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Program: PGDM Trimester: I
Course: Organizational Behavior Code:
Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme
Classroom Practical/ Continuous Term End Examination
Tutorials Credit
Session Group work Evaluation (TEE)
20 3 50% 50%
Course Rationale :
This course exposes students towards the significant behavioral aspects of individuals working in
organizations. The innovative pedagogy applied throughout the course module is aimed at making students
appreciate and apply the knowledge from scientific theories of personality, motivation, job attitudes, diversity
etc., included in the module.

Course Objectives :

1. To acquaint the participants with the personality dimensions that influence the work life
2. To develop understanding about the perceptual process errors therein for better managerial judgment
3. To create awareness of learning process and individual differences therein
4. To develop an understanding of the complexities involved in motivation at workplace

Learning Outcomes :
1. Will be able to analyze a business situation from the perspective of individual behavior.
2. Will be able to apply organizational behavioral theories / frameworks /models to reflect critically on
specific business context.
3. Will result in comprehending of Personality traits and implications on organizational working.
4. Will result in comprehending about the importance of teams and team building in organization and its


Case based analysis, group exercises, experiential learning activities, psychometric testing, quizzes, movie
based discussions, role plays, presentations and lecture method

 Organizational Behavior, Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge, and Neharika Vohra, Pearson

Reference Books:
 Organizational Behaviour, 10e, Fred Luthans, Tata McGraw Hill Publication, 2010
 Organizational Behaviour, 4e, Steven McShane, Mary Von Glinow, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008
 Understanding Organizational Behaviour, 3e, Udai Narain Pareek, Oxford University Press, 2004

 Journal of Organizational Behaviour
 Journal of Organizational Behaviour Management
Links to websites:

Evaluation Scheme:

 Surprise Test 10 %
 Presentations 15 %
 Mid-Term 25 %
 Term-End Exam 50 %
Total 100%

Session Plan:
Session Topic (including Learning Outcomes Pedagogical Tool Text Book &
subtopics) Readings
1 Introduction to  Will appreciate Pre Read: Chapter 1
Organizational the need for HBR article: “What
Behaviour Organizational great managers do” by
 The Need for behaviour in Marcus Buckingham
Understanding organizations.
Human Behaviour  Will comprehend 3/what-great-
in Organizations: about the managers-do
What is disciplines Forbes Article : “Five
organizational contributing to things the best
Behaviour? the field of managers do and don’t
 Disciplines that Organizational do” by Victor Lipman
contribute to the OB Behaviour.
field  Will be able to m/sites/victorlipman/2
 Challenges and demonstrate the 013/09/09/5-things-
opportunities in OB importance of the-best-managers-do-
 Developing an OB interpersonal and-dont-
Model skills in the do/#15ebc2551cef
2 Diversity in  Will be able to Discussions and Chapter 2
organizations appreciate the Case:
 Demographic need for having The Treasure Trove Of
Characteristics in Diversity in The Aging Workforce
India organizations Textbook
 Discrimination  Will gain insights
 Age, Gender, Race, on addressing
disability discrimination at
 Implementing workplace
3 Attitudes and Values  Will be able to Discussions and Chapter 3
 Components of an comprehend Exercise:
attitude: ABC about the What factors are most
Model relationship important to your job
 Does behaviour between attitudes satisfaction
always follow from and values Textbook
attitudes?  Will appreciate
(Cognitive the need for and
Dissonance) importance of job
 Generational Values satisfaction of
and its importance employees in
for management organization
 Job Attitudes: Job
Satisfaction, Job
support, Employee
4 Emotions and Moods  Will result in Discussions and Chapter 4
 What are emotions comprehend the Exercise:
and moods? impact of Who can Catch a Liar?
 Emotional Labour emotional labour
 Emotional on employees Case:
Intelligence  Will be able to It is OK to cry at
Framework administer the work?
 OB applications of strategies for Textbook
emotions and moods emotions
 Implications for regulation and
Managers corrections
5 Personality  Will be able to Big five Personality Chapter 5
 What is personality? compared and Inventory using web
 Big five Personality appreciate link
Model personality
 How Big 5 traits dimensions and http://www.personal.p
predict behaviour at values that
work influence work- o120.htm
 The Myers-Briggs life.
Type Indicator  Will be able to
 The Dark Triad appreciate
(Machiavellianism, business
Narcissism, situations from
Psychopathy) the perspective of
behavior and
develop effective
skills to become
6 Personality  Will be able to Class Activity: Chapter 5
 Other Personality comprehend and Discussions based on
Traits relevant to appreciate different personality
OB: Core self- personality dynamics and their
evaluation, self- dimensions and impact on work and
monitoring, values that working relationships.
Proactive influence work- Class Exercise:
Personality, Locus life. On Locus of Control,
of Control, Self-  Will be able Self-esteem test
esteem appreciate
 Personality and business
Situations: situations from
Implications for the perspective of
Managers individual
behavior and
develop effective
skills to become
Perception and  Will be able to Class Discussion: Chapter 6
7 Decision making comprehend the Discussion based on
 What is Perception? factors that the movie ‘Twelve
 Factors that influence Angry Men‘
influence perception perception Class Activity:
 Common shortcuts  Will be able to Snapshot Group
in judging others appreciate the Presentations: Role of
and applications of need for perceptual biases in
shortcuts in addressing business organizations
organizations judgemental (TV/ Print Ads/ Radio
errors Ads/ movie clips)
 Will be able to
about the
stereotypes and
addressing them
8 Perception and  Will be able to Class Activity: Chapter 6
Decision making Comprehend and Snapshot Group
 Attribution theory describe the Presentations: Role of
(Internal and common decision perceptual biases in
External biases business organizations
attributions)  Will be able to (TV/ Print Ads/ Radio
 Fundamental Comprehend the Ads/ movie clips)
Attribution Error link between continued from
 Self-serving bias perception and previous session
 Impression and decision making
 Implications for
9 Motivation: Theories  Will result in Class Exercise: Chapter 7 & 8
and Applications comprehending Needs Priority
 Early Theories: the need for Exercise: What are
Maslow’s Need motivation at your motivators?
Hierarchy theory, work place for Class Discussion:
ERG theory, Theory organizational Dan Pink – video –
X and theory Y, growth
Herzberg’s Two  Will result in om/watch?v=rrkrvAU
factor theory, comprehending bU9Y
McClelland’s Need and evaluating
theory the applicability
of early theories
of motivation
10 Motivation: Theories Will be able to apply Case Discussion: Chapter 7 & 8
and Applications contemporary Mini Cases on
 Contemporary theories of motivation Motivation ( text book
Theories: Equity and impact on work. and other sources)
theory, Expectancy
theory of motivation
 Job Characteristics
11 Learning Theories  Will appreciate Movie Discussion: Chapter 6 of Udai
 Classical the need for Discussion based on Narain Pareek text
conditioning continuous the movie “Whiplash” book, edition 3.
 Operant Learning
conditioning  Will comprehend
 Implications for the requirements
Managers of conditioning
for effective

