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(Crush, Please Do Not Crush my heart)

Ravishing with every maneuver she takes, I was captivated by an
athlete, two opposing humans, we are.
It was around January of this year when the 4 th Season of Haikyuu
was about to hit its debut, I tweeted about it, retweeted video clips of
Hinata and Kageyama fighting or jumping together as they performed
their Ultra-Super-Quick Attack. Luckily, you can search something on
twitter and you can see tweets with the similar words.
Most of the results were from Japan, US and other International
fans excited to see the anime after 4 years, except one, one tweeted
using Filipino words, a mixed of tagalog and a batangueno dialect, I was
shooked if not surprise that I saw a tweet from a fellow kababayan. I
liked the tweet and after a few minutes, I received a message, coming
from that person.
Let’s call her AP, her initials, a Volleyball athlete from Batangas,
playing the same position as mine, a middle blocker, we talked about
Volleyball, Our Favorite teams were rivals, namely Ateneo - La Salle, we
got to know each other better, she is a grade 12 STEM Student and
when she heard that I am a HUMSS Student, she jokingly said “Hindi ako
DDS” and I was laughing when I replied “Hindi ko naman tinanong” and so
she explained that she saw a post from her friend saying that most
HUMSS Student stops talking to someone especially if that person
opposes someone’s political views, so I said “ahh gusto mo pa pala akong
makausap”, funny that from volleyball, we talked about life philosophy and
politics, until she said “Can we talk about mitochondria”
That was the start of something new, Something unexpectedly
We talked for hours through chat until we decided for a call, the
first call lasted for 4 hours, the next day it was 5, then 3, 4, we are
always talking at night or midnight, usually around 10pm because she’ll
finish her immersion around 5pm then goes to her school for training until
9:30pm, I would sacrifice doing homework just to find a time to be able
to talk with her and I know she is too, one time we talked until 3am and I
had to wake up by 4am, while her immersion starts at 7am and had to
travel for an hour, I arrived at school around 6am, goes to my usual place
at 4th floor dome, facing lagoon and waited for her messages, around
6:30am she was on the bus, running late, we were blaming each other, I
said I was more responsible as I got to school early, I also called and she
said it was okay because it was still far from where she’ll be working, we
talked about what we have talked before that day, we were joking,
sending pictures of what we are doing or the usual make face picture,
while talking she randomly shouted, “PUTA” and I was shooked, I said
“Bakit, ano nangyari” and she replied “Nalampasan ko na yung building”
The talking was fun, meeting her was a breath of fresh air, it was
something new, short but special.
For almost a month we were talking, not skipping any day, until at
some point I got tired, I guess it was normal, I can’t stay up all night
anymore, it was draining, I know I was sacrificing too much, I know she
felt that I was changing and so she changed too, we both did. It was
the worst decision of mine to feel tired.
One night after the last day of her Immersion, she was partying
with her friends, drunk, we were chatting but then I said, we’ll just
talked once their done and promised her that I would wait, around 1am
in the morning, she sent me a message and called, it was still noisy, so I

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