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The Journal of Bioadhesion and Biofilm Research

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Biofilm inhibition and anti-quorum sensing activity

of phytosynthesized silver nanoparticles against
the nosocomial pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Saloni Shah, Swapnil Gaikwad, Shuchi Nagar, Shatavari Kulshrestha, Viniti

Vaidya, Neelu Nawani & Sarika Pawar

To cite this article: Saloni Shah, Swapnil Gaikwad, Shuchi Nagar, Shatavari Kulshrestha, Viniti
Vaidya, Neelu Nawani & Sarika Pawar (2019) Biofilm inhibition and anti-quorum sensing activity of
phytosynthesized silver nanoparticles against the nosocomial pathogen Pseudomonas�aeruginosa,
Biofouling, 35:1, 34-49, DOI: 10.1080/08927014.2018.1563686

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2019, VOL. 35, NO. 1, 34–49

Biofilm inhibition and anti-quorum sensing activity of phytosynthesized

silver nanoparticles against the nosocomial pathogen
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Saloni Shaha, Swapnil Gaikwada, Shuchi Nagarb, Shatavari Kulshresthaa, Viniti Vaidyaa, Neelu Nawania and
Sarika Pawara
Microbial Diversity Research Centre, Dr. D. Y. Patil Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Institute, Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune, India;
Bioinformatics Research Laboratory, Dr. D. Y. Patil Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Institute, Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune, India


Quorum sensing (QS), the communication signaling network, regulates biofilm formation and Received 25 May 2018
several virulence factors in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1, a nosocomial opportunistic patho- Accepted 18 December 2018
gen. QS is considered to be a challenging target for compounds antagonistic to virulent factors.
Biologically synthesized silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are reported as anti-QS and anti-biofilm
Piper betle; silver
drugs against bacterial infections. The present study reports on the synthesis and characteriza- nanoparticles; anti‒quorum
tion of Piper betle (Pb) mediated AgNPs (Pb-AgNPs). The anti-QS activity of Pb-AgNPs against sensing; biofilm inhibition;
Chromobacterium violaceum and the potential effect of Pb-AgNPs on QS-regulated phenotypes Pseudomonas aeruginosa
in PAO1 were studied. FTIR analysis exhibited that Pb-AgNPs had been capped by phytochem- PAO1; molecular docking
ical constituents of Pb. Eugenol is one of the active phenolic phytochemicals in Pb leaves, there-
fore molecular docking of eugenol-conjugated AgNPs on QS regulator proteins (LasR, LasI and
MvfR) was performed. Eugenol-conjugated AgNPs showed considerable binding interactions
with QS-associated proteins. These results provide novel insights into the development of phy-
tochemically conjugated nanoparticles as promising anti-infective candidates.

Introduction look for alternative approaches to fight against P. aer-

uginosa (O’Loughlin et al. 2013; Pawar et al. 2016).
The development of multiple drug resistant (MDR)
P. aeruginosa facilitates the establishment of infec-
bacterial strains is a result of enormous selective pres-
tion via microbial communication by the quorum
sure exerted by extreme and random applications of
sensing (QS) signaling system (Schuster and Greenberg
conventional antibiotics. About 14–15 million patients
2006; Castillo-Juarez et al. 2015). This system utilizes
die yearly because of diseases caused by such MDR
small chemical molecules termed autoinducers (AIs) –
strains (Dye 2014). Nosocomial opportunistic patho- Gram-negative bacteria synthesize AHLs (acyl homo-
gens such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa cause pulmon- serine lactones) while Gram-positive bacteria synthesize
ary infection in immuno-compromised persons and small oligopeptides (Atkinson and Williams 2009).
patients suffer from chronic lung diseases such as cys- These AI molecules stimulate expression of several
tic fibrosis. Moreover, about 10% of nosocomial bac- genes in the targeted bacterial cell when a high popula-
terial infections are caused by this bacterium (Gellatly tion density is attained and controls various pheno-
and Hancock 2013). P. aeruginosa comprises both types such as bioluminescence, biofilm formation
cell-associated determinants and several secreted fac- (Davies et al. 1998), biosurfactant production (Dusane
tors which contribute to its pathogenicity and toxicity et al. 2010) and swarming (Eberl et al. 1996) which
effect (Balasubramanian et al. 2013). In addition, it contribute to bacterial pathogenesis.
adopts a biofilm mode of lifestyle on both abiotic and There are four different interconnected QS signal-
biotic substrata which develops high resistance to ing networks in P. aeruginosa, viz. LasI/LasR, RhlI/
both host immune defense and antibiotics (Donlan RhlR, the Pseudomonas quinolone signal (PQS)/MvfR
and Costerton 2002). Therefore there is a necessity to and IQS (integrated QS). All these pathways are well

