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-3 Aine-5 Mar-20 1 Mat sees a Myrddraal just outside

Emond's Field.
-2 Aine-6 Mar-21
-1 Aine-7 Mar-22 1-3 Perrin sees a Myrddraal at the edge of
Emond's Field. Moiraine and Lan arrive
in the village. Thom Merrilin arrives in
the dead of night.
1. The Eye of the World
0 Aine-8 Mar-23 1-6 Winternight. Rand sees a Myrddraal
on the Quarry Road. Rand and Tam
visit Emond's Field. Rand and Mat meet
Moiraine and Lan. Padan Fain arrives
with news of the false Dragon Logain.
Rand and his friends meet Thom
Merrilin, before Rand and Tam return
to the farm. In the evening, the farm and
village are attacked by Trollocs. Rand
constructs a litter and drags the
wounded Tam towards Emond's Field.
Tam has fever-dreams of the past.
Full moon
1 Aine-9 Mar-24 7-9 Bel Tine. At dawn, Rand arrives,
dragging his father, at Emond's Field.
Moiraine Heals Tam, and convinces
Rand he must leave Emond's Field.
Rand dreams of Shayol Ghul,
Dragonmount and Tar Valon. He wakes
at twilight and talks with Tam.
Moiraine tells the villagers the tale of
the fall of Manetheren.
10-12 Rand, Mat and Perrin leave Emond's
Field with Moiraine, Lan, Egwene and
Thom. Rand sees a Draghkar in the sky.
They journey along the North Road to
Taren Ferry, where Moiraine raises a
fog to fool the pursuing Draghkar.
[Rand unknowingly channels to restore
Bela's strength.] They cross the Taren,
after which Moiraine destroys the ferry.
They make camp near the river.
Moiraine guides Egwene through her
first use of the Power.
Moon: a thin slice less than full
2 Aine-10 Mar-25 13 Lan begins teaching the boys how to
use their weapons.
3 Aine-11 Mar-26 13 They change direction to avoid a
4 Aine-12 Mar-27 13 Egwene begins to leave her hair
5 Aine-13 Mar-28 13 Moiraine tells the three boys she will
destroy them rather than let the Dark
One have them.
6 Aine-14 Mar-29 13 In the evening, Rand eavesdrops on the
discussions between Egwene and
7 Aine-15 Mar-30 13-14 They arrive at Baerlon in the evening.
They hear of Whitecloaks in Baerlon,
trouble in Saldaea, and a battle in
Ghealdan. Thom tells Rand some of the
Prophecies of the Dragon. Rand
dreams, and has his first encounter with
8 Aine-16 Mar-31 15-16 Rand discusses the dream with Perrin.
He meets Min for the first time. In
Baerlon, he encounters Padan Fain, and
faces down Whitecloaks led by Dain
Bornhald [reaction to channelling seven
days ago].
Back at the inn, they discover Nynaeve
has followed them.
17 Rand is attacked by a Fade. They leave
Baerlon after a confrontation with the
Whitecloaks. Nynaeve joins the party.
Moon: Last quarter
9 Aine-17 Apr-01 17 They begin travelling along the
Caemlyn Road.
10 Aine-18 Apr-02
11 Aine-19 Apr-03 18-19 Battle with Trollocs and Myrddraal.
They take refuge in Shadar Logoth.
Rand, Mat and Perrin explore and
encounter Mordeth. Lan reports
Trollocs and Myrddraal in the city,
moving towards them. They decide to
20 Encounter with Mashadar. The party
separates, evading Trollocs and Fades.
Perrin meets up with Egwene. They
escape Shadar Logoth, but are separated
again when they ride into the river
Rand meets up with Mat and Thom, and
they make for the river. They find Bayle
Domon's boat, Spray, and board just
ahead of the Trollocs. Bayle Domon
tells of fierce Trolloc raids in Saldaea
throughout the last winter.
"Last thin sliver before the new moon"
12 Aine-20 Apr-04 21 Nynaeve finds Moiraine and Lan.
Moiraine tells her she can channel the
Power. They set off, following the river
22 Perrin meets up with Egwene again.
They decide to set off toward Caemlyn.
13 Aine-21 Apr-05
14 Aine-22 Apr-06 24 On Spray, Rand and Mat see a metal
tower in the distance [the Tower of
15 Aine-23 Apr-07 23 In the evening, Perrin and Egwene
encounter Elyas Machera. Perrin learns
he can talk to the wolves.
"Moonless darkness"
24 On Spray, Rand does some acrobatics
high above the deck [reaction to
channelling four days ago]. He
discovers Mat has the dagger from
Shadar Logoth.
16 Aine-24 Apr-08
17 Aine-25 Apr-09 26 (?) Padan Fain comes to Whitebridge,
asking about the party.
18 Aine-26 Apr-10 25 Perrin, Egwene and Elyas encounter a
Tinker caravan. They agree to travel
with them for a time.
"First thin sliver of the new moon"
26 (?) A Fade comes to Whitebridge (first
of several times), asking about the
19 Aine-27 Apr-11
20 Aine-28 Apr-12
21 Adar-1 Apr-13
22 Adar-2 Apr-14 26 Proclamation from Illian of the Great
Hunt for the Horn is read in
23 Adar-3 Apr-15
24 Adar-4 Apr-16 26 Spray arrives at Whitebridge. At The
Wayfarer's Rest, Rand, Mat and Thom
hear of Logain's capture. Outside, they
encounter a Fade. Thom battles it, as
the boys run. They set off down the
Camelyn Road.
28 Spray leaves Whitebridge, heading for
31 Rand and Mat pass through a small
village and sleep under bushes.
25 Adar-5 Apr-17 27 Egwene and Perrin leave the Tinkers at
dawn, and resume travelling south and
east with Elyas.
28 Moiraine, Lan, and Nynaeve arrive at
31 Rand and Mat do some work on a farm,
but are driven off with the dogs set on
26 Adar-6 Apr-18
27 Adar-7 Apr-19
28 Adar-8 Apr-20 31 Rand and Mat do some farm work, but
the farmer won't let them stay the night.
29 Adar-9 Apr-21
30 Adar-10 Apr-22 29-30 Perrin and Egwene take refuge in an
abandoned stedding. They are captured
by Whitecloaks led by Geofram
Bornhald. Hopper is killed. Elyas
Full moon
31 Rand and Mat work and stay the night
at Grinwell's farm.
31 Adar-11 Apr-23 31 Rand and Mat arrive at Arien at dusk
and play at the inn.
32 Adar-12 Apr-24 31 Rand and Mat get a ride from Arien in
Eazil Forney's cart.
33 Adar-13 Apr-25
34 Adar-14 Apr-26
35 Adar-15 Apr-27 32 Rand and Mat arrive at Four Kings in
the evening. At The Dancing Cartman,
they are approached by the Darkfriend
Howal Gode. Rand channels
unknowingly - lightning strikes the inn,
killing Gode. They escape into the
night, with Mat temporarily blinded.
33 Rand dreams, and encounters the dead
Gode and Ba'alzamon.
36 Adar-16 Apr-28 33 Rand and Mat ride with Alpert Mull,
who gives them two scarves. They
reach Market Sheran at dusk, and stay
at Rulan Allwine's inn.
36 Loial arrives in Caemlyn.
37 Adar-17 Apr-29 33 At breakfast, Rand and Mat encounter
Paitr, a young Darkfriend. At evening,
they arrive at another small village. At
the inn (The Queen's Man), Rand falls
ill [reaction to channelling two days
ago] so they stay in the stable.
38 Adar-18 Apr-30 33 At dawn, a female Darkfriend [Mili
Skane] tries to kill Rand and Mat.
31-34 On the Caemlyn road, Rand and Mat
hide through a hole in the hedge from a
group of merchants' guards. Hyam
Kinch gives them a ride. They pass
Carysford after dark, and sleep in a
39 Adar-19 May-01 34 They join the line of travellers on the
Caemlyn Road. At evening they see a
Fade, and Almen Bunt gives them a ride
through the night to Caemlyn.
40 Adar-20 May-02 35-36 Rand and Mat arrive in Caemlyn at
dawn. Basel Gill gives them a room at
The Queen's Blessing. Rand meets
Loial in the library.
37-38 Moiraine, Lan and Nynaeve find the
Whitecloaks' camp. They rescue Perrin
and Egwene. Nynaeve discovers
Perrin's eyes are turning yellow.
Faint, waning moon
41 Adar-21 May-03
42 Adar-22 May-04
43 Adar-23 May-05 39-43 Rand joins the crowd waiting to see
Logain. He retreats to avoid a beggar
[Padan Fain] and climbs the Palace
garden wall. After falling into the
garden, he meets Elayne, Gawyn and
Galad. He is taken to see Queen
Morgase and Elaida. After being
released, he returns to the inn, where
the party is reunited. Moiraine Heals
Mat (temporarily) of the dagger's
influence, and decides they must use the
Ways to reach the Eye of the World,
despite Loial's objections.
46 Five Darkfriends are caught in Fal
Dara, trying to open a gate in the night
for Trollocs.
44 Adar-24 May-06 44-45 At dawn, Rand's party find the Waygate
and enter the Ways. They travel for
over two days [SLOW TIME]. Late in
the second day, they hear the Black
45 Adar-25 May-07 45-47 They emerge from the Ways at mid-
morning. Arrive at Fal Dara. Agelmar
tells of Lan's history, and the fall of
40 Elayne and Gawyn leave Caemlyn for
Tar Valon, with Logain's escort. Elaida
goes with them.
46 Adar-26 May-08 48 Rand's party leave Fal Dara at dawn.
Entering the Blight, they make camp
near the Seven Towers.
47 Adar-27 May-09 49-52 They struggle through the Blight and
reach the Eye of the World, and meet
the Green Man. Confrontation with
Aginor and Balthamel. Balthamel
injures Nynaeve, but he and the Green
Man destroy each other. Rand and
Aginor duel for control of the Eye -
Aginor draws too much of the Power
and is killed. Rand's confrontation with
Ba'alzamon results in victory at
Tarwin's Gap and the apparent death of
Ba'alzamon. Where the Eye was, the
party find a broken Seal, the Horn of
Valere, and the Dragon banner.
48 Adar-28 May-10 53 They leave the remains of the Green
Man's garden and again camp near the
Seven Towers.
49 Saven-1 May-11 53 They arrive back at Fal Dara. Moiraine
tells Agelmar the Horn must be taken to
50 Saven-2 May-12
51 Saven-3 May-13
52 Saven-4 May-14
53 Saven-5 May-15
54 Saven-6 May-16
55 Saven-7 May-17
56 Saven-8 May-18 53 Moiraine eavesdrops on Rand and
Egwene's conversation - Rand realises
he can never go home.
57 Saven-9 May-19
58 Saven-10 May-20
59 Saven-11 May-21
60 Saven-12 May-22
61 Saven-13 May-23
62 Saven-14 May-24
63 Saven-15 May-25
64 Saven-16 May-26
65 Saven-17 May-27
66 Saven-18 May-28 (?) Logain's escort arrives in Tar Valon,
with Elayne, Gawyn and Elaida.
67 Saven-19 May-29
68 Saven-20 May-30 (?) Siuan Sanche leaves Tar Valon with
a party of Aes Sedai. They travel up the
rivers Erinin and Mora to Medo, in
69 Saven-21 May-31 
70 Saven-22 Jun-01
71 Saven-23 Jun-02
72 Saven-24 Jun-03 (?) The Amyrlin's party arrive at Medo
and begin travelling overland to Fal
73 Saven-25 Jun-04
74 Saven-26 Jun-05
75 Saven-27 Jun-06
76 Saven-28 Jun-07
2. The Great Hunt
77 Amadaine-1 Jun-08 Pr (?) Darkfriend Social attended by Bors
[Jaichim Carridin], Liandrin, Ingtar and
others. Ba'alzamon gives orders
concerning Rand, Mat and Perrin.
1 Moiraine arrives back in Fal Dara.
78 Amadaine-2 Jun-09 1-5 Rand fences with Lan. The Amyrlin
Seat arrives. Ingtar returns from
'hunting'. Moiraine and Siuan discuss
their plans.
5 Geofram Bornhald meets with
Questioners in the village of Alcruna,
on the border of Almoth Plain.
Waxing moon
6 Trollocs attack Fal Dara. Padan Fain
escapes and the Horn and dagger are
79 Amadaine-3 Jun-10 7-9 Rand is told he is the Dragon. He, Mat
and Perrin leave Fal Dara with Ingtar's
party to recover the Horn.
9 (?) Feast of Teven. Bayle Domon
leaves Illian, sailing west.
Waxing moon
10 Ingtar's party follow the Trollocs' trail
12 Egwene and Nynaeve leave Fal Dara
with the Amyrlin's party. They have a
lesson from Verin that night.
80 Amadaine-4 Jun-11 10 Ingtar's party follow the Trollocs. The
trail veers northeast, then south again.
12 Egwene and Nynaeve have a lesson
from Alviarin.
81 Amadaine-5 Jun-12 10 Ingtar's party follow the Trollocs. The
trail veers northwest, then south again.
12 Egwene and Nynaeve have a lesson
from Alanna.
82 Amadaine-6 Jun-13 10 Ingtar's party continue to follow the
12 Egwene and Nynaeve have a lesson
from Liandrin.
83 Amadaine-7 Jun-14 10 Ingtar's party continue to follow the
12 Moiraine and Lan leave the Amyrlin's
party, followed by Liandrin. Verin
leaves shortly afterwards, without her
84 Amadaine-8 Jun-15 10 Ingtar's party continue to follow the
12 Egwene has a dream of Rand in danger.
85 Amadaine-9 Jun-16 10-11 Ingtar's party reach the Erinin. Once
across, they find deserted villages and a
Myrddraal nailed to a door. Rand has a
strange repeated experience in one
village, which he breaks by channelling.
At camp that night, Rand discovers
Moiraine has given him the Dragon
12 The Amyrlin's party arrive at Medo, and
take ship downriver.
Waxing moon
86 Amadaine-10 Jun-17 13 Rand, Hurin and Loial wake to find
themselves in a strange new world.
They decide to follow the Darkfriend
14 Ingtar's party wake to find Rand and the
others gone. Perrin becomes Ingtar's
new 'sniffer'. As they find another
massacred village, Verin arrives and
joins the party.
15 In the night, Rand encounters
Ba'alzamon and gets his first heron-
mark brand.
87 Amadaine-11 Jun-18 16-17 At the field of Talidar, Rand's party find
the Hawkwing monument - with a
raven's head instead of a hawk. Rand
rescues Selene from a pack ofgrolm.
She rides with them. Escaping another
pack of grolm, Rand uses another Portal
Stone to take them back to their own
88 Amadaine-12 Jun-19
89 Amadaine-13 Jun-20 18 (?) As the River Queen approaches Tar
Valon, the Amyrlin visits Egwene and
Nynaeve. After arriving at Tar Valon,
they meet Sheriam, who takes them into
the Tower.
90 Amadaine-14 Jun-21
91 Sunday Jun-22 19 At night, Rand's party finds Fain's
camp, and steals back the Horn and
Waning moon, not far past full
92 Amadaine-15 Jun-23 20 Rand's party head towards Cairhien.
Rand argues with Selene over letting
her see the Horn.
93 Amadaine-16 Jun-24 20-21 At evening, Rand's party reach the
village of Tremonsien. Rand sees the
giant statue sa'angreal. They spend the
night at The Nine Rings.
22 Moiraine, at Tifan's Well, talks with
Vandene. She is attacked by a
23 Nynaeve is tested and raised to the
24 Egwene becomes a Novice.
94 Amadaine-17 Jun-25 21 Rand finds Selene has vanished.
Caldevwin gives them an escort into
24 Egwene meets Elayne, who takes her to
see Min. She meets Gawyn and Galad
in the garden.
25-26 Rand's party take rooms at The
Defender of the Dragonwall. Rand
receives three invitations from noble
Houses, which he burns. In the
Foregate, he finds Thom. At The Bunch
of Grapes, Rand and Loial meet Dena
and talk with Thom.
27 In the Foregate, Rand, Loial and Hurin
are attacked by Trollocs. Selene rejoins
them, and they take refuge in the
Illuminators' chapter house, which is
then damaged by fireworks. Selene
disappears again.
95 Amadaine-18 Jun-26 28 (?) Ingtar's party enters Cairhien. They
meet Urien, who tells them of the Aiel
quest for He Who Comes With the
96 Amadaine-19 Jun-27
97 Amadaine-20 Jun-28
98 Amadaine-21 Jun-29
99 Amadaine-22 Jun-30 29 (?) Bayle Domon captured by the
Seanchan near Falme. He is taken to
High Lord Turak and forced to give him
his Seal.
29 (?) Geofram Bornhald decides to take
his legion onto Toman Head.
100 Amadaine-23 Jul-01 30-31 Rand receives invitations from
Barthanes and Galldrian. The inn is set
on fire and the Horn and dagger stolen
again. Ingtar's party arrives in Cairhien.
They take rooms at The Great Tree.
Hurin tracks the Darkfriends to
Barthanes' manor.
101 Amadaine-24 Jul-02 32-33 Party at Barthanes' manor. Rand talks
with Thom again. Rand, Hurin and
Loial find a Waygate in the grounds of
the manor. When Rand opens
it, Machin Shin is waiting. Barthanes
gives Rand a message from Fain. Rand
decides to go to Toman Head.