12 Learning Theories and Will be able to learn Class Activity: Chapter 6 of Udai
styles and practice Exercise on Schedules Narain Pareek text
 Reinforcement reinforcement of Reinforcement; book, edition 3.
theory and techniques for Know more about
schedules of learning your Learning Style Article:
reinforcement; “Too Old To Learn?
 Organizational Diane L. Coutu
Behaviour # R00605-PDF-ENG
Modification Published 2000
13 Individual Wellbeing  Will help in Discussion and Chapter 17
and Managing Stress identifying reading:
 What is stress? potential sources Manager and
 Potential sources of of stress employee stress during
stress  Will help in organizational change
 Individual and comprehending Textbook and
cultural differences the consequences Exercises
 Consequences of of stress
stress  Will be able to
 Managing stress and identity and
Individual practice various
Wellbeing approaches in
 Primary, Secondary managing stress
and Tertiary Stress
 Implications for
14 Groups and Teams Would facilitate in Class Activity: Chapter 10
Effectiveness comprehending the Exercise on Belbin
 Key roles of team group development Team Roles
 Bruce Tuckman’s process and the role
Five-Stage Model of of group dynamics
Group Development and organizational
 Connie Gersick’s elements in various
Punctuated business situations
Equilibrium Model
 Self- managed work
 Team Processes
15 Power and Politics-1 Will be able to Case: Chapter 13
 Bases of Power comprehend about Thomas Green:
 How Power Affects the dynamics of Power, Office Politics
People power and politics in and a Career in Crisis
the context of group # 2095-PDF-ENG
behavior and its Published 2008
influence on decision HBS
making in various
business situations
16 Leadership Will result in Class Activity : Chapter 12
 Trait and developing effective Blake and Mouton’s
Behavioural theories interpersonal skills to Leadership style
 Blake and Mouton become effective Inventory
Leadership Grid leaders
 Contingency
theories: Fiedler and
Leadership theories
17 Organizational  Will realize the Case: Chapter 15
Structure and Design-1 symbiotic Boeing Dreamliner–
 What is relationship engineering nightmare
Organizational between the or organizational
Structure? individual, group disaster Textbook
 Common and the larger
Organizational organizational
Designs context.
 New Design  Will result in
Options comprehending
the nature of
design and its
impact on team
18 Organizational Will facilitate in Case: Chapter 16
Culture and climate realizing the 2009:
 Relationship relationship between Clothing, Customer
Between Culture culture and climate in Service, and Company
and Climate the larger Culture –
 Customer organizational # 610015-PDF-ENG
Responsive Culture context. Will result in Published 2009
 Hofstede’s cultural comprehending the Revised 2011
dimension concept of customer HBS
responsive culture
and cultural
19 ‘Organizational Will result in Case: Chapter 17
Change’ realizing the need for The Perils and
 Forces of Change change management Pitfalls of Leading
 Resistance to and addressing the Change: A Young
Change resistance related Manager’s
-Managing Change issues in organization Turnaround Journey
(Approaches to ( Kellogg school
Managing cases -- Part of the
Organizational Change:- Emerald e Case
Lewin’s Model for Collection)
Managing Change;
Kotter’s Eight Step Plan
for Implementing
20 Project Presentation Will result in Presentations by
 Sensitizing towards comprehending the students
the issues related to concepts and skills
Organizational with the help of live
Behaviour projects and on how
 Developing skill set to present them.
for Organizational
Behaviour concepts

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