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AMCAT Paper – 2
Home / Practice Tests / Campus Recruitment Level / AMCAT Paper – 2

Section I: Verbal Ability

No Of Questions: 25

1. He nished the novel _____ I was getting ready _____ o ce.

A. While, to
B. When, of
C. Thus, for
D. Where, to

2. The quality and texture of jeans produced in California would be good.

A. Produced in California was good.
B. Produced in California is good.
C. Produced in California are good.
D. Produced in California will be good.

3. (A)Green home cleaning is a tiny (B) but imperative step in maintaining(C)

health of the society.
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. No error

4. Munnar is the most refreshing and tranquil hill station.

A. Most refreshing and tranquilling 1

B. More refreshing anf tranquil

C. Most refresh and tranquil
D. No improvement needed

5. People working in high positions tend to shifting their work burden by

delegating tasks to their subordinates
A. Tend to shift their work burden
B. Tend shifting their work burden
C. Tends to shift their work burden
D. Tend shift their work burden

6. The Oriental Express is a Hyderabad bound train from Delhi and it goes ___
A. Through
B. Across
C. Via
D. On

7. (A)Those who do not understand(B)the meaning of loyalty does not achieve(C)

the love of their near ones.
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. No error

8. I said to my teacher that I was not well and wanted to leave early.
A. that I am not well and
B. I was not well and
C. I am not well and
D. No improvement needed

9. (A)Sachin hit a century (B) in the second match(C) between India against
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. No error

10. The code should be thoroughly checked even if we have an iota of doubt.
Select the option that best replaces the underlined word:
A. A bit 1
B. Few

C. Lot
D. Nothing

11. CONCEITED. Find the synonym.

A. Concealed
B. False
C. Conceived
D. Proud

12. FLABBERGASTED. Find the synonym.

A. Happy
B. Delighted
C. Shocked
D. Sad

13. SAVOR. Find the synonym.

A. Hate
B. Enjoy
C. Avoid
D. Dull

14. VETERAN. Find the antonym.

A. Inexperienced
B. Old
C. Experienced
D. Senior

15. EMINENT. Find the antonym

A. Quality
B. Inferior
C. Costly
D. Wise.

16. SET OFF. Find the antonym.

A. Set in
B. Set out
C. Get back
D. Get out.

17. Rearrange the sentences between 1 and 6 to form a meaningful passage.

S1: Rajeev and his friends went for river rafting. 1

S6: Later they all came to know that he is aquaphobic.

P: Rajeev forced him to have some medicine.

Q: They tried persuading him to join them for rafting, but he had severe stomach
R: Which he refused adamantly.
S: Among all his friends, Kunal backed out at the last moment.

18. Questions (18 to 21): Read the following passage and answer the questions
that follow:
My cell phone rings again. It is futile to ignore it anymore.
Valerie is persistent. She will continue to bedevil me until I acquiesce.
“Hello,” I answer.
“Circus, Bobbie?” she says in her singsong voice. “When are we heading out? Only
two more days left!”
I abhor the Circus. The boisterous crowds, the insanely long lines and the
impossibility of nding a clean restroom all combine to make this an event that I
For Valerie, my best friend since the angst of middle school, the Circus is a sign
that divine powers really do exist.
“Really, Bobbie, where else can you pet a cow, ride a horse, fall ten stories, see the
world’s smallest person and eat fried macaroni and cheese?” Valerie asks
“Hell?” I guess.
The fried food at the Circus is a gastronomical nightmare on its own. I once tried a
fried pickle at the fair and was sick to my stomach for hours. And a fried donut
hamburger with bacon, cheese AND a greasy egg? How could that not be
deleterious to your health?
I have not seen Valerie for a good month; our schedules are both so hectic. My
hatred of the Circus becomes inconsequential to my desire to hang with Val.
Alas, I ignore my anti-fair bias for the umpteenth year.
“Pick me up at noon,” I say and hang up the phone.
What does the word “acquiesce” mean?
A. Give in
B. Life the phone
C. Agree 1

