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Counter the Loneliness Yourself.

Seniorgiri Series: Hobbies

Digital Art

By Shobha Mathur

1 of 43.
I am compiling a series of things to do - what to do to counter
loneliness, in addition, how to go about it.

The book about painting became BOOKS about visual arts. As it is

inconvenient to upload and download big files, I have arranged the
info in different files.

Learn to Paint Part 1 Covers Supplies, General Techniques, Oil and

Acrylic Paintings. Part two is now split in several parts.

Digital Arts
Drawing and Sketching
Glass Painting
Water Based Painting

This one is about Digital Art.

I have tested all the links mentioned. As on May 2010, all links are
secure, correct and working.

You should look for more as you surf. You may find many that will
suit to your needs. This is just a first step.

Please feel free to share this with anyone you like.

2 of 43.
Digital art

Today with popularity of computers digital art is blooming. It is an

umbrella term for a range of artistic activity which uses digital
With the expansion of Internet and World Wide Web the
requirement of digital graphics has exploded.
This covers a multitude of work in all kinds of art fields - static
images both 2D and 3D, animated images, Videos, Sounds,
Music or indeed an integrated mix of all called
MULTIMEDIA. The range is constantly growing.

With new software coming everyday, it is now possible to do a variety

of drawing and painting with minimum effort.
Even drawing software is becoming specialized for 2-D or 3-D
drawings. 3-d drawings are again not covered here. They are
used more for designing various objects like cars, homes,
furniture, and also animated figures used for games or

This is a hobby article, and I have only covered basic digital drawing
and painting. Both of them can be done using various software and
sometime with dedicated hardware.

You still need basic drawing and painting skills to adapt to computer
graphics. Almost all of them use variety of brushes, pencils, pens, colors
and painting techniques like oils, watercolor or impasto.

Digital art is like any other art. It is just created using different tools.

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Many people think that digital art is not creative, it is only a
reproduction. Well, it can be a reproduction as well as an
original work. You can draw on the computer to produce an
original art work. It can be as simple or as elaborate as you may

Any art is about an artist’s idea and emotions. He can use any tools he
likes. Computer today is like other traditional tools or the medium for
the artist’s vision. It is better in the sense that there is no mess to clean,
and it is better to erase and redo your mistakes. You can even save the
work in many formats to compare later.

4 of 43.
What IS digital art?

The Austin Museum of Digital Art defines digital art as a product, a

process and a subject.

Product: digital art is a digital file (such as animation or

images), which can be transported by digital media- By
CD/ DVD, Pen drives, or by Internet.
Process: Digital art technology in the process of creating
the artwork (such as digital photography or computer-
aided illustration).
Subject - Artwork that focuses on technology as a subject
(such as a photograph of a computer mouse) would also
be considered digital art.

Digital art can be purely computer-generated (such as fractals and

algorithmic art) or taken from other sources, such as a scanned
photograph or image drawn using vector graphics software using a
mouse or graphics tablet.

Artworks are considered digital painting when created using software on

a computer and digitally outputting the resulting image as painted on

Digital art examples

Here are some interesting examples of digital art from

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Digital Painting
2D: The artist creates 2D images totally in the computer virtual
environment with the use of painting tools that emulate natural media
styles. Sometimes referred to as "Natural Media".
3D: The artist uses 3D modeling and rendering software to essentially
sculpt in virtual space. This method also makes use of all of the other

Integrated Digital Art

This is the "mixed media" of the digital art world. Artists combine any
number of the techniques to achieve unique results. The digital
environment is much less restricted than conventional mediums in this
type of integration and manipulation.

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This combines the disciplines of photography and painting. The artist
uses image editing and paint software to go beyond dark room
techniques to add further expression to the image.

This is art produced exclusively by mathematical manipulations. This is
the so-called "computer generated" art. The art here lies in the invention
of the mathematical formulas themselves and the way the programs are
written to take advantage of the display capabilities of the hardware. The
art also lies in the creative intentions and subsequent selections of the

7 of 43.