CONTACT Sarika Pawar

Supplemental data for this article can be accessed here at
ß 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

regulated in a hierarchical manner. The two QS path- be more useful than those obtained by microbe-medi-
ways, Las and Rhl, produce AHL signaling molecules ated synthesis, because plants or plant extracts do not
such as 3-oxododecanoyl-l-homoserine lactone demand any sophisticated method of maintenance or
(3-oxo-C12-HSL) and butyryl-l-homoserine lactone preservation like microbial cultures (Singh et al. 2016;
(C4-HSL), by the LasI and RhlI synthase enzymes, Rafique et al. 2017).
respectively (Lee and Zhang 2015; Rampioni et al. Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are attracting much
2016). The third QS system responds to the PQS sig- attention in the fields of biomedical technology because
naling molecule 2-heptyl-3-hydroxy-4(1H)-quinolone of their antibacterial, anti-biofilm, anti-cancer and anti-
which binds to its transcriptional regulator MvfR oxidant properties (Taglietti et al. 2014; Ghosh et al.
(PqsR) (Deziel et al. 2005). At their appropriate con- 2015; Zhang et al. 2016). There are reports on anti QS
centrations, these HSL and PQS autoinducers bind to and the biofilm inhibitory activity of green synthesized
their respective receptor proteins, named LasR, RhlR, AgNPs/nanocomposites (Masurkar et al. 2012; Singh
and MvfR, respectively, and induce the transcription et al. 2015; Kulshrestha et al. 2017; Srinivasan et al.
of several genes that encode for different virulence 2017). Piper betle L. (Pb) is a widely cultivated plant in
products like elastases, rhamnolipids, siderophores the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia and has
(pyoverdine) and pyocyanin (Strateva and Mitov long been in use for several medicinal formulations.
2011; Moradali et al. 2017). Moreover, the function of There are a few reports on Pb-functionalized AgNPs
these QS pathways in P. aeruginosa biofilm formation (Pb-AgNPs) for their antibacterial, anti-QS and anti-
was described by Davies et al. (1998). P. aeruginosa cancer activities (Shanmuga Prabha et al. 2014; Preethi
which is defective in QS systems is impaired in viru- and Padma 2016; Srinivasan et al. 2017), but the anti-
lence and produces a flat biofilm sensitive to antibiot- QS and anti-biofilm activity of Pb-AgNPs against P.
ics (Jensen et al. 2007; Van Gennip et al. 2009). aeruginosa PAO1 have not been explored so far. Here
To date, several studies have proved that the bac- one-step synthesis of AgNPs has been demonstrated
terial virulence factors can be targeted by inhibiting using Pb leaf extract and the anti-QS and anti-biofilm
the QS system using compounds isolated from plants activity of these nanoparticles against P. aeruginosa
and/or synthetic drugs (Borges et al. 2016). Some of PAO1 is evaluated. Further, the mechanism of action
these QSIs have also demonstrated promising preclin- of AgNPs and eugenol-conjugated AgNPs was exam-
ical benefits in conjunction with conventional antibi- ined by computational molecular docking with P. aeru-
otics (Rasmussen, Bjarnsholt, et al. 2005; Jakobsen ginosa PAO1 quorum sensing regulator proteins.
et al. 2012). However, due to inefficient systemic solu-
bility, stability, delivery, and bioavailability, the appli- Materials and methods
cation of these QSIs to clinical studies has shown
limited uses (Defoirdt et al. 2013). In addition, the Chemicals and reagents
pharmacokinetics of these inhibitors, specifically Elastin Congo red (ECR) and dimethyl sulfoxide
plant-based QSIs, indicate that even high doses might (DMSO) were procured from Sigma Aldrich (Mumbai,
not be adequate to attain their real anti-QS effect India). Silver nitrate (AgNO3) was obtained from
(Murugan et al. 2013; Wu et al. 2015). Thus, there is a Qualigens (Mumbai, India). Crystal violet, Tris-HCl,
need to search for the other potential compounds/drugs acridine orange, tryptone, yeast extract, glucose and
that would efficiently inhibit the QS signaling network. sodium chloride (NaCl) and media such as Luria
In recent years, several researchers have started Bertani (LB) broth and agar and nutrient broth No. 2
using nanotechnology for the development of the were procured from Hi Media Laboratories Pvt. Ltd
next-generation nano-antimicrobials, including ‘QS (Mumbai, India).
nano-inhibitors’. These have many advantages, such
as better mucus and biofilm penetration, higher solu-
Bacterial culture conditions
bility, effective delivery, and maintenance of the activ-
ity of QSIs (Nafee et al. 2014). P. aeruginosa PAO1 (MTCC 3541, Chandigarh) and
Biological synthesis of metal nanoparticles using Chromobacterium violaceum 12472 (MCC 2290,
different plant parts (Gade et al. 2010), microorgan- Pune) were routinely grown in sterile Luria Bertani
isms (Konishi et al. 2007; Gaikwad et al. 2013) and/or (LB) (Hi Media Laboratories) medium with 120 rpm
enzymes (Willner et al. 2006) is emerging as a poten- agitation in a laboratory shaker. P. aeruginosa PAO1
tial eco-friendly and safe option to chemical or phys- was cultured at 37  C and C. violaceum at 30  C. The
ical methods. Plant-mediated metal nanoparticles can cultures were preserved at 80  C in LB medium