Thin waning moon
102 Amadaine-25 Jul-03 34 Thom finds Dena killed. The innkeeper
tells him Barthanes has been found
dead, ripped limb from limb.
34 Fain arrives in Falme and presents the
Horn to Turak.
103 Amadaine-26 Jul-04 35-37 Rand's party arrive at Stedding Tsofu
and encounter Aiel there. The Elders
allow them to use the Waygate, but they
find the Black Wind waiting. Rand uses
a nearby Portal Stone to take them all to
Toman Head, after experiencing their
other possible lives.
104 Amadaine-27 Jul-05
105 Amadaine-28  Jul-06
106 Tammaz-1 Jul-07
107 Tammaz-2 Jul-08
108 Tammaz-3 Jul-09
109 Tammaz-4 Jul-10
110 Tammaz-5 Jul-11
111 Tammaz-6 Jul-12
112 Tammaz-7 Jul-13
113 Tammaz-8 Jul-14
114 Tammaz-9 Jul-15
115 Tammaz-10 Jul-16
116 Tammaz-11 Jul-17
117 Tammaz-12 Jul-18
118 Tammaz-13 Jul-19
119 Tammaz-14 Jul-20
120 Tammaz-15 Jul-21
121 Tammaz-16 Jul-22
122 Tammaz-17 Jul-23
123 Tammaz-18 Jul-24
124 Tammaz-19 Jul-25
125 Tammaz-20 Jul-26
126 Tammaz-21 Jul-27
127 Tammaz-22 Jul-28
128 Tammaz-23 Jul-29
129 Tammaz-24 Jul-30
130 Tammaz-25 Jul-31
131 Tammaz-26 Aug-01
132 Tammaz-27 Aug-02
133 Tammaz-28 Aug-03
134 Maighdal-1 Aug-04
135 Maighdal-2 Aug-05
136 Maighdal-3 Aug-06
137 Maighdal-4 Aug-07
138 Maighdal-5 Aug-08
139 Maighdal-6 Aug-09
140 Maighdal-7 Aug-10
141 Maighdal-8 Aug-11
142 Maighdal-9 Aug-12
143 Maighdal-10 Aug-13
144 Maighdal-11 Aug-14
145 Maighdal-12 Aug-15
146 Maighdal-13 Aug-16
147 Maighdal-14 Aug-17
148 Maighdal-15 Aug-18
149 Maighdal-16 Aug-19
150 Maighdal-17 Aug-20
151 Maighdal-18 Aug-21
152 Maighdal-19 Aug-22
153 Maighdal-20 Aug-23
154 Maighdal-21 Aug-24
155 Maighdal-22 Aug-25
156 Maighdal-23 Aug-26
157 Maighdal-24 Aug-27
158 Maighdal-25 Aug-28
159 Maighdal-26 Aug-29
160 Maighdal-27 Aug-30
161 Maighdal-28 Aug-31
162 Choren-1 Sep-01
163 Choren-2 Sep-02
164 Choren-3 Sep-03
165 Choren-4 Sep-04
166 Choren-5 Sep-05
167 Choren-6 Sep-06
168 Choren-7 Sep-07
169 Choren-8 Sep-08
170 Choren-9 Sep-09
171 Choren-10 Sep-10
172 Choren-11 Sep-11
173 Choren-12 Sep-12
174 Choren-13 Sep-13
175 Choren-14 Sep-14
176 Choren-15 Sep-15
177 Choren-16 Sep-16
178 Choren-17 Sep-17
179 Choren-18 Sep-18
180 Choren-19 Sep-19
181 Choren-20 Sep-20
182 Choren-21 Sep-21
183 Choren-22 Sep-22
184 Choren-23 Sep-23 38-39 Liandrin tells the girls Rand is in
danger. They follow her into the Ways.
They travel for at least two days
185 Choren-24 Sep-24 40 (?) They arrive at Toman Head.
Liandrin betrays the girls to Suroth.
Egwene and Min are captured.
186 Choren-25 Sep-25
187 Choren-26 Sep-26
188 Choren-27 Sep-27
189 Choren-28 Sep-28
190 Shaldine-1 Sep-29
191 Shaldine-2 Sep-30
192 Shaldine-3 Oct-01
193 Shaldine-4 Oct-02
194 Shaldine-5 Oct-03
195 Shaldine-6 Oct-04
196 Shaldine-7 Oct-05
197 Shaldine-8 Oct-06
198 Shaldine-9 Oct-07
199 Shaldine-10 Oct-08
200 Shaldine-11 Oct-09
201 Shaldine-12 Oct-10
202 Shaldine-13 Oct-11
203 Shaldine-14 Oct-12
204 Shaldine-15 Oct-13
205 Shaldine-16 Oct-14
206 Shaldine-17 Oct-15
207 Shaldine-18 Oct-16
208 Shaldine-19 Oct-17
209 Shaldine-20 Oct-18
210 Shaldine-21 Oct-19
211 Shaldine-22 Oct-20
212 Shaldine-23 Oct-21
213 Shaldine-24 Oct-22
214 Shaldine-25 Oct-23
215 Shaldine-26 Oct-24
216 Shaldine-27 Oct-25
217 Shaldine-28 Oct-26
218 Nesan-1 Oct-27
219 Nesan-2 Oct-28
220 Nesan-3 Oct-29
221 Nesan-4 Oct-30
222 Nesan-5 Oct-31
223 Nesan-6 Nov-01
224 Nesan-7 Nov-02
225 Nesan-8 Nov-03
226 Nesan-9 Nov-04
227 Nesan-10 Nov-05
228 Nesan-11 Nov-06
229 Nesan-12 Nov-07
230 Nesan-13 Nov-08
231 Nesan-14 Nov-09
232 Nesan-15 Nov-10
233 Nesan-16 Nov-11
234 Nesan-17 Nov-12
235 Nesan-18 Nov-13
236 Nesan-19 Nov-14 37 Rand's party arrive on Toman Head by
Portal Stone.
237 Nesan-20 Nov-15
238 Nesan-21 Nov-16
239 Nesan-22 Nov-17 41 Rand's party arrive at a deserted village.
Rand encounters Ba'alzamon again.
240 Nesan-23 Nov-18 42-43 (?) Min visits Egwene in
the damane quarters. Outside, she is
found by Nynaeve and Elayne, who she
takes to meet Bayle Domon to arrange
for passage away from Falme.
241 Nesan-24 Nov-19
242 Nesan-25 Nov-20 44 Perrin, Mat and Hurin are spotted by
Whitecloaks. Fain's trail is finally
found. Verin selects a party of five to
enter Falme tomorrow.
243 Nesan-26 Nov-21 45 Nynaeve, Elayne and Min capture
the sul'dam Seta. They take her with
them to the damane quarters.
45 Rand, Mat, Perrin, Hurin and Ingtar
enter Falme. Hurin leads them to
Turak's house. Rand glimpses Egwene.
Battle with Turak and his men; Rand
kills Turak. They escape with the Horn
and the dagger.
46 The girls rescue Egwene. Outside, they
fight against Seanchan damane.
46-47 Seanchan pursue Rand's party. Ingtar
reveals he was a Darkfriend, and
sacrifices himself so the others can
escape. They see Seanchan and
Whitecloaks approaching from opposite
directions. Mat sounds the Horn. The
Heroes appear, and Rand orders them to
drive out the Seanchan. The
Whitecloaks charge, and battle begins.
Rand confronts Ba'alzamon, who
wounds him in the side but is
apparently killed in turn.
48 Bayle Domon and Spray escape from
Falme during the battle.
48 Min finds Rand in Falme. She is
confronted by Selene, who reveals
herself to be Lanfear.
244 Nesan-27 Nov-22 49 (?) Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve,
together with Verin, Hurin and Mat,
leave to head back to Tar Valon.
245 Nesan-28 Nov-23
246 Danu-1 Nov-24
247 Danu-2 Nov-25
248 Danu-3 Nov-26 49-50 Rand wakes. Moiraine has arrived, and
shows him two broken Seals, recovered
from Falme. She persuades Rand that
he must proclaim himself the Dragon.
249 Danu-4 Nov-27
250 Danu-5 Nov-28
251 Danu-6 Nov-29
252 Danu-7 Nov-30 TSR:1 (?)Suroth takes command of the
remnants of the Hailene, and sends a
message back to Seanchan telling of
events at Falme.
253 Danu-8 Dec-01
254 Danu-9 Dec-02
255 Danu-10 Dec-03
256 Danu-11 Dec-04
257 Danu-12 Dec-05
258 Danu-13 Dec-06
259 Danu-14 Dec-07
260 Danu-15 Dec-08
261 Danu-16 Dec-09
262 Danu-17 Dec-10
263 Danu-18 Dec-11
264 Danu-19 Dec-12
265 Danu-20 Dec-13
266 Danu-21 Dec-14
267 Danu-22 Dec-15
268 Danu-23 Dec-16
269 Danu-24 Dec-17
270 Danu-25 Dec-18
271 Danu-26 Dec-19
272 Danu-27 Dec-20
273 Danu-28 Dec-21 The Feast of Lights.
274 Taisham-1 Dec-22 The Feast of Lights.
275 Taisham-2 Dec-23
276 Taisham-3 Dec-24
277 Taisham-4 Dec-25
278 Taisham-5 Dec-26
279 Taisham-6 Dec-27
280 Taisham-7 Dec-28
281 Taisham-8 Dec-29
282 Taisham-9 Dec-30
283 Taisham-10 Dec-31
284 Taisham-11 Jan-01
285 Taisham-12 Jan-02
286 Taisham-13 Jan-03
287 Taisham-14 Jan-04
288 Taisham-15 Jan-05
289 Taisham-16 Jan-06
290 Taisham-17 Jan-07
291 Taisham-18 Jan-08
292 Taisham-19 Jan-09
293 Taisham-20 Jan-10
294 Taisham-21 Jan-11
295 Taisham-22 Jan-12
296 Taisham-23 Jan-13
297 Taisham-24 Jan-14
298 Taisham-25 Jan-15
299 Taisham-26 Jan-16
300 Taisham-27 Jan-17
301 Taisham-28 Jan-18
302 Jumara-1 Jan-19
303 Jumara-2 Jan-20
304 Jumara-3 Jan-21
305 Jumara-4 Jan-22
306 Jumara-5 Jan-23
307 Jumara-6 Jan-24
308 Jumara-7 Jan-25
309 Jumara-8 Jan-26
310 Jumara-9 Jan-27
311 Jumara-10 Jan-28
312 Jumara-11 Jan-29 TDR:Pr (?) Ordeith (Padan Fain) arrives in
313 Jumara-12 Jan-30
314 Jumara-13 Jan-31
315 Jumara-14 Feb-01
316 Jumara-15 Feb-02
317 Jumara-16 Feb-03
318 Jumara-17 Feb-04
319 Jumara-18 Feb-05
320 Jumara-19 Feb-06
321 Jumara-20 Feb-07
322 Jumara-21 Feb-08
323 Jumara-22 Feb-09
324 Jumara-23 Feb-10
325 Jumara-24 Feb-11
326 Jumara-25 Feb-12
327 Jumara-26 Feb-13
328 Jumara-27 Feb-14
329 Jumara-28 Feb-15
330 Saban-1 Feb-16
331 Saban-2 Feb-17
332 Saban-3 Feb-18
333 Saban-4 Feb-19
334 Saban-5 Feb-20
335 Saban-6 Feb-21
336 Saban-7 Feb-22
337 Saban-8 Feb-23
338 Saban-9 Feb-24
339 Saban-10 Feb-25
3. The Dragon Reborn
340 Saban-11 Feb-26 Pr (?) Pedron Niall discusses the events of
Falme with Jaret Byar. He commands
Jaichim Carridin to allow the 'false
Dragon' on Almoth Plain free rein.
Ordeith brings the Two Rivers to
Niall's attention.
Pr (?) Carridin is ordered by a Myrddraal
to kill Rand al'Thor within a month.
341 Saban-12 Feb-27
342 Saban-13 Feb-28
343 Saban-14 Mar-01
344 Saban-15 Mar-02
345 Saban-16 Mar-03
346 Saban-17 Mar-04
347 Saban-18 Mar-05
348 Saban-19 Mar-06
349 Saban-20 Mar-07
350 Saban-21 Mar-08
351 Saban-22 Mar-09
352 Saban-23 Mar-10 13 (?) Morgase visits Tar Valon in search
of Elayne. Elaida remains in Tar Valon
when Morgase returns to Caemlyn.
47 (?) While Morgase is away from
Caemlyn, Lord Gaebril [Rahvin]
arrives and rises to prominence.
353 Saban-24 Mar-11
354 Saban-25 Mar-12 1-5 Perrin and the Shienarans escort the
Tinker woman Leya to the camp of the
Dragon Reborn. She brings news of
5000 Whitecloaks on Almoth Plain,
surprisingly not moving in force
against the Dragonsworn.
In Tel'aran'rhiod, Perrin encounters
Ba'alzamon and Lanfear, and
eavesdrops on a conference between
Ba'alzamon, Be'lal and Rahvin.
Trollocs and Myrddraal attack the
camp. Leya is killed.
Moon visible during the battle.
355 Saban-26 Mar-13 6 Perrin wakes to find Rand gone. Uno
and the Shienarans head off toward
Jehannah, Min to Tar Valon, and
Perrin, Moiraine, Lan and Loial follow
356 Saban-27 Mar-14
357 Saban-28 Mar-15
358 Aine-1 Mar-16 7 Moiraine demonstrates her skill at
359 Aine-2 Mar-17
360 Aine-3 Mar-18
361 Aine-4 Mar-19 8 Rand passes through Jarra, leaving a
trail of weddings and crazed
362 Aine-5 Mar-20 8-9 Perrin's party arrive in Jarra. Perrin
sees Noam, a man who has succumbed
to his wolf-nature. In the wolf dream,
Perrin has an accidental encounter with
Lanfear, before Hopper chases him out
of the dream.
9 Rand destroys an attacking dog with
363 Aine-6 Mar-21
364 Aine-7 Mar-22
365 Aine-8 Mar-23
366 Aine-9 Mar-24
367 Aine-10 Mar-25
368 Aine-11 Mar-26 TSR:38 (?) Jaichim Carridin's sister, Dealda, is
carried off from her bridal feast by a
Myrddraal due to Carridin's failure to
kill Rand al'Thor.
369 Aine-12 Mar-27
370 Aine-13 Mar-28
371 Aine-14 Mar-29
372 Aine-15 Mar-30
373 Aine-16 Mar-31
374 Aine-17 Apr-01 29 (?) Else Grinwell is sent out of the
Tower back to her family's farm.
375 Aine-18 Apr-02
376 Aine-19 Apr-03 33 (?) Perrin's party pass through the ashes
of Sidon, on the river Eldar.
377 Aine-20 Apr-04
378 Aine-21 Apr-05
379 Aine-22 Apr-06
380 Aine-23 Apr-07
381 Aine-24 Apr-08 10-11 Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve arrive in
Tar Valon with Verin, Hurin and Mat,
after an encounter with Dain
Bornhald's Whitecloaks. Hurin leaves
to return to Shienar.
12 Verin meets with the Amyrlin and
gives her the Horn.
13-18 The Amyrlin sets Egwene and Nynaeve
to hunt the Black Ajah. They are
attacked by a Gray Man outside
Egwene's room. After a confrontation
with Elaida, Sheriam takes them to
witness Mat's Healing.
382 Aine-25 Apr-09 19-20 Mat wakes, with holes in his memory
and feeling extremely hungry. He is
visited by Lanfear. Siuan and Leane
check on him.
21-23 Egwene meets Verin in the library and
is given the twisted-ring ter'angreal.
That evening, Egwene and Elayne are
tested and raised to the Accepted.
33 (?) Perrin's party pass through Willar,
where a dried spring has begun flowing
383 Aine-26 Apr-10 24 Mat scouts around, and encounters
'Else Grinwell' [Lanfear]. Defeats
Gawyn and Galad in the practice yard.
25-27 The girls discuss Verin's information.
Message from 'Else Grinwell' leads
them to hints that the Black Ajah is in
Tear. That evening, Egwene
enters Tel'aran'rhiod. She dreams of
Rand, and Perrin with Hopper, and
encounters 'Silvie' [Lanfear again] in
the Heart of the Stone.
384 Aine-27 Apr-11 28 Mat is visited by Egwene, Elayne and
Nynaeve. They give him Elayne's letter
to Morgase and the pass from the
29 In the kitchens, Nynaeve tells the
Amyrlin of their suspicions.
37 In the afternoon, the girls board
the Blue Crane and set off for Tear.
30-31 In the evening, Mat leaves his room. In
the taverns he gambles and wins a great
deal of money. He is attacked in the
small hours of the morning by a Gray
Man outside The Woman of Tanchico.
Inside, he finds Thom Merrilin. He
convinces Thom to accompany him to
Moonlight visible during the Gray
Man's attack.
385 Aine-28 Apr-12 32 Mat and Thom start downriver on
the Gray Gull. That night, the ship is
attacked by Darkfriends.
Moonlight visible during the attack.
386 Adar-1 Apr-13
387 Adar-2 Apr-14 33 (?) Perrin's party pass through the
villages of Samaha (where the wells
have gone dry), Tallan (where there
have been many arguments and three
murders), and Fyall (where the mayor
has found gold from Manetheren).
388 Adar-3 Apr-15
389 Adar-4 Apr-16
390 Adar-5 Apr-17
391 Adar-6 Apr-18 33 Gaul is caught by Orban and his
followers, and caged in Remen.