The first experiments in computer-aided art began in the late 1950s in

Germany and the United States.
During the 1970s the digital arts began to become popular, as
computers gained both power and abilities.
The introduction of the personal computer in the 1980s allowed
more artists to experiment in the digital arts.

The digital arts gained a wider acceptance in the art world during the
1990s, with more galleries accepting digital works and the establishment
of the Digital Art Museum. Today, digital art thrives on the Internet in
online galleries.
Adobe Systems, founded in 1982, developed the first graphic
software. Adobe Illustrator, a vector drawing program based on
the Bezier curve introduced in 1987 and Adobe Photoshop in
Of course since then both program have undergone a sea
change and many new copy cat programs have come up as well.

In 1984 Apple released the Mac, which revolutionized the digital graphic
scene. Even now it is considered better than a PC for graphic work by
professionals. Though now a lot of new programs are being written for
PC as well.

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Graphic software

To be an artist, you will need artistic ability, computer and special

software known as graphic software.

It is any kind of software which can be used to create, edit, and manage
2D and 3D computer graphics. These computer graphics may be clip art,
Web graphics, logos, headings, backgrounds, digital photos, or other
kinds of digital images.

Though 3D Modeling and CAD (computer-aided design)

software is graphics software, but these are very specialized
applications which are more useful for respective industries.
For example, 3D graphics software is often used in animation,
and CAD software is often used in architecture and engineering.
Motion graphics again has unique qualities and need special
By their very nature, these programs are not part of this hobby

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What you can do

✪ You can mix techniques and use computer along with traditional

✪ You can draw an image from scratch on the computer with some
software. Microsoft Paint was the original drawing program.

✪ You can draw an image on paper and scan it to use on computer.

✪ You can invest in a Drawing tablet. On this you use the stylus as a
pencil to draw and instantly the image appears on the Monitor.

✪ You can download clipart or other images and alter them.

✪ You can use photographs as the basis of a painting. It is useful for

all kinds of paintings, especially portraits and landscapes.

✪ You can print your drawing on canvas sheet or other paper and
paint by hand.

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Some Types of digital art

Computer art
Fractal art
Traditional art
Video art
Computer art scene
Computer graphics
Digital illustration
Digital painting
Electronic music
Computer generated music
Music visualization
Digital photography
Movie special effects
Digital imaging
Photo manipulation
Interactive film
Video game design
Video game art
Pixel art

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Some Examples




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What you need

1. Computer
If buying new, go for the latest chip/ video and graphic card/ 1-
It is difficult to advice in this kind of article as the technology
changes so fast that it is obsolete the moment you buy a piece.
So if buying new go for the latest chip, graphic cards, Operating
System, and as much RAM as you can afford.

2. Monitor
If buying new, go for the biggest monitor you can afford, to be
able to see better your creations.

3. Graphic tablet
For input devices you already have mouse and the keyboard.
For most beginner’s software that is fine.

If you are serious about your hobby, you can invest in a

Graphic tablet. There are many brands and sizes available. This
is a dedicated input device for drawing. You draw on the board
with the supplied stylus (a pen like tool), and the picture
appears on the monitor. Many drawing software support a
tablet. So after drawing you can still manipulate it on the

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Before You Buy a Graphics Tablet check here:

4. Printer
An all in one Inkjet or laser is better. This helps you to scan
also so you do not have to invest in another appliance. Printer is
useful if you want to make a hard copy of your drawing and
paint it by hand. Some printers can also print on canvas sheets
or watercolor papers.

5. Internet connection
Go for whatever suits your budget. I find slightly less speed
with unlimited download package works better for me.

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1. Latest Operating system

Though win 2000, and XP are still in use, Vista and now
Windows 7 are slowly taking over. It makes sense to change the
OS when you change the computer or after a new OS
establishes itself, as new software gets developed for it and
won’t run on the old OS.
Mac and Linux are also used by many but it is windows which
is dominating the market. Mac is good for graphics. If you have
Mac, you will have to look for Mac versions of the software

2. A good downloader
A download manager is essential to download all the programs
you may need. I use Download Accelerator Plus (DAP). I find
it is good, it integrates with IE, Chrome, Opera and Firefox. It
has resume and multiple download site support.
Download it from here:

3. Graphic software
The range available is astounding. Some of the good and known
programs are very expensive, but many good freeware are
available too. At the end I have given as many freeware that I
could find.
I have used Photoshop (it is not free),, Artweaver, and
have tried most of the programs listed. You also play with them
and decide which suits you best.