containing 40% (v v–1) glycerol. All the laboratory Japan) operating at 40 kV. For FTIR spectroscopy ana-
experiments were performed in triplicate. lysis the Pb-AgNPs samples were mixed with KBr
(potassium bromide) and spectra were measured in the
wave number range 400–4,000 (cm1) on a JASCO
Preparation of Pb leaf aqueous extract
FTIR 6100 model (Tokyo, Japan).
Pb fresh leaves were purchased from a local market,
cleaned with sterile deionized water (DDW) to remove
Evaluation of the minimum inhibitory
dust and other impurities, and ensuring that no particu-
concentration (MIC) of Pb-AgNPs
late impurities were left. After washing, the leaves were
allowed to dry in shade and in the dark for 3‒4 days at For this assay, the stock solution of Pb-AgNPs was
room temperature. For extract preparation, 1 g of dried prepared by dissolving 1 mg of Pb-AgNPs powder in
leaf powder was boiled with DDW (100 ml) at 90  C for 1 ml of sterile LB broth. The MICs of Pb-AgNPs
15 min. The solution was filtered through Whatman No. against P. aeruginosa PAO1 and C. violaceum 12472
1 paper and centrifuged at 5,000 g for 20 min in order strains were evaluated according to CLSI guidelines
to separate any residual materials. The extract solution (Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute), by the
was kept at 4  C for further experiments. double dilution method using 96-well microtiter plates
(MTPs) (Pattnaik, Ahmed, et al. 2018). Briefly, overnight
grown cultures were inoculated into sterile LB broth with
Synthesis of Pb-AgNPs
different concentrations of Pb-AgNPs and incubated for
For synthesis of Pb leaf-derived AgNPs (Pb-AgNPs), 20 h at 37  C for PAO1 and 30  C for C. violaceum. The
AgNO3 from Qualigens was used without further puri- concentration of Pb-AgNPs at which there was no visible
fication. Pb-AgNPs synthesis was performed by adding bacterial growth was considered as its MIC.
10 ml of dry leaf extract to 0.1 ml of AgNO3 solution
(100 mM). The reaction mixture was then exposed to
Anti-QS activity of Pb-AgNPs against
direct sunlight until the appearance of a brown color
C. violaceum 12472
(Pb-AgNPs). The bio-reduction of the Ag þ ions in
reaction mixture was checked by sampling at regular The effect of sub-lethal Pb-AgNPs concentrations on
intervals using the UV-vis spectrum of the reaction the QS mediated purple color violacein production in
mixture. The colloidal nanoparticles were centrifuged the biomarker strain, C. violaceum 12472, was quanti-
(REMI, Mumbai, India) at 5,000 g for 15 min. The pel- tatively analyzed as described earlier (Pattnaik,
let obtained was washed thoroughly with DDW and Ahmed, et al. 2018). One ml of Pb-AgNPs treated and
dried to get Pb-AgNPs powder. untreated bacterial cells was centrifuged (6,000 g for
15 min) to precipitate insoluble pigment. The super-
natant was discarded and 1 ml of dimethyl sulfoxide
Characterization of Pb-AgNPs
was added to the pellet. The solution obtained was
AgNPs synthesized using aqueous extracts of Pb leaves vortexed for 60 s to solubilize violacein and recentri-
were analyzed using UV-vis spectroscopy (BioTek fuged at 6,000 g for 15 min. The absorbance of viola-
Epoch, Winooski, Vermont, USA) in the range 300– cein-containing supernatant was measured at 585 nm.
900 nm. TEM (transmission electron microscope) ana- Simultaneously, the effect of the tested concentrations
lysis of the Pb-AgNPs was performed using a Philips of Pb-AgNPs on C. violaceum 12472 viability was
CM 200 TEM, Eindhoven, The Netherlands operating determined by the standard plate count method.
at 20–200 kV and nanoparticle size was analyzed by
examining a TEM image by Image J software (Image J
Growth assay
1.46r; Java 1.6.0_20, Collins, 2007) by adding  2 mg
of Pb-AgNPs on a carbon-coated copper grid of 300 A growth assay was performed to check the effect of
mesh size. The surface topography of Pb-AgNPs was Pb-AgNPs on the growth of P. aeruginosa PAO1.
checked by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The 0.1 ml of overnight grown P. aeruginosa PAO1 cells
Pb-AgNPs samples were coated with platinum and (0.5 at OD600) was inoculated into 20 ml of sterile LB
examined by SEM (Nova NanoSEM, Hillsboro, State of medium in the absence and presence of 8 mg ml1 of
Oregon, Washington) at 15 KV. Furthermore, the XRD Pb-AgNPs. All the samples were incubated at 37  C at
patterns of the powdered Pb-AgNPs samples were eval- 200 rpm. The optical density (OD600 nm) was meas-
uated on an XRD system (Rigaku Corporation, Tokyo, ured at regular intervals up to 18 h. The assay was