392 Adar-7 Apr-19 33-35 Perrin's party arrive in Remen, on the
river Manetherendrelle. Perrin sees
Faile for the first time. They hear about
Masema's activites in Ghealdan. Perrin
rescues Gaul and kills more
Whitecloaks. They quickly leave
Remen on the Snow Goose, bound for
Illian. Faile joins them on the boat.
Moon visible during the battle with the
36 In the wolf dream, Hopper leads Perrin
to eavesdrop on Ba'alzamon and
Lanfear. He dreams of Rand killing
Shadowspawn; Rand throws lightning
at him.
36 At his camp in the Murandian hills,
Rand kills a company of Darkfriends.
393 Adar-8 Apr-20 36 Perrin tells Moiraine about the wolf
394 Adar-9 Apr-21
395 Adar-10 Apr-22
396 Adar-11 Apr-23 TSR:38 (?) Jaichim Carridin's cousin is found
skinned alive in his bedchamber due to
Carridin's failure to kill Rand al'Thor.
397 Adar-12 Apr-24
398 Adar-13 Apr-25 40 Mat's food craving finally disappears.
399 Adar-14 Apr-26 37-39 The Blue Crane runs aground. The
girls leave it, and head towards Jurene.
They meet Aviendha and other
Maidens of the Spear. Nynaeve Heals
Dailin. They are captured by Adden's
bandits, and free themselves with the
help of the Aiel.
400 Adar-15 Apr-27 39 The girls leave the bandits' camp with
horses, and board the Darter at Jurene,
bound for Tear.
40 Mat and Thom arrive at Aringill. They
take shelter in the stable of The Good
Queen during a rainstorm, and rescue
Aludra from Tammuz and his thugs.
She gives Mat some fireworks. They
ride off towards Camelyn.
401 Adar-16 Apr-28
402 Adar-17 Apr-29
403 Adar-18 Apr-30
404 Adar-19 May-01
405 Adar-20 May-02 41-44 Perrin's party arrive in Illian. At
Nieda's inn (Easing the Badger) they
are attacked by Gray Men. Moiraine
discovers that Lord Brend is Sammael.
They leave Illian during a storm,
chased and attacked by Darkhounds.
Moon visible during the Darkhound
44 Approaching Caemlyn, Mat and Thom
are attacked by Darkfriends.
406 Adar-21 May-03 45-47 Mat and Thom enter Caemlyn at
sunrise. Mat climbs the Palace wall and
delivers Elayne's letter to Morgase,
after overhearing Comar and Gaebril
[Rahvin] talk of killing the girls. Mat
and Thom leave immediately for Tear.
407 Adar-22 May-04
408 Adar-23 May-05
409 Adar-24 May-06
410 Adar-25 May-07 TSR:12 (?) An Aiel messenger sets out for Tear
bearing a letter to Moiraine from Amys
and the other dreamwalking Wise
411 Adar-26 May-08 (?) Mat and Thom board the Swift at
Aringill, bound for Tear.
412 Adar-27 May-09
413 Adar-28 May-10
414 Saven-1 May-11
415 Saven-2 May-12 49 Mat and Thom are nearly thrown off
the Swift due to an incident with Mat's
416 Saven-3 May-13
417 Saven-4 May-14 48-49 The Darter arrives in Tear. The girls
take lodgings with Ailhuin Guenna,
who introduces them to Juilin Sandar.
Egwene encounters the Black Ajah
in Tel'aran'rhiod.
49 A storm breaks over Tear as Mat and
Thom arrive aboard the Swift. They
start searching the inns for the girls.
Mat confronts and kills Comar.
418 Saven-5 May-15 49 Mat and Thom continue to search for
the girls.
419 Saven-6 May-16 49 Mat and Thom continue to search for
the girls.
420 Saven-7 May-17 49 Mat and Thom continue to search for
the girls. Thom becomes seriously ill.
421 Saven-8 May-18 50 Perrin's party arrive in Tear. Moiraine
and Lan investigate; Perrin spends the
day at the smithy. Moiraine returns
with news of Be'lal; Lan reports the
presence of Aiel in Tear.
422 Saven-9 May-19 51-55 Nynaeve just misses Rand, on his way
to the Stone, before the girls are
captured by the Black Ajah. Mat finds
Mother Guenna's house three hours
later and sets off after the girls. Faile
falls victim to a Black Ajah trap set for
Moiraine, and Perrin braves the wolf
dream to rescue her. Rand climbs the
outside wall of the Stone and enters.
Mat encounters Juilin Sandar and the
Aiel on the rooftops of Tear, and blasts
his way into the Stone. He and Juilin
fight with several High Lords, and just
miss Rand, who is on his way to the
Heart of the Stone. Egwene captures
Joiya Byir and stills Amico Nagoyin
in Tel'aran'rhiod. Mat rescues the girls
from the cells - they leave without him.
Rand confronts Be'lal in the Heart of
the Stone. Be'lal is balefired by
Moiraine, who is then attacked by
Ba'alzamon. Rand takes Callandor and
pursues Ba'alzamon
into Tel'aran'rhiod. Perrin finally
rescues Faile from the wolf dream. The
final confrontation between Rand and
Ba'alzamon ends with Ba'alzamon's
death and Rand declaring himself the
Dragon Reborn.
423 Saven-10 May-20 56 The people of Tear acclaim Rand as the
Dragon. Moiraine tells Mat and the
girls that Ba'alzamon was not the Dark
One after all. They discover that the
Aiel are the People of the Dragon.
Berelain appears, passing on a message
from Lanfear.
424 Saven-11 May-21
4. The Shadow Rising
425 Saven-12 May-22 1 (?) Min arrives in Tar Valon, and sees
visions of the Tower Coup.
1 (?) Dain Bornhald crosses the Taren,
with several hundred Whitecloaks.
1 (?) Suroth views the Seanchan fleet at
Cantorin Harbour.
426 Saven-13 May-23
427 Saven-14 May-24 31 Bornhald's Whitecloaks kill Alanna's
Warder, Owein.
428 Saven-15 May-25
429 Saven-16 May-26
430 Saven-17 May-27
431 Saven-18 May-28
432 Saven-19 May-29
433 Saven-20 May-30
434 Saven-21 May-31 
435 Saven-22 Jun-01
436 Saven-23 Jun-02 2 Mat plays Maiden's Kiss with Bain and
437 Saven-24 Jun-03
438 Saven-25 Jun-04 2-4 Bubbles of evil strike Tear near the
three ta'veren.
5 Under questioning, Joiya and Amico
reveal the existence of a danger to
Rand in Tanchico, and the Black Ajah's
plans to use Mazrim Taim to discredit
6 Egwene realises Elayne loves Rand.
Moiraine tells them about the redstone
doorframe ter'angreal.
439 Saven-26 Jun-05 7-9 Egwene and Elayne visit Rand and
discuss channelling. Egwene tells Mat
about the doorframe ter'angreal.
440 Saven-27 Jun-06 9 Rand continues formulating his plan of
17 Rumours of Rand taking Tear begin
arriving in Tar Valon.
441 Saven-28 Jun-07 9-10 Lanfear visits Rand. He is attacked by
a Grey Man as Trollocs and Myrddraal
attack the Stone. Rand destroys all the
11 Egwene explores Tanchico
in Tel'aran'rhiod, glimpses Birgitte,
and encounters Amys for the first time.
Amys invites her to come to the Aiel
Waste to learn from the Dreamwalkers.
12 Moiraine reports that Joiya and Amico
were killed in the attack.
Elayne and Nynaeve decide to go to
Tanchico, while Egwene will go to the
Aiel Waste.
13-14 Rumours of trouble in the Two Rivers
arrive. Perrin starts packing, while
avoiding Berelain. Faile fights with
15 Mat encounters the Aelfinn beyond the
twisted doorway.
442 Amadaine-1 Jun-08 16 Perrin asks Loial to accompany him.
Gaul offers to go, too.
17 Moiraine persuades Thom to
accompany Nynaeve and Elayne.
17 In Tar Valon, Min discovers Galad
intends to join the Whitecloaks. News
of Mazrim Taim's escape arrives, along
with a message from Moiraine about
Rand. Siuan orders the Hall to be
assembled. The novice Sahra Covenry
is killed.
18 Faile and Perrin, with Loial, Gaul, Bain
and Chiad, enter the Waygate near
19-20 Elayne and Nynaeve, with Thom and
Juilin, take passage aboard the Sea
Folk ship Wavedancer for Tanchico.
Elayne discovers some of the Sea Folk
Windfinders can channel.
21-23 Rand drives Callandor into the Heart
of the Stone. He leaves Tear, along
with Mat, Egwene, Moiraine and Lan,
and uses a Portal Stone to take them to
Chaendaer. They meet Amys and the
other Wise Ones. Rand demands the
right to enter Rhuidean. Mat goes with
him. Aviendha and Moiraine also enter
the city. The Wise Ones begin
instructing Egwene.
24 In Rhuidean, Rand enters the glass
columns, while Mat finds another
doorframe ter'angreal, and goes
through it to encounter the Eelfinn.
25-26 In the glass columns, Rand experiences
the lives of his Aiel ancestors, back to
the Age of Legends. He witnesses the
drilling of the Bore into the Dark One's
443 Amadaine-2 Jun-09 27-28 Perrin's party emerge from the
Manetheren Waygate in the Mountains
of Mist. That night, in the wolf dream,
Perrin chases Slayer to the Tower of
444 Amadaine-3 Jun-10
445 Amadaine-4 Jun-11
446 Amadaine-5 Jun-12 29 Perrin's party find the burnt-out
remains of the al'Thor farm.
Full moon
447 Amadaine-6 Jun-13 29-31 Perrin's party arrive in Emond's Field.
Perrin learns his family is dead. Marin
al'Vere takes them to meet Verin,
Alanna, Tam and Abell, who tell him
of the Whitecloaks holding the
Luhhans and the Cauthons captive.
448 Amadaine-7 Jun-14 32-33 Perrin meets Lord Luc, and convinces
the outlying farmers to take refuge in
Emond's Field. That night, he leads the
rescue of the captives from the
Moon already high as night falls
26 In Rhuidean, Rand emerges from the
glass columns. He finds Mat hanging
from Avendesora, and revives him. On
the way out of the city, a bubble of evil
449 Amadaine-8 Jun-15 34 Rand and Mat return from Rhuidean at
dawn. Rand confronts Couladin. Later
in the day Aviendha returns from the
city, followed by Moiraine.
35 Egwene meets with Elayne
in Tel'aran'rhiod, and is caught by
Amys. The Wise Ones set Aviendha to
watching Rand.
450 Amadaine-9 Jun-16 36-37 Rand and the Aiel leave Rhuidean for
Cold Rocks Hold. They meet a party of
peddlers led by Hadnan Kadere.
Camping at Imre Stand, they are
attacked that night by Trollocs.
38 Eldrith (one of the Black Ajah in
Tanchico) learns the device able to
control Rand is in the Panarch's Palace.
40 Perrin and his men find a burned
farmhouse, track down and destroy a
party of thirty-two Trollocs.
451 Amadaine-10 Jun-17 37 Rand and the Aiel leave Imre Stand.
40 Perrin and his men destroy another
party of Trollocs, and a Fade.
452 Amadaine-11 Jun-18 38-39 Elayne and Nynaeve arrive in
Tanchico, where they encounter Bayle
Domon and take rooms at the Three
Plum Court. Elayne gets drunk.
InTel'aran'rhiod, Nynaeve sees
Asmodean outside Rhuidean and is
chased away by Birgitte.
453 Amadaine-12 Jun-19 39 Elayne wakes with a hangover.
454 Amadaine-13 Jun-20 40-42 Perrin visits his family's graves with
Faile. He and his men are ambushed by
Trollocs; Perrin is wounded. They stay
the night in a Tinker encampment.
Perrin learns that Faile is Davram
Bashere's daughter. In the wolf dream,
he finds the Waygate unlocked and is
almost ambushed by Slayer.
455 Amadaine-14 Jun-21 42-43 Perrin and his band return to a now-
fortified Emond's Field. He tells Loial
about the open Waygate. Alanna Heals
45 Taren Ferry is destroyed by Trollocs.
456 Sunday Jun-22 44-45 Perrin wakes to find Loial and Gaul
have gone off to close the Waygate.
Emond's Field is attacked by a force of
five hundred Trollocs. The Trollocs are
defeated. The Tinkers arrive at
Emond's Field; Aram asks to be taught
the sword. Bornhald and his
Whitecloaks attempt to arrest Perrin.
46 Elayne meets with Egwene and Amys
in Tel'aran'rhiod.
457 Amadaine-15 Jun-23 46 Elayne and Nynaeve escape from
Floran Gelb and his thugs with the help
of Egeanin. Whitecloaks have
surrounded the Panarch's Palace.
Moghedien comes to their room.
458 Amadaine-16 Jun-24 47 (?) Aes Sedai led by Elaida depose
Siuan, and still and imprison her and
Leane. There is fierce fighting in the
White Tower grounds.
46 Amathera is invested as Panarch of
459 Amadaine-17 Jun-25 47 (?) Min rescues Siuan and Leane. They
find Logain, and escape from Tar
Valon with Gawyn's help.
53 Loial and Gaul close and lock the
Manetheren Waygate.
460 Amadaine-18 Jun-26 50 The Wise Ones allow Egwene to
unbraid her hair again.
461 Amadaine-19 Jun-27
462 Amadaine-20 Jun-28 48-50 Rand and the Aiel arrive at Cold Rocks
Hold. They are attacked in the night by
Trollocs and Draghkar. Rand decides
to leave for Alcair Dal immediately, as
the Shaido have already departed.
51 Egeanin releases her captive sul'dam,
463 Amadaine-21 Jun-29 51-52 Bayle Domon reveals that Egeanin is
Seanchan. Nynaeve meets with
Egwene and the Wise Ones
in Tel'aran'rhiod [next day for
Egwene, since it is already morning
there]. Nynaeve realises that
Moghedien is active and meets
Birgitte. Searching Tel'aran'rhiod with
Need, she finds a Seal and the Sad
Bracelets in the Panarch's Palace.
53 Loial and Gaul return to Emond's
Field. In the wolf dream, Perrin
wounds Slayer. He marries Faile. Faile
leaves for Watch Hill.
464 Amadaine-22 Jun-30 54-55 Elayne and Nynaeve enter the
Panarch's Palace. Elayne rescues
Amathera, while Nynaeve duels with
Moghedien and wins. They take the
Seal and the Sad Bracelets, but
Moghedien escapes. Bayle Domon and
Egeanin take the Sad Bracelets for
dumping in the ocean near the Aile
56 The final attack by Trollocs on
Emond's Field; aid from Deven Ride
and Watch Hill defeats them. The
Whitecloaks leave the Two Rivers,
followed by Ordeith [Padan Fain].
465 Amadaine-23 Jul-01 57-58 Rand arrives at Alcair Dal and is
accepted as the Car'a'carn after
revealing the true history of the Aiel.
He chases Asmodean to Rhuidean and
defeats him. Lanfear shields Asmodean
and leaves him to serve as a teacher for
466 Amadaine-24 Jul-02
467 Amadaine-25 Jul-03
468 Amadaine-26 Jul-04
469 Amadaine-27 Jul-05
470 Amadaine-28  Jul-06 Egwene and the Wise Ones meet with
Nynaeve or Elayne.
471 Tammaz-1 Jul-07
472 Tammaz-2 Jul-08
473 Tammaz-3 Jul-09
474 Tammaz-4 Jul-10
475 Tammaz-5 Jul-11
476 Tammaz-6 Jul-12
477 Tammaz-7 Jul-13 Egwene and the Wise Ones meet with
Nynaeve or Elayne.
478 Tammaz-8 Jul-14
479 Tammaz-9 Jul-15
480 Tammaz-10 Jul-16
481 Tammaz-11 Jul-17
482 Tammaz-12 Jul-18
483 Tammaz-13 Jul-19
484 Tammaz-14 Jul-20 Egwene and the Wise Ones meet with
Nynaeve or Elayne.
485 Tammaz-15 Jul-21
486 Tammaz-16 Jul-22
487 Tammaz-17 Jul-23
488 Tammaz-18 Jul-24
489 Tammaz-19 Jul-25
490 Tammaz-20 Jul-26
491 Tammaz-21 Jul-27 Egwene and the Wise Ones meet with
Nynaeve or Elayne.
492 Tammaz-22 Jul-28
493 Tammaz-23 Jul-29
5. The Fires of Heaven
494 Tammaz-24 Jul-30 Pr (?) Padan Fain arrives in Tar Valon.
495 Tammaz-25 Jul-31
496 Tammaz-26 Aug-01
497 Tammaz-27 Aug-02 Pr (?) Elaida meets with Fain.
Pr (?) Rahvin meets with Lanfear,
Sammael and Graendal.
498 Tammaz-28 Aug-03 1 (?) Min, Siuan and Leane are placed on
trial in Kore Springs for barn-burning.
They give oaths to serve Gareth Bryne,
but escape with Logain's help.
Egwene and the Wise Ones meet with
Nynaeve or Elayne.
499 Maighdal-1 Aug-04 1 (?) Bryne decides to follow after the
1 (?) Alteima arrives at the palace in
500 Maighdal-2 Aug-05
501 Maighdal-3 Aug-06
502 Maighdal-4 Aug-07
503 Maighdal-5 Aug-08
504 Maighdal-6 Aug-09
505 Maighdal-7 Aug-10 Egwene and the Wise Ones meet with
Nynaeve or Elayne.
