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Sambal nasi lemak

Ikan bilis
Cili kisar
Bawang merah (dikisar)
Bawang putih (dikisar)
Bawang holland (dikisar)
Sos cili
Kicap manis


1. Ikan bilis digoreng terlebih dahulu

2. Masukkan minyak, tunggu sehingga panas kemudian masukkan cili kisar.
3. Sehingga pecah minya, masukkan bahan-bahan kisar
4. Perasakan dengan sos cili, gula dan kicap manis
5. Masukkan ikan bilis yang telah digoreng dan gaul sehingga rata
6. Siap!

Teh tarik juga dibuat oleh saya

Refleksi kendiri:

Mom wasn’t allow me to touch any ingredients in the kitchen since she already planned everything what
to cook for the whole week. So the ingredients are very limited for me to make. So I just stand behind
my mom who the main chef and I’m the assistant. But for this nasi lemak, I offered myself to make the
sambal. It’s my first time trying anyway. My mom has this recipe from her textbook during her
‘tingkatan’ days where there are so many recipes compile in one book. So I refer to the book. It is indeed
a very simple recipe. But in the end the taste just feel so weird, so I need to do something so it will taste
better without the help from the MSG. So I remember, mom once said ‘kalau mau kasi betul tu rasa dia,
adjust jak guna sos atau kicap’. So the kicap and sos cili wasn’t in the original recipe. But to make it taste
better I seasoned it and modified the taste a bit with that two extra secret ingredients. Gratefully, all the
family enjoy my sambal. For ‘nasi’ mom made it.

One another thing… in Sabah we usually eat nasi lemak for breakfast. So for this recipe, I made it
for breakfast and not for hidangan petang. But as the ingredients are limited. I decided to just send the
recipe that I made long days ago…

And ohh the teh tarik... I become so interest in making teh tarik on my own these days. So I
make it a lot during breakfast. It taste better now since the first time :)

And the other video I made which is cookies and cream smoothies. I made the video for fun. But
suddenly saw this tutorial. I think I’m just gonna send it along.

Sorry, for writing in English. Ingat nak jawab santai2 without formality since we have to make a lot of
assignments and the usage of formal grammar really sickened me. Hahaha tidak bah! Since this is
mentoring. I think I think it’s better to santai2 and don’t want to stress myself so much with the

And here is the book. I’m really amazed how they REALLY learned Kemahiran Hidup back in the days :O
just look at the kemahiran orang2 lama mostly really mastered in life skills. Beza dengan zaman sekarang
yang hanya mementingkan intelektual while the life skills is ignored…

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