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Vittorio cangemi

1) It was signed near Windsor on 15 th June 1215

2) The rights of the Barons

3) It’s seen as the symbol of freedom and democracy

4) It has an historical and legal significance and it rules our lives with the principle of equality

5) The first is the fact that no men can be arrested without a trial and the second that no one can be

6) The Bill of rights of men (Briain) , the Declaration of the Rights of men (France), the Bill of Rights

7) M.L.King with his struggle for Human Rights and Nelson Mandela

8) It was mentioned by the american supreme court in a case of a detention without a charge in Cuba

9) It’s when you are arrested without a trial

10) Magna Charta is the source of freedom because it drew a line with a “before” and a “after”. Before
there was an absolute regime, after there was a constitution.

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