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Handling Interruptions In Set

Let's say you are locked-in leaning against a wall, and you are talking to the group. It's been a
few minutes since you started, and you are telling an interesting story about yourself. All of a
sudden someone who you didn't see before comes up to the group. What are we going to do? If
we allow them to control the set the girls could ignore us, and leave us just standing there.
However, if we control this interruption we'll be fine. When this happens there will be a few short
seconds where the person is standing there on the outside of the group before they speak,
because you were talking. It's during this brief moment you need to say something. Now you can
say this to your target (preferably) or to an obstacle if needed. "Don't be rude introduce me to
your friend, it's the polite thing to do." She is going to hesitate because she is not use to this, they
almost never are ready to introduce me. At that moment you can pepper in a light neg to your
target if you like, thus, further disqualifying yourself as a suitor to this new person. You could
simply say, "How do you hang with this girl?" or "You can dress her up but you can't take her
anywhere." This obviously implies she is being rude by not introducing you. If she does introduce
me then great, if not then you just extend your hand and introduce yourself to the new person to
the group. Now you have one more task. You were in the process of telling an interesting story
about yourself when you were interrupted. If you continue that original conversation the new
person to the group is going to be left out, which is not good. They are going to be bored and try
and interrupt you again. If you try to catch them up on that story the original group is bored. So
what do we do? You start a new conversational topic immediately. I usually say, "Oh you just
reminded me..." then I just launch into a new story. You have 4 steps to handling an interruption
when locked-in using this method.

1. Recognize the interrupt, and say to your target, "Don't be rude introduce me to your friend, it's
the polite thing to do."

2. Disqualify yourself as a potential suitor to the new group member when she hesitates. "How do
you roll with this girl?"

3. Introduce Yourself. "I'm Jon, it's a pleasure."

4. Start a new story. "Oh you just reminded me of..."I know what you are thinking... Jon, that is
great stuff if you are locked-in but what happens if you aren't locked-in and it's under the first 3
minutes of the interaction? Ideally, you saw this person leave the group earlier and if you expect
an interruption in the first few minutes of the set, wait to open them.

If you didn't recognize this you aren't completely out of luck, although it will be harder to handle.
You can't ask to be introduced because you don't really know this group yet. The main thing that I
do at this point is play the "non-needy" card. They know you aren't part of the group so you are
going to be seen as a potential suitor, but we can help make it look better. When the friend
approaches I'll simply say to my target, "Hey, your friend is trying to get your attention!"


Please keep in mind that when these occur it is usually because you aren't engaging everyone in
the group with your conversation as you should be. In some cases this happens anyways
because a girl has been drinking, has ADD, or is jealous. As you are talking to the set and telling
a story you're likely to hear something like "I want to go dance..." or "Let's go get a drink..." from
the obstacle talking to your target. When she does this she will usually "roll off" a bit moving her
body and angling her shoulder away from you. Kind of the same way you open a set over the
shoulder. When you see this you will have to handle it quickly.

I would simply tap the girl on the shoulder with my fingers to as she's rolling off to get her
attention and say, "Hey, before you go...(intentional pause)..." then start a new conversation
giving her most of the attention. You can not always stop the girl from taking her later, however,
you are re-engaging a person who was bored and you are likely to keep the set a bit longer.
Perhaps, when you finish your thread you can take them dancing on your own or to the bar with
you. You might be able to isolate your target, and let the obstacles go off on their own for a while.
This move basically just buys you a bit more time, and gives you a second chance to keep the
whole group interested.

hmm.. its about when you feel that you want to start a convo via text but u have nothing
smart to say hhh

i usually do it the next day after i already had some text going on.. if it went good, the
next day i will say "Hey, i was thinking, I want to rob a bank, want to be my partner?"
her: "lol what"
me: "Seriously, I need your help, are you driving or shooting?"
if - her: "lol you are funny.."
when you call her be like "im calling from jail cuz you didnt help me.. and i have 5 min
to say hey...."

if - her: "i am driving lol"

me: "do you even know how to drive?"
her: "bhahah yeahh i am a good driver! "
me: "k its set then, tomorrow at ___ we robing a bank!"

then pretend like she didnt come or something and when you call her be like "im calling
from jail...... you didnt come drive me bla bla bla..."

