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no Details Required
1 Function/ Process Name

2 Process description (in brief describing inputs, triggers, happy path,

exceptions and outputs)
3 Total FTE's in scope

Provide FTE split by teams within the process (such as payment

investigations, payment processing, fraud detection, etc.)

5 Share operational monthly volume for the last 6 months

6 Delivery Locations and operational hours
7 Key Internal Stakeholders (Name & Role)

8 Is the Process Manual & Repetitive?

9 Rule based process?

10 Inputs are standard?

11 Does the process includes reading of free text?

Does this process requires reading/validation for completeness of

Scanned Images or Handwritten Documents?

Is the process / systems expected to be changed within next 3-6

14 Please list any known Technology/ System Constraints
Are there any steps in the process which are already automated
using any tool or utility.

%age of Unknown Exceptions(%age of transactions where the

16 process is not defined)
17 Is there a test environment available?
18 Is the current Operation within a Citrix environment
19 Average staff Salary

20 Concurrent logins - Please provide the Peak and Off-peak numbers

21 Share list of applications in scope

22 Sample Input files (Emails, templates as sample)
23 Share process relevant SOPs / Process Maps
Share operational process screenshot / images of filled forms
(masking personal information) / sample emails, etc.
Please provide any compliance or regulatory requirements for the
in scope process
Provide in detail all the SLA/KPI's tracked for the current
26 Operations? How has the current team performed against these?
(Please provide 6 months data)
27 Share details of any in-flight transformation projects
Operations(Select options from dropdown)

1)Manual & Repetitive - A process which is performed by user and most of the process
are same for all cases or transactions.
2) Semi Manual & Repetitive - A process which is performed by user and also involves a
automation mechanism like Macro, Outlook plug-ins, etc.
3) Automated - A process is already automated. Please specify what tool/platform is us
automation in comments.
4)Manual But Not Repetitive - A process which is performed by user and process steps
each case will not be same.

Rule Based "Yes" - Agent/user doesn’t use his/her experience to take any judgement o
decisions while processing a case.
Rule Based "No" - Agent/user take decision using his/her experience while processing a
What are the Input Types for the process? E.g. Documents(PDF, Word, Excel etc.), Appl
Queue, E-Mails, etc.

What are the Inputs - Inputs are the contents of an input types. For e.g. In an invoice -
number, date, amount, name, etc. are inputs. To decide whether inputs are standard o
refer below.
1) Input are Standard - Inputs are standard if the content is positioned in the same plac
if the input types are different. E.g.: Position of details in an invoice like Invoice numbe
amount, Name etc. in an input type(PDF, Word etc.) are always fixed, based on the invo
template used.

2) Input are NOT standard - Input are considered as not standard when the position of
contents vary in the input type(s).

Reading means interpreting the text and its context. E.g. Reading comments, user Note
historical comments, instructions etc.
Reading implies interpretation of the written script. Please specify if the handwritten
document needs to be interpreted as against only validated for completeness. E.g. sign
on account opening need to be only validated as against interpreted to ensure unsigne
are not processed.

Mention the Automated step(s) and Applications / Tool / Utility used for automation.

What %age of the total volume received cannot be processed without an external
factor(query/approval). i.e. those steps for which there is no next action defined.
Please mention currency and median staff remuneration only for the in scope FTEs

RPA Automatization Processes

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