Appendix 1

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K Kirana / Ran Setting of place

O Olfie ... Setting of time
E Eggy Episode
G Grace Data
S Selatan Indirect utterance
D Diany *...* Setting of situation
L Laras
Y Mr. Yana
R Rami
Ra Ratna
Dn Dini
An Angga
As Asep
U Ucup
MS Male Student
FS Female Student
MT Male Teacher
FT Female Teacher
MT Male Teacher
FO Olfie's Father
MO Olfie's Mother
FK Kirana's Father
MK Kirana's Mother
GK Kirana's Grandmother
MC Male Coach
Pr Principal
St-E Stranger-Eggnoid
Wt Waitress
Cl Call
M1 Men at
M2 the truck
M3 Lab Staff
Tr Therapist-Anita
Nr Nurse-Anita
Pf Professor Yoshito
T Preman
CE Ceu Eha
Op PC Cafe operator
Eg Eggnoid run away
Na Natsuko
St-OM Old Man
St-OW Old Woman
Fe Feby
BL Laras's brother
ML Laras's mother
Sa Sam
Ma Mary
Al Allen
Ac Alice
Sl Seller
Sc Security
Th Theief
An Anita
Turn Sayer Utterances
Episode 1
K People saay that high school is the most beautiful time
of your life.
A time full of the romantic stories of youth.
But what makes it seem beautiful?
Until now...
At the school
*Kirana was running into Olfie's class*
1 People Hey, did you hear?
Olfie and Grace are dating
2 Kirana OLFIE!!
Is the rumor true?
You and Grace. Are you two dating?
O ...
K I...If it’s true...
Then what have I been to you this whole time?
3 Olfie Ran, what are you talking about?
4 Kirana Going to school together, walking home together,
eating together, watching movies together. What was
all that?

5 Olfie I’ve been with you this whole time because you
wanted it.
I just did that as a good neighbor.
It didn’t mean anything.
*Kirana felt sad suddenly*
6 Kirana Olfie, I just...
Afternoon at Ran's Home
K Mom and Dad, up in heaven.
I finally realized how painful a crush can be.
*Kirana was crying a lot, there was many tissues in the
K I promised at my parents' funeral that I would never
cry again.
But the reason I was able to stay strong this whole
Was all because of Olfie.
7 Kirana Olfie... How could you do this to me...?
K I thought we had a special relationship since we were
I thought I would marry you in the future.

But now, I have no one...

It hurts so much.
If only there were someone who could cure this
*Something appears in Ran's room*
K Huh...?
An egg?
*A guy came out from the egg*
K H...He's handsome!!
Why is there a man coming out of an egg?
E ...
8 Kirana AAAHHH!!!
*Eggy was running into Kirana while he was naked*

9 Eggy MOM!!
10 Kirana HUUHH??
11 Eggy MOM!
12 Kirana Is he a chick?
H...Hold on.
This must be a dream.
Maybe this is because I cried too much.
K There's no way this could be real!
Thinking about this won't do any good.
13 Eggy It’s just a dream... I should go back to sleep...
*Kirana walked to her bed and slept*
Episode 2
K Since my parents passed away
I've been living by myself
In this big, quiet house.
I wanted to show them that I'm a strong and
independent person.
It wasn't easy,
But I had a very nice neighbor.
I thought everything would turn out well.
But somehow, I ended up alone.
I'm so lonely.
In the morning
K I slept so deeply last night.
Although I had a ridiculously strange dream.
It's so warm.

What's this smell?

*Kirana opened her eyes and got shocked because she
saw Eggy slept beside her*
14 Kirana AAAHHH!!! HELP!
*Kirana pulled the blanket and almost showing Eggy's
lower body*
K W-What's going on?!
Why is there a stranger in my bed?
Where did he come from?
Should I call the police?
*Ran accidentaly pressed the button on the egg*
15 Eggpod Congratulations on being selected as an adoptive
parent for eggnoid.
Eggnoid is a miracle born only for you.
K Adoptive parent??
Ep Eggnoid is exactly like a regular human baby.
We believe that with your love, Eggnoid will grow to
make the world a better place.
K Adoptive parent?
I'm just a high schooler
There's been a mistake!
*Kirana pointed at Eggy*
K Do I really have to take care of him like a parent? It’s
hard enough taking care of myself.
Take him back! Please!
*Kirana was begging to the eggpod*
ES ...
17 Eggy Um...
*Eggy's body was under wrapped by using the
18 Kirana Wait! Don’t get out of bed. My heart feels like it’s
going to explode!
19 Eggy Mom!
K ...
20 Kirana I had better find him some clothes that fit.
21 Eggy MAMA!
22 Kirana UGH!
Is ‘mama’ the only word you know? I guess that’s why
they called you a baby.
*Eggy tried to hug Ran*
He looks all grown up but why is he acting like this??

*Kirana was trying to escape from Eggy*
23 Eggy MOM!
*Eggy couldn't stand up because of the blanket*
K Stressed...
What should I do now?
I don't have any men's clothes, and my clothes would
obviously be too small for him.
Should iI borrow some of Olfie's clother?
*Kirana was looking outside the window when Olfie
and Grace came out from Olfie' house*
K It's Olfie and Grace!!
Are they going on a date?
*Kirana fels sad*
K On weekends...
Usually I would go out with Olfie.
But now...
I guess Olfie has forgotten all about me.
*Kirana closed her eyes because she wanted to cry*

24 Kirana Then we should go out too!

I can’t keep thinking of Olfie!
We should go shopping and have fun!
*Kirana looked at Eggy who didn't wear any clothes*

Oh right, I forgot you don’t have any clothes!

Ah right!
*Kirana took his father's clothes so Eggy could wear it*

These are my dad's clothes. This is all I have after
donating everything else.
I’ll let you borrow them. Don’t get them dirty!
25 Eggy Mom?
Episode 3
K Honestly, I have a lot of questions about eggnoid.
Where he came from, why he appeared in my room.

Who sent him...

...And why they chose me.
But right now, there's a more important matter at
26 Kirana Hey, are you dressed?
Can I have a look?
E ???
*Eggy wore the clothes on the wrong order*
*Kirana cried and laughed at the same time*
K Why did you put the clothes on like that???
I showed you how to out them in a few times.
K The shirt goes on top
The pants go on the bottom.
Do I have to dress him like a baby too?
But he doesn't have the body of a baby...
This is practically porn!!
He's not even wearing underwear.
K *SIGH*...
All right, I’ll show you how to get dressed one more
K Wow, are those really my dad's clothes?
Why does he look like a model?
K You got dressed all by yourself! What a smartboy.
27 Eggy Mom!
28 Kirana But you still don’t have a name, do you?
What should I call you?
K Asep, Alexander, Charles, Chiak, Cluck, Ding, Duck,
Mamat, Prince, Sisaru, Sisiwook, Tweet
K Coming up with a name is harder than I thought. Why
aren’t there any names that I like.. Heh.. Heh..

*Kirana looked at the eggpod*

E ???
K What about Eggy?
Since you came out of an egg.
Eggy would also work since you’re an eggnoid.
29 Eggy Eggy...
*Eggy hugged Kirana*
*Kirana was blushing when she felt embarrased*
30 Kirana I know you’re happy to have a name but you can’t
keep hugging me like that.
E ???
K What if I have a heart attack?
K Ugh, my heart almost exploded.
K And don’t call me ’mom.’ My name is Kirana.
Call me Ran!
Now then, Eggy.
Let’s go shopping!
At the market
31 Kirana This way, Eggy, stay by my side.
What if I lose you? You were born just a little while
*Kirana and Eggy joined hands*
K This is the first time
That I've held a man's hand aside from Olfie and my
It's awkward and making my heart race.
Maybe it's because he's so handsome..
People are staring at us.
32 Eggy WHOA!
*Kirana was startled because Eggy exclaimed*
*Eggy pointed at the ballon seller*
*Eggy showed an interested at some ballon, hoping
Ran will buy some for him*
Sl Would you like to buy one??
K Hm Ha Ha
He's like a little kid.
*Kirana bought a blue balloon for Eggy*
33 Kirana Eggy! Today I'll buy you lots of stuff!
Heh heh
As well as balloons!
E Mom!
*Kirana and Eggy were continuing their shopping*
*Kirana looked at some bandana*
K Eggy, try this on!
*Kirana was happy because the bandana looked good
on Eggy*
K Let's buy this!
*Kirana looked at underwear store*
K Ah right, Eggy still doesn't have any underwear..
Would he think I'm creepy if I buy some?
M-Men's underwear!
K AWWW! You look so cute!
At the shop
34 Man Seller Can I help you?
35 Kirana Um.. W..Well.. I need to buy some underwear..
B.. But they’re not for me to wear.
They’re for..
Eggy? *looking for Eggy*
Sl ?
Episode 4
36 Announcer Attention customers.
We are looking for the guardian of a lost child.
His name is Reki. He is wearing blue jeans and a
striped t-shirt. Could his parents please come to the
information center?

37 Reki MOMMYYY!
I told you not too go far away!
K ...
K Should I try that? Reporting him to the department
store information center.
We're looking for an eggnoid named Eggy.
His adoptive mother is waiting at the information
NOOO! I'm just a high schooler, how could I be an
adoptive mother!
People will whisper about me!
And Eggy wouldn't know that his name is Eggy.
I just named him that today.
*Kirana was imagining something*
K Eggy is handsome, what if he gets kidnapped and sold
Or what if he runs out into the street and gets hit by a
Or maybe a film crew will suddenly appear and say this
was all part of a tv show.
Smile, you're on candid camera.
Thinking these weird thoughts is no good.
For now, I'll try looking for him.
I can find him!
*Kirana saw a group of people in the market*
K Hm... What's going on here?
Why are there so many people in front of the
What if...
FP1 You're so cute, are you lost?
FP2 Come and play with us.
40 Kirana Excuse me..
I need to get by.
*Kirana saw a banner about book signing event*
K Huh??
Ah! That's the young doctor who wrote that famous
book <Sex and Gender>
So it's a fan meeting...
*One of the committee asked Kirana*
41 Man Miss, would you like to participate in the seminar?
K Hm?
Cm Here, take one.
*The man gave Kirana his poster*
The Importance of Early Sex Education for Children

*Kirana was blushing*

42 Kirana Um... I don’t have kids!
43 Man Haha.. Future mothers are also welcome.
44 Kirana By the way, have you seen someone who looks like
A kid wearing a white shirt, a scarf, and a cat ear
45 Man Is he carrying a blue ballon?
46 Kirana Yes!
47 Man He went over that way before.
*The man pointed the way Eggy walk before*
*Kirana saw a blue balloon she bought for Eggy*
48 Kirana All right, thank you.
49 Man Don’t mention it.
*Kirana walked to where Eggy was*
*Kirana was bumping someone's shoulder*
50 Kirana Ah, sorry!
K ...
51 Grace OH, RAN!
I didn’t expect to see you here, are you here to hang
Episode 5
51 G Ran, are you here to hang out?
52 Kirana Ah.. Yeah.
O ...
53 Olfie Hey, let’s go.
*Kirana was startled*
54 Kirana Olfie, wait!
I know you’re keeping your distance from me because
you’re going out with Grace now.
That’s why you don’t want to walk to and from school
together like usual, right?
But listen, this is the truth.
I have no intention of bothering or interfering in your
I just don’t understand why you have to avoid me
because of this.
I don’t get any calls or texts from you... You didn’t
even tell me thet you two were dating.
You don’t tell me anything.
Is it because
You don’t want to be friends with we anymore?
55 Olfie What if it is?
What if I don’t want to be your friend anymore...
56 Kirana W...Why?
You're my only friend..
57 Olfie I don't like being your only friend.
Grace, let's go.
We're going to be late, the event is starting soon.
*Olfie and Grace was continuing their walk*
K Why??
What did I do wrong??
*Eggy was playing with other children*
*Eggy looked at Kirana who was already sitting on the
58 Eggy Mom..
*Olfie and Grace was continuing their walk but Grace
grabbed Olfie's hand suddenly*
59 Grace Olfie, hold on! I need to talk to you about something!

Why did you say that to Ran?

You crossed the line back there!
Weren’t you doing that to make Ran jealous and get
under her skin?
You did that because you didn’t want to keep being
treated like a friend, right?
That’s why you didn’t explain to her that the whole
thing about us dating is just a rumor and a

Even still, you went too far before!

If you really cared about her, you wouldn’t make her
sad like that!
Apologize to Ran
Before your relationship gets even worse!
This is all for Ran’s sake!
Ran will never know unless I do this.
She won’t understand if I don’t do this.
*Eggy was running to Kirana*
Episode 6
K Olfie and I are only child.
We've been together since we were babies.
We've been neighbors since we were little
And wherever I went, Olfie was always with me.
Even when my parents passed away...
*Kirana and Olfie were crying*
O Don't be sad...
I'm right here.
*Olfie grabbed Kirana's hand*
K So why did you leave me, Olfie?
At the market
*Kirana was still crying when Eggy came to her*
61 Eggy Mom...
*Kirana's eyes was teary*
62 Kirana ...
Ah, Eggy,
I was wondering who that was.
*Kirana stood up when Eggy gave her his balloon*
Is that for me?
*Eggy released his hand from the balloon but Kirana
could not got the balloon*
Ah! The Balloon!
*The ballon was flying away from them and they could
not reach it*
Once you let go of something..
You can't get it back.
Eggy, let’s go home.
63 Eggy Mom?
Afternoon at Ran's house
64 Eggy Mom..
*Kirana kept walking through the house*
*Kirana put her jacket then walked inside the house*

*Eggy kept smile while Kirana was ignoring him*
*Eggy tried to reach Kirana*
*Kirana throw Eggy's hand and screamed to him*
65 Kirana THAT’S ENOUGH!!
*Kirana stopped to cry for a while but she realized
what she did to Eggy and felt sorry to him*
K Why am I venting my frustation on Eggy?
He's just an innocent child.
*Kirana throw her body to the sofa*
K Eggy..
I'm sor..
*Eggy was hugging Ran*
K E..Eggy!
There you go hugging me again!
Let go..
K Why is he holding onto me so tightly?
*Kirana was sniffing the clothes*
These clothes smell like my dad.

I miss you..
This warm embrace reminds me of holding my
It's so calming and soothing.
66 Eggy Ran...
67 Kirana Eggy!
You said my name!
*Eggy was sleeping*
E Zzz...
K Huh? Was he talking in his sleep??
*Kirana lookes at Egyy's face*
K Eggy.
He must be tired from all that walking around.
*Kirana touched Eggy's cheek*
K I didn't think I would say this
I appreciate it.
I'm grateful that Eggy came into my life.
K But do I have tot stay like this?
It's tiring!
K My arm is asleep..
Episode 7
The sound of rain...
I smell something burning...
*Kirana's alarm was ringing*
*Kirana dismissed her alarm*
68 Kirana Hm...
That same dream again..
What time is it?
Just give me more minutes for sleep...
K When my parents were in that car accident, they say
that I was in the car.
But I don't remember any of it
Just imprecise fragments of memories.
And they make me uncomfortable.
But something's not right...
*Kirana saw Eggy was sleeping in her bed*
*Kirana felt down from her bed*
K Ugghh...
Oh right! I forgot!
Some strange egg appeared in my room two days ago.

A handsome guy who calls me 'mom' came out of the

egg like a baby chick.
I named him Eggy.
When I think about it, all of this is ridiculous and
worries me.
But I feel too sorry for him to report this to the police.

Going to prison right after coming out from an egg

*Kirana was imagining Eggy in the prison*
K I don't want to leave Eggy on the street for someone
else to take away,
And I don't want this story to appear in the media
It might end my life.
So I decided to look after Eggy.
There must be a reason why that misterious egg
appeared in my room.
I believe that I'll find out the reason someday.
69 Eggy Hm...
*Kirana was hiding beside the bed*
My heart.
He's so handsome.
70 Kirana SLEEP?!
*Kirana pulled the blanket so Eggy fell from the bed*

Why are you sleeping in my room? You have your own

You scared me!
Eggy, go back to your room!
K You're all grown up so sleep by yourself!
71 Eggy RAAAN!
*Kirana brought Eggy to his room upstairs*
K My dad was an architect
And he bult a house on this land where there was
Thus house is big and has lots of rooms.
My parents said they built it so that they could have
lots of children.

That's why there are lots of empty rooms.

And I'm using my parents room.
But now, Eggy is using my old room.
72 Eggy Ran...
73 Kirana It’s early, go to sleep, Eggy. I have to get ready for
74 Eggy Eggy’s hungry!
75 Kirana All right, let’s have breakfast!
K Eggy has started talking a bit more, although still only
in basic sentences.
I taught Eggy a lot of things last Sunday
He learned really quickly for someone who was just
He knows how to get dressed and even put on his
underwear himself.
He spills a lot but he can also eat by himself.
It looks like he can also go to the bathroom.
Although I don't know how he's doing inside
76 Kirana Eggy, is everything okay in there?
77 Eggy Yep.
78 Kirana Keep everything clean!
79 Eggy Clean!
K But today is Monday so I have to go to school.
Will it be okay to leave Eggy at home alone?
80 Kirana Sit here!
I’ll make something for you.
*Kirana opened the refrigerator and it was almost
I’ll have to go grocery shopping tonight.
We’re out of ingredients!
I’ll make you some ramen. Okay?
*Kirana was preparing the ingredients and started to
While you’re eating, I’ll be getting ready for school!

81 Eggy Okay!
82 Kirana The ramen pancake is all done.
*Kirana served her cooks in the table*
83 Eggy WOOHOO!
*Eggy ate one slice of pancake*
*Eggy finished ate the pancake then Kirana was ready
to go to school*
84 Kirana Eggy, I’m going to school.
There are lots of dangerous things in the kitchen so I
locked the door. Still, you have to be careful. If you’re
hungry, there’s a snack on the table so have that for

If you get bored, read there picture books and activity

books that I used when I was little.
In case you want to watch tv, I set it to a children’s
program for you to watch.
There are lots of bad dramas and programs on other
channels so you can’t watch them.
Keep an eye on the house, Eggy.
The school isn’t far from here so I’ll come back right
after school.
*Eggy followed Kirana's step*
85 Kirana Eggy, don’t follow me, stay at home.
E ??
K Stop Eggy! You have to listen!
I told you not to follow me!
I’m leaving!
K Ugh, staring at me like that only makes this harder.

86 Eggy Ran...
Don't go.
*Eggy hugged Kirana from back*
Episode 8
86 E Don’t go.
*Kirana was startled*
K Eggy...
Come to think about it,
I've never left him alone since he came out of the egg.

87 Kirana Eggy... Hold on...

He doens't know what loneliness is
*Kirana loose the hug*
*Kirana grabbed Eggy's hand*
It’s okay.
I’ll be back soon.
Be a good boy, my little Eggy.
You're going to listen, right?
88 Eggy Still...
88 Eggy
Eggy wants to be with Ran.
*Eggy grabbed Kirana's jacket*
89 Kirana Awww my heart...
Eggy, you’re only making this harder for me.
Do you want me to be stressed?
K Honestly, I don't want to say this
But if I give in this time, Eggy won't ever be able to be
I have to be strong now!
90 Eggy Hic...
*Eggy's eyes were teary*
K NOOO! Please, don't cry.
If you cry
I won't be able to go to school!
I'm sorry, Eggy
E Okay.
Eggy don’t want to stress Ran out.
Eggy will wait.
91 Kirana Look after the house. If anyone comes to the door,
pretend there’s no one home.
If anything urgent comes up, call me on my cellphone.

*Kirana was trying to close the door*

Be careful, Eggy!
92 Eggy Come back soon, Ran.
K I feel so sorry.
I'm worried but I have no choice.
K ...
*Kirana looked at Olfie's house*
K Olfie's house
When was the last time I went to school with Olfie?

93 Kirana We’re off to school, Ma’am!
Flashback end
K Has Olfie gone to school?
Did he go with Grace?
I miss you...
At the school
*The bell was ringing*
K What should I have in the cafetaria today?
I shoulf go to Olfie's class and head to the cafetaria
with him like usual.
*Kirana suddenly remember her problem with Olfie*

I forgot again.
We can't go to the cafetaria together.
I don't feel like eating.
At Olfie's class
94 Rami Hey! Here’s yours!
*Rami brought Olfie's bread*
Why aren’t you going to the cafetaria with your friend
Ran? Did you have a fight?
95 Grace I didn’t see her in the cafetaria before. She hasn’t
come here like usual either.
96 Olfie Leave her alone...
She’s not a kid, right...?
O ...
*Olfie was starting to eat*
G ...
*Grace Hit Olfie's head*
97 Olfie HUH??
98 Grace Whoops!
My hand slipped.
*The bell was ringing as the sign school was ended*

At school's gate
*Grace saw Olfie was sitting under the tree*
99 Grace Aren’t you going home? You don’t have any
extracurricular activities.
100 Olfie In a bit.
If I go now
I’ll probably end up walking with Ran.
101 Grace You’re the one who’s avoiding her. Why are you so
103 Grace Ugh you idiot! Who’s fault is it that I got caught up in
your problem?
*Grace kicked Olfie with her right knee*
I wanted to tell Ran the truth but you told me not to,
So now even I feel bad about it.
104 Olfie Don’t tell her now, I’ll explain it later.
I’m still hoping that this method will work.
104 Olfie

Even if I can’t be friend with Ran again later because of

On the way to home
*Kirana saw may students went home while they
talking with their friends*
K Hm..
Am I the only one going home alone?
I only just realized it now that Olfie isn't around.
I'm pitiful.
Without Olfie
I don't have anyone.
*Kirana remembered Eggy who waited for her at
*Kirana ran so she came home as soon as possible*

*Kirana opened the door as soon as she arrived at

At Ran's Home
105 Kirana Eggy!
I'm back!
106 Eggy RAN!
*Eggy hugged Ran*
107 Kirana Hm...
*Kirana was looking around the house*
Episode 9
*Eggy grabbed Kirana's hand to show something*
108 Eggy Ran, let’s go!
K ???
109 Kirana HUH?
*Eggy brought Kirana to the upstairs*
First of all, tell me why the house is like this!
Eggy, what did you do?
Eggy, where are we going!?
*Kirana saw many paper birds hanging in Eggy's room*

K Ah...
110 Eggy The origami book said my dream would come true. If I
fold 1.000 paper birds.
Eggy wants Ran to come home quickly.
111 Kirana that 1.000 birds?
K That's so cute!
He's making my heart race...
*Eggy turned his head*
112 Eggy I looked around
But I used up all of the paper and thread.
K He was looking for more?
So that's why the house is so messy?
113 Kirana Eggy... *touch Eggy’s arm*
*Kirana touched Eggy's arm*
114 Eggy Ah!
*Eggy was groaning because Kirana accidentally
touches her wound*
115 Kirana Huh?
Eggy! What’s wrong?!
*Eggy pulled his sleeve to show the wound*
116 Eggy Over there...
*Eggy pointed the stool which was lying down*
117 Kirana You fell off the stool?!
Did it hurt?!
*Eggy was nodding his head*
118 Eggy It hurts.
K Eggy!
He was folding paper birds all day and even fell off a
How could I got angry at him...?
*Kirana and Eggy sat on the couch while she put
medicine on his wound*
119 Kirana Come here, I’ll put some medicine on for you.
You have to be more careful next time, Eggy, okay?

You shouldn’t do anything dangerous.

Because that makes me worried and sad.
Thank you for the paper birds.
I’m so happy.
120 Eggy YEAAAH!
*Eggy hugged Kirana*
121 Kirana AAAHHH!
Let go!
121 Kirana

There you go again! Hugging me!

And what you did may be cute, but you can’t mess up
the house like this, Eggy!
K You need to clean up when you're done playing!
E ?
K Come here, Eggy, let’s clean up the house together!

122 Eggy WOOHOOO!

K What should I do?
Apart from the hugs, the other stuff that Eggy does is
so lovable and cute too.
Eggy was just born so everything he does is as
innocent as a child...
*Eggy pulled his shirt to clean his face*
I...I can't take it.
*Kirana was tremble*
E ??
K It feels like a sin for my heart to beat so quickly and
flutter for innocent child like Eggy!
That's it! I must control myself!
I need to be someone responsible and accountable for
my action!
I have to stay calm!
123 Kirana Eggy, we’re all done cleaning. Let’s take a little rest!

Pff! What are you doing?

*Eggy was trying to pull his shirt off*
124 Eggy Taking my clothes off.
125 Kirana Come here, I’ll help you... Are you getting changed?
You’re all sticky, right?
*Kirana was helping Eggy to pull his shirt*
126 Eggy I’m going to take a bath.
127 Kirana You can take a bath on your own, right? Should I get
you new clothes and a towel?
*Eggy was topless*
128 Eggy I can do it by myself.

*Kirana felt dizzy suddenly and her body was rolling

and crushed the door*
E ?
Ran, what’s wrong?
129 Kirana NOOO! Stay back!
*Kirana's face was red*
Eggy, you can’t take your pants off anywhere!
130 Eggy Why not?
131 Kirana Why not?! It’s embarrassing!
132 Eggy What does ‘embarrassing’ mean?
133 Kirana Ahh! It’s hard to explain! If you still don’t understand,
then I feel embarrassed!
Just don’t take your pants off when someone is
Do you understand, Eggy?!
134 Eggy Yeah!
K I don't think he gets it...
135 Kirana Good, then go wash up...When you’re done, I’ll take
you to the grecery store!
136 Eggy Yeah!
At Olfie’s house
*Olfie was reading at the library*
137 MO Olfie.
Why hasn’t ran been coming over lately? Is she okay?

138 Olfie She’s fine, I think she’s busy now.

139 MO You two... Didn’t fight, did you?
140 Olfie No, Mom. Don’t get any weird ideas.
141 MO Well, that’s a relief, then.
Ran was left in the care of our family, remember...? I
was just worried about her.
O ...
142 MO Ah, would you throw out the garbage in the kitchen
for me? It’s all full.
143 Olfie Okay.
*Olfie thew the garbage outside and looked at Kirana's
Episode 10
At the supermarket
144 Kirana Eggy, let’s stop at an atm first. I don’t have any cash.

*Kirana was checking their debit card saldo at atm and

her saldo just 20 dollar*

Why is my balance so low?
I still had a few hundred dollars left last time.
K Hm...
*Kirana jus looked at Eggy*
K Ahhh right!
It must be because I had to buy a bunch of stuff for
But I only bought stuff that was on sale or discounted!

E ?
K Shopping with a debit card is really scary!
It doesn't feel like I'm using money.
*Kirana took some money from her debit card*
K Actually, even though I'm an orphan, I'm not worried
about money.
My parents left me plenty of money to live off for the
rest of my life,
But I'm still a minor, so my aunt who acts as my
guardian, manages the money.
Each month, she sends me an allowance and money
for the living expenses.
If I need to, I could ask my aunt for more money.
But there's a condition on my living alone like this.

If I say that I need my allowance, my aunt will definetly

ask me why.
If I worry her, she might even tell me to go live with
my grandma.
Then I would have to live with her.
145 GK I lost my beloved son because of you!! Why are you
the only one alive?!
146 Diany Stop it, Mom!!
147 GK Why didn’t you die instead of my son...
Flashback end
*Kirana was shaking her head*
K I should stop thinking about her.
For now, the important thing is how I'm going to make
this twenty dollars last until my next allowance day.

148 Kirana Sorry Eggy, I don’t think we can buy anything

149 Eggy Okay.
*Kirana and Eggy started their shopping time*
K Is it because he was born from an egg?
Eggy is a lot nicer and listens better than human
He doesn't throw tantrums, and he doesn't ask for
much either.
He is really a perfect child.
If Eggy were...
150 Eggy Ran.
I want this!
*Eggy brought a bunch of ramen*
151 Kirana Bahahaha! Eggy, ramen may be cheap and tasty but
you shouldn’t eat too much of it.
I’ll make you something tastier than ramen. And you
have to eat lots of vegetables if you want to be
healthy, Eggy.

152 Eggy Okay.

Next morning
153 Kirana Eggy, I’m going to school. Keep an eye on the house.
Don’t make a mess.
*Eggy grabbed Kirana's jacket*
*Kirana turned her head and looked at Eggy*
154 Eggy Hug me.
155 Kirana Ah...
*Kirana was blushing*
156 Eggy Hug.
*Eggy opened his arms*
157 Kirana Hm...
*Kirana hugged Eggy*
AAAHHH, I’m late! I’ve got to go, Eggy!
158 Eggy BYEEE.
*Kirana went to the school*
K Ran, stay calm..
At Ran's class
159 Mrs. Siska Today, we’re going to split up into groups of two and
have a discussion.
I want you to write a discussion report about the
selected topic. And whichever group writes the best
report will present in front of the class.

Shall I let you decide on the groups yourselves? Since

there’s an odd number of students in the class, let’s
have just one group of three people.
160 MS We should work together!
K ...
*Kirana was thinking about group discussion*
After the class finished
161 Mrs. Siska Kirana.
Could you come to the teachers’ room for a minute
during break time? I need to talk to you about

162 Kirana Sure, Ma’am.

At staffroom
163 Kirana What did you want to see me about?
164 Mrs. Siska Have a seat. I just want to talk to you for a minute.
Are the kids in class excluding you?
165 Kirana Not at all. Why do you think that?
166 Mrs. Siska Well...
Whenever there’s a discussion assignment, you’re
always by yourself. Why don’t you work with the other

It won’t be good if you keep this up.

I know that you’re a smart, hard-working student,
Kirana. I know that you’re also capable of doing
homework on your own.

But the purpose of discussion assignments is not

simply to complete the homework. You’re supposed to
learn how to cooperate and how to work as a team.

167 Kirana I know, but it’s my choice to do it alone. Cooperation,

teamwork or whatever.
It’s not actually as ideal as you think. Conflicts arise if
you don’t get along with your partner.
At first, of course people try to finish the project
together and shape the workload. But if only one
person works hard while the other one is lazy and
does nothing, it becomes a burden.

Then they try to shift the responsibility onto on

another. And ultimately, one person has to do all of it
by oneself.
Group assignments don't seem efficient, and that kind
of thing seems like a waste of time for me.
Maybe it would be different if I had no choice, but as
long as I can choose, I prefer doing everything by

Isn’t it okay as long as I’m not harming anyone else?

Mrs. Siska ...
At school garden
FT It's true that you're not harming anyone else, Kirana.

But it's not good to always be alone...

K Alone...
That's right...
Even my only friend avoids me.
I'm hungry..
I can't even go to the cafetaria because I have to save
168 Grace Isn’t that Ran?
She’s not going to the cafetaria again? What’s she
doing over there by herself?
*Olfie looked at Kirana*
O ...
169 Olfie You guys go ahead, there’s something I need to do.

170 Angga Wait, what are you going to do?

171 Rami You’re going to make up with her, aren’t you?
172 Grace Let’s go!
O ...
*Grace dragged Rami and Angga*
173 Angga AHHH!
O ...
175 Olfie Ran..
176 Kirana W.. What is it?
177 Olfie You’re not going to the cafetaria? Did you have
something to eat?
178 Kirana That’s none of your business, Olfie...
Since you’re not my friend anymore.
What are you doing?
*Olfie gave something to eat to Kirana*
179 Olfie Make sure you eat.
*Olfie wanted to walk to his class*
180 Kirana Why?
Why do you keep treating me well?
You said I’m not your friend anymore.
So why do you keep treating me so well?
Episode 11
180 K You said I’m not your friend anymore. So why do you
keep treating me so well??
181 Olfie Because my mom is worried about you. She said you
should make sure that you stay healthy.
Well, see you.
K ...
*Olfie left Kirana alone*
K So it's just your mom who's worried?
What about you, Olfie?
*Chatting room*
182 Grace <How did it go?
Did you make up?
*Sticker nosy*>
183 Olfie <SHUT UP..>
At Olfie's class
184 Grace You didn’t make up???
*Olfie jumped because Grace suddenly appeared as
soon as he arrived at the class*
185 Olfie Have you been waiting here the whole time?
186 Grace Man, what the heck is wrong with you two? I can’t
stand seeing you guys like this!
Let’s go see Ran. I’ll explain everything to her.
187 Olfie Let go of me.
This problem between Ran and I isn’t as simple as you
You’re the one who opened my eyes to this problem,
Remember when we first entered high school?
The day we first met.
Flashback On
188 Kirana Ugh, this sucks! Why do I have to be in a different class
from you, Olfie!
We were in the same class every year in middle
And now- our classes are so far apart.
189 Olfie There’s nothing we can do about it. Get going, the bell
*Olfie touched Kirana's hair*
190 Kirana I’ll come back during break time.
191 Grace Well, well...
Is that your girlfriend, Olfie? she’s really pretty.
G You two lovebirds~
192 Olfie No, we’ve been friends since we were kids.
O We're neighbors.
193 Grace Huh? Really? I thought she was your girlfriend.. That’s
probably what the other kids think too.
You always hang out together. She visits you during
every break time, and you even walk to and from
school together.

Doesn’t she have any other friends?

Does she have any girl friends in her class?
At this rate, she might end up looking really possessive
of you..
O ...
Flashback end
194 Grace Did I say that?
G Sorry..
195 Olfie That helped me realized even more.
She has no one to talk to in her class. And she does
everything by herself.
Plus I’m her only friend...
196 Grace But why? Do the other kids in her class ignore her?

Remember when we went on that field trip to the

museum together?
The meeting place suddenly changed the day before
because the event manager made a mistake.

Flashback On
At the museum
197 Grace Huff!
Ah, that was close! What’s up with those managers,
changing the place all of a sudden and telling us late?

I would have missed the trip if I hadn’t seen the text.

Hey, didn’t you and Ran come together?

G You guys are a package.
198 O No, I slept over with some guys from the basketball
team last night.
I was busy because there’s not much time between
the tour today and the match.
I didn’t even have time to text Ran. I’ll check with the
group in Ran’s class.
*Olfie asked one of Kirana's classmate*
Have you seen Kirana? Did she come?
199 MS I’m not sure..
*Chatting room*
200 Kirana <Olfie, I’m at the school gate right now, why isn’t
anyone here? L
Was the tour cancelled?
*Olfie was shocked*
201 Olfie Didn’t you tell Kirana that the meeting place changed?
Why is she waiting at the gate in front of the school?

202 MS O-Our class has our own chatroom and the class
president posted a notice there.
Plus I figured that the other kids would have told her.

MS I thought you messaged her.

FS I don't know her well.
L She should have cheked the chatroom..
MS What's going on?
*Chatting room*
203 Olfie <Ran, wait right there,
I’m coming for you!>
Grace, tell the managers that I’ll find my way there on
my own. If I get back late, tell them to go on without

204 Grace Where are you going, Olfie??

At the school
205 Kirana Olfie!
206 Olfie Ran, didn’t you check the class chatroom? Didn’t you
know the meeting place changed?
207 Kirana Oh, does our class have a chatroom?
208 Olfie Let’s hurry! Maybe they haven’t left yet.
*Olfie flinched*
Ran! Why is your hand so cold? Were you waiting
209 Kirana We were supposed to meet at six, remember?
O The place changed.
Does that mean she was waiting this whole time?
Plus the time changed to ten o'clock.
Why didn't the other kids tell her?
If only I hadn't been busy.
210 Olfie Ran, give me your phone, my phone is almost out of
battery life.
211 Kirana Sure.
*Olfie checked Kirana's phonebook in her phone and it
just had Olfie and Aunt Diany contacts*
O ...
She only has two contacts?
212 Olfie Ran..
Why don’t you have any friends in your class?
Why don’t you have any other friends except me?
213 Kirana Because I have you, Olfie.
As long as I have you, I don’t need any other friends.

As long as I have you, I don’t need anyone else.

Episode 12
214 Kirana You’re more that enough for me, Olfie.
As long as I have you, I don’t need anyone else.
215 Olfie Ah...
But that’s not right! That’s not good for you!
You should make some other friends too. You
shouldn’t keep being by yourself like this.
216 Kirana It’s okay. I have you, Olfie.
When you’re with me, I’m not lonely.
You promised when we were little, remember?
You said you would always be by my side.
Flashback off
217 Grace That sounds...
Kind of scary.
218 Olfie ...
She didn’t used to be like that. She had lots of friends.

But since her parents passed away, it’s like she’s been
isolating herself.
G Is Ran orphan?
O She stopped paying attention to her friends.
And only wanted to be friends with me.
I tried a lot of ways to get her to make other friends.

But Ran closed herself off to anyone except me. So I

decided to put some space between us.
219 Grace ...
Olfie! You may say this for Ran’s sake,
but what you’re trying to do now doesn’t seem like a
good idea. This method doesn’t solve the fundamental

Ran has been your friend since you were kids. But now
you’ve suddenly distanced yourself from her.

Do you think that would make Ran want to find

another friends that easily? Doing this will only
complicate things even more.
Plus it looks like you’re abandoning your friend to
avoid the problem yourself.
I don’t want to be the reason that Ran is isolated.
But now I’m not sure what should I do.
If this gentle method doesn’t work, I might have to try
something stronger.
Even if it means that Ran and I can’t go back to being
friends like before.
G ...
O There goes the bell.
Let’s go...
221 Grace Olfie.
I won’t tell you to make up with Ran anymore.
Still, I want to do something to help you solve this
Anyway, I’m involved in this problem, right?
Don’t use me as a reason to fight between you two.

At least tell Ran the real reason that you’re avoiding

her. That way she’ll understand.
Don’t treat her coldly as if it’s nothing.
Ran needs to know too. That you still care about her...

222 Olfie All right.

Break time
*Kirana bought some snack and ate it in the garden,
when she saw a vanila milk inside she suddenly got

K Hm...
Flashback on
223 Kirana Olfie, why do you like milk so much?
224 Olfie Want some?
225 Kirana Ugh gross! White milk smells weird!
226 Olfie Remember when you were drinking milk in
elementary school, then it went down the wrong way
and it squirted out of your nose? That’s why you hate
it now, isn’t it?

Have you ever drink milk since then?

227 Kirana Never! I can’t stand it.
228 Olfie Try some.
Just once.
228 Olfie

Can't you do it?

229 Kirana Hey! This isn’t bad!
230 Olfie See?
Don’t say you dislike something before trying it.
Now give it back.
231 Kirana Sorry, this is mine now. Go but another one.
232 Olfie What??
Flashback Off
K ...
K When will I be able to laugh with Olfie again like
What should I do to get Olfie to be my friend again?

What do I have to do to make you come back?

*The bell was ringing*
*Kirana walked heading to her class*
*Kirana saw Olfie walked with Grace in coridor*
K ...
K Olfie and Grace?
*Kirana was hiding inside the girl's toilet*
Episode 13
At school’s bathroom
*Kirana was still inside one of room while the girls was
233 Laras Aren’t you going to class? The bell rang...
234 Ratna The teacher’s not here yet, right?
Did the teacher tell you to call the X-A kids to class?

235 Laras I’m so irritated today...

236 Ratna Huh? Why?
237 Laras I ran into Mrs. Siska before the bell rang and she asked
me to come and talk to her for a minute in the

I think she asked me because I’m the class president of

class X-A.
But she asked me if anyone is being bullied in our
And if Kirana is being excluded in class.
*Kirana startled because she heard the girls were
gossiping her*
238 Dini What? She asked if Kirana in class X-A is being bullied?
239 Ratna Wow, has Mrs. Siska been watching too many dramas?

240 Dini That’s ridiculous, since when has anyone in our class
ever been bullied?
241 Ratna Isolating someone is also a kind of bullying, right?
242 Laras She asked me why Kirana doesn’t have any friends in
So I told her that it’s not that anyone is isolating her,
Kirana always wants to be by herself.
243 Ratna Hey! Why is she blaming us? This is Kirana’s own fault!

Who would want to be friends with someone like

We were all friendly to her, ‘Kirana want to go to the
cafetaria together?’ ‘Sorry, I’m going with Olfie’
‘Kirana, let’s go to karaoke!’ ‘Sorry, I’m meeting Olfie'

It’s always ‘Olfie, Olfie’... It almost makes you sick.

244 Dini Isn’t it gross? It’s not like they’re married. How can she
hang arround him all the time like that when they’re
only a high school couple?

245 Laras Wait, isn’t Olfie dating Grace?

246 Ratna Ah! Are the rumors true? They say that Olfie broke up
with Kirana and started dating Grace right away, right?

Rn Harsh
247 Dini So that’s why Kirana is always alone during break time.

Dn That's what happens!