When you confirm your Day 2, end by saying, at least to some effect,
"Oh, and remember to look pretty. Because if you look like you just got out of bed, I'm

-Girls like to be told they're pretty

The one I used was in the situation of going to see a movie:

"Hey, remember to look pretty. Because if you look like you just got out of bed, I'll be
forced to sit a few seats to your left"

If she does look nice, compliment her, but not like
AFC: "You look amaaaazing"
-Do it like this
PUA: "Oh look, you can follow directions"
-I previously had a "Point Scoring Routine" which is basically Push-Pulling with the HB
that I was having a Day 2 with.
This is basically scoring her and telling her to try get her to do more things to try and get
you attracted to her rather than her getting attracted to you. The HBs that I have done this
with hand out IOIs like crazy. When you tell them that they have done something that
sparks your interest or comes to your liking, you just say "pro" and when she does
something embarrassing, you say "Oh wow, definitely a con". My friend uses something
to this effect, "... ten points for you" when she does something to his liking.

-Note: I had already done the introduction of pros and cons to her so she actually
understood what it was.
(HB arrives)
PUA: "Oh look, you can follow directions. Definite pro."
HB: "Hah, then definite pro for you too" (IOI)

*It seems like you need to find out more on what to do with Day 2s.
-I'll post more on this when I observe my Day 2 better.


Paper...AychQ, I think you're missing a golden opportunity here.

You don't need a pad of paper, you don't even need a pen. If you want to securely close and reduce flakiness then have her write her number down.
Here are the steps and then I'll explain why these steps work.

So you're talking to a girl. You "time bridge" and want to hang out at a later date. It's about that time when you would normally exchange numbers.

1. Take her by the hand and walk over to the bar. Don't ask her to come. Don't even tell her you are exchanging phone numbers. Simply grab her
hand and walk her over.

2. If you don't have a pen, ask the bar tender. Grab 2 bar napkins and hand one to her.

3. Tell her you want to exchange numbers old school style. Also tell her you want her to write something creative so you remember her when you look
back at your little napkin. I will usually either write something funny or draw a picture. For example. If we talked about cooking dinner I might write "this
ticket is redeemable for 1 dinner and 2 glasses of wine." and then write my name and number underneath. Or I have drawn stick figures of us holding
hands and put our names above each figure and written my name and number. It is corny, but it is a lot more memorable than handing your phone
over and having her type it in.

4. Tell her if she doesn't write something clever you won't be calling her. Girls can't think on the spot so you can applaud any effort outside of just
writing her name and number.

Once she gives you her napkin, put it in your phone soon after so you don't loose it.

This secures the number because she is now invested in this a little more than she normally would. It is also more creative than the average guy is
willing to produce, and girls meet average guys all the time. The assertiveness of just grabbing her hand and pulling her over to the bar is big points.
Whenever they look at that napkin, they will remember you more than just looking at your name in their phone. I guarantee she will hang it on her
fridge or keep in on her dresser like nearly every girl I give these to. I have a shoebox full of them just for kicks.

HB: I have a boyfriend

You: Man I have only known you for abit and your already telling me your problems.

or a neg I use often

HB: I have a boyfriend

You: Who said I was ever attracted to you in the first place? Why are you telling me you have a boyfriend? You have a "I am too pretty" complex, in
which you think ever guy that talks to you wants you sooooo bad. I just wanted you to buy me a drink.

You have to say it in a cocky way in which she will try and think if you were sarcastic or not. This way it gets her off the topic of her boyfriend and
focuses it on you and her.

That one has worked pretty well for the amount I have used it. I have tried it three times in the field and with each time the girl has tried to demonstrate
DHV to me after.