506 Maighdal-8 Aug-11
507 Maighdal-9 Aug-12 2-6 Darkhounds attack the Aiel camp at
Rhuidean. The Shaido depart, heading
for the Jangai Pass; Rand decides to
follow them.
Three-quarter moon
508 Maighdal-10 Aug-13 7 Rand leads the Aiel out of Rhuidean.
509 Maighdal-11 Aug-14
510 Maighdal-12 Aug-15 8-10 Nynaeve's party cross the border from
Tarabon into Amadicia. In Mardecin
they are caught by Ronde Macura, but
511 Maighdal-13 Aug-16 11 Siuan's party arrive in Lugard. At the
Nine Horse Hitch inn, Siuan learns
about the gathering of Blue sisters in
13 Nynaeve's party travel all day and
reach Bellon in the evening.
512 Maighdal-14 Aug-17 12 Gareth Bryne arrives in Lugard,
following the runaways. He decides to
keep chasing them westward.
13-15 Nynaeve's party arrive in Sienda at
evening, after an encounter with Valan
Luca's menagerie. Nynaeve meets with
Egwene and the Wise Ones. Later that
night, Nynaeve has a distasteful
meeting with Egwene. They learn that
Siuan has been deposed.
513 Maighdal-15 Aug-18 16-17 Nynaeve and Elayne encounter Galad
in Sienda. They change disguises again
and join Luca's menagerie.
514 Maighdal-16 Aug-19
515 Maighdal-17 Aug-20 18 Moghedien takes control of the Black
Ajah in Amador.
20 Couladin and his Shaido arrive at Taien
and attack it.
516 Maighdal-18 Aug-21 20 The Shaido leave the now-devastated
517 Maighdal-19 Aug-22 19 (?) Morgase breaks free of Rahvin's
Compulsion and leaves Caemlyn with
Tallanvor, Lini, Basel Gill, Lamgwin
and Breane Taborwin.
19 (?) Padan Fain recovers the dagger and
leaves Tar Valon.
518 Maighdal-20 Aug-23
519 Maighdal-21 Aug-24 20 Melaine marries Bael.
24 Egwene and the Wise Ones meet with
Elayne in Tel'aran'rhiod.
520 Maighdal-22 Aug-25 20 The Miagoma under Timolan converge
toward Rand's forces.
521 Maighdal-23 Aug-26
522 Maighdal-24 Aug-27 20 Rand's forces arrive at Taien in the late
21 Aviendha gives Rand the sword of
22 The camp is attacked in the night by
Trollocs and Darkfriends. Draghkar
attack Rand and Aviendha.
523 Maighdal-25 Aug-28
524 Maighdal-26 Aug-29
525 Maighdal-27 Aug-30
526 Maighdal-28 Aug-31 23 Rand's forces emerge from the Jangai
Pass at Selean, also destroyed by the
24-25 Egwene and the Wise Ones meet with
Elayne in Tel'aran'rhiod. Later Egwene
is nearly ensnared by Moghedien.
527 Choren-1 Sep-01 26-28 Siuan's party arrive in Salidar. Gareth
Bryne follows them in, and agrees to
lead the army of the Salidar Aes Sedai
against Elaida.
29 Rand's forces arrive at Eianrod. Isendre
is murdered by Kadere.
30 Estean and Edorion arrive at Eianrod,
telling of Couladin and the Shaido
besieging Cairhien.
31-32 Rand and Aviendha take an unplanned
detour. They confront Morsa and her
Seanchan before escaping back to
528 Choren-2 Sep-02
529 Choren-3 Sep-03 23 Luca's menagerie enters Ghealdan.
530 Choren-4 Sep-04 ACOS:8 (?) Sheriam's group send ten sisters
back to the Tower as spies.
531 Choren-5 Sep-05
532 Choren-6 Sep-06
533 Choren-7 Sep-07 33 Egwene and the Wise Ones meet with
Elayne. Egwene tells of fighting in
Cairhien, and the presence of Andoran
soldiers there.
534 Choren-8 Sep-08 33-36 Birgitte is ripped out of Tel'aran'rhiod.
Elayne bonds her as a Warder.
Moghedien is injured. Liandrin is
permanently shielded by Moghedien
and left in Amador.
41 Weiramon brings his Tairen cavalry to
Rand's forces in Cairhien. Kin Tovere's
tower is completed.
535 Choren-9 Sep-09 37-40 The menagerie crosses the river into
Samara. Nynaeve meets Uno, Galad
and Masema and makes arrangements
for a boat.
41-42 Rand assembles his forces outside
Cairhien. Egwene and Aviendha agree
to aid in the coming battle.
536 Choren-10 Sep-10 43-44 The Battle of Cairhien. The Shaido are
defeated, and driven towards
Kinslayer's Dagger. All the Aiel clans
except the Shaido join Rand's forces.
Crescent moon, riding high in the early
evening [???]
45 Mat kills Couladin.
537 Choren-11 Sep-11 45-46 Rand hears of the embassies from the
city, and enters into Cairhien. The
Tairen and Cairhienin nobles swear
47 Egwene talks to Nynaeve and Elayne
in their dreams, telling them of Rand's
538 Choren-12 Sep-12 47-48 Nynaeve's party leave the menagerie,
fight their way through Samara with
Galad's help, and start downriver on
the Riverserpent.
539 Choren-13 Sep-13 49 Elayne resumes her study of the a'dam,
with a view to making one.
540 Choren-14 Sep-14 49 The Riverserpent passes Boannda.
Nynaeve and Elayne meet with
Egwene and the Wise Ones.
541 Choren-15 Sep-15 51 Egwene tells Rand of Masema's
actions, and of the existence of a group
of Aes Sedai who would support him.
542 Choren-16 Sep-16
543 Choren-17 Sep-17 49-50 Nynaeve's party arrive in Salidar at
evening. Min tells Elayne of her love
for Rand.
544 Choren-18 Sep-18
545 Choren-19 Sep-19
546 Choren-20 Sep-20 51 Rand receives letters from Elaida and
Alviarin. News of Morgase's apparent
death arrives in Cairhien. Rand decides
to go after Rahvin.
Melindhra tries to kill Mat, revealing
herself to be a Darkfriend.
54 Theodrin begins helping Nynaeve to
break her block.
547 Choren-21 Sep-21 52-56 Moiraine and Lanfear disappear
through the redstone
doorframe ter'angreal, presumed dead.
Egwene and Aviendha injured. Rand
balefires Rahvin in Caemlyn. Nynaeve
captures Moghedien in Tel'aran'rhiod.
Asmodean dies. Davram Bashere
arrives in Caemlyn chasing Mazrim
Taim. Rand announces an amnesty for
all men who can channel.
56 (?) Morgase's party crosses the border
into Amadicia.
The Wise Ones meet with Sheriam's
6. Lord of Chaos
548 Choren-22 Sep-22 Pr Demandred visits Shayol Ghul, and
encounters Shaidar Haran.
549 Choren-23 Sep-23
550 Choren-24 Sep-24
551 Choren-25 Sep-25
552 Choren-26 Sep-26
553 Choren-27 Sep-27
554 Choren-28 Sep-28 The Wise Ones meet with Sheriam's
555 Shaldine-1 Sep-29 Pr (?) The rebel Aes Sedai embassy leaves
Salidar for Caemlyn.
556 Shaldine-2 Sep-30
557 Shaldine-3 Oct-01 Pr (?) Perrin and Faile leave Emond's
558 Shaldine-4 Oct-02
559 Shaldine-5 Oct-03 Pr (?) Sevanna meets with Katerine and
560 Shaldine-6 Oct-04 Pr (?) Pedron Niall visits Morgase, in
Ailron's palace, and offers to help her
regain the throne of Andor. Paitr Conel
offers to help Morgase escape. Niall
orders Jaichim Carridin to begin
sending fake Dragonsworn into Altara
and Murandy.
561 Shaldine-7 Oct-05 The Wise Ones meet with Sheriam's
562 Shaldine-8 Oct-06
563 Shaldine-9 Oct-07
564 Shaldine-10 Oct-08
565 Shaldine-11 Oct-09 Pr Demandred meets with Mesaana,
Semirhage and Graendal.
566 Shaldine-12 Oct-10 Pr (?) Osan'gar and Aran'gar are sent out
into the world by Shaidar Haran.
567 Shaldine-13 Oct-11
568 Shaldine-14 Oct-12 The Wise Ones meet with Sheriam's
569 Shaldine-15 Oct-13
570 Shaldine-16 Oct-14
571 Shaldine-17 Oct-15
572 Shaldine-18 Oct-16
573 Shaldine-19 Oct-17
574 Shaldine-20 Oct-18
575 Shaldine-21 Oct-19 The Wise Ones meet with Sheriam's
576 Shaldine-22 Oct-20
577 Shaldine-23 Oct-21
578 Shaldine-24 Oct-22
579 Shaldine-25 Oct-23
580 Shaldine-26 Oct-24
581 Shaldine-27 Oct-25
582 Shaldine-28 Oct-26 The Wise Ones meet with Sheriam's
583 Nesan-1 Oct-27
584 Nesan-2 Oct-28 1-5 Mazrim Taim arrives in Caemlyn.
Rand takes him to the farm and installs
him as the leader there.
5 In the night, Rand visits Mat in
Maerone and tells him of Taim.
585 Nesan-3 Oct-29
586 Nesan-4 Oct-30 5 In Maerone, Mat meets Olver for the
first time.
587 Nesan-5 Oct-31 5 The Band of the Red Hand leaves
Maerone, heading towards Tear.
6 (?) Sammael visits Graendal in her
palace in Arad Doman.
6 (?) Semirhage tortures Cabriana
Mecandes and her Warder.
17 Mangin kills a Cairhienin man for
displaying a Dragon tattoo.
588 Nesan-6 Nov-01 7 Sheriam's group practice
in Tel'aran'rhiod and are almost caught
in a nightmare. They learn of Elaida's
embassy to Rand. Demandred observes
Elayne visiting the Throne Room in the
Caemlyn of Tel'aran'rhiod.
Gibbous, waxing moon
10 Rand invites Dyelin, Ellorien and
Pelivar, who have secretly entered
Caemlyn, to meet with him.
589 Nesan-7 Nov-02 8 Tarna Feir, a Red emissary from
Elaida, arrives in Salidar.
9 Niall tells Morgase of Galad's
becoming a Whitecloak.
10 Verin and Alanna arrive in Caemlyn
with the Two Rivers girls.
The Wise Ones meet with Sheriam's
590 Nesan-8 Nov-03 9 (?) Pedron Niall receives a message
telling of the Seanchan in Tarabon.
591 Nesan-9 Nov-04 10-11 Rand finds out Verin and Alanna are in
Caemlyn with the Two Rivers girls,
and visits them. Alanna bonds Rand.
592 Nesan-10 Nov-05 12-14 Nynaeve eavesdrops on the meeting
between Tarna and the Hall. That
evening, she and Elayne find the Bowl
of the Winds in the Ebou Dar
ofTel'aran'rhiod. A bubble of evil
strikes Salidar, as Nicola has a
Full moon (just past)
593 Nesan-11 Nov-06 15 Tarna Feir leaves Salidar.
16-18 Rand meets with Dyelin and other
nobles. An emissary from Sammael
arrives with an offer of a truce, which
Rand rejects. He goes to Cairhien,
where a Sea Folk ship arrived that
morning, and sentences Mangin to
hanging for murder.
594 Nesan-12 Nov-07 19-21 Rand returns to Caemlyn, meets a
delegation of Ogier led by Elder
Haman, and goes to Shadar Logoth to
ward the Waygate there. Liah is lost in
the city.
595 Nesan-13 Nov-08
596 Nesan-14 Nov-09 The Wise Ones meet with Sheriam's
597 Nesan-15 Nov-10
598 Nesan-16 Nov-11 22 Halfway to Tear, Mat and the Band
find a slaughtered Tinker caravan.
'Clipped', waning moon
599 Nesan-17 Nov-12 23 (?) Graendal visits Sammael in Illian.
He convinces her the Dark One has
named him Nae'blis.
600 Nesan-18 Nov-13 24 The Tower embassy arrives in
Cairhien. The Wise Ones decide
Egwene is ready to return
to Tel'aran'rhiod.
601 Nesan-19 Nov-14 25 Egwene eavesdrops on the Tower
embassy in Arilyn's palace, and runs
into Gawyn.
602 Nesan-20 Nov-15 26 Rand is attacked by Whitecloaks under
Padan Fain's control.
603 Nesan-21 Nov-16 27 Egwene meets with Gawyn. Rand goes
to Cairhien and meets the Tower
29 The Wise Ones meet with Sheriam's
29 Theodrin gets Nynaeve drunk in an
effort to break her block.
604 Nesan-22 Nov-17 28 Rand returns to Caemlyn, receives a
letter from Alliandre of Ghealdan, and
is attacked by a Gray Man, who is
killed by Taim.
29-30 Adeleas and Vandene arrive in Salidar.
Thom and Juilin return from Amadicia.
Nynaeve Heals Logain, Siuan and
Leane. The Hall reinstates Siuan and
Leane as Aes Sedai.
605 Nesan-23 Nov-18 30 Halima Saranov (Aran'gar) arrives in
Salidar, and becomes secretary to
606 Nesan-24 Nov-19 32 Aeron and some other Wise Ones get
some Maidens to try and spy on the
Tower embassy, but they are caught.
607 Nesan-25 Nov-20 32 Egwene goes out to the Sea Folk ship,
but they refuse to allow her on board.
That night, Bair and Amys allow her
back into Tel'aran'rhiod, as a test.
608 Nesan-26 Nov-21
609 Nesan-27 Nov-22 31 (?) Eamon Valda returns to Amador
from Tar Valon. Morgase sees Paitr
hanged, and agrees to sign a treaty
allowing the Whitecloaks into Andor.
610 Nesan-28 Nov-23 32 Egwene and the Wise Ones meet with
Sheriam's group, who summon Egwene
to them.
33 Rand learns the location of Salidar and
sends Mat there to get Elayne.
34-35 Egwene meets her toh, goes to Salidar,
and is chosen as Amyrlin Seat.
Waxing three-quarter moon [???]
611 Danu-1 Nov-24 36-37 Egwene is formally raised Amyrlin,
with Sheriam as her Keeper. Theodrin,
Faolain, Nynaeve and Elayne are raised
to full Aes Sedai. Egwene takes control
of Moghedien's a'dam.
612 Danu-2 Nov-25 38 Olver tries to attack Aviendha.
613 Danu-3 Nov-26
614 Danu-4 Nov-27 38-40 Mat arrives in Salidar, to discover
Egwene is Amyrlin. Elayne meets
41-43 Min and the Salidar embassy arrive in
Caemlyn. Rand visits the farm and
warns Taim to keep the Asha'man
away from Caemlyn. Merana, Seonid
and Masuri meet with Rand in the
44 Mat dances with Halima, who channels
at him.
615 Danu-5 Nov-28 44 Mat finds Olver has followed him into
45 Merana and another two of the Salidar
embassy meet with Rand.
WH:Pr (?) Construction of the wall around the
Black Tower begins.
616 Danu-6 Nov-29 44 Egwene persuades Mat to accompany
Nynaeve and Elayne to Ebou Dar.
45 Merana, Rafela and another of the
embassy meet with Rand.
46 Min sees Merana meeting with Pelivar.
617 Danu-7 Nov-30 44 Elayne makes a gateway to near Ebou
Dar. That evening, Elayne demands the
foxhead medallion from Mat; he
The rebel Aes Sedai leave Salidar.
45 Perrin and the Two Rivers men arrive
in Caemlyn.
46 Perrin meets Faile's parents. Demira is
attacked by 'Aiel'.
ACOS:9 Message from Merana arrives in
Salidar, telling of the initial meeting
with Rand.
618 Danu-8 Dec-01 47 Mat's party joins the road to Ebou Dar.
619 Danu-9 Dec-02 47 Mat's party stay the night at The
Marriage Knife.
620 Danu-10 Dec-03 47 Mat's party stay the night at The
Southern Hoop. Adeleas discovers
Mat's medallion does not protect
against indirect uses of the Power.
621 Danu-11 Dec-04 47 Mat's party arrives at Ebou Dar. Mat
takes a room at The Wandering
48 The girls go to the Tarasin Palace and
talk with Queen Tylin.
622 Danu-12 Dec-05 49 Loial arrives in Caemlyn. Seven of the
Salidar embassy go to the palace in an
attempt to intimidate Rand. Kiruna and
Bera arrive and take control of the
Salidar embassy, bringing the number
of Aes Sedai to thirteen. Rand takes
Min, Perrin and Faile to Cairhien.
50 Rand takes to his bed. Coiren sends a
note asking to meet Rand; he declines.
Berelain begins flirting with Perrin.
623 Danu-13 Dec-06 50 Rand tells Berelain he intends Elayne
to rule Cairhien.
624 Danu-14 Dec-07
625 Danu-15 Dec-08 50 Coiren sends a second note asking to
meet Rand; he declines.
626 Danu-16 Dec-09 50 Min views the Tairen nobles meeting
Rand; she sees death for Aracome,
Maraconn and Gueyan.
627 Danu-17 Dec-10 50 Perrin goes hunting with Gaul to
escape Berelain.
