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The comedy of errors

The two gentelman of Verona

Love's Labour's Host

The Taming of the Shrew

A Midsummer Nigth's dream

The Mercant of Venice 1592-1611

Titus Andronicus
As You Like it
Romeo and Juliet
Twelfth night
Henry VI Othello
the tempest
Richard III King Lear
comedies Macbeth
King John

Richard II Antony and Cleopatra

Henry IV 1592-1613 Histories

Shakespeare Timon of Athens

Julius Caesar Coriolanus

Henry V
in 1590 he wrote 154 sonnets (3
Henry VIII quatrains and 1 couplet) history 1564-1616

William Shakespeare is born in Stratford-

upon-Avon, the third child born to John and
Mary, but their only living child following the
infant deaths of Joan and Margaret. (Special 23 Apr 1564
note: The precise date of William’s birth is
unknown, but is commonly believed to be
1-126 (fair youth) 127 at the end (dark lady) either 21, 22 or 23 April, with the latter date –
St George’s Day – being the most popular
date to celebrate).

they are addresed to Earl of S. unatractive woman but desiderable

Shakespeare marries Anne Hathaway (26 27 Nov 1582
years old) at Temple Grafton
shall i compare thee

like as the waves

love,marry,beauty,time My Mistres's Eyes
I find no peace

The Chamberlain’s Men (later the King’s

Men) – the first Shakespeare company – is 1594
formed to perform at The Theatre in
23 Apr 1616 Shakespeare dies at home at New Place, Shoreditch (built 1576)

20 Apr 1611 First recorded performance of ‘The Comedy 28 Dec 1594

First recorded performance of ‘Macbeth’, at
the Globe theatre Of Errors’, at Gray’s Inn Hall

Following the accession to the throne of

19 May 1603 James I, the company’s new patron, the
Chamberlain’s Men become known as the
King’s Men Romeo and Juliet

The Globe Theatre is built 1599 The Chamberlain’s Men take up residence at
the Globe

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