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Some Definitions

Before we go further, let us comprehend the terminology used.

Graphic software

This is used to create, edit, and handle 2D computer graphics. These

computer graphics may be clip art, logos, backgrounds, digital photos, or
any other kinds of digital images.

3D Modeling, CAD (computer-aided design) and motion

graphics software is also graphics software, but these are very
specialized applications. For example, 3D graphics software is
often used in animation, and CAD software is often used in
architecture and engineering. Motion graphics are video and
flash graphics. All these are not covered here.

Many programs use graphics extensively, but do not manipulate the

images directly. For example Power point, Front page, Dream weaver
etc. They are not considered graphic programs.

Types of Images
There are two main categories of graphic Images

Bitmap (BMP), Pixel based or raster


Let us understand the difference between these images.

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Pixel-based images (Raster)
Pixel or bitmap-based images are made up of pixels in a grid.
Each pixel or "bit" in the image contains information about the color to
be displayed. Bitmap images have a fixed resolution and cannot be
resized without losing image quality.
Most bitmap images can be converted to other bitmap-based
formats very easily. Bitmap images tend to have much large file
sizes than vector graphics and they are often compressed to
reduce their size. Vector-based image
Bitmap images are resolution dependent. Resolution is the number of
pixels in an image and is usually stated as dpi (dots per inch) or ppi
(pixels per inch).
Bitmap images are displayed on your computer screen at screen
resolution: approximately 100 ppi. However, the typical
desktop printer needs 150-300 ppi to print properly.
Actually all Image editing and painting programs are Bitmap editors.
All scanned images, and all images from digital cameras are bitmaps.
To convert bitmap formats just open the image to be converted
and using software's Save As... Command save it in any other
bitmap format supported by the software.
Because they are pixel and resolution dependent, changing their size
affects their output. More pixels are added or deleted as the picture
grows or shrinks. If you make it large enough you can see jagged
outlines as each pixel is a rectangle.

Vector Images

These are drawings as we know them, made on the computer by some

Illustration program. They are made up of lines and shapes. They are
resolution Independent. You can make them grow or shrink, and there
will be no loss of clarity.

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They are not so popular because they cannot produce photo realistic
imagery. As they are made up of shapes which are filled with solid color,
it is difficult to produce subtle tones. They are good for making clipart,
cartoons, maps, and logos but not suitable for photos or paintings - yet.
The programs are getting increasingly complex, and now some
of them allow bitmapped texture in a shape and add gradients of

Vector images primarily originate from software or from your own

An image can’t be scanned and saved as a vector file without
using special conversion software.
Conversely, vector images can be converted to bitmaps very
easily. This process is called rasterizing.

Converting a vector image to a bitmap, you can specify the output

resolution of the final bitmap for whatever size you need.
Remember to save a copy of your original vector artwork
before converting it to a bitmap. Once it has been converted to a
bitmap, it can’t be changed back to its vector state.
If you convert a vector to a bitmap at a size of 50 by 100 pixels
and then decide you need the image to be larger, you'll need to
go back to the original vector file and export the image again.

The most common reason to convert a vector to a bitmap is to use on the

At this time, the most common and accepted formats for vector
images on the Web is Shockwave Flash (SWF) and SVG, a
graphics programming language based on XML.

Due to the nature of vector images, they are best converted to GIF or
PNG format for use on the Web.

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Note the difference between the two formats:
The top one is vector and the bottom one is raster image.

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Comparison of two Image formats

Main Formats Popular programs

Raster Vector Raster Images Vector
Images Images Images


file format Illustrator) ILLUSTRAT
(Windows) OR


Graphics (CorelDraw) DRAW


Joint exchange XTREME
Portable Computer PHOTO DRAW
Network Graphics PAINT PLUS
Graphics Metafile
(PHOTOSH Windows
OP Metafile
Personal AutoCAD

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Which one you need?