But I am just waiting for the failure of that line so I can work on it. It's not perfect and I believe it needs some fine tuning. But feel free to use it. I just
want to add if you try it and fail... or try it and succeed. Post on here about it.

HUG ROUTINE (build social proof and DHV)

I don't know whether this is original or whether someone has come up with it before me,
however this is something I came up with whilst at a house party last night. There we
roughly 50-60 people at the party, a real mixture of guys and girls, I knew literally 2
people so to start with, I just hung around chatting with them, I then went into a 3 set,
gamed the girl like usual and isolated.

Whilst chatting and getting to know her a little, I thought of a cool idea, the idea and aim
is for the two of you to go around and hug everyone in the entire party. I explained that
we've been talking for a while, so its time to make some new friends, we have to hug
every single person here, I linked my arm with her, and off we went.

Now, this was a major DHV for me with this girl, it showed her I was fun, playful and
spontaneous (I made out with this girl a little later on, and slept in the same bed that
night) So off we went, and hugged both guys and girls. I simply went into a group of
people and said "Lets share the love, its time to hug" and hugged each member, there
were a couple of guys a little weirded out, some of them acted gay which is always a
laugh, anyway, we did this to everyone in the party.

Now, something I didn't expect happened, I had social proofed the whole fucking party,
guys and girls would come up to me and just start talking to me, remembering me for the
hug I had given them earlier, it made it look like I knew everyone, when, I had literally
hugged them for a couple of seconds and moved on.

It probably only works in House Parties because it's a different atmosphere than in clubs,
but, if you want a huge DHV and Social Proofing, I'd definitely try this, its fantastic!

Oh, I forgot to add, I made out with two girls at the same time, both girls sat either side
kissing and biting my neck a while after trying this routine

Gum Kiss Close

In mid game.... pushing for a K-Close...

Always have chewing gum (Works best in a smoking area scenario...

Me: .... Wanna chewing gum ??

HB: Ye sure (Girls will generall always take one)
Me: Did you know that you burn 22calories a minute from chewing gum...
HB: Seriously ?
Me: Yeah seriously... but you burn 28cals a minute by kissing a hot guy..(Big Smile if
she smiles back kiss her)
HB: Had this response a couple of times).. (She'll Giggle) All i gotta do now is find a hot
Me: Ha.. well look to ur left (She Will).. now look straight ahead(She Will)... That wasn't
that hard huh ?

Kiss close.... Boom !!.

Not YET field tested, but it sounds like a good one to me.

Me: "Do you have a band-aid?"
Girl: "Yes/No"
Me: "I hurt my knee, when I fell for you.." (Said in a VERY cheesy tonality)
Girl: Ha ha ha ha ha
Me: (direct/sincere tonality) "I'm glad you laughed, because I saw you from over
there, and I had to make sure you had a sense of humor before I introduced name is (insert your name here/Mr. Wonderful)"

It's VERY similar to RJ's Shoplifter opener (which I LOVE as well!) except it
isn't context-specific. I used the Shoplifter opener in the Best Buy sarge.

From there, I'm probably going to go into the non-sequitor

(Roller/Tosser/Folder) and into a seduction question. For some reason, I like
the non sequitor more than the Snack Quiz.

To those who have a lot of experience with the Snack Quiz, do you guys just
bring it up right after the opener??? Or, do you fluff first and then bring it
up?? I've tried to just bring it up after the opener, and I don't really get a
good response...but the non-sequitor usually does get a good response. It could
just be my delivery of the Snack Quiz as well that's the problem...