D. Accept

19. How was the tone of Valerie about the circus?
A. Unconvincing
B. Uninterested
C. Jubilant
D. Dull

20. What does the multiple usage of AND represent in the passage?
A. Just used to connect multiple sentences.
B. Multiple activities found at the circus
C. To stress on large number of food items present in the menu
D. Numerous choices one has at the venue

21. What does the word GASTRONOMICAL mean?

A. Generates gas
B. Related to stomach
C. Food
D. Related to dreams

22. (Questions 22 to 25): Read the following passage and answer the questions
Fasting is an act of homage to the majesty of appetite. So I think we should
arrange to give up our pleasures regularly–our food, our friends, our lovers–in
order to preserve their intensity, and the moment of coming back to them. For this
is the moment that renews and refreshes both oneself and the thing one loves.
Sailors and travelers enjoyed this once, and so did hunters, I suppose. Part of the
weariness of modern life may be that we live too much on top of each other, and
are entertained and fed too regularly.
Once we were separated by hunger both from our food and families, and then we
learned to value both. The men went off hunting, and the dogs went with them; the
women and children waved goodbye. The cave was empty of men for days on end;
nobody ate, or knew what to do. The women crouched by the re, the wet smoke
in their eyes; the children wailed; everybody was hungry. Then one night there
were shouts and the barking of dogs from the hills, and the men came back loaded
with meat. This was the great reunion, and everybody gorged themselves silly, and
appetite came into its own; the long-awaited meal became a feast to remember
and an almost sacred celebration of life. Now we go off to the o ce and come
home in the evenings to cheap chicken and frozen peas. Very nice, but too much
of it, too easy and regular, served up without effort or wanting. We eat, we are
lucky, our faces are shining with fat, but we don’t know the pleasure of being
hungry any more. 
Too much of anything–too much music, entertainment, happy snacks, or time
spent with one’s friends–creates a kind of impotence of living by which one can no
longer hear, or taste, or see, or love, or remember. Life is short and precious, and
appetite is one of its guardians, and loss of appetite is a sort of death. So if we are
to enjoy this short life we should respect the divinity of appetite, and keep it eager
and not too much blunted.
What is the author’s main argument in the passage?
a) The olden times, when the roles of men and women were clearly divided, were
far more enjoyable than the present time
b) There is not enough effort required anymore to obtain food and hence the
pleasure derived is not the same
c) People who don’t have enough to eat enjoy life much more than those who have
d) We should deny ourselves pleasures once in a while in order to whet our desires
and feel more alive

23. What are the bene ts of fasting?

a) It is an act against the drawbacks of appetite
b) It brings joy in eating, and one learns to appreciate food
c) It is the method to understand how civilization evolved
d) It is a punishment for the greedy and unkind

24. What commonality has been highlighted between the sailors and hunters?
a) Neither were fed nor entertained regularly
b) They renew and refresh themselves regularly
c) They were regularly separated from their loved ones and things they liked
d) The roles of men and women were clearly divided for both professions

25. ‘The long-awaited meal became a feast to remember and an almost sacred
celebration of life’, what does this line imply?
a) After so many days of being hungry, the cave men and women felt alive once
again after eating the food
b) People respected and were thankful for getting food after days of being hungry
and also of being united with their loved ones
c) Cave men and women ate and celebrated together with the entire community
making the feast really enjoyable
d) Cave men and women enjoyed themselves in the feast and performed a
ceremony to thank the Gods for their safe return back home

Section II: Analytical Reasoning

No of Questions: 22 
1. Find the odd one.