carried out in triplicate with suitable controls supplemented with 6 and 8 mg ml1 concentrations of
(Adonizio et al. 2008). Pb-AgNPs as described in the swarming assay. Plates
without Pb-AgNPs were used as a control for the
experiments (Imperi et al. 2013).
Effect of Pb-AgNPs on QS-controlled virulence
factors in PAO1
Effect of Pb-AgNPs on PAO1 biofilm
Pyocyanin assay
Pyocyanin was extracted by the method of Imperi et al. Crystal violet assay
(2013) where a P. aeruginosa PAO1 culture was grown The effect of Pb-AgNPs on P. aeruginosa PAO1 biofilm
at different concentrations of Pb-AgNPs (0, 2, 4, 6, and formation was analyzed by the crystal violet (CV) assay
8 mg ml1) and incubated for 20 h at 37  C. After 20 h, in 96-MTP as performed by Anjugam et al. (2018) with
pyocyanin was extracted in three parts of chloroform a few modifications. Briefly, an overnight grown and
(v v–1); the lower layer of chloroform was then re- then diluted P. aeruginosa PAO1 culture in the absence
extracted with 0.2 M HCl. The absorbance of the and presence of increasing concentrations (0, 2, 4, 6,
obtained pink colored solution was measured at 520 nm. and 8 mg ml1) of Pb-AgNPs was incubated for 18 h at
37  C. After this, planktonic cells were measured at
OD600 while the attached bacterial cells were washed
Elastase assay
with sterile phosphate buffer. Then the plate was air
The elastase activity of P. aeruginosa PAO1 was eval- dried and stained with crystal violet (1% w v–1) solution
uated by a previously reported method, with slight for the next 20 min at room temperature. Then the wells
modifications (Vasavi et al. 2016). P. aeruginosa were washed with sterile DDW and the surface associ-
PAO1 culture supernatant (100 ml) treated with 0, 2, ated CV stain was solubilized with ethanol for another
4, 6, and 8 mg ml1 of Pb-AgNPs was mixed with 30 min. The OD570 was measured in an Epoch plate
900 ml of ECR buffer (100 mM Tris, 1 mM CaCl2, pH reader (Anjugam et al. 2018). The percentage of PAO1
7.5 with 10 mg of ECR) and then the tubes were incu- biofilm inhibition was calculated using the formula: %
bated at 37  C for 4 h. The reaction mixtures were of inhibition ¼ [(ControlOD570 nm –TreatedOD570 nm)/
then centrifuged at 5,000 g for 20 min to remove the ControlOD570 nm]  100
insoluble ECR. The absorbance of the supernatant
obtained was determined by reading at 495 nm. The
Biofilm detection using fluorescence microscopy
percentage change in absorbance with respect to an
untreated sample was then estimated to get the reduc- P. aeruginosa PAO1 biofilm formation was monitored
tion in elastase activity. on sterile glass coverslips placed in 12-well plates sup-
plemented with 0, 6 and 8 mg ml1 of Pb-AgNPs and
incubated under static conditions for 20 h at 37  C
Swarming assay
(Rajesh and Rai, 2014). After 20 h, the coverslips were
The swarming motility of P. aeruginosa PAO1 is a removed carefully from the wells without disturbing
behavioral and synchronized surface translocation of the biofilm and then rinsed with sterile 1 mM MOPS
cells across a semi-solid medium (Datta et al. 2016). A buffer (3-N-morpholino-propane-sulfonic acid), pH 7.
PAO1 culture grown in LB for 16 h was spotted at the The rinsing was repeated three to four times to remove
center of swarming agar plates (0.8% nutrient broth freely suspended planktonic cells from the coverslips.
No.2, 0.5% filter sterilized glucose, 0.5% agar). The This was followed by air drying at room temperature.
plates were supplemented with 6 and 8 mg ml1 con- The coverslips were then stained using 0.1% acridine
centrations of Pb-AgNPs. After incubation for 18 h at orange for 3 min and were gently rinsed with MOPS
37  C, swarming motility was monitored at the air–a- buffer. Both treated and control coverslips were
gar interface. Control plates were without Pb-AgNPs. observed under a fluorescence microscope (Olympus
CX41, Hamburg, Germany) at 100 magnification.
Swimming assay
Computational molecular docking studies
An overnight grown culture of P. aeruginosa
PAO1was spot inoculated onto swimming agar plates The Patchdock online tool was used to independently
(0.1% tryptone, 0.5% NaCl, 0.05% yeast extract, 0.3% study the interaction between natural ligand, furanone
agar) by using a sterile wooden toothpick. Plates were C30, AgNP, eugenol and eugenol þ AgNP with LasI