If you only want to do scanning of your drawing, or, painting from

photos, any Image editor will do. But if you want to create drawing for
cartoons or clip arts, you will need an illustrator program.
I have given links for free programs, so first try with them before
investing in any high end program.

Basics of graphic software

Each software will have its own help file and almost all offer tutorials.
First get familiar with the screen. Handle tools and don’t be afraid to
experiment. You can always undo or delete your trials and open a new
page. There is no wastage of paper or paint!
There are some features common to all.


All good graphic software have a thing called layer. This makes the
work very easy. Just like when painting with oils, we build a picture
layer by layer; here also you can use layers.
Layers are like tracing papers stacked one on top of other. Each
transparent tracing paper has a piece of drawing and finally they
all show as one picture.

I made the following graphic in Paint .net. Most of the Paint programs
have similar system.

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There are four layers in this picture:

Yellow background
Blue Star
Red Star
“Hello” Text

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This is how the screen looks:
There are three palettes apart from the tool one.
The Layers Palette shows all the layers and what is on
them. Each layer can be edited without disturbing others.
You can simply click on a layer from this to work on.
History Palette keeps a record of all the cursor
movements made. To go back you can simply choose a
place from this palette.
The color palette is used to choose color.
After you finish work when you save all the layers are saved together to
show one picture.

Here are Layer and History palettes enlarged.

You can duplicate a layer, add a new layer or delete a layer. You can do
different work on a layer, for example, in a landscape, background,
Trees, sky, clouds can all be on their own layer, and they are all editable.
Even after saving, when you open a picture, you can access them again.

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Brushes, Pencils, Pens
The tool palette holds a variety of tools. Brushes, Pencils, masks, tools
for selecting areas, and many more.
There are a variety of brushes and brush strokes available. There are
brushes which work like stencils to make certain patterns. All brushes,
pencils and pens can be set to different thicknesses.

Lasso and other selection tools

There are several tools which are used to identify parts of the picture you
want to change or cut. Some you have to take manually some identify
the color and choose the part automatically.

This is great when you have made any mistake.
This is an extremely brief introduction to graphic program capability.
These are complex programs, and need some getting used to, but are
very rewarding.

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Uses of Digital Art

The digital art is used extensively by the mainstream media for

To produce special effects in films
Designing almost any thing in 2D and 3D
Virtual games
Editing and sharing digital photos.
Creating logos,
Drawing and modifying clip art,
Creating digital fine art,
Creating Web graphics
Drawing maps
Drawing diagrams.

25 of 43.

Digital art links. Some of the programs pan across headings. There are
also links for free tutorials. Please go through all and experiment. All the
links are correct, working and secure as on May 2010.

Digital painting tutorials

Digital Art Techniques and Tutorials

Tutorials for, Corel Painter, Photoshop, Illustrator, Paint shop Pro,
Expression, and PhotoImpact art software.

TUTORIAL - digital painting

This is an interesting tutorial of all the graphics shown in the panel

Learn To Draw & Paint By Video!

There's no better way to learn a new drawing or painting technique than
through the medium of video. And it seems people have gone video
crazy on the Web. So with that in mind...

26 of 43.
Digital Art Techniques and Tutorials
Tutorials for most popular software coral paint, Photoshop, illustrator
Paintshop pro etc.

Software Drawing and Painting

Artweaver 0.4.3 (Windows)

Artweaver is a free painting and drawing program for Windows. It

features a number of natural media brushes and tools such as chalk,
pencils, charcoal, oil paint, felt markers, crayons, airbrushes, acrylic,
sponges, pastels, and cloners. It features a text tool, layers, layer groups,
blending modes, selections, image adjustments for tweaking color and

SMN 5.1

27 of 43.
From Anandavala :
ParticleDraw is a novel windows drawing program powered by a state of
the art general system simulation engine. It was inspired by system
theory and ancient metaphysics and is essentially a fusion of esoteric
mathematics with computer science.

