559. Ring the bell only in case of... EMERGE 560. This book may rightly be called a % MASTER 561. These embroidered blouses are a of this region vestige aisabvie: of the country. PECULIAR 562. He was surprised to find out that the machine was « DEPECT 563. In that novel, the was the main character. NARRATE 162 564, Have you .. 565. Is she the .. 566. I noticed a look of ......... on my daughter’s face. 567. I hope my plans will soon .......... 568. She showed great ... in speaking Greek, 569. Our feet were wet because it was . there. 570. “What” is an .......00. pronoun. 571. They understood her .. .. well. 572. In many countries caviar is considered to be a... 573. This mistake that she has made led to her.......... from her job. 574. Her appearance at the meeting was ... 575. Don’t worry, she is a very good ......... 576. She is suffering from a infection. 577. In the end, this proved to be a.......... experience. 578. This factory was .......... Many years ago. 579. You are an .......... to believe that such things might really happen. 580. At last the .......... of the castle had to surrender. 581. The price of cars is + Nowadays. 582. The job of a manager is a very .... 583. His success may act as an ... to his younger sister. 584. He was such an ....... 585. This gymnast was a gold .......... 586. The of this painting will take a long time. 587. We've voted for the abolition of the death .... 588. Do you know what the wedding ring .........? 589. Point M is found by the of line LM by line PS. 590. The .......... to the text was unexpected 591. We know that the next postal .......... is at 5 o’clock in the afternoon. 592. There are good chances of .... 593. Some people find white a very 594. His rudeness was beyond our 595. The boy looked at me in ... on such a rough sea is very difficult. ... reaction was to cover his face. your coffee? of this house? one. - mal in our firm: colour. 163 SWEET OCCUPY ENCHANT MATERIAL. ROFICIENT SWAMP INTERROGATE AMAZE DELICATE SUSPEND DISRUPT SWIM RESPIRE PROFIT NATION IDEAL DEFEND PROHIBIT? RESPOND ENCOURAGE ADVENTURE MEDAL RESTORE PENAL SYMBOL INTERSECT AMEND DELIVER PROMOTE REST ENDURE PERPLEX NAVIGATE INSTANT 598. Tam amazed at the .......... of your project. AMBITIOUS of friendship. DEFINE. between the Montagues 599, She gave me an interesting 600, There existed great .... and the Capulets. ENEMY 601. Their prices are .......... NEGOTIATE 602. They have always admired your ... PERSEVERE 603. Their father died shortly after his RETIRE 604. Cathy is a woman of great insight and .......... PENETRATE 605. She used to listen to old, .......... tunes. MELODY 606. I remember that her .......... was not welcomed. INTERVENE, 607. I have always believed in ji. MOCRAT 608. My friend finds living in the country RESTRICT.) 609. This writer’s style is highly ... sy. 610. The ......... is just coming into court. PROSECUTE” 611. Here is a tool with a.......... of uses. MULTIPLE 612. They are going to announce their today. ENGAGE 613. My cousin has an flair for business. INSTINCT 614. His twisted foot is a he has had since birth. DEFORM 615. What they did was . DETEST 616. The . system is s rather difficult to learn. NERVE 617. The board started debating on the .......... state of affairs of the company. LAMENT 618. This form is . by the end of the month. RETURN 619. Unfortunately, when he died, he left his widow .......... PENNY 620. Shy and timid are .......... words. SYNONYM 621. We couldn’t understand the ......... of her previous * decision. REVERSE 622. She pretends to be of noble ......... ANCESTOR 623. We want to sell our car and we ve aleadi buyer. PROSPECT 624, My parents were very .......... hen I failed the exam. SYMPATHY 625. We were surprised at the ... of their talk. INTIMATE 626. The .. committed during the war are hard to imagine. ENORMOUS 627. Such as theirs is hard to understand. MENTAL 628, My neighbour is a very .......... person. TALK 629. I wished her happiness and ......... PROSPER 630. The stranger was careful to preserve hi ANONYMOUS 164 63 648. 656. . After such a success, her future looks ..... 662 663. 664. 66: a . This and that are.. . Her kindness was . We should not forget that God is kind and . Lhave just sent in MY ves for a place at University. .. the room and made it look larger. . I find working in a school very ........ |. The change in her voice was scarcely .. 651. 652. 653. Che 660. 661. . She has only a Her clothes are always very... 632. 633. 634. 635. 636. 637. refusal. All our proposals met with a The... Your lecture on modern British art was extremely .. She is so . about the new project. This child has not taken any .......... today. In many countri are allowed to travel free on buses and tram: From her... she seemed very poor. .. pronouns. The new lock I have bought gives extra ... burglary. ... tribes used to move from one place to another. against . This young man proved to be a skilled ....... . He uses quite . methods in his shuren: . This is a .......... matter between her and me | I made the .......... and all my guests shook hands. The white ceiling .. Her children spend most of the day in the Nobody is «....