248 Ratna But isn’t it obvious why Olfie broke up with Kirana?
Who could stand having a girlfriend who’s that

*Kirana still heard what the girls talked about*

249 Dini Yeay, it must have gotten on his nerves having her
around everywhere he went. It would be stifling.

250 Ratna Anytime there’s a problem, ‘Olfie’ ‘ I’m meeting Olfie

in a bit’ It’s like she has no other life.
251 Dini Don't guys like it when their girlfriend hangs around
them so faithfully? They don't even look at other guys
because they're so blinded by love

Dn He he he
252 Ratna They might like it at first...
253 Dini But after a while, Olfie would start getting annoyed
254 Ratna They may like it at first, but it gets tiring after a while.

*Kirana felt gloomy because of their talk*

255 Laras I kind of feel bad for Kirana. She’s like a total loner
now, right?
256 Dini That’s why girls shouldn’t be like that. A boyfriend isn’t
257 Rn If you get dumped, it’s like the end of your life!
*Kirana slamed the door*
*The girl was shocked because Kirana suddenly came
out from the toilet*
*Kirana looked at them for a second then she ran
258 Laras So Kirana was in the bathroom the whole time?
259 Ratna Did she hear everything?
260 Dini Oh no, isn’t this like bullying Kirana too?
Dn We didn't mean to...
*Kirana was running to the rooftop*
K Sorry, Olfie
I didn't know I was a burden to you.
I was so used to it
It felt so comfortable.
I think that's why I closed my eyes and mind.
I didn't know...
I had hurt the person that I love most.
Now I understand why you're avoiding me.
*Kirana opened the rooftop's door*
K I also know why you hate me now.
And why I've been abandoned.
*Kirana closed the door and started to cry*
At the rooftop
261 Kirana Why... Why won’t my tears stop..?
*Kirana was crying a lot*
262 Olfie I promise...
I will always be by your side, Ran.
Flashback end
263 Eggy Ran..
Episode 14
264 Eggy Ran...
*Eggy was playing puzzle while he waited for Kirana*

E Woohoo, finished!
K Eggy, you have to clean up after you're done playing,
*Eggy cleaned up the puzzle*
*Eggy turned on the television*
E ...
E They played this same episode yesterday..
*Eggy was rolling his body*
E Eggy has read this...
And this.
And this.
And this.
And this.
I wanna read this (decided to read a book
“Understanding Human Society”)
E ...
*Eggy ran to the door*
*Eggy was looking outside, but it just a guy with his
E Ran..
Come back soon..
*Eggy was falling a sleep*
E Z..Z..Z.
265 Kirana I’m back..
*Eggy ran to the door*
266 Eggy RAN!
*Eggy hugged Kirana*
*Kirana did not hug Eggy*
What’s wrong?
K ...
E ???
At the living room
*Kirana was throwing her body to the sofa*
267 Eggy What is it, Ran? Are you hurt?
268 Kirana Yeah...
*Eggy goes somewhere*
269 Eggy Where does it hurt? Eggy will put a band-aid on for
270 Kirana This pain can’t be healed with a band-aid.
271 Eggy Then how can I make it stop hurting?
*Kirana was crying*
272 Kirana I’m... I’m not sure how to make it stop hurting either..

*Eggy pat Ran’s head*

273 Eggy Why does seeing you like this hurt Eggy too?
But the pain is here..
*Eggy touched his chest*
274 Kirana Eggy, I’m sorry for making you worry.
But I’m so grateful to have you.
Maybe my mom and dad sent you from heaven.
If I didn’t have you here waiting for me
I might have done something stupid to try and meet
my parents.
Eggy, you know what? I lost another person that I love.

My parents passed away, and now even Olfie has

abandoned me.
This all happened because of me. I don't want to hurt
like this. I don't want to feel lonely anymore.
I’ve decided to become a better person... I’ll try not to
bother anyone else.
And I’ll try not to repeat my mistakes.
So I hope you stay by my side, Eggy. Please, I don’t
want you to leave me too.
*Eggy was hugging Ran*
Episode 15
Dreaming On
K Run
People Her parents are dead?
Was it an accident or murder?
She's an orphan
Maybe it was because of her inheritance
Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh
Poor thing...
Poor thing...
Poor thing...
Poor thing...
276 Olfie Don’t worry, Ran. I’m here.
It will be okay.
277 Kirana Olfie?
Dreaming Off
278 Kirana Olfie..
K Ugh...
I had another nightmare...
I don't want to get up..
Still, what I've learned since my parents passed away is
that no matter how painful things may be,
The world keeps moving on and tomorrow always
What I have to do is forget about everything and
pretend that everything is fine.
*Someone was etering Kirana's room*
279 Eggy RAN!
*Eggy was jumping on Kirana's bed when Kirana tried
to stop him*
280 Kirana Stop it, Eggy! I’m getting dizzy!
I’m up!
*Kirana felt into Eggy's chest and she got embarrased*

K Agh!
K I suddenly thought of yesterday.
I'm so embarrassed
Crying and leaning on him, I even asked Eggy to stay
by my side.
How could I do somethibg so embarrassing in front of
E ?
281 Eggy Ran, what’s wrong?
282 Kirana Nothing, it’s nothing, Eggy.
Let’s have breakfast..
Let’s go to the kitchen!
K ...
K Eggy...
Honestly, I'm not sure either.
It's not like Eggy and I are family, or acquaintances, or
even friends,
I don't know anything about Eggy.
But why do I feel so close and comfortable being
around Eggy?
*Kirana grabbed Eggy's hand*
E ??
284 Kirana Um.. H..Hey..
Let’s see who can get to the kitchen first!!
*Kirana was running to the kitchen to cover her
285 Eggy Huuuh!?
At the dining room
286 Kirana I’m going to school, Eggy!
287 Eggy Hug me!
K There he goes again..
*Kirana was blushing while Eggy hugged her*
K Plop!
E Ran..
When you come back from school later
Don’t be hurt again, okay?
Eggy is worried about you..
288 Kirana All right. .
When I come back from school, I’ll smile!
Because you’re waiting for me at home.
I’m leaving!
289 Eggy Okay! Take care!
At the school
*Ratna and Dini ran into Kirana in the coridor*
290 Dini Hey, hey, we were to going to apologize to Kirana,
291 Ratna She was staring at us so I just froze up.
292 Laras I’ll apologize for you.
293 Ratna Laras! You'll apologize for us? Thank you so much!
294 Dini You really are a dependable class president!
295 Laras It’s okay, I’m at fault too, you know. I have to
apologize anyway.
295 Laras

I’ll try talking to Kirana!

296 Ratna Thanks! Good luck!
At the class
297 Laras Kirana.
Hey, can I talk to you for a minute? Just for a minute.

At the garden
298 Laras I want to apologize for what happened with me and
those other kids in the bathroom yesterday.
We didn’t mean anything bad by it. We were just
flustered for a second because Mrs. Siska asked us
about bullying.

299 Kirana Yeah, it’s okay. I made a mistake too...

And about making friends, I actually...
300 Laras I understand, Kirana. You’ve always been a quite type,
right? That’s why it would be a bit hard to make

I’ll ask the other kids later to try to understand that.

And not to bother you.
Plus you just had a falling out with Olfie recently,
right? You probably need some time to be alone..
301 Kirana Hm.. *feeling uneasy*
302 Laras Don’t worry, leave it to me. We've resolved anything
and made up now, right?
303 Kirana Yeah.. All right..
*Laras walked into Ratna and Dini*
304 Ratna Laras!
Whay did she say?
305 Dini Did she accept out apology?
306 Laras ...
She didn’t seem to mind.
I think she just doesn’t want us to bother her.
307 Ratna and WHAT?
308 Rat That’s ridiculous! Now I feel like a fool for wanting to
apologize, I seriously regret this!
309 Dini Who does think she is? I’m never pretending to be
nice to her again!
310 Laras Don’t fight with her, you guys.
We’re all in the same class.
311 Dini We won’t fight, we’ll just treat her like she doesn’t
exist from now on.
L ...
312 Mrs. Siska Everyone has joined the chatroom, right?
313 Laras Yes.
L <Kirana Chandra Putri
Invite / Delete>
314 MS 1 Don’t you think Kirana is kind of pretty?
315 MS 2 Let’s try talking to her.
316 Laras Kirana has a boyfriend.. They’re always walking around
Do you want to be accused of cheating?
317 Ratna Hey, where did Kirana go? I was going to ask her to go
to the cafetaria together.
318 Laras Isn’t it obvious? She must be with her boyfriend Olfie.

How could she have any time to hang out with single
people like us?
L (Hm..
I’m glad your personality is like that, Kirana.
Thanks to you, everything is going exactly as I planned.

Episode 16
319 MC That’s all for practice today!
*while Olfie changes his clothes*
320 Rami Olfie! what’s up with your performance lately? Are
you having trouble concentrating? Got something on
your mind?

321 Olfie I think so..

322 Rami What’s going on? It’s not because of your girlfriend, is
323 Olfie It’s because of Ran.
*Rami hits Olfie's chest*
What are you hitting me for??
*Olfie hit Rami back*
At the school entrace
324 Rami So, what’s going on with Ran?
325 Olfie Grace said I should tell Ran the truth. That I’m not
dating with Grace.
And that I’m not avoiding Ran because of Grace, I’m
avoiding her because I’d like her to make other friends
instead of depending on me.

326 Rami So, tell me. What’s the problem?

O ...

O It’s not so easy to explain this to Ran.

Since we’ve known each other since we were little

She might be stubborn about our friendship

I’m afraid that not only it might cause a
misunderstanding, but that she would end up
depending on me again just like before.

R How much longer do you plan on avoiding her? You

know that the problem between the two of you won’t
solve itself, right?

327 Olfie I just want Ran to find some other friends on her own.
She can’t keep living by herself, right?
328 Rami Making friends is easy! From what I’ve heard, Ran is
Tell her to buy the kids in class some expensive food.
She’ll probably make friends right away. Although they
would only be friends who approach her when they
need something!

Finding friends that you can really trust is very difficult.

You may never find them for your whole life.

That’s why Ran was only friends with you, because it

was comfortable to her. You can’t force her to make
friends with other people. Ran needs to want it

If you don’t want Ran to keep hanging around you,

you should have introduced her to someone else that
she could date..

If she gets a boyfriend, she’ll forget you right away, I

guarantee it!
O What are you talking about...?
*Olfie hits Rami*
329 Rami Ouch! Hey, that really hurt!
On the way to home
*A text*
<Bank of Asia
Account transfer successful
Has been transferred
To your account.>
*Kirana was very happy*

Now I don’t have to save anymore!!

I can buy good food to eat.
I’m saved!
At Kirana's home
330 Kirana EGGY! I’M BACK!
331 Eggy Woohoo
you’re back, Ran!
*hugging Ran*
332 Kirana Eggy, look!
I bought you something.
*Kirana was serving what she bought on the way to
Go ahead.
333 Eggy You have to save money, Ran! You shouldn’t spend
too much.
K Is he copying me?
I suddenly remembered..
Flashback on junior high school
334 FS Kirana, you got your allowance from your aunt today,
didn’t you?
335 FS Buy lunch for us!! *ha ha ha*
Ha Ha Ha
*Olfie was getting angry because he sat beside Kirana's
desk so he could kick the table*
Outside class
337 Kirana Olfie, wait!
Why did you get angry? I don’t mind buying food for
338 Olfie You need to distinguish between friends and
And I wish you would realize the value of the money
that you have. Learn to save, don’t spend it so

Flashback end
339 Kirana It’s okay to spend it once in a while, Eggy.
340 Eggy Thank you!
K But he is right
My aunt may have said that I’ll never use up my whole
inheritance in my entire life, but I might use it all up

And now, I have Eggy


So my daily living expenses have gone up.

I can’t depdend on an inheritance for my whole life
when I don’t even know how much it is.
Would she let me get a part-time job if I said I wanted
to get one?
At the night, Ran is studying
341 Eggy You do this every night, Ran. What are you doing?
Why are you pouting?
342 Kirana Eggy, I’m doing my homework. I can’t help making this
pouty face.
343 Eggy Is it hard?
344 Kirana It’s not hard but it's a nuisance to do.
345 Eggy I’ll help you.
346 Kirana Can you do this, Eggy??
You were just born recently!
*Eggy is doing Ran’s homework*
K Don’t just write random stuff.. *gasp*
Wait, these answers are all right! This can’t be!
347 Eggy I read that whole book when you were at school..
I still remember it.
K I just taught Eggy the basics of reading and writing
before because I thought he might be bored while I
was at school

It’s only been a few days since then and he knows all
of this?
348 Kirana Eggy, on the answer sheet here, you explained what a
hypersensitivity to mimosas is
Do you know what hypersensitivity is?
E ...
349 Eggy Does it mean you’re really shy?
*Kirana hit her head on the table*
K So he just memorized without knowing what it means.

Still, Eggy really is amazing.

He memorized everything perfectly.
350 Kirana Eggy, you’re not a robot, are you?
*Kirana pinched Eggy’s cheek*
351 Eggy AH, OUCH!
K Haha sorry
*Eggy pinched Ran’s cheek*
352 Kirana OWW!
K How dare he poke me,
I’m the one who’s been taking care of you and looking
after you, born from an egg...
E Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!
353 Kirana Poke!
354 Eggy Sorry, Ran. Let me go!
I want an apology!
D <My beautiful Ran,
I’m going to stop
By your place
This weekend...>
Episode 17
K After my parents passed away, I didn't libe on my own
right away.
There was Mrs. Karti who looked after the house for
And I lived with my aunt Diany.
But Mrs. Karti was getting prettyold, so she returned
to the countryside to live with her family.

And Aunt Diany also left for the city because of work.

Even if she was in a different city, Aunt Diany always

came to see me once a month no matter how bust she

And this weekend, Aunt Diany has decided to come

over as usual.
*Kirana was trying to open the eggpod*
Could there be some other way to open it?
I was going to tell Eggy to hide in here while my aunty
is here.
But this egg may be Eggy’s real home.
But I can’t even get it opened.
And where am I going to hide an egg this big?
K Please open.
K It’s heavy, and it wouldn’t fit in the closet even if I
tried to shove it in there.
I can’t leave Eggy with Olfie or anyone else, they
would ask about Eggy.
It’s too complicated to explain.

What would Aunt Diany say if she found out about

It would be a disaster.
When I decided to look after Eggy,
I didn’t think at all about the responsibilities that I
would face.
356 Eggy Ran, what’s wrong?
K Eggy... Still doesn’t know anything.
We may have to our part ways if people find out about
eggy’s existence.
357 Kirana Eggy! Come here!
*Ran and Eggy run upstairs*
At the rooftop room
358 Kirana This is the rooftop room, the top most room in this
house. When my aunt comes here, I’d like you to stay
in this room.

It may be small and dusty but you’ll be able to hide

here. Could you stay quiet here for a little while? I’ll
prepare everything that you need. Food, books, and
toys, everything. You won’t be bored. Sorry, Eggy. Just
wait a little while.

You have to be quiet and not make any soundsm

otherwise my aunt will suspect that there’s someone
here. You have to be good and stay quiet, okay Eggy?

*Eggy was nodding*

359 Kirana I’m going downstairs to clean things up a bit. I’ll come
back later. Don’t go anywhere, Eggy. Okay?
E ...
At the downstairs
K I covered Eggy’s egg with boxes and cloth. I hope it
doesn’t look to suspicious.
What should I say id my aunt asks why it’s so messy in
here? It can’t think of anything...
Ugh, seriously!
The more I think about it, the more panicked I get.

My stomach hurts.
No matter what happens, the important thing is that I
The day Aunt Diany come home
*Someone came to Kirana's house by driving a purple
sport car*
361 Kirana Ah Auntie, I’ve been waiting for you. Come on in.
362 Diany What did you just say?
*Diany attacked Kirana by chocking her*
363 Kirana S..Sorry! diany, I’ll call you Diany! Let me go.
364 Diany That’s right.. We’re like sisters, right? Let’s start by
taking a selfie.
*Diany and Kirana took a selfie*
Long time no see. This house hasn’t changed.
*Diany walked into the living room and sat in the sofa*

K Aunt Diany, age 30, single, career woman.

But she has a vey unusual personality.
365 Diany So Ran, how have you been? Are you healthy? Sorry
for not checking your texts. I was in Japan and had to
stop by a few places.

Here, a present.
I didn’t get any calls from your school or Olfie’s Mom,
so I guess you really have been staying out of trouble.
But then again, you are a good student.

366 Kirana Not really...

367 Diany Hey, don’t be so boring. We’re young. We should
enjoy life and be a bit wild.
Like skipping class, calling a D.J. and having a party
368 Kirana I don’t want to cause any problems, Diany.
I don’t want to worry grandma if she were to find out.

369 Diany Just ignore that old lady! I’ll protect you!
I may not look like it, but I’m your legal foster mom.

So how’s Olfie doing? Do you still hang out together all

the time?
Have you guys started dating?
*Diany and Kirana hear something strange and it made
Kirana worried*
D What was that sound?
Episode 18
*Eggy was trying to catch a butterfly but he slipped
and fell down*
369 D What was that sound?
370 Kirana P..Probably a cat..
I saw a cat running around of the roof yesterday.
371 Diany A cat? No way. Let’s go check...
Judging from the sound, it must be a huge cat. It might
have broken through the roof.
*Diany wanted to check where was the sound from*

372 Kirana Ah, Diany, where are you going? Ah, you don’t have to
You just got here. You must be tired so just rest.
*Eggy stood at the balcony*
373 Eggy Raaan!
*Kirana saw Eggy then she screamed*
374 Kirana AH! DIANY!
375 Diany What’s wrong, Ran? Why are you shouting? You
scared me.
376 Kirana Ah... Let’s go to the living room, okay?
It’s cooler in there.
377 Eggy ...
Can she not hear me?
*Eggy jumps to the balcoony*
378 Eggy Raaan, open up.
379 Diany It sounds like someone’s calling you, Ran.
380 Kirana No way, you must be imagining it...
381 Diany But it’s true..
*Diany’s phone was ringing*
Hold on, Ran. I’m just going to make a phone call.
382 Kirana Okay.
383 Diany Yeah, hello?
K What should I do?
*Kirana opened the door*
384 Eggy RA..
*Kirana covered Eggy's mouth*
385 Kirana Shh! Be quiet, Eggy!
*Kirana whispered so Diany could not hear them*
What are you doing here, Eggy? You’re supposed to be
in the rooftop room!
386 Eggy I fell..
387 Kirana Why did you fall?
Are you okay? Eggy, you can’t be here!
You have to hide!
388 Eggy Why do I have to hide??
389 Kirana It’s too complicated to explain right now!
390 Diany RAN..
391 Kirana H..Hurry up and hide, Eggy!
*Kirana was afraid because Diany kept calling her*

392 Diany RAN..

393 Kirana Go now!
*Kirana pushed Eggy*
394 Eggy AH!
*Eggy fell down*
395 Kirana Uh... Uh
S-Sorry, Eg...
396 Diany Ran, where are you?
*Kirana entered the house*
397 Kirana I’m right here, Diany, heh.. heh.. Sorry..
398 Diany I just got a call from work and they told me to come to
the office because we have an important meeting

So it looks like I’ll have to head back instead of

sleeping here today. Is that okay?
399 Kirana Huh? But you just got here.
400 Diany I’ll leave tonight.
But I’d like to meet Olfie’s mom. Want to come with
Let’s go! Olfie might be there. Then you and him..
ahem.. ahem..
*Kirana was hesitant*
401 Kirana T-That’s okay, later...
I still have some homework...
402 Diany What? Homework is more important than your future
403 Kirana W..Well, I don’t think I’ll want to come home if I meet
Olfie now.. So it would be better to do my homework

404 Diany Ugh, seriously?

All right, as you like, you’ll come over later, right?
See you.
405 Kirana Say hi to Olfie’s mom for me.
*Kirana ran to the garden*

K Eggy!
Episode 19
At Olfie's House
405 MO Have some tea...
406 Diany Ah sure, thankyou. I’m really indebted to you.
407 MO Not at all. I should be thanking you, Diany.
Bringing me a present from Japan.
I get something from you every time you come here.

408 Diany But all I can do is give you gifts. I mean your family is
helping us so much.
You take such good care of Ran even while I’m busy
living in another city.
409 MO Aw, that’s just our natural duty as neighbors. We’re
very close to your older brother, you know. And Ran is
like our daughter.

410 Diany Wow, I’m so relieved.

Did Kent’s father go somewhere? I don’t see him.
412 MO Ah, he’s meeting some movie director because of a
soundtrack right now.
413 Diany Wow, he goes to work even on weekends?
414 MO People in industry usually don’t have weekends.. He
comes home and works until late at night, just like in
the studio.

415 Diany I don’t see Olfie either. Does he leave homework like
Ran? Why can’t they go out and have some fun of on
the weekends?

D There’s no hope for students nowadays

416 MO Olfie went out for a bit. To recharge his cellphone
balance. He’ll back soon.
By the way, about Olfie and Ran.
It seems like they’re avoiding each other.
Lately, Ran hasn’t been coming over while Olfie is at
And Olfie doesn’t talk much about Ran.
Now, when I asked Olfie about Ran, he tries to get out
of it quickly.
I’m really curious why that is.
Last time, a female friend of Olfie even came to the
house. Olfie says she’s just a friend, but knowing his
personality, it’s strange because the only other friend
he’s ever brought home before is Ran.
Has Ran said anything? I’m worried that they fought.

417 Diany ...

Don't worry.
They're still kids.
Even if they fight now, they’ll make up later.
In front of Olfie's house
418 Diany YOU’RE LATE!
What took you so long to recharge your phone
balance? Did you go to Hong Kong to do it?
419 Olfie Ah, Aunt Diany. When did you get here?
420 Diany What?
*Diany pinched Olfie's arm*
421 Olfie Diany... I said Diany. Please have mercy..
422 Diany Let’s go out for a bit. I think there’s a cafe that just
opened recently.
Let’s talk while we’re there.
O ...
D Let’s go! You can drive my car.
423 Olfie Is it still that purple car?
424 Diany It may be purple, but when are you ever going to get
to drive a supercar?
425 Olfie Let’s go. Pass me the key.
*Diany gave the key*
426 Diany Here!
At the cafe
427 Diany I’ll get right to the point. I don’t think you are a type
that ditches your friend just because you have a

O ...
428 Olfie Did Ran say that?
429 Diany It doesn’t matter who told me.
Is it true?
O ...
430 Olfie Is Ran doing okay?
431 Diany If you’re worried, why don’t you ask her yourself?
And shouldn’t you know better than anyone whether
or not she’s okay?
You two always used to hang out together on
weekends, and now you’re hanging out separately. I
wondered what was going on.

So there’s another girl in your life.

432 Olfie That’s just an excuse that I’m using to avoid Ran.
432 Olfie
I thought that if I stayed away from Ran for a bit, she
wouldn’t depend on me anymore.
Then I wouldn’t have to look after and worry about
Ran all the time either.
I don’t want to be like a parent to Ran.
*Diany was a little shock*
433 Diany So Ran made you feel like that?
Ran is an independent and reliable girl. She has a
sense of responsibility and she’s never caused any
problems, she’s perfect.

434 Olfie That’s true. But you don’t know the other side of her.

You’re busy living in another city because of work, and

you don’tcome home very often.
435 Diany What do you mean?
436 Olfie I’m saying that Ran isn’t perfect. And I’m not exempt
from making mistakes either.
I avoided the problem instead of solving it. Everyone
around me gave me advice and they were right. But in
reality, it wasn’t easy to do what they said.

437 Diany Why do young people always make everything so

Forget it, I’ll just ask you directly.
Olfie, does Ran still matter to you or not?
438 Olfie How could she not matter to me?
At Ran’s home
439 Kirana EGGY!
Eggy! Where are you?
I searched the whole house but he's not here.
I locked all of the doors leading outside so he must be
in here.
Is he doing this because I told him to hide?
Or is Eggy upset because I accidentally pushed him?

Eggy, come out..

*Kirana looked for Eggy in the garden but she saw
something strange in the bushes*
*Kirana found Eggy was hiding inside the bushes*
So this is where you were hiding.
Eggy, come here, you can come out now.
*Kirana wanted to grab Eggy's hand but he avoided it*

He avoided me!
Is he upset!?
Eggy, I’m sorry for pushing you.
I didn’t mean to.
Are you okay?
440 Eggy No..
It hurts..
441 Kirana Why? Because you fell before?
442 Eggy No..
This can’t be healed with a band-aid. It hurts..
Why do I have to leave? Do you hate me?
Did you abandon me?
*Kirana hugged Eggy*
443 Kirana I’m sorry, Eggy! I’m sorry for causing a
I would never abandon you!
I’m sorry for hurting you!
444 Eggy I like you, Ran.
445 Kirana I’m sorry, Eggy.
That's when I realized, I may not know where he came
But Eggy is a person just like me. He has emotions, he
gets sad and hurt.
I think I've been treating Eggy like a pet this whole
Leaving Eggy at home and hiding him from other
I can't keep doing this.
It's not fair for Eggy.
Eggy, I’m sorry, okay?
446 Eggy Okay.
447 Kirana Let’s go inside. We have to treat that cut on your foot.

448 Eggy Let’s go.

*Eggy and Ran go inside the house*
449 Diany Ah, Ran..
Who’s that next to you?
Episode 20
449 D Ah, Ran..
Who’s that next to you?
450 Kirana Ah... Ah...
K O...OH NO!
451 Diany ...
*Diany saw Kirana and Eggy were holding hand each
*Kirana loose Eggy's hand*
K Now my aunt knows! What should I tell her about
But she doesn't seem suspicious of him.
Should I make something up?
What will happen to Eggy if I lie?
452 Kirana Eggy, could you wait here for a minute?
453 Eggy Okay.
454 Kirana Diany, I have something to tell you.
455 Diany Isn’t that handsome boy coming with us? I feel bad
leaving him by himself.
*Kirana and Diany went to the other room*
456 Diany I didn’t expect this.
I was wondering why you weren’t talking about Olfie
like usual. So you have a super cute friend.
*Diany gave Kirana thumb's up*
Is that why you and Olfie have grown apart?
457 Kirana Um... Listen, Diany
Eggy isn’t my boyfriend...
458 Diany Then whay is he?
A fling? Did you cheat?
459 Kirana Uh... No...
K What should I say?
Would my aunt believe me if I tell her the truth?
Would it make this even more complicated?
But if I lie to her, I'll have to keep lying, and even if lies
start small, they tend to get bigger and bigger...

My lies could cause problems for Eggy, and i might not

be able to take care of him...
Ah, I don't know...
460 Diany Ran, what is it? You look flustered...
Ran, I actually met Olfie before and talked to him a bit.

I hate to admit it but he’s right.

460 Diany

To me, you’ve always been a reliable kid who’s never

gotten into trouble or caused any problems..

You’re an independent and matude kid who’s solved

every problem on your own.
That’s why I had forgotten that you’re still young and
you need help from other people.
I’m sorry for not paying attention to you.
What I’m trying to say is, rather than struggling by
yourself, wouldn’t it be better to express yourself?

I could help you, you know.

I’m your adoptive mom. I’m always on your side.
I’ll help you no matter what.
461 Kirana Diany...
*Kirana was showing Eggy’s eggpod*
462 Diany EGGNOID??
This... would have been easier if you had told me you
got pregnant while living together...
463 Kirana WHAT?? DIANY..
I..I know it doesn’t make sense.. But this is the
What store would sell egg this big? And I’ve never
seen something like this so there’s no way I could have
made it.

*Diany tried to open the eggpod*

464 Diany It won’t open...
465 Kirana I don’t know anything about eggnoid either.
The egg spoke just once, but all it said was some stuff
about eggnoid and that I’m now this eggnoid’s
adoptive parent.

466 Diany Did he come out of this thing?

Is your name Eggy?
Where are you from?
Who sent you?
*Diany grabbed Eggy's collar while she was asking
467 Kirana Eggy*
*Kirana tried to stop Diany*
I asked him a lot too but Eggy doesn’t seem to know
468 Diany Is he stupid?
469 Kirana No! He didn’t know anything because he came out of
the egg like a baby.
But he learned really quickly. It’s only been two weeks
since he came out of the eeg but he can already read a
bunch of books.

*Eggy was hiding behind Kirana*

471 Kirana Sorry, I didn’t know what to do...
472 Diany Ugh, jeez...
Who else knows? Does Olfie know??
473 Kirana No one... I’m the only one who knows.
Eggy actually appeared when Olfie started distancing
himself from me.
474 Diany All right, then. I’ll stay here for a while. Screw the
meeting or whatever.
475 Kirana Sorry, Diany... It’s my fault..
476 Diany That's enough!
If you realize that you made a mistake, then set my
bags out of the car, both of you.
I have to tell my secretary that I can’t go.
Hush hush
*Diany wanted Kirana and Eggy left her alone*
477 Kirana Let’s go, Eggy..
Ah, Diany.
478 Diany No problem. *thumbs up*
*Kirana and Eggy took Diany's luggage inside the
At Olfie's House
O *Playing his guitar. The he sees Ran and Eggy bring
Diany’s luggage*
(Who’s that?)
Episode 21
Ran, who’s that guy with you?
Did he come with Diany?
Why do they look so close?)
At Ran’s home
E (I want to push it.)
K (Eggy, this isn’t toy.)
Olfie’s room
O <Ran, who’s that guy who
was with you in front

of your house before?>

<Ra > *deleted the words he types before*
It would be strange if I ask all of a sudden.
*suddenly rememeber his friend’s words*
R If you don’t want Ran to keep hanging around you all
the time, you should have introduced her to someone
she could date. Once she gets a boyfriend, she’ll forget
all about you, I guarantee it!

479 Olfie ARGH!

O Even if it’s not now, that day will come
I know it
The day when Ran will find someone else and forget
After acting like that to Ran
I shold have been prepared to accept the
So why am I still irritated?
At Ran’s bedroom
480 Diany I have a lot stuff to ask the two of you.
Especially you, Ran.
Weren’t you scared or worried about this eggnoid
when you didn’t even know where he came from?

He just appeared in your room like magic?

What if he’s some kind of alien that came here with
evil intentions?
What if that innocent personality is all acting and lies?

You never know, he could put your life in danger in the

481 Eggy I’m not evil..
482 Diany Wow, he talks!
483 Eggy I DON’T LIE!
484 Kirana Ah, I know, we believe you.
485 Diany How am I supposed to know whether or not you lie?

I can undestand Ran, but you’re a different matter!

You can’t even explain what you are or where you

came from.
What was your purposes in coming here, and why did
you show up in Ran’s room of all place?
486 Eggy ...
487 Kirana Stop it, Diany! Eggy's confused!
Eggy still doesn't know anything.
If you don't trust Eggy...
Just trust me.
Eggy doesn't have any evil thoughts. And he's not a
con man.
I can feel it.
488 Diany ...
You shouldn’t approach this emotionally. He could be
tricking you with his good looks and innocent

What if the kid who came out of the egg was ugly and
really hairy? Would you have felt the same way?

*Kirana was imagining what Diany said*

D A freak baby that looks like a monkey.
That's why vampires are handsome.
489 Kirana I... I’m not sure..
I was captivated by his face.
But Eggy is here now.
And I decided to trust Eggy.
490 Eggy RAN!
*Eggy hugged Kirana suddenly*
491 Kirana AAAHHH!
492 Eggy I like you so, so much~~
493 Kirana E..Eggy..
494 Diany ...
It’s a good thing there aren’t many people in this
neighborhood. It’s the countryside, plus if people
found out, they would have probably forced you to
consummate your relationship right away.

495 Kirana DIANYYY!!

496 Eggy What’s ‘consummate’?
497 Kirana Huh? Uh.. Wel..
498 Diany Should I tell him what “consummate” means?
499 Kirana STOP IT, DIANY!
K Don't ruin Eggy.
500 Diany It may be fine now, but the people around you will
find out about Eggy.
I don’t want you to suffer because of how people look
at you, Ran.
501 Kirana D..Diany, don’t chase Eggy away.
502 Diany I won’t. If Eggy is going to stay in this house, we have
to make up a reason that people would undestand.

He needs his own documents and identity, doesn’t he?

503 Kirana T..Then what should we do? What do we have to do?

504 Diany A friend of mine can handle the documents.

But as far as his reason for staying in this house,
what if we turn this into a boarding house?
*Kirana was shock a bit*
D We talked about this once before, remember? This
house is close to the high school and the university,
plus it’s bug and has lots of rooms..

If you leave all of those rooms unused, they’ll just

collect dust..
505 Kirana B..But..
This is my mom and dad’s house..
506 Diany It’s your house now..
It’s up to you to decide..
507 Kirana I.. I think I’ll have to think about it first...
K This is the house where I grew up and lived with my
Everything in this house contains memories of my
If starngers come and live in this house,
I’m afraid those memories will disappear.
*Eggy’s belly makes a sound*
508 Diany Oh right, we haven’t had lunch. All right, let’s talk
more about this tomorrow, okay?
509 Kirana Eggy, let’s get something to eat.
510 Eggy Okay.
*Diany's phone rang*
511 Diany Ran, you go ahead. I’ll be right there after taking this
512 Kirana Okay.
*ran is closed the door*
513 Diany Hello?
Yeah, I don’t think I’ll be able to make it.
Mr. Yana, could you keep this secret from my mom..?

And if possible, come over here as quickly as possible..

513 Diany

I think I’ve found a clue about my brother’s death..

There’s an eggnoid here.

D Ran.. Of all the people in the world..
Why did the eggnoid come to you?
Episode 22
The next morning
514 Eggy Ran...
Ran, wake up.
515 Kirana Okay.. Okay.. I’ll get up.
K It's Sunday, so I didn't even set the alarm.
516 Eggy Good morning, Ran.
*Eggy said that in front of Kirana's face*
518 Eggy I came in trough the door.
519 Kirana That’s not what I mean!!
You can’t just go into another person’s room
whenever you feel like it. You have to knock on the
door first and get permission from the person that the
room belongs to.

You can’t do this unless it’s an emergency.

Like a fire or an earthquake.
Is this an emergency?
520 Eggy Diany is cooking in the kitchen.
It smells good.
521 Kirana You’re just hungry!
Let’s go to the kitchen..
We’ll have breakfast.
At the kitchen
*Diany was making some pancakes*
522 Kirana Good morning!
523 Diany Good morning!
524 Kirana That smells great~ You know how to make pancakes?

525 Diany Pancakes are simple..

Have a seat over there, let’s have breakfast together.

At the dining room

526 Diany I thought a lot about it last night.
Whether you rent the rooms or not,
I’m coming back to live in this house.
527 Kirana What? Really???
528 Diany Yep, what other choice do I have? It would be
dangerous for the two of you to keep living here by

The neighbots might say something.

E ??
D Or I might suddenly get a grandchild...
529 Kirana DIANYYY!
E ??
K But you’re the boss of the head office, you’ve been
super busy all this time... Will it be easy to come and
live here?

And what if grandma finds that you’re living in this

house again? What are you going to tell her?
530 Diany *pffft!* We’ll just make sure she doesn’t find out!
531 Kirana DIANYYY!
I’m serious!
532 Diany Leave this to an adult, you just focus on your studies.
Don’t worry about this too much, okay?
533 Kirana ...
534 Diany Ah, and Eggy has to go to school too.
535 Kirana School? Wouldn’t it be better for him to learn at
home? We could have a tutor come to the house, or I
could teach Eggy.

Eggy is still clueless about the outside world. He’s still

to pure and innocent.
If he goes to school, people will make fun of him for
being weird.
536 Diany Who could make fun of a face like that..?
*Ran looked Eggy’s face*
D By the way, haven’t you noticed?
Eggy copies everything that you do.
D He has to meet lots of people, that’s a kind of studying
Eggy needs to adapt to the human world and make
friends, right?
We should introduce him to the neighbors too, people
have to know that Eggy is living here.
Let’s start with next door, Olfie’s family.
537 Kirana WHAT?
*Diany was cleaning the dishes*
538 Diany I spoke with Olfie’s mom when I went grocery
shopping in this morning.
538 Diany

We decided to have dinner together at Olfie’s place

It’s semi-formal dinner.
539 Kirana B-But Olfie and I... And what if Olfie sees Eggy?
540 Diany That’s just it!
The thing with men is, if another man touches what
belongs to them, they’re sure to react!
E ?
D Get ready, I’m going to take Eggy to a boutique that I
know and get him super dressed up!
At the boutique
541 Diany What’s taking so long? Are you sure he can get
dressed by himself?
*Diany opened the curtain while Eggy was still
changing his clothes*
542 Kirana AAAHHH! DIANY!
543 Eggy Ran said it’s embarrassing if I get undressed in front of
other people!
D Right now, you’re getting undressed but she’s the one
being embarrassed.
544 Diany I really wonder, what on earth have you two been
doing for the last two weeks? You actually needed a
rule saying not to get undressed?

545 Kirana Ah, uh... I-I’ll be right back.

I’ll get some snacks!
*Diany saw Eggy’s birth mark*
546 Diany Is that real?
*eggy shocked*
D Or is it a tatoo? Can you wipe it off?
547 Eggy We’re born with this mark,
It won’t even come off.
548 Diany How do you know that?
I thought you said you don’t remember anything.
549 Eggy I just know..
Those words came into my head.
550 Diany It looks like even though you don’t remember right
now, the information about your history and identity is
buried in your memories.

I don’t know why that is but I think I can help you

recover your memories. I have to know for sure
whether or not you’re dangerous to Ran.

551 Eggy I’m not sure...

I have to ask Ran first.
552 Diany It would be better not to ask Ran about this...
553 Eggy Why?
554 Diany Well..
At the dinner time
*Ding Dong* (the bell is ringing)
555 MO Diany, Ran, welcome. Come on in. We were waiting
for you.
556 FO Wow! You both looks so beautiful! (Wunderschon)

557 Kirana Sorry we’re late..

558 MO Ran, you should come over more often. Don’t make
me miss you.
559 Olfie Hey..
560 Kirana Hey..
561 Diany Ah, and this
Is Eggy. Come inside.
562 Eggy Hi, my name is Eggy.
Episode 23
562 E Hi, my name is Eggy.
563 Diany Thi is the son of a close friend of mine who passed
away. He’s going to attend school here with Ran.

564 FO Rolfe, come here and say hi. (Komm hier.)

565 MO Are you the same age? I hope you can be good friends
with our son.
*Olfie an Eggy were shaking their hand*
566 Eggy Eggy.
567 Olfie Rolfe Kent.
568 Diany I don’t know why but they look so bright..
*Kirana was blushing*
569 MO Now, let’s not just stand here,
let’s head inside, the food won’t taste good if it gets
At the dining room
*Olfie’s mom serves the foods and they start to
*Eggy can’t cut the meat using knife and Ran help him,
Olfie just looks at them*
*after eating, they move to the living room, Olfie’s
parents sing a song and play the piano*
*Olfie comes to Aunt Diany*
At the living room
570 Olfie Who the heck is he?
571 Diany Hm? I told you, he’s the son of a close friend of mine
who passed away.
572 Olfie A close friend? Where did they live? Since when?
573 Diany Someone’s sure being nosy.
574 Olfie Ran doesn’t become so close with guys so easily.
It takes a long time for her to become friends..
It looks like they’ve gotten really close.
575 Diany Are you curious?
Why don’t you ask Ran yourself?
*Olfie looks at Eggy and Ran who can gets along*
*Olfie’s parents and Aunt Diany have talks in other
576 FO So Diany, I heard that you have some important news.

577 Diany Yes, it’s about Eggy.

578 MO He’s so handsome.
579 Diany I know right? That's why I'm thinking to adopting him.
Eggy will live with Ran in our house.
*Olfie’s parent suddenly looks each other*
580 MO Diany, is that really a good idea? I know that you’re
financially well-off, but money isn’t the only thing that
kids need.

They need love from their parents and they need their
parents to look after them.
581 FO You’ve been so busy lately that you’re living in another
city and Ran also spends a lot of time at home alone.

That means Ran and Eggy will live in their own without
a guardian but that doesn’t seem very good.

582 Diany Yeah, I know. But, don’t worry.

That’s why I’ve decided to move back and live here.
And if Ran allows it, I plan on renting our rooms in our
house. Then the atmosphere in the house will be more
lively and they will be other people for Eggy and Ran
to hang out with.

583 MO Will that be okay for Ran? She hasn’t known Eggy for
very long.
584 Diany Yeah, Eggy’s parents were explorers. He’s never stayed
in one place before and he doesn’t have any relatives.
Eggy has never even attended a normal school before.

Eggy was the only one to survive the accident but he

lost his memories. He can’t remember his past.
So far, Eggy has been very confused trying to figure
everything out.
It may not be exactly the same, but Ran and Eggy both
experienced something similar, so they share a bond.

