Class-IX-English-Answer Key, Session 2020-21 PDF

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The Spirit School

Learning Strengthens the Spirit

(Session 2020-21)

Answer key

Read the chapter “The savior of Man Kind”

Answer the following questions:

1. What type of land Arabia is?

Arabia is a land of unique beauty, with its trackless deserts of sand dunes in dazzling rays
of tropical sun.
2. For which ability were the Arabs famous?
The Arabs were famous for their eloquence and remarkable memory
3. What did Hazrat Ayehsa (RA) say about the life of Holy Prophet (PBUH)?
She said, “ His morals and character are an embodiment of the Holy Quran.”
4. Where is Makkah situated?
Makkah is siuated about fifty miles from the Red Sea.
5. Why did the pagan Arabs send a delegation to the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) uncle?
The pagan Arabs sent a delegation to the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) uncle because they
wanted them to renounce their cause and take to idol worshipping.

Writing Skills
Summarize paragraph 2 of the lesson in three to four sentences.

The Arabs possessed a remarkable memory. They were eloquent people. Every year a fair was
held for poetical competitions at Ukaz. Hammad claimed that he could recite one hundred long
poems. This is the reason that Allah Almighty chose Arabic language for His final dispensation
and the prevention of His word.
(Answer may vary)

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Class IX, Ans. Key, English, Weekly Task, 1 Punjab-Page 1 of 6
The Spirit School
Learning Strengthens the Spirit

(Session 2020-21)

Day 2 Daily Lesson Plan

Read the Chapter “Patriotism”

Answer the following questions.

1. How will you define patriotism?

Patriotism means love for the motherland or devotion to the country.
2. What are the qualities of a patriot?
 Loves his country
 Willing to sacrifice
 Safeguards the interests of his country
3. What makes us stay alert in the wake of foreign invasion?
The spirit of patriotism makes us stay alert in the wake of invasion.
4. Who led the Muslims of the sub-continent in their struggle for a separate homeland?
Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
5. What is the highest military award of Pakistan?
Nishan-e-Haider is the highest military award of Pakistan.

Summarize paragraph 4 of the lesson in three to four sentences.

The spirit of patriotism makes us stay alert and awake of foreign invasion. In the history of
Pakistan there are many instances when people laid their lives for the country. Captain
Muhammad Sarwar, Major Tufail Muhammad, Major Aziz Bhatti, Pilot Rashid Minhas and
many other embraced martyrdom while fighting bravely for the country. (May vary)

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The Spirit School
Learning Strengthens the Spirit

(Session 2020-21)

Daily Lesson Plan

Day 3

Read the Chapter “Media and Its Impact”

Answer the following questions

1. How important is media in our lives?

Media plays a very vital role in our lives. Media shares information and news with the
audience. It shapes the opinion of masses. It is also regarded as a pillar of state.
2. Why should governments put check on media?
The government should put a check so they function properly.
3. What is negative influence of media?
Media if used negatively, can bring about destruction in the society by spreading false
information. Media can destroy the culture and identity of a country.
4. What is the most important function that media performs?
It shares news and information.
5. How does media provide entertainment?
By telecasting dramas, plays, films, songs on radio, television and internet. Books,
magazines and newspapers also play a role in this regard.

Writing skills

Uses of internet/mobile phones

(200 words)

 Internet is the most useful way of communication

 Download material
 Made our lives easy
 Saves time
 Connects with the world

(May vary)

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The Spirit School
Learning Strengthens the Spirit

(Session 2020-21)

1. What was the result of Napoleonic wars?

Spain was occupied by the French

2. What is the meaning of the term ‘culminated’?

Guide or transform

3. What is the summary of the passage?

The history of Spain

4. What occurred in the latter part of 17th century?

Power steadily declined under Habsburg regime.

Dialogue writing

A dialogue between a teacher and a student discussing how actively can students take part
in their extracurricular activities.

Sample format:-

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate tense form.

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The Spirit School
Learning Strengthens the Spirit

(Session 2020-21)

1. I finished the job yesterday itself.

2. I have invited all of them to my party.

3. Dad left for Singapore yesterday.

4. See that you return on time.

5. Mother made sure that we received good education.

6. You would get a promotion if you met the targets.

7. As I was feeling ill, I consulted a doctor.

8. She has been looking for a job since she left university.

9. If you wait for an hour, you will be able to meet her.

10. Although I started early, I was late for work.

11. Father hit the roof when he learned that I had failed my test.

12. When I visited him he had been ill for months.

Translations from Urdu to English


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The Spirit School
Learning Strengthens the Spirit

(Session 2020-21)

Simple Present or Present Continuous Tense Exercise


1. Martin is working in his garage.

2. Martin enjoys fixing things.
3. What are we having for breakfast?
4. I am visiting France this summer.
5. I visit France every summer.
6. Are you working on any new projects at the moment?
7. Do you work on Sundays?
8. How often do you work out?
9. Susie comes here often.
10. Are you coming with us to the movies?
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The Spirit School
Learning Strengthens the Spirit

(Session 2020-21)

Dialogue writing

A dialogue between two students regarding importance of prayers

(Sample given already)

Active and Passive Voice


1. Rabid dogs were destroyed by forest rangers in Maine last year.

2. His racy lifestyle fascinated many women.
3. The defeated candidate stamped up and down in a rage.
4. All those in favor should raise their hands.
5. We all rose when the judge entered the court.
6. We like to stroll around the neighborhood on sunny afternoons.
7. The company produces a large range of products.
8. Buying a boat ranks low on my list of priorities.
9. His rapacious ways made him wealthy but friendless.
10. He rarely studied, yet he passed every exam

Translations from Urdu to English


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The Spirit School
Learning Strengthens the Spirit

(Session 2020-21)

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate continuous tense form.


1. I am reading an interesting novel now.

2. She is staying with her parents at the moment.
3. This time tomorrow we will be celebrating Farhan’s birthday.
4. The child is waiting for his parents.
5. I was getting ready when she came.
6. He is leaving in the afternoon.
7. The child is sleeping soundly.
8. I was reading when the lights went out.
9. The boys were playing in the park when it started raining.
10. We are going / will be going to Mexico next summer

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The Spirit School
Learning Strengthens the Spirit

(Session 2020-21)

Letter Writing

1. To your mother who is worried about your health.

2. To your father asking him about the health of your mother


Use appropriate punctuation marks in the following sentences.


1. We had a great time in France – the kids really enjoyed it.

2. Some people work best in the mornings; others do better in the evenings.
3. What are you doing next weekend?
4. Mother had to go into hospital: she had heart problems.
5. Did you understand why I was upset?
6. It is a fine idea; let us hope that it is going to work.
7. We will be arriving on Monday morning – at least, I think so.
8. A textbook can be a ‘wall’ between teacher and class.
9. The girl’s father sat in a corner.
10. In the words of Murphy’s Law: ‘Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.’

Letter Writing

To your mother about the test you have just taken

Translation from Urdu to English


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Class IX, Ans. Key, English, Weekly Task, 1 Punjab-Page 9 of 6
The Spirit School
Learning Strengthens the Spirit

(Session 2020-21)

Fill in the blanks with a simple past or present perfect tense form.


1. She has never apologized to anybody in her life.

2. I am sure we have met before.
3. I had a word with the manager in the morning.
4. I watched two movies yesterday.
5. How long have you been mad at him?
6. She died at thirty-nine.
7. The number of unemployed has reached ten million.
8. Have you ever met the people who live next door?
9. The Defense Minister had a meeting with the Prime Minister yesterday.
10. During the two hour meeting, they discussed the economic situation

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