+00 Her .. to that job surprised us. X24 y2 = 018 AM cscs . We all appreciated the .......... of his remarks. Tt is .......... that they were there. is hard to be attained. .. of our house saved money on heating bills. Do you believe in The «........ between the two families lasted for years. Their relationship Was «......++ She gave all her ........ to her brother. We can say that this woman was the ... knowledge of the subject. communication? . of kindness. 165 TASTE PERSIST NOMAD INSTRUCT ENTHUSIASM ‘NOURISH PENSION APPEAR DEMONSTRATE PROTECT TELEGRAPH REVOLUTION PERSON INTRODUCE PROVERB MERCY APPLY LIGHT REWARD PERCEPTION NURSE MORTAL APPOINT EQUATE OBJECTIVE PROVIDENCE ROSE PERFECT INSULATE TELEPATHY RIVAL TEMPEST SAVE PERSON RUDIMENT 666. 667. 668. 669. 670. 671. 672. 673. 674. 675. 676. 677. 678. 679. 680. 681, 682. 683. 684. 685. 686. 689. 690. 69 - This is another 692. 693. 694. 695. 696. His speech was rather ......... Your performance is undoubtedly .. Itis .......... that they should get there faa) All over the world, .... A teacher shouldn't be ...... In my opinion, the police action was an his private life. There is a public She prefers to live in . Itis We've heard you had an.......... journey. Hamlet was the .......... King of Denmark. He had to act with great .......... The old gate closed with a We were lucky to have an There were .......... ten thousand people in the square. The gate was rather ... He seems to like .......... Only a “could hurt a sick man. Finally, she gave in to his ......... and bought him a new cassette recorder. His suit was .. .. of the 1930s, An.........., child remembered the scar on the face of the stranger. is considered a serious crime. .. with slow learners. on to swim across this river, . It's surprising that some international football matches bring out a sense of .......... in the supporters. . The success of our lessons largely depends on the.......... of our students. Some parents are worried by their children’s .......... of this pop star. He had to state on the paper whether he had any .......... of hers. ° After this quarrel, he felt the blood.......... in his head. Do you know what.......... you need for this job? was satisfied with my answers. The plane finally made a successful ... Jackie Robinson overcame .......... prejudice to become the first black baseball player in the Major League. 166 . of this story in today’s newspaper. PROVOKE MERIT ESSENCE ROB PATIENT INTRUDE DENY OBSCURE EVENT LEGEND PRUDENT METAL PARTIAL APPROXIMATE RUST PUBLIC SADISM. PERSUADE EVOKE OBSERVE NATION APT IDOL DEPEND OBSESS PULSE QUALIFY EXAMINE LAND RACE 697. 698. 699. 700. x e 702. 703. 704. 705. 706. 707. 703 709. 710. Als 712. 2 TAZ 714. 715. 716. TT: 718. 719. 720. 721. 722. 723. 724. 725. 726. We 728. 729. 730. Tl. . Such a crime is ... Fasten your . My neighbours i At that moment I put my foot on the Tam amazed by his . belts, please! children are so rise in fame. by death in some countries. I haven't paid the ... on my house yet. Her son suffered from . attacks of fever. The plumber noticed an .......... in the water pipe. The Queen will see you now, your My daughter is going to study .......... The robber remained hroughout the trial. . Although the food was bad, the bill was .......... His .......... is proverbial. The engineer died from a massive doze of .... I bowed my head to her in You should give me the measurements. We must admit that his arguments were 50 ....... T have 10 esses of going there. My daughter has fair skin and . John’s father has a job on the This thing is not .. She is such an .. girl that she has few friends. Harold was accused of .......... by William, Duke of Normandy. equivalents of these Joseph took an trip to Paris. T was exasperated by the . of some drivers. Thave finally found a.......... job. The girl had an......... of flowers He gave an ......... of surprise. Despite all this terrible news, he remained It’s hard to resist such a 1 This book . the political parties. We should our efforts to find out the truth. Grandfather gave a .......... Sigh when hegot home. When will the .. year end? Every science has its own 167 .. to the matters we are discussing. SAFE QUARREL ACCELERATE METEOR, PUNISH INSURE PERIOD OBSTRUCT EXCEL DENTIST PASSIVE EXCESS OBSTINATE RADIATE SALUTE METRE PERSUADE INTEND SAND RAIL PERTAIN ARGUE PERJURE OCCASION IDIOT PERMANENCE ARM EXCLAIM PERTURB TEMPT SATIRE INTENSE THANK ACADEMY TERM 732. Has she given a.... excuse for her behaviour? SATISFY. ——— 733. I think this woman is rather .......... INTRUDE 734, The .......... of his movements surprised all of us. RAPID 735. Have you made all the ......... for the holiday? ARRANGE 736. His rudeness is a EXCUSE 737. He had no ........ about talking in front of so many people. INHIBIT 738. My parents made an search of the forest, but they couldn't find the missing sheep. EXHAUST 739. In spite of all her efforts, her story sounded rather ....... PLAUSIBLE 740. This is a really strange .......... OCCUR 741. The painting was of .......... value and that is why it was so carefully guarded. CALCULATE 742. During the war, food was .......... RATION 743. I kept my .......... in the bank. SAVE. 744. In his youth, he joined a .......... company. THEATRE 745. His .......... aS Prime Minister proved to be beneficial. DESIGNATE 746. What you are saying is only a .......... possibility. THEORY 747, | admired the wonderful .......... of the countryside. SCENE 748. “To give up” and “to look after” are two .......... verbs. PHRASE 749. The teacher asked me to explain the chemical .......... between the two elements. CT. 750. We are confronted with a .......... of jobs. — 751. The .......... currents are traced on this map. OCEAN 752. Her paintings are on .......... at our school. EXHIBIT 753. Their treatment of the prisoners was .... HUMAN 754. All we know is that she led an uneventful EXIST 755. My aunt is a bit of an 2 ODD 756. I was born in a.......... Village. PICTURE 757. She regards my project with .. SKEPTIC 758. On seeing the snake, she gave an .. ry. VOLUNTARY 759. Her success is due to her hard work. LARGE 760. As the fog we couldn’t continue our journey. THICK 761. My sister has won a.......... tO gO to university. SCHOLAR 762. We attended the .... of the Prime Minister at the Houses of Parliament. INVEST 763. Massaging is known to be very ......... for stiff muscles. | THERAPY . . have made an important contribution to the development of mankind. SCIENCE 168 765. He is making an ......... which might not be true. 766. It is .......... that such incidents as this one should never happen again. 767. The .......... old men try to prevent the young men from bringing in new ideas. 768. Many Christians go on a... 769. This liquid is colourless and 770. We have just learnt about the when they are heated. 771. This immigrant has applied for Romanian .......... . to Jerusalem. . of metals: 772. I took the .......... in organizing that party. 773. The young woman inherited a large coffee .......... in Brasil. 774. The editor’s main aim is to increase the paper’s ... 775. She has made a beautiful ...... f his head. 776. The invaders committed a lot of .. 777. The .......... on this patient lasted two hours. 778. The storm had .......... effects. 779. He had his own methods of ... : 780. She stood .......... when she heard the terrible news. 781.1 was admiring the .. .. of the moon. 782. Her dream of becoming a pianist has become a .......... 783. The. he banknote with a magnifying glass. 784. What we saw there was a .. sight. 785.1 feel a special .. 786. Hi: .. from university was a shock to his parents. 787. Taking drugs is .......... to our health. 788. You will have to read the .......... notes, t00. 789. We know there's a lot of to such ideas. 790. The two kittens were so 791. Hotel work is often 792. We know him to be a man of great .. 793. The sailor ..... was blowing more and more strongly. 794. My uncle left the army and became a 795. We agreed that the problem was rather 796. The beauty of the waterfall was ... to my native village. .. the ropes when he saw that the wind again, 169 (ASSUME: DESIRE REACT PILGRIM ODOUR EXPAND CITIZEN INITIATE PLANT READ SCULPTOR ATROCIOUS OPERATE DESTRUCTION INVESTIGATE Cee) BR NT \CRUTINY, PITY ATTACH EXPEL. INJURE EXPLAIN OPPOSITE PLAY Ss \TTAIN, TIGHT CIVIL TICKLE BREATH 797. 798. . I think he is wasting time on . He employed a private .... about that stranger. to find out the truth 799. Our children are at a ........ age. 800. Hydrogen is an 801. I understand the has given me a wrong number. 802. 803 804. 805. 806. 807. 808 809. 810. sil Sl 2ian 813. 814, 815. 816. 817. 818. 819. 820. 821. 822. 823. 824. 825. 826. 827. His testimony proves my Years ago, the .......... of children in factories was very common. Steinbeck’s ... of life in small town America is very realistic. What methods of .......... do they use? At the end of her telephone conversation, she put down the ......... The beauty of Greece is.......... The .......... heat was almost unbearable. We admired her .......... to her son. She was praised for her .......... behaviour. . His dream was to become a.......... «+. Substances are harmful. Last week we listened to a wonderful piano How did this house come into your family’s . for her to do that job. I count on her His neighbour was a young and That country has an We have to give the the key to our room. Mother has explained that prolonged to the sun can cause sunstroke. People have always admired his What is the .......... of London? Tt was .. . climate our names and he will give us of the skin Our new neighbours are very sss... The little boy .......... his feet in the lake. That country used to be a but now it is a republic. .. face. He has a very . Don’t forget that failure is still a... IRRELEVANT DETECT REBEL EXPLODE OPERATE INNOCENT EXPLOIT PORTRAY SELECT RECEIVE TIME OPPRESS DEVOTE REPROACH SENATE IRRITATE RECITE POSSESS TIRE SECRET ATTRACT EQUATOR RECEPTION EXPOSE ORATOR POPULATE INQUISITION BATH DICTATE EXPRESS POSSIBLE 828. 829. 830. A & 834. 842. 843. 844. 845. 846. 847. 848 849. 850. 851. 