585 FO Ah, so that’s why the two of them look so close.

They’ve both even experienced memory loss. Ran
doesn’t remember her parents’ car accident either.

She still can remember it?

586 Diany ...
It's perfect.
Bad memories from the past... are the best forgotten.

At the other room

587 Olfie Which city are you from?
*Eggy was thinking so hard*
O ?
588 Eggy Ah... Eggy doesn’t remember anything.
O (Eggy?
He refers to him from the third person?)
*Ran is poiring orange juice into a glass. Then she
looks to Olfie and Eggy*
K (Oh no! Olfie’s is talking to Eggy!
I know I told him not to mention anything about
But what if he says something by accident?)
589 Kirana Ah, Eggy,
I think Diany called you.
590 Eggy Okay.
*Olfie grabs Ran’s hand*
591 Olfie Ran...
Stay here
Episode 24
591 O Stay here.
592 Kirana Huh?
Ah... But... I think I should go too.
593 Olfie She called him, not you.
not you.
Come here.
Have a sit
*Kirana was sitting at piano chair then Olfie is playing
the piano*
594 Olfie That kid...
594 Olfie
Eggy, he’s going to live at your house?
595 Kirana Yeah.
596 Olfie Are you okay with that?
You haven’t known him for that long, right?
597 Kirana I'm fine.
K Are you jealous, Olfie?
K Why?
598 Olfie He seems like he’ll be a good friend for you.
I’m relieved.
The more good friends you make, the better, tight?

599 Kirana Olfie, do you remember?

When we used to play the piano together as kids?
600 Olfie I remember.
601 Kirana Olfie, right now...
Are you still my friend?
At other room
602 Eggy Did you call me, Diany?
603 Diany Hm?
*Diany looked at Kirana and Olfie who were playing
the piano together*
This is called a set up, Eggy.
604 Eggy ?
Set up?
605 Diany Yeah, those two are trying to be alone together.
606 Eggy Why?
607 Diany Ah, you don’t know, do you?
Those two have had a history together since you got
They’ve been together since they were little.
They have a special bond.
A bond that no one can ever intrude on.
Don’t they suit each other?
Huh? EGGY!
*Eggy pulled Kirana out*
608 Kirana Eggy?
609 Eggy Let’s go home.
610 Kirana Eggy? What’s wrong?
Are you sick?
611 Eggy Eggy wants to go home.
O What’s his problem?!
612 Olfie HEY!
613 Diany What’s wrong, guys?
613 Diany
Eggy, what are you doing?
614 Kirana He wants to go home.
615 Diany Ah, it’s getting kind of late. We’ve stayed for too long.

Eggy must be a bit tired. You two have school

tomorrow, right?
Guys, say good night to Olfie’s parents.
FO What's going on?
616 Kirana Eggy, let’s go.
*Olfie just looked at Eggy and Ran the he looked at
617 Olfie Do you realize how strange he is?
618 Diany The more you get to know him, the stranger he’ll
O ?
*Aunt Diany, Kirana and Eggy back to their house*
*Olfie was still looking at Ran and Eggy*
O Seriously, there's really something strange about him.

Episode 25
At Eggy's room
619 Kirana The end. *closed the book*
Now, it’s time to sleep.
620 Eggy Will you read me another story tomorrow?
621 Kirana You can read well yourself, Eggy. You should read a
story by yourself tomorrow.
622 Eggy No! *fold his hand*
623 Kirana Huh? Why not?
624 Eggy Well...
because I want to stay with you, Ran.
625 Kirana You’re making me blush...
You’re so silly, Eggy!
626 Eggy Blush?
627 Kirana Yeah, like when I tickle you!
628 Eggy Stop it, Ran, stop..
*Aunt Diany peeks Eggy and Ran*
629 Diany Hmmm...
E ?
630 Kirana D..Diany.. *he..he..*
w..we didn’t do anything.
631 Diany Hm, what a shame. I was hoping something had
D It's fun
*Kirana turned Eggy's lamp off*
K Good night, Eggy.
633 Eggy Good night, Ran.. Good night, Diany..
See you tomorrow.
Outside of Eggy’s room
634 Diany You’re not going to lock the door? What if he wanders
around at night?
635 Kirana Eggy doesn’t do that... and he still thinks like a little
636 Diany You said yourself that he’s a quick learner. He may be
young now... but someday, he will become a young

Just be careful, all right?

K Hm..
D Ah..
One more thing.
I hope your relationship with Olfie gets better.
Good night, Ran..
637 Kirana Good night, Diany..
K (Olfie...
I remember what he said before..)
Flashback on
638 Kirana Olfie, right now...
are you still my friends?
639 Olfie Of course.
Why would you ask me that?
640 Kirana You suddenly distanced yourself from me. So i thought
you didn’t like me.
641 Olfie I don’t dislike you.
642 Kirana Then why did you tell me before that you won’t be my
friend anymore?
643 Olfie I wanted you to find other friends,
I wanted you to open up and make more friends.
644 Kirana I don’t need anyone else.
645 Olfie See? You’re doing it again..
646 Kirana I know, I always bother you, don’t I? I tire you out and
irritate you.
647 Olfie STOP IT!
I just want you to get along okay even without me,
648 Kirana What do you mean?
*WHISH!* *Eggy grabed Ran’s hand*
K If Eggy hadn’t grabbed me at that moment
I could have asked him more..
What could Olfie have meant?
Is it because Grace is in Olfie’s heart now?
Perhaps there’s no more room for me.
At Olfie’s place
*Olfie is brushing his teeth, then he goes to his room.
He takes the guidance about scholarship program

649 Olfie What should I do?...
Morning at Ran’s house
650 Kirana I’m going to school.
651 Eggy Be careful. Come back soon, okay Ran?
652 Diany You guys look like a real newlyweds.
653 Eggy Newlyweds?
654 Kirana Diany, please don’t teach Eggy anything weird while
I’m at school.
655 Diany Well...
656 Kirana DIANYYY!
657 Diany Don’t worry. He can learn weird things from his friends
when he goes to school later.
658 Eggy Eggy’s going to school?
With Ran?
659 Diany Yeah, but not right away because there’s a lot of
things to take care of. Like your identification papers.

And you have to take a qualification exam later.

660 Kirana I still don’t think it’s a good idea for Eggy to go to
661 Diany You don’t worry about it. Just accept the way it is.
Now go to school, you’ll be late!
Are you going with Olfie?
662 Kirana No.
I can go by myself.
At the women’s restroom
663 FS 4 She acts like she doesn’t need him.
But Miss Siska is growing suspicious of the kids in class
because of her.
G (This is why girls go to the bathroom together..
They need a friend to gossip with while they wait in
Ugh, seriously.. all I need is my phone.)
664 FS 5 I didn’t know Kirana was that kind of girl. (She is
G (Is she in Kirana’s class?)
665 Grace Man, it’s hot in here. It must be because of all this
At the coridor*Ran bumped Grace*
666 Kirana Ah, sorry.
667 Grace Oh!
Ran, are you going to the bathroom?
668 Kirana Hm? Yeah...
*Grace grabbed Ran to other bathroom*
669 Grace There are a lot of people in this bathroom, let’s go
somewhere else.
670 Kirana It’s okay, this one is the closest to my class.
671 Grace No, let’s go together.
K ?
At other bathroom
G It's totally full...
672 Grace Sorry, it looks like there are lots people here too.
673 Kirana It’s okay.
G ...
674 Kirana ...
Um.. Are you getting along well with Olfie?
G ?
K Sorry, that’s none of my business. Pretend you didn’t
hear that.
675 Grace It’s okay.
Yeah, Olfie and I are doing fine. But we’re not in the
type of relationship you are thinking.
At Ran’s house
676 Diany Are you in front of the house? All right, I’ll open the
door for you.
677 Mr. Yana Hello, Diany.
678 Diany Mr. Yana, come inside. Thank you for coming so
My mom doesn’t know that you’re here, does she?

679 Mr. Yana Trust me on that.

What happened to the eggnoid?
Episode 26
At the school bathroom
680 Grace Yeah, Olfie and I are doing fine.
680 Grace
But we’re not in the type of relationship that you are
681 Kirana You’re not in the kind of relationship that I’m thinking?
What do you mean?
682 Grace Olfie still hasn’t told you?
683 Kirana We haven’t talked much lately...
684 Grace Olfie has a lot of stuff to explain to you.
But you don’t have to worry about me and Olfie.
You’ve known Olfie since you were little, right?
You know better than I do about Olfie’s emotions.
At Ran’s place
685 Diany Is it real?
686 Mr. Yana Based on the shape and size, it seems real.
But I haven’t completely tested it yet so I can’t be
100% sure.
And I also have to check it against the data that we
*Trying to open the eggshell*
This one doesn’t open either?
687 Diany No, I tried yesterday but it won’t open..
It seems it locks itself once the contents are gone.
688 Mr. Yana Then...
Where are the contents?
689 Diany Upstairs..
I told him to play for a minute..
He might tell Ran if he sees you here, Mr. Yana.
And Ran will panick if she finds out that you came
then she’ll connect everything to my mom.
You know she’s really afraid of my mom, right?
690 Mr. Yana Do you intend to take this egg to the lab too?
And are you going to perform research on the
contentd as well?
691 Diany Not right now.. I can’t do it too suddenly.
Everything has to be done naturally so that Ran won’t
suspect anything.
692 Mr. Yana The eggnoid may be dangerous.. don’t forget about
that possibility.
693 Diany For some reason..
This is the first time I’ve seen Ran so bright
Since she lost her parents. She looks happy.
Maybe the appearence of this egg is connected to the
accident that night.
Maybe he came here to protect Ran..
693 Diany

There’s still so much that we don’t know about the

Before we make any assumptions or get suspicious, we
need to find out more first.
694 Mr. Yana Can’t you just ask Kirana about the accident?
She would know better than anyone, wouldn’t she?

She was there at the scene of the accident..

We could find out if we help Kirana to recover her
memories of the accident...
695 Diany *Diany was freeze for a second*
Y ...
D Making Ran recover her memories is our last resort..

I have to protect Ran,

No matter what..
*Mr. Yana taps Diany’s shoulder*
696 Mr. Yana I have been your secretary since you were little. I
believe you’ve done your best.
And what happened to Kirana is not your fault.
697 Diany Whether it’s my fault or not.. I’m going to try to fix all
of this...
I’m not going to take Kirana away like they took my
brother away.
Flashback on
698 Police Here’s your niece..
699 Diany Ran, sweetie...
700 Kirana Mom...
Flashback off
At the school
<cleaning duty
Wahyu, Kirana, Rian, Selatan, Ari, Gita.>
701 Selatan Give it to me.
I’ll go throw out the garbage. It’s heavy, isn’t it?
702 Kirana It’s okay, thanks. I can do it on my own.
703 Selatan ...
Wow, is Kirana always that cold?
She doesn’t act cute at all...
704 Ucup Yeah... She’s always like that. She never talks..
705 Asep But why are you suddenly asking about Kirana? She
has a boyfriend! Do you want her to cheat on him with

706 Selatan No, I was just asking?

707 Ucup The rumors say they broke up, apparently her
boyfriend is dating another girl.
*Selatan kicked Ucup*
S They broke up?
Is that why she was crying?
Flashback at the emergency exit
*Selatan was playing game when Ucup called him*

709 Selatan UGH!

<Incoming call
What are you calling me for?
712 Ucup <no, not yet...>
713 Selatan Then leave me alone, Idiot. I’m hanging out!
Is someone upstairs?
S Why did they close the door so hard?
*Selatan saw Ran cries upstairs*
S (Isn’t that Kirana from our class?)
Episode 27
At the school
714 Grace Making friends isn’t as easy as you think. It’s different
for everyone..
For some people it’s easy, and for others it’s difficult...
and it’s even more complicated for girls...

Plus there are even all of those rumors.

715 MS Rolfe, you haven’t gone home yet?
The homeroom teacher is looking for you.
At staff’s room
716 MT Have a seat, Rolfe.
I’d like to talk to you about applying for the
scholarship program...
You’re the only one among the applicants who still
hasn’t submitted your applications and resume.
716 MT

I was wondering if there’s a problem...

717 Olfie No, Sir...
I’m just reconsidering whether I should apply.
718 MT Hm, why?
Is there a reason to hesitate?
719 Olfie Do all the students that apply get accepted?
720 MT Hahaha, if that were so, it would be great for all of the
But unfortunately, there’s a screening and an
interview later. They look at the academic
achievements of students.

The students that are accepted go through a

preparatory program, then they’re sent to the main
school in England in two or three years.

So it’s a bit difficult because you have to pass through

several stages.
It may seem too early to decide right now, but our
school does this to help students grow at an early age
in consideration of their will and motivation.

Isn’t it a great opportunity? Graduates from the main

school receive a recommendation when they advance
to the most famous universities in England so they can
enter more easily.

From literature and technology to art and

architecture, there’s a wide range of majors to choose

The experiences that you would have there would also

be extremely interesting and valuable, so wouldn’t it
be a bit of a waste to throw away an opportunity like

721 Olfie Yes, I totally understand that, Sir..

Of course I really want to go too...
But it makes me think about the things that I’ll have to
leave behind here if I get accepted.
At the coridor
*Ratna bumped Kirana at the coridor so the trash fell
722 Kirana AH!
723 Ratna Ah, sorry. It was an accident.
724 Laras Here, you dropped this..
725 Kirana Ah, thanks.
726 Laras Are you okay?
727 Kirana Yeah, I’m fine.
728 Ratna Laras, let’s walk nome together.
729 Laras Gotta go.
730 Kirana Sure.
(Make friends?)
*the garbage is all over the place...*
*Selatan looks from other side*
At Ran’s house
*Diany opens the door’s lock*
731 Diany Eggy, come downstairs. It’s lunchtime.
732 Eggy Lunch?
733 Diany Come on, the food won’t be good if it gets cold.
734 Eggy It sounded like there were a bunch of people before.

735 Diany You must have imagined it.

At the dining room
736 Eggy Wow, did you make all of this, Diany?
737 Diany I ordered it, why would I bother making all of these
complicated dishes when I can just buy them?

E ...
D What are you waiting for? Go ahead and eat.
738 Eggy I have to wait for Ran.
It’s even better when we eat together.
739 Diany Did Ran teach you that??
740 Eggy YES!
741 Diany If she doesn’t come home until tonight...Would you
still wait?
742 Eggy YES!
*Eggy suddenly ran into the door*
743 Diany Where are you going?
744 Kirana I’m home..
*Eggy hugged Kirana*
745 Eggy Ran, welcome home.
746 Kirana E...Eggy... (Eggy, I can’t breathe..)
Episode 28
747 Kirana Huh? What’s your suitcase doing here, Diany?
And your clothes look so elegant, as if you’re going
Are you going somewhere, Diany?
748 Diany I’m going to have to go to my place in the capital for a
I came here right after getting back from Japan.
There’s a lot of stuff I have to deal with first if I’m
going to move in here.
748 Diany

There are things that I left at the office.. plus I have to

contact my friends about Eggy’s documents.

749 Kirana Sorry you’re so busy because of me.

750 Diany There is nothing I wouldn’t do for my beloved niece.

Don’ worry, I’ll come back after I finish everything

751 Kirana Okay..
752 Diany Go inside and eat. Eggy must be starving.
You don’t have to see me off. I’ll leave on my own.

753 Kirana Take care, Diany. Have a safe trip.

*Diany saw a yellow truck outside the house*
D ...
M1 *humming*
754 Diany Hi there.
*M1 shocked*
755 Male1 Ah, Boss! Hello!
756 Diany Don’t be so noticeable. How could you park right in
front of the house?
You would get caught even if you change your clothes.

757 Male1 Sorry, Boss. I’ll go find somewhere else to park.

758 Diany It’s okay. Has the man left?
759 Male1 Yes, he left a while ago.
He went back home.
760 Diany I’m heading back home for a few days too. Look after
the kids for me, okay?
If you see anything suspicious, report to me right
away, no matter how insignificant it may seem.
761 Male1&Male2 Yes, Boss!!

762 Diany And one more thing.

Be careful not to run into that kid.
The rooftop room was locked when you guys installed
the camera in front of the house, but I think he saw
you guys there.

Always be careful, got it?

763 Male1&Male2 Yes, Boss!

D (I hope your intuition is right, Ran.

Your intuition that her really isn’t dangerous.

But if he acts suspiciously and puts you in danger,

I’ll have no choice but to remove him from your side.)

At Ran's house
*Kirana and Eggy cleaned the dishes together*
764 Eggy Ran, how was school?
765 Kirana Just okay.
766 Diany Diany said Eggy is going to school too. Eggy really
wants to go to school!
767 Kirana School isn’t as fun of a place as you think, Eggy..
School is only fun for people who like to socialize and
have lots friends.
I could take classes at home
But Diany sent me to a regular school.
Reality isn’t as beautiful as we wish it were, Eggy.
768 Eggy But Eggy is sure!
Eggy will definetly like it!
Because Eggy can stay by your side, Ran.
Eggy doesn’t heve to stay at home all alone anymore.

*Eggy and Ran were looking each other*

769 Kirana Eggy...
I’m sorry for leaving you alome and making you wait
for me everyday..
770 Eggy Eggy wishes you wlould come back quickly.
Waiting takes forever, and sometimes it makes Eggy
Inside, I wish that you wouldn’t go anywhere if you
can’t come back soon..
But that would make things harder for you,
And Eggy doesn’t want to stress you out.
Eggy would be sad if you’re stressed.
So Eggy will be patient and wait for you.
Because even if it takes a long time, Eggy knows that
you will come home.
Every time you come home, Eggy’s heart beats so fast
and Eggy is so happy.
I guess it’s good to be patient.
771 Kirana Thank you so much, Eggy.
Flashback on
K I know,
I always bother you, don’t I?
I tire you out and irritate you.

G But we’re not in the type relationship you are thinking.

Flashback end
K I want to learn from Eggy how to have a heart like
772 Eggy Ran, you’re frowning..
What’s wrong?
773 Kirana Nothing, I’m fine, Eggy.
Ah right, if you want to go to school, there’s tons of
stuff that you have to prepare. There’s also a
qualification exam.

Should we study?
I’ll help you!
774 Eggy Let’s do it! Yay!
Episode 29
Ran’s Dream
At the school
775 Eggy Hi friends, good morning.
Nice to meet you.
My name is Eggy.
776 Laras Oh My God, he’s so handsome!
777 Ratna Eggy, where did you tranfered from?
778 FS Sit next to me, okay?
779 FS No, sit next to me..
K (Wow, I didn’t think there would be this much of a
780 FT Guys, it’s time for class so let’s be quiet.
K (There were always girls hanging aroung Eggy.)
781 FS Eggy, let’s go eat together!
782 FS Want to go with me?
783 Kirana Eggy ...
K (They follow him no matter where he goes.
Girls from different classes gathered around, too.)

784 Ratna Eggy, can I hug you?

785 Eggy Sure, come here. *Eggy really hugs her*
786 Laras Awww, hug me too!
787 FS Me too!
788 FS It’s my turn!
K ... *anxious*
789 Ratna Eggy, do you have a girlfriend?
790 Eggy What’s a girlfriends?
791 Ratna Don’t you know what dating is? You’re so innocent,
Let’s start with kissing.
793 Ratna *Pushing Ran down* DON’T INTERRUPT ME!
He can’t stay innocent forever like you want!
Let’s go, Eggy. I’ll teach you what becoming a real man
794 Eggy See you, Ran..
K (No.. No.. Eggy...)
Ran's dream ends
795 Kirana DON’T GO!
K (It was a dream.
Why do I keep having nightmares about Eggy going to
school lately?
Is it because I’m so worried about Eggy? Eggy has only
known me so far
So if he goes to school, he’ll end uo meeting a lot of
other people.
New friends..
Close friends..
Even a girlfriend?)
*Someone knocked Ran’s door*
796 Eggy Ran, it’s Eggy.. Can I come in?
797 Kirana Sure, come in.
798 Eggy Good morning, Ran!
799 Kirana Good morning. Wow, you’re already all dressed?
You must be really excited to go today.
800 Eggy Yeah, I’ve been waiting since last night!
801 Kirana I see...
At living room
802 Diany While you’re at school, I’ll take Eggy to the test center.

We’ll go to a place where aren’t too many people so

that no one will notice. It’s not far from here.
I don’t think the test will take long. We’ll be back by
tonight, okay?
803 Kirana Okay...
Sorry, Eggy. I have to go to school so I can’t go with
804 Eggy It’s okay.
This is going to let me go to school with you, right?
Eggy can do it!
805 Kirana Yeah..
806 Diany Don’t worry, Ran.
They just do these tests as a formality. Even if Eggy
doesn’t qualify, we’ll be able to find another shortcut.

807 Kirana AW, DIANY!!

808 Diany Eggy’s case is special.
So they’ll have to treat him specially.
He may have been born from an egg just recently but
with his learning speed and physique, he can’t go to
kindergarten or elementary school, right?

809 Eggy Ugh, Eggy’s sweating!

810 Kirana You’ll do fine, Eggy. You’ve been preparing for a few
811 Diany Let’s go.
812 Kirana Go luck and be careful..
813 Eggy BYE, RAN!
K (Come back soon, Eggy.)
At the school
814 Laras Guys, give your homework to Atan so he can bring it to
the staffroom.
815 Selatan Ugh, it’s too heavy to carry by myself! Help me out!

816 Laras I can’t, this is your punishment for skipping class

817 Asep You deserve it, Satan!
818 Ucup Think of it as an exercise.
819 Selatan SHUT UP!
820 Kirana Wait, you forgot this.
Want some help?
821 Selatan No! I can do it by myself! *grunt*
822 Kirana Ah, okay..
823 Selatan Huh? Hey, hey, hey, wait! I was just kidding, help me
824 Kirana Ah.. Okay..
825 Selatan Your name’s Kirana, right?
I’m just letting you know in case you don’t know, my
name is Selatan. You can call me Atan.
826 Kirana What an unique name.
827 Selatan I know, right? Those monkeys in our class call me
Satan because my name is Selatan!
828 Kirana Man.. Your parents would be upset if they found out.
*ha... ha...*
829 Selatan I thought you were unfriendly and arrogant like those
monkeys in our class said.
So I didn’t think you would help me like this.
And if you laughed more in class like before, the other
kids wouldn’t get the wrong idea about you, I swear..

Sir.. Here’s the homework from class X-A.

830 MT Ah, Selatan! Let’s talk a bit while you’re here...
About your attendance rate.
831 Selatan Ah.. Wel..
*A paper falls from teacher’s desk*
Scholarship Program

Name : Rolfe Kent

Date of birth : ...
Class : ...>
K (Scholarship program?)
833 Rami Hey, Olfie...
834 Olfie Ran??
Episode 30
At the school
835 Olfie Ran?
Why did you come here?
836 Kirana Olfie, did you apply for a scholarship program?
837 Olfie Rami, go ahead without me.
838 Rami Okay. (Good Luck)
839 Olfie Ran, let’s talk somewhere else.
At backyard
840 Kirana So...
It’s true?
841 Olfie Yeah...
842 Kirana Why didn’t you tell me?
I would have never known if I hadn’t happened to see
the application in the staffroom.
843 Olfie I.. I still don’t know whether I’ll be accepted for that
scholarship. I just applied for it.
844 Kirana What if you’re accepted?
Would I have found out after you had already gone
844 Kirana

Is it that hard to tell me?! We’ve been together since

we were kids!
We always talk about all kinds of stuff!
Why are you suddenly being like this?
You didn’t tell me that you’re dating Grace either...

You suddenly distanced yourself, acting like you don’t

want to be friends with me, and you didn’t even tell
me what’s going on...

Do you think I like being treated like this?

What did I do wrong?
I have no idea!
845 Olfie Ran..
846 Kirana I can’t do this anymore.
It hurts.
I waited this whole time because I thought I had done
something wrong, that I had irritated you.
I thought I had irritaded you by hanging around you all
the time, so that’s why you didn’t want to be friends
with me.

But now you don’t care about me at all.

You ignore me.
Do whatever you like now.
I don’t care anymore.
*Kirana ran away but Olfie reach her then hugs her*

847 Olfie I’m sorry.

I’m sorry, Ran..
I was wrong..
At other place
E ...
848 Diany Hey! What are you staring at?
Let’s go inside.
*They went into the building and Eggy do the tests*

849 Diany How was the test? Did it go well?

850 Eggy Yeah! I solve all of the problems!
851 Diany Good, well done.
852 Eggy By the way, where are we? Aren’t we going home now
that the test is finished?
Eggy wants to tell Ran..
*Eggy is staring at two bodyguards*
853 Diany There’s someone I’d like you to meet before we go
Remember what we talked about before?
About finding your buries memories?
This doctor is going to help you with hypnosis.
It’s okay, it will only be for a minute.. for Ran’s sake.

854 M3 Did you have any difficulty ing bringing him here?
855 Diany None.
He’s extremely obedient and innocent..
It may be even easier to turn him into what we want..

856 M3 Ah, they’re starting.

Inside therapy’s room
857 F Therapist Breathe in calmly and slowly.
You will slowly go into a deep sleep..
Your thoughts will become peaceful and calm.
What’s your name?
858 Eggy Eggy.
859 F Therapist Is that your real name?
860 Eggy No.
861 F Therapist Do you know your real name is?
862 Eggy Eggnoid.
863 F Therapist Can you tell me what exactly an eggnoid is?
864 Eggy ...
I don’t know...
865 F Therapist All right, then do you know where you came from?

866 Eggy Yes..

*flash* *Eggy’s birth mark is flashing* *Diany is
At other place
*Another eggnoid’s birth mark is flashing*
867 St-M I’ve spotted a dangerous signal. Let' go.
Episode 31
On the way to Ran’s home
*Eggy and Diany go to somewhere*
868 Diany This is it.
The place where the accident which took the lives of
Ran’s parents happened here eight years ago.
869 Eggy Parents?
870 Diany Yeah, her mom and dad,
The two brought Ran into this world.
871 Eggy But Eggy came out of an egg.
872 Diany That’s right, but regular people are different from you,
Only eggnoids come out of eggs.
But I know, that you’re not the only eggnoid on Earth.

About the accident that Ran’s parents were in: the

police closed the case as a regular car accident.

But there are too many strange things about it.

Since then, I’ve been perfoming my own investigation
without the help of the government.

Flashback on
873 Diany That night
Ran was found crying and running away on a road
quite far from the scene of the accident.
The people passing by thout Ran was asking for help,

But Ran was just sobbing and trembling with fear.

At the scene of the accident, Ran’s mom was dying
because of her wounds from the accident.
She was taken to the hospital immediately but they
couldn’t save her.. She passed away in the emergency

And on the night of accident, my older brother, who is

the father of Ran, disappear without a trace.

Two days later his already stiff body was found on a

The police said that while looking for help, he fell in
the river because of the heavy rain that night and was
carried away by the river.

But I don’t believe them.

The night that Ran’s mom was admitted to hospital..
before she died,
Flashback on
874 MK Hmm...
875 Diany Sis? Are you awake??
Nurse! Over here!
876 MK Ra.. Ran..
Egg.. noid...
Flashback off
877 Diany At the time, I had no idea what Eggnoid was.
All of my investigations ended up reaching dead ends
or being entangled in an even more complicated story.

But in the end, you appeared before Ran.

It can't be a coincidence, right?
878 Eggy But Eggy doesn't know anything about the accident.

Eggy doesn't know anything.

879 Diany That may be true since it's only been a few weeks
since you came out of the egg.
But all of this is definetely connected.
880 Eggy Eggy doesn't know anything abour Ran's parents.
Eggy has to tell Ran!
881 Diany
Right now, Ran doesn't clearly remember her parents'
She's only knows a little bit.
The trauma caused by the accident, losing her parents,
and Ran's grandmother throwing a fist at the funeral-
all of this was a huge shock for Ran.

It would be better to keep it a secret from Ran.

882 Eggy A secret?
883 Diany
Yeah, something that you keep to yourself and not
telling anyone else.
Not even to Ran.
Can you do that?
884 Eggy B...But...
885 Diany You don't want to see Ran sad?
886 Eggy No..
887 Diany
It's better to just burry and forget some things for the
sake of the people that you love.
There are still a lot of unsolved mysteries.
Through hypnosis, I've now figured out where you
came from, but new questions will arise too.
But for now, I know that you don't have any evil
intentions towards Ran.
888 Eggy Eggy was born for Ran..
Eggy will protect Ran from any danger.
889 Diany Thanks, Eggy.
Ah right, I almost forgot.

During the hypnosis before, that mark on your chest lit

up for a few second and then turned off...But nothing
happened after that.
889 Diany

Do you know why? Is it something I should worry

890 Eggy Hm..Eggy isn't sure
But it should be okay.
891 Diany I hope so. Now let's go before it gets late.
At the school
892 Olfie Here..
*Olfie gave Kirana a cup of milk*
have you calmed down a bit? Are you still angry?
893 Kirana If you think that hugging me will solve everything, then
you're wrong.
Why did you apply for the scholarship program?
Why are you trying to leave me?
You promised to stay here for me.
894 Olfie Ran, listen to my explanation first.
I want to build up experience and pursue a better
education and my dream..Is that wrong?
895 Kirana I..It's not wrong..
You're right, I can't keep my promise to always stay by
your side.
896 Olfie I know I irritated and upset you by distancing myself
from you.
I hoped that you would make some other friends so
that wouldn't be a problem even if I left..
897 Kirana But it felt like I had been abandoned!
898 Olfie Yeah, I was wrong, I didn't think it through carefully
because I didn't want to take responsibility.

I tried not to caring about you either.

But it didn't work..
899 Kirana What if you make it into the scholarship program? I
don't want you to be gone.
900 Olfie Look, this is what's wrong with you, Ran.
You're too dependent on people!
Why are you only friends with me? Why don't you
make any other friends?
What if I can't keep my promise to always by your
I'm worried too. I'm worried but I'm not superman
who can always stay by your side. I have dreams and
things that I want to do too.

901 Kirana But it's not that easy to find a new friends.
It's hard..I can't do it..
902 Olfie I know that it's hard, but it's not something that you
can't do..
Have you tried making friends on your own?
Have you ever tried or decided to make friends beside
We're both growns up, Ran. We can't stay like this
903 Kirana Sorry..
904 Olfie You're not a little kid anymore who always has to hang
around me, Ran. Thats gets hard and stressful for me

905 Kirana Sooorry...

I'm sorry for burdening you all this time, I'm sorry for
being selfish, I'm sorry for stressing you out..
906 Olfie
Tht's not the problem. I made a mistake too.. We've
both made mistakes.
What important is the will to fix those mistakes.
I was wrong to hurt you, Ran, and I regret it.. I shoulf
have told you from the start but my way of handling
things made the problem even more complicated.

This time, I'll help you make friends. I won't turn away
or ignore you anymore..
And you shouldn't just think of yourself, Ran.. You
have to try make friends.
Stop making me worry about you.
Will you di it?
907 Kirana Yeah, I'll do it..
908 Olfie Good, now stop crying..
909 Kirana I'll try, but still, I'll be just as sad if you go abroad..
Wouldn't you be sad if you're away from me?
910 Olfie Of course I'll miss you.
But that's still a long way away. Even if I'm accepted
into the program, I would be going in our senior year
of high school.

911 Kirana Why are you sad now..?

912 Olfie Have we made up now?
913 Kirana Yeah
914 Olfie Are you still sad?
915 Kirana Yeah
But I'm happy that we've made up..
916 Olfie Me too.
Kirana 278
Diany 155
Grace 31
Laras 25
Olfie 103
Eggy 159
Selatan 15
Mr. Yana 8
Eggpod 1
Commitee 5
Man seller 1
Male stude 7
Angga 2
MO 17
Male teach 4

Mrs Siska 6

Announcer 1
Reki 2
Reki's Mo 1
Ratna 23
Dini 14
Ratna and
Dini 1
FO 6
GK 3
ST-01 1

F Therapist 5

Ucup 5

Asep 2
Police 1
MS 1 1

MS 2 1
MC 1
MK 3
Male1 3

Male1&Ma 2
FS 4 1
FS 5 1
FS 9
Season 1
Episode 1
1 People OLFIE!!
Is the rumor true?
You and Grace. Are you two dating?
2 Kirana I...If it’s true... Then what have I been to you this
whole time?
3 Olfie Ran, what are you talking about?
4 Kirana Going to school together, walking home together,
eating together, watching movies together. What was
all that?

5 Olfie I’ve been with you this whole time because you
wanted it.
I just did that as a good neighbor.
It didn’t mean anything.
6 Kirana Olfie, I just... CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR Quality

Episode 2
15 Eggpod Congratulations on being selected as an adoptive
parent for eggnoid.
Eggnoid is a miracle born only for you.
K Adoptive parent??
Ep Eggnoid is exactly like a regular human baby.
We believe that with your love, Eggnoid will grow to
make the world a better place.
K Adoptive parent?
I'm just a high schooler
There's been a mistake!
*Kirana pointed at Eggy*
K Do I really have to take care of him like a parent? It’s
hard enough taking care of myself.
Take him back! Please!

Episode 4
41 Man Miss, would you like to participate in the seminar?
K Hm?
Cm Here, take one.
*The man gave Kirana his poster*
The Importance of Early Sex Education for Children

*Kirana was blushing*

42 Kirana Um... I don’t have kids! Manner
43 Man Haha.. Future mothers are also welcome.

Episode 5
51 G Ran, are you here to hang out?
52 Kirana Ah.. Yeah.
O ...
53 Olfie Hey, let’s go. Relation
54 Kirana Olfie, wait!
I know you’re keeping your distance from me because
you’re going out with Grace now.
That’s why you fon’t walk to and from school together
like usual, right?
But listen, this is the truth. I have no intention of
bothering or interfering in your relationship.
I just don’t understand why you have to avoid me
because of this.
I don’t get any calls or texts from you... You didn’t
even tell me thet you two were dating. You don’t tell
me anything.

Is it because
You don’t want to be friends with we anymore?
55 Olfie What if it is? Quantity
What if I don’t want to be your friend anymore...
56 Kirana W...Why?
You're my only friend..
57 Olfie I don't like being your only friend.
Grace, let's go. We're going to be late, the event is Relation
starting soon.
58 Eggy Mom..

59 Grace Olfie, hold on! I need to talk to you about something!

Why did you say that to Ran? You crossed the line
back there!
Weren’t you doing that to make Ran jealous and get
under her skin? You did that because you didn’t want
to keep being treated like a friend, right?

That’s why you didn’t explain to her that the whole

thing about us dating is just a rumor and a

Even still, you went too far before! If you really cared
about her, you wouldn’t make her sad like that!
Apologize to Ran ... before your relationship gets even
60 O THAT’S ENOUGH! Relation
This is all for Ran’s sake!
Ran will never know unless I do this. Quantity
She won’t understand if I don’t do this.

Episode 8
86 E Don’t go.
*Kirana was startled*
K Eggy...
Come to think about it,
I've never left him alone since he came out of the egg.

87 Kirana Eggy... Hold on...

He doens't know what loneliness is
*Kirana loose the hug*
Eggy... Quantity
*Kirana grabbed Eggy's hand*
It’s okay.
I’ll be back soon.
Be a good boy, my little Eggy.
You're going to listen, right?
88 Eggy Still... Relation
Eggy wants to be with Ran.
*Eggy grabbed Kirana's jacket*
89 Kirana Awww my heart...
Eggy, you’re only making this harder for me. Relation
Do you want me to be stressed?
K Honestly, I don't want to say this
But if I give in this time, Eggy won't ever be able to be
I have to be strong now!
90 Eggy Hic...
*Eggy's eyes were teary*
K NOOO! Please, don't cry.
If you cry
I won't be able to go to school!
I'm sorry, Eggy
E Okay. Quantity
Eggy don’t want to stress Ran out.
Eggy will wait.

Episode 8
94 Rami Hey! Here’s yours!
*Rami brought Olfie's bread*
Why aren’t you going to the cafetaria with your friend
Ran? Did you have a fight?
95 Grace I didn’t see her in the cafetaria before. She hasn’t
come here like usual either.
96 Olfie Leave her alone... Relation
She’s not a kid, right...?
O ...

99 Grace Aren’t you going home? You don’t have any

extracurricular activities.
100 Olfie In a bit. Quantity
If I go now
I’ll probably end up walking with Ran.
101 Grace You’re the one who’s avoiding her. Why are you so
103 Grace Ugh you idiot! Who’s fault is it that I got caught up in
your problem?
*Grace kicked Olfie with her right knee*
I wanted to tell Ran the truth but you told me not to,
So now even I feel bad about it.
104 Olfie Don’t tell her now, I’ll explain it later. Quantity
I’m still hoping that this method will work.
Even if I can’t be friend with Ran again later because
of this.

Episode 9
110 Eggy The origami book said my dream would come true. If I
fold 1.000 paper birds.
Eggy wants Ran to come home quickly.
111 Kirana that 1.000 birds? Quantity
112 Eggy I looked around Relation
But I used up all of the paper and thread.

123 Kirana Eggy, we’re all done cleaning. Let’s take a little rest!

Pff! What are you doing?

*Eggy was trying to pull his shirt off*
124 Eggy Taking my clothes off.
125 Kirana Come here, I’ll help you... Are you getting changed?
You’re all sticky, right?
*Kirana was helping Eggy to pull his shirt*
126 Eggy I’m going to take a bath. Relation
127 Kirana You can take a bath on your own, right? Should I get
you new clothes and a towel?
*Eggy was topless*
128 Eggy I can do it by myself.
*Kirana felt dizzy suddenly and her body was rolling
and crushed the door*
E ?
Ran, what’s wrong?
129 Kirana NOOO! Stay back!
*Kirana's face was red*
Eggy, you can’t take your pants off anywhere!
130 Eggy Why not?
131 Kirana Why not?! It’s embarrassing!
132 Eggy What does ‘embarrassing’ mean?
133 Kirana Ahh! It’s hard to explain! If you still don’t understand, Manner
then I feel embarrassed!
Just don’t take your pants off when someone is
Do you understand, Eggy?!
134 Eggy Yeah!

137 MO Olfie.
Why hasn’t ran been coming over lately? Is she okay?

138 Olfie She’s fine, I think she’s busy now.

139 MO You two... Didn’t fight, did you?
140 Olfie No, Mom. Don’t get any weird ideas. Quantity
141 MO Well, that’s a relief, then.
Ran was left in the care of our family, remember...? I
was just worried about her.

Episode 10
150 Eggy Ran.
I want this!
*Eggy brought a bunch of ramen*
151 Kirana Bahahaha! Eggy, ramen may be cheap and tasty but Quantity
you shouldn’t eat too much of it.
I’ll make you something tastier than ramen. And you
have to eat lots of vegetables if you want to be
healthy, Eggy.

152 Eggy Okay.

153 Kirana Eggy, I’m going to school. Keep an eye on the house.
Don’t make a mess.
*Eggy grabbed Kirana's jacket*
*Kirana turned her head and looked at Eggy*
154 Eggy Hug me. Relation
155 Kirana Ah... Manner
*Kirana was blushing*
156 Eggy Hug. Quantity
*Eggy opened his arms*
157 Kirana Hm...
*Kirana hugged Eggy*
AAAHHH, I’m late! I’ve got to go, Eggy! Relation
158 Eggy BYEEE.

168 Grace Isn’t that Ran?

She’s not going to the cafetaria again? What’s she
doing over there by herself?
*Olfie looked at Kirana*
O ...
169 Olfie You guys go ahead, there’s something I need to do. Relation

170 Angga Wait, what are you going to do?

171 Rami You’re going to make up with her, aren’t you?
172 Grace Let’s go! Relation
O ...
*Grace dragged Rami and Angga*
173 Angga AHHH!

175 Olfie Ran..

176 Kirana W.. What is it?
177 Olfie You’re not going to the cafetaria? Did you have Relation
something to eat?
178 Kirana That’s none of your business, Olfie... Relation
Since you’re not my friend anymore.
What are you doing?
*Olfie gave something to eat to Kirana*
179 Olfie Make sure you eat.
*Olfie wanted to walk to his class*
180 Kirana Why? Quantity
Why do you keep treating me well?
You said I’m not your friend anymore.
So why do you keep treating me so well?

Episode 11
*Chatting room*
182 Grace <How did it go?
Did you make up?
*Sticker nosy*>
183 Olfie <SHUT UP..> Relation
At Olfie's class
184 Grace You didn’t make up??? Quantity
*Olfie jumped because Grace suddenly appeared as
soon as he arrived at the class*
185 Olfie Have you been waiting here the whole time? Relation
186 Grace Man, what the heck is wrong with you two? I can’t
stand seeing you guys like this!
Let’s go see Ran. I’ll explain everything to her.
187 Olfie Let go of me. Relation
This problem between Ran and I isn’t as simple as you
You’re the one who opened my eyes to this problem,
Remember when we first entered high school?
The day we first met.