(AHL synthase) and with LasR/MvfR (transcriptional formation of nanoparticles by acting as reducing and
receptor proteins) (Schneidman-Duhovny et al. 2005). capping agents (Rajasekharreddy and Rani 2014). The
PatchDock determines the best protein ligand inter- schematic representation of Pb-AgNP synthesis is
action based on the shape complementarity of soft shown in Supplemental Figure S1 (Supplemental
molecular surfaces. The crystallographic structures of material available online). This procedure did not
the three QS proteins LasI synthase (PDB ID: 1RO5, require any specific chemical and/or sophisticated
resolution ¼ 2.3 Å), LasR transcriptional protein instruments. In short, this method indicates a green,
(PDB ID: 2UV0 chain E, resolution ¼ 1.8 Å) and facile and rapid method for Pb-AgNPs synthesis.
MvfR transcriptional protein (PDB ID: 4JVC, reso-
lution ¼ 2.5 Å) were obtained from the RCSB Protein
Characterization of green synthesized Pb-AgNPs
Data Bank (PDB) []. The
compound eugenol was obtained from the Pubchem UV-vis is common method used to characterize the
database (NCBI PubChem CID: 3314) and silver ion synthesized AgNPs in a given sample. Therefore, syn-
was obtained from the protein databank. Eugenol was thesized Pb-AgNPs were observed using a UV-vis
modified to add Ag ion thus forming a complex of spectrophotometer. As shown in Supplemental Figure
eugenol-Ag in ChemOffice (ChemOffice, 2002). All 1b, Pb-AgNPs showed an absorbance peak at 445 nm,
the ligands were energy minimized with ChemOffice. which corresponds to the excitation of surface plas-
The water molecules and the native ligand were mon vibration in AgNPs. The results corroborate pre-
deleted from the protein files. The ligand files were vious studies by Gaikwad et al. (2013).
prepared as per the requirement of the tool and the SEM and TEM techniques were used for morpho-
docking parameters were kept as default. The relative logical analysis of synthesized Pb-AgNPs. SEM ana-
square mean distance (RMSD) clustering was kept at lysis revealed poly-dispersed Pb-AgNPs with a
< 4.0 Å as suggested by the tool. The result files roughly spherical shape having in the size range
obtained from the Patchdock server after docking 20–70 nm (Figure 1a). TEM micrographs further con-
were analyzed and the figures were generated in a firmed that the synthesized Pb-AgNPs were nearly
Discovery Studio Visualizer v17.2.0. The active sites spherical with a size range of 14–48 nm (Figure 1b
of these three proteins were retrieved from previous and c). The SAED (Selected area electron diffraction)
literature (Parai et al. 2018; Ali et al. 2017). pattern of the synthesized Pb-AgNPs showed precise
diffraction spots in the form of rings, which confirms
Statistical analysis the polycrystalline nature of silver (Figure 1d).
The crystalline structure of dried Pb-AgNPs was
The Student’s t-test was used to calculate the differen- analyzed using the XRD technique (Figure 2a). The
ces between two mean values. Comparative analysis diffracted intensities were recorded from 20 to 80, 2h
of multiple means was performed by one-way analysis angles. XRD analysis exhibits the number of Bragg
of variance (ANOVA) using the online link http:// reflections with 2h values of 37.9 , 46.3 , 64.3 and p values < 76.6 sets of lattice planes which correlate to (111),
0.05 were considered as statistically significant. (200), (220), and (311) facets of a face centered cube
(FCC) crystalline formation of metallic silver, respect-
Results and discussion ively. The results are in accord with the literature
report of the Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction,
Synthesis of Pb-AgNPs standard file no. 04-0783. Thus, the results clearly
Pb-AgNPs were synthesized using the aqueous extract showed that the synthesized Pb-AgNPs were crystal-
of Pb leaves with the help of natural sunlight. Pb line in nature (Gade et al. 2010). FTIR spectroscopic
belongs to family Piperaceae and is widely used in analysis confirmed the different functional groups
India as a post-meal mouth freshener. It shows present on the surface of the Pb-AgNPs. In FTIR ana-
diverse pharmacological activity along with stomachic, lysis of the Pb plant extract, peaks were observed at
antihelminthic, antifungal, tonic, aphrodisiac, and 1,628, 1,404 and 1,073 cm1 (Figure 2b, spectrum i),
laxative activities (Pradhan et al. 2013; Pawar et al. and after synthesis of silver nanoparticles these peaks
2017). There are some recent studies on the synthesis were switched to 1,638, 1,309 and 1,025 cm1,
of different metal nanoparticles by using the Pb leaf. respectively (Figure 2b, spectrum ii). Peaks observed
These studies suggest that the phytochemicals present at 1,638, 1,309 and 1,025 cm1 associate with N-H
in a crude extract of the Pb leaf assist in the bending, C-O stretch and C-N stretch, respectively.

Figure 1. (a) SEM and (b) TEM micrographs of the synthesized Pb-AgNPs. (c) Histogram showing particle size distribution from
TEM micrographs of Pb-AgNPs. (d) SEAD diffraction pattern of Pb-AgNPs.

The peaks revealed binding of an amide linkage with toxic nature than silver ions (Singh et al. 2017). The
Pb-AgNPs, which is clearly evident in the IR region of observed MIC of Pb-AgNPs against P. aeruginosa
the electromagnetic spectrum, demonstrating the exist- PAO1 and the biomarker C. violaceum was 12.5 and
ence of biomolecules as a capping agent for Pb-AgNPs 25 mg ml1 respectively, which was relatively less than
(Ramachandran et al. 2015; Bhople et al. 2016). Pb in previous studies (Singh et al. 2015; Srinivasan et al.
leaves contain a large number of phytochemicals such 2017). Concentrations below this MIC which did not
as amino acids, proteins, hydroxychavicol, eugenol, inhibit viable growth of the PAO1 and C. violaceum
polyphenols, and several alkaloids and terpenoids, was used for all further experiments.
which have reduction properties (Guha 2006). From
overall consideration, it is believed that the phytochem-
icals present in Pb extract have adsorbed over the Anti QS activity of Pb-AgNPs in C.
AgNPs, which stabilizes the synthesized Pb-AgNPs. violaceum 12472
C. violaceum 12472 has been widely used as a model
Antibacterial concentrations of Pb-AgNPs biomarker strain for the identification of quorum
The antibacterial properties of silver nanoparticles sensing inhibitors (QSIs). This bacterium produces
have been widely acknowledged because of their less the AHL-based purple colored pigment violacein

(Mcclean et al. 1997). Inhibition of this pigment with

no effect on bacterial growth indicates the attenuation
of the AHL signaling molecule. In this assay, violacein
inhibition was used to assess the anti-QS activity of
Pb-AgNPs against C. violaceum and concentration
dependent inhibitory activity of Pb-AgNPs on viola-
cein production was examined. Pb-AgNPs potentially
reduced violacein production by the biomarker strain
compared to the control with 75.25 ± 4.1, 88.69 ± 4.59,
and 97.48 ± 1.31% inhibition at 10, 15, and 20 lg ml1,
respectively (Figure 3). In the present study, violacein
inhibition was comparatively higher than that in a pre-
vious report, where chemically synthesized AgNPs
inhibited violacein production by 60% at a concentra-
tion of 500 lg ml1 (Wagh et al. 2013).