859. . Her voice sounded very . After this incident, he was insured against 3. She tried to give a .. . In the end, the salesman proved to be a ..... . My brother's room is decorated with colourful ... . It’s surprising that so many old laws are still Today we have studied the .. The noise was scarcely .... It has been discovered that there was an Iron Age in this area. - This letter will cost you 75 pence for .......... . As he has been in jail so many times, he may rightly be called a She is not exactly ... at counting. but she is not very good . That school was known for its discipline and .......... . We were shocked by the ... . Why did you refuse to accept their ......s:? - She has such a .... . All . damage. .. child! compounds contain carbon. We can admire century-old .. .. in this museum. . Grannie retuses to eat fruit and vegetables that have been sprayed with ........ There is a great The crowd were . The weather was quite My new car has a In that group, there were four .. lam sure that a year in the army will The opening of parliament is a ...... . engine. .. and one singer. him. occasion. There was a between him and his neighbour. She asked fot . to go there. We should always try to show .......... to other people. .. account of what she had seen there. We looked at the .......... horns of the bull. She will be .......... with him if he is late again. This sentence was a last minute .. . between your opinion and mine. CIRCULATE TOLERATE SETTLE POST JAIL AUTHORITY NUMERATE, SEVERE EXTEND RECOMMEND CHARM ORGAN POTTER INSECT DIFFER EXULT AUTUMN POWER INSTRUMENT TOUGH CEREMONY RECONCILE PERMIT TOLERATE BREAK FACT SHINE TRAFFIC POST FURY OPERATE INSERT 860. 861. 862. . Your sister has made a remarkable - of water is very common in this part of the world. (SHORT 86: S 865. 866. 867. . Some people develop altitude . 86 2 869. 870. . As a result of 872. 873. 871 874, 875. 876. * 877. 878. 879. 880. 881. 882. 883. 884, . You have had several 886. 887. 888. 88 a 889. 890. 891. 892. He sees no .. That young man was noted for his We saw a . in getting there before sunset. ... in front of our house. . after her illness, Thave to ... the chicken before cooking it. We have heard about the ........ death of his cousin, The people murdered their ... high mountains. Thave no.......... to talking to him. If we allow this man to go unpunished, it will set a ........ , this shirt is now too small to wear. Tam sure she will be ......... to her promise What is your opinion about the .......... powers of certain substances? Wild animals live in ... Oxygen is a . element. Thad my eyes tested last week, at my wife's .......... She has had this scar on her forehead since her ... The doctor says I have a very poor . Ican’t believe that she has lied to us; ste is . ina zoo. incapable of .......... Is your knee still .......... 2 We managed to carry our luggage in a........... Your on this document means that you agreed to it. Itis .. 0 see a monkey smoking a cigar. We are sure that his intentions are ... . of your illness lately. The pupil spoke with great tes That business ......... took us several days, After so many years of .........., the peasants finally revolted. She was famous for her great .. of outlook It is . to have to wait so long for the train, His of talking to me that evening surprised me. My cousin joined the .......... service. 172 DIFFICULT GALLANT BEG RECOVER i TRAGEDY OPPRESS SICK AVERSE PRECEDE FAITH RECUPERATE CAPTIVE GAS INSIST BABY DIGEST FALSE PAIN TRAIL. SIGN COMIC BENEVOLENCE PRECISE TRANSACT OPPRESS B D TOLERATE AVOID DIPLOMACY 893. 894. 895. 896. 897. 898. 899. 900. 901. 902, 903. 905 90¢ 90° 903 e226 909. 910. Oll. 913. 914. 91S. 916. 917. . They all appreciated the . 918. 919. 920. 921. 922. 923, 924. . His gun was fitted with a . His grand father had been a man of g great .. What is the most event in your life? Mr. James has become a .......... noveli His dream was to be a wellknown My brother has recently been prortioreda RON set You have a very ........ idea about happiness, I can't believe in .......... What .......... did they go in? She made several .......... to your remarks. He showed great interest in ... . meditation. She has only a very .......... knowledge of German. Suddenly we saw a.......... figure in the darkened room. Josephine is a woman of great . . This time he had an .......... reaction. . Alice looks .... in her new dress. My brother enjoys .......... so much I don’t think he’ll ever get married. Whose .......... Was it 0 go there so early? The courtiers burst into laughter when they heard Sie esceosee 2. We tried to find her telephone number in the telephone ....... My son’s dream is to become a ssssssss Tt was he who had such a idea. Young people who break the law are sent to a wes The . of this document will take me about twenty minutes. Thave a large ... in this company. . of your words. The force of attraction between the objects is called ....... All these goods are easily ...... We can say that the colours of eg clothes When she saw the results of the exam, her .. was obvious. Tlooked at my .......... in the water. He got angry when he heard that there was a .. information somewhere. SIGNIFY FAME PAINT INSPECT FANCY PREDESTINE DIRECT REFER TRANSCEND BASE GHOST SILENCE REFINE LEARN PREDICT FANTASY 3 ACHELOR INSPIRE es} DIRECT PARACHUTE FARCE REFORM TRANSCRIBE HOLD SINCERE GRAVITATE TRANSPORT HARMONY DISAPPOINT REFLECT LEAK 925. The news 926. 927. 928. 929. 930. 931. 932. 933. 934. 935. 936. 937. 938. 939. 94 94 942, 943. 944. 945. 946. 947. 948. 949. 950. 951. You have been elected .... 