190 Kirana I’ll come back during break time.

191 Grace Well, well...
Is that your girlfriend, Olfie? she’s really pretty.
G You two lovebirds~
192 Olfie No, we’ve been friends since we were kids.
O We're neighbors. Quantity
193 Grace Huh? Really? I thought she was your girlfriend.. That’s
probably what the other kids think too.
You always hang out together. She visits you during
every break time, and you even walk to and from
school together.

Doesn’t she have any other friends?

Does she have any girl friends in her class?
At this rate, she might end up looking really
possessive of you..

At the school
205 Kirana Olfie!
206 Olfie Ran, didn’t you check the class chatroom? Didn’t you
know the meeting place changed?
207 Kirana Oh, does our class have a chatroom? Relation
208 Olfie Let’s hurry! Maybe they haven’t left yet. Relation
*Olfie flinched*
Ran! Why is your hand so cold? Were you waiting
209 Kirana We were supposed to meet at six, remember? Relation
O The place changed.
Does that mean she was waiting this whole time?
Plus the time changed to ten o'clock.
Why didn't the other kids tell her?
If only I hadn't been busy.
210 Olfie Ran, give me your phone, my phone is almost out of Quality
battery life.
211 Kirana Sure.
*Olfie checked Kirana's phonebook in her phone and it
just had Olfie and Aunt Diany contacts*
O ...
She only has two contacts?
212 Olfie Ran..
Why don’t you have any friends in your class?
Why don’t you have any other friends except me?
213 Kirana Because I have you, Olfie. Quantity
As long as I have you, I don’t need any other friends.

As long as I have you, I don’t need anyone else.

Episode 12
219 Grace ...
Olfie! You may say this for Ran’s sake,
but what you’re trying to do now doesn’t seem like a
good idea. This method doesn’t solve the fundamental

Ran has been your friend since you were kids. But now
you’ve suddenly distanced yourself from her.

Do you think that would make Ran want to find

another friends that easily? Doing this will only
complicate things even more.

Plus it looks like you’re abandoning your friend to

avoid the problem yourself.
220 Olfie WHO SAYS I’M ABANDONING HER?! Quantity
I don’t want to be the reason that Ran is isolated.
But now I’m not sure what should I do.
If this gentle method doesn’t work, I might have to
try something stronger.
Even if it means that Ran and I can’t go back to being
friends like before.
G ...
O There goes the bell. Relation
Let’s go...
221 Grace Olfie.
I won’t tell you to make up with Ran anymore.
Still, I want to do something to help you solve this
Anyway, I’m involved in this problem, right?
Don’t use me as a reason to fight between you two.
At least tell Ran the real reason that you’re avoiding
her. That way she’ll understand.
Don’t treat her coldly as if it’s nothing.
Ran needs to know too. That you still care about her...

Episode 14
267 Eggy What is it, Ran? Are you hurt?
268 Kirana Yeah...
*Eggy goes somewhere*
269 Eggy Where does it hurt? Eggy will put a band-aid on for
270 Kirana This pain can’t be healed with a band-aid. Manner
271 Eggy Then how can I make it stop hurting?
*Kirana was crying*
272 Kirana I’m... I’m not sure how to make it stop hurting either..

Episode 15
281 Eggy Ran, what’s wrong?
282 Kirana Nothing, it’s nothing, Eggy. Quantity
Let’s have breakfast.. Relation
Let’s go to the kitchen!
K ...
K Eggy...
Honestly, I'm not sure either.
It's not like Eggy and I are family, or acquaintances, or
even friends,
I don't know anything about Eggy.
But why do I feel so close and comfortable being
around Eggy?
*Kirana grabbed Eggy's hand*
E ??
284 Kirana Um.. H..Hey.. Quantity
Let’s see who can get to the kitchen first!!
*Kirana was running to the kitchen to cover her
285 Eggy Huuuh!?

298 Laras I want to apologize for what happened with me and

those other kids in the bathroom yesterday.
We didn’t mean anything bad by it. We were just
flustered for a second because Mrs. Siska asked us
about bullying.

299 Kirana Yeah, it’s okay. I made a mistake too...

299 Kirana
And about making friends, I actually...
300 Laras I understand, Kirana. You’ve always been a quite Quantity
type, right? That’s why it would be a bit hard to make

I’ll ask the other kids later to try to understand that.

And not to bother you.
Plus you just had a falling out with Olfie recently,
right? You probably need some time to be alone..
301 Kirana Hm.. *feeling uneasy*
302 Laras Don’t worry, leave it to me. We've resolved anything Manner
and made up now, right?
303 Kirana Yeah.. All right..

Episode 16
326 Rami So, tell me. What’s the problem?
O ...
O It’s not so easy to explain this to Ran.
Since we’ve known each other since we were little

She might be stubborn about our friendship

I’m afraid that not only it might cause a
misunderstanding, but that she would end up
depending on me again just like before.

R How much longer do you plan on avoiding her? You

know that the problem between the two of you won’t
solve itself, right?

327 Olfie I just want Ran to find some other friends on her Relation
own. She can’t keep living by herself, right?

334 FS Kirana, you got your allowance from your aunt today,
didn’t you?
335 FS Buy lunch for us!! *ha ha ha*
Ha Ha Ha
*Olfie was getting angry because he sat beside Kirana's
desk so he could kick the table*
336 Olfie BE QUIET! YOU BUMS! Relation
Outside class
337 Kirana Olfie, wait!
Why did you get angry? I don’t mind buying food for
338 Olfie You need to distinguish between friends and Manner
And I wish you would realize the value of the money
that you have. Learn to save, don’t spend it so
341 Eggy You do this every night, Ran. What are you doing?
Why are you pouting?
342 Kirana Eggy, I’m doing my homework. I can’t help making this
pouty face.
343 Eggy Is it hard?
344 Kirana It’s not hard but it's a nuisance to do. Manner
345 Eggy I’ll help you.
346 Kirana Can you do this, Eggy?? Manner
You were just born recently!
*Eggy is doing Ran’s homework*
K Don’t just write random stuff.. *gasp*
Wait, these answers are all right! This can’t be!
347 Eggy I read that whole book when you were at school..
I still remember it.
K I just taught Eggy the basics of reading and writing
before because I thought he might be bored while I
was at school

It’s only been a few days since then and he knows all
of this?
348 Kirana Eggy, on the answer sheet here, you explained what a
hypersensitivity to mimosas is
Do you know what hypersensitivity is?
E ...
349 Eggy Does it mean you’re really shy?
*Kirana hit her head on the table*
K So he just memorized without knowing what it means.

Still, Eggy really is amazing.

He memorized everything perfectly.
350 Kirana Eggy, you’re not a robot, are you? Relation
*Kirana pinched Eggy’s cheek*

Episode 17
365 Diany So Ran, how have you been? Are you healthy? Sorry
for not checking your texts. I was in Japan and had to
stop by a few places.

Here, a present.
I didn’t get any calls from your school or Olfie’s Mom,
so I guess you really have been staying out of trouble.
But then again, you are a good student.

366 Kirana Not really... Relation

367 Diany Hey, don’t be so boring. We’re young. We should
enjoy life and be a bit wild.
Like skipping class, calling a D.J. and having a party
368 Kirana I don’t want to cause any problems, Diany. Quantity
I don’t want to worry grandma if she were to find
369 Diany Just ignore that old lady! I’ll protect you!
I may not look like it, but I’m your legal foster mom.

So how’s Olfie doing? Do you still hang out together Relation

all the time?
Have you guys started dating?
*Diany and Kirana hear something strange and it made
Kirana worried*
D What was that sound?

Episode 18
369 D What was that sound?
370 Kirana P..Probably a cat.. Quality
I saw a cat running around of the roof yesterday.
371 Diany A cat? No way. Let’s go check...
Judging from the sound, it must be a huge cat. It might
have broken through the roof.
*Diany wanted to check where was the sound from*

372 Kirana Ah, Diany, where are you going? Ah, you don’t have Relation
to check.
You just got here. You must be tired so just rest.
*Eggy stood at the balcony*
373 Eggy Raaan!
*Kirana saw Eggy then she screamed*
374 Kirana AH! DIANY!
375 Diany What’s wrong, Ran? Why are you shouting? You
scared me.
376 Kirana Ah... Let’s go to the living room, okay? Relation
It’s cooler in there.
377 Eggy ...
Can she not hear me?
*Eggy jumps to the balcoony*
378 Eggy Raaan, open up.
379 Diany It sounds like someone’s calling you, Ran.
380 Kirana No way, you must be imagining it... Quality
381 Diany But it’s true..
*Diany’s phone was ringing*
Hold on, Ran. I’m just going to make a phone call.
382 Kirana Okay.
383 Diany Yeah, hello?
K What should I do?
*Kirana opened the door*
384 Eggy RA..
*Kirana covered Eggy's mouth*
385 Kirana Shh! Be quiet, Eggy! Relation
*Kirana whispered so Diany could not hear them*
What are you doing here, Eggy? You’re supposed to
be in the rooftop room!
386 Eggy I fell..
387 Kirana Why did you fall? Quantity
Are you okay? Eggy, you can’t be here!
You have to hide!
388 Eggy Why do I have to hide??
389 Kirana It’s too complicated to explain right now!
390 Diany RAN..
391 Kirana H..Hurry up and hide, Eggy! Relation
*Kirana was afraid because Diany kept calling her*

392 Diany RAN..

393 Kirana Go now! Relation
*Kirana pushed Eggy*
394 Eggy AH!
*Eggy fell down*
395 Kirana Uh... Uh
S-Sorry, Eg...
396 Diany Ran, where are you?
*Kirana entered the house*
397 Kirana I’m right here, Diany, heh.. heh.. Sorry..
398 Diany I just got a call from work and they told me to come to
the office because we have an important meeting

So it looks like I’ll have to head back instead of

sleeping here today. Is that okay?
399 Kirana Huh? But you just got here.
400 Diany I’ll leave tonight.
But I’d like to meet Olfie’s mom. Want to come with
Let’s go! Olfie might be there. Then you and him..
ahem.. ahem..
*Kirana was hesitant*
401 Kirana T-That’s okay, later... Quality
I still have some homework...
402 Diany What? Homework is more important than your future
403 Kirana W..Well, I don’t think I’ll want to come home if I meet Quantity
Olfie now.. So it would be better to do my homework

404 Diany Ugh, seriously?

All right, as you like, you’ll come over later, right?
404 Diany

See you.
405 Kirana Say hi to Olfie’s mom for me.
*Kirana ran to the garden*
K Eggy!

Episode 19
416 MO Olfie went out for a bit. To recharge his cellphone
balance. He’ll back soon.
By the way, about Olfie and Ran.
It seems like they’re avoiding each other.
Lately, Ran hasn’t been coming over while Olfie is at
And Olfie doesn’t talk much about Ran.
Now, when I asked Olfie about Ran, he tries to get out
of it quickly.
I’m really curious why that is.
Last time, a female friend of Olfie even came to the
house. Olfie says she’s just a friend, but knowing his
personality, it’s strange because the only other friend
he’s ever brought home before is Ran.

Has Ran said anything? I’m worried that they fought.

417 Diany ... Manner

Don't worry.
They're still kids.
Even if they fight now, they’ll make up later.
In front of Olfie's house
418 Diany YOU’RE LATE!
What took you so long to recharge your phone
balance? Did you go to Hong Kong to do it?
419 Olfie Ah, Aunt Diany. When did you get here? Relation
420 Diany What?
*Diany pinched Olfie's arm*
421 Olfie Diany... I said Diany. Please have mercy..

At the cafe
427 Diany I’ll get right to the point. I don’t think you are a type
that ditches your friend just because you have a

O ...
428 Olfie Did Ran say that? Relation
429 Diany It doesn’t matter who told me.
Is it true?
O ...
430 Olfie Is Ran doing okay? Relation
431 Diany If you’re worried, why don’t you ask her yourself? Manner
And shouldn’t you know better than anyone whether
or not she’s okay?
You two always used to hang out together on
weekends, and now you’re hanging out separately. I
wondered what was going on.

So there’s another girl in your life.

432 Olfie That’s just an excuse that I’m using to avoid Ran.
I thought that if I stayed away from Ran for a bit, she
wouldn’t depend on me anymore.
Then I wouldn’t have to look after and worry about
Ran all the time either.
I don’t want to be like a parent to Ran.
*Diany was a little shock*
433 Diany So Ran made you feel like that? Manner
Ran is an independent and reliable girl. She has a
sense of responsibility and she’s never caused any
problems, she’s perfect.

434 Olfie That’s true. But you don’t know the other side of her.

You’re busy living in another city because of work, and

you don’tcome home very often.
435 Diany What do you mean?
436 Olfie I’m saying that Ran isn’t perfect. And I’m not exempt
from making mistakes either.
I avoided the problem instead of solving it. Everyone
around me gave me advice and they were right. But in
reality, it wasn’t easy to do what they said.

437 Diany Why do young people always make everything so

Forget it, I’ll just ask you directly.
Olfie, does Ran still matter to you or not?
438 Olfie How could she not matter to me? Manner
At Ran’s home
439 Kirana EGGY!
Eggy! Where are you?
I searched the whole house but he's not here.
I locked all of the doors leading outside so he must be
in here.
Is he doing this because I told him to hide?
Or is Eggy upset because I accidentally pushed him?

Eggy, come out..

*Kirana looked for Eggy in the garden but she saw
something strange in the bushes*
*Kirana found Eggy was hiding inside the bushes*
So this is where you were hiding.
Eggy, come here, you can come out now.
*Kirana wanted to grab Eggy's hand but he avoided it*

He avoided me!
Is he upset!?
Eggy, I’m sorry for pushing you.
I didn’t mean to.
Are you okay?
440 Eggy No..
It hurts..
441 Kirana Why? Because you fell before?
442 Eggy No.. Quantity
This can’t be healed with a band-aid. It hurts..
Why do I have to leave? Do you hate me?
Did you abandon me?
*Kirana hugged Eggy*
443 Kirana I’m sorry, Eggy! I’m sorry for causing a
I would never abandon you!
I’m sorry for hurting you!

Episode 20
449 D Ah, Ran..
Who’s that next to you?
450 Kirana Ah... Ah...
K O...OH NO!
451 Diany ...
*Diany saw Kirana and Eggy were holding hand each
*Kirana loose Eggy's hand*
K Now my aunt knows! What should I tell her about
But she doesn't seem suspicious of him.
Should I make something up?
What will happen to Eggy if I lie?
452 Kirana Eggy, could you wait here for a minute? Relation
453 Eggy Okay.

461 Kirana Diany...

*Kirana was showing Eggy’s eggpod*
462 Diany EGGNOID??
This... would have been easier if you had told me you Manner
got pregnant while living together...

Episode 21
480 Diany I have a lot stuff to ask the two of you.
Especially you, Ran.
Weren’t you scared or worried about this eggnoid
when you didn’t even know where he came from?

He just appeared in your room like magic?

What if he’s some kind of alien that came here with
evil intentions?
What if that innocent personality is all acting and lies?

You never know, he could put your life in danger in the

481 Eggy I’m not evil.. Quantity
482 Diany Wow, he talks! Manner
483 Eggy I DON’T LIE! Relation
484 Kirana Ah, I know, we believe you. Relation

488 Diany ...

You shouldn’t approach this emotionally. He could be
tricking you with his good looks and innocent

What if the kid who came out of the egg was ugly and
really hairy? Would you have felt the same way?

*Kirana was imagining what Diany said*

D A freak baby that looks like a monkey.
That's why vampires are handsome.
489 Kirana I... I’m not sure.. Relation
I was captivated by his face.
But Eggy is here now.
And I decided to trust Eggy.
490 Eggy RAN!
*Eggy hugged Kirana suddenly*
491 Kirana AAAHHH!
492 Eggy I like you so, so much~~
493 Kirana E..Eggy..
494 Diany ...
494 Diany
It’s a good thing there aren’t many people in this Manner
neighborhood. It’s the countryside, plus if people
found out, they would have probably forced you to
consummate your relationship right away.

495 Kirana DIANYYY!!

496 Eggy What’s ‘consummate’?
497 Kirana Huh? Uh.. Wel..
498 Diany Should I tell him what “consummate” means? Manner
499 Kirana STOP IT, DIANY!
K Don't ruin Eggy.
500 Diany It may be fine now, but the people around you will
find out about Eggy.
I don’t want you to suffer because of how people look
at you, Ran.
501 Kirana D..Diany, don’t chase Eggy away.
502 Diany I won’t. If Eggy is going to stay in this house, we have
to make up a reason that people would undestand.

He needs his own documents and identity, doesn’t he?

503 Kirana T..Then what should we do? What do we have to do? Quantity

504 Diany A friend of mine can handle the documents.

But as far as his reason for staying in this house,
what if we turn this into a boarding house?
*Kirana was shock a bit*
D We talked about this once before, remember? This
house is close to the high school and the university,
plus it’s bug and has lots of rooms..

If you leave all of those rooms unused, they’ll just

collect dust..
505 Kirana B..But.. Manner
This is my mom and dad’s house..

Episode 22
526 Diany I thought a lot about it last night.
Whether you rent the rooms or not,
I’m coming back to live in this house.
527 Kirana What? Really???
528 Diany Yep, what other choice do I have? It would be Manner
dangerous for the two of you to keep living here by

The neighbots might say something.

E ??
D Or I might suddenly get a grandchild...
529 Kirana DIANYYY!
E ??

K But you’re the boss of the head office, you’ve been

super busy all this time... Will it be easy to come and
live here?

And what if grandma finds that you’re living in this

house again? What are you going to tell her?

534 Diany Ah, and Eggy has to go to school too.

535 Kirana School? Wouldn’t it be better for him to learn at Quantity
home? We could have a tutor come to the house, or I
could teach Eggy.

Eggy is still clueless about the outside world. He’s still

to pure and innocent.
If he goes to school, people will make fun of him for
being weird.
536 Diany Who could make fun of a face like that..? Manner
*Ran looked Eggy’s face*
D By the way, haven’t you noticed?
Eggy copies everything that you do.
D He has to meet lots of people, that’s a kind of studying
Eggy needs to adapt to the human world and make
friends, right?
We should introduce him to the neighbors too, people
have to know that Eggy is living here.
Let’s start with next door, Olfie’s family.
537 Kirana WHAT?
*Diany was cleaning the dishes*
538 Diany I spoke with Olfie’s mom when I went grocery
shopping in this morning.
We decided to have dinner together at Olfie’s place
It’s semi-formal dinner.
539 Kirana B-But Olfie and I... And what if Olfie sees Eggy?
540 Diany That’s just it! Manner
The thing with men is, if another man touches what
belongs to them, they’re sure to react!
E ?
D Get ready, I’m going to take Eggy to a boutique that I
know and get him super dressed up!
At the boutique
541 Diany What’s taking so long? Are you sure he can get
dressed by himself?
*Diany opened the curtain while Eggy was still
changing his clothes*
542 Kirana AAAHHH! DIANY!
543 Eggy Ran said it’s embarrassing if I get undressed in front of
other people!
D Right now, you’re getting undressed but she’s the one
being embarrassed.
544 Diany I really wonder, what on earth have you two been
doing for the last two weeks? You actually needed a
rule saying not to get undressed?

545 Kirana Ah, uh... I-I’ll be right back. Relation

I’ll get some snacks!

Episode 23
570 Olfie Who the heck is he?
571 Diany Hm? I told you, he’s the son of a close friend of mine
who passed away.
572 Olfie A close friend? Where did they live? Since when? Relation
573 Diany Someone’s sure being nosy. Manner
574 Olfie Ran doesn’t become so close with guys so easily. Quantity
It takes a long time for her to become friends..
It looks like they’ve gotten really close.
575 Diany Are you curious?
Why don’t you ask Ran yourself?

583 MO Will that be okay for Ran? She hasn’t known Eggy for
very long.
584 Diany Yeah, Eggy’s parents were explorers. He’s never quantity
stayed in one place before and he doesn’t have any
relatives. Eggy has never even attended a normal
school before.

Eggy was the only one to survive the accident but he

lost his memories. He can’t remember his past.

So far, Eggy has been very confused trying to figure

everything out.
It may not be exactly the same, but Ran and Eggy
both experienced something similar, so they share a

585 FO Ah, so that’s why the two of them look so close.

They’ve both even experienced memory loss. Ran
doesn’t remember her parents’ car accident either.

She still can remember it?

586 Diany ...
It's perfect. Manner
Bad memories from the past... are the best forgotten.

At the other room

587 Olfie Which city are you from?
*Eggy was thinking so hard*
O ?
588 Eggy Ah... Eggy doesn’t remember anything.
O (Eggy?
He refers to him from the third person?)
*Ran is poiring orange juice into a glass. Then she
looks to Olfie and Eggy*
K (Oh no! Olfie’s is talking to Eggy!
I know I told him not to mention anything about
But what if he says something by accident?)
589 Kirana Ah, Eggy, Relation
I think Diany called you.
590 Eggy Okay.

Episode 24
594 Olfie That kid...
Eggy, he’s going to live at your house?
595 Kirana Yeah.
596 Olfie Are you okay with that?
You haven’t known him for that long, right?
597 Kirana I'm fine.
K Are you jealous, Olfie?
K Why?
598 Olfie He seems like he’ll be a good friend for you. Quantity
I’m relieved.
The more good friends you make, the better, tight?

599 Kirana Olfie, do you remember? Relation

When we used to play the piano together as kids?
600 Olfie I remember.
601 Kirana Olfie, right now... Relation
Are you still my friend?

608 Kirana Eggy?

609 Eggy Let’s go home. Relation
610 Kirana Eggy? What’s wrong?
Are you sick?
611 Eggy Eggy wants to go home. Quantity
O What’s his problem?!
612 Olfie HEY!
613 Diany What’s wrong, guys?
Eggy, what are you doing?
614 Kirana He wants to go home. Quantity
615 Diany Ah, it’s getting kind of late. We’ve stayed for too long. Quantity

Eggy must be a bit tired. You two have school

tomorrow, right?
Guys, say good night to Olfie’s parents.
FO What's going on?
616 Kirana Eggy, let’s go.
*Olfie just looked at Eggy and Ran the he looked at
617 Olfie Do you realize how strange he is?
618 Diany The more you get to know him, the stranger he’ll Manner

Episode 25
619 Kirana The end. *closed the book*
Now, it’s time to sleep.
620 Eggy Will you read me another story tomorrow?
621 Kirana You can read well yourself, Eggy. You should read a Quantity
story by yourself tomorrow.
622 Eggy No! *fold his hand*
623 Kirana Huh? Why not?
624 Eggy Well...
because I want to stay with you, Ran.
625 Kirana You’re making me blush... Relation
You’re so silly, Eggy!
626 Eggy Blush? Quantity
627 Kirana Yeah, like when I tickle you!
628 Eggy Stop it, Ran, stop..
*Aunt Diany peeks Eggy and Ran*
629 Diany Hmmm...
E ?
630 Kirana D..Diany.. *he..he..*
w..we didn’t do anything. Relation
631 Diany Hm, what a shame. I was hoping something had Manner
D It's fun
*Kirana turned Eggy's lamp off*
K Good night, Eggy.
633 Eggy Good night, Ran.. Good night, Diany..
See you tomorrow.
Outside of Eggy’s room
634 Diany You’re not going to lock the door? What if he wanders
around at night?
635 Kirana Eggy doesn’t do that... and he still thinks like a little
636 Diany You said yourself that he’s a quick learner. He may be Quantity
young now... but someday, he will become a young

Just be careful, all right?

K Hm..
D Ah.. Relation
D Relation
One more thing.
I hope your relationship with Olfie gets better.
Good night, Ran..
637 Kirana Good night, Diany..

641 Olfie I don’t dislike you.

642 Kirana Then why did you tell me before that you won’t be my
friend anymore?
643 Olfie I wanted you to find other friends,
I wanted you to open up and make more friends.
644 Kirana I don’t need anyone else.
645 Olfie See? You’re doing it again.. Manner
646 Kirana I know, I always bother you, don’t I? I tire you out Quantity
and irritate you.
647 Olfie STOP IT! Relation
I just want you to get along okay even without me,

650 Kirana I’m going to school.

651 Eggy Be careful. Come back soon, okay Ran?
652 Diany You guys look like a real newlyweds. Relation
653 Eggy Newlyweds? Quantity
654 Kirana Diany, please don’t teach Eggy anything weird while Relation
I’m at school.
655 Diany Well...
656 Kirana DIANYYY!
657 Diany Don’t worry. He can learn weird things from his Manner
friends when he goes to school later.

663 FS 4 She acts like she doesn’t need him.

But Miss Siska is growing suspicious of the kids in class
because of her.
G (This is why girls go to the bathroom together..
They need a friend to gossip with while they wait in
Ugh, seriously.. all I need is my phone.)
664 FS 5 I didn’t know Kirana was that kind of girl. (She is
G (Is she in Kirana’s class?)
665 Grace Man, it’s hot in here. It must be because of all this Relation
At the coridor*Ran bumped Grace*
666 Kirana Ah, sorry.
667 Grace Oh!
Ran, are you going to the bathroom?
668 Kirana Hm? Yeah...
*Grace grabbed Ran to other bathroom*
669 Grace There are a lot of people in this bathroom, let’s go Quality
somewhere else.
670 Kirana It’s okay, this one is the closest to my class.
671 Grace No, let’s go together.
K ?
At other bathroom
G It's totally full...
672 Grace Sorry, it looks like there are lots people here too.
673 Kirana It’s okay.
G ...
674 Kirana ...
Um.. Are you getting along well with Olfie? Manner
G ?
K Sorry, that’s none of my business. Pretend you didn’t Relation
hear that.
675 Grace It’s okay. Quantity
Yeah, Olfie and I are doing fine. But we’re not in the
type of relationship you are thinking.

Episode 26
680 Grace Yeah, Olfie and I are doing fine.
But we’re not in the type of relationship that you are
681 Kirana You’re not in the kind of relationship that I’m Quantity
thinking? What do you mean?
682 Grace Olfie still hasn’t told you? Relation
683 Kirana We haven’t talked much lately... Manner
684 Grace Olfie has a lot of stuff to explain to you. Quantity
But you don’t have to worry about me and Olfie.
You’ve known Olfie since you were little, right?
You know better than I do about Olfie’s emotions.

692 Mr. Yana The eggnoid may be dangerous.. don’t forget about
that possibility.
693 Diany For some reason..
This is the first time I’ve seen Ran so bright
Since she lost her parents. She looks happy.
Maybe the appearence of this egg is connected to the
accident that night.
Maybe he came here to protect Ran..
There’s still so much that we don’t know about the
Before we make any assumptions or get suspicious, we
need to find out more first.
694 Mr. Yana Can’t you just ask Kirana about the accident? Quantity
She would know better than anyone, wouldn’t she?
694 Mr. Yana Quantity

She was there at the scene of the accident..

We could find out if we help Kirana to recover her
memories of the accident...
695 Diany *Diany was freeze for a second*
NO! Manner
Y ...
D Making Ran recover her memories is our last resort..

I have to protect Ran,

No matter what..
*Mr. Yana taps Diany’s shoulder*
696 Mr. Yana I have been your secretary since you were little. I Relation
believe you’ve done your best.
And what happened to Kirana is not your fault.
697 Diany Whether it’s my fault or not.. I’m going to try to fix all Quantity
of this...
I’m not going to take Kirana away like they took my
brother away.

701 Selatan Give it to me.

I’ll go throw out the garbage. It’s heavy, isn’t it?
702 Kirana It’s okay, thanks. I can do it on my own.
703 Selatan ...
Wow, is Kirana always that cold? Relation
She doesn’t act cute at all...
704 Ucup Yeah... She’s always like that. She never talks..
705 Asep But why are you suddenly asking about Kirana? She
has a boyfriend! Do you want her to cheat on him with

706 Selatan No, I was just asking?

707 Ucup The rumors say they broke up, apparently her
boyfriend is dating another girl.
*Selatan kicked Ucup*

Episode 27
716 MT Have a seat, Rolfe.
I’d like to talk to you about applying for the
scholarship program...
You’re the only one among the applicants who still
hasn’t submitted your applications and resume.

I was wondering if there’s a problem...

717 Olfie No, Sir...
I’m just reconsidering whether I should apply.
718 MT Hm, why?
Is there a reason to hesitate?
719 Olfie Do all the students that apply get accepted? Relation
720 MT Hahaha, if that were so, it would be great for all of the
But unfortunately, there’s a screening and an
interview later. They look at the academic
achievements of students.

The students that are accepted go through a

preparatory program, then they’re sent to the main
school in England in two or three years.

So it’s a bit difficult because you have to pass through

several stages.
It may seem too early to decide right now, but our
school does this to help students grow at an early age
in consideration of their will and motivation.

Isn’t it a great opportunity? Graduates from the main

school receive a recommendation when they advance
to the most famous universities in England so they can
enter more easily.

From literature and technology to art and

architecture, there’s a wide range of majors to choose

The experiences that you would have there would also

be extremely interesting and valuable, so wouldn’t it
be a bit of a waste to throw away an opportunity like

721 Olfie Yes, I totally understand that, Sir.. Manner

Of course I really want to go too...
But it makes me think about the things that I’ll have
to leave behind here if I get accepted.

731 Diany Eggy, come downstairs. It’s lunchtime.

732 Eggy Lunch? Quantity
733 Diany Come on, the food won’t be good if it gets cold.
734 Eggy It sounded like there were a bunch of people before.

735 Diany You must have imagined it.

At the dining room
736 Eggy Wow, did you make all of this, Diany?
737 Diany I ordered it, why would I bother making all of these quantity
complicated dishes when I can just buy them?

E ...
D What are you waiting for? Go ahead and eat.
738 Eggy I have to wait for Ran.
It’s even better when we eat together.
Eggy will definetly like it!
Episode 28
764 Eggy Ran, how was school?
765 Kirana Just okay.
766 Diany Diany said Eggy is going to school too. Eggy really
wants to go to school!
767 Kirana School isn’t as fun of a place as you think, Eggy.. Quantity
School is only fun for people who like to socialize and
have lots friends.
I could take classes at home
But Diany sent me to a regular school.
Reality isn’t as beautiful as we wish it were, Eggy.
768 Eggy But Eggy is sure! Quantity
Eggy will definetly like it!
Because Eggy can stay by your side, Ran.
Eggy doesn’t heve to stay at home all alone anymore.

*Eggy and Ran were looking each other*

769 Kirana Eggy...
I’m sorry for leaving you alome and making you wait
for me everyday..
770 Eggy Eggy wishes you wlould come back quickly. Quantity
Waiting takes forever, and sometimes it makes Eggy
Inside, I wish that you wouldn’t go anywhere if you
can’t come back soon..
But that would make things harder for you,
And Eggy doesn’t want to stress you out.
Eggy would be sad if you’re stressed.
So Eggy will be patient and wait for you.
Because even if it takes a long time, Eggy knows that
you will come home.
Every time you come home, Eggy’s heart beats so fast
and Eggy is so happy.
I guess it’s good to be patient.
771 Kirana Thank you so much, Eggy.
Flashback on
K I know,
I always bother you, don’t I?
I tire you out and irritate you.
G But we’re not in the type relationship you are thinking.

Flashback end
K I want to learn from Eggy how to have a heart like
772 Eggy Ran, you’re frowning..
What’s wrong?
773 Kirana Nothing, I’m fine, Eggy. Relation
Ah right, if you want to go to school, there’s tons of
stuff that you have to prepare. There’s also a
qualification exam.

Should we study?
I’ll help you!
774 Eggy Let’s do it! Yay!

Episode 29
814 Laras Guys, give your homework to Atan so he can bring it to
the staffroom.
815 Selatan Ugh, it’s too heavy to carry by myself! Help me out!

816 Laras I can’t, this is your punishment for skipping class

817 Asep You deserve it, Satan!
818 Ucup Think of it as an exercise.
819 Selatan SHUT UP! Relation
820 Kirana Wait, you forgot this.
Want some help?
821 Selatan No! I can do it by myself! *grunt*
822 Kirana Ah, okay..
823 Selatan Huh? Hey, hey, hey, wait! I was just kidding, help me
824 Kirana Ah.. Okay..
825 Selatan Your name’s Kirana, right? Relation
I’m just letting you know in case you don’t know, my
name is Selatan. You can call me Atan.
826 Kirana What an unique name.
827 Selatan I know, right? Those monkeys in our class call me
Satan because my name is Selatan!
828 Kirana Man.. Your parents would be upset if they found out.
*ha... ha...*
829 Selatan I thought you were unfriendly and arrogant like those Relation
monkeys in our class said.
So I didn’t think you would help me like this.
And if you laughed more in class like before, the
other kids wouldn’t get the wrong idea about you, I

Sir.. Here’s the homework from class X-A.

830 MT Ah, Selatan! Let’s talk a bit while you’re here...
About your attendance rate.
831 Selatan Ah.. Wel.. Quality
Episode 30
835 Olfie Ran?
Why did you come here?
836 Kirana Olfie, did you apply for a scholarship program? Relation
837 Olfie Rami, go ahead without me.
838 Rami Okay. (Good Luck)
839 Olfie Ran, let’s talk somewhere else. Relation
At backyard
840 Kirana So...
It’s true?
841 Olfie Yeah...
842 Kirana Why didn’t you tell me?
I would have never known if I hadn’t happened to see
the application in the staffroom.
843 Olfie I.. I still don’t know whether I’ll be accepted for that Manner
scholarship. I just applied for it.
844 Kirana What if you’re accepted?
Would I have found out after you had already gone
Is it that hard to tell me?! We’ve been together since
we were kids!
We always talk about all kinds of stuff!
Why are you suddenly being like this?
You didn’t tell me that you’re dating Grace either...

You suddenly distanced yourself, acting like you don’t

want to be friends with me, and you didn’t even tell
me what’s going on...

Do you think I like being treated like this?

What did I do wrong?
I have no idea!
845 Olfie Ran..
846 Kirana I can’t do this anymore. Quantity
It hurts.
I waited this whole time because I thought I had done
something wrong, that I had irritated you.
I thought I had irritaded you by hanging around you
all the time, so that’s why you didn’t want to be
friends with me.

But now you don’t care about me at all.

You ignore me.
Do whatever you like now.
I don’t care anymore.
Episode 31
868 Diany This is it.
The place where the accident which took the lives of
Ran’s parents happened here eight years ago.
869 Eggy Parents? Quantity
870 Diany Yeah, her mom and dad,
The two brought Ran into this world.
871 Eggy But Eggy came out of an egg. Manner
872 Diany That’s right, but regular people are different from Quantity
you, Eggy.
Only eggnoids come out of eggs.
But I know, that you’re not the only eggnoid on Earth.

About the accident that Ran’s parents were in: the Relation
police closed the case as a regular car accident.

But there are too many strange things about it.

Since then, I’ve been perfoming my own investigation
without the help of the government.

Flashback on
873 Diany That night
Ran was found crying and running away on a road
quite far from the scene of the accident.
The people passing by thout Ran was asking for help,

But Ran was just sobbing and trembling with fear.

At the scene of the accident, Ran’s mom was dying
because of her wounds from the accident.
She was taken to the hospital immediately but they
couldn’t save her.. She passed away in the emergency

And on the night of accident, my older brother, who is

the father of Ran, disappear without a trace.

Two days later his already stiff body was found on a

The police said that while looking for help, he fell in
the river because of the heavy rain that night and was
carried away by the river.

But I don’t believe them.

The night that Ran’s mom was admitted to hospital..
before she died,
Flashback on
874 MK Hmm...
875 Diany Sis? Are you awake??
Nurse! Over here!
876 MK Ra.. Ran..
Egg.. noid...
Flashback off
877 Diany At the time, I had no idea what Eggnoid was.
All of my investigations ended up reaching dead ends
or being entangled in an even more complicated story.

But in the end, you appeared before Ran.

It can't be a coincidence, right?
878 Eggy But Eggy doesn't know anything about the accident. Quantity

Eggy doesn't know anything.

879 Diany That may be true since it's only been a few weeks
since you came out of the egg.
But all of this is definetely connected.
880 Eggy Eggy doesn't know anything abour Ran's parents.
Eggy has to tell Ran!
881 Diany
Right now, Ran doesn't clearly remember her parents'
She's only knows a little bit.
The trauma caused by the accident, losing her parents,
and Ran's grandmother throwing a fist at the funeral-
all of this was a huge shock for Ran.

It would be better to keep it a secret from Ran.

882 Eggy A secret? Quantity
883 Diany Quantity
Yeah, something that you keep to yourself and not
telling anyone else.
Not even to Ran.
Can you do that?
884 Eggy B...But...
885 Diany You don't want to see Ran sad?
886 Eggy No..
887 Diany Manner
It's better to just burry and forget some things for the
sake of the people that you love.
There are still a lot of unsolved mysteries. Quantity
Through hypnosis, I've now figured out where you
came from, but new questions will arise too.
But for now, I know that you don't have any evil
intentions towards Ran.
888 Eggy Eggy was born for Ran.. Quantity
Eggy will protect Ran from any danger.
889 Diany Thanks, Eggy.
Ah right, I almost forgot.

During the hypnosis before, that mark on your chest lit

up for a few second and then turned off...But nothing
happened after that.
Do you know why? Is it something I should worry
890 Eggy Hm..Eggy isn't sure
But it should be okay.
891 Diany I hope so. Now let's go before it gets late.
At the school
892 Olfie Here..
*Olfie gave Kirana a cup of milk*
have you calmed down a bit? Are you still angry?
893 Kirana If you think that hugging me will solve everything, Quantity
then you're wrong.
Why did you apply for the scholarship program?
Why are you trying to leave me?
You promised to stay here for me.
894 Olfie Ran, listen to my explanation first. Relation
I want to build up experience and pursue a better
education and my dream..Is that wrong?
895 Kirana I..It's not wrong..
You're right, I can't keep my promise to always stay by
your side.
896 Olfie I know I irritated and upset you by distancing myself
from you.
I hoped that you would make some other friends so
that wouldn't be a problem even if I left..
897 Kirana But it felt like I had been abandoned! Relation
898 Olfie Yeah, I was wrong, I didn't think it through carefully
because I didn't want to take responsibility.

I tried not to caring about you either.

But it didn't work..
899 Kirana What if you make it into the scholarship program? I
don't want you to be gone.
900 Olfie Look, this is what's wrong with you, Ran. Quantity
You're too dependent on people!
Why are you only friends with me? Why don't you
make any other friends?
What if I can't keep my promise to always by your
I'm worried too. I'm worried but I'm not superman
who can always stay by your side. I have dreams and
things that I want to do too.

901 Kirana But it's not that easy to find a new friends. Quantity
It's hard..I can't do it..
902 Olfie I know that it's hard, but it's not something that you Quantity
can't do..
Have you tried making friends on your own?
Have you ever tried or decided to make friends
beside me?
We're both growns up, Ran. We can't stay like this
903 Kirana Sorry..
904 Olfie You're not a little kid anymore who always has to Quantity
hang around me, Ran. Thats gets hard and stressful
for me too.

905 Kirana Sooorry... Quantity

I'm sorry for burdening you all this time, I'm sorry for
being selfish, I'm sorry for stressing you out..
906 Olfie Quantity
Tht's not the problem. I made a mistake too.. We've
both made mistakes.
What important is the will to fix those mistakes.
I was wrong to hurt you, Ran, and I regret it.. I shoulf
have told you from the start but my way of handling
things made the problem even more complicated.

This time, I'll help you make friends. I won't turn

away or ignore you anymore..
And you shouldn't just think of yourself, Ran.. You
have to try make friends.
Stop making me worry about you.
Will you di it?
907 Kirana Yeah, I'll do it..
908 Olfie Good, now stop crying..
909 Kirana I'll try, but still, I'll be just as sad if you go abroad..
Wouldn't you be sad if you're away from me?
910 Olfie Of course I'll miss you. Quantity
But that's still a long way away. Even if I'm accepted
into the program, I would be going in our senior year
of high school.

911 Kirana Why are you sad now..?

912 Olfie Have we made up now?
913 Kirana Yeah
914 Olfie Are you still sad?
915 Kirana Yeah
But I'm happy that we've made up..
916 Olfie Me too.