628 Danu-18 Dec-11 50 Coiren sends a third note asking to
meet Rand; he declines.
629 Danu-19 Dec-12 52 (?) Egwene meets with Bair and
Melaine in Tel'aran'rhiod.
630 Danu-20 Dec-13
631 Danu-21 Dec-14 50 Coiren sends a fourth note asking to
meet Rand; he accepts.
632 Danu-22 Dec-15 51 Rand and Min are captured by the
Tower Aes Sedai.
52 Elayne and Nynaeve search the Rahad,
and see a Wise Woman (Asra)
channelling saidar.
52 Egwene meets Elayne and Nynaeve
in Tel'aran'rhiod. She arranges for
Logain to escape.
52 Myrelle finds Lan.
633 Danu-23 Dec-16
634 Danu-24 Dec-17
635 Danu-25 Dec-18 53 The Tower Aes Sedai start back to Tar
Valon with Rand and Min.
636 Danu-26 Dec-19
637 Danu-27 Dec-20 53 Colavaere meets with her allies,
plotting to gain the Sun Throne.
53 Rand kills two of Erian's Warders
when he discovers Min is also held
captive by the Tower Aes Sedai.
ACOS:Pr A message from Galina telling of
Rand's capture arrives at the White
638 Danu-28 Dec-21 53 The Feast of Lights. Maringil and
Meilan are found dead, killed by
Colavaere. The Shaido move south in
force from Kinslayer's Dagger. Perrin
realises Rand has been taken. Rand is
displayed to Sevanna. Her Wise Ones
kill Desaine.

639 Taisham-1 Dec-22 LOC:54 The Feast of Lights. Perrin sets out

after Rand.
Waxing quarter-moon
640 Taisham-2 Dec-23
641 Taisham-3 Dec-24
642 Taisham-4 Dec-25 ACOS:4 Colavaere is crowned Queen of
Cairhien at dawn.
643 Taisham-5 Dec-26
644 Taisham-6 Dec-27
645 Taisham-7 Dec-28
646 Taisham-8 Dec-29 LOC:54 The Two Rivers men, with the Salidar
Aes Sedai led by Kiruna and Bera, join
Perrin's forces.
647 Taisham-9 Dec-30 ACOS:3 Rebels, led by Caraline Damodred and
Toram Riatin, approach Cairhien.
ACOS:7 Elenia and Naean try to claim the Lion
Throne. Dyelin imprisons them.
648 Taisham-10 Dec-31  ACOS:7 Dyelin is announced as Regent in
Caemlyn until Elayne returns.
649 Taisham-11 Jan-01 ACOS:Pr Elaida orders fifty sisters under
Toveine Gazal to the Black Tower.
ACOS:Pr Pedron Niall is assassinated by
Omerna, who is immediately killed by
Eamon Valda. Valda, supported by
Rhadam Asunawa, becomes Lord
Captain Commander of the
LOC:55 Fire and blood at Dumai's Wells. The
decimated Shaido retreat to Kinslayer's
Dagger. Most of the Tower Aes Sedai
are captured. The nine Salidar Aes
Sedai swear fealty to Rand.
ACOS:Pr Gawyn leads the Younglings away
from Dumai's Wells as Galina is
captured by the Shaido.
ACOS:3 Darlin and other Tairens join with the
rebels outside Cairhien.
7. A Crown of Swords
650 Taisham-12 Jan-02 1-6 High Chasaline. Rand gives the Tower
captives and the Salidar Aes Sedai over
to the Wise Ones. He selects Dashiva to
stay with him. Taim and the Asha'man
depart back to the Black Tower. Rand
returns to Cairhien and sentences
Colavaere to exile.
7 Rand visits Bashere in Caemlyn, and
learns there are at least nine Aes Sedai
at The Silver Swan. He takes Jonan
Adley and Eben Hopwil to the army on
the Plains of Maredo, and plans to give
the order to advance on Illian.
Full moon (just past)
33 Rand secretly Travels to Rhuidean and
retrieves the two
access ter'angreal statues.
651 Taisham-13 Jan-03 LOC:Ep Herid Fel is killed by a gholam.
LOC:Ep Moghedien is released by Aran'gar and
summoned to Shayol Ghul.
8-10 Nicola and Areina attempt to blackmail
Egwene. She sends a warning to
Nynaeve and Elayne in their dreams,
and meets with Amys, Bair and
Melaine in Tel'aran'rhiod.
17 In the Rahad in Ebou Dar, a 'fog'
(bubble of evil?) appears which kills
several people.
26 Valda and Asunawa torture Morgase.
652 Taisham-14 Jan-04 11-12 Theodrin and Faolain swear fealty to
Egwene. She discovers Myrelle is
hiding Lan, and sends him to Ebou Dar.
She forces Myrelle and Nisao to swear
fealty to her.
13 Elayne, Nynaeve, Birgitte and
Aviendha visit the Sea Folk.
14 Mat recognises Mili Skane (alias Lady
Shiaine) in Ebou Dar, buys a new ring,
and follows her to Carridin's palace.
15 Sammael orders Carridin to continue
searching for a cache of angreal he
knows is in the city.
16-17 Mat meets Tylin. At The Wandering
Woman, he is attacked by thugs sent by
Carridin to kidnap him.
17 The Kinswoman Callie is killed by
Falion and Ispan.
18-19 Cadsuane Melaidhrin arrives in
Cairhien and challenges Rand. Lews
Therin's voice vanishes. Idrien arrives
with news of Herid Fel's death. Min
discovers Colavaere has hanged herself.
Rand comforts her.
20 Sevanna meets with 'Caddar'
(Sammael) and 'Maisia' (Graendal).
21 Swovan Night. Mat is attacked by
more of Carridin's thugs. He realises
Birgitte's true identity.
Three-quarter moon
653 Taisham-15 Jan-05 22-24 Elayne and Nynaeve apologise to Mat,
and tell him about the Bowl of the
Winds. Setalle Anan takes them to the
25 Moghedien, now mindtrapped, meets
26 Valda and Asunawa ride north from
Amador to face the Prophet.
28 Mat moves into the Tarasin Palace.
Tylin starts chasing him. He begins
keeping watch over the Kin's house.
26 At night, the Seanchan attack Amador
and capture the Fortress of the Light.
654 Taisham-16 Jan-06 26 Morgase meets Suroth. She abdicates
the throne of Andor. Balwer leads her
party out of the Fortress.
27 Rand and Perrin stage a quarrel. Perrin
takes an army, as well as Faile,
Berelain and two Asha'man, through a
gateway to Ghealdan to face the
TPOD:Pr Katerine Alruddin escapes from the
Aiel camp.
655 Taisham-17 Jan-07 28 Mat continues watching the Kin's
house, becomes friends with Birgitte.
Nynaeve and Elayne watch Carridin's
TPOD:Pr (?) The four Borderland rulers pledge
to unite in confronting Rand. They ride
south with thirteen Aes Sedai.
TPOD:Pr Verin, using a form of Compulsion,
gives instructions to Turanna, Beldeine,
and three other captive sisters.
656 Taisham-18 Jan-08 29 Festival of Birds. Tylin catches Mat.
Mat, Birgitte, Beslan and Nalesean
attacked by beggars (more of Carridin's
Darkfriends). Mat follows a
Kinswoman to the house containing the
30-31 Elayne takes charge of the Salidar Aes
Sedai in Ebou Dar, and leads them to
the Kin.
Moghedien attempts to balefire
Nynaeve. Nynaeve breaks her block
and is rescued by Lan.
37 Tylin catches Mat again. Nynaeve and
Lan are married by the Mistress of the
Ships. Nynaeve brings Sea Folk women
back to the Palace.
32 In the small hours of the morning,
Covarla brings news of the events at
Dumai's Wells to Elaida.
657 Taisham-19 Jan-09 32 Elaida orders Seaine to seek out the
Black Ajah. Seaine confides in Pevara.
33-36 Min pulls Rand out of his depression.
He meets with the Sea Folk. At the
rebel camp outside Cairhien, he duels
with Toram and is wounded by Padan
Fain. He is taken back to the Sun
Palace, where he is Healed (to a
degree) by Flinn.
37-39 Mat, Elayne and Nynaeve find the
Bowl of the Winds, after being attacked
by a gholam. Ispan is captured. They
decide to evacuate to the Kin's farm.
While searching for Olver, Mat sees the
Seanchan arrive and invade Ebou Dar.
A wall falls on him.
8. The Path of Daggers
1-6 The girls Travel to the Kin's farm.
Aviendha unweaves the gateway. The
Bowl of the Winds is used, creating a
gigantic weave of saidar and saidin.
The Seanchan attack the farm. Elayne
makes a gateway to a country estate in
Andor, and they go through. Under
attack from Seanchan, Elayne partially
unweaves the gateway, causing a huge
20 Elayne's party stay the night at the
Hornwells' estate.
ACOS:41 Mattin Stepaneos, King of Illian,
658 Taisham-20 Jan-10 ACOS:40 Therava arrives at Sevanna's camp,
dragging Galina, who is
declared da'tsang. Sammael gives
Sevanna an Oath Rod, and scatters the
Shaido from Illian to Ghealdan.
20 Elayne and the others depart the
Hornwell estate and head for Caemlyn.
20 In Tel'aran'rhiod, Elayne and Nynaeve
inform Egwene of events in Ebou Dar.
Feast of Embers celebrated in Ebou
659 Taisham-21 Jan-11 ACOS:41 Rand wakes in the afternoon. He takes
the Asha'man to Caemlyn to gather
Bashere's army. They invade the city of
Illian. At dusk, Rand follows Sammael
to Shadar Logoth. He encounters a
mysterious wanderer [Moridin], and
then Liah, whom he balefires after she
is caught by Mashadar. Sammael is
apparently killed by Mashadar too.
Rand returns to Illian, where he is
offered the Crown of Swords.
8 Morgase attempts to flee Tallanvor.
660 Taisham-22 Jan-12 Maddin's Day celebrated in Ebou Dar.
661 Taisham-23 Jan-13 Feast of the Half Moon. [???]
662 Taisham-24 Jan-14
663 Taisham-25 Jan-15 7-8 Perrin sends Berelain, Annoura and
Gallenne into Bethal. He rescues
Maighdin [Morgase] and her
companions from the Prophet's men.
They take service with Faile.
Gibbous moon [???]
664 Taisham-26 Jan-16 9-10 Elyas arrives in Perrin's camp. Berelain
brings Alliandre back from Bethal. She
swears fealty to Perrin. Faile convinces
her to accompany them south to deal
with Masema.
665 Taisham-27 Jan-17
666 Taisham-28  Jan-18 20 The first light rains fall in Andor.
25 (?) Alviarin secretly leaves the White
667 Jumara-1 Jan-19 20 In Andor, the rain increases to an
intermittent drizzle.
668 Jumara-2 Jan-20 11 Galina is forced to swear on an oath rod
to obey Sevanna, Therava and the other
Wise Ones. The first faint snowfall
arrives as the Shaido plan to move
north into the Mountains of Mist.
12 (?) Graendal is visited by Moghedien,
Cyndane and Shaidar Haran. She is told
Moridin is Nae'blis.
12 The first rains hit Cairhien. Cadsuane
makes a pact with Sorilea to teach Rand
laughter and tears. Sorilea shows
Cadsuane how to Travel.
13-14 Rand subdues a gathering of Sammael's
army turned bandits, led by Eagan
Padros. Lews Therin's voice returns to
his head. Torval brings a message from
Taim telling of the Aes Sedai army in
Murandy. Fedwin Morr arrives to tell
of the Seanchan's plans to come against
Illian, and reports saidin behaving
strangely around Ebou Dar.
20 In Andor, the rain becomes a deluge
keeping Elayne and co. in the town of
Forel Market.
669 Jumara-3 Jan-21 20 Elayne and co. are snow-bound in Forel
Market. Merilille begins teaching the
Sea Folk, fulfilling the terms of the
21 Gedwyn and other Asha'man arrive at
Rand's camp. He Travels to the north of
Illian. Narishma returns, having
fetched Callandor.
670 Jumara-4 Jan-22 21 Fedwin Morr brings a thousand of the
Legion of the Dragon out of Illian.
Rand's forces Travel to the Nemarellin
Mountains and begin rounding up the
Tairen and Cairhienin lords.
671 Jumara-5 Jan-23
672 Jumara-6 Jan-24 TGS:28 (?)The Pattern begins to unravel in the
village of Hinderstap in northern
Murandy, causing the villagers to
descend into madness each night.
673 Jumara-7 Jan-25 15 Gareth Bryne reports an
Andoran/Murandian army approaching.
Egwene tells him to arrange a meeting
with their leaders.
20 At The New Plow, Elayne and Nynaeve
leave a message for Egwene
in Tel'aran'rhiod.
Full moon [???]
674 Jumara-8 Jan-26 16 Aran'gar kills Egwene's maids, Meri
and Selame.
675 Jumara-9 Jan-27 17-19 Feast of Abram. Egwene meets with
the leaders of the Andoran and
Murandian armies. Talmanes tells her
of his intention to remain in Murandy,
waiting for Mat. In a meeting of the
Hall, Egwene forces acceptance of her
authority through a declaration of war
on Elaida.
676 Jumara-10 Jan-28
677 Jumara-11 Jan-29 20,28 Adeleas unmasks Garenia Rosoinde as
Zarya Alkaese, a runaway novice.
21 Davram Bashere arrives in Rand's
678 Jumara-12 Jan-30 22-23 Rand's forces Travel to the Venir
Mountains. The Asha'man begin using
gateways to search for Seanchan.
Eagan Padros attempts to assassinate
Rand. The sul'dam Nerith is captured.
679 Jumara-13 Jan-31
680 Jumara-14 Feb-01 23 Rand's forces capture their
first damane.
681 Jumara-15 Feb-02
682 Jumara-16 Feb-03
683 Jumara-17 Feb-04 23 Rand's forces battle Furyk Karede's
men. Rand is shot by an arrow in a
surprise Seanchan attack; Morr Heals
him. Rand decides to attempt to take
Ebou Dar.
684 Jumara-18 Feb-05 24 Battle between Rand's forces and the
Seanchan near Ebou Dar. Rand
eventually uses Callandor, out of
control. Jonan Adley is killed. With
heavy casualties, both sides retreat.
WH:1 The Seanchan defeat Ailron near
Jeramel, destroying the Amadician
army and nobility.
COT:Pr (?) In an abandoned hunting lodge in
Arad Doman, Rodel Ituralde parleys
with leaders of Tarabon and Domani
factions. He determines to move
against the Seanchan on Almoth Plain.
685 Jumara-19 Feb-06 25 (?) Alviarin returns to Tar Valon and
forces Elaida to sign a decree
recognising Rand and giving him the
Tower's protection.
26 Using the Oath Rod, Seaine and Pevara
unmask Zerah Dacan as one of the
rebel Aes Sedai spies. Their meeting is
interrupted by four other Aes Sedai,
one of whom (Talene) refuses to swear
on the Oath Rod.
WH:Pr With the Chair of Remorse, Seaine and
co. interrogate Talene. She reveals that
she is Black Ajah, and thinks Elaida is
WH:Pr Members of Toveine Gazal's expedition
are captured by Logain's men. Gabrelle
is bonded by Logain.
28 In Harlon Bridge, Adeleas and Ispan
are found murdered.
686 Jumara-20 Feb-07 26 The remainder of Toveine's expedition
are captured and taken to the Black
Tower. Toveine herself is bonded by
27 (?) Rand returns to Cairhien. Merana
and Rafela tell him of the Bargain made
with the Sea Folk. The Maidens punish
Rand for leaving them behind.
WH:Pr At night, Logain prevents the captured
Aes Sedai at the Black Tower from
taking their revenge on Toveine.
687 Jumara-21 Feb-08 28 Elayne arrives in Caemlyn and claims
the Lion Throne.
28 Daved Hanlon meets Shiaine, who is
holding Falion and another Black Ajah
sister (Marillin Gemalphin). Jaichim
Carridin is killed.
688 Jumara-22 Feb-09 29 At dawn, Taim brings news to Rand in
Cairhien of Elayne's tearing down of
Rand's banners.
29 Five of the captured Aes Sedai swear
fealty to Rand. Rand is attacked by
Dashiva, with Gedwyn and Rochaid.
Fedwin Morr loses his mind, and is
killed by Rand.
WH:Pr Rand and Min Travel to Rhuidean,
where Rand lays a false trail by asking
many questions about Shara.
WH:Pr Elayne summons Mazrim Taim to
689 Jumara-23 Feb-10 COT:Pr (?) In northern Amadicia, Eamon Valda
prepares for a meeting of the
Whitecloaks' Council of the Anointed.
690 Jumara-24 Feb-11 WH:Pr Elayne orders Birgitte to recruit
mercenaries and Hunters of the Horn to
increase the numbers of the Palace
Taim arrives in answer to Elayne's
summons, and agrees to her demands to
inspect the Black Tower.
Elayne and Aviendha are bonded as
30 Masema meets with the Seanchan.
WH:Pr Rand and Min Travel to Tear, where
Rand lays another false trail by asking
about Chachin.
691 Jumara-25 Feb-12 WH:Pr Early in the morning, Toveine sees
Elayne's party inspecting the Black
Tower. Kajima tells Logain of the new
deserters' names posted by Taim after
his return from Cairhien.