952. 953. 954. The football fans’ behaviour was ..... S .... has just finished. angel is believed to be a good spirit that AS protects each of us. . Many of his words and expressions are rather ....... They tested the .......... of water. ). Old castles have a strange . . This child has a She spoke with .. Your house is absolutely .......... The thieves have stolen all my .. for us to infection. of his behaviour. Tremember her father was .......... Her . is for classical music rather than light music. Nucleai . is one of the main issues mankind is confronted with. ‘We saw a tired .......... on the road. I was greatly .......... by that piece of news. During the war, a lot of .......... fled to America. His actions are .. . Unfortunately, till exists in some parts of the world. They had to obey the decisions taken by the of the party. This woman has had two three years. She thinks that he is her friend, but he is ... Some .. T can’t bear my aunt’s .......... The school master took measures against those who had broken the school regulations. The Prime Ministers of these countries have finally agreed to meet for ... talks. According to the medical report, she is The bank has lent me money on very ... of our society. When I asked for his permission, I was met with a . Iremember that he was such a.......... that couldn’t tell when he was being serious. .. will be served at the end of this meeting. erms, .. to their team. 955, Do you think that your behaviour can be js? 174 TRANSMIT GUARD TRANSPARENT FASCINATE PREDISPOSE DISAPPROVE PALATE JEWEL, PARALYSIS PREFER DISARM TRAVEL HEART REFUGE EASON SLAVE LEAD PREGNANT (TREACHERY ) REFRESH SNOB DISCIPLINE PREPARE PARANOIA FAVOUR TREASURE REFUSE JOKE DISCREDIT PARDON mistake, number of the car 956. In my opinion, you have made a 957. I have made a note of the ..... which killed your dog. 958. The old woman was accused of ... 959. He looked so........... that I realised he had won. 960. His .......... about my health was unexpected. 961. I count on your .......... 962. She will decorate her house .......... of the cost. 963. My daughter is a member of a youth.......... 964. We look for .. 965. The tune that the 966. There are a lot of .......... on the walls. 967. You made a........... remark about our duties. 968. She will be punished for her .... 969. What is your .......... now? 970. She showed good.......... in choosing that hotel. 971. I see that your recovery is only 972. Jack pays a visit to his grandparents with great .......... 973. His sister always uses her 974. They had a.. iving-room. 975. This isa very .......... time for us. 976. I'd like to spend a week or two somewhere in a......... sometimes. ... played was very beautiful & ... to win an argument. space. 977. This is a matter of great .......... 978. The fans gave the footballer E: Wererreey welcome. 979. After the death of his uncle, he became the .......... owner of that castle. 980. I can’t bear the of his manners. 981. He told us some tories. 982. When she married her husband, his ......... hers, too, by marriage. 983. This information is very 984. I looked at them ii 985. Milk becomes cheese by sss. 986. Fishing is one of my favourite ......... 987. Please, give me the ......... about that accident. 988. This is a........ view of the problem. .. amazement. 175 . views by the king. FEAR REGISTER HERESY TRIUMPH SOLICIT DISCREET REGARD FELLOW SOLITARY TRUMPET PAINT PARENTHESIS DISOBEY OCCUPY JUDGE PART REGULAR FEMININE SPACE TRY PEACE. URGENT TUMULT LAW VULGAR SPICE RELATE USE SPEECH FERMENT RELAX PARTICULAR SUBJECT 989. In my opinion, the ....... of this computer is very complicated. KEY 990. The .......... of wolves is wellknown. FEROCIOUS 991. We have just entered a new business .......... PARTNER towards music. LEAN yes when he had measles. WATER 992. He hada... 993. The baby ha 994. They will bury her....... tomorrow. REMAIN 995. I need four... of cloth five metres long. 996. It is very difficult for us to be .......... towards our own team. PARTIAL . of my grandfather. REMEMBER . in the village. FESTIVE WASH 997. This monument was erected in... 998. When I got home, there was a great 999. Don’t worry, this is a .... i 1000. Coats of arms were 176 199. Do you mind showing me your identity card? 200. I scolded her for making so much noise. 201. She avoided looking at him. 202. Far from loving her, you actually detested her. 203. She objected to being sent there so early. 204. Jane succeeded in borrowing books from the library. 205. The prisoner denied murdering/having murdered the old woman. 206. We are in need of more money to finance our plans. 207. Lunch is always served at 2 p.m. 208. They knew her to be a very good singer. 209. Alice has accused me of being responsible for the stain on the carpet. 210. Not only my sister but also my brother plays the piano well. 211. You'll have to get your room decorated. 212. No matter what she says, don’t believe her. 213. I like this song and so does my friend 214, It’s time she knew these things! 215. The handle of this door must be repaired. 216. No sooner had she gone inside than she locked the door. 217. John regretted having offered to help her. 218. To avoid missing the bus, she ran to the bus stop. 219. She seems to have seen us. 220, Not only is Alice intelligent, but she is also hardworking. 