Enfused Kiss Routine

This routine will make a kiss seem very passionate, seductive, and memorable. I have
used it on girls that I have already had dates with (so attraction and comfort are built).
My goal was to seduce them by giving them a kiss that is more emotional than the rest
she has ever had (hopefully). I am writing this in this forum because I wanted to hear
your comments to know if there is anything that I can do to make this routine more

I start by telling the girl, “I want to try something” and I hold her hand (one of her hands
locked together by two of mine). Ask her, “Have you ever been so positively
excited/aroused/intrigued that you felt your blood surging throughout your entire body?”
(Pause.) Tell her to close her eyes and re-create that feeling; tell her to recapture that
feeling by describing it to you in as much detail as possible; tell her that you want her to
place herself in that position again. (You kino the entire time by holding her hand or
touching her shoulder.)
Then, instruct her to capture that feeling by making it smaller and more condensed, and
kino her above her breast—you want the feeling, the blood surge, to go from her whole
body to her heart. Then, you tell her to move that feeling/excitement/arousal/intrigue to
her lips, while you lightly touch the center of her lips (all this with her eyes are closed).
(She will usually lick her lips at this moment if done correctly.) Then say, “feel this” and
kiss her like it will be the last kiss you will ever have, getting real close to her, moving
your hands around, etc.
So what do you think?

2. The Compliance Ladder

In order to understand the compliance ladder you must understand the foot-in-the-door
phenomenon from the field of social psychology.
Foot-in-the-door phenomenon: People’s tendency to comply more readily with a large request if
they have already agreed to a smaller favor.
(source: [link] )
In short, the compliance ladder is a series of compliance tests that gradually increases in
investment. By "investment" I mean how much energy she needs to expend in order to pass your
compliance test.
The first thing you need to do on this ladder is to make a small request. Hey, but guess what?
You've already begun the process by offering your hand for a handshake. She passed your first
compliance test by offering her hand for a handshake.
Other low-investment compliance tests include:
* Asking her to hold something for you while you do something else
* Asking her to get you a glass of water if she's going to the bar to get herself another drink
* Asking her to watch your stuff while you go to the bathroom
* Seeing if she accepts low-risk kino such as touching her shoulder to emphasize a point
After she passes a compliance test, move up the ladder by giving her a bigger compliance test.
Keep doing this until you're having sex.
If at any point she does not pass a compliance test, just move down one step on the compliance
ladder and do more compliance tests from that level. Once she passes a couple of those, try the
next step again, or try to find a step between those two steps for a smoother transition.
Examples of bigger compliance tests, roughly in order of low-investment to high-investment,
* Seeing if she lets you take her hand and spin her around
* Closer physical proximity
* Asking her if she can keep a secret
* Whispering a secret into her ear
* Hug
* Seeing if she accepts THE CLAW (your arm over her shoulder)
* Seeing if she lets you hold her hand as you talk to her
* Pointing to your cheek to let her kiss you on the cheek as a "reward" for passing the previous
compliance test
* Touching her hair
* Touching her face
* Kissing her on the cheek
* Kiss
* Make out
* Groping
* ...and so on and so forth
These are just a FEW examples. In addition to these compliance tests, get creative and make
your own compliance tests.
If you haven't figured this out already, each step on the compliance ladder has a physical/kino
aspect to it. I realize that my examples lists pretty much resembles a kino escalation ladder. Well,
compliance is pretty much the unsung hero of any sort of escalation. Forget looking for IOIs; look
for compliance.
So, to answer any questions like "How do I kiss her?" The answer is this: Work your way up the
compliance ladder by getting her to do stuff that you think requires less investment from her than
a kiss.