WH:Pr Rand and Min return to the Academy in
Cairhien so that Min can retrieve Herid
Fel's books. Rand appoints Dobraine
steward of Cairhien in his absence. He
and Min Travel to the wilderness near
Tar Valon, where Rand tells Min he
intends to cleanse saidin.
WH:10 Daved Hanlon joins the Palace Guard
in Caemlyn, using the alias of Doilin
692 Jumara-26 Feb-13
693 Jumara-27 Feb-14 WH:7 (?) Elayne and Aviendha are accosted
by street toughs while in disguise in
Caemlyn at night.
694 Jumara-28 Feb-15 30 Perrin confronts the Prophet. He
convinces Masema to accompany him
to Cairhien.
30 Faile, Maighdin and Alliandre are
captured by the Shaido.
9. Winter's Heart
1-2 Returning to his camp, Perrin learns
Faile has been taken.
Gibbous moon [???]
3 The Shaido take Faile and her
companions to their camp, arriving
after nightfall.
8 Nynaeve sends eighteen of the Kin into
Seanchan-occupied lands to find any
Kin refugees there and bring them back
to Caemlyn.
695 Saban-1 Feb-16 3-4 Faile and the others discover they are in
a huge Aiel encampment. Galina Heals
them. They are given jewellery to mark
them as Sevanna'sgai'shain. Therava
orders them to spy on Sevanna. Galina
forces Faile to agree to fetch Therava's
Oath Rod.
5-6 Perrin wakes in Berelain's bed. Berelain
reports Masema has brought his entire
army to join them.
Perrin prepares to move his forces
south, following the Aiel. Masema
decides to accompany him.
7 News arrives in Caemlyn of Naean and
Elenia's escort being ambushed near
8 The Seanchan damane Alivia is
released from her a'dam.
8-10 Dyelin brings news of the Borderland
armies in Braem Wood. A faked
assassination attempt, masterminded by
Doilin Mellar [Daved Hanlon], is made
on Elayne. She promotes Mellar to
Captain of her bodyguard.
10 Elayne and Nynaeve meet with Egwene
in Tel'aran'rhiod. They discover Luc
watching them.
10 Asne, Chesmal, Eldrith and Temaile
meet in Caemlyn. Temaile tells of
spying on the girls in Tel'aran'rhiod.
13 The last remaining captured sisters in
the Aiel camp at Cairhien agree to
swear fealty to Rand.
14 The damane Lidya foretells Tuon's fate.
696 Saban-2 Feb-17 10 In Caemlyn, Marillin Gemalphin
informs Shiaine that one of the sisters
in the Palace is Black Ajah.
26 Merilille is sent to Braem Wood to
contact the Borderland rulers.
11 Rand and Min arrive in the Palace at
Caemlyn. He learns from Nynaeve that
Egwene is Amyrlin. Nyaneve agrees to
help him cleanse saidin.
12 Elayne, Aviendha and Min bond Rand.
13 In Cairhien, Alanna falls unconscious.
Damer Flinn learns how to Heal
stilling. Dobraine releases Caraline and
Darlin from Arilyn's palace, and sends
them on their way to Tear.
13 Demandred, Graendal, Osan'gar,
Aran'gar and Cyndane, commanded by
Moridin, meet near Shayol Ghul.
Cyndane tells how Rand plans to use
the Choedan Kal to cleanse saidin
14 Tuon arrives in Ebou Dar aboard The
Victory of Kidron, leading the Corenne.
Seanchan settlers begin flooding out of
Ebou Dar into the surrounding
15-16 Mat visits Aludra and tells her how the
Seanchan have wiped out the Guild of
Illuminators in Tanchico. Valan Luca
agrees to let Mat travel with him out of
Ebou Dar. Returning to the city, Mat is
attacked by the gholam and rescued by
Noal Charin.
17 In the Tarasin Palace, Mat meets Tuon,
Anath and Suroth. Tuon promises Tylin
she will be raised to the Blood.
697 Saban-3 Feb-18 12 Elayne wakes to find that Rand has left
Caemlyn, along with Min, Nynaeve,
Lan and Alivia.
18 Mat visits The Wandering Woman and
arranges to hide his clothes and gold
there. He visits the bellmaker Calwyn
13 Late in the day, Shalon is released from
Arilyn's palace in Cairhien.
698 Saban-4 Feb-19 18 Mat continues to visit Aludra and
699 Saban-5 Feb-20 18 (?) Tylin begins spending more time
with Suroth and Tuon. Tuon begins
following Mat discreetly. Sutoma bars
Mat from any further visits.
22 Rochaid arrives in Far Madding.
25 Alanna wakes up.
700 Saban-6 Feb-21 18 (?) Tuon finds Mat's ashanderei and
offers to buy it.
701 Saban-7 Feb-22 COT:Pr (?) Alviarin secretly leaves the White
Tower again.
19 Mat pays another visit to The
Wandering Woman. He agrees to help
Joline, Teslyn and Edesina escape Ebou
20 Bethamin encounters a Seeker who
orders her to spy on Egeanin.
21 Bethamin tells Egeanin and Bayle
Domon of the Seeker. Domon decides
to look for Mat and Thom.
22 Rand finds and kills Rochaid in Far
Madding. Kisman escapes, but is killed
by Padan Fain.
22 Rand's party leave their rooms at The
Crown of Maredo. Later that night, the
couple now staying in Rand and Min's
room are killed by Slayer.
TPOD:30 The Two Rivers girls arrive at
Egwene's camp.
28 The gholam returns to Ebou Dar. It
continues to kill through the following
702 Saban-8 Feb-23 COT:Pr Out riding near the Black Tower with
Toveine and Gabrelle, Logain
encounters Mishraile, a Taim supporter,
who gives him Taim's permission to go
on a "recruiting trip."
23-24 Cadsuane's party, including Alanna and
Verin, arrive in Far Madding.
28 Tylin and Suroth leave Ebou Dar on a
tour of Altara. Mat begins planning
escape with Thom and Juilin. Beslan
suggests starting an uprising in the city.
26 Elayne meets with Egwene in the
Emond's Field of Tel'aran'rhiod.
703 Saban-9 Feb-24 COT:Pr In the White Tower, Yukiri and Seaine
discuss the Black Ajah hunt and other
recent events in Tar Valon.
TPOD:30 Egwene's army Travels from Murandy
to Tar Valon and lays siege to the city.
25 Cadsuane and Alanna visit Rand and
Min. He tells Alanna to return to
Cairhien and then take Merana, Rafela,
Bera and Kiruna to deal with the rebels
in Tear.
26-27 Merilille returns to Caemlyn with news
of the Borderland rulers. Elayne
decides to meet them. She convinces
them to move south, towards Murandy.
Returning to Caemlyn at dusk, Elayne
hears news of four small armies
approaching from the east.
704 Saban-10 Feb-25 32 Alanna, obeying Rand's orders, Travels
to Tear.
COT:Pr Tarna Feir rides into Dorlan.
705 Saban-11 Feb-26 COT:21 (?) Owing to her disappearance from
the Tower, Elaida has Alviarin
removed as Keeper.
706 Saban-12 Feb-27 29 Jasfer Anan sails from Ebou Dar for
Illian, taking his family with him.
707 Saban-13 Feb-28 COT:Pr (?) Katerine Alruddin arrives in Dorlan.
COT:11 (?) Dyelin leaves Caemlyn to gather
support for Elayne, taking Reanne
Corly with her.
708 Saban-14 Feb-29 COT:Pr (?) Gawyn sees Narenwin arrive in
Dorlan from Tar Valon.
Waning moon [???]
709 Saban-15 Mar-01 28-29 Juilin finally obtains an a'dam for Mat.
However, they discover Setalle Anan
cannot use it to pretend to be
a sul'dam as they had planned.
Bayle Domon takes Mat to Egeanin.
She agrees to join him in escaping, and
will provide three sul'dam.
710 Saban-16 Mar-02 COT:Pr In his camp outside Caemlyn, Davram
Bashere is contacted by Logain.
30-31 At night, Egeanin brings Joline and the
others to the Tarasin Palace. Mat frees
the Windfinder damane Nestelle while
Teslyn and Edesina are being released
by Egeanin. He discovers Tylin has
returned early. At her order, Mat ties
her up, and leaves.
In the stableyard anteroom, Mat is
surprised by Tuon. With Noal's help, he
subdues her. Egeanin reveals Tuon to
be the Daughter of the Nine Moons.
Mat decides to take Tuon and Selucia
with them.
COT:1 Mat's party successfully escape from
Ebou Dar during a storm, as a battle
begins between the Seanchan and the
Windfinders. Many Windfinders are
killed and ships destroyed.
711 Saban-17 Mar-03 COT:Pr The Andoran rebel armies, containing
supporters of Naean and Elenia,
apparently all behind Arymilla, lay
siege to Caemlyn.
COT:3 Tylin is found dead in her bedchamber,
killed by the gholam.
30 In Ebou Dar, Riselle marries the
Seanchan Banner-General Yamada.
COT:Pr In Davram Bashere's camp, he finds his
wife Deira has been attacked after she
found men searching their tent [for the
Seals]. The men are found dead outside
the camp.
COT:14 The forces of Lady Arathelle move out
of Murandy, back into Andor.
712 Saban-18 Mar-04 COT:Pr Loial and Karldin arrive in Cairhien,
seeking Rand. Dobraine is attacked and
nearly killed by two men searching for
something [the Seals]. Samitsu Heals
him, barely.
A party of Asha'man and their bonded
Aes Sedai arrive in Cairhien, headed by
COT:9 The Shaido make camp around the
town of Malden. At night, Lacile and
Arrela escape.
COT:14 The forces of Lord Pelivar and Lady
Aemlyn move out of Murandy, back
into Andor.
713 Saban-19 Mar-05 COT:5 The Shaido attack Brytan, and carry off
people and animals.
714 Saban-20 Mar-06
715 Saban-21 Mar-07 COT:10 Elayne leaves Caemlyn on one of her
trips to country manors to gather
COT:11 Doilin Mellar [Daved Hanlon] leads a
sortie to bring eighty of Lord Luan's
men inside Caemlyn.
32-33 Rand agrees to accept Cadsuane as his
advisor. An anonymous message leads
them to where Gedwyn and Torval are
staying. He and Lan find the two
renegades dead, killed by Fain. Fain
and Toram Riatin attack them. Fain
creates an illusion of Torval and
Gedwyn, but Rand manages to wound
Fain, who flees. (Lan kills Toram.)
They attempt to escape, but are
captured and imprisoned.
34 Cadsuane uses her and Nynaeve's
Well ter'angreal to intimidate the
Counsels into releasing Rand and Lan.
COT:5 Perrin's forces arrive at Brytan and
make camp. Masuri and Annoura
secretly visit Masema.
716 Saban-22 Mar-08 35 Rand's party Travel to Shadar Logoth,
where Rand and Nynaeve start using
the Choedan Kal to cleanse the Taint
from saidin. Cadsuane deploys the rest
of the party to defend them.
10. Crossroads of Twilight
1-3 Mat's party depart Ebou Dar under
cover of Valan Luca's show. Tuon
startles Mat by asking whether he
remembers Hawkwing's face.
The three Aes Sedai with Mat sense the
Cleansing happening.
5-8 Perrin finds signs left by a large pack of
Darkhounds circling around his camp.
Berelain gives him a carte
blanche from Suroth found in
Masema's possession. Masema
confronts Perrin, and tells him of grain
available in So Habor.
Elyas arrives with news of the Shaido
camp. As Perrin is inspecting it, the
Cleansing is felt by the channelers with
Waning sickle moon [???]
9 The Cleansing is felt by the Wise Ones
in the Shaido camp. Aravine shows
Faile the recaptured Lacile and Arrela,
and swears fealty to her.
10 At the manor of House Matherin,
Elayne's maid sees a ghost.
While preparing to return to Caemlyn,
Elayne and Aviendha feel the
Cleansing begin.
11-12 In Caemlyn, Zaida tells Elayne of the
death of Nesta, the Sea Folk Mistress of
the Ships, killed by the Seanchan. She
and Elayne bargain for some of the
Windfinders to remain in Caemlyn to
make supply gateways, while Zaida and
the remainder will depart.
13 Dyelin returns to the Palace, bringing
four young High Seats to support
WH:35 At Shadar Logoth, the Forsaken attack,
but Cadsuane's forces hold them off.
Eben Hopwil realises that Aran'gar can
channel saidin. Osan'gar is obliterated
by Elza Penfell. The Taint and Shadar
Logoth destroy each other; Moghedien
is caught in the implosion. At the end
of the battle, the female access key is
destroyed, Eben and Kumira are dead,
and Shadar Logoth is gone, leaving
only a three-mile-wide crater.
14 Elayne feels the Cleansing end. It is
discovered that Merilille has left
Caemlyn along with one of the Sea
Folk apprentices [Talaan].
15 In the besiegers' camp outside
Caemlyn, Elenia pressures Naean into
pledging support for her, before they
are discovered by Arymilla.
28 At night, Mat takes Egeanin with him
when he visits Tuon. He gives Tuon a
gold necklace, which she rejects and
gives to Egeanin, who throws it away.
Sickle moon [???]
15 Daved Hanlon kills an unknown man in
the dark on his way to a meeting with
717 Saban-23 Mar-09 28 Mat begins playing stones each night
with Tuon.
KOD:Pr (?) Duhara leaves the White Tower
[sent to Caemlyn by Elaida to be
Elayne's advisor].
718 Saban-24 Mar-10 28 Mat brings Selucia a small red paper
719 Saban-25 Mar-11 4 Furyk Karede is visited by the Seeker
Almurat Mor, who tells him of a girl
with a Seandar accent apparently
extorting gold and jewels from Ebou
Dari merchants.
28 Mat brings Selucia a flower sewn from
blue linen.
720 Saban-26 Mar-12 4 Karede departs Ebou Dar and takes a
force in search of Tuon.
16 Akarrin leads a party of six Aes Sedai
from the rebel camp to investigate the
site of the Cleansing.
721 Saban-27 Mar-13 16-19 Egwene learns from Delana that some
in the rebel Hall suggest negotiating
with Elaida. She gives Beonin
permission to try.
Akarrin returns and reports to the Hall
on the destruction of Shadar Logoth.
The Hall votes to seek an agreement
with the Black Tower.
20 Egwene meets with Aviendha
in Tel'aran'rhiod.
Half moon [???]
28 Mat brings Selucia a pink silk bloom.
722 Saban-28 Mar-14 20 Egwene learns that Anaiya and her
Warder are dead, killed using saidin.
723 Aine-1 Mar-15 21 (?) Alviarin returns to the White Tower
from Tremalking, to find that she is no
longer Keeper. She calls Mesaana to
her for an emergency meeting, only to
find the Forsaken facing her own
punishment from Shaidar Haran.
Alviarin is marked by Shaidar Haran as
the Dark One's own.
22 (?) Pevara is visited by Tarna, who has
been appointed Keeper in Alviarin's
place. Tarna suggests that Red sisters
should take Asha'man as Warders.
Pevara shows her a message from
724 Aine-2 Mar-16 23-24 (?) At the manor estate in Tear near the
Spine of the World where Rand is
staying, the Warders of the
Dragonsworn sisters arrive from
Cairhien, along with Bashere, Logain,
and Loial. Rand confronts Logain and
forbids the bonding of any more sisters.
Bashere tells Rand of the hunt for the
Seals. Rand decides to seek a truce with
the Seanchan.
28 Mat brings Tuon a cluster of red silk
725 Aine-3 Mar-17 28 Mat begins taking nightly walks with
726 Aine-4 Mar-18 KOD:Pr Galad, accompanied by Trom, Byar and
Dain Bornhald, challenges and kills
Eamon Valda over the torture of
Morgase. Galad is proclaimed Lord
Captain Commander.
25-27 Perrin leads a group to So Habor,
where they buy weevil-infested grain.
They observe Seanchan fliers nearby.
Some see ghosts walking in the town.
Returning to his camp, Perrin finds that
five Shaido prisoners have been taken.
Desperate to force from them
information about Faile, he cuts off a
hand of one of them, before throwing
away his axe.
727 Aine-5 Mar-19 KOD:Pr Talene receives an order to appear
before the Supreme Council of the
Black Ajah.
KOD:Pr Rodel Ituralde launches a raid to
destroy a Seanchan supply camp at
Serana, as the first step in a broad-
based insurrection designed to draw the
Seanchan into a trap in Arad Doman.
28 (?) Tuon tells Mat that she
trains damane and horses.
728 Aine-6 Mar-20 KOD:Pr Before dawn, Suroth meets with
General Galgan and learns of the
insurrection in Tarabon. She orders
most of the raken in Altara and
Amadicia moved to Tarabon.
Back in her room, she is visited by
Semirhage, who tells her the entire
Imperial family (except Tuon) have
been killed and Seanchan is in chaos.
She offers Suroth the chance to be
KOD:Pr Pevara meets with Tsutama, who
agrees to her suggestion (actually
Tarna's) that Red sisters should bond
Asha'man as Warders.
28 (?) Egeanin tells Mat about Seanchan
marriage customs.
729 Thanks- Mar-21 KOD:Pr Alviarin receives messages telling her
giving Talene has apparently left the Tower
[actually she had been hidden away by
Saerin after not attending the Supreme
Council meeting].
27 The grain carts from So Habor arrive at
Perrin's camp. Sebban Balwer is with
them, accompanied by Tallanvor, who
tells Perrin he has a force of Seanchan
with him.