221. He’s kept us waiting for two hours! 222. I wish I had noticed the change. 223. She will have her camera stolen if she carries it in that bag. 224. He needn't have paid so much for the TV set. 225. Take a bottle of juice in case you are thirsty. 1. arrival 4.complimentary 7. young 10. pointless 13. questionable 16. dishonourable 19. volunteered "22. energetic 25. sociologist 28. entertainment 31. envious 34. reassurance 37. tactfully _ 40. strengthen 43. precision 46. certainty "49. feclings 52. behaviour 55. warmth 58. encouragement 61. impassable 64. surroundings 67. enclosure 70. descent 73. neighbourhood 16. popularity an VII. WORD-BUILDING 2. courtesy 3. inferiority 5. stretchers 6. height 8. enjoyable 9. mountainous 11. loss 12, unawares 14, laughter 15. expectations 17. depth 18, powerless 20. variety 21, grown-ups 23. investment 26. inexplicable 29. pursuers 32. formalities 35. changeable 38. organisation 41. nutritious 44. automaton 47. choice 50. anxiety 53. reliable 56. poisonous 59. speedy 62. inexhaustible 65. various 68. fertilizers 71. residential 74, household: 77. stardom 41 24, uncontrollable 27. suspiciously 30. muscular 33. countless 36. worthless 39. weight 42. inventive 45. length 48. typist 51. friendly 54. cautiously . attendance 60. widen 63. scenic 66. lifeless 69. seasoning 72. economical 75. architecture ¥ 3 78. competitive 79. diversity 82. harmful 85. troublesome 88. apologetic 91. influential 94. unbelievable 97. momentarily 100. generosity 103. fixation 106. kingdom 109. cellist 112. wisdom 115. artful 118. description 121. unemployment 124, receival 127. cruelty 130. acquaintance 133. admission 136. departure 139. performance 142. boredom 145. proposal» 148. hatred 151. flight 154, reduction 157. millionaire 160. willingly 163. weariness 166. warriors 169. vineyards 172, absentees 175. misunderstanding 80. clarity 83. mercilessly 86. hindrance 89. appetizing 92. imaginative 95. advisable 98. stupidity 101. mouthful 104. defence 107. development 110. abolition 113. cleanliness 116, training 119. embodiment 122. insanity 125. upheaval 128, inhabitants 131. villagers 134. absence 137. recognition 140. revival 143. pressure 146. remainder 149. descendants 152.enquiry/enquiries 15S. sale 158. worthwhile 161. abbot 164, ability 167. worldwide 170. victorious 173. miraculous 176.allowance 42 81. spectacular 84. moderation 87. confidential 90. originality 93. standardizing 96. unavoidable 99. mastery 102. philosophers 10S. starvation 108. meanness 111. enlightenment 114, membership 117. ownership 120. thrillers 123. dullness 126. marriage 129, childishness 132, mockery 135, advertisments 138. movements 141, resemblance 144. resolution 147. complaints 150. noisily 153. ashamed 156. relief 159. worried 162. lovingly 165. meaningless 168. methodical 171. failures 174. unfortunate 177. mischievous 178. unconscious 181. truthfully 184.contemptuously 187. trustworthy 190. monstrous 193. announcement 196. moisture 199, approximation 202. threaten 205. idleness 208. thoughtless 211. suitable 214. beheaded 217. desperate 220. massive 223. commandments 226. emperor 229, tobacconist’s, 232. youngster 235. compulsory 238. reddish 241. characterization 244. illustrative 247. justification 250. hangover 253. poetry/poem 256. winnings 259. visionary 262. stiffening 265. provincial 268. Almighty 271. violence 274. accusatory 179. mixture 182. troublesome 185. annoyance 188, mocking 191. touching 194, di 197. tidin 200. gracious 203. rebellion 206. guidance 209. rehearsal 212. barely 215. betrayal 218. shaky 221. breathless 224. crossing 227. emptiness 230. surgeon 233, mourning 236. intriguing 239, mathematicians 242. absolution 245, summarize 248. ladylike 251. optional 254, ridiculous 257. deceptive 260. monetary 263. vocational 266. trespassing 269. redemption 272. resplendence 275. boarder ines. S 43 180. alteration 183. amusement 186. gardening 189. apologise 192. realisation 195. governor 198. reasonable 201. movable 204. argument 207. multiplication 210. warning 213. loneliness 216. loosen 219. blotter 222. comparison 225. defiance 228. wrongly 231, zealous 234. inconceivable 237. prayer 240. greenhouse 243. suddenness 246. keepsake 249. tyrannical 252. nightmare 255. respectability 258. entry 261. solitary 264, assembly 267. absorption 270. journalistic 273. sobriety 276. acquisition 277. specialization 280, Resurrection 283. accordance 286. scientific 289. acidity 292. completeness 295. impolite 298. coincidence 301. assistance 304, honesty 307. collection 310. immobilized 313. indifference 316. response 319, accuracy 322. unfortunately 325. confidence 328, obedient 331, suspicion 334, employees 337. risky 340. inheritance 343. schooling 346. competition 349. furry 352. lengthy 355. renewal 358. conveniences 361. minority 364. lessened 367. wholesale 370. inaugural 373. arguable 3 278. undrinkable 281. addressee 284. imagery 287. responsibly 290. clothe 293. absenteeism 296. accountant 299. excitement 302. accomplishment 305. impractical 308. imaginable 311. horrible 314. combination 317. decision 320. incarnation 