922 E
quality 7 implicature 5.33%
quantity 62
manner 34
relation 69

Turn Speaker Utterance Flouted Maxim
6 K Olfie, I just... CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR Quality


Do I really have to take care of him like a
parent? It’s hard enough taking care of

Take him back! Please!

42 Kirana Um... I don’t have kids! Manner
87 Kirana Eggy... Hold on... Quantity
It’s okay.
I’ll be back soon.
Be a good boy, my little Eggy.
You're going to listen, right?
89 Kirana Awww my heart... Relation
Eggy, you’re only making this harder for me.

Do you want me to be stressed?

111 Kirana that 1.000 birds? Quantity
133 Kirana Ahh! It’s hard to explain! If you still don’t Manner
understand, then I feel embarrassed!
Just don’t take your pants off when someone
is arround!
Do you understand, Eggy?!
151 Kirana Bahahaha! Eggy, ramen may be cheap and Quantity
tasty but you shouldn’t eat too much of it.
I’ll make you something tastier than ramen.
And you have to eat lots of vegetables if you
want to be healthy, Eggy.
155 Kirana Ah... Manner
157 Kirana Hm... Relation
AAAHHH, I’m late! I’ve got to go, Eggy!
172 Grace Let’s go! Relation
178 Kirana That’s none of your business, Olfie... Relation
Since you’re not my friend anymore.
180 Kirana Why? Quantity
Why do you keep treating me well?
You said I’m not your friend anymore.
So why do you keep treating me so well?
184 Grace You didn’t make up??? Quantity
193 Grace Huh? Really? I thought she was your Quantity
girlfriend.. That’s probably what the other
kids think too.

You always hang out together. She visits you

during every break time, and you even walk
to and from school together.

Doesn’t she have any other friends?

Does she have any girl friends in her class?

At this rate, she might end up looking really

possessive of you..
207 Kirana Oh, does our class have a chatroom? Relation
209 Kirana We were supposed to meet at six, Relation
213 Kirana Because I have you, Olfie. Quantity
As long as I have you, I don’t need any other
As long as I have you, I don’t need anyone
270 Kirana This pain can’t be healed with a band-aid. Manner
282 Kirana Nothing, it’s nothing, Eggy. Quantity
Let’s have breakfast.. Relation
284 Kirana Um.. H..Hey.. Quantity
Let’s see who can get to the kitchen first!!
300 Laras I understand, Kirana. You’ve always been a Quantity
quite type, right? That’s why it would be a bit
hard to make friends.

I’ll ask the other kids later to try to

Plus you justthat.
had And not out
a falling to bother you.
with Olfie
recently, right? You probably need some time
to be alone..

302 Laras Don’t worry, leave it to me. We've resolved Manner

anything and made up now, right?

344 Kirana It’s not hard but it's a nuisance to do. Manner
346 Kirana Can you do this, Eggy?? Manner
You were just born recently!
350 Kirana Eggy, you’re not a robot, are you? Relation
366 Kirana Not really... Relation
368 Kirana I don’t want to cause any problems, Diany. Quantity

I don’t want to worry grandma if she were to

find out.
369 Diany So how’s Olfie doing? Do you still hang out Relation
together all the time?
Have you guys started dating?
370 Kirana P..Probably a cat.. Quality
I saw a cat running around of the roof
372 Kirana Ah, Diany, where are you going? Ah, you Relation
don’t have to check.
You just got here. You must be tired so just
376 Kirana Ah... Let’s go to the living room, okay? Relation
It’s cooler in there.
380 Kirana No way, you must be imagining it... Quality
385 Kirana Shh! Be quiet, Eggy! Relation
What are you doing here, Eggy? You’re
supposed to be in the rooftop room!
387 Kirana Why did you fall? Quantity
Are you okay? Eggy, you can’t be here!
You have to hide!
391 Kirana H..Hurry up and hide, Eggy! Relation
393 Kirana Go now! Relation
401 Kirana T-That’s okay, later... Quality
I still have some homework...
403 Kirana W..Well, I don’t think I’ll want to come home Quantity
if I meet Olfie now.. So it would be better to
do my homework first.

417 Diany Don't worry. Manner

They're still kids.
Even if they fight now, they’ll make up later.

431 Diany If you’re worried, why don’t you ask her yoursel Manner
And shouldn’t you know better than anyone
whether or not she’s okay?
You two always used to hang out together on
weekends, and now you’re hanging out
separately. I wondered what was going on.

So there’s another girl in your life.

433 Diany So Ran made you feel like that? Manner
Ran is an independent and reliable girl. She
has a sense of responsibility and she’s never
caused any problems, she’s perfect.
452 Kirana Eggy, could you wait here for a minute? Relation
462 Diany This... would have been easier if you had told Manner
me you got pregnant while living together...

482 Diany Wow, he talks! Manner

484 Kirana Ah, I know, we believe you. Relation
489 Kirana I... I’m not sure.. Relation
But Eggy is here now.
And I decided to trust Eggy.
494 Diany It’s a good thing there aren’t many people in Manner
this neighborhood. It’s the countryside, plus if
people found out, they would have probably
forced you to consummate your relationship
right away.

498 Diany Should I tell him what “consummate” means? Manner

503 Kirana T..Then what should we do? What do we Quantity

have to do?
505 Kirana B..But.. Manner
This is my mom and dad’s house..
528 Diany Yep, what other choice do I have? It would be Manner
dangerous for the two of you to keep living
here by yourselves.

The neighbots might say something.

Or I might suddenly get a grandchild...
535 Kirana School? Wouldn’t it be better for him to learn Quantity
at home? We could have a tutor come to the
house, or I could teach Eggy.

Eggy is still clueless about the outside world.

He’s still to pure and innocent.
If he goes to school, people will make fun of
him for being weird.
536 Diany Who could make fun of a face like that..? Manner
540 Diany That’s just it! Manner
The thing with men is, if another man touches
what belongs to them, they’re sure to react!

545 Kirana Ah, uh... I-I’ll be right back. Relation

I’ll get some snacks!
573 Diany Someone’s sure being nosy. Manner
574 Olfie Ran doesn’t become so close with guys so easil Quantity
It takes a long time for her to become
It looks like they’ve gotten really close.
584 Diany Yeah, Eggy’s parents were explorers. He’s quantity
never stayed in one place before and he
doesn’t have any relatives. Eggy has never
even attended a normal school before.

Eggy was the only one to survive the accident

but he lost his memories. He can’t remember
his past.

So far, Eggy has been very confused trying to

figure everything out.
It may not be exactly the same, but Ran and
Eggy both experienced something similar, so
they share a bond.

586 Diany It's perfect. Manner

Bad memories from the past... are the best
589 Kirana Ah, Eggy, Relation
I think Diany called you.
599 Kirana Olfie, do you remember? Relation
When we used to play the piano together as ki
601 Kirana Olfie, right now... Relation
Are you still my friend?
614 Kirana He wants to go home. Quantity
615 Diany Ah, it’s getting kind of late. We’ve stayed for Quantity
too long.
Eggy must be a bit tired. You two have school
tomorrow, right?
Guys, say good night to Olfie’s parents.
618 Diany The more you get to know him, the stranger Manner
he’ll seem.
621 Kirana You can read well yourself, Eggy. You should Quantity
read a story by yourself tomorrow.
625 Kirana You’re making me blush... Relation
You’re so silly, Eggy!
626 Eggy Blush? Quantity
630 Kirana D..Diany.. *he..he..*
w..we didn’t do anything. Relation
631 Diany Hm, what a shame. I was hoping something Manner
had happened
636 Diany You said yourself that he’s a quick learner. He Quantity
may be young now... but someday, he will
become a young man.

Just be careful, all right?


Diany Ah.. Relation

One more thing.
I hope your relationship with Olfie gets
Good night, Ran..
646 Kirana I know, I always bother you, don’t I? I tire you Quantity
out and irritate you.
652 Diany You guys look like a real newlyweds. Relation
654 Kirana Diany, please don’t teach Eggy anything weird Relation
while I’m at school.
657 Diany Don’t worry. He can learn weird things from Manner
his friends when he goes to school later.

665 Grace Man, it’s hot in here. It must be because of all Relation
this gossip!
669 Grace There are a lot of people in this bathroom, Quality
let’s go somewhere else.
674 Kirana Um.. Are you getting along well with Olfie? Manner

Kirana Sorry, that’s none of my business. Pretend Relation

you didn’t hear that.
675 Grace It’s okay. Quantity
Yeah, Olfie and I are doing fine. But we’re not
in the type of relationship you are thinking.

681 Kirana You’re not in the kind of relationship that I’m Quantity
thinking? What do you mean?
682 Grace Olfie still hasn’t told you? Relation
683 Kirana We haven’t talked much lately... Manner
684 Grace Olfie has a lot of stuff to explain to you. Quantity
But you don’t have to worry about me and
You’ve known Olfie since you were little,
You know better than I do about Olfie’s emotio
695 Diany NO! Manner
Making Ran recover her memories is our last
I have to protect Ran,
No matter what..
697 Diany Whether it’s my fault or not.. I’m going to try Quantity
to fix all of this...
I’m not going to take Kirana away like they
took my brother away.
737 Diany I ordered it, why would I bother making all of Quantity
these complicated dishes when I can just buy

767 Kirana School isn’t as fun of a place as you think, Quantity

School is only fun for people who like to
socialize and have lots friends.
I could take classes at home
But Diany sent me to a regular school.
Reality isn’t as beautiful as we wish it were, Eg
773 Kirana Nothing, I’m fine, Eggy. Relation
Ah right, if you want to go to school, there’s
tons of stuff that you have to prepare. There’s
also a qualification exam.

Should we study?
I’ll help you!
836 Kirana Olfie, did you apply for a scholarship Relation
846 Kirana I can’t do this anymore. Quantity
It hurts.
I waited this whole time because I thought I
had done something wrong, that I had
irritated you.

I thought I had irritaded you by hanging

around you all the time, so that’s why you
didn’t want to be friends with me.

But now you don’t care about me at all.

You ignore me.
Do whatever you like now.
I don’t care anymore.
872 Diany That’s right, but regular people are different Quantity
from you, Eggy.
Only eggnoids come out of eggs.
But I know, that you’re not the only eggnoid
on Earth.
About the accident that Ran’s parents were Relation
in: the police closed the case as a regular car

But there are too many strange things about


Since then, I’ve been perfoming my own

investigation without the help of the

883 Diany Quantity

Yeah, something that you keep to yourself
and not telling anyone else.
Not even to Ran.
887 Diany Manner
It's better to just burry and forget some things
for the sake of the people that you love.
There are still a lot of unsolved mysteries. Quantity
Through hypnosis, I've now figured out where
you came from, but new questions will arise

But for now, I know that you don't have any

evil intentions towards Ran.
893 Kirana If you think that hugging me will solve Quantity
everything, then you're wrong.
Why did you apply for the scholarship program
Why are you trying to leave me?
You promised to stay here for me.
897 Kirana But it felt like I had been abandoned! Relation
901 Kirana But it's not that easy to find a new friends. Quantity
It's hard..I can't do it..
905 Kirana Sooorry... Quantity
I'm sorry for burdening you all this time, I'm
sorry for being selfish, I'm sorry for stressing
you out..
Quality 5
Quantity 36
Manner 28
Relation 35
Turn Speaker Utterance Flouted Maxim
53 Olfie Hey, let’s go. Relation
55 Olfie What if it is? Quantity
What if I don’t want to be your friend anymore..
57 Olfie Grace, let's go. We're going to be late, the Relation
event is starting soon.
60 O THAT’S ENOUGH! Relation
This is all for Ran’s sake!
Ran will never know unless I do this. Quantity
She won’t understand if I don’t do this.
88 Eggy Still... Relation
Eggy wants to be with Ran.
90 Eggy Okay. Quantity
Eggy don’t want to stress Ran out.
Eggy will wait.
96 Olfie Leave her alone... Relation
She’s not a kid, right...?
100 Olfie In a bit. Quantity
If I go now
I’ll probably end up walking with Ran.
104 Olfie Don’t tell her now, I’ll explain it later. Quantity
I’m still hoping that this method will work.
Even if I can’t be friend with Ran again later
because of this.
112 Eggy I looked around Relation
But I used up all of the paper and thread.
126 Eggy I’m going to take a bath. Relation
140 Olfie No, Mom. Don’t get any weird ideas. Quantity
154 Eggy Hug me. Relation
156 Eggy Hug. Quantity
169 Olfie You guys go ahead, there’s something I need to Relation
177 Olfie You’re not going to the cafetaria? Did you have Relation
something to eat?
183 Olfie <SHUT UP..> Relation
185 Olfie Have you been waiting here the whole time? Relation

187 Olfie Let go of me. Relation

This problem between Ran and I isn’t as simple
as you think.
You’re the one who opened my eyes to this
problem, Grace.

Remember when we first entered high school?

The day we first met.

208 Olfie Let’s hurry! Maybe they haven’t left yet. Relation
210 Olfie Ran, give me your phone, my phone is almost Quality
out of battery life.
220 Olfie WHO SAYS I’M ABANDONING HER?! Quantity

I don’t want to be the reason that Ran is isolated

But now I’m not sure what should I do.
If this gentle method doesn’t work, I might
have to try something stronger.
Even if it means that Ran and I can’t go back to
being friends like before.
Olfie There goes the bell. Relation
Let’s go...
327 Olfie I just want Ran to find some other friends on Relation
her own. She can’t keep living by herself, right?

336 Olfie BE QUIET! YOU BUMS! Relation

338 Olfie You need to distinguish between friends and Manner
And I wish you would realize the value of the
money that you have. Learn to save, don’t
spend it so frivolously!

419 Olfie Ah, Aunt Diany. When did you get here? Relation
428 Olfie Did Ran say that? Relation
430 Olfie Is Ran doing okay? Relation
438 Olfie How could she not matter to me? Manner
442 Eggy No.. Quantity
This can’t be healed with a band-aid. It hurts..

Why do I have to leave? Do you hate me?

Did you abandon me?
481 Eggy I’m not evil.. Quantity
483 Eggy I DON’T LIE! Relation
572 Olfie A close friend? Where did they live? Since Relation
574 Olfie Ran doesn’t become so close with guys so Quantity
574 Olfie Quantity

It takes a long time for her to become friends..

It looks like they’ve gotten really close.

598 Olfie He seems like he’ll be a good friend for you. Quantity

I’m relieved.
The more good friends you make, the better,
609 Eggy Let’s go home. Relation
611 Eggy Eggy wants to go home. Quantity
645 Olfie See? You’re doing it again.. Manner
647 Olfie STOP IT! Relation
I just want you to get along okay even without
me, Ran..
653 Eggy Newlyweds? Quantity
694 Mr. Yana Can’t you just ask Kirana about the accident? Quantity

She would know better than anyone, wouldn’t

She was there at the scene of the accident..

We could find out if we help Kirana to recover

her memories of the accident...
696 Mr. Yana I have been your secretary since you were Relation
little. I believe you’ve done your best.
And what happened to Kirana is not your fault.

703 Selatan Wow, is Kirana always that cold? Relation

719 Olfie Do all the students that apply get accepted? Relation

721 Olfie Yes, I totally understand that, Sir.. Manner

Of course I really want to go too...
But it makes me think about the things that I’ll
have to leave behind here if I get accepted.

732 Eggy Lunch? Quantity

768 Eggy But Eggy is sure! Quantity
Eggy will definetly like it!
Because Eggy can stay by your side, Ran.
Eggy doesn’t heve to stay at home all alone
770 Eggy Eggy wishes you wlould come back quickly. Quantity
Waiting takes forever, and sometimes it makes
Eggy frown.
Inside, I wish that you wouldn’t go anywhere if
you can’t come back soon..
But that would make things harder for you,
And Eggy doesn’t want to stress you out.
Eggy would be sad if you’re stressed.
So Eggy will be patient and wait for you.
Because even if it takes a long time, Eggy
knows that you will come home.
Every time you come home, Eggy’s heart beats
so fast and Eggy is so happy.
I guess it’s good to be patient.
819 Selatan SHUT UP! Relation
825 Selatan Your name’s Kirana, right? Relation
I’m just letting you know in case you don’t
know, my name is Selatan. You can call me

829 Selatan I thought you were unfriendly and arrogant like Relation
those monkeys in our class said.
So I didn’t think you would help me like this.

And if you laughed more in class like before,

the other kids wouldn’t get the wrong idea
about you, I swear..

831 Selatan Ah.. Wel.. Quality

839 Olfie Ran, let’s talk somewhere else. Relation
843 Olfie I.. I still don’t know whether I’ll be accepted for Manner
that scholarship. I just applied for it.

871 Eggy But Eggy came out of an egg. Manner

878 Eggy But Eggy doesn't know anything about the Quantity
Eggy doesn't know anything.
882 Eggy A secret? Quantity
888 Eggy Eggy was born for Ran.. Quantity
Eggy will protect Ran from any danger.
894 Olfie Ran, listen to my explanation first. Relation

I want to build up experience and pursue a

better education and my dream..Is that wrong?
900 Olfie Look, this is what's wrong with you, Ran. Quantity
You're too dependent on people!
Why are you only friends with me? Why don't
you make any other friends?
What if I can't keep my promise to always by
your side?
I'm worried too. I'm worried but I'm not
superman who can always stay by your side. I
have dreams and things that I want to do too.

902 Olfie I know that it's hard, but it's not something Quantity
that you can't do..
Have you tried making friends on your own?
Have you ever tried or decided to make friends
beside me?
We're both growns up, Ran. We can't stay like
this forever..
904 Olfie You're not a little kid anymore who always has Quantity
to hang around me, Ran. Thats gets hard and
stressful for me too.

906 Olfie Quantity

Tht's not the problem. I made a mistake too..
We've both made mistakes.
What important is the will to fix those mistakes.
I was wrong to hurt you, Ran, and I regret it.. I
shoulf have told you from the start but my way
of handling things made the problem even
more complicated.

This time, I'll help you make friends. I won't

turn away or ignore you anymore..
And you shouldn't just think of yourself, Ran..
You have to try make friends.
Stop making me worry about you.
Will you do it?
910 Olfie Of course I'll miss you. Quantity
But that's still a long way away. Even if I'm
accepted into the program, I would be going in
our senior year of high school.
Quality 2
Quantity 26
Manner 6

Relation 34
No. Flouting Maxims Total Percentages
1 Quality 7 4.07%
2 Quantity 62 36.05%
3 Manner 34 19.77%
4 Relation 69 40.12%
TOTAL 172 100%

Global Female Global Male

No. Flouting Maxims Total Percentages No. Flouting Maxims Total
1 Quality 8 6.15% 1 Quality 2
2 Quantity 52 40.00% 2 Quantity 37
3 Manner 33 25.38% 3 Manner 12
4 Relation 37 28.46% 4 Relation 32
TOTAL 130 100% TOTAL 83

Kirana Olfie
No. Flouting Maxims Total Percentages No. Flouting Maxims Total
1 Quality 6 8.00% 1 Quality 0
2 Quantity 29 38.67% 2 Quantity 24
3 Manner 15 20.00% 3 Manner 9
4 Relation 25 33.33% 4 Relation 19
TOTAL 75 100% TOTAL 52

Diany Eggy
No. Flouting Maxims Total Percentages No. Flouting Maxims Total
1 Quality 1 2.70% 1 Quality 1
2 Quantity 12 32.43% 2 Quantity 11
3 Manner 18 48.65% 3 Manner 3
4 Relation 6 16.22% 4 Relation 9
TOTAL 37 100% TOTAL 24

Grace Selatan
No. Flouting Maxims Total Percentages No. Flouting Maxims Total
1 Quality 1 5.88% 1 Quality 1
2 Quantity 10 58.82% 2 Quantity 0
3 Manner 0 0.00% 3 Manner 0
4 Relation 6 35.29% 4 Relation 4
TOTAL 17 100% TOTAL 5

No. Flouting Maxims Total Percentages Male
Female Quality 2
1 Quality 5 2.91% Quantity 26
2 Quantity 36 20.93% Manner 6
3 Manner 28 16.28% Relation 34
4 Relation 35 20.35%
Male Female
1 Quality 2 1.16% Quality 5
2 Quantity 26 15.12% Quantity 36
3 Manner 6 3.49% Manner 28
4 Relation 34 19.77% Relation 35
TOTAL 172 100%

Female Male
No. Flouting Maxims Total Percentages No. Flouting Maxims Total
Kirana Olfie
1 Quality 6 4.62% 1 Quality 0
2 Quantity 29 22.31% 2 Quantity 24
3 Manner 15 11.54% 3 Manner 9
4 Relation 25 19.23% 4 Relation 19
Grace Eggy
1 Quality 1 0.77% 1 Quality 0
2 Quantity 10 7.69% 2 Quantity 11
3 Manner 0 0.00% 3 Manner 3
4 Relation 6 4.62% 4 Relation 9
Diany Selatan
1 Quality 1 0.77% 1 Quality 1
2 Quantity 12 9.23% 2 Quantity 0
3 Manner 18 13.85% 3 Manner 0
4 Relation 6 4.62% 4 Relation 4
Laras Mr. Yana
1 Quality 0 0.00% 1 Quality 0
2 Quantity 1 0.77% 2 Quantity 2
3 Manner 0 0.00% 3 Manner 0
4 Relation 0 0.00% 4 Relation 0
TOTAL 130 100% TOTAL 82

Kirana 57.69% Olfie 63.41%

Grace 13.08% Eggy 28.05%
Diany 28.46% Selatan 6.10%
Laras 0.77% Mr. Yana 2.44%









No. Sayer Flouting Maxim

1. K Quality 7. G Quantity 33. L

2. K Relation 10. G Relation
3. K Quality 11. G Quantity
4. K Relation 16. G Relation
5. K Quantity 19. G Quantity
6. K Quantity 20. G Quantity
8. K Relation 21. G Quantity
9. K Quantity 22. G Quantity
12. K Quantity 23. G Relation
13. K Manner 27. G Quantity
14. K Relation 28. G Quantity
15. K Quantity 91. G Relation
18. K Quantity 92. G Quality
24. K Relation 95. G Relation
25. K Quantity 97. G Relation
26. K Manner 99. G Quantity
29. K Quantity
30. K Relation
31. K Quantity Ql 1
32. K Manner Qn 9
34. K Quantity M 0
35. K Quality R 6
36. K Quantity 16
38. K Quality
41. K Relation
42. K Relation
43. K Quality
44. K Quantity
45. K Quantity
46. K Relation
47. K Relation
48. K Quality
49. K Quantity
50. K Relation
56. K Relation
60. K Relation
62. K Quantity
65. K Manner
66. K Manner
69. K Relation
72. K Relation
77. K Relation
78. K Relation
79. K Quantity
80. K Quantity
82. K Relation
83. K Relation
84. K Quantity
87. K Relation
89. K Manner
93. K Relation
94. K Quantity
96. K Manner
98. K Quantity
102. K Relation
103. K Relation
104. K Quantity
105. K Quantity
106. K Quantity
112. K Relation
113. K Quantity
114. K Manner
115. K Quantity
Ql 6
Qn 25
M 8
R 24
Quantity 37. D Quantity
39. D Quantity
40. D Relation
51. D Manner
53. D Quantity
54. D Manner
55. D Relation
57. D Manner
58. D Quantity
59. D Manner
61. D Quantity
63. D Manner
64. D Manner
67. D Manner
68. D Manner
70. D Manner
71. D Manner
73. D Manner
74. D Quantity
75. D Quantity
76. D Manner
81. D Manner
85. D Quantity
86. D Relation
88. D Relation
90. D Manner
100. D Manner
101. D Quantity
107. D Quantity
108. D Relation
109. D Quantity
110. D Quantity
111. D Quantity

Ql 0
Qn 13
M 15
R 5
No Sayer Maxim
1. O Relation 6. E Relation 58. Y
2. O Quantity 7. E Quantity 59. Y
3. O Relation 13. E Relation
4. O Relation 14. E Relation
5. O Quantity 16. E Relation
8. O Relation 17. E Quantity
9. O Manner 37. E Manner
10. O Quantity 38. E Relation
11. O Relation 39. E Relation
12. O Manner 44. E Quantity
15. O Quantity 45. E Relation
18. O Relation 46. E Relation
19. O Quantity 49. E Quality
20. O Relation 52. E Relation
21. O Relation 53. E Quantity
22. O Relation 54. E Quantity
23. O Relation 57. E Quantity
24. O Quantity 63. E Quantity
25. O Quantity 64. E Quantity
26. O Quantity 71. E Quantity
27. O Relation 72. E Manner
28. O Quantity 73. E Quantity
29. O Quantity 74. E Quantity
30. O Quantity 75. E Manner
31. O Relation
32. O Relation Ql 1
33. O Quantity Qn 11
34. O Manner M 3
35. O Relation R 9
36. O Quantity 24
40. O Manner
41. O Manner
42. O Quantity
43. O Manner
47. O Quantity
48. O Quantity
50. O Relation
51. O Quantity
55. O Manner
56. O Quantity
62. O Manner
68. O Relation
69. O Relation
70. O Relation
76. O Quantity
77. O Quantity
78. O Quantity
79. O Quantity
80. O Quantity
81. O Quantity
82. O Relation
83. O Manner

Ql 0
Qn 24
M 9
R 19
Quantity 60. S Relation
Quantity 61. S Relation
65. S Relation
66. S Relation
67. S Quality
Sayer Utterances
Episode 1
In a Dream
At Ran's Bedroom
1 MK Ran...
My pretty Ran...
Wake up..
It's morning..
2 K Hm.. Is it time to wake up?
3 MK Yeah, you have to get ready for school..
Do you want me to give you a piggyback if you can't
get up?
I'll carry you and toss you in the bathup.
*Ran's Mom tickled Ran*
4 K It's okay, I'm awake.
You don't have to carry me. I'm all grown up!
5 MK Whew, that's right, why have you already grown up so
much, my dear daughter?
You shouldn't grow up so quickly,
I want to play with you lots.
6 K Mooom, what are you doing?
At Ran's Kitchen
7 FK Mmm, it smells good. That'll taste great.
What's on the menu for breakfast today?
*Ran's Dad was hugging Ran's Mom*
Anything that my wife makes tastes good.
*Ran felt ashamed*
8 MK Honey.. Ran is looking. I'm embarrassed..
9 FK It's okay, she's our daughter..
10 K Dad, why did you wake up late? Aren't you going to
11 FK I just finished a big project recently so I'm resting
Those who work hard get to play hard!
12 K Wow, congratulations, Dad!!
13 FK Thanks, Ran.
What are you doing after school today?
14 K I'm going to play with Olfie!
16 MK You sure get along well with Olfie. Do you like him?

17 K Ahhh Moom.
18 FK NO! You can't like anyone! You're still a kid, Ran!! You
have me, your Dad!
Why don't you stay home and play with me today,
19 K It's not good to miss school..
19 K
I have to go to school, otherwise I can't keep up with
the classes.
20 FK It's okay to miss school once in a while. You're smart,
you have a high ranking, you're sweet and you're a
good student.

Your brain won't go bad from missing school once.

Besides you can study anywhere.
School isn't the only place where you can learn.
What if you think of it as going on a field trip with your
mom and dad today? Will you go?
I'll just send a note to your teacher!
I'll buy you a present.
21 MK Haha are you bribing our daughter not to go to
school? Haha.
22 FK Well.. I don't get vacations very often,
So I want to spend today with my beloved family.
23 K Okay, okay, I'll go, Dad.
24 FK YES!
25 MK Honey, go wash up first, and Ran, get changed I'll pack
lunch boxes for us.
*The bell is ringing*
Who could that be so early in the morning..?
26 K I'll get the door.
27 St-E Hi there, good morning. Is this the home of Chandra's
Dream ends
K His eyes...
Are red!
What did I dream just now...
I can't remember.. Red eyes?
It seemed important but I can't remember..
*Looking at her parents' picture*
Good morning.. My dear mom and dad..
It's been eight years since you left..
Don't worry.. I'll be okay..
I'm living here with Diany now...
And right next door, there's Mr. and Mrs. Kent who
treat me like their own daughter.
*Ran was opened her smartphone*
28 K <Olfie,
Are we going to
school together?>
K And there's Olfie, my best friend..
The most special person to me.
Before, our relationship was bad..
But thankfully, it's back to normal now.
I hope it stays like this..
29 O <Sure,
29 O
Call me when
you're ready.>
*Ran was felling happy*
Is that guy going
with us too?>
K That guy?
Does he mean Eggy?
*Someone knocks Ran's door.*
30 K Ah, on sec..
*He was running to Ran and hugging her*
32 K E..Eggy!
33 E Eggy is so happy! Eggy is going to school with Ran
Let's go to school today.
34 K Okay, okay.
Hm.. but you can't hug me like this at school.
35 E Why not ?
36 K Well.. Because other people would line up to get hugs
from you too..
37 E Hugging other people?
But Eggy only wants to hug Ran..
K How can he make my heart race like this first thing in
this morning!
K Now, get ready! Wash up! Change into your uniform!
We'll be late.
38 E Okay, Eggy will be ready in no time.
K Eggy has become Diany's adopted son and is staying at
our house.
Eggy doesn't have parents either.
But the truth isn't so simple.
It's an unbelievable story, like a novel.
When Eggy first appeared before me, rather than
racking my brain to find a rational explanation, I just
accepted Eggy without asking anything.

But I can't turn the other way forever, right?

Should I look into it and investigate?
Where Eggy came from and why he's here..
At Ran's kitchen
39 D Wow, it's breakfast!
Thanks for making my favourite breakfast, Ran!
I'm glad I moved here!
40 K Are you done moving in and work at the company?

41 D Well, hmm...
42 K Diany..
43 D Don't worry, I'm working on it. That's why I can't take
you to the school today.
Even though it's Eggy first day of school..
I'll probably be done working super late at night.
44 K It's okay, don't push yourself too hard. You should take
care of your health..
45 D Yes, Boss!
46 E Ran...
How do you put this on?
47 K Aw, you did the buttons up wrong. Come here, I'll do it
for you..
48 D Don't wear the vest, Eggy, it doesn't look good!
49 K Just put it on, we're supposed to wear the vest as part
of the school uniform.
Our school's dress code isn't too strict but it's your first
day so you should make a good impression.

It's important to dress properly.

50 D Wow.. Ran, you're amazing. You're practically a mom
51 K Why does that not seem like a compliment?
*Eggy's hair is messy*
52 K Ah, I'll comb your hair.
53 D You don't need a comb. This looks good..
Tada, Eggy The Stud!
54 K No, he looks like a thug..
*Ran's styling Eggy's hair*
This looks nice and tidy.
55 D Why is your taste so lame, Ran?
Try this, it's a boy band style. Eggy will be super
popular. I bet the girls will go nuts.
E ??
56 K No, just do your hair like normal!
*The bell is ringing*
57 D Who could it be this early in the morning..?
*Ran is shocked*
Episode 2
At Ran's house
57 D Who could it be this early in the morning..?
58 K I'll get the door.
You guys keep eating.
Why does this feel like something that happened
Someone shows up in the morning, with the same
atmosphere, saying the same thing..
But when was that...? I can't remember.
*Ran opens the door*
59 O What took you so long? Why didn't you answer your
60 K Huuh??
S..Sorry. My phone is in my bag and I was bit busy
getting ready..
61 O Are you all ready? Let's go.
62 D Olfie? Come in, Olfie!
*Olfie and Ran enters the dining room*
63 O Hi, Diany.
64 D Good morning
*Olfie and Eggy are looking each other*
65 O Hey..
66 E Mmm..
*Eggy throws his face*
E Hmph!
O ...
67 K So, are you all ready? Let's go.
*Eggy grabs Ran's hand*
Ran, let's go!
69 O How old is he? He's so childish!
70 D About a month old, I think..
O ?
71 K Let's go, Olfie.
72 E We're off to school, Diany.
73 D Sure.. Have a nice day.
The kids are gone..
On the way to school
74 K Um, are we walking home from school together
75 O I don't think I can today. Go ahead without me.
76 K Are you in a club?
77 O Something like that.
78 E What's a club?
79 O Don't you know what a club is?
80 K Ah.. Eggy suffered from memory loss recently.
He doesn't know a lot of stuff so he has to learn things
again from the beginning...
81 O ...
I forgot.
82 K Eggy, clubs are activities that people do outside school
You can even get better grades if you do well in them.
There are sports, plus art, culture, all kinds of stuff..

If you want to join a club later, you can choose..

83 E Are you in a club, Ran?
84 K Not yet..
85 E Then I won't do it either!
*Ran and Olfie was looking at Eggy *
86 O Would you join a club if Ran joins?
87 E Yeah!
O Pff...
88 O He copies you like a baby chick that just hatched from
an egg..
89 E Eggy did just come out from an egg..
*Kirana was shocked*
90 K AH!
Eggy, that's our school.. This is your first time seeing
right, right?
At Ran's school
*Eggy, Ran, and Olfie enter the school*
*People are looking at Eggy, Ran, and Olfie.*
92 O Ran, I'm going this way. It's closer to my classroom..

93 K Sure, I have to take Eggy to the principal's office first

*Olfie was touching Ran's hair*
94 O Text me, if there's anything wrong, okay?
*Ran was blushed at that time*
See you.
*Eggy looks at Ran*
At the Principal's room
95 Pr Are you Mister Eggy? Welcome to our school!
Your aunt showed me your picture but I didn't know
you would be so much more handsome in person

I've heard that you're in a rather unusual situation.

May the deceased rest in peace.
But I hope that this situation (read: losing your parents
and then suffering from memory loss) will not
interfere with you attending school.

96 K You don't have to worry, Sir. Eggy learns very quickly.

I'm sure he'll adjust to school life.
97 Pr That's good to hear.
Kirana, you'll help Eggy adjust, right?
98 K Yes, Sir!
99 Pr Good.. Good.. Study hard and make lots of friends,
And Kirana, I have a favor to ask you.
Could you take Eggy to your homeroom teacher, Miss
Eggy is going to be in the same class as you.
At Ran's classroom
100 R Ah, there she is!
101 FS Kirana! Who was that before!
102 Dn Who was that handsome guy before?
L ...
Episode 3
At Ran's classroom
101 FS Kirana, who was that before?
102 Dn He's so handsome, is he a transfer student?
How did you end up coming to school together?
Where did you meet him?
103 K Uh, well..
Um.. Uh..
104 L Guys.
Could you please sit at your desks? The bell will ring
*They looked at Laras*
FS Ah, you're right.
Let's go.. Let's go..
Dn Let's talk again later, Kirana
105 R The front office brought a new desk to this room
Does that mean the transfer student is in our class?

I want to sit here today.

106 U But that seat is..
*Someone opens the door*
107 S Sweet, I made it! The teacher hasn't gotten here yet,
has she? She hasn't taken attendance, right?

R ...
108 S Hey, why are you in my seat? Move...
109 R I'm sitting here from now on.
110 S What do you mean? That's been my seat since the first
111 R Just change seats. What's your problem? It's not like
you inherited this sear from your ancestors!
112 S WHAT??
113 FT Good morning, everyone.
114 L Stand up.
115 ALL Good morning, Mrs. Siska.
116 FT Everyone, we have a new transfer student today.
Come on in.
*The student had been amazed*
117 E Nice to meet you.
My name is Eggy.
K What's going on??
I don't want that dream to be the reality!
*The students was still talking about how handsome
Eggy is*
118 FT Guys, let's settle down. Let's keep it down.
Selatan and Ratna, what are you doing? Sit at your
118 S Mrs. Siska, Ratna stole my seat..
119 R I can move to the back, right? I want to switch places
with Atan. Sitting so close in front hurts my eyes and I
can't see very well, plus my head hurts.

120 S You're lying... You're just trying to sit next to that

transfer student so you can flirt with him.
121 R Hey, stop making stuff up!
122 FT Stop! That's enough! Stop fighting like children!
Why are you fighting over a seat? To make it fair, I'm
going to change everyone's seats randomly.

*The students are complaining*

WHAAAT? No way, Mrs. Siska!
123 FT That's enough, I don't want to hear any complaints!

It's good for students to change seats once every few

I'm going to draw random numbers so everyone has to
If you have a problem with your vision, tell me and I'll
buy you some glasses.
After randomly drawing the numbers in order of
I don't want anyone fighting or asking to change seats
anymore, alright?
*The students are nagging ot Ratna*
This is your fault
It's Ratna's fault!
124 FT Sorry to have to do this on your first day at our school,
As a token of apology, I'll let you sit wherever you
125 E Okay.
126 FT As for the rest of you, please wait outside. I'll call you
one at a time in orfer of your attendance number.

Outside the class

127 S This is your fault.. Now we have to change seats! That
was the best seat for playing games!
128 FS You deserve it, ha~
*The girls peek into the classroom*
That must be where he's going to sit
I hope I can sit near him..
129 L Do you know him?
Do you already know the transfer student?
130 K Ah.. That's doesn't really matter, does it?
131 L Of course it matters, he's already got so many fans on
his first day that they're fighting over him...

It will get even worse if people find out that he has a

close friend.
People say that girls are scariest when they're jealous.

If they find out that someone is flirting with such a

handsome transfer student,
There may be misunderstandings and they might get
angry, and then they'll think that you have dibs on the
transfer student.

She may be ignored and hated.

They might even ostracize her all together..
If I were you... I would stay away from the transfer
student rather than be ostracized.
That way life at school would be comfortable.
Isn't that right, Kirana?
Episode 4
At Ran's house
132 Y Here you go, Miss.
These are the result of the hypnosis treatment last
*Diany watches the result*
133 D Is this the data that you're going to send to Professor
Yoshito in Japan?
Can't we invite the professor here instead?
My mom might think that I'm neglecting if I keep going
back and forth between Japan.
It would also be nice if the professor could see what
we've discovered in person.
Since that would be a hint and proof of the professor's
theory of hyperspace (read: he's gonna flip!).

134 Y ...
It still seems early to call it proof.
What the person who was hypnotizes said may be true

But it may also be the imagination and delusion of a

It would be difficult to use what he said as a guide.

135 D Isn't it enough that we have eggnoid and the egg

136 Y But we still haven't performed a physical inspection on
And we still don't know how the egg appeared in Ran's
135 D ...
I'm curious about that blue light that apeared during
the hypnosis...
Could we assign someone to keep an eye on Ran and
Eggy at school?
Eggy said that blue light isn't anything important..
But I have a bad feeling about it..
136 Y Yes, Miss..
I will do that.
At the school
137 L If I were you... I would stay away from the transfer
student rather than be ostracized.
Isn't that right, Kirana?
K Laras is right...
That might really happen.. And I don't get involved in
any trouble..
Eggy was go looking forward to going to school with
If i'm avoid him...
It would be unfair to Eggy.
138 K No.
Even if my friends avoid me, ostracize me and hate me
because I'm close to Eggy..
It doesn't matter... It's okay.
I don't need friends like that.
139 L Uh.. Uh...
But of course, as the class president, I'll make sure that
nothing like that happens.
Hating a friend is bad regardless of the reason.
Don't hesitate to tell me if you have any problems with
other kids, Kirana.
140 K Okay.
141 L Don't worry, you can trust me.
142 K Thanks, Laras.
143 FT Kirana.
It's time to draw your number, come on in.
144 K Yes, Mrs. Siska!
See you in there.
145 L Sure.
145 L
*Kirana draws her number and she get seat besides
K My seat is...
Could this be a coincidence?
146 K Eggy.
147 E Ran, are you sitting next to Eggy?
148 K Yeah..
*Eggy hugs Ran suddenly*
E Eggy is so happy that he gets to sit next to Ran!
150 K Um... Hey..
*The students look at Ran and Eggy*
K Oh no!
Episode 5
At Ran's classroom
151 K Uh...
E... Eggy
Oh...Oh no
Be careful...!
Did you trip on something? You almost fell over.
You should have gotten up more slowly...
Ah, so he almost feel over..
I want to fall into the arms of a handsome guy like
Wow, I can't believe he fell over like that...
Well that was lame..
152 S Step aside!!
What's up with you two?
Are you filming drama or what?
I'm coming through so move!
E ?
153 K Sorry, go ahead..
*Selatan sits on his seat*
S Ratna took my seat gee.. At least I'm not too far in the
154 E Hey
My name is Eggy..
155 S ...
E ?
156 FT Have you all taken a seat?
It looks like we won't enough time for class because
we arranged new seats.
156 FT

So in the remaining time, we'll have a writing test.

