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Lesson 1

Grain gruel. Serve for breakfast.

Brown rice is preferred, but takes much longer to cook.

1/2 cup short-grained rice

1/2 cup glutinous rice
6 cups broth (whatever type you prefer) with 2 tablespoons soy
sauce and 1 slice ginger the size of a quarter

Wash rice. Place in pot with broth, astragalus broth or broth to

which soy and ginger has been added.

Bring to a boil. When boiling, reduce heat to low. Cook for 2

hours, partially covered, stirring frequently. Soup is done when
it reaches a porridge-like consistency. Remove ginger slice if
you have added it.

You can add chopped bok choy, or small slivers of mushroom,

onion or tofu.

Serves 6 - 8.

© 2011 K.P. Khalsa, Design by, LLC
Trinity Roots Rice
A real treat! This dish is said to be especially good for people in
convalescence. Builds stamina (athletes).

2 onions, chopped
2 cloves garlic, peeled and sliced
1 inch ginger root, peeled and grated
1 cup basmati rice
1/2-3/4 cup ghee
1 tomato, peeled
4-5 cups assorted chopped vegetables

Rinse basmati rice thoroughly. Sauté onion, garlic and ginger

(“trinity roots”) in ghee until golden brown and onions begin
falling apart. Then add tomato, assorted vegetables and rice,
along with 4 cups of water. Cover and let simmer on a low heat,
checking frequently. Add water as necessary. Cook until vegeta-
bles are soft and rice is done. Serves 4.

© 2011 K.P. Khalsa, Design by, LLC

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