323. inconceivable 326. attractions 329. shorten, 332. agreement 335. accusation 338. noisy 341, memorize 344, childlike 347, harden 350. headlines 353. disposition 356. illusory 359. distant 362. passage 365. prescription 368. suicidal 371. renunciation 374. presentable 44 279. silverware 282. grandeur 285. roughened 288, suspicious 291, majority 294, fashionable 297. edition *300. curiosity 303. friendliness 306, modification 309, accumulation 312. prisoners 315. decency i 318. impression 321. strength 324. enlargement 327. assured 330. pride 333. cyclic 336, inattentive 339. shameful 342. carelessly 345. affectionate 348. global 351. coverage 354. presentiment 357. ability 360, friendship 363. conclusions 366. remunerative 369. administrative 372. wilderness 375. convalescent 376, lucky 379, distribution 382. adoptive 385. dissension 388, conventional 391. presidency 394, windy 397. artist 400. floral 403. disadvantages 406. flourishing 409. momentary 412. repayable 415. ageless 418. fluency 421. cooperation 424. foolishness 427. moneylender 430. summery 433. pathetic 436. docility 439. imitative 442. doubtful 445. forcible 448. representative 451. witchcraft 454, locality 457, agreeably 460. contraction 463. ignorance 466. lovely 469. formality 472. princely 377. miraculous 380. admirable 383. confusion 386, Financier 389. liars 392. widower 395. passionate 398, consumer 401. disturbance 404. diversity 407. conspirators 410. conversion 413. prevalent 416. division 419. molecular 422. illegitimate 425. agency 428. repeatable 431. wireless 434, inanimate 437. monumental 440. correction 443. contradictory 446. priceless 449, accomplishment 452. patience 455. mortality 458. unmeasurable 461. corruptible 464. kindness 467. drawer 470. accessible 473. reproachful 45 378. figurative 381. inclusive 384. librarian 387. preservation 390. rental 393, illogical 396. advancement 399. modernize 402. likeness 405. presumption 408. repairable 411, lighter 414, inclinations 417. passivity 420. addition 423. divinity 426, constructive 429. prevention 432, replacement 435. continuation 438. footing 441. limitless 444, morality 447. supposition 450. beings 453. reporter 456. drainage 459. formative 462. lodger 465. breathe 468. motherly 47). invitation 474. patronage 475. supremacy 478, dutiful 481. immature 484. movable 487. absolutely 490. priority 493, surgery 496, magician . altruistic 502. fruitful 505. eccentricity . fulfilment 511. withdrawal 514. accidental 517. requirements 520. debatable 523. allergic 526. musical w & 529. resignation 532. survival 535. pearly 538. resourceful S41, impulsive 544, pedantic 547. interpretation 550. peasantry 553. professional 556. acceptable 559. emergency 562. defective 565. occupant 568, proficiency 571. amazingly 3 476. inadequate 479. creative 482. creditable 485. pavement 488. contributory 491. reproduction 494, 497. payment 500. dangerous 503. impressive 506. perpetuity 509, republican 512. residence 515. probability 518. peaceable 521. funny 524. edification 527. interference 530. proceedings 533. resistance active = 536. maintenance 539. effective 542. illegal 545. worshippers 548. alliance 551. annuity 554. calculator 5957. respectable 560. masterpi 563. narrator 566. enchantment 569. swampy 572. delicacy 46 477. madness 480. fortifications 483. earthen 486. fragmentary 489. location 492. paternity 495. correspondence 498. catable 501. multiplication 504, alarmist 507. magnetize 510. privacy 513. controversial 516, interaction 519. problematic 522. improper 525. declaration 528. functional 531. wonderful 534. workable 537. proclamation 540. allusion 543. embroidery 546. decorative 549. yearly 552. mysterious 555. deduction '58.courtship 561. peculiarity 564. sweetened 567. materialize 570. interrogative 573. suspension 574. disruptive 577. profitable 580. defenders 583. encouragement 586. restoration 589. intersection 592. promotion 595. perplexity 598. ambitiousness 601. negociable 604. penetration 607. democracy 610. prosecution 613. instinctive 616, nervous 619. penniless 622. ancestry 625. intimacy 628. talkative 631. tasteful 634. in 637. pensioners 640. protection 643. personal 646. merciful 649. rewarding 652. immortal 655. objectivity 658. perfection 661. rivalry 664. personification 667. meritorius 670. impatient tructive 575, swimmer 578. nationalized 581. prohibitive 584, adventurous 587. penalty 590. amendment 593. restful 596. navigation 599. definition 602. perseverence 605. melodious 608. restrictive 611. multiplicity 614. deformity 617. lamentable 620. synonymous 623, prospective 626. enormities 629. prosperity 632. persistent 635. enthusiastic 638. appearance 641. telegrapher 644. introductions 647. application 650. perceptible 653. appointment 656. providential 659. insulation 662. tempestuous 665. rudimentary 668. essential 671. intrusion 47 576. 579. 582. 585. 58! S91. 5% 597. 600. 60: 600 609. 612. 615. 618. 621. 624, 627. 630. 633. 636. 639. 642. 645. 648 651 654, 657. 660. 663. 666. 669. 