157 All WHAAAT??
158 FT Don't worry, It's not a real test. It just a test to check
how well you understood the lesson.
E ?
159 FS Do we have to do this, Mrs. Siska? Eggy just
transferred here, this is so unfair for him.
160 FT I'm actually more curious to see how much Eggy
161 S Question Ma'am!
162 FT Yes, Selatan?
163 S If it's not a real test, then we can just leave the answer
sheet blank or get stuff wrong, right?
164 FT ...
Yes, sure. Those who receive a lower grade can stay
after class for an extra lesson.
165 All NOOOOO!!
Break time at school
*The girls hesitate to ask Eggy to have lunch with
Ask him to have lunch with us
You do it, I'm too shy..
166 E Ran, where are you going?
167 K We're going to the cafetaria to get something to eat
during break time, let's go.
168 E Let's go~
169 FS Ah, I was a step behind. I want to go but I'm not really
close to Kirana.
170 R You have to be more aggressive next time!
171 L Eggy is new here.
Of course he would talk to the person sitting near him.

Kirana is so lucky getting sit next to Eggy.

They'll probably hang out together all the time starting
172 FS Hm...
173 R Ugh...
FS ...
174 L I made a cake yesterday but there was too much so I
brought some to share with you guys.
175 FS Wow, I bet it's delicious!! I want some.
176 FS You're so nice, Laras.
177 R Yay, we have the best class president!
Heading to the cafetaria
178 K Eggy..
179 E Hm?
180 K Eggy, next time you can't just hug me in school like
that, okay?
181 E Why not?
Eggy doesn't want to hug anyone else but you, Ran...

182 K Uh.. That's not the problem.

It's not good for a guy and a girl to hug each other like
that in a public place, especially in a classroom with
friends around.

In our culture, it's considered disrespectful, plus it

causes misunderstanding and negative thoughts in the
people watching...

183 E Okay..
But I can hug you at home, right?
*Ran's heart was thumping*
K Oh My God. I know that Eggy means that in an
innocent way because he thinks I'm his mom
But why do I Imagine this..
Ran's imagination on
E It's our home...
I can hug you all I want, right?
Ran's imagination off
Stop thinking dirty thoughts, Ran!
Stay calm...!
Stay calm...!
E Ran?
184 K Yeah?
185 E Eggy has to go pee.
K I shouldn't be fooled by his face. He may look mature,
but he has the personality of an innocent little kid.

K Ha ha ha
186 K Haha. Whenever you have to go pee or poo, just say
that you have to go to the bathroom, okay?
187 E Okay..
K But how am I going to bring him there... Is it okay for a
girl to bring a boy to the men's bathroom?

*Ran saw Atan stands near her*

188 K ATAN!
Could you take Eggy to the bathroom? I don't know
the direction.
189 S ...
Take him to the bathroom? Doesn't he just have to
look for the bathroom sign in school?
What a nuisance.
190 K I'm worried he might get lost,
He still hasn't memorized the map of the school..
S Huh? It's unusual for Kirana to ask someone for a favor
like this..
She only ever worries about herself.
Now she's asking me for a favor because of that new
E ...
S Is it because of his handsome face?
191 S Okay, let's go.
192 E Where will I see you, Ran?
193 K Let's meet in the cafetaria after you go to the
bathroom with Atan.
194 S HEY! It's not like you're going on trip overseas, you're
just going to the bathroom. What are you saying
goodbye for?

Heading to men's bathroom

195 S Are you Kirana's boyfriend? Are you guys dating?
You already look really close.
196 E Boyfriend? What's dating?
*Eggy shaked his head as his answer*
S What the... He's handsome but a total idiot..
Shoulfd I tease him a bit...?
200 S All right, here's the bathroom. I'll wait here for you.

201 E Okay.
*Eggy enters the bathroom without any hesitation*

S This is the girls' bathroom. The sign is just erased...

if Eggy runs into girls in there...

That'd be great!!
Outside the school
202 St-E Reporting to head office. I have approached the
target, unit R-015, and arrived at the location.
Episode 6
At the cafetaria
203 G Sauce, sauce
Give me some...
*Grace pours the sauce*
Olfie, I hear there's transfer student in Kirana's class. A
really handsome one, too...
204 O What about him?
205 G I heard that you went to school together.
So did you..make up with Ran?
206 O Yeah...
207 G That's good to hear.
So all of the rumors about us dating have been cleared
up, right...?
208 O Um...
I still...haven't told her about that...
209 G What? You mean Kirana still thinks we're dating? Why
haven't you told her?
You silly boy...
*Grace hits Olfie's head*
210 O I just...haven't found the right timing..
*Olfie grabs Grance's hand when Ran looks at him*
K I must have been too excited after I made uo with
So much that I forgot that he's dating Grace..
Oh well
It's okay.
Olfie and I have always been friends... Nothing more
than that.
At the bathroom
211 E All done!
212 S Huh?
Why didn't anything happen? That's strange..
I had better check..
*Selatan enters the bathroom*
Excuse me...
Is there anyone in there?
Ah..I see.. There's no one in here.. Well that failed..

So this is what a girls' bathroom looks like.. It's similar

to ours...
*The girls come out when Selatan wants to go out*
213 FS Why is there a guy in here?
214 FS Are you a pervert? Say something!
215 S No.. I just..
216 FS Tell the teacher there's a pervert in here!!!!
219 FS You crazy freak! How dare you touch my friend!
220 S AGH!! HELP!
E ??
At the cafetaria
221 S Damnit! I was just trying to play a prank and I ended
up getting hit.
*The girls see Eggy and Selatan*
222 R Eggy, remember me? I'm Ratna, from your class..
222 R
Want to eat with me?
223 S !
Ugh, we had to change seats because of her
No way! Eggy is going to eat with me.
Let's go! Stay aay from foxes like her.
224 E Foxes?
225 S Girls who use all kinds of seduction! They're even
scarier than monsters!
226 E I didn't know school was a dangerous place! That must
be why Ran doesn't really like school.
227 S Kirana doesn't really like school? A model student like
228 E Ran says school is only fun for popular kids with lots of
229 S She...
230 As Hey! Satan!!
Sit here!
231 S Hey guys! I've been looking all over for you!
232 E Where's Ran?
233 S Why are you acting like a baby chick that's lost its
Don't worry.. Even if you don't meet her now, you'll
see her later in class, right?
Have a seat here. I'll get some ramen for you..
*Selatan looks at Ran*
K ...
234 S Hey, what are doing here by yourself?
Come eat with us!
Your baby, Eggy, is looking for his mom...
235 K My
236 E Ran! Look! Eggy got fried food. I like it!
237 U A guy calling himseld by his own name? Gross..
238 As He's not even a baby..
239 FS So cute.
240 FS Cute, right?
241 As Asep likes chili paste.
242 U Uchup likes fried food..
*Grace finds Eggy*
243 G Is that the tranfer student they're talking about? Oh
my god... He's so cute!! Introduce me to him!
I can't believe it! Ran is so lucky!
*Olfie is looking at Ran when she was eating with
Eggy, Selatan, Ucup, and Asep*
O I'm glad that Ran is with a friend..
*Ran feels sad when she is looking at Olfie and Grace*

At the cafe near school

244 Wt Here's your coffee..
245 St-E Thank you..
*People talks about the stranger*
See? Isn't he handsome?
He seems handsome.. I want to see him without his
glasseses on~
246 St I'll wait.
There's no need to approach the target quickly..
The blue light is just a danger signal, it's not a signal for
an emergency..
As you know.. Even eggnoids sometimes send out the
wrong signal..
We can't have something happen again like last time.
We lost valuable assets.
Episode 7
At the cafe
247 St-E Ah, there he is..
Among the students leaving school.
248 Cl Do you need backup? How's the situation?
249 St-E No, it seems fine..
250 Cl Alright.. For now, just keep watching him and be sure
to report if anything comes up..
251 St-E Got it.
*Stranger finished his call*
This eggnoid is in pretty good condition..
I can't believe it.. This doesn't seem to be a
You've sure grown up alot..
At Ran's school
The class was ended
252 S Hey Eggy!
Are you going straight home?
253 E Yeah, going home
With Ran.
254 S Lame.. You're supposed to have fun after school..
255 K We have a lot of homework to do for tomorrow.
S That's exactly why.. I need a friend who's good
*Selatan was trying to touch Ran but she escaped
from him*
Flashback on
256 FS Kirana, show me your homework!
257 K Huh? My homework?
258 FS Yeah, you're a good student. You did the homework,
Give it to me. So I can copy it.
259 K But homework is supposed to be done at home to
help you understand the lesson better.
It doesn't mean anything unless you do it yourself.

Of course it's a nuisance and you may not want to do

But it's for our own good, right?
If there's anything you don't know, I'll help you. It's not
good to copy other people's homework.
260 FS What the... Look at her acting all high and mighty..
She should just say that she doesn't want to show it to
It's because she's a good student and smart.
No wonder she's the teacher's pet..
K Why? Of course it's wrong to copy other people's
So why do they get angry at me?
And avoid me?
Do I have to do something that I think is wrong?
Just to make a friend?
261 O Ran! Did you solve question number seven?
262 K Olfie?
Are you trying to do the homework?
263 O Of course! Do you think I'm a lazy bum?
264 K It's not that..
265 O It's true that you're smart, but in terms of working
hard, I'm pretty hard to beat too.
Friends may be friends, but to studying, we're rivals!

K That's right.. It doesn't matter if people avoid me.

I always have Olfie by my side.
Only Olfie.
266 K Why number seven? Is it hard?
267 O No.. Just to compare our answers.
Flashback off
268 K What if.. I don't want to show you my homework..?
269 S Oh well.
Homework isn't a big deal anyway.
It's not like I'll die if I don't do it right???
Don't get me wrong!
Besides... Do you think you're the only one who's done
the homework? I'll just look at someone else's!

Well, I'm going to go play some games!

So long, Losers!
*Selatan leaves Ran and Eggy*
270 E Ran..
Let's go.
271 S Are you okay? You can hang out with him if you want..

272 E It's okay.

It's enough if I can be with you, Ran.
273 K Okay...
Is he really okay?
This is the first time that I've seen someone who likes
At the van
275 M1 They're back..
She came home right after school~
Nice kid~
276 M2 ...
When I was a kid, I always used to get in trouble for
hanging out with friends after school until late at night

Kirana must not have many friends.

She always just stays at home.. And she does the same
Cleaning, cooking, studying..
277 M1 I thought it would be fun to watch two teens living
But it's not.
Would you just do something...?
We need some drama!!!
278 M2 Hey! If Diany hears you, you're finished!
279 M1 Ohh, Diany.. I miss you~
I can hardly control myself at each meeting, how can
such a good-looking woman not have a boyfriend?

280 M2 Hm..
Who says she's single?
At head office, she's well-known as a man-eater... Aka
a concqueror of men.
Tons of men ask her out, from models and handsome
actors to rich guys.
But none of them last long.
I mean she's successful, pretty, independent.. She can
choose whatever guy she likes,
And women like that don't usually think of getting
At Ran's house
281 K Excuse me...
This room used to be my dad's office.
Aunt Diany must feel bad leaving it empty so she is
using it now.
Is it because she's his little sister...?
The interior design has changed a lot but it feels
exactly the same..
*Ran finds a strange book*
What kind of book is this?
Since when has Diany liked science fiction??
Hyperspace.. Is that.. A theory about the excictence of
other dimensions and other worlds?

And.. A theory about faster-than-light travel that

transcends time and space..?
Is all of this.. Related to the eggnoid?
Is Diany reading this because she's looking into the
origin of the eggnoid?
The eggnoid really appeared in my room so suddenly
that it seems like magic.
If we could just find out how this eeg got here, could
we also find out who sent it?
And what its purpose is?
282 E Ran.. Dinner is ready.
K Who on earth are you?
Are you from another planet?
Or... From another time zone?
283 K I'm still cleaning. Could you set the table for me?
I'll be there soon.
284 E Okay!
Eggy will set the table.
K Later... If Eggy finds out more stuff
And... If I ask where Eggy came from..
How will he be able to answer me?
Episode 8
In the morning at Ran's house
*Diany was sleepy*
285 K Diany, what time did you get back yesterday?
290 D Was it three o'clock? I don't remember.
K ...
D I won't be back today either. I have something to do
somewhere else.
291 K Okay. Make sure you look after your health. I'm
worried about you.
292 D Don't worry. It's the usual work.
Ah right. Today was Eggy's first day of school, right?
Did anything funny happen? Did you enjoy it, Eggy? Is
it fun?

293 E I was so much fun!

294 D Did you make lots of friends? Have you already
memorized the names of everyone in your class?
295 E Um... I haven't memorized all of them yet..
But there's one guy who's really nice to Eggy.
His name is Satan.
296 D Huh?
297 K It's Selatan! Not Satan! Selatan!
Let's go, Eggy.
298 O Chatroom
<I'll be there soon.>
*Olfie waits outside*
K Even though I know..
That Olfie has Grace..
299 O Hey..
K The feeling won't go away.
300 K Hey..
*Eggy comes out and grabs Ran's hand*
301 E Let's go.
302 K Sure.
303 O Did you hear?
Today.. Your class and our clas have gym class
304 K Yeah, I heard. Do you know what we're doing in gym
305 O No, but you know how the gym teacher likes having
different class compete with each other.
He says it's to make the competition more fair.
Are you good at sports?
306 E I've seen a lot of sports on tv with Ran. But I haven't
tried any yet.
K True... Come to think of it, All I've taught him so far is
how to study, clean and do little tasks.
What if he has a hard time in gym class?
At the school
307 O I'll see you in gym class..
K Sure.
308 FS EGGY!
*The girl was taking a picture of Eggy*
E ?
K Eggy has fans now...
Still, I'm glad no one is as aggressive as in my dream...

This kind of irritates me for some reason.

I sometimes wish that Eggy were all mine..
I know it's wrong to think that..
But.. Eggy came here for me, right? I've taken care if
him and taught him this whole time..
As time goes on, he's gotten a lot smarter and met a
lot of people.
Someday.. Eggy might not.. Need me anymore.
He'll become an independent person who can grow on
his own.
He'll meey an attractive girl
And leave in the end.
O Don't worry about things that haven't even happened
K Olfie is right..
309 K We're late. Let's hurry.
310 E Okay.
At Gym class
311 FS The teacher only cares about boys, so what fun is it to
make us face kisd from another class??
312 FS Still, it's nice that the teacher doesn't pay atention to
the girls... Hahaha it makes things easier for us.

*The girls play volley*

313 L It's been ten minutes, switch teams!
K Grace is social and has lots of friends.
Everyone is friends with Grace, whether they're girls or
*Grace greats Ran*
K That must be why Olfie likes her..
The boys play basketball
314 FS Hey,hey, look at the boys. Eggy is playing basketball!

315 FS Wow! Let's go watch!

316 MS Hey, catch! Don't just stand there!
K What's wrong with Eggy? Is it because he doesn't
know how to play basketball?
*Eggy catches the ball but go to the wrong ring*
317 MS Huh? Hey, where are you going?
318 E WOOHOO!!
319 MS What do you mean 'woohoo'???
You scored against your own team, man!!
E ??
Diany arrives at Narita Airport in Japan.
Episode 9
At the nurse's office
320 MS Excuse me...
Do you have any band-aids..?
Uchup opens the curtain and finds Selatan is playing
So... This is where you hide?
You skipped gym class, didn't you?
The gym teacher will be angry if he finds out.
321 S Shut up, I'm working out too!
322 MS What?
323 S This is an E-Sport! E-Sports! (read: a form of sports
using video games)
I'm working out in here... (Points his head)
*Someone opens the door*
324 Nr Ah... I didn't know you were in here.
Are you sick?
325 MS Ah.. Well.. I need a band-aid. I fell over in gym class..

326 S I came with him.

Are you the new nurse?
Nr Yes.
My name is Miss Anita. I'm in charge of the nurse's
office as of today.
Here's a band-aid. Want me to put it on for you?
327 MS No, I'll do it.
S ...
MS Well, have a nice day.
Wow, our school finally has a nurse.
There was never anyone in the nurse's office. It was
usually teachers who didn't have class.
What's up with you? Is something wrong?
328 S I wish we didn't have a nurse... Where am I going to
sleep now...?
330 S AGH!!
At nurse's office
331 Nr Hello? Mr. Yana?
I've finished dealing with the document issues.
I started working today.
332 Y Anita, thank you for helping me. It's only for a short
If I find anyone to replace you, you can return to what
you were doing before.
333 Nr Haha, it's okay. I'm happy that I can help my good
friend Diany.
I'll just think of this surveillance job as a vacation.
Since working as a nurse at a school gives me more
free time than working as a hypnotist at head office.

Besides, I'm glad that I can watch the eggnoid from up

334 Y I'm relieved to hear that. If anything suspicious
happens, be careful.
I'm still suspicious of that blue light that appeared the
last time you hypnotized him.
335 Nr Yes, Sir.
336 Y Yes, Ma'am.
336 Y
Did you call me?
At the locker room
*The boys change their clothes after gym class*
337 R Wow! Do you go to the gym?
That six-pack doesn't look like it belongs on body of a
high schooler. We play basketball every day and we
don't even look like that...

O ...
338 MS Rami!! Where's the deodorant?
339 R You still haven't found it? I'll look for it.
340 O What exactly ...
Is your relationship with Ran?
How can someone I never even seen before show up
all of a sudden and be so close to Ran?
What does Ran mean to you?
Didn't you say that you can't remember anything
because of your memory loss?
341 E Ran is everything to Eggy...
The world that I knew was completly dark.
It was empty and quiet,
But suddenlt, I heard someone calling me.
At that moment, the world became bright.
Ran was there for Eggy.
Ran walways looked after eggy even though
Eggy really irritated Ran and
Constantly got on her nerves...
Eggy was so grateful to Ran.
342 O ...
And one more thing.
Stop calling yourself by your own name. It's gross for a
guy to do that...
343 E Gross?
You mean this?
*Eggy tickled Olfie*
344 O HEY! HEY!!!!
*Rami saw Eggy and Olfie*
345 R Sorry to interrupt you guys..
346 O No! It's not what you think!!!
Did Ran help Eggy when he had lost his memories?
Ran is everything to Eggy...
Tokyo University, Japan
347 Pf Is this an eggnoid too?
348 D Yes, that's right
If you still can't trust our recording with the one
Maybe you'll believe my brother's record.
We have almost everything even the eggnoid's egg.
As I told you last time we met
We need your expertise and research data about
If we work together, we may be able to figure out the
secret behind why the eggnoids came to earth.

And we might be able to find your lost daughter,

Professor Yoshito.
Episode 10
Tokyo University, Japan
349 Pf My wife and I were just a lonely old couple..
My daughter came to see us and brightened up our
I taught my dauther everything that I knew about the
Natsuko, that's what we called her. Natsuko was very
smart and learned everything quickly.
Just when we had become happy and were no longer
lonely, Natsuko sudenly disappeared.
I dont understand it at all...
Were all those emotions and love just someone's
Have we been ridiculed?
350 D I want to find the answer to all of this just like you,
My older brother and sister-in-law died. That's why my
niece is living without any parents right now..

But your daughter may still be alive somewhere.

Please work with us.
We need your help.
At Nursing Home
351 GK So... She's not at head office now either?
352 Y No, Ma'am. Since last month, President Diany has
been preparing to move the head office to another

353 GK Hm.. She made such an important decision without

even consulting me?
I may be old and sick
But my efforts are the reason that the SK Group has
grown and succeeded this much!
354 Y President Diany felt that growing the company in
another city was the most suitable decision.
She's worried about your health, so she didn't want to
burden you with company business.
355 GK Hah! That's all excuses. She sent me to a nursing home
so that I could receive good treatment.
But she was just trying to isolating me.
355 GK

She ignores me whenever I contact her, you know.

This wouldn't have happened if her late older brother

Chandra had managed the company...
This is all because he married that girl from some
unknown background.
356 Y Ma'am...
President Diany and a special team that she formed
have led the company very well.
The company's stocks have gone up, there are more
jobs, and everything is heading in a positive direction.

The SK Group has gone beyond being a real-estate

company and is now showing a lot of growth in other
areas as well. Like e-commerce, education research
and technology.

I feel proud when I see all of President Diany's

achievements contributions, new and bold ideas so

We're not unlucky at all,

And I'm sure that Chandra would have been proud of
his younger sister too if he were still alive.

357 GK Hmph, don't try to persuade me!

Unlike her brother, who studied hard and listened
Diant was always a stubborn troublemaker who never
listened to me and caused problems since she was a

It was my husband's decision to make Diany president.

I can't trust Diany without knowing what she's

Where on eart does she intend to move the company
At Ran's house
358 K Eggy, I didn't know you were good at basketball.
You're amazing. Did you learn it just from watching it?

359 E But I was scolded a lot.

I scored in the wrong hoop,
I double dribbled the ball, and I know I'm not
supposed to hold the ball for too long.
But I made so many mistakes...
360 K It's okay. You're still learning.
361 E And Eggy...

And I...
K I? Why is he calling himself 'I' now?
Why did he suddenly change his way of speaking?
Does this mean that Eggy isn't a little kid anymore?

E In the locker room before...

362 K STOP
That's enough...
I don't like Eggy growing up so quickly.
I don't want it...
Episode 11
At Ran's house
K Why did he suddenly change his way of speaking?
He always called himself 'Eggy,' why is he suddenly
saying 'I'?
Is it because his thinking has changed a lot?
He's getting more mature and less like a child...
Even if it didn't happen now, I know it was bound to
happen someday, but I still don't like it..

Is this how parents feel when they see their kids all
grow up?
363 E I was scolded...
They said it's gross. Friends hate it when people act
gross, right...?
364 K Ah.. I totally forgot..
Eggy must have gotten teased because of his childish
way of talking..
365 K Eggy...
I mean, I...
366 E I don't want you to hate me, Ran..
367 K Ah..
How could I ever hate you?
Actually... Whether you call yourself by your own
name or you say 'I,"
It doesn't matter to me.. It's up to you.
Because I like you more than those trivial little things..

368 E Really?
*Ran pinch Eggy's hand*
369 K Did that hurt?
370 E Yeah...
*Ran continues to pinching Eggy's hand*
Oeee... It hurts, Ran...
371 K It hurts, right? Should I pinch you some more?
372 E No...
373 K Do you hate me now because I pinched you?
374 E ...
375 K Why not?
376 E Because I like you too much.
Thi~~~s much.
377 K Haha. Alright...
What were you going to tell me before?
378 E I talked to the gym teacher in the boys' locker room
He says I have a talent for basketball but I don't know
the rules well...
So I join the basketball club.
379 K Wow, that's great, Eggy!
Are you going to do it?
380 E Nope!
If I do it, I won't be able to go home with you, Eggy
wants to stay with Ran!
381 K Ah.. You refused a good opportunity because you
want to walk home together?
382 E It's okay, going home with you every day is important..

K ...
Come to think of it... I used to go home with Olfie
every day too.
Now I think I know how Olfie felt.
Rather than feeling happy about being able to stay
together, it feels like a burden if it goes over the top..

Without realizing though, I clung to Olfie like that for

O I couldn't keep my promise to always stay by your
I purposely distanced myself and got irritated at you
so that you could make some other friends.
K That's why Olfie...
Flashback on
O What if I don't want to be your friend anymore?
Flashback off
K No...
I don't want my relationship with Eggy to end like that
It hurts too much.
It's not too late yet, Eggy can learn from my mistakes.

383 K Eggy, listen carefully.

383 K
Eggy... We can't keep staying together..
You have to make other friends and hang out with
other friends..
384 E Huh??
Why? Eggy wants to keep staying with Ran though.

385 K Don't worry...

It's not that we can't be together at all. I'm just saying
that we shouldn't get carried away.
I completely understand how you feel, Eggy.
It's not easy to have someone who makes you feel
comfortable and stable
Distance themselves from you...
I was the same way..
I'm learning how to make friends now too.
I'm learning how to endure my anxiety..
I feel like I've been living trapperd in a shell this whole
time without realizing it..
I can't live like this for my whole life.
So... Let's learn together...
how to break out of our shells and face the world.
It's not so scary
If you have a friend by your side..
386 E Can I hug you?
387 K Sure...
*Eggy is hugging Ran*
388 K This isn't first time that Eggy has hugged me...
And yet... My heart still raced.
The heart racing this time... Felt different from before..

*Stranger comes at someone's roof*

Episode 12
In the night
*Stranger is peeking at Ran's house*
St Why are the two of them alone?
Does that eggnoid live in this house too?
Why is Kirana... Getting involved with that eggnoid?

If head office finds out about Kirana's past

They willl definetely want her too.
*Someone sees Stranger jumps from the roof*
Morning at the school
389 FS Eggy, let's go to the cafetaria together!
390 E Eggy wants to go with Ran...
391 L Eggy must want to go with Ran alone.
392 FS Ah.. Okay..
393 S Man, you're so annoying!
393 S
We can go to the cafetaria together, you know!!
One thing that's certain is that today, I'm going with
394 All FS WHAT???
395 E Then what about Ran?
396 K It's okay.
We don't need to go everywhere together.
397 E Okay...
398 S What are you so worried about? You'll see her again
later. We're not even going somewhere far from here.

399 K Btw.. Where are you going?

400 S There's no need for girls to know. It's a secret between
Hey!! Let's go!
K Eggy will be okay right??
This is the right thing to do.. I can't keep hanging out
with Eggy either.
He needs other friends besides me...
401 L Guys, let's go to the cafetaria.
Kirana, you should come with us too.
FS ...
402 K No, thanks...
Go ahead without me...
403 L Okay.
See you later.
Let's go.
Outside the class
404 FS Why are you still being nice to Kirana?
I would hate her if I were you...
405 FS That's our president you know.
406 L But ...
Why do you guys hate Kirana?
407 FS She acts so stuck-up! She think she's better than us
because she's pretty and smart. She doesn't start up
conversation with us either.

408 FS That's right, she never says anything and she always
focuses on her own stuff... I thb=ink she's arrogant

409 FS I know, right? And on top of that, Kirana...

*Laras is looking up the girls talk about Ran*
*Selatan and Eggy was heading to somewhere*
410 S Hey, don't give people wrong idea when you and
Kirana aren't even actually dating.
411 E What do you mean?
412 S I want to go to the cafetaria with Ran.
Then what about Ran?
412 S

Ran Ran, boo hoo..

Don't be nice to just one girl if you don't want to upset
your fans, okay?
E ...
413 E I don't get it.
414 S Ugh, Man!
What kind of school did you go to before you
transferred here?
415 E I din't go to school.
416 S Wow, so you were homeschooled?
Well, if you want to have a compfortable and peaceful
life at school, listen to me carefully.
Transferred students need to concentrate more
On making friends with the influential guys at school
than on managing their female fans.
And by 'Influental guys'...
I mean people like me!
If you just listen to me
You'll have fun at school and make lots of friends and
Sounds good, right?
Flashback on
K You have to make other friends and hang out with
Flashback off
417 E Okay..
418 S Great!
419 MS Liar..
420 MS Satan..
421 S Whoever gets there last has to buy for everyone!
*Someone bumped into Kirana*
422 K AH!
423 O HEY!
*Olfie caught Kirana before she fell*
424 O You gotta be careful...
425 K Y..Yeah..
426 O Hey! Be careful!
Are you going to the cafetaria?
427 K Yeah, are you?
428 O Yeah, I went there but I forgot my wallet so I'm on my
way back.
My friends are waiting for me.
What about you, Ran?
Why are you going by yourself?
429 K Ah.. Well..
Episode 13
At the school
430 O Why are you going by yourself?
430 O
You're not going with friends?
431 K Um.. Well, they're Eggy's friends...
432 O Wow.. Eggy made more friends?
You're in the same class, you know. Eggy's friends are
your friends too.
433 K ...
You're right...
Eggy is trying to make friends.
So I want to be like Eggy, someone everyone likes.

But I think they're uncomfortable when I'm around.

I'm uncomfortable too. I'm not sure why.

I don't know what to do, or where I should start...
O Ran..
She's always followed me everywhere since we were
Even though I knew that she didn't have any other
I just let Ran be like that
Then now, when I felt burdened
I wanted her to get along with other people even
without me...
So I turned my back on Ran.
What's so hard about making friends?
It's easy.. I can do it, so why can't Ran? This is what I
But Ran isn't me..
I've only just realized that everyone has a different
personalitiy and abilities.
I made a mistake...
Rather than leaving her alone and confusing her
I should have helped her make friends from the start...

434 O I wonder why people feel uncomfortable around you.

There must be a misunderstanding..
IS it because you don't smile?
The thing about people is.. They won't talk to you first
unless they need something ot are interested in you.

And people nowdays are more into their smartphones

than talking directly to people.
If we keep our guard up against people,
Other pople won't want to approach us either.
I don't smile very much either, you know. I didn't have
any friends when I first entered high school.
I didn't go to the first day ceremony and the other kids
knew each other but I didn't know anyone.

I learned that other people don't pay attention to us if

we don't pay attention to them.
That's why we have to approach and initiate first.
We have to try approach people in a friendly way,
create a good vibes.
And get them to include us.
435 K I'm..
Not sure id I can do it.
436 O It's simple... Just smile a lot...
If we smile, we can show people that we aren't trying
to harm them.
You can do it, Ran.
I know
What you look like when you smile.
I want to see you smile.
437 K Um..
I'll try!
438 O Good.. That's the spirit!
Let's go.
439 K Sure.
Hm... Since you're by yourself right now, how would
you like to have lunch with my friends?
You know few of them.. Rami and Angga.
And Grace.
I introduced them to you last time right?
440 K That's okay...
You don't have to do that for me.
I'll try finding my friends in the cafetaria..
441 O What's wrong? It's okay to hang out with my friends
once a while too.
442 K ...
But Grace...
You and Grace are...
443 O Ran...
Listen to me.
I've never been in a relationship with Grace.
In the other side of school
444 E Where are you going? The cafetaria is that way!
*Selatan is jumped the wall*
445 S Jump!
446 E Student aren't supposed to leave school when school
is in session.
447 S It's lunchtime, stupid!
What's wrong? Can't you jump over the wall?
*Eggy is jumped the wall in a cool pose*
Episode 14
At the 'warung'
448 S ...
Punten kang, bade ngiring ngalangkung. (read: excuse
me, we're just passing through)
449 T Oh sumuhun, manga-manga..(read: Ah, sure. Go
450 U Punteun A.
451 As Punteun..
452 E Puntennn.
453 As Whew, tough we come her often but I get nervous
every time I see them.
454 S Don't get the wrong idea just because they look like
All we have to do is be polite.
455 E What did you say before?
456 S Ah, you're not from around here, right? That was our
local dialect. It's called sundanese... I'll teach you later.

Those're some very good expressions..

At the 'warteg' named "Restaurant Ceu Eha"
457 S We're here!
Punteun Bu.. (read: Excuse me, Ma'am..)
458 EH Mangga kalebet (read: Welcome)
459 E Oh, is this a restaurant too? Why don't we just go to
the school cafetaria?
460 S Hey! I'm doing this a favor for you..
You should be grateful that I brought you here!
461 As The school cafetaria is boring because they always
serve the same food.
462 U This place is cheap and they give you lots of food!
463 S Let me ask you,
Have you ever tried Semur Jengkol? (read: names of
Indonesian dishes)
What about fried fish with pete sauce?
Or boiled picung?
464 E I've never tried them before...
465 S Aw poor guy..
Not many people know about this place.
Most people don't come because it's far from the
main street, and they don't feel like climbing over the
wall when they take a shortcut.
Sometimes there's a teacher standing near the wall, so
we can't come here often either.
466 E We should tell Ran too!
467 U NO!
A good student like Kirana might tell the teacher..
468 As That is our secret, okay?
469 E A secret...?
Hiding the truth to protech the people that you love...

470 As What?
471 U This guy's been watching too much tv.
472 S ...
Enough talking
Now~ Let's eat!
*Selatan looks at Eggy while Eggy is eating*
How is it?
473 E WOW~
474 S Then try saying this to the lady who made the food as
a way of thanking her.
*He is whispering some words to Eggy*
475 E Abdi bogoh ka anjeun.. (read: I've fallen in love...)
476 CE Waduh Jang Kasep, tong sok kitu, Ibu tos gaduh
dalapan putra. (read: Oh, stop it, you handsome young
man. I've already got eight sons.)

E ???
In the other side of school
477 O I've never
Been in a relationship with Grace.
478 K So... This whole time...
479 O Those were just rumors.
480 K Why didn't yo tell me... I brought it up several times...

481 O I didn't think you believe the rumors.

Besides, I never acknowledged them either, you know.

K That's true. Olfie never said that they were dating..

I'm not sure how to react right now.
Should I be happy or Mad?
My feelings...
I tried to abandon my feelings for Olfie...
But what should I do now...?
O Are you angry?
*Kirana throws her face*
482 O ...
482 O
Did you really want me to date Grace?
483 K GASP!
I'm just irritated!
I was stupid enough to believe the rumors.
You should have told me this from the start.
Then I wouldn't have needed to feel frustated or
484 O You were jealous?
*Kirana was blushing*
*Kirana was hitting Olfie*
486 O Ah..
That hurts!
I'm sorry, Ran...
I should have told this before.
I'll buy you some meatballs as a token of apology.
487 K Do you think you can make up for it with food?
488 O Then I'll add some orange juice too!
Ha Ha..
489 K Olfie.
O Ran..
I'm really sorry...
K This is against the rules...
You know I'm not the type of be angry at you..
O Let's go
To the cafetaria.
K Now...
O Lunchtime will be over if we stay here.
K I don't think I'll be able
To let go of Olfie's hand again...
Episode 15
At the cafetaria
490 R HA!!
*Rami took Grace's food*
491 G Hey, that's mine!!
492 R You weren't even eating it, you were just staring at it.

493 G I was waiting to eat with Olfie. I don't like eating by

494 R Forget about him... Lunchtime will be over if you keep
He went back because he said he forgot his wallet...
Olfie usually just borrows money from us when he
forgets his wallet, doesn't he?

495 G He probably went looking for Ran.

Since Ran isn't in the cafetaria.
496 R He's here.
*Grace felt sad when she was watching Olfie grabbed
Ran's hand
497 G Olfie, Ran! Sit over here.
498 R Over here, over here... Move over a little.
499 O I'll go order.
*Olfie brings a bowl of meatballs*
500 G I'm glad you guys made up...
So all of the misunderstandings have been cleared up,
501 O Shut up.
502 R Kirana, you can sit with us at lunchtime..
503 An Yeah.
504 G Bring that super cute friend of yours too when you
505 R That's what you're really after, isn't it?
*Rami laugh together*
506 K Is it okay that I'm in different class? We haven't
spoken much lately.
*They are looking at Kirana suddenly*
507 G What? So what?
508 R Olfie's friends are our friends too.
K Ah..
Before, at lunchtime... I always used to sit Olfie next to
me just for myself.
When Olfie distanced himself from me, he spent time
with his other friends.
That's why I felt jealous and ostracized
But I can't believe they're such nice people...
509 K Thanks..
Let's all be friends together.
*They are starled because of what Ran said*
510 An We can be more than friends..
511 O Hey! Angga!
*They laugh together*
512 An It was a joke, man...
At Ran's classroom
513 K Eggy.
You were in the classroom?
514 E Ran!
515 K Where did you have lunch? I didn't see you in the
S ...
516 E Ah, well..
It's a secret.
517 K Uh..
Eggy now has something to hide from me..
You didn't did anything dangerous, did you?
517 K

Everything was safe right?

Is everything okay?
Did you eat?
518 E Yeah, I ate with Atan.
S ...
*Selatan was observing the way Eggy and Ran
519 K Was the food good?
520 E Yeah, it was super good!
S Strange... What the heck is the relationship between
those two?
They don't seem to be dating but they're very close.

They don't seem like family either,

They don't look at all alike.
Kirana has always been known for her quiet and dark
She hardly ever smiles, let alone talk to other people.

But she acts completly different around this transfer

Is it because he's handsome?
If it's about looks, I'm no worse-looking than him.
And... I'm not the only one bothered by it.
The other kids keep staring at her like that
521 FS Excuse me.
*She dropped herself to Eggy*
S HEY! You're making me sick! That was clearly on
FS I should be more careful, sorry.
522 E Be careful...
*She smell Eggy's bad breath*
The smell of Jengkol coming from such a handsome
face!!!! (read: a traditional food with a pungent smell)

*Selatan laugh a lot*

K ...
E ?
524 FT Hi everyone.
525 L Attention.
526 ALL Hello, Mrs. Siska!
527 FT Today, I'm going to tell you your result from the last
527 FT

I'll hand out the paper starting with the highest scores.

Ah, wait...
Selatan Putra.
528 S What? Really? I got the top score?
529 FT No no, I haven;t started announcing the result yet.
Your grade almost dropped bellow average, Selatan. I
called your name because I was going to tell you to

S ...
*Asep and Ucup laugh for him*
530 FT First and second places were extremely close.
I'm so happy that you're all learning and
understanding the subject that I teach you so well.

Now, I'll call the names.

You're the first place, congratulations.
FT Second place is
531 Dn Great job, Laras. You'll be able to beat Kirana if you
study just a bit harder!
532 L Thanks, I'll try harder next time.
533 Dn Good luck!
534 L ...
Damnit... Again...
Episode 16
At Ran's School
535' FS Laras, let's go home!
536 L Sure, one sec..
537 Dn Hey, weren't we supposed to have lunch today at the
new cafe that opened at the intersection?
I'm on a diet, I'll pass.
538 L A diet? But you're so thin, Dini. Why are you on a diet?

539 Dn I need to stay in shape.

I don't want to get chubby like you, Laras...
540 L But it's cute~~
541 FS You're grossing me out~
Ha! Ha! Ha!
542 FS Hey, don't say that to Laras.
543 Ra It's okay, Laras is nice... She's never gotten angry
L I know .
I'm... Chubby, short and ugly.
I've tried diets and changing my appeaence but
nothing worked..

If I don't act nicely, who would want to be friends with

a fat, ugly kid like me?
That's why I control myself around them.
I tried to become a wise and dependable person.
Making friends... Requires sacrifices.
School is the same way.
People who look like me have to be top students in
That is the only way I can brag about me and gain
respect from my friends.
No mater how challenging it is
I've tried so hard to do my best.
But in this world, there are few people who ger
everything easily...
Flashback On
544 MS Hey, who's she?
545 MS I've never seen her before
MS She's so pretty.
MS Ask her what her name is!
MS I'm too shy...
546 L Hey, what's your name? I'm Laras.
Why haven't I seen you before?
547 K Yeah, hi, I'm Kirana.
I didn't go to the orientation because a friend of mine
who goes to this school didn't go.
L She already has friends? Well, I guess it must be really
easy for someone as pretty as her to make friends.

548 L Too bad you didn't come, it was so much fun.

You can get closer to everyone at the orientation.
Plus you don't have to introduce yourself twice.
*Kirana was looking at her phone*
549 K Ah, sorry. Excuse me for a minute.
*Kirana ran to Olfie outside of her class*
*Laras was looking at Kirana and Olfie's interaction*

L Wow, she just entered high school and she already has
a boyfirend?
That's right... Girls with pretty faces like that are
usually not very smart.
Because all they ever think about is dating boys.
*Students were looking at midterm results*
First place? How?
Did she cheat? Did she use some kind of trick?
But whenever the teacher asked her to go up the front
and solve the problems, she always got them right.
And her score was good even on that sudden test that
we had.
550 L Kirana! Congratulations on being first place! But what
is your secret?
Did you do tutoring after school?
551 K No, I just studied at home like usual.
552 L Ah, I see..
L Liar, she's probably not telling me because she's afraid
that she'll lose her first place to me.
L With grades like thesem did you enter school on
scholarship? This school's tuition is really expensive, so
you could make life easier on your parents by getting a

553 K No, I didn't apply for scholarship. Because I wanted

people who needed the scholarship most to use it.

L So the tuition here is cheap to her, huh?

So cheap that she can turn down a scholarship.
What's going on?
She's pretty, has a handsome boyfriend,
Smart and even rich??
Other people have to work so hard just to survive
And yet she's living without any obstacle in the world.

She's probably acts arrogant and thinks that she

doesn't need friends because she has everything.


554 Ra You asked Kirana to go to the cafetaria and got turned
down again right?
555 Dn Kirana seems kind of hard to get close to.
556 Ra Trye.. This is so annoying!
557 L You guys are annoyed too, right?
L Other people feel that it's unfair like me.
558 Ra Of course it's annoying. She's acting all conceited just
because she has a bpyfriend.
L Hearing other kids gossip on Kirana and insult here

Eases some of the jealousy and resentment in my

Who wouldn't like gossiping? If you just toss them a
few words to get started
They'll start gossiping Kirana themselves.
Kirana... You may have it all... But you're not perfect!