MirrorArt 2.0
From Cactus Artware :
MirrorArt is a drawing program for the child in all of us. Objective of
MirrorArt is to allow someone, no matter what their artistic experience
is, to create beautiful drawings in seconds. The secret behind MirrorArt
is its ability to "mirror" the mouse strokes of the artist. This allows
drawings of beautiful symmetry.

3Board 2006 3.6


28 of 43.
From 3twists Software :
Use 3Board 2006 to quickly draw down that idea before you forget it, or
maybe you just want to draw something random. 3Board has a rich and
elegant Graphical User Interface that makes using 3Board really simple.
So Basically Just Draw Away.


From Icytec Group :

InsightPoint creates sophisticated illustration and layout for Web and
print. When it comes to spell out and share your ideas, in text and in
graphics as well, InsightPoint is the fastest and easiest way to get you

29 of 43.
Cartoonist 1.3
From VicMan Software :
This compact and easy-to-use graphics software enables even a
computer novice to create funny caricatures or realistic images applying
creative warping effects in a matter of minutes.
Serif DrawPlus 6.2
24.79MB, 3 stars, Date added: February 02, 2009
From Serif :
DrawPlus is the amazing drawing and graphics software that enables you
to create stunning vector graphics, family trees, room layouts and even
web animations. With DrawPlus you can create outstanding vector
drawings, high-impact graphics and eye-catching animations--no
experience required.

Drawing Cartoons, Comics, Manga and Anime

Learn to draw cartoons and comics - find out how to draw cartoon
characters, comic strips, and storyboards. Learn cartooning techniques
from simple gags to Japanese animation.

30 of 43.
TUTORIAL 02 - digital drawing

Digital Drawing
Looking for a digital drawing tutorial? Cartoon Solutions is the place to
find a variety of Flash tutorials that are absolutely free. This tutorial
can be a valuable one for those who want to learn how to create
'realistic' digital illustrations and animations.

Digital drawing tutorials

Links to many tutorials

50 Clever Tutorials and Techniques on Traditional

This page is a mixture of traditional drawing tutorials, drawing
techniques and some methods for transforming and preparing your
creations for screen design. Some are intermediate level and some are
advanced tutorials that include general theory, useful tips, and comic
inspired art, sketch a pencil drawing, coloring processing, character

31 of 43.
sketching, shapes, proportional, perspective and much more.

Wow web designs

We produce two main types of artwork, bitmap images (like those that
appear on this and most other sites), and vector images (used in
applications like Flash and Shockwave, and for printing large scale
images with no loss of quality).
These formats require different techniques, and we have illustrated each
process separately (although the start of the process is the same for
Almost without exception, everything we produce starts life on paper,
using traditional tools and techniques. We use computers to enhance the
end product, and to significantly speed up the production of finished
artwork, but everything begins with pencil and paper.

GFX artists

32 of 43.
Many tutorials about anatomy, figure drawing, concept design,
illustrations and paintings.

How to Draw a Face

Step by step instructions

Doodle Pad 3.9f


From Grey Olltwit Software :

33 of 43.
A simple drawing and coloring program which includes stamps (small
pre-drawn pictures to color).20 level undo facility; full screen drawing
area; audio and text quick help; large buttons; paper color chooser; make
your own stamps from pictures feature; make simple greeting cards;
Doodle Pad; shape tools; add text; rubber (eraser) tool; hundreds of new
stamps in download packs available from our Web site.

SmoothDraw NX 3
1.02MB, 3 stars
From Smoothdraw:

From Smoothdraw :
SmoothDraw is an easy yet powerful freehand drawing tool. It produces
the most smooth and expressive stroke through your tablet. It also
smoothes mouse input for who don't have a tablet.

Sketch Studio 2008.1

From Drawing Hand Creations:

34 of 43.
Sketch Studio is a drawing program designed to teach children how to
draw on the computer. It has a simple interface, a limited number of
brush options and is easy to learn. Display your drawing as your screen
saver. It's never too late to start drawing again and Sketch Studio can
help you get started.