730 Aine-7 Mar-22
731 Aine-8 Mar-23
732 Aine-9 Mar-24
733 Aine-10 Mar-25 28 Mat's party reach the ferry crossing
across the river Eldar. That night, Tuon
demands that Mat take her shopping.
734 Aine-11 Mar-26 30 (?) Nicola Treehill runs away from the
rebel Aes Sedai camp.
735 Aine-12 Mar-27
736 Aine-13 Mar-28 30 Romanda sends two sisters from the
rebel Aes Sedai camp to investigate
events in Cairhien.
KOD:Pr (?) Galina is taken by Gaul and Neald
to see Perrin. She convinces him to
wait a few days before attacking the
Shaido encampment.
28 Mat's party arrive at Jurador, and he
accedes to Tuon's demand for a
shopping trip.
737 Aine-14 Mar-29 KOD:2 The ship carrying Mattin Stepaneos
arrives in Tar Valon.
KOD:5 (?) Galina is rendered hairless and
eyebrowless as a punishment by
29 Mat takes Tuon and Selucia into
Jurador to buy silk. He sees ghosts on
the way into town.
Returning to Luca's camp, Mat learns
that Renna has stabbed Egeanin and
fled. After being Healed, Egeanin
reveals her knowledge that sul'damcan
They search for Renna, and eventually
find her just before she reaches
Coramen. Mat orders her shot.
Returning to Jurador in the small hours
of the morning, Mat finds that Tuon has
revealed her identity to Luca and given
him a warrant of protection.
30 Nisao reports to Egwene the death of
Kairen Stang, killed during the night
using saidin. Egwene reveals to
Romanda that the Oath Rod can unbind
the Three Oaths.
At night, Egwene takes Bodewhin
Cauthon's place on the mission to turn
the iron harbour chains into cuendillar.
She succeeds, but is captured.
Fat, waning moon [???]
KOD:Pr Egwene, drugged with forkroot, is
taken to Silviana after discovering
Nicola is in the Tower. She warns of
the coming Seanchan attack. Taken to a
novice cell, she enters Tel'aran'rhiod to
send a message to Siuan.
11. Knife of Dreams
738 Aine-15 Mar-30 1 Siuan delivers Egwene's message to the
rebels that there be no rescue attempt.
Lelaine demands Siuan's support for
her as Amyrlin if Egwene dies or is
2 Beonin defects from the rebel camp to
the Tower. She shows Elaida and Tarna
how to Travel, and tells them of the ten
"ferrets" sent to the Tower to spread
tales of the Red Ajah and Logain. They
include Meidani; Elaida orders Tarna to
invite her to dinner that evening.
6-7 In Jurador Mat buys a bowstave, and a
razor (a Domani horse) for Tuon.
Seanchan soldiers arrive in the town; a
near-riot at Luca's show is defused by a
Bethamin starts channelling; Edesina
and Joline agree to teach her, but
Teslyn refuses.
24 After humiliating the teachers of three
novice classes, resulting in visits to
Silviana, Egwene's teaching is shifted
to sessions alone with Aes Sedai. She
confronts the novice Alvistere in the
dining hall.
Egwene tells Bennae Nalsad about the
true history of Shein Chunla, mutinies
in the Tower and the secret Thirteenth
At evening, she visits Leane and tells
her about her plans to stay and
undermine Elaida.
3 Aran'gar eavesdrops on a meeting of
the rebel Hall in Tel'aran'rhiod.
739 Aine-16 Mar-31 24 Egwene encounters Alviarin in the
Water Garden. Alviarin attempts to
interest her in escape, but Egwene
demurs. The novices begin to shift their
attitudes toward her.
3 Moridin summons the Forsaken to a
meeting in Tel'aran'rhiod. He thinks
Sammael has resurfaced. A hundred
Myrddraal and thousands of Trollocs
have been sent into the Ways.
8 Luca's circus leaves Jurador before
dawn. In mid-afternoon, they arrive at
Runnien Crossing. At night, Mat and
Aludra discuss using her fireworks as
weapons. Aludra agrees to go with Mat
when he eventually leaves Luca's show.
TGS:8 Egwene meets with Siuan
in Tel'aran'rhiod.
740 Aine-17 Apr-01 8 Egeanin and Bayle Domon are married.
Mat moves into a tent by himself.
24 Nearly two dozen novices in the Tower
are punished for emulating Egwene's
COT:Ep (?) Bashere brings an invitation from
Suroth for Rand to meet the Daughter
of the Nine Moons.
741 Aine-18 Apr-02 24 Egwene talks with Mattin Stepaneos.
Only Nicola and Alvistere are still
being punished for emulating Egwene's
behavior, but novices begin coming to
her for advice and help with their
742 Aine-19 Apr-03 4 Perrin meets with Seanchan Banner-
General Tylee Khirgan. They agree to
combine their forces against Sevanna
and the Shaido.
5 Faile attends Sevanna. Sevanna and
Therava argue over whether the Shaido
should stay near Malden or head into
the mountains.
While Faile is telling Meira about
Sevanna, the world "ripples" three
Alvon gives Faile the oath rod taken
from Therava's tent.
TGS:8 Egwene meets with Siuan
in Tel'aran'rhiod.
743 Aine-20 Apr-04 8 Mat presents Tuon with the razor.
Riding, they encounter a Tinker
caravan, and find the ruins of Londaren
Cor. Mat realises he is still linked to the
9 At evening, Tuon puts a'dam on the
three Aes Sedai, but Mat releases them
once they agree to stop bothering her.
He buries the a'dam.
744 Aine-21 Apr-05 24 Egwene encounters Beonin in the
Tower, and accuses her of betrayal. She
convinces Beonin she is still the
Amyrlin, and enlists her help in
undermining Elaida.
At evening, she visits Leane again; they
decide they can still trust Beonin.
10 Mat's party encounter a ghostly village
which sinks into the ground, taking a
peddler with it.
That evening, Thom shows Mat the
letter from Moiraine. Olver tells of the
Tower of Ghenjei. After realising he
knows where the Tower is, Mat agrees
to help Thom rescue Moiraine.
745 Aine-22 Apr-06 11 Mat's party arrive in Maderin. Tuon
wants to visit a hell; Thom and Mat
escort her to The White Ring. Mat
gambles, but ends up winning only a
single coin. Thom tells him of news of
a murder in Jurador shortly after they
left; the gholam is still on their trail.
Ahead, there is a Seanchan army on the
border of Murandy, apparently using
forkroot to detect chanelling women
and looking for the imposter Daughter
of the Nine Moons.
In the street, Mat is set upon by
assassins but fights them off, with
Tuon's help.
25 Mat's party leave Luca's show, and turn
off the road into forested country.
12 Perrin and Tylee visit Almizar in
Amadicia. A clerk in the Seanchan
headquarters there dies a bizarre,
gruesome death. They commandeer
tons of forkroot. Outside, Perrin is
wounded by an arrow in an
assassination attempt.
13-17 Elayne's forces beat off the latest attack
from Arymilla's army on the walls of
Caemlyn. At the palace, Charlz Guybon
brings a company of Queen's Guards to
join Elayne.
The Goshien Aiel leave Andor on
Rand's orders [heading to Arad
Doman]. Aviendha goes with them.
Elayne rebuffs the demands for gold of
the mercenary leaders Cordwyn,
Gomaisen and Bakuvun. Norry brings
the cutpurse Samwil Hark to her; she
sets him the task of following Doilin
Dyelin brings news that Ellorien and
the other undecided nobles to the south
of Caemlyn are staying put, awaiting
the outcome of the siege.
At evening, Vandene tells Elayne that
Reanne Corly is dead.
17 Hernvil reports to Arymilla that the
mercenaries in Caemlyn will help her.
Half moon
18-20 Rand realises the unknown man in his
visions is the stranger from Shadar
Logoth [Moridin].
Logain arrives with news of the siege in
Caemlyn, and reports he has moved
almost half of the Black Tower to Arad
Doman and Illian, including all the men
with bonded Aes Sedai. He also warns
Rand of Taim's activities.
Three Ogier, including Loial's mother
and Erith, arrive. Erith and Loial are
married. Loial speaks out in opposition
to his mother's plan to open the Book of
A huge force of Trollocs and Myddraal
attacks. Lews Therin seizes control
of saidin from Rand and weaves
Deathgates and Blossoms of Fire. The
attacking force is destroyed. Rand
manages to convince Lews Therin to
release saidin before he draws too
much again.
Verin departs, leaving a note for Rand.
Loial tells Rand he will be leaving for
Stedding Shangtai tomorrow; Elder
Haman offers to stay in his place.
Bashere returns, with details of the
arrangements for the meeting with the
Daughter of the Nine Moons.
TGS:36 Verin goes to a village near Tear and
takes a room at an inn for the night,
intending to Travel to Tar Valon the
next day. However, the inn burns down
during the night.
20 Nynaeve takes Lan to World's End in
Saldaea, from where he will ride to
Malkier. Nynaeve begins to set the
Malkieri in motion to follow Lan to the
TGS:8 Egwene meets with Siuan
in Tel'aran'rhiod.
746 Aine-23 Apr-07 21 Rand visits the Stone of Tear. Alanna
tells how Weiramon and Anaiyella
have jeopardised the negotiations with
the rebels. However, Bera brings news
that the rebels have agreed to recognise
Darlin as king of Tear. Rand prepares
to send him, Weiramon and Anaiyella
to Arad Doman.
22 In Illian, the First Twelve of the Sea
Folk meet with Logain, who demands
on Rand's behalf that their ships carry
food and supplies to Arad Doman.
The Sea Folk are shaken when news
arrives of the mass suicide of the
Amayar in response to the destruction
of the great sa'angreal on Tremalking.
23 At a meeting of the rebel Hall called by
Lelaine, Jahar Narishma presents an
offer to allow the Aes Sedai to bond up
to 47 Asha'man. He also tells of the
woman channelling saidin who killed
Eben Hopwil; Delana warns Halima
and they make their escape from the
camp before they can be arrested.
24 Egwene questions Silviana on
Shemerin's demotion to the Accepted.
In the dining hall, all the novices stand
to salute her.
25 Tarna reports to Elaida, who is playing
along with Meidani's attempt to seduce
her. Elaida orders Egwene to attend her
25 At evening, Seta asks the Aes Sedai to
teach her. Joline and Edesina
eventually agree after she demonstrates
her channelling.
TGS:2 Egwene attends Elaida, who tells
Meidani of her idea of a new Oath to
obey the Amyrlin. Under cover of
cleaning up a soup spill, Egwene orders
Meidani to find a reason to summon her
TGS:6 Egwene visits Leane, and saves her
when her cell is attacked by a bubble of
evil which warps the stone and melts
the iron bars. Returning to her room,
she discovers a section of the Brown
Ajah's rooms have somehow been
switched with the novices' quarters.
747 Aine-24 Apr-08 25 On a whim, Tuon allows Mat to kiss
Vanin arrives with Talmanes, who tells
Mat that the pass through the Damona
Mountains has been blocked by a
26 Talmanes leads them to the camp of the
Band. Mat begins studying the
Seanchan positions and making plans.
26 Approaching Malden at night, Perrin
makes contact with the wolves,
reminding them the attack is set for two
days hence.
Perrin and co. dump the forkroot into
the aqueduct supplying water to
Malden. Seonid leads a group into the
aqueduct to sneak into the burned-out
fortress in preparation for the attack.
Perrin returns to the camp near Brytan
to find a raken has arrived. Tylee tells
him 7000 Whitecloaks led by Galad are
nearby. There are also two large parties
of Aiel approaching from the southeast
and southwest, due to arrive within
three days.
Suddenly, the world "ripples" three
Fat crescent moon
748 Aine-25 Apr-09 26 After fending off Rolan's attempts to
start a kissing game with her, Faile tells
Galina she has the oath rod. Galina tells
her to meet her in the burned-out
southern part of Malden tomorrow.
27 Rand's party arrive at Lady Deidru's
manor, for his meeting with the
Daughter of the Nine Moons. They are
met by sul'dam and damane, with
"Tuon" -- who turns out to be a
disguised Semirhage. The Forsaken
destroys Rand's left hand with a
fireball, but is captured along with her
TGS:Pr Rand send the
captured sul'dam and damane, led by
Falendre, back to Ebou Dar, carrying a
message that he still wishes to meet
with the true Daughter of the Nine
TGS:36 After three days of continual
distractions prevent her from Traveling
to Tar Valon, Verin and Tomas join a
merchant caravan heading toward
27 At evening, Mat launches attacks on the
Seanchan camps. He and the Band lure
the lancers in the Molvaine Gap into an
Fat crescent moon
TGS:8 Siuan dismisses an offer from Lelaine
to pay off her debt to Gareth Bryne.
She tells Bryne about how she
witnessed the Foretelling of the Dragon
In Tel'aran'rhiod, Siuan tells Egwene
of the escape of Delana and Halima,
and of the offer presented by Narishma
for Aes Sedai to bond Asha'man. She
tells Egwene of the location of the
basement storeroom in the Tower.
TGS:Pr A vision of the Dragon appears to
Masema and orders him to kill Perrin.
749 Aine-26 Apr-10 28 Just before dawn, Faile, Maighdin and
Alliandre prepare to leave, tying up
Dairaine to prevent her going to
They meet Galina in a burned-out
building, and Faile gives her the oath
rod. Galina collapses the building,
trapping them. Maighdin tries to attract
attention by channelling, and Galina
makes her escape from Malden as
Perrin's forces arrive.
29 Under cover of fog, Perrin's forces
approach Malden. He learns from
Balwer that Masema is here with his
army. He sends Basel Gill and his
people away to the north. Tylee's
lieutenant Arabah arrives with Neald
and tells Perrin the approaching Aiel
bands are moving faster than expected,
and will arrive later today.
29 Aravine and others loyal to Faile arrive
to rescue her party. Rolan is with them.
29 Grady arrives at Perrin's side with Tam
al'Thor, who Perrin nominates as his
First Captain.
As a column of Shaido come towards
them, Perrin's forces advance out of the
fog. The few Shaido Wise Ones who
escaped the forkroot begin to channel
against them. The
Shaido algai'd'siswai are routed.
30 As the battle rages outside Malden,
Rolan and the others rescue Faile's
party. Maighdin collapses after
drinking some water [due to the
30 Aram, corrupted by Masema, is killed
by two Shaido before he can kill Perrin.
Perrin finally finds Faile; he kills
Rolan. The other two Mera'din are
killed by Faile and Lacile. They begin
moving the gai'shain prisoners north.
Gaul leaves to find Chiad; Elyas goes
with him.
Tylee arrives with Sevanna as her
prisoner and the news that the Shaido
are surrendering, but that Masema has
survived with a hundred of his
30 Galina is found and reclaimed by
Therava. The remnant of the Shaido,
with the now broken Galina, begin their
retreat to the Three-Fold Land.
TGS:36 Verin wakes to discover that the
caravan she is travelling with has been
diverted toward Murandy. She tries
Skimming to Tar Valon, but ends up in
the village of Trustair, where she
decides to wait for Mat or Perrin.
TGS:Pr Masema and his bodyguard are found
and killed by Faile and her followers.
750 Aine-27 Apr-11 TGS:9 Perrin organises the departure of his
forces, plus a hundred thousand
refugees, from Malden.
751 Aine-28 Apr-12
752 Adar-1 Apr-13
753 Adar-2 Apr-14 TGS:Pr (?) Moridin summons Graendal,
Demandred and Mesaana to meet with
him in a tower in the Blight. Moridin
forbids the others to rescue Semirhage.
He tells Graendal of Rand's intention to
bring peace to Arad Doman, and orders
her to stop him.
754 Adar-3 Apr-15 TGS:Pr (?) Rodel Ituralde lures a Seanchan
army of 150,000 into an ambush at
TGS:6 In the aftermath of the battle, Ituralde
finds the dying Seanchan General
Turan, and kills him.
755 Adar-4 Apr-16 TGS:17 (?) Perrin continues leading his forces
north from Malden; his Asha'man are
still too exhausted to make gateways.
756 Adar-5 Apr-17 31 In the small hours of the morning,
Duhara arrives in Caemlyn, having
been sent by Elaida to be Elayne's
advisor. Elayne sends her away.
Norry and Hark bring news of Mellar's
meeting with Shiaine and the Black
Ajah sisters. Elayne takes Vandene,
Careane, Sareitha, and their Warders,
and leaves immediately for Shiaine's
house on Full Moon Street.
Entering the house, they are taken by
surprise by the Black Ajah there in
force. Careane is unmasked as a
Darkfriend and killed by Vandene,
before Vandene and Sareitha are both
killed in turn.
32-33 Birgitte returns to the palace and
prepares a rescue party. She convinces
the Windfinders to make a gateway for
them to Travel outside the city. A
messenger arrives with news of an
attack on the Far Madding gate.
On the ridge east of the city, Birgitte's
party see Arymilla's forces assaulting
Caemlyn. The Black Ajah sisters attack
with lightning and balefire, but the
linked Windfinders kill one of them
(Asne Zeramene) and capture the
others. Elayne is rescued, and decides
to attack Arymilla's forces from the
In a battle in Low Caemlyn outside the
Far Madding gate, the rebels are
defeated. Arymilla, Naean and Elenia
are captured. Sylvase, now High Seat
of House Caeren, declares for Elayne,
as do Lir and Karid.
757 Adar-6 Apr-18 34 In the early morning, Karede and
Musenge arrive at Gamel Loune's
camp. Loune tells him about the attacks
the Seanchan have suffered (which
Karede thinks are being masterminded
by Thom) over the last week.
