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Unit 5 Bad Habits

In this topic, we are going to learn about how to describe our bad habits especially in health.
Language Focus
 To explain about your habits, use Present simple with time expressions or expression
of Frequency (To answer “How often?”
% Adverbs of Frequency Example
100% Always I usually go to sleep at midnight.
90% Usually I always go to sleep after having Subuh prayer.
80% Normally/Generally I normally eat rice three times a day.
70% Often/Frequently I often drink soda.
50% Sometimes I sometimes drink alcohol.
30% Occasionally I occasionally do sport.
10% Seldom I seldom do exercise.
5% Hardly ever/rarely I hardly ever eat vegetables.
0% Never I never eat meat because I am a vegetarian.
Subject + Adverb + Main verb (V1) Subject + BE + Adverb
Daniel always skips breakfast. He is always hungry.
I often eat instant noodle. I am always hungry.

 Other expression of frequency

Adverbs Example
of Frequency
Every Every day I drink three cups of coffee every day.
Every week I eat almost twenty bars of chocolate every week.
Every month I gain weight two kilograms every month.
Every year I do general check up every year.
On On Sunday I play sport every Sunday/on Sunday.
On weekdays I drink three cups of coffee on weekdays.
On weekend I sleep twelve hours on weekend.
Twice I drink alcohol twice a week.
Three times I eat instant noodle three times a week.
Many times
 To explain the description, use Present Simple or modals
Smoking can damage your lungs.
Going to bed very late is very bad for your metabolism.
Drinking too much sugar may affect your blood sugar.

May To be present
Will + V1 Is
+ Adj
Shall Are
It can make my eyes hurt./ It makes….. It is dangerous for our body.
It can affect…./It affects… It is bad for your digestive system.
It may cause/It causes…

Habit: I often drink soda.
Drinking soda often may make/affect/cause nausea.
It is harmful for blood sugar.
It can affect lack of body liquid. /It affects lack of body liquid.

Habit: I always play online games.

Playing online games can damage eyes.
It causes severe headache.
It makes pain on shoulders.

Exercise 1: How many times? How often? Answer these questions.

1. How many times do you wash your face with facial foam?
2. How many times do you brush your teeth?
3. How many hours do you need a nighttime sleep?
4. How many glasses of water do you need to drink?

Exercise 2: List your bad habits in health in the following column. Add more information
why they are bad for your health.
Expression Bad Habits Effects
Usually I usually eat spicy food every meal Eating spicy food every meal time can
Every meal time time. trigger upper gastrointestinal symptoms.
Every day
Every night
Every morning
Three times a

Exercise 3: Ask your friends about their bad habits in health. Do you find any of your
friends having the same habits as you have? How many? Ask their reason.
Dina often skips brushing teeth before going to bed.

Skipping brushing teeth before going to bed can cause decayed tooth.
It causes a lot of bacteria left in the mouth.

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