4. Sexual SFT

The SFT stands for State, Frame, and Tension. Think of Sexual State as what you do on the
inside (as in, inside your own mind and body) and Sexual Frame as what you establish on the
outside (as in, using words). Sexual Tension is the force you create with that state and frame. If
you are a beginner to pickup then just focus on Sexual State for now.
Sexual State
Sexual state is a controlled state of arousal. It's just feeling horny. While you are interacting with a
woman, do whatever it takes to feel incredibly aroused on the inside, but be completely normal on
the outside.
In order to get into sexual state, some PUAs visualize having sex with the girl they're talking to
while they are talking to them. Some visualize her giving him a blowjob. Personally, I like to stay
in the present moment and focus on the things about her that turn me on, such as a neckline, for
example. Try all of that and see what works best for you. Erection = win.
Why is sexual state so important? In order to seduce a woman into bed you must have her be
sexually aroused. Being horny yourself will help her achieve the same state. If you want to learn
more about how this concept of state transfer works, look up "Mirror neurons" on wikipedia.
Like the compliance ladder, treat sexual state as an escalation of low to high. Start off with a low
sexual state and, as your seduction progresses, turn the volume up gradually until you're really
Read Section 10 from Gunwitch Method 1 at [link] for more information on sexual state.
Sexual Frame
I define sexual framing as anything that potentially gets the woman thinking about having sex with
How do you get a woman to think about having sex with you? There are many ways to do so.
One day I observed a "natural" casually interacting with a group of people I was a part of. I was
shocked at some of the crudely sexual remarks that came out of his mouth, but my shock would
quickly subside when I noticed how congruent and unapologetic he was with his frame. I justified
his behavior in my head, "That's just who he is. He must just be a really sexually aware guy."
Besides, he wasn't being confrontational or creepy or anything like that. He seemed like he was
just being his own damn self, completely comfortable in his own skin.
What he was doing was essentially giving us all ample opportunity to squeeze our imaginations
and produce sexual thoughts by using sexually charged language. It was then I realized that I
must take more risks by engaging in potentially socially inappropriate behavior that clearly steers
an interaction toward a sexual direction. For example:
Girl: So I was shopping the other day (something completely unrelated to sex)
Chief: What? Let's have sex? Well, OK then.
Girl: ...
Chief: Oh wait, that's not what you said. It's not a bad idea, though.
Girl: Huh?
Chief: OK OK You're convincing me. Anyways, what were you saying about shopping?
Girl: *giggle giggle giggle*
Sexual Framing can be as simple or as advanced as you need it to be. It can be as simple as
using the word "sexy" when describing yourself or something about her, or as advanced as the
"Grand Master Style" where you calibrate extremely vulgar phrases with a "just kidding." It can be
as simple as using the old "That's what she said" line when you get an opportunity to use it, or as
advanced as a trance-hijacking NLP pattern. Start off with the simple shit.
All in all you should keep this in mind when it comes to Sexual Framing: As long as you are
somehow giving her the mental image of her having sex with you, you're doing it right.
Sexual Tension
Building Sexual Tension gives you that feeling of needing closure. The more of it you build, the
more you'll want to fuck each others brains out.
Tension is something that's created when two opposing forces are combined somehow. To apply
tension to sexual attraction, you must combine a force that's moving the sexual vibe forward and
a force that actually holds the sexual vibe back. One of the most common ways to do this is to
evoke sexual arousal within yourself and the woman while talking about something that's
completely nonsexual.
Because of the way in which these techniques use opposing forces in harmony, any application
of the push/pull dynamic, the concept of 2-steps-forward-1-step-back, and cat string theory to the
sexual vibe of an interaction will build Sexual Tension.
Another technique that builds Sexual Tension is triangular gazing. While you use triangular
gazing, you are communicating the fact that you are thinking about kissing her. However, since
this desire isn't verbalized, you end up building sexual tension. Google it if you have to.
An extreme example of building Sexual Tension is Ciaran's Shock and Awe technique. While
using Shock and Awe you are verbally and physically expressing your pure desire but
demonstrating an attempt to suppress your desire at the same time. Google it if you have to.

Lowering ASD
Do not read this post on Lowering ASD until you have gotten the hang of using the model detailed in the OP and Managing Expectations.
Information overload will hinder your progress.

The mainstream PUA view on Anti-Slut Defense is that you need to passively avoid triggering it. Wouldn't it be more effective to actively lower it?
Don't you think that actively lowering ASD might actually get the girl to think, "Hmm... This guy is safe to have sex with," which would greatly help
progress your seduction forward?

Establishing a sexual frame while actively lowering ASD will also lead to greater sexual tension. This shit is so full of win.

If you're familiar with the theories of Vin DiCarlo, you may have heard of Objection Game. In Objection Game, DiCarlo teaches that women have a list
of fears when it comes to having sex with a new guy, and neutralizing each of these fears would give her absolutely no reason to not sleep with you.