TwistedBrush Open Studio 16.24 (Free Edition)

From Pixarra:
Simplicity without sacrifice, powerful enough for the professional artist
yet simply enough for the novice. TwistedBrush Essentials has one of
the most versatile and powerful brush engines in existence, yet it as
designed from day one to be easy to use.

35 of 43.

TwistedBrush Pro Studio: TwistedBrush Pro Studio includes

everything that TwistedBrush has to offer including over 5000 brushes
and full brush editing all at a great price. Great for original digital
painting, photo editing and all forms of digital art. Price: $119

Project Dogwaffle Free 1.2

Project Dogwaffle is a paint and animation program.
What is Project Dogwaffle?
It is a Paint Program. The primary reason for Dogwaffle is for
you to paint - without the mess, the occasional spills or the
funny fumes.
Some versions are free. Version 1.2 is available for free
Discovering Project Dogwaffle - tutorial collection #1
The Art of Project Dogwaffle - tutorial collection #2: free web

36 of 43.
Active Paint 1.42

From RoubecSoft:
Active Paint Application is a simple (object) drawing program. Drawing
Tools (Line, Circle/Ellipse, Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Text tool,
Image (bmp).

SpiraPaint! 1.81

From Cactus Artware:

SpiraPaint allows users to create, color, save, and print images and
allows for literally an infinite number of beautiful images. SpiraPaint is
installed by simply creating a SpiraPaint folder in Program Files, and
copying all files in the archive there. It does not modify the registry or
any part of the operating system, and can be deleted by simply removing

37 of 43.
the SpiraPaint folder.


From A.K.Balamurugan :
This program draws varieties of spirographs by changing just three
parameters. The user has the option to choose foreground and
background colors. This program is provided as a freeware.

Sqirlz Morph 2.1

1.7MB, 4 stars, Date added: April 17, 2009

From Xiberpix :
Morph two, three or more images or videos together, or warp images
individually. Try multi-morphing all the family's faces into one unique

38 of 43.
(or gruesome) movie! Save your animation as a Flash movie, AVI video
clip, animated GIF file, or bitmap/jpeg files.

Greenfish Painter 1

From Greenfish:
Greenfish Painter is an interesting painting program. You can paint with
a virtual brush, calligraphic pen, charcoal, or chalk. G/F Painter provides
a virtual canvas to imitate real painting. Some sample images are

Sterling2 1.7
From Tad Boniecki :
Sterling2 is, a fractal-generating program written in 1999 by Stephen C.
Ferguson. There are the 50 formulae that one can choose from.

39 of 43.
Making of a logo

Digital Photo Editors

Please check my e book -Eleven Fun Things to Do with Your

Photos for more software.
You can download it from

Before You Buy Photo Editing Software

Info about different kinds of software available.

GIMP for Windows

GIMP is a multi-platform photo manipulation tool. GIMP is an acronym

for GNU Image Manipulation Program. GIMP has many capabilities. It
can be used as a simple paint program, an expert quality photo

40 of 43.
retouching program, an online batch processing system, a mass
production image renderer, an image format converter, etc.
Freeware comparable to Photoshop, but a steep learning curve.

Top 11 Free Photo Editors for Windows

Before You Buy Photo Editing Software

Info about different kinds of software available.

Digital animation
Drawing for Animation
Free email course

Digital tools
Graphics Tablet Brands and Models
An Overview of Graphics Tablet Models

Graphics Software Categories and Buying Advice

41 of 43.
Free Pixel-Based Editing and Painting Software for

Free Digital Painting Magazine

Your Free Subscription to Digital Paint Magazine: Solid step by step
digital painting instruction taught by some of the top people in the
industry. Digital Painting software reviews and discussion.
Tips and Tutorials on a variety of digital art software and digital painting

42 of 43.

The filler Flower graphics used here are from Hellas Multimedia
The beautiful graphics are free.

Graphics from the net are acknowledged at the point.

Other clipart are from WP Clipart Free Collection.

Some graphics are from me.

This e book is by Ms.Shobha Mathur

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