Growth assay
To confirm that the observed anti-QS activity of Pb-
AgNPs was not due to their bactericidal activity, the
effect of Pb-AgNPs on the growth of P. aeruginosa
PAO1 was checked (Ravindran et al. 2018). PAO1
growth assay was performed in the absence and pres-
ence (8 mg ml1) of Pb-AgNPs. There was no differ-
ence in the growth pattern of P. aeruginosa PAO1
treated with Pb-AgNPs compared to the control cells
not treated with Pb-AgNPs (Supplemental Figure 2,
Supplemental material available online). Pb-AgNPs at
the above mentioned concentrations had no effect on
the growth of the test strain, suggesting its possible Figure 2. (a) XRD pattern and (b) FTIR spectrum of the syn-
application as a true anti-QS agent (Li et al. 2018). thesized Pb-AgNPs. Spectra: (i) Control (Pb extract) and (ii)
experiment (Expt; Pb-AgNPs).

Substantial inhibition of QS-mediated virulence

factors by Pb-AgNPs
this in view, the effect of sub-lethal Pb-AgNPs concen-
QS is a chemical signaling system utilized by P. aerugi- trations on QS controlled virulence products of P. aeru-
nosa to regulate several virulence products that support ginosa was studied.
successful establishment as a source of infection P. aeruginosa PAO1 produces a blue color pigment,
(Rutherford and Bassler 2012; Lee and Zhang 2015). pyocyanin, a redox active hydroxyphenazine, which is
Hence, the inhibition of this signaling system has one of the toxic virulence factors secreted by this bac-
emerged as a promising approach to target infections terium. It produces reactive oxygen species (ROS) in
caused by P. aeruginosa (Bjarnsholt et al. 2010; mammalian cells and increases oxidative stress. It
Rampioni et al. 2014). To date, several natural and syn- interferes with several host cellular processes such as
thetic compounds have been documented as potential energy metabolism, innate immune responses and gene
inhibitors of QS in P. aeruginosa, including 4-nitro-pyri- expression (Lau et al. 2004; Rada and Leto 2013). The
dine-N-oxide (NPO) (Rasmussen, Skindersoe, et al. effect of sub-lethal concentrations of Pb-AgNPs on
2005), meta-bromo-thiolactone (mBTL) (O’Loughlin pyocyanin production by PAO1 is shown in Figure 4a.
et al. 2013), organosulfur (Cady et al. 2012), cinnamon A significant decline in pyocyanin production was
oil (Kalia et al. 2015), zingerone (Kumar et al. 2015) detected, which corresponded with Pb-AgNP concen-
and others. These compounds do not kill the bacterial tration; the maximum reduction (82.43 ± 0.64%) was
cell and are likely to develop less resistance towards seen at 8 mg ml1, which was significantly higher than
conventional antibiotics (Bhardwaj et al. 2013). Keeping in an earlier report (Ali et al. 2015).

Figure 3. Violacein inhibition in C. violaceum by different concentrations of Pb-AgNPs.

Another important QS-mediated virulence factor is

elastase. The influence of Pb-AgNPs on the activity of
elastase was determined. Elastase is a zinc metallopro-
tease that degrades several host tissue components
including elastin, collagen and fibrin, and also interferes
with the host defense system by preventing the secretion
of immune components such as immunoglobulins and
cytokines (Pearson et al. 1997; Bjarnsholt et al. 2010).
Figure 4b shows the reduction in elastase activity of
PAO1 with increased sub-lethal concentrations of Pb-
AgNPs with reductions of 18.45 ± 7.12, 36.64 ± 5.53,
56.43 ± 2.48 and 77.40 ± 1.02% at 2, 4, 6 and 8 lg ml1,
respectively. A significant reduction in elastase activity
due to Pb-AgNPs provides good evidence of their
potential to make P. aeruginosa susceptible to host
immune responses (Prateeksha et al. 2017).

Inhibition of biofilm formation

Motility inhibition assay
P. aeruginosa forms antibiotic resistant biofilms which
are a source of persistent nosocomial infections.
Biofilm formation in this bacterium requires QS-
controlled factors such as exopolysaccharide, rhamnoli-
pids and swarming and swimming motility. Therefore,
targeting these factors could be a promising approach
for the inhibition of biofilm in PAO1 (Kalia 2013;
Rasamiravaka et al. 2015).
Figure 4. Effect of Pb-AgNPs on QS-regulated virulence factor Flagella-mediated motility of P. aeruginosa PAO1
production in P. aeruginosa PAO1. (a) Effect of Pb-AgNPs on
pyocyanin production; (b) effect of Pb-AgNPs on elastase activ-
regulates the initial attachment of this bacterium to
ity. (Error bars indicate the SD for three samples. p < 0.05 an extensive range of surfaces and also facilitates
was compared with the control). infection through biofilm formation (Kohler et al.