672. * x &5 respiratory idealist responsible medallist symbolizes delivery }. endurance instantaneous enmity . retirement . intervention symbolic engagement detestable returnable reversal sympathetic mentality anonymity nomadic nourishment demonstrative revolutionary proverbial lightened nursery equation rosy telepathic savings provocative . robbery denial 673. obscurity 676. legendary 679. impartial 682. publicity 685. evocative 688. aptness 691. obsession 694, examiner 697. safety 700. meteoric 703. periodical 706. dentistry 709. obstinacy 712. metric 715. sandy 718. argumentative 721. idiocy 724, exclamation 727. satirizes 730. academic 733. intrusive 736. inexcusable 739. implausible 742. rationed 745. designation 748. phrasal 751. oceanic 754. existence 757. skepticism 760. thickened 763. therapeutic 766, desirable 769. odourless 8 v 674, perilous 677. prudence 680, approximately 683. 686. sadist observant 689, idolatry 69: 695. 698. 701. 704. 707. S pulsating landing quarrelsome punishable obstruction impa: e 710. radiation 713. 716. 719. 722. 72 72 Bh 73. 734, 737. persuasive railway perjury permanent . imperturbable intensify terminology . rapidity . inhibitions 740. occurrence 743. 746. 749, . savings . theoretical . reaction 752. exhibition 755. 758. 761 764, 767 770. oddity . involuntary . scholarship . scientists . reactionary . expansion 48 675, eventful 678. metallic 681. rusty 684. persuasion 687. nationalism 690. dependants 693. qualification 696. racial 699. accelerator 702. insurance 705. Excellency 708. excessive 711. salutation 714. intention 717. pertinent 720. occasional 723. armful 726. temptation 729. thankful 732. satisfactory 735, arrangements 738. exhaustive 741. incalculable 744, theatrical 747, scenery 750, scarcity 753. inhuman 756. picturesque 759, largely 762. investiture 765. assumption 768. pilgrimage 711. citizenship S 8 772. initiative 775. sculpture 778. destructive 781. brilliance 784. pitiful 787. injurious 790. playful 793. tightened 796. breathtaking 799. rebellious 802. innocence 805. selection 808. oppressive 811. senator 814. possession 817. attractive 820. exposure 823. inquisitive 826. expressive 829. tolerable 832. jailbird $35. severity 838, charming 84 844, autumnal 847, toughen 850. permission 853. facwal 856. postets 859. insertion 862. beggar 865. defrost 868. sickness &S . insecticide 773. plantation 776. atrocities 779. investigation 782. reality 785. attachment 788. explanatory 791. seasonal 794. civilian 797. irrelevancies 800. explosive 803. exploitation 806. receiver 809. devotion 812. irritant 815. tiresome 818. equatorial 821. oratory 824. bathed 827. possibility 830.settlement 833. authoritative 836. extensive 839. organic 842. difference 845. powerful 848. ceremonial 851. tolerance 854, shiny 857. furious 860. difficulty 863. recovery 866. tragic 869. aversion 49 774, readership 777. operation 780. scornful 783. scrutinized 786. expulsion 789. opposition 792. attainments 795. ticklish 798. detective 801. operator 804. portrayal 807. timeless 810. irreproachable 813. recital 816. secrecy 819. receptionist 822. population 825. dictatorship 828, circulation 831. postage 834, innumerate 837. recommendations 840. pottery 843, exultant 846, instrumentalists 849. reconciliation 852. breakage 855. wafficker 858. operative 861. gallantry 864. shortage 867. oppressor 870. precedent 871, shrinkage 874. captivity 877. babyhood 880. painful 883. comical 886. precision 889. breadth 892. diplomatic 895. painter 898. predestination 901. transcendental 904, silencer 907. unpredictable 910, inspiration 913. parachutist 916. transcription 919. gravitation 92. disappointment 925. transmission 928, transparency 931. disapproval 934, paralytic 937. traveller 940. treasonable 943. pregnancies 946. snobbery 949, paranoiac 952. refusal 955. pardonable 958. heretical 961. discretion 964. solitude 967. parenthetical 8 872. faithful 875. gaseous 878. digestion 881. trailer 884, benevolent 887. transaction 890. intolerable 893. significant 896. inspector 899, direction 902. basic 905. refinement 908. fantastic 911. jester 914. farcical 917. holding 920. transportable 923. reflection 926. guardian 929. fascination 932. palatial 935. preference 938. heartened 941. slavery 944. treacherous 947. disciplinary 950. favourable 953. joker 956, fearful 959. triumphant 962. regardless 965. trumpeter 968. disobedience 3 S 50 873. 876. 879. 882. 885. 888. 891. 894. 897. 900. 903. 906. 909, 912. 915. 918. 921 924, 927. 930. 933. 936. 939. 945. 948. 951. 9S. 957. zg 96: 966. 969. » recuperative insistence falsehood signature recurrences oppression avoidance famous fanciful references ghostly i learning bachelorhood directory reformatory sincerity harmonize leakage slangy predisposition jewellery disarmament refugees . leadership refreshments preparatory treasurer discreditable registration solicitude fellowship paintings ‘occupation 970. judgement 973, feminity 976. peaceful 979. lawful 982. relations 985, fermentation 988. subjective 991. partnership 994, remains 997. remembrance 1000. heraldic 971. partial 974. spacious 977. urgency 980. vulgarity 983. useful 986. relaxations 989. keyboard 992. leaning 995. widths 998. festivity ae 972. regularity 975. trying 978. tumultuous 981. spicy 984, speechless 987. particulars 990. ferocity 993. watery 996. impartial 999. washable

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