758 Adar-7 Apr-19 35 Luan and the other undecided nobles
enter Caemlyn and speak with Elayne.
All of them except Ellorien eventually
pledge their support to Elayne, giving
her the throne.
759 Adar-8 Apr-20
760 Adar-9 Apr-21 TGS:21 Perrin re-enters the wolf dream and
meets Hopper, but when he refuses to
change to wolf form, Hopper pushes
him out of the dream.
Faile leads a memorial service for
Rolan and the others who were killed
during their rescue from the Shaido.
761 Adar-10 Apr-22 36-37 Karede reaches Mat's camp near the
Malvide Narrows. Mat agrees to let him
take Tuon back to Ebou Dar. Tuon
completes the marriage ritual, naming
Mat as her husband. She tells Mat
about Lidya's telling of her fortune.
Vanin arrives with news of ten
thousand soldiers nearby, led by a
Seanchan and hunting for Tuon. Tuon
departs with Karede.
Mat sets an ambush for the enemy
soldiers and wipes them out. Musenge
takes the head of the Seanchan traitor
[Elbar] to take back to Ebou Dar. Mat
learns that by marrying Tuon he is now
Prince of the Ravens.
762 Adar-11 Apr-23
12. The Gathering Storm
763 Adar-12 Apr-24 1 (?) Rand and his forces establish
themselves in and around Lord
Tellaen's manor in Arad Doman.
764 Adar-13 Apr-25
765 Adar-14 Apr-26
766 Adar-15 Apr-27 KOD:Ep (?) General Galgan orders that Tylee be
raised to Lieutenant-General.
767 Adar-16 Apr-28
768 Adar-17 Apr-29
769 Adar-18 Apr-30 KOD:Ep Tuon arrives back in Ebou Dar and
shows Elbar's head to Suroth. Suroth is
made da'covale and given to the
Deathwatch Guard.
KOD:Ep (?) Pevara and a party of Red Ajah
Travel to the Black Tower. Taim gives
permission for them to bond Asha'man
as Warders.
Pr Tylee and her troops are ambushed by
Trollocs near Ebou Dar.
770 Adar-19 May-01 19 In Ebou Dar, Tuon holds court. She
nominates Selucia as her new
Truthspeaker. Beslan swears loyalty to
Tuon and Altara becomes a vassal
kingdom of the Seanchan Empire.
As Lieutenant-General Yulan presents
a plan of attack against Tar Valon, an
exhaused Tylee arrives and displays the
heads of slain Trollocs to Tuon. Tuon
decides to accept Rand's invitation to a
20 Mat and the Band arrive outside the
village of Hinderstap.
27-28 Mat and Talmanes enter Hinderstap to
buy provisions, but after sunset have to
fight their way out as the villagers
insanely attack them and each other.
771 Adar-20 May-02 28 At dawn, Mat and Thom re-enter
Hinderstap. They find all the villagers
who were killed during the night are
alive again. The mayor, Barlden,
explains that for months, the
inexplicable insanity has struck the
village each night. He also tells Mat
that someone in the nearby village of
Trustair is looking for Mat and Perrin,
distributing pictures of them around the
surrounding villages.
772 Adar-21 May-03 3 (?) Aviendha is set to a punishment of
counting seeds by Amys.
4 (?) Gawyn and the Younglings observe
Gareth Bryne's troops searching a
village. Gawyn decides against a battle,
and leads his force back to Dorlan.
773 Adar-22 May-04 34 Mat plans an infiltration of the village
of Trustair. He visits Aludra to check
on her cannon development. Olver
comes to tell him of the arrival of Verin
in the camp. Mat realises she is the one
who has been looking for him and
36 Verin gives Mat some sealed
instructions, and prepares to transport
Mat and the Band to Caemlyn via
5 (?) Rand receives a letter from Darlin in
Tear. He replies, telling Darlin to
continue recruiting. A group of Sea
Folk, led by Harine, arrive with Flinn;
Rand argues with her about the grain
ships bringing aid to Arad Doman. The
Aiel led by Rhuarc arrive at the manor.
5 (?) Cadsuane supervises the
interrogation of Semirhage by Merise.
7 (?) Rand orders the Aiel to seize the
members of the Council of Merchants.
10 (?) Rand finds Ituralde in an
abandoned stedding and convinces him
to join him. He intends to move
Ituralde's forces to Saldaea.
774 Adar-23 May-05
775 Adar-24 May-06
776 Adar-25 May-07 11 (?) Aviendha, having been set to a
punishment of moving rocks, sees the
guard Adrin killed by a bubble of evil,
consumed in fire which burns a hole in
the wall of the manor house.
777 Adar-26 May-08
778 Adar-27 May-09 14 (?) Sorilea examines Semirhage.
Cadsuane shows her the
male a'dam and the Choedan Kal
access key which she has in storage.
15 (?) Rand encounters Moridin
in Tel'aran'rhiod. He recognises him as
Ishamael, and realises that the non-
balefired dead Forsaken are being
reincarnated. Afterwards, he tells Min
of the encounter, and of the voice of
Lews Therin in his head. Min tells him
of her belief that he will need to break
the Seals.
15 (?) Aviendha is confronted by Amys.
Bashere and Flinn return with news that
the Seanchan have agreed to meet
Rand. Corana tells of leashed Aiel in
the Seanchan camp.
779 Adar-28 May-10 17 (?) Sarene questions Semirhage.
Cadsuane finds a way to humiliate and
break the Forsaken.
22 (?) Semirhage is freed by Shaidar
Haran. Elza gives her the Domination
Band [the male a'dam].
22 (?) Rand inspects Ituralde's troops in
Saldaea near the Blight. At evening, he
returns to the manor.
Semirhage traps Rand with the
Domination Band, and starts forcing
him to kill Min. He frees himself using
the True Power, balefiring both
Semirhage and Elza.
23 (?) Cadsuane discovers Daigian is dead.
Rand shows her the remains of the
Domination Band, and exiles her from
his sight.
780 Saven-1 May-11 26 (?) Rand's forces prepare to move to
Bandar Eban. Aviendha finally declares
herself ready to become a Wise One.
She is accepted by the others, and
Travels to Cold Rocks Hold, on her
way to Rhuidean.
781 Saven-2 May-12 29 (?) Rand makes a ceremonial entrance
into Bandar Eban, and establishes
himself in the palace of Milisair
Chadmar, who he orders to bring him
the last messenger from King Alsalam.
He sends Dobraine back to Tear, to tell
Darlin to keep gathering his forces.
782 Saven-3 May-13
783 Saven-4 May-14
784 Saven-5 May-15 31 (?) Cadsuane visits The Wind's Favor,
and asks its keeper Quillin Tasil for
information about the city and King
Alsalam. She avoids being seen by
Rand as he inspects the food
distribution at the docks.
31 (?) Rand decides to meet the Daughter
of the Nine Moons at Falme. Milisair
tells him the messenger from Alsalam
is dead, but the Aiel report she was
trying to leave the city; Rand has her
confined to a dungeon.
Rand has a vision of Perrin with Galad,
and Mat and Thom riding through the
streets of Caemlyn.
785 Saven-6 May-16
786 Saven-7 May-17
787 Saven-8 May-18 32-33 (?) Nynaeve, with Merise, Cadsuane,
and Corele, observes a ghost procession
through Bandar Eban at midnight She
Heals a child among the refugees.
Returning to the palace, she
interrogates the dosun (housekeeper)
about the messenger. She leads a party
to the dungeon where he was
questioned, where she finds Milisair.
She realises Milisair is being slowly
poisoned, and captured the fleeing
apprentice Kerb.
Back at the manor, she brings Kerb
before Rand. She removes a web of
Compulsion from Kerb, but this renders
him mindless. Before dying, he
manages to tell them the name Natrin's
788 Saven-9 May-19
789 Saven-10 May-20 35 (?) In Falme, Rand and Tuon meet.
Rand attempts to impose an alliance on
her, but Tuon manages to resist. After
Rand leaves, Tuon assumes the title of
Empress, and orders Galgan to prepare
for the attack on Tar Valon.
790 Saven-11 May-21 37 (?) Rand sends Lord Ramshalan as an
emissary to Natrin's Barrow. When he
returns under Compulsion, Rand
balefires the entire fortress, destroying
In the aftermath, Min and Nynaeve tell
Cadsuane and the Aiel. Cadsuane tells
Nynaeve she needs to find Perrin.
791 Saven-12 May-22 12 (?) Egwene visits Bennae and they
cryptically discuss Bennae's research
into the Thirteenth Depository. She also
has successful visits with Nagora
(White) and Suana (Yellow). Meidani
finally makes contact with Egwene
again, and takes her to the Black Ajah
hunters. She succeeds in convincing
them that Siuan was deposed
792 Saven-13 May-23
793 Saven-14 May-24
794 Saven-15 May-25 36 (?) Tuon, now the Empress Fortuona,
launches the Seanchan forces under
General Yulan toward Tar Valon.
795 Saven-16 May-26 13 (?) Gawyn defeats Sleete and Marlesh
in combat practice. He discovers
Katerine is in Dorlan, and that Egwene
is the captured rebel Amyrlin. He
departs from Dorlan, watched by
Sleete, leaving the Younglings behind.
16 (?) Egwene meets with Ferane, Miyasi
and Tesan of the White Ajah. She
convinces them to reopen relations with
the other Ajahs.
Katerine tells Egwene she will have no
more lessons, but will be restricted to
chores from now on. In the kitchens,
Laras offers Egwene a chance to escape
the Tower, but she refuses.
Egwene is summoned to attend another
dinner with Elaida and five other
Sitters. She and Elaida argue, and
Elaida attacks her with the Power.
Egwene is taken away to a cell.
796 Saven-17 May-27 18 (?) The Gray sister Ashmanaille arrives
in the rebel Aes Sedai camp to tell them
that Elaida now has the secret of
Traveling. Siuan sends a message to
alert Gareth Bryne.
25 (?) In the Tower, the second kitchen is
swapped with a section of the Yellow
Ajah quarters.
26 (?) Egwene meets with the rebel Hall
in Tel'aran'rhiod to inform them of the
dinner with Elaida and its aftermath.
797 Saven-18 May-28 24 (?) Gawyn arrives at the rebel camp and
meets with Gareth Bryne. He learns
that Elayne hold the Lion Throne.
Gawyn leads Bryne to Shemerin, who
is hiding among the camp followers.
25 (?) Sheriam is visited by a disguised
Mesaana, and ordered to steal the
nineteen "sleepweavers" within three
25 (?) Seaine visits Egwene, and tells her
of Elaida's forthcoming trial for
attacking her.
26 (?) Shemerin tells Romanda, Siuan, and
Lelaine how she escaped the Tower via
a small watergate. Romanda's tent is
attacked by a swarm of cockroaches.
798 Saven-19 May-29 42 (?) Rand and his forces leave Arad
Doman and Travel to Tear. As they are
leaving, Rand is told all the food in the
city has spoiled.
In Tear, he orders Bashere to find out
where the Borderland rulers are
camped. At the Stone, he is greeted by
Darlin and Dobraine. He tells Darlin
that the army will shortly be marching
to Shayol Ghul.
38 (?) Egwene and Siuan's meeting
in Tel'aran'rhiod is cut short when a
bubble of evil attacks the camp. Three
die, including one Aes Sedai.
799 Saven-20 May-30 30 (?) Lelaine questions Gawyn about
Elayne's policies. Gawyn reassures
Bryne about the Younglings, but
refuses to give detailed information
about them.
38 (?) Egwene and Siuan meet
in Tel'aran'rhiod. Siuan tells Egwene of
Gawyn's recent arrival and his meetings
with Romanda and Lelaine. After Siuan
has left, Egwene spends some time
alone in Tel'aran'rhiod, visiting the
rebel camp, and then a Tinker caravan.
800 Saven-21 May-31  38 (?) Around noon, Egwene is released
by Katerine, who is now Mistress of
Novices. Saerin tells her how Silviana
was removed from her position after
protesting to Elaida about Egwene's
punishment. Egwene sends Saerin to
rally the Hall to stop Elaida's execution
of Silviana.
Egwene convinces her two Red escorts
to leave her after dosing her with
forkroot. In her room in the novices'
quarters, she finds Verin.
39 (?) Verin reveals she is Black Ajah, and
that she has taken poison. Before she
dies, she gives Egwene her research on
the Black Ajah. She also warns Egwene
of Mesaana's presence in the Tower.
Late in the day, Meidani comes to tell
Egwene that the Hall has censured
Elaida. She orders Meidani to tell
Saerin and the others to capture
Alviarin and test her with the Oath
Rod. Meidani takes Verin's body away
via a gateway.
Egwene meets with Siuan
in Tel'aran'rhiod. However, the
meeting is interrupted as Nicola wakes
her with the news that the Seanchan are
attacking the White Tower.
40-41 (?) Siuan decides to rescue Egwene.
She recruits Gawyn, but Bryne refuses
to help until she bonds him as her
Warder. They enter Tar Valon via the
watergate used by Shemerin and fight
their way into the Tower. Meanwhile,
Egwene organises the novices and, with
Nicola's help, teaches them how to link
and form circles. She makes a gateway
to the basement storeroom and retrieves
a powerful sa'angreal.
After most of the Green Ajah are killed,
Adelorna is captured by the Seanchan,
but freed by Egwene. Saerin leads the
defence from the ground floor
gathering room, rebuffing Katerine's
attempt to take command. She realises
Egwene is fighting back from the
novices' quarters. Filled with the
Power, Egwene blasts
many to'raken out of the air. Although
the Seanchan succeed in leashing many
sisters and flying them away, they are
eventually driven off.
Bryne saves Siuan from a Seanchan
Bloodknife assassin, and is saved in
turn from the assassin's poison by
Siuan. Gawyn and the others find
Egwene, exhausted after the Seanchan
withdrawal, and “rescue” her from the
Tower (against her will).
In the aftermath of the battle, Elaida is
found to be missing. Captured and
leashed by the Seanchan, she is borne
away into the night.
45 (?) A flustered Sheriam finally manages
to steal the dreaming ter'angreal, but
misses one and is punished by loss of a
801 Saven-22 Jun-01 43 (?) In the rebel camp, Egwene rebukes
Gawyn. Bryne asks Siuan to marry
him. In the Tower, the Heads of the
Ajahs decide they must accept Egwene
as Amyrlin.
The rebel Hall meets, and Egwene
swears the Three Oaths on the Oath
Rod (retrieved secretly from the Tower
that morning), and then unmasks
Sheriam and Moria as Black Ajah. The
other members of the Hall retake the
Oaths, showing they are not
44 (?) Rand, with Nynaeve, Narishma and
Naeff, meets with a messenger from the
Borderland rulers -- Hurin. Upon
learning that the Borderlanders are
camped around Far Madding, Rand has
to be dissuaded by Nynaeve from
attacking the city. He sends Hurin back
with a message offering the Borderland
armies transport back to the Blight,
then returns to Tear.
Rand tells Nynaeve that Perrin is
camped near an enormous fallen statue,
which Cadsuane identifies as one near
the Jehannah Road.
45 (?) Egwene prepares to attack the
Tower, after cleansing the rebel camp
of the Black Ajah; over fifty sisters are
stilled and executed, including
Sheriam. Nearly twenty Black sisters
escape. Lelaine reports Sheriam's theft
of the dreaming ter'angreal, and that
Sheriam had confessed giving them to
the Forsaken in the Tower.
The rebels find only a token force
guarding the bridges leading into Tar
Valon. Eventually, ten Sitters emerge to
tell of Elaida's capture, and offer to
raise Egwene. Egwene accepts, and
enters Tar Valon in triumph.
46 (?) Egwene enters the Hall and is
formally raised to the Amyrlin Seat.
She selects Silviana to be her Keeper of
the Chronicles. She addresses the
assembled rebels, and accepts their
apology, reuniting the White Tower.
47-48 (?) Rand wanders the Stone of Tear
until nightfall. He tells the Defenders
that there is no further need to guard
the Heart of the Stone.
Returning to his rooms, Rand finds
Tam, who tells him that Morgase is
alive. To Rand's fury, Tam reveals he
was brought from Perrin's camp by
Cadsuane. Filled with rage, Rand
almost balefires Tam before weaving a
gateway to Ebou Dar.
Angrily, Tam returns to confront
Cadsuane. Min realises Rand has gone
to Ebou Dar to destroy the Seanchan.
49 (?) Rand spends the night in a Tinker
encampment outside Ebou Dar.
802 Saven-23 Jun-02 49-50 (?) In the morning, Rand enters Ebou
Dar in disguise and wanders through
the city observing the effects of the
Seanchan occupation. Realising he
cannot destroy the city, Rand Travels to
In a moment of catharsis on
Dragonmount, Rand elects to keep
fighting, and draws enough of the
Power to destroy the Choedan Kal.
Lews Therin's voice disappears from
his head, and Rand laughs again as the
skies clear above Dragonmount.
Ep (?) Egwene hears from Silviana that
sixty Black sisters have escaped from
the Tower. Also, nearly forty women,
including two dozen Aes Sedai, were
captured by the Seanchan. Silviana
takes Egwene to the Hall, where
through the opening in the side of the
Tower she sees the clouds breaking
around Dragonmount.
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804 Saven-25 Jun-04
805 Saven-26 Jun-05
806 Saven-27 Jun-06
807 Saven-28 Jun-07

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