2000; Shrout et al. 2006). Therefore, the migration ability the formation of a well-defined biofilm (Figure 7a).
of PAO1 over the swimming and swarming agar surface However, Pb-AgNP treated biofilms (6 mg ml1 and
in the presence and absence of Pb-AgNPs was observed 8 mg ml1) displayed a substantially less well-defined
by the motility test. Interestingly, sub-lethal concentra- biofilm architecture (Figure 7b and c), which is in
tions (6 and 8 mg ml1) of Pb-AgNPs significantly inhib- agreement with a previous report (Srinivasan et al.
ited both motilities of PAO1 over the agar surface 2017). It is evident that Pb-AgNPs displayed a sub-
compared to the untreated controls (Figure 5a and b), bactericidal concentration dependent anti-biofilm
suggesting its function in biofilm interruption which is in effect against P. aeruginosa. The results corroborate
agreement with a previous report (Prateeksha et al. 2017). earlier studies on the inhibition of biofilm formation
in P. aeruginosa by anti-QS nanomaterials (Singh
et al. 2015; Loo et al. 2016; Pattnaik, Barik, et al.
Biofilm formation assay (Crystal violet method)
2018). Flagella-mediated motility is a key factor in
Pb-AgNPs significantly reduced biofilm formation biofilm formation, initiating the planktonic bacterial
without inhibiting planktonic cell growth compared cell-to-surface attachment. Therefore, inhibition of
to the control in a concentration dependent manner.
The biofilm inhibition was 14.33 ± 4.6, 36.10 ± 5.4,
55.09 ± 2.62 and 78.20 ± 3.1% at concentrations of 2,
4, 6 and 8 lg ml1, respectively. Figure 6 shows that
Pb-AgNPs strongly reduced bacterial cell attachment
to a plastic substratum (Zhang et al. 2014). The pre-
sent biofilm inhibition was significantly higher than
AucoreAgshell nanoparticles synthesized by the medi-
cinal plant Dioscorea bulbifera, which inhibited biofilm
formation by 18.93% in P. aeruginosa at 100 mg ml1
(Ghosh et al. 2015).

Microscopic observation of PAO1 biofilm

Further, to interpret the anti-biofilm efficacy of Pb-
AgNPs on the architecture of PAO1 biofilms, fluores-
Figure 6. Inhibition of P. aeruginosa PAO1 biofilm formation
cence microscope analysis was performed (Figure 7). in the presence of different concentrations of Pb-AgNPs.
Closely packed cells of P. aeruginosa forming a thick (Values are presented as means ± SD; number of samples ¼ 3;
green mat were observed in control images, indicating p < 0.05 was compared with the untreated control).

Figure 5. Effect of sub-lethal concentrations of Pb-AgNPs on (a) swarming and (b) swimming motility of P. aeruginosa PAO1. (i)
Untreated; (ii) 6 mg ml1 Pb-AgNPs; (iii) 8 mg ml1 Pb-AgNPs.

Figure 7. Fluorescence microscopy (at 100) of P. aeruginosa PAO1 biofilms in the absence (a) and presence of Pb-AgNPs at the
concentration of 6 mg ml1 (b) and 8 mg ml1 (c).

Figure 8. Molecular docking analysis of LasR with (a) the natural ligand 3-oxo-C12-HSL, (b) furanone C30, (c) AgNP, (d) eugenol
and (e) Eu þ AgNP. Interactions between amino acid residues and the ligands are depicted as hydrogen bondings and metallic
interactions (in blue), hydrophobic interactions (in pink) and electrostatic interactions (in green).

this motility could be one of the reasons for decreased and it is non-toxic. Preethi and Padma (2016)
biofilm formation. Similarly, Fuente-N ~ez et al.
un reported the synthesis of silver nanoparticles with Pb
(2012) reported that small peptides successfully leaf extract and eugenol. In addition, the anti-QS and
inhibit P. aeruginosa biofilm formation by interfering anti-biofilm activity of phytochemicals from Pb leaves
with swimming and swarming motilities. and PbAgNPs against several pathogenic bacteria
have been reported earlier (Tan et al. 2013; Datta
et al. 2016; Srinivasan et al. 2017). However, there are
Molecular docking
no in silico reports on the interaction of eugenol-
Eugenol is an active phenolic compound of Pb leaves, conjugated AgNPs (Eu þ AgNPs) with bacterial QS
which possess notable chemotherapeutic potential, regulator proteins. Thus, computational docking of

the native ligand, eugenol, AgNP and 8b). Docking studies of AgNP (Figure 8c) show elec-
eugenol þ AgNP with AHL synthase (LasI) and with trostatic interaction with the amino acid Asp73 in a
transcriptional regulator proteins (LasR and MvfR) LasR active site which is same as in previously reported
was performed. The docking geometric score, desolva- data (Vyshnava et al. 2016). Eugenol displayed hydro-
tion energy and the ligand-interacting amino acids of gen bond interactions with the hydroxyl group of
the QS regulator proteins are shown in Supplemental Tyr56 and Tyr93, hydrophobic interactions with
Table 1. Trp60, Tyr64, Trp88 and Ala127 and electrostatic
interaction with Asp73 in the LasR active site, with the
docking score 3,290 (Figure 8d). This result corrobo-
rates the observations of Rathinam et al. (2017), where
The Las system is the master quorum sensing regulator eugenol showed more stable binding with LasR com-
which induces expression of both Rhl and Pqs path- pared to the natural ligand. The docking result of
ways in P. aeruginosa (Rathinam et al. 2017). The nat- Eu þ AgNPs with LasR gave superior binding interac-
ural ligand of LasR is 3-oxo-C12-HSL, which shows a tions compared to eugenol alone. The Eu þ AgNP
hydrogen bond interaction with the amino acids complex interacted with LasR active site residues simi-
Tyr56, Asp73, Tyr93 and hydrophobic interactions lar to 3-oxo-C12-HSL and eugenol. Strong hydrogen
with Val76, Cys79, Leu125, and Ala127 (Figure 8a) bonding was observed between Eu þ AgNPs and the
with a score of 6,056. These interactions are similar to amino acids of the active site – Tyr56 and Ser129.
those reported in previous studies performed by Thr75 was seen to have a metallic interaction with the
Bottomley et al. (2007). Docking of known QSI such silver atom of the ligand complex. Hydrophobic
as furanone C30 (de Nys et al. 2006) with LasR was interactions with Trp88, Ala105 and Leu110, and
also performed and showed similar interactions as electrostatic interaction with Asp73 were observed
those with the natural ligand, 3-oxo-C12-HSL (Figure (Figure 8e). A docking study between reserpine and