Everyone will see your bad side.

They'll see you struggle. That way you'll feel what it's
like not to be lucky as you.
I'll make you regret acting so arrogant by making you
see everyone hate you.
Just wait!
Flashback Off
At the Eggnoid's laboratory
559 D Welcome to our research and technical facilities,
I'm delighted to hear that you'll collaborate with us.

Please come this way.

*Diany invited the professor to tour the laboratory*

This is our company's laboratory.

Actually the person who came up with the plan to
make this place
was none other than my older brother.
To regular people, this place may just look like an
ordinary lab for advicing our company's technology

*Diany opened the secret lab's door by password*

But we actually have a special department composed
of a selected team
with very high confidentality
in order to study the eggnoids,
so that we can figure out where they (the eggnoids)
came from
and what their purpose is.
Episode 17
On the way heading to home after school
*Laras saw Kirana and Eggy holding hands*
560 L Look, they're holding hands.
Dn&Ra !
561 Dn Are they dating?
562 Ra They must be.
563 L Didn't Kirana just break up with Olfie recently? And
now she's already got another boyfriend?
564 Dn She's a player...
565 Ra Such a flirt..
566 FS That's because she knows that she's pretty.
567 L Pretty girls get whatever they want.
*The girls were very angry*
568 K Eggy, did you skip a question?
569 E Yeah... It's omitted here...
570 K So that's why most of answers are wrong.
You would have gotten a good grade if you had
checked the number properly..
Was something bothering you during the test?
571 E Hm...
*Eggy couldn't concentrate because he saw a cat
chasing a bird in a tree*
There was a cat outside the window..
*Kirana was laughing a lot*
572 K Man...
Next time we have a test, you have to focus, Eggy!
573 E Sorry, Eggy got a bad grade..
*Eggy felt bad*
574 K It's okay..
My dad always used to say, grades don't determine a
person's success.
The most important thing is to try hard in everything
you do.
575 E Your dad?
576 K Ever since you were born from that egg,
Have I never told you about my parents?
K I've been so busy every day because of this and that..

Eggy still seems to young to understand me, would it

be okay to tell him this?
577 S Eggy, get on.
Let's go have fun!
K Ah, Atan..
It's his fault that Eggy has a secret from me.
578 K Let's go home, Eggy..
579 S There's no reason to say no,
Tomorrow is the weekend and we don't have any
580 K Where are you going?
581 S Somewhere fun, I'll give Eggy a ride there.
582 K Hold on, Eggy doesn't have a phone
And he doesn't know this area well. What if something
583 S I'll take him home.
If he doesn't know this area well, then he should
wander around few times so that he can get to know

Guys have to have fun to learn lots of stuff.

What fun would it be to just go back and forth
between home and school everyday?
Studying all the time makes you lonely.
K I suddenly remembered something my dad said...
Flashback On
584 FK Ran..
Today is the weekend
Aren't you going to play with your friends?
585 K No.
I have to study, I was fifth place on the last test.
586 FK Wow, you're so serious for an elementary school
I'm so proud to see you trying on your own and
studying every day without me even telling you.
But studying isn't the only important thing in life.
You need to maintain a balance with other things too.

Like making friends, or having fun.

I used to be like you too, Ran.
All I ever did was study since I was little, and I never
thought of anything else.
I wanted to be the smartest person and be the best in
Then later on I realized how many things I had missed
out on in life.
I was lonely because of that.
587 K Don't be lonely, Daddy.
588 FK Ha Ha Ha
Don't worry, I'm really happy now.
I'm not lonely anymore now that I have you and your
Flashback Off
K I don't want Eggy to be lonely.
But.. I can't just let Eggy go.
I'm worried about him.
589 K Fine, you can take Eggy with you, but...
I'm coming too.
Episode 18
At the gymnasium
590 MC Gather round, everyone.
591 R What's going on?
*Olfie and Rami confused*
Look over by the door, the girls' volleyball team is
gathered there.
Grace is there too.
592 MC Listen up, everyone.
The volleyball court is under construction because it's
old and broken floor,
until it's done, we're going to share this gym with
Please be nice to each other and work together.
594 R Wow, co-ed practice? This is a real treat for us. There
are so many pretty girls on the girls volleyball team

*Grace kicked Rami*

595 G Pervert.
596 R GRACE!!
G Ha! Ha!
R Don't worry, I' don't like you. I don't even count you as
a girl!
597 G WHAT?!
*Grace pulled Rami's hair*
598 O Stop it guys. Let's practice.
599 G Okay.
*Olfie and Rami went to their team*
G Hey guys.
Do you want to hang out together after practice?
Let's get something to eat.
600 O Sure.
601 G Okay!
At the laboratory
602 D So far, we've found a few eggnoids.
Including your daughter who disappeared several
years ago,
And the eggnoid that appeared in front of my niece
It was hard to confirm their identity since they look
like people and people don't know much about them.

Their physique and intelligence are far superior than

regular people
and they have a paint on their collarbone.
Our agents are still researching them, and we're trying
to cooperate with them (the eggnoid) so that, if we're
lucky, we might be able to solve some of the mysteries
about them.

Based on what I've discovered so far, it appears that

there are numerous eggnoids spread mysteriously all
over the earth.

We need your theory on the eggnoids, Professor.

And if possible, I would also like to hear about
The detail about why that Eggnoid came to you
And why Natsuko suddenly disappeared.
603 Pf I could tell you
But I'm curious as to how you found out about
Natsuko and me.
604 D While studying the eggnoids, there were so many
things that were out there so we even turned to
science fiction.

Some parts of your book 'The Hyperspace and Time

Paradox' remind of us several theories about eggnoids.

That's why we wanted to get you onboard, Professor.

When we're looking into your background, we found

out that you had an adopted daughter who
disappeared several years ago.

There were no records of which orphanage this girl

came from, or who her real parents are.
Your adopted daughter Natsuko also had the eggnoid
mark on her.
Regurlar people wouldn't have noticed it even if they
saw it,
But we've seen this mark before.
605 Pf How is the Eggnoid that appeared to your niece?
I've lost Natsuko. But you have that eggnoid. You can
make a direct contact with that eggnoid, can't you?

A real eggnoid, I mean.

606 D The video we showed you before was just a clip.
This eggnoid displays a behaviour od a young child
who doesn't know anything
And he appeared to my teenage niece who isn't
qualified to be an adoptive parent.
I'll show you the full version.
Flashback On
607 Tr Eggy, do you know where you came from?
Where are you from?
608 E I know...
609 Tr Can you tell me?
Can you explain it to me?
610 E I don't know the name of place.
It's very far away.
611 Tr Are you from another planet?
A different planet from Earth?
612 E No..
I'm from the earth.
613 Tr Then which country?
614 E It's not a country either.
615 D Anita, ask him that question.
616 Tr Eggy, are you from the future?
617 E Yes.
But also no.
Eggy is from a time that isn't now.
617 E

From another dimension of time.

*A blue light appeared*
618 D What's that blue light...?!
Anita, stop the interview and get out of there.
Get ready, everyone!
619 M3 Yes, Ma'am!
Flashback off
620 D I was bit surprised by that blue light but nothing
But what Eggy said is pretty similar with the theory in
your book.
The theory about how the world is split into several
dimension of space and time.
621 Pf Time dimensions?
I announced that theory because of Natsuko.
While I was researching this theory,
Natsuko suddenly started to glow.
But it wasn't a blue light..
It was red.
On the way heading to home after school
622 K You can take Eggy with you.
But I can come with you too, right?
Just tell me the address. I'll take a cab.
623 S Why waste your money on cab?
You should just give me the money.
Cup, do you have a helmet? Let's give her a ride!
624 U Okay!
625 S Pick one.
Eggy and Kirana.
Who do you want to ride with? Me or Ucup?
E ??
626 K Hm..
Atan seems like he would be a dangerous driver.
But Eggy doesn't know anything about scooters. It
would be dangerous if he fell off.
Eggy, do you want to go with Yusuf?
I'll go with Atan.
627 E Okay.
S Kirana chose me.
It must be because I'm handsome.
628 U Eggy, put this on.
629 E Okay.
630 S Here!
Put these on!
*Selatan brought his rain pants for Kirana*
631 K Rain pants? But why?
632 S Just put them on.
Do you plan on riding in that skirt?
632 S

I won't stop you if you want to show off your legs...

633 K All right, I'm ready.

634 S Okay, get on.
Hold tight.
635 K Uh...
H...Hold tight?
636 S If you're nervous, hold on to my shoulders or bag.
Have she been living under a rock? How has she never
been on a scooter before?
I should play with her a bit.
*Selatan was driving his motorcylce very fast*
637 E Wow, he's so fast!
638 K Satan must be showing off.
Since there's a girl riding with him.
639 E Eggy wants to drive a scooter too.
640 U It's easy, I'll teach you.
641 E Really??
*Eggy moved his body*
Episode 19
*Selatan was riding very fast*
643 S We're here!
S I bet that really surprised her...
Driving like a lunatic, other girls would have been
terrified and screamed like crazy.
See? She's frozen.
K ...
S SH!T, is she crying?
S Hey, Kirana.
644 K Yeah?
*Kirana opened her helmet*
Ah, sorry...
I was having so much fun. That I didn't know you had
I never imagined scooters would be so much fun!
S Wow, I didn't expect that reaction.
645 S If you liked it then you should have bought one.
You've got a lot money, right?
646 K My house is close enough to school to walk. I don't
need a scooter.
Olfie doesn't have a scooter either..
647 S Who's Olfie? Your boyfriend?
648 K Uh, no.
S ?

K He's my neighbour.
649 S You don't buy a scooter just for going to school.
You can ride your scooter to different placesm going
on road trips with friends or on trips during vacation.

650 K That would be fun!

651 S Buy one, and we'll tune it together later, haha!
652 K Ah, they're here.
*Eggy and Ucup arrived*
653 S What took you so long, Cup?
U ?
E *love*
654 U He wouldn't sit still in the back.. It was dangerous.
655 E Again, again! Let's ride the scooter again.
656 U What's up with him...
657 E Ran! Riding a scooter was so much fun!
658 S Let's go, the other kids are waiting.
659 K Where are we going?
660 S Just follow me.
*They arrived at PC Cafe*
661 S I'll have the usual, Sir.
662 Op Sure, your seat is over there. The other kids have been
waiting for you so long.
663 S Follow me.
That cigarette smell!
664 As Tan! Cup! We've been waiting for you guys.
665 K Why did you come to a pc cafe?
A lot of articles and media have said that online games
aren't good for young people.
They get addicted to games and don't eat, study or
even go home.
Plus they say that online games make people
depressed, aggresive, and in the long run, they're not
good for your health.

I heard there were people who played games for so

long that they had a heart attack and died in front of
the computer.

*Selatan was getting ready for gaming online*

666 S Don't believe those tabloidy articles that only
emphasize the negative aspects.
The important thing is to not get carried away and to
control yourself.
You can't just look at one side of something.
Games are beneficial in their own ways.
Come here, Eggy. Have you tried this?
667 E No.
668 S Here, make an account and I'll teach you how to play.

669 E Okay!!
670 S This controls the direction,
this detonated a bomb,
And this is for swithching weapons, okay?
671 U Do you want to play too, Kirana? Should I add a seat
for you?
672 K No, that's okay...
I'll just watch.
Thanks for caring about me.
673 U Okay.
K I need to keep an eye on Eggy.
He may say that there are lots of good things about
games, but this doesn't seem like a good place for

*Kirana still keep an eye on Eggy*

*Eggy was playing the game and he won the game*

674 S Wow, that's incredible!

675 U Wow! You're so good at this.
676 S If you're good against the computer, then you can play
for real now!
677 U Let's put Eggy on our team!
678 S Okay!
679 E Ran, they said Eggy is doing well.
680 K Yeah..
681 S Get ready, everyone!
Eggy, you're the snipper, you have to follow my
*They was playing the game for a while*
*They won the game*
688 S Sweet! We won, Eggy!
689 As Wow, that was super fun, let's do it again!
690 E Okay, Moron..
691 S Pfff, you're so innocent, copying the way we talk.
Try saying this..
692 K Stop it..
Episode 20
E Today was so much fun.
Eggy made so ma ny friends since I started going to
I had so much riding a scooter for the first time.
The weather was nice, and the wind blowing on my
face while riding a scooter felt so refreshing.
Today Ran hung out with Eggy instead of going
straight home.
It was nice of Ran to go home with Eggy.
Atan is nice too because he taught Eggy so many
Atan took Eggy and Ran to a fun place.
A place where lots of people play together...
Atan taught me how to play the game.
it was s much fun because it felt real.
I like that the people here are so passionate.
At the end of each sentence, there were always words
that Eggy doesn't know.
It was...
693 As Wow, that was super fun, let's do it again.
694 E Okay, Moron..
695 S Pfff, you're so innocent, copying the way we talk.
E ??
S Try saying this..
*Selatan whispered some words to Eggy*
696 E Geura gancang ulin sia anjir. (trans: let's play a game;
in a strong dialect)
E ?
698 U This is hilarious!
Eggy! Eggy! Try saying this too.
699 K Stop it!
Eggy, what you just said wasn't a good word.
You have to know what the word means before you
use it...
It's not nice to just say things you've heard.
If you guys are truly his friends, then don't teach Eggy
bad words for fun.
700 S What's wrong? Don't get all serious, we're just joking
701 K It may be a joke to you, but have you ever thought
about how it might affect Eggy.
*Kirana and Selatan stared at each other*
702 E Ran..
703 U Man..
This is suddenly getting scary..
704 As Are we going to play another game or not?
At the night
*An eggnoid was running away from other eggnoids*

705 St-E 2 That's enough. We can find you no matter where you
run away to.
706 Eg No!
I'll never go with you people!
*Throw a drum*
I'm... Going to fight you!
707 St-E 3 Idiot..
Eggnoids may be special, but there's three of us
against you...
You don't stand a chance.
708 St-E 2 Don't make us use violence against you.
709 St-E I'll handle this by myself.
Be easy on him.
*Opened his mask*
Because Eggnoids are valuable assets.
Eggnoids that generate red light have to return and be
If an eggnoid breaks the rules of malfunctions, they've
failed their mission.
710 Eg I'm not an "asset."
I'm a "person."
*They had a fight*
711 St-E Are you happy now?
*Using his last weapon*
712 Eg AGH!!!
713 St-E 2 Eggnoids are always nuisance when they start to grow
714 St-3 We could end this faster if we neutralized him from
the start.
715 St-2 Did you find the eggnoid's egpod?
716 St-3 Yeah..
We'll bring it with us.
717 Eg No..
I don't.. Want to go back..
718 St-E Calm down, it's okay.
You're going to see your "father" again.
Episode 21
At the gymnasium
*Grace was browsing some food review*
G ...
719 R You look so serious. Hey Grace, what are you up to?

720 G I'm searching for restaurants online.

720 G
Maybe there's a new place around here with good
food and a cheap price tag...
*Olfie grabbed Grace's phone and place it into her
Hey, can't you see I was using my phone?
Why did you put in the bag?!
721 O There's no need to search online.
We can just go to the restaurant that we've been to
722 G Oh, Olfie, that's no fun. I'm sick of those places!
O ...
723 R Whatever, it's dangerous to be on your phone while
we're walking.
G Stairs?
Seriously, Olfie...
You could just told me. You got me misunderstood
because of your attitude.
R Ah, I'm starving!
724 G Just wait a minute, we're going to a cafe to eat!
Is a very considerate person.
He makes me feel like...
I'm special.
This is so annoying!!
I didn't feel anything at first.
Olfie was just... Another one of the boys in my class.

Because of all that rumours about us dating,

I've started to pay attention to him and came to
realize what kind of person he really is.
725 R Wow! Spring rolls!
Should I get some now?
To snack on a bit.
726 G Hey, I thought we were going to eat together in the
cafe. If you have spring rolls, you'll be full!
727 R It's just a snack, I won't be full.
G Hm..
O Ha.. Ha..
728 O That makes me think of Ran.
The security in our neighbourhood is a bit strict, so
people selling snack don't often pass through. They
don't sell spring rolls at the school either.

So she would go nuts whenever we found a snack

vender like this.
I'd better get one for her. One spring rool, please!
729 R Hmph...
You sure look after Kirana.
*Grace just looked at Olfie*
O It's not a big deal.
G I know Olfie because I've been around him for so
Olfie seems cold and doesn't really show emotions on
his face
So some people even think that he's grumpy and cold-
But... Whenever he talks about Kirana,
His facial expression softens and gets so affectionate...

The more I see Olfie,

The more I realize
That Kirana is such a precious person to him.
And ... That there's no more room for me...
At PC Cafe
*Kirana and Selatan are glaring at each other*
730 E Bad words..
What does that mean?
731 K Those are bad words so don't say them again. You say
things like that to hurt other people. You shouldn't use
those words especially to the people that you respect
and like.

723 S You're so serious...

It's okay to use them as a joke when you're just
hanging around.
724 K There are lots of good and decent words...
Why do you have to swear?
Why don't you use more positive words and
People nowdays swear to try to look cool and
But it's not good. Eggy can be a cool and impressive
person without using bad words.
725 S You should consider where you are and what kind of
situation you're in. Swear words are good when you're
expressing your freedom of speech. It's like sneezing
or blowing your nose.

726 K If you set up that kind of exceptiond, soon people will

get used to it and think that swearing is fine in any
circumstances, even though they can hurt others.

727 S Oh please...
Don't get so emotional about this.
They're just words.
727 S

There's nothing dangerous about them so you can just

not listen to them if you don't want to.
Words are different from physical violence. They don't
hurt you to the point that you bleed to death.

If you don't like them, just don't listen!

There's no need to get all carried away with this..
Just forget about them.
728 K Just forget about them?
Some people think that swear words and insults don't
really matter. They're just jokes inside you can ignore
them. And that's that.

But they can actually hurt you way more than physical
Flashback On
Flashback Off
K Don't teach Eggy bad things!
Don't trey to turn Eggy into someone like you!
729 S What's wrong with me?
Do I seem like a bad person to you?
So you don't want Eggy to be a little miss perfect like
730 K Eggy, let's go home.
731 S If you want to leave then you go. Why are you taking
Eggy with you?
And who are you to tell Eggy what to do and what not
to do?
Are you Eggy's mom?
732 K What's it to you?
U&As Wow, they're fighting...
K At least I'm doing my best for Eggy!
You call yourself a friend when all you think about is to
have fun without even considering what kind of
influence you're imposing on?!

Eggy, I'll wait outside.

*Kirana walk out of the room*
734 S Eggy, there's no need for you to go, stay.
735 E No, Eggy is going with Ran...
736 S Why do you do whatever Kirana says?
737 E Eggy trusts Ran...
Ran has been kind to Eggy this whole time. Ran has
been kind to Eggy this whole time. Ran has always
protected Eggy.

Atan, don't talk to Ran like that.

Eggy doesn't like that.
S ...
738 U If you and mom get a divorce, I want to live with you,
739 S What are you talking about...
Episode 22
At PC Cafe
S So you want Eggy to be a little miss perfect like you?

740 E Ran, wait.

Eggy is going woth you.
K ...
741 K Sorry you have to go home early because of me.
You want to hang out with them, right?
742 E No...
I know that making lots of friends is important for
But right now, I want to be with you.
K It's so tiring to take this role.
I only had to think about what's good for me before,

But now, I have to take care of Eggy who depends on

And I'm not even sure whether I'm doing this right ...

What if my decisions end up turning Eggy into a bad

What if my mistakes ruin Eggy's future...
743 K Eggy, I'm sorry.
I'm always controlling you, telling you what to do and
not to do..
I don't have a right to do that...
744 E What are you sorry for?
Eggy was so, so grateful...
From the start, you taught Eggy so many things, and
Eggy learned and understood a lot of things thanks to

Ran is the reason why Eggy is happy.

K Eggy...
MS Get a room, you two.
745 E We're not dating!
Ran isn't a monster!
746 K Monster?
Forget it, let's go.
747 E On a scooter?
748 K Haha.
Unfortunately, we don't have a scooter...
I'll ask Diany later whether I can buy a scooter.
748 K

For now, let's take a cab.

Ah, Eggy wants to take a scooter..
At Ran's Home
749 E Ugh, I'm all sticky and sweaty!
750 K You were outside all day.
It gets even more humid at night.
751 E Eggy needs to take a bath.
752 K Which bathroom are you going to use?
753 E *Taking off all his clothes*
The bathroom on the firs floor, the closest one.

755 E Ah right, it's embarassing, get undressed somewhere

you can't see me.
Heh.. Heh.. Heh..
*Covering his chest with his hands*
756 K Seriously, Eggy..
I have to teach him how to put his clothes where they
What a mess.
*Taking Eggy's clothes*
At Ran's Kitchen
*Kirana was in the kitchen when someone knocked
the door*
K Who that could be?
757 K Olfie??
758 O Hey.
Want a spring roll?
*Olfie entered Ran's kitchen and Kirana served the
spring roll*
759 K Where did you get it?
They don't sell these near school.
760 O I didn't get it on my way home from school..
761 K You only got one? Want to share it?
762 O No thanks, I already ate.
763 K You had dinner outside?
764 O Yeah, my dad got a music concert somewhere
And my mom went with my dad so she'll be back
I didn't feel like making something at home.
765 K If you don't feel like cooking then come over here and
we'll eat together.
766 O Okay.
Why aren't you eating it now?
767 K Ah.. I thought Eggy might want to try it..
O ...
768 O Just eat it, it's not much. You can buy one for Eggy
768 O

Go ahead.
*Kirana was starting to eat with gusto*
769 O Where's Eggy?
770 K He's taking a bath.
At the bathroom
*Eggy was still taking a bath and playing around with
the bubble*
E Ha! Ha! Ha!
771 E Ah, Eggy's hands are all wrinkly!
Ran said my hands get wrinkly when I bathe for too
long. I shouldn't bather for too long.
*Eggy was starled*
There's no towel.
At Ran's Kitchen
772 O Why I don't see Diany here? Is she coming home late?

773 K Yeah.. She hasn't been here for the last couple of days.

She must be busy with work and moving.

774 O WHAT?
775 K No...
777 K W..Well..

*Olfie found Eggy was naked when he walked out

from the bathroom to find Ran*
K !!
779 E Ran...
Where are the towels?
*Olfie and Kirana were very shocked*
Episode 23
779 E Ran...
Where are the towels?
*Olfie and Kirana were very shocked*
*Covering her eyes*
Eggy!! Why did you come out without any clothes on?!

781 O Hey! What's your problem! Why are you just standing
there? Aren't you embarrassed??
E ?
782 E Oh, right, I'm supposed to be embarrassed if I come
out without any clothes on, right?
...I was looking for a towel but there isn't one in the
783 K They're in the bathroom drawer..
784 E Okay...
785 O What's going on?? So you've been staying here alone
with that lunatic???
786 K Eggy isn't normally like that...
There are usually towels in the bathroom. But
yesterday was launry day so I put them in the drawer.

787 O That's still weird! He has amnesia, right? That doesn't

mean he doesn't even know what shame is!

And besides, he's a guy too! What if he gets weird

ideas and does something bad?
788 K Uhm.. But Eggy... Isnt't that kind of person.
789 O How can you be so sure? How long have you know
him? He suddenly showed up at your house and
started living with you. Anyway, he's a stranger.

I really don't understand how Diany can let you two

live together. Why didn't you say anything?
You could at least told my parents, you know. Then
you could sleep at our house, not staying alone with
some stranger!

790 K Eggy isn't a stranger! He's not kind of person you

791 O What do you mean?
792 K Well...
K It's hard to explain in words and I'm not sure either.
But it's like I felt in with my heart, rather than taking it
When Eggy hugs me, I've never felt scared or
If anything, I felt comfortable and more close to him.

Like I've known Eggy for a very long time...

Although I'm not sure exactly how long that is.
793 O It's true that I don't know anything about Eggy. But he
acts so weird around you!
*Eggy grabbed Olfie's hand suddenly*
794 E Why are you getting angry at Ran? Don't make Ran
795 O Why did you come out wearing only a towel? Put on
some clothes, Man!
796 E Later! You might make Ran sad if I leave, Olpi.
O ...
797 O Olpi?
*Eggy's towel was loose and Olfie tried to cover it*
798 O DANGER!!!
E ?
O For now, just put on some clothes!
799 K Eggy, get dressed! You'll catch a cold!
*Olfie stayed at Ran's house while Eggy got dressed
and Ran dried his hair*
800 K Olfie... Thanks for worrying me... But I hope you won't
misunderstand Eggy.
Eggy won't hurt me. Eggy is pure and doesn't have bad
So it's okay for me to be here.
801 O It's not okay with me.
802 K S...So...?
803 O I'm going to sleep here.
I'm uncomfortable with you two being alone together.

804 K What??
805 O I used to sleep over all the time, remember?
Do you still have a guest room that I can use?
806 K W-Well..
Yeah, but..
K Wooow, it's been ages since Olfie slept at my house..
This is dangerous for my heart.
There's Eggy behaviour before
And now Olfie is sleeping at my house??
807 O Can I sleep here??
808 K Yeah..
*Eggy just looked at Kirana and Olfie*
At the car
809 M1 WOW!!
This will be great!!
Is this a teenager love triangle scene?
*Eating a bucket of popcorn*
Hey, hey! Want to watch this?
M2 ...
810 M1 What are you doing?
811 M2 I stopped the video because I thought that I saw
something strange on the roof just now.
*Pointed at the strange thing*
Doesn't this look like a person?
812 M1 Enlarge it.
813 M2 Are there any other cameras filming in the direction of
the roof?
I'm going to send this to the headquarters so that they
can enlarge it and make it clearer. We don't have the
technology to do that here.

814 M1 But if I'm right...

There may be someone else watching this house.
Episode 24
At the laboratory
815 D A red light?
Why did Natsuko give off a red light?
816 Pf I performed the research about hyperdimensions
because I was curious about Natsuko's origin, where
she came from.

But Natsuko seemed to disagree with me researching

Natsuko was a smart and such an obedient girl.
She never once disobey my wife or me.
Except for that day...
When I asked Natsuko to open the eggnoid's egg.
817 D Open it?
818 Pf I found that eggnoids are able to open their own egg.

Flashback On
819 Na Otousama (read: father), stop it...
Let's study something else.
Natsuko will help you.
I promise...
820 Pf Please, Natsuko
I just want to see it for a moment...
*A red light came out from Natsuko's body*
Flashback Off
821 Pf I didn't get to see the inside of the egg, and a dazzling
red light blinded me.
I lost consciousness.
When I woke up, I was in the hospital.
When my wife came home, she found me unconscious

But Natsuko and the egg were gone.

We even filed a missing person's report to find her
But it was useless...
822 D Why did you want to see Natsuko's egg so badly?
823 Pf Because I assumed that those eggs are an
interdimentional means of transportation that brought
them here.

And maybe...
They might be the key for them to return home.
At Ran's Home
824 K There, I changed the bed sheets and cleaned the
Is it okay? Do you need anything else?
825 O I told you, you didn't have to do this.
I don't think I'll be able to sleep anyway.
Because I have tp keep an eye on him.
826 E Hm? Eggy? Why?
827 O Because I don't trust your behaviour or anything about
Who knows if you might try something weird.
828 E Eggy doesn't trust Olfie either. What if Olfie tries to do
something weird?
Eggy won't go to sleep either!
Eggy will keep an eye on Olfie.
829 O What?!
I would never do anything like that!
Ran has known me since we were kids and she trust
830 E Ran trust Eggy too!
Ran thinks Eggy is nice and trusts that Eggy would
never do anything!
831 K STOP IT!
E&O ...
K Both of you!
Sit down and listen carefully!
832 E&O Okay.
833 K If you're not going to sleep, then just don't sleep.
Tomorrow is Saturday so we have the day off anyway.

Don't talk that way and make Eggy uncomfortable!
And Eggy..
Don't follow Olfie around!
Got it?!!!
834 E&O Yes, Ma'am...
835 K Now, how about we have a cup of chocolate and chat
or watch tv?
836 E Hot chocolate sounds good!
837 O Ah Ran, what about that?
The things that we used to do a lot as a kids...
At the upstairs
838 O Wow, this place hasn't changed a bit.
And our games are still here too.
Remember how we always used to play this here?
This was our basecamp. We used to read story books
Or we would imagine that this is a spaceship and that
the sky is the outer space.
839 K I remember.
Sometimes we would stay up so late playing together
that your dad would come here to get you, Olfie.

840 O And Uncle Chandra tried to pacify you

Telling you not to cry.
841 K I didn't cry!
842 O Yes, you did!
843 K No I didn't, you liar!
*Eggy just looked at Kirana and Olfie*
844 O You totally cried, you big crying baby!
845 K Urgh!
846 E Eggy wants to be a little kid too.
*Kirana and Olfie looked at Eggy*
847 O You're a child anyway
Trapped in a body of a grown up, stupid!
848 E Stupid!??
847 K Olfie!
Stop it.
*Eggy was flinch and he went to the balcony*
K ?
*Eggy saw St-E in other roof, watching him, then St-E
848 K Eggy, what are you doing outside?
The sky sure is clear, isn't it? Do you see lots of stars?

*Eggy grabbed Ran's into his chest*

What is it, Eggy? Are you cold?
*Eggy hugged Ran*
849 E Ran...
Eggy doesn't want to go back...
Episode 25
850 K Go back?
What do you mean?
Go back where?
851 O Hey! What are you doing!!
Why are you holding her like that!
852 E I want to hold her!
853 O You can't!
*Eggy bumped his chocolate*
854 E Whoops.
855 K You guys!
E Hot chocolate
856 E It's broken..
857 K Eggy, step away, watch out for the glass pieces.
858 O That's dangerous, Ran. I'll do it.
859 K It's okay, I'll do it.
860 O I'll go get a mop.
861 K Okay.
*Olfie went inside Ran's house and saw her room's
door opened*
O The door is open?
It's Ran's parents' old room
Ran said she's using it now.
Of all the rooms in this house, I wonder why she's
using this one?
It must constantly make her think of her deceased
parents. That would make her sad.
I wouldn't be able sto stand it if it were me.
Could this be why Ran still hasn't managed to break
away from the past?
Is this why she can't open up her heart?
*Olfie peeked her room and saw Eggy's egg*
An egg?
Is that...
Flashback On
862 K One...
863 O You have to count to 25!
Where should I hide?
Ah , the door is open.
I'll hide in here.
*Olfie saw Ran's Mom touched a green egg*
Wow, what a huge egg!
*Ran's Mom looked at Olfie and she was smile*
864 MK Don't tell anyone.
It's a secret.
Flashback Off
865 O It's still here?
I think it was green before though.
What is that a decoration?
When I was little, I thought there was a huge chicken inside it.
Ah, whatever.
*Olfir closed the door*
At the laboratory
866 Pf Would I be able to see
The eggnoid that came to your niece?
866 Pf

Asking that eggnoid to open the egg

Could be a way to find out what's inside it.
867 D Well, I suppose it's possible..
But in order for us to be able to safely figure out the
eggnoids' secrets,
I would like to be a bit more sure that Eggy is on our
side first.
868 Pf Is there any way to move things along more quickly?

What if you try something like hypnosis again?

So that you can find out about this eggnoids faster.

Then I would also have a chance to find Natsuko

I have no idea what's happened to Natsuko since that
Where she is right now,
Or what she's doing.
What if she's in danger...?
After all...
I cherished Natsuko like a real daughter..
*Professor was crying*
That's why... I absolutely must find out about these
If my guess is right,
We'll be able to use that egg to find out where
Natsuko is.
869 D We'll do the best that we can.
We'll help you find Natsuko again.
But last time, during the hypnosis, Eggy gave off a blue
light. It may be a signal.
It wasn't just an ordinary light.
Based on your experiences, I think it would be better
to proceed with caution. So that Eggy doesn't glow
with a red light and then disappear too...

If he disappeares like Natsuko,

We'll lose our source of information
And it will be even harder to unravel the mystery
behind the eggnoids.
You don't have to worry about the research on the
eggnoif egg.
*Diany stood up from her seat*
Follow me.
*They went to another secreet room*
This way.
*Diany opened the door*
*Professor saw Ran Mom's Egg that Diany kept*
870 Pf An eggnoid egg?
871 D We secured one several years ago.
We're keeping it in a zero-gravity vacuum to keep it in
quarantine for now,
But we're not sure what to do with it, so we haven't
found out much information from this egg.

We've been investigating it very slowly and cautiously

because of the fear that it might break or the situation
might get dangerous.

I think it would be better to leave it in your hands from

now on, since you have more experience, Professor.

I hope you find out more information about the egg

and manage to open it.
872 Pf Is the egg... Real?
873 D Of course, our research team is investigating the
eggnoid very seriously right now because of this egg.

874 Pf But what about the contents of the egg... The eggnoid.

Where is it?
875 D The eggnoid?
The eggnoid from this egg is no longer in this world.
Episode 26
At Ran's Home
876 K Eggy, have some hot chocolate.
877 E Thanks, Ran.
*Eggy was zone out while he was drinking his
E ...
*Ran opened the window*
E There is so much stuff in this world that Eggy doesn't
It's like Eggy's memories of anything before coming
out of the egg are blank.
But since that day with Aunt Diany and Doctor Anita,

I gradually started remember who I am...

Especially where I came from..
For some reason, I know that this isn't something that
I should tell anyone.
I also know that if I break that rule,
Someone will come to get Eggy..
878 K Eggy, what are you thinking?
878 K
Why do you look so sad?
Is it because of that thing about you not wanting to go
879 E Yeah...
880 K Where are you going back to??
Do you remember where you came from now?
Where is it?
*Eggy felt worry*
What is it, Eggy?
You don't have to tell me if it's a secret. It's okay.
881 E Ran...
Eggy wants to stay here and go to school,
Learn a lots of things,
Meet Atan and other friends,
And the most important thing of all
Is that Eggy wants to keep being with you.
I don't want to be away from you...
882 K Then don't go. You can just stay here.
I don't want you to go back either.
883 E Really?
884 K Of course..
If you leave..
I'll be lonely again..
885 E But..
You have Olpi by your side..
K Huh??
Could this be...
E ...
886 K Eggy, what do you mean?
Olfie is Olfie and Eggy is Eggy.
I would feel equally sad
If you, Olfie, Diany or Atan weren't here.
887 E Do you want Eggy to stay with you, Ran?
888 K Yeah! Don't go!
And if someone comes here and tries to take you away
by force even though you don't want to,

I'll fight for you! I'll never allow it!

889 E Thanks, Ran!
Eggy feels so happy!
*Eggy hugged Ran and Ran lose it*
890 K Sure, Okay..
I'll be in trouble if Olfie sees us...
E ??
891 E *Yaaawn*
I'm sleepy..
892 K Want to go sleep?
First, Eggy?
Would you like to go to your room?
893 E No, I want to sleep here.
K Eggy..
Do you have to keep your homeland a secret?
What if someone really comes here and takes you
You've helped me a lot with my loneliness. I owe you
so much.
What should I do if you disappear mysteriously just
like when you first came to me?
I can'y just send him away..
894 O Sorry for taking so long. I couldn't find a mop...
895 K I'll do it.
896 O That's okay.
Just sit down.
O Oh, he's asleep?
I thought he wasn't going to sleep.
897 K He can't stay up all night yet..
898 O Is he a baby or something?
Do you forget how to be an adult too if you have
He's so childish. He's literally a big baby..
K Hm.. Olfie must be really angry that I didn't tell him
about Eggy and me being alone together at home..

What if he finds out that Eggy is an eggnoid?

The fact that he suddenly appeared in my room
mysteriously one night.
Should I tell him about that?
899 K Would he get even angrier?
If he finds out that Eggy was holding me naked in bed?

K I'll have to wait for the right moment to tell him...

900 O All done.
901 K Olfie, I'm sorry for not telling you about Diany not
coming home...
And for the thing with Eggy.
902 O It was my fault too...
I was the one who distanced myself from you first. I
didn't go to school with you,
or talk to you
or call you
or text you, nothing..
It's natural for us to be like this, you know...
*Olfie and Kirana were looking each other*
903 K Still, we've made up, right?
We're here together just like when we were little.
904 O But Ran, I'm not a little kid anymore...
Come to think of it, it's funny.
I'm worried about you being with a man and yet here
we are.
A boy and a girl alone together at home without any
adult supervision.
Aren't you worried that I might do something? Do you
really trust me?
You shouldn't be so naive and innocent.
Seriously, do you have any idea how worried I am
because of that?
*Kirana was sleeping when Olfie talked to her*
Haha. She fell asleep right here..
Could you worry a little bit, at least?
I'm a man too, you know.
*Olfie grabbed Ran's hair and smell it*
Episode 27
*Olfie approached Kirana but then he stopped
*Olfie moved Kirana to a couch so she could sleep*
*Olfie looked at Eggy and felt very angry to Eggy*
905 O URGH!!
*Almost gave Eggy a punch*
*Olfie saw the watch and it showed 3 o'clock*
O I'm thirsty...
*Walked to the kitchen*
*Olfie heard something from downstairs*
O What's that sound? Is it coming from the kitchen?
Is it a person? A thief?
Damnit, did they break trought the security system
Hom many of them are there? Shoulf I report this to
the police?
Ah, my phone turned of... It ran out of battery.
The home phone is in the living room.. But what if
there's a thief in the living room too?
Should I head back upstairs?
*Olfie went upstairs silently*
O Ugh!
This way too loud..
They might catch me..
Ran might be in danger if I head back to my house.
*Olfie grabbed an umbrella as his weapon*
O For now, I'll start by handling that person.
I'll think about what to do after that later.
*Olfie tried to beat the stranger*
*Diany gave Olfie a kick*
906 D Oh...
Glad I didn't hit you.
907 O Aunt Diany??
908 D Hm? What?
*Ready to attack Olfie*
909 O I mean 'Diany'! Young and beautiful Diany!
I thought she was going to rip my arm off...
Why were you sneaking around in the kitchen ? I
thought you were a robber!
910 D I came to get some water.
911 O You should have turned on the light... Why didn't you
turn it on??
912 D I didn't feel like it.
913 O Why did you come home at this hour? It's almost
914 D I came back from business trip.
I've just arrived.
What are you doing here?
Did you sleep here?
915 O This is because you left Ran at home alone with that
guy. I was worried!
916 D Ah.. Those two won't do anything. Don't worry.
917 O How could I not worry? Ran is alone with a strange
918 D So? Are you jealous?
O ... *blushing*
919 O You doing this on purpose, aren't you? To hook Ran up
with that guy.
Is that why you asked him to live with you?
920 D Is there a problem? You have no right to forbid Ran to
be close with any guy.
You're not even her boyfriend.
*Olfie was flinch*
921 O If I were her boyfriend...
Would I be able to tell her no?
922 D Would you break up with her when you go abroad to
*Olfie was shocked*
923 O Did Ran...
Tell you...?
923 O

I'm still not sure whether or not I'll go... In my first

year, I'd just take a preparation program and even if I
end up going, it would be in my third year.

So until then... I want to help Ran to be independent.

So that she can make other friends and not rely on me.

924 D As another way of distancing yourself from her?

925 O No! I admit that the method that I chose before was
wrong. As well as the fact that I hurt Ran.
And right now, while I can, I'd like to make up for the
mistake that I've made to Ran.
926 D SO... It's okay if Ran gets closer to other kids aside
from you, right?
Getting closer to Eggy or other kids from school
and dating...
and even getting married?
927 O I'm not okay with that.
I'm really selfish, aren't I?
I used to get annoyed by Ran's possessive personality.

I felt so stifled and burderned by that...

But without even realizing it, I've also picked that up.

928 D Little brat!

Yes, you really are a selfish and bad guy.
I forgive you because you just want her to be happy.

Maybe you're still too young.

But if you make Ran sad and cry again like before
You'll have to answer to me... Got it?
O ...
D If you do anything like that again...
*Diany made a hand gesture of kill*
You're dead.
*Olfie went out from Ran's house*
D You're just going to leave without sleeping?
929 O Yeah, you're here now. So the two of them aren't
alone anymore.
And I can't be sure that I wouldn't do something if I
slept here with her.
You said you would kill me, right?
See you later.
*Olfie closed the door*
930 D Hmph, so conceited for a young guy!
*Diany's phone rang*
An email?
D Request to check part of cctv footage?

A suspicious person has been seen near our house?