2. Find the odd one.


3. 865:532 :: 976:?
A. 642
B. 653
C. 743
D. 643

4. Find the odd one.

A. BD2
B. GI2
C. NR4
D. SV2

5. In a code language the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are substituted by a, b, c, d, e

and f respectively. What is the value of
(ef*f – ba)/ed?
A. 5
B. 15
C. 10
D. 12

6. M is P’s brother’s son. N is only brother of P. How is N related to M?

A. Son
B. Uncle
C. Father
D. Nephew

7. Mallika, Maneni, Pallavi, Nikitha and Suhana are sitting facing the stage which
is towards North. They are not seated in adjacent seats. Maneni is 10 seats away 1
to right of Suhana. Pallavi is 20 seats away to left of Nikitha. Mallika is 30 seats in
front of Suhana. Nikitha is 15 seats to right of Suhana. Which of the following 
combinations does not occupy linear seats?
A. Maneni, Pallavi, Nikitha, Suhana
B. Pallavi, Nikitha, Suhana, Maneni
C. Mallika, Nikitha, Maneni, Suhana
D. None of these.

8. Find the odd one.

A. MQ2
B. RV2
C. PS3
D. DM3

9. M and N have A and B as children. F is spouse of B. D is child of F. P is son in

law of N. K is child of P. Who is the male child of M and N?
A. A
B. B
C. F
D. K

10. Find the odd one among anagrams.


11. If South is called North East, North js called South West then what is North
West called as?
A. South
B. East
C. South West
D. West

12. Is P divisible by 12?

I. P is divisible by 3
II. P is divisible by 8
A. Only I alone is sufficient
B. Only II alone is sufficient
C. Both I and II are needed
D. Both are not sufficient
13. If “129” means “enjoy the life” what is the code for “enjoy”?
I. “913” means “the whole life” 
II. “527” means “smile and enjoy”
A. Only I alone is sufficient
B. Only II alone is sufficient
C. Either of the statements alone is sufficient
D. Both are required
E. Both are not sufficient

14. Arrange in the most logical sequence:

1. Dough 2. Flour 3. Cake
4. Oven 5. Sell
A. 2, 1, 4, 5, 3
B. 2, 1, 3, 4, 5
C. 1, 2, 4, 3, 5
D. 2, 1, 4, 3, 5

15. A and B have children E and F. T is the only son of F. S is spouse of E. Q is the
brother of T. How is Q related to S?
A. Nephew
B. Uncle
C. Brother
D. Son

16. (Questions 16 to 19): A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K are 11 friends sitting in a

row. D is immediate left of F and to second right of C. A is second right of E, who
is at one end. J is an immediate neighbour of A and B and is third left of G. H is
immediate left of D and third right of I.
Who is in the middle?
A. B
B. D
C. I
D. J

17. Who are sitting at the right of G?


18. If E and D, C and B, A and H, K and F exchange their seats, who will be at ends?
A. D and G
B. D and H

C. D and K
D. D and F

19. Which of the following is true?

A. J is between K and A
B. B is between J and I
C. C is immediate left of G
D. None of the above.

20. A company is reviewing the performance of employees to decide whether to

give 10% bonus. The following criteria are to be satis ed for 10% bonus.
1. The employee must have at least 6 month experience in present job.
2. The employee must have performance rating of 7/10 from reporting manager
and 6/10 from colleagues.
3. The employee must have membership in at least one employee activity.
4. The employee must have attended personality development training at least
5. They must have at least one year experience in the company and at least one
year prior to that.
If the employee satisfies all criteria except
(2) the employee must be given 5% bonus.
(5) the employee must be give. 7% bonus.
Should the employee given 10% bonus?
All dates are as on 1st Dec 2012.

21. Sarika has been working as Senior Engineer for 1 year. She got a performance
rating of 8.5/10 from her reporting manager. She participates actively in Go Green
initiative by her company. She attended personality development program when
she joined 2 years ago.
A. She must be given 10% bonus
B. She must be given 5% bonus
C. She must be given 7% bonus
D. She must not be given bonus

22. According to a recent study, the local municipal elections, the candidate who
interacts more with the Resident’s Welfare Associations and wins their trust will
get the maximum name recognition in the elections – Which of the following
statements can be inferred from this passage?
a. Local Resident’s Welfare Associations are the most important factor in elections
in the

b. Maximum name recognition will help a candidate win a higher percentage of
votes cast
c. Resident’s Welfare associations exert a lot of influence over the voting
d. For maximum name recognition a candidate need not spend a lot of money on

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