Figure 9. Molecular docking analysis of LasI with (a) the natural ligand, (b) furanone C30, (c) AgNP, (d) eugenol and (e)
Eu þ AgNP. Interactions between the amino acid residues and the ligands are depicted as hydrogen bonding and acceptor interac-
tions (in blue), hydrophobic interactions (in pink) and electrostatic interactions (in green).

Figure 10. Molecular docking analysis of MvfR with (a) ligand (4R)-2-methylpentane-2,4-diol (MDR), (b) furanone C30, (c) AgNP,
(d) eugenol and (e) Eu þ AgNP. Interactions between the amino acid residues and the ligands are depicted as hydrogen bonding
and acceptor interactions (in blue), hydrophobic interactions (in pink) and electrostatic interactions (in green).

LasR showed similar amino acid interactions (Parai LasI with eugenol displayed a docking score of 2,528
et al. 2018). The desolvation energy of the Eu þ AgNP and two hydrogen bond interactions with Gln185 and
complex was notably higher (114.11 kcal mol1) than Glu195 and one hydrophobic interaction with Leu133
that of known QSI, furanone C30 (–5.44 kcal mol1), (Figure 9d). Eu þ AgNPs showed good interaction
indicating efficient and stable bindings of the with LasI having a desolvation energy of 71.31 kcal
Eu þ AgNP complex with LasR. Therefore, this finding mol1. It exhibited hydrogen bond interactions with
suggests that the inactivation of transcriptional regula- Asp73 and Tyr52 with a dock score of 2,608 which
tor LasR can be attributed to the anti-biofilm and anti- was higher than that of eugenol alone. The complex
QS activity of phytofabricated AgNPs. also forms hydrophobic interactions with Trp100 and
His98 which are present in the active site of LasI
(Figure 9e). The molecular docking of the
Eu þ AgNPs complex with LasI showed promising
In P. aeruginosa, LasI is responsible for the synthesis binding efficacy to the active site of LasI with a desol-
of the diffusible 3-oxo-C12-HSL molecule which inter- vation energy being relatively higher than that of fur-
acts with intracellular LasR transcriptional receptors. anone C30 (2.39 kcal mol1). This finding suggests
Computational docking was performed on LasI with that Eu þ AgNPs can be associated with the inhibition
its native substrate S-adenosyl-L-mathionine (SAM) of AHL production.
(Maisuria et al. 2016). SAM showed hydrogen bond
interaction with Thr75, Asn135, and hydrophobic
interactions with Tyr52, Asp 73 and Trp100 (Figure
9a). Docking of AgNP with LasI (Figure 9c) showed In addition to LasI/LasR, P. aeruginosa possesses
an electrostatic interaction with Asp73, which was the another type of QS system, named PQS (Pseudomonas
same as reported by Ali et al. (2017). The docking of quinolone signal), which significantly contributes to

biofilm development (Dubern and Diggle 2008). The knowledge, this is the first report which shows a sta-
pqsABCDE operon controls the synthesis of the PQS ble interaction of eugenol-conjugated silver nanopar-
molecule through MvfR (PqsR), a transcriptional regu- ticle against P. aeruginosa with LasI and LasR/MvfR
lator, which in turn controls the production of pyocya- quorum sensing regulators.
nin, rhamnolipid and biofilm development. Thus,
inhibition of PQS is considered to be one of the prom-
ising targets to attenuate pathogenic bacteria, especially
in biofilm-associated infections (Rampioni et al. 2016; The authors are thankful to the Dr D. Y. Patil
Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Institute, Dr D. Y. Patil
Parai et al. 2018). The docking study of the (4R)-2-
Vidyapeeth, Tathawade, Pune, for providing the necessary
methylpentane-2,4-diol (MDR) ligand with MvfR facilities and infrastructure to carry out this work.
shows hydrogen bond interaction with Tyr258 with a
bond distance of 2.85 Å and a score of 1,550 (Figure
10a). Figure 10c shows acceptor interactions with Disclosure statement
Asn206, Leu207 and Arg209 on docking of MvfR with The authors declare no conflicts of interest in this work.
AgNP. Docking showed that eugenol interacted with
the MvfR active site with a desolvation energy of
Compliance with ethics requirements
106.46 kcal mol1 (Figure 10d) though hydrogen
bonds (Glu259, Tyr258) and hydrophobic interaction This article does not contain any studies with human or
animal subjects.
(Leu207). The docking of the Eu þ AgNPs complex
with MvfR shows that the complex has better inter-
action than the ligand or eugenol alone. The Funding
Eu þ AgNPs complex formed stable interaction with This research work received funding from Dr D. Y. Patil
active site residues of Mvfr showing higher desolvation Vidyapeeth, Pune (DPU/421/2018).
energy and score (61.28 kcal mol1 and 2,534) than
the known QSI furanone C30 (41.57 kcal mol1 and
2,246) (Figure 10e). This result was in accordance with
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