The "fear" that stands out most to me, and the one that seems most relevant to ASD, is essentially the fear of becoming known as a slut, or "this guy
is going to tell everyone that he had sex with me!"

DiCarlo recommends telling some sort of story that demonstrates that you're not the type of guy to do such a thing. Zan Perrion recommends just
telling the girl "I'm a discreet guy" or something like that. I actually run a routine (gasp!). Here it is:

Chief: Can you keep a secret?

Girl: Yes!
Chief: Cool.
Girl: ...
Chief: ...
Girl: ...
Chief: ...
Chief: Oh, I just wanted to know if you could keep a secret because I like being discreet.

It's better to use this routine when there is a lot of sexual tension already present. If you don't say this in the presence of sexual tension, she might not
catch the sexual intent behind what you say, which is bad.

You don't have to use my routine word for word. All you have to do is somehow communicate that you're not going to socially betray her for trusting
you with her body, and that you would expect the same respect from her. Oh, and make sure you keep to your end of the deal, of course. Keep her
personal information (including her first name) out of FRs and don't tell your friends that you fucked her. Would you rather have your ego pumped up
and get laid less, or would you rather have no name and get laid more? Fuck your ego; you don't need it.

Rapid Kino Escalation Dancefloor Game

Do not read this post on Dancefloor Game until you have gotten the hang of using the model detailed in the OP, Managing Expectations,
and Lowering ASD. Information overload will hinder your progress.

A great man once said, "The dance floor is a trap" and advised students of pickup to avoid the dance floor at all costs. Some great men say some
really stupid shit.

Kino escalating on the dance floor is very easy. Since my game is pretty much based on arousal and compliance, I use the dance floor to turn her on
and compliance test simultaneously and very quickly. The reasons I have "likes music and dancing" in my list of qualities that I look for in a woman is
that I know I can use rapid kino escalation dance floor game very easily on a girl who actually likes to dance. It makes seducing her a lot easier. If I
met her somewhere outside of a club, such as a bar without any space to dance or a store, I'm going to screen her for this quality to see if I could
have some fun taking her to a club.

Sure, you can approach women who are already on the dance floor, but here's how I mainly use it:

Once you've established a subjectively decent amount of compliance, take her hand and start leading her to the dance floor. This is another
compliance test in and of itself, and, like getting a phone number, it's pretty low on the compliance ladder.

You don't have to be a great dancer to do this. You don't even have to be a good dancer to do this. You just need to be willing to have fun and
unafraid of getting very physical very fast.

The key is to physically lead her body. Communicate with your hands and the rest of your body what you want her to do. You're basically telling her
what you want to see. You're compliance testing her (i.e. telling her what to do and seeing if she does it) the entire time! If you don't really know what
you should be physically telling her, let your penis be your guide. Quiet your mind and listen to what your cock is telling you. Just let your horniness
take over. It's kind of like "going caveman."

Move to the rhythm of the music, but you don't have to do anything fancy. Your main job is to communicate with your body language what you want
her to do. Women are the ones who are good at dancing. You don't have to compete. She wants to show her body off to you. She wants to make you
want her.

Here are some compliance tests that you can give on the dance floor, roughly in order of low-investment to high-investment:

* Take her hand and give her a spin (old community classic).
* Point to your cheek to have her kiss it.
* Pick her up and spin her around.
* Grab her belt loops (if any) and see if she moves her hips to the movement of your arms.
* Turn her around by her hips.
* Grind.
* Get very close and smell her neck. Tell her that she smells good.
* Move your hands all over her body.
* Run your fingers through her hair (be careful as some girls might have some shit like extensions or a lot of product).
* Pin her against the wall by her wrists.
* Kiss her neck.
* Make out.
* Grope her ass.
* Play with her pant and panty line.
...and so on and so forth.

With enough compliance you can get really far really fast on the dance floor. You might believe that this is impossible and that escalating so fast would
scare her off, but try it. It's not as easy to scare her away with fast escalation as you would think. Just try and see what you can "get away" with.

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