Episode 28
Morning At Ran's house
*Ran woke up first*
931 K Hmm...
K Where did Olfie go?
O <See you
K When did he leave?
Why am I on the couch...
Did he leave after he saw me sleeping?
Did I drool or say something weird while sleeping?
Or did I snore?
Or fart?
Does Olfie not like me now because of that?
*Eggy started to wake up*
K Eggy, are you awake?
Good morning.
E Hmm..
*Eggy touched Ran's cheek*
932 E Good morning...
Eggy had a dream last night...
I dreamed of us when we were little...
In the dream, the sky was pink,
Flowers were blooming in the sky
And the two of us were on a high hill
But for some reason I felt sad and frustated
But I was so grateful to have you by my side.
K He dreamed of us when we were little?
Does that mean he wants to be a kid?
Since he hatched out from the egg as a teenager of my
*Eggy's tummy was grumble*
933 K Ha.. Ha..
You must be hungry.
Let's go downstairs.
We'll wash up and have breakfast.
934 E Okay, where did Olfie go?
935 K Olfie went back to his house.
E ...
*Eggy was happy because Olfie leave Ran's house*
937 K Do you not like Olfie being with us?
938 E Eggy can't see Ran when Olfie is around.
I feel far away...
938 E

Even when I'm next to you.

I don't like it!
939 K Ah... I thought he was jealous...
But it's more like a whining of a little kid who wants
I almost got the wrong idea..
Still, fighting is not good. Olfie isn't a bad person.
Even if you're annoyed, you have to control yourself
and act nice...
940 E Fight?
941 K It means showing your feelings that you dislike each
other and starting conflicts,
Like arguing.
E ...
942 E Like what you and Atan did before??
*Kirana was flinch*
E Do you hate Atan?
K ...
943 K It's not that I hate him...
944 E Atan isn't a bad person either. You shouldn't fight with
him, Ran.
945 K Wow, look at Eggy arguing back...
He's actually giving me advice.
All right, I'll try.
You should try too, Eggy.
946 E Okay.
*Olfie and Kirana went downstairs then Kirana saw a
feet in the couch*
K FEET!!??
947 K Aunt Diany?
Why did you sleep here?
When did you come home?
948 D Early in the morning. I didn't feel like walking up the
949 K Want me to move you to your room>
Or would you like to use the guess room on the first
I'll clean it up for you.
950 D It's okay, I don't feel like moving.
Hush hush, go over there. Don't make noise here.
K Let's go, Eggy.
Diany wants to sleep here...
951 Y <Should we increase the
security around your
952 D <After enlarging that video
952 D
clip and checking it more
Until then, I'll stay here.
I've left Professor Yoshito
in charge of the lab and
you can manage the
953 Y <Sure... But if you have time,
How about coming back in
for just a bit?>
*Diany was hesitant*
Y <The mistress asked me how
you're doing...>
*Covering her body with a blanket*
At 9 am
954 K Diany, wake up and have something to eat.
955 D That smells good. What did you make?
956 K It's just vegetables and chicken.
957 D Wow, that looks great!
Ah right, Olfie almost slept over here alst night, didn't
I ran into him early this morning.
What did you guys do?
958 K Diany~
We didn't do anything...
959 D Didn't Olfie ask you to hang out with him? It's
You hguys usually go somewhere to hang out.
960 K No.
Maybe Olfie is busy...
At the same moment
*Olfie was stayed up all night then passed out and
At Ran's Home
961 D So
Are you going out anywhere today?
962 K We'll just stay home.
There's homework that we have to hand in on
Plus, I have to clean the house
and do laundry...
963 D WHAT!
A health young teenager staying at home on
That's a crime!
963 D

I can call someone to clean the house for us, and you
can do your homework tomorrow.
Go out and have fun.
K ...
*Eggy was happy*
964 E I want to took around!
965 D Look at that, don't you feel sorry for Eggy?
Eggy might die of boredom if he copies your lifestyle.

966 K Okay...
I'll go downtown with Eggy.
We can go to a bookstore.
The exams are coming up soon so we have to buy
some workbooks.
967 D *Poke her own face*
Girl, seriously..
Sure, have fun at the bookstore
Then go see a movie and have dinner at a restaurant
in the evening!!
I've already booked everything anyway...
I sent the reservation details to your phone.
*Ran's phone was ringing*
968 K Diany, you don't have to do all this.
969 D It's okay.
It's okay.
Get over here, I'll do your make up.
Now, you're all ready.
Have fun, you two.
970 K See you later.
*Diany whispered to Ran*
971 D Pssst..
Take lots of romantic pictures with Eggy!
To make Olfie jealous...
*Ran's cheek was blushed*
972 K DIANY!
973 D HAHA!
Hurry up and get going before the traffic gets worse!

*Diany was very happy when Ran and Eggy went, then
Diany closed the door*
Finally, it's quiet.
I can sleep all day without any interfence!
Episode 29
On the bus shelter
974 K Eggy, let's take the bus today.
There's no need to waste money on a taxi.
975 E Sure.
*Ran and Eggy entered the bus*
976 K Have a seat.
*Ran looked at the people*
K People are staring...
It must be because Eggy is so handsome.
Then again, Eggy is also dressed like a model today so
he stands out.
He's dazzling to look at...
It makes my heart race, and it also makes me feel
insecure a bit.
St They must be dating, they look good together.
St The girl is really pretty too.
*At the next bus shelter Ran gave her seat to the
eldery couple*
977 K Here, have a seat...
*Eggy was copying what Ran's do*
978 E You can have Eggy's seat too...
979 St-OW Wow~
Young people nowadays are so polite and kind. Thank
980 St-OM What a beautiful couple. You really suit each other.

I hope you two are together for a long, long time.

981 K Ah, right...
ha ha...
Eggy, come here. Let's stand by the door so we can get
out quickly.
*Ran and Eggy was standing at the bus*
K Hm... There sure are a lot of people...
982 E What happend to those people just now?
Why were they so wrinkly?
Did they stay in the shower for too long?
983 K Ha! Ha! Ha!
You haven't seen many eldery people, have you?
E ??
K The older people get, the more wrinkles they get.
When you get older, you don't have as much strength
as when you were young.

And if you stand for too long, you lose strenght

quickly, so we have to give uo our seats in places like
the bus.

Everyone gets wrinkly like that eldery man and the

lady when they get older...
984 E When I get older later
I want to look happy and warm like that eldery couple
984 E

Eggy wants to grow old with Ran. And get lots of

*The bus stopped suddenly, Ran bumped to Eggy*
K AH...
Wait, why didn't that hurt?
985 E Ran...
Are you okay?
K Uh... Uh...
Too close!
This is embarrassing
It's like we are hugging in a public space.
Even though there are so many people around
It doesn't feel stuffy at all...
It must be thanks to Eggy...
*Eggy and Ran arrived at their destination*
986 K Eggy, let's get out here.
987 E Okay.
*At the mall, Ran and Eggy went to the bookstore
988 K Wow.
K I haven't been to the bookstore in ages.
What should I buy...?
Do I have enough money?
989 E Do you like book tht much, Ran?
990 K Yeah, I love them!
991 E Is that why you have so many books at home?
Eggy still hasn't read all of them...
992 K Most of them are my parents' books. My parents liked
reading and collecting books too.
So I ended up like that too...
Reading improves your brain activity, increases your
knowledge and even enhance your ability to focus.

K They help me overcome loneliness...
So that I won't keep missing my mom and dad...
993 E And?
994 K Ah! And they boost your imagination and creativity.

*Ran and Eggy was continuing their book hunting*
At the same moment
996 ML Laras...
Don't keep looking at your phone while you're
walking. It's dangerous.
997 L Yeah, yeah, okay. One sec...
997 L
Stop nagging me...
998 ML Could you carry this for me?
It's heavy for your poor mom to carry all of this alone.

999 L Who told you to buy so much stuff?

That's why it's heavy.
1000 ML Jeez...
You really don't listen to me...
1001 L Hold on, I just need to send a text first.
1002 BL Mom, I'll hold it for you...
1003 ML That's okay, it's too heavy for you.
Your sister has to carry this.
Talk about favoritsm...
*Loiking at her circumstances*
ML Laras! Where are you going?
*Laras saw Ran and Eggy at the mall*
L Kirana and Eggy!
What are they doing in the movie theater on a
They're probably here on a date.
They look so in love.
*took a picture of them*
If the other kids find out about this...
It might get interesting.
Episode 30
At the "The Girl Gr.." group chat room
1004 L <Guys, do you know who I saw just now?
I was going to say hi but I couldn't
because I didn't want to interrupt them.
*Sticker someone with flower*>
1005 Ra <Who did you see?>
1006 Dn <Oh, some new gossip?>
L *Sent a picture of Ran and Eggy together*
Fe *Sent a sticker of shocked*
1007 Dn <WHAT?
1008 L <I'm not sure,
but they went into the movie theater together.
Let's ask them at school on Monday.>
*Sticker of angry
Didn't she break up with Rolfie
from class 10-F recently? She sure found a
new boyfriend quickly.>
1010 Dn <So that's why Eggy couldn't go anywhere
and was always glued to Kirana's side,
1010 Dn

he's trapped...>
1011 Ra <I feel so bad for Eggy :(
He didn't even have a chance to meet
any other girls aside from Kirana.
That's so mean, forcing herself
on a new transfer student
who doesn't know anything...>
1012 L <We had better ask them at school later,
what kind of relationship they have.>
1013 Dn <I hope the're not dating!>
1014 Ra <If thet really are dating,
I hope they're break up soon!!
*Send sticker angry>
1015 Dn <You should split them up yourself!
*Send sticker devil laughed>
1016 Fe <Good idea! HAHAHAHAHAHA
*Send a sticker thumbs up>
1017 L <Hey... No bullying.
Kirana is our friend..>
1018 Fe <I forgot the class pressident was here hahaha>
1019 Dn I know, it was just a "joke," Laras
HAHAHA #signal>
1020 Ra <Got it hahahaha
See you at school~ #signal>
L The poison has spread..
Now I just have to wait for it to take perfect.
1021 ML LARAS!
What are you doing over there?
Let's go. Your Dad is waiting in the car.
1022 L Give me those!
1023 ML You don't have to carry both of them.
1024 L Whatever.
If I don't carry them, you'll just asked me to give you a
massage tonight because your body is aching...

I have homework, you know. Plus I have to prepare for

classes on Monday...
1025 ML All right.
I won't bother you. It's important that your maintain
your grades.
It would help me and your dad if you keep your
scholarship too.
1026 BL I'll give you a massage, Mom.
1027 L Stop trying to act nice.
1027 L
I know you're saving up money to buy a toy.. You plan
on giving mom a massage and then asking for money,
don't you?

BL Heh.. Heh..
1028 L Don't try to laugh it off!
You shouldn't be so soft on him either, Mom. He'll get
bad manners.
You never give me a cent for helping you, this is
1029 BL If mom won't give me any money, I'll have to ask you
for some.
1030 L SAYS WHO!
1031 ML You two are always fighting.
1032 BL Give me some money, please~ please~
1033 L NO!
At the movie theater
L The title of the movie that we reserved is 'Couple
Ugh, it's probably a romantic movie.
1034 E Is that the poster?
*Eggy pointed at the movie's poster*
K !!!
*Ran was shocked*
E What are those people doing? Why are their lips
Eggy, don't look at athe poster! You're not at that age
Let's go over there!
K All Eggy knows about is hugging and my heart already
feels like it's going to burst!
What if he finds out about kissing!
E ??
K What the heck is Diany thinking...
I don't even care about the money, I don't want to see
*Ran tried to cancel the tickets and suggested other
K Eggy, let's go see that!
1036 E Okay!
1037 K Stay here for a minute, I'll go get the tickets.
E ...
*Eggy looked at the previous poster and got blushed*

E ...
*Eggy touched his lip*
After watching movie
1038 K Well?
Did you like it?
1039 E I really like it. The scren was huge and it sounded so
At first, I was surprised because it was so dark but it
was great!
1040 K I'm glad to hear it. Now let's get something to eat. Are
you hungry?
At the restaurant
1041 K I have a reservation under the name 'Diany.'
1042 Al Yes, thank you. Two people, right? I'll show you to
your seats.
*The waitress brought Ran and Eggy to their seat*
Have a seat.
There's a romantic set with a 25% discount for a
how does that sound?
1043 K Pardon?
B..But we're not a couple!
1044 Al I guess you haven't been dating for long?
You seem embarrassed.
1045 K No... It's not that.
1046 Sa Even if you're not a couple, just say that you sare.
You can get a discount..
1047 Ma Sam! Don't bother other people!
1048 Sa Ow ow ow.. Mary, let go of me!
1049 Ac Sam, Mary, over here.
1050 Ma I told you we sat in the wrong place.
1051 Sa Haha...
You're right.
Allen, those two are such a cute couple. Just give them
a discount, okay?
I hope you guys start dating soon!
1052 Al As you wish...
Well, the boss says to give you a discount.
Call me when you decided to order.
1053 K Ah, thankyou!
*Ran and Eggy got their dinner*
*Diany called Ran*
1054 K Yes, hello?
1056 K Okay, okay.
Eggy, let's take a picture..
*Ran and Eggy took a picture and send it to Diany*


1058 K Diany...
This is embarrassing.
1060 K Diany, that's different!!
E ??
1062 K Ugh...
Eggy, could you come and sit next to me...?
1063 E Hm?
*Eggy moved his seat next to Ran and took a picture
again, then send it to Diany*
1064 K Is that enough?
1065 D <Hahaha. Enjoy your food.
Take a taxi if you're coming home late, okay? Well, see
you later.>
1066 E Ran...
What's a 'couple'?
I keep hearing people say it but I don't know what it
1067 K Ah, a couple is a pair of people.
In other words, lovers.
1066 E Lovers?
1067 K We call two people who cherish and love each other
1068 E Egggy cherishes Ran too..
Does that mean Eggy and Ran are lovers?
*Ran took a sip of her drink*
1069 K No...
The way that you cherish me is different from the way
that lovers cherish and love each other.
1070 E Different? how??
1071 K You have to figure that out and feel it for yourself,
Once you find out what's different...
You'll realize what lovers are, and what it means to fall
in love.
1072 E So if I find out,
Could I be your lover?
Episode 31
1072 E So if I find out,
Could I be your lover?
K Huh?
Is this...

Eggy's way of asking me out???

Oh my god, so this is what it feels like??
This is like winning the lottery.
I would be a fool to refuse, right?
He super handsome, sweet, kind, a good listener,
Judging from how quickly he learns, he's also smart.

He's an ideal boyfriend, right??

Aw.. Aw.. Aw..
Just imagining it makes my heart race.
Right now, Eggy doesn't even understand what he's
All he knows
Is how to cherisg and want things...
That's not love...
If he knew the meaning of what he said before..
Would he be so confident about it?
He isn't nervous, shy, anxious or worried.
Here I am getting al excited by myself...
He asked me to be his lover with such an innocent
look in his eyes, as if he were casually asking for food
or asking me to buy him something.

1073 K If you find out later?

1074 E Yeah.
1075 K Neither of us know when 'later' will be.
Whether it will be soon, or take a long time...
And people's feelings can change over time...
First, they cherish each other
Then later, not as much...
You used to be close...
Then you get farther away...
That's why I can't promise you anything, Eggy.
Let's see how we feel later.
1076 E Okay! Then Eggy will study so that I can realize it soon!

Just wait, Ran!

1077 K Okay...
Seeing his reaction makes me feel a bit sad...
E He.. He.. He..
At the laboratory
1078 M3 Professor Yoshito.
Professor, aren't you going back to your place?
You came here from Japan today.
Why don't you go to the apartment that we prepared
for you and get some rest first?
Are you uncomfortable?
1079 Pf Ah, no.
I'm fine..
I just want to get started on researching the eggnoids
right away.
1080 M3 People like this really like working.
Let me know if there's anything I can help you with.

I've been assigned to assist you.

1081 Pf What are those people doing?
Aren't they going home?
1082 M3 Ah, that...
We got a request from the security team at the
eggnoid Eggy's house to check the cctv.
They found someone suspicious near their house.
*Professor Yoshito looked the monitor and got
1083 M3 Professor, are you okay??
1084 Pf I remember...
Flashback on
1085 Na Otousama, don't do this...
I can't do it...
1086 Pf I'm so curious, Natsuko.
You know very well that I'll continue to be curious until
I know the answer.
1087 Na But...
1088 Pf It's okay, just lend me your hand for a moment.
1089 Na AH!!
*Professor grabbed Natsuko's hand; touched the egg
by her hand, then the egg opened*
1090 Pf There. It really opened.
*Professor walked closer to the egg*
1092 Pf Natsuko, step aside for a minute.
1093 Na NO!
*A red light appeared from Natsuko's body*
1094 Pf Natsuko, what was that light?
The egg is closed..
Why are you crying?
It's not a big deal, is it?
1095 Na I can't refuse my parents, but also I can't say where we
came from.
So what am I supposed to do?
1096 Pf I know.
I won't do that again, I'm sorry.
Don't cry.
1097 Na It's too late...
1097 Na
They're here...
1098 Pf Who?
*The door was ringing*
It looks like we have a visitor.
1099 Na Otousama!
I made a mistake...
2000 Pf It's okay, just wait a minute.
2001 St-E 2 Hello, Professor Yoshito.
We've come to take away your eggnoid.
2002 Pf What?
Who are you?
What do you mean?
*They went into Professor's house*
Wait a minute, where are you going? You can't just
barge in here!
I'm calling the police!
2003 St-E 2 Just sit down and be quiet.
Don't make the problem any worse.
2004 Pf You've come to take away the eggnoig?
What do you mean?
2005 St-E 3 Now, you know the rules, right?
Be good and let's go back.
2006 Pf I can't allow this!
She's my daughter, I've cherished her for years!
Why have you suddenly come to take her away!
You have no right!!
2007 St-E Of course we do.
Foster parents like you really get under my skin.
Once this is over,
I'll erase your memories
But I'll explain it to you.
You broke your promise.
We presented you with the eggnoid as a gift with
And the moment that you opened the eggpod, you
agree to that promise.
The red light is a proof that one of the foster parents
or the eggnoid itself broke that promise.

So our deal is over, and we have to take away the

2008 Pf What promise?
What conditions?
What do I do?
2009 St-E 2 Stay still.
If you make noise, it will disturb your neighbours.
2010 Na NO!!
2011 St-E They're not your parents anymore.
Now, let's go.
2012 Na Please forgive me.
I didn't know this would happen.. Give me some time..
I haven't said goodbye to Okasama yet..
I love my parents.
They'll be confused too if you do this so suddenly.
2013 St-E It doesn't matter.
Rules are rules.
Our duty is to keep the eggnoids safe and make sure
they don't malfunction.
This person almost found out about our origins
because of you!
That's a critical mistake.
Who knows what would have happened if we had
been late.
Now, hurry up, your 'father' is waiting.
*Natsuko entered the eggpod*
2014 Na Goodbye...
Thank you for everything...
2015 Pf Natsuko.
Don't go...
Flashback off
2016 Pf Don't go...
2017 M3 Professor, what's wrong??
Episode 32
At Ran's house
*Ran and Eggy was prepared to go to school*
2019 E Ran..
Good morning..
K Because of what happened yesterday..
*When Eggy asked Ran to be her lover*
I'm still not sure what to do and my heart i pounding...

2020 K Good morning, Eggy.

Let's have some breakfast.
K I'm not exactly sure what feelings I have for Eggy...
2021 E What's for breakfast?
2022 K Something simple.
Is toast okay?
K Eggy has a pure and childlike personality
And it's hard to imagine us being lovers since I've been
taking care of him from the very start.
But... Even though it seems ridiculous
at the same time
E Sweet..
I want to have chocolate jam.
K Eggy looks so attractive
That any girl's heart would flutter if he asked them out
like yesterday.
It makes you imagine all kinds of things..
*Ran's phone was ringing*
2023 O <We're going to school together, right?
I just woke up.>
2024 K <Yeah, but it's still early.
I'll wait outside your house
in a bit.>
K And
What about my feelings for Olfie?
I tried to give up on Olfie because I thought that he
was dating Grace...
They weren't actually dating..
Considering the fact that Olfie tried to avoid me
because of my dependent personality
I've basically already been dumped, right?
Ah... I'm so confused...
I'm not sure what to do.
*Got her breakfast*
Ah, I don't know...
I should just forget about it... I don't think about it...

Focus on school and studying.

The exam is coming up soon...
2025 D Good morning, everyone.
2026 K Good morning, Diany!
What are you getting ready for so early?
Are you going to work?
2027 D Yeah, I have to go early if I want to avoid working until
late at night.
How's school?
Has anything interesting happened?
Like anything about Eggy or your other friends>
2028 E Yesterday, after school...
Eggy rode on a scooter!
2029 D Did you drive it yourself?
2030 E I sat on the back but it was fun!
2031 K Oh, Eggy said he wants a scooter.
2031 K
What do you think, Diany?
We have the money to buy one...
D !
2032 D Unlike necessities like school expenses, food and
A scooter would still be a luxury for you guys.
You don't absolutely need one, right?
If you really want one, you'll have to try on your own!

Eggy has to learn how to save up his allowance like

you, Ran.
That way he'll earn how to save money, and he won't
grow up to be a kid who blows all of his money on
luxury items.

2033 E Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Eggy wants to learn how to save!
K ...
E What if...
There were some other ways to make money
Aside from saving...?
Like a part-time job?
2034 K I want to experience working too, not just Eggy.
2035 D Wow.
Good idea.
I support that!
Having a part-time job is a good way to get experience
and learn about society works.
But if you're going to do it, find a part-time job that
doesn't take up too much time.
Your studies are still the most important thing.
You're already busy enough with studying and doing
Plus you have to take care of a baby..
So how about you get a part-time job during vacation?

2036 K Sure, Diany. Thanks for the advice.

2037 D Is there anything else?
Anything interesting?
2038 K I don't think so...
Nothing special.
2039 E Oh yeah.
Ran and Atan have a fight.
*Ran was gasp*
2040 D Wow, you fought?
2041 K Eggy!
Why did you tell her that.
You're such a snitch.
*Ran pinched Eggy's stomache*
E !
2042 E Ouch..
2043 K We didn't fight, we just had a little argument.
2045 D An argument?
Isn't Atan that guy from your class who's kind of close
to Eggy?
You've never been interested in any other kids except
Olfie. As far as I know, you haven't even memorized
the names of most of the kids in your class, so why did
you argue with him?

Is he handsome?
K ?
D There's no telling what might happen in the life of a
high schooler.
It's good if he's handsome, right? First you start by
arguing a bit, then you end up liking each other and
become a couple.

2046 K WHAAAT?
*Eggy shocked*
2047 E No way.
Eggy is going to be Ran's boyfriend later.
*Ran's heart was thumping*
*Diany got mad*
2048 D Do you mean it, Eggy?
2049 K No, Diany.
Eggy doesn't even understand what he's saying.
Don't take it too seriously.
2050 E That's right, Eggy may not know yet.
But still, Eggy is a quick learner.
D ...
2051 D Can eggnoids
Become lover with their adoptive parents?
Episode 33
2051 D Can eggnoids
Become lover with their adoptive parents?
*Their got high tension*
E ...
2052 E Why not?
D Shoot, her answered my question with another
2053 D Ran is your adoptive mother.
Normally, mothers and sons don't suit each other as
2054 E They don't suit each other?
2055 K Stop it, Diany.
You're making Eggy sad.
I may look after Eggy and teach him a lot of things
But I don't want to be Eggy's mom.
2056 D But you're always treat Eggy like a big baby.
You're so tolerant of Eggy and you always take his
If you really don't want to be his mom, then stop
acting like one.
K Ah...
2057 K I just... Wanted to protect Eggy.
Eggy is still so innocent and knows so little...
I don't want to see him walk down the wrong path...

*Diany walked to Ran*

2058 D Ran...
You shouldn't want Eggy to live his entire live like a
naive, innocent little child.
You can teach and prepare Eggy for lots of things
But people grow up by learning from their mistakes
and failures.
Eggy needs to be able to think and make decisions for
himself on his own.
*Ran felt sad and Eggy grabbed her hand*
K ...
*Ran's phone was ringing*
2059 K Ah, Olfie says he's waiting out front.
I had better going, Diany.
2060 D Sure.
2061 K Eggy, get your bag and let's go.
2062 E Diany,...
It's okay even if Eggy can't become Ran's lover.
Eggy just wants to stay by Ran's side..
That would be enough.
*Eggy squeeze his clothes*
D ...
Sorry if I was too harsh...
It will be hard to ask anything else about the eggnoid if
Eggy's mind does not grow.
Outside of Ran's house
2063 O Good morning.
2064 K Good morning...
2065 O Why do you look so out of energy?
*Olfie pinched Ran's cheek*
2066 K Hey, that's hurts, Olfie.
O Ha Ha
2067 O I'm just telling you to cheer up.
*Eggy looked at Ran and Olfie*
K Why didn't you have breakfast?
O I did!!
*Eggy felt something strange in his heart*
E ...
2068 K Eggy, what are you doing over there?
Let's go. Your Dad is waiting in the car.
2069 E OKAY!
D It was a bit sad to hear that
But Diany has a point...
At the school
2070 E Good morning, everyone.
MS Good morning...
Ra Hey
K Eggy is doing so well.
He's already gotten close to everyone after being at
school for a such a short time.
And even kids from other classes come to say hi to
I feel so shy and awkward that my stomach hurts.. I
can't do it.
2071 E It's simple..
Just smile..
If we smile, we can show people that we don't have
any bad thoughts.
*Ran entered into her classroom*
*The boys looked at Ran*
MS Good morning..
*The girl's gang talked with Eggy*
*Ratna sat on Kirana's seat*
2072 K Excuse me...
This is my seat.
Ra ...
2063 Ra Chill. The bell ahsn't even rung yet, you know.
Are you trying to keep this seat all to yourself now
K ?
2064 S Step aside, step aside.
Stop blocking my way.
*The girls walked out after saw Atan came*
2065 S Hey Ratna, you're stealing someone else's set again?

Is it a habit of yours?
Don't you ever get sick of picking on other kids?
2066 Ra Jees, Satan! You're so annoying..
*Selatan sat on his eat*
2067 K Thanks.
*Selatan was ignoring Ran*
Episode 34
At the school
2068 Ra So are they dating or not?
2069 Dn Did you ask him?
2070 Ra No...
2070 Ra
I missed the tight timing because of Satan.
Let's ask him after school.
2071 L Won't they hang out together again after school?
2071 Fe If we can't ask Eggy,
Then how about we asked Kirana first?
2071 Dn What if she pretends that they're dating?
2072 Ra Yeah, she's sneaky.
2073 Dn What's clear is that we have to separate the two of
them first.
2074 L But that's hard.
Unless you trick one to separate them...
Ha ha
2075 Fe I just had a good idea.
2076 MT Good morning, everyone.
L Stand bow.
2077 All S Good morning.
2078 MT Now, have a seat.
*Kirana looked at Selatan*
K ...
Is Atan mad at me?
Is he mad because of what happened yesterday?
So immature...
It was his fault too...
trying to teach Eggy bad stuff.
*Reminded Diany's said*
If innocent Eggy learns bad stuff from Atan, and I just
left that happen
Ran's imagination on
S Why bother going to school?
We're skipping class.
E Going to school every day is for losers like you, Ran.

Ran's imagination off

I know that Eggy can't remain as an innocent child for
his whole life...
But I hope he stays as a nice guy...
2079 E Ran...
What is it?
Are you okay?
2080 K Ah, yeah. I'm okay, Eggy.
K Shh, we're not supposed to talk in class.
E Okay.
After school time
2081 E Ran, we don't have any homework for tomorrow,
2082 K Nope, none.
2083 E S
2084 K Okay...
2085 E Atan.
Let's go have some fun!
S ...
2086 S Eggy, don't hang out with me.
You'll turn into a bad person like me.
Isn't that right?
*Selatan bumped Ran*
2087 K Really?
You're so angry about that little happening the other
2088 S It's not just "that little"...
2089 As Satan has strong pride. He really hates it when other
people blame him for stuff.
2090 U Especially when they say that he's a bad influence.
As Although he is Satan.
U Hahaha
2091 K If he really doesn't want to be a bad influence,
Then he can just behave himself, right?
2092 U What are the standards for'behaving yourself'?
Atan's standards and your standards may be
completely different.
He's not the type of guy who worries about his image.

He just doesn't let anything slide.

2093 E So Eggy can't hang out with Atan?
K ...
2094 K Eggy, wait here for a minute.
*Ran was looking for Selatan*
At the parking lot
2095 K Atan, hold on!
I got a bit angry and I didin't think about the
consequences of what I said and hurt your feelings..

S ...
K Don't take it out if you're angry with me.
Eggy hasn't done anything wrong... You guys can still
be friends.
*Selatan had a smirk*
2096 S So you're apologizing because you want me to be
friends with Eggy?
I don't like the sound of that.
*Drove his motorcycle very fast*
2097 K Why did he get even angrier when I apologized?
*Ucup and Asep were peeking behind the wall*
As ...
2098 U Don't worry about it too much..
2098 U
He doesn't stay angry for very long.
You may think that Satan is a bad and rotten kid
But he's never been mean to us or picked on us
before. To us, Satan is actually a good and loyal friend.

K ...
2099 K Oh right...
Where's Eggy?
2100 As Didn't you tell him to wait in the classroom?
*Ran walked to the classroom*
At the classroom
2101 Fe Eggy.
Come hang out with us!
2102 E But Eggy is waiting for Ran.
2103 Fe Ran said you should go with us just now.
E ...
2104 E Ran said that?
2105 Dn Yeah, she said that she'll catch up with us later.
*Ran arrived at the classroom and just met Laras*
K ...
2106 K Laras? Have you seen Eggy?
L ?
2107 L Eggy?
Didn't he already leave?
I think he left with some girls.
Episode 35
2107 L Eggy?
Didn't he already leave?
I think he left with some girls.
2108 K He already left?
2109 L Maybe he's trying to make friends with some other
Or he's bored?
Or maybe just trying to experience something new?

Men hate being tied down, you know.

What's the word...
possessive, I guess?
K Does Eggy really feel burdened and tired when he's
with me?
Eggy may have memorized how to get home.
It will be okay.
I'd like to go with them too...
They probably haven't gone far.
I shouldn't burden someone else the way that I
burdened Olfie.
L So are you going home alone today?
2110 K Yeah...
2111 L Let's go together.
Walking to the shool gate
2112 K Aren't you going with some other kids today?
2113 L Not today.
Today I'm taking class to prepare for the scholarship
2114 K You're doing the scholarship program?
2115 L Yeah, the reason that I was able to attend this school
is because of a scholarship too. Since my grades are
higher than the average...

And this school has an overseas scholarship program

in England.
It's a great opportunity for my studies and future job
2116 K Wow, amazing...
You're already planning for the future?
I still haven't given thought to that kind of thing..
2117 L Of course I am...
Because I wan't born in a rich family like you...
I can't be so complacement about the future as you
2118 K Ah...
2119 L Ah, there's someone else who's applying for the
*Ran and Laras met Olfie at the coridor*
K Olfie...
2120 O Ran? What are you doing?
2121 L Ah, Kirana came here with me.
Hi, my name is Laras.
2122 O Rolfe.
Ran, are you going home?
2123 K Yeah.
O Sorry I can't go with you.
K That's okay..
*Laras just watched Ran and Olfie talked*
2124 L It's such a shame that you're not doing the
scholarship program with us.
You have such good grades but you're losing chance
to use them.
2125 K Ah, I just don't have any intention of studying abroad
in England..
2126 L So that's what you think?
2126 L
The preparatory courses for this program require
applicants to always have higher grades than the

So the applicants can obtain lots of additional

knowledge even from the preparatory courses.
You can get experience, and even make new friends
from other classes. There are lots of advantages.

You're only thinking about studying abroad in

Isn't that a bit swallow?
K Uhh...
O ...
*Laras tapped Ran's shoulder*
L Ha.. Ha..
L You know thst I didn't mean to say that you're a
shallow thinker, right, Kirana...?
I know that programs like this are a nuisance.
Since these kinds of things are for students who make
an effort and work hard like us.
Not easy-going student.
2127 K I guess so...
O This girl... Talks as if she's wise and kind
But something about her irritates me.
She talks as if she's superior to Ran...'
Is she her friend?
People like this will only isolate Ran and take away her
confidence even more.
2128 O Who do you mean by 'us'?
I don't agree with you.
I only applied with the intention of studying in
Does that make me a 'shallow thinker' too?
2129 L Ah, sorry...
That's not what I meant..
2130 O Just because you don't apply for the scholarship
program, it doesn't mean that you don't work hard.

I know that Ran workd and tries harder than anyone

She's been living on her own without her parents for
several years...
She manages the chores and money, she deals with
the bills
And even while doing all of that by herself, she always
gets good grades..
Other teenager might not even be able to handle it.

Thinking that you're better than other students

Just because you're doing the scholarship program...

Isn't that even more shallow?

*Laras felt ashamed*
2131 L Ha.. Ha..
That's right, all students are amazing.
Ah, I'll head inside. I'd like to put down my bag.
*Laras went to the other direction*
L Ugh..
I can't stand it!
Why are there always people taking Kirana's side...?

What about me...?

I'm always wrong even when I'm right..
It must be because Kirana is pretty and rich, right!?

At the laboratory
2132 M4 Let's report this to the police.
It may be a buglar.
2133 D Haha
What kind of buglar would look like that?
This definitely has something to do with the eggnoids.

2134 M2 We combed through all of the footage recorded since

the first fay that we instaled the camera,
unfortunatelly, this is the only image of him caught on

2135 M4 Maybe he just stopped by once.

Or he comes often but he watches them from a
different spot every day...
Should we install additional cameras?
2136 M2 Wouldn't it be more important to strenghten the
home security sytem and protect Kirana and Eggy?

2137 D If we were really trying to hurt the kids, he would have

already done it long ago..
But all he does is watch them..
This clearly has something to do with Eggy's blue light..

It seems like soe kind of signal that calls them.

2138 M4 So what's our plan now?
We don't even know who this person is, what his
purpose is, how many times he's been here, or
whether he's dangerous.
2139 D That's right.
So in order to find out more...
We'll have to catch him.
At the street
*Unknown eggnoid was spying on Eggy and Ran*
Episode 36
At the eggpod room
2140 D Professor Yoshito.
Could you come to my office for a minute?
I have to talk to you about something.
At Diany's office
2141 D How are you feeling?
I hear that you had abit of a shock yesterday.
Have you been examined in the hospital, or should I
contact your family in Japan?
2142 Pf No, I'm fine.
2143 D My assistant says that you were shocked when you
saw the security camera footage from Eggy's house.

Would you be able to tell us about that?

*Professor Yoshito felt hesitant*
Pf If I tell her, she'll find out that all of this confusion is
my fault...
It's all my fault that I lost Natsuko, and yet I have the
nerve to look for her again...
D It would be a big help to us if you could give u some
additional information about that suspicious person.

Our team is thinking of capturing him.

*Professor Yoshito shocked*
2144 Pf That's ridiculous. Those people used state-of-the-art
technology that we're not even aware of to come here
from another dimension. It would be dangerous!

2145 D That's just it!!

We don't know anything. We're just wandering around
looking for information that we're not even aware of
like a lost blind person.

If we can capture even one of them, we'll get a chance

to obtain more information.
My older brother Chandra and his wife died.
And my niece became an orphan.
This is all because of the eggnoid mystery.
Maybe something bad might happen to people
because of them.
I didn't tell you before...
But I think... That I've seen this susoicious person
I saw him when I went to Chandra's house.
I remember that person's unusual white hair.
*Diany saw Chandra and him had a fought outside
Chandra's house*
At the time, I didn't suspect anything.
But not long after that, Chandra and his family were in
an accident.
Strangely enough, Chandra went missing for a few
days, then his body was found by a river near the site
of the accident.

In his will, my brother appointed me as a guardian of

his daughter.
And he went down the address of an empty building
located in a n isolated spot.
That was the origin of the research and technical
center where we are wight now.
It's also the place where I first saw an eggnoid egg.

And there was a small diary that my brother had kept

while studying that egg.
At the school
2146 K I regret not applying for the scholarship program.
2147 O It's okay. Don't worry about it too much.
You didn't apply because you wanted kids who are
more desperate and in need to get the scholarship,

2148 K This program has a lot of other advantages aside from

just studying abroad in England.
But... Laras is also right.
K But if I apply... I might end up bothering Olfie again..

Is that why Olfie hid the fact that he applied for this
program from the start?
K Then... Even if I don't do the sholarship program, I'm
going to study lots and make lots of friends too!

We can do this!
K I shouldn't bother Olfie any more...
O Ran..
If I were Ran, and a friend like Laras talked to me like
I would have naturally gotten annoyed and angry...

But Ran took it positively.

*Olfie pats Ran's head*
2149 O That's the spirit.
O Ran has gotten stronger now...
O Where is that guy?

Why are you alone?

2150 K Ah, Eggy already left...
He probably went home.
K Hold on...
If he went home with his other friends from class..

Does that mean some other kids will be at my house?

Is the house clean right now???

Are there snacks for guests??
I have to hurry home!!!
*The mindset of a housewife*
K You can go without me, Olfie.
2151 O Will you be okay going by yourself?
2152 K Yeah, I'm fine.
I can do it!
*Olfie grabbed Ran's hand*
2153 O Take care.
2154 K Thanks.
Good luck with the scholarship program, Olfie!
*Ran let Olfie's hand down and continuing her walk to
*Ran met Grace*
2155 K Grace!
2156 G Hey Ran, are you going home?
2157 K Ah.. Yeah.
K Ugh, why did I run into Grace of all people...
I still feel awkward about mistaking Grace for Olfie
girlfriend before..
2158 G Oh, I should have told you this before...
I'm sorry for pretending to be Olfie's girlfriend before,
I should have told you but I kept quiet about it.
2159 K That's okay.
I know that you didn't have a choice under the
2160 G What a relief, I fell like I'll be able to relax now...
2161 K Hm... If you don't mind..
Could we walk home together?
Just be yourself around me.
Don't be nervous.
On the way to home
2163 G Let's stop there for a bit. I'm hungry.
*Ran was looking at something inside the restaurant*

*Kirana found Eggy was sat between the girls at the
Episode 37
At the restaurant
2164 Fe Eggy, what are your hobbies?
What color do you like? Blue? Your bag and jacket are
both blue.
2165 Ra Eggy, what kind of girl do you like?
2166 Dn But Eggy looks good in any color. They all look so good
on him.
*Eggy kept turning his head while the girls were asking
2167 Fe What is it, Eggy?
2168 E Where is Ran?
Why isn't she here yet?
*Feby was afraid*
2169 Fe S...She'll be here later...
Here, have some of this, Eggy. It's really good.
E Wow
2170 E But I want to wait for Ran and eat together when she
gets here...
*Feby felt nervous*
Fe Ugh...
Why is he always going on about Kirana...
Are the two of them really dating?
*Eggy saw Ran and Grace outside the restaurant*
*Eggy walked to Ran*
2171 Dn EGGY!!
Are you just leaving??
2172 E RAN!
Ran! There you are!
*Eggy grabbed and almost hugged Ran*
2173 FS EEEEHH!!!
*Grace whistled*
2174 K Eggy!
*Ran blushed and felt embarrassed*
2175 E Where are you going, Ran?
Why aren't you coming inside?
2176 K Ah, well...
I didn't want to interrupt...
2177 E What do you mean?
Let's go inside.
G I'm hungry
*The girls were anxious*
2179 Dn I told you we should have gone somewhere farther
2180 Fe Well...
2181 E Sit here, Ran, next to me.
Ran, what took you so long? The other girls said you
would be here soon
So I've been waiting for you this whole time.
2182 K You were waiting?
They said I was coming here?
What do you mean?
K ??
*Grace looked at the girls*
2183 G Oh, I get it!!
Ran and Eggy...
You were tricked!
It's a dirty, pathetic trick.
You pretended to be meeting Ran without Ran
Because you wanted to be around Eggy without Ran,
You guys are in the same class.
How could you use such a mean trick to deceive
FS ...
2184 E A trick? Why?
Eggy trusted you..
2185 FS Ran, Eggy, we're sorry. We didn't mean anything bad
by it...
2186 FS We just wanted to get closer to Eggy.
2187 FS Sorry..
2188 FS To be honest, I didn't know either. I just followed them
2189 FS Yeah, I didn't know wither. I thought you were really
I didn't plant this...
2190 G If you're going to apologize, then do it properly.
Don't make excuses.
Why are you dumping the blame on each other
*Ran tapped Grace's shoulder*
2191 K It's okay, Grace. They apologized.
I forgive them.
Eggy, you'll forgive them too, right?
2192 FS Sorry, Eggy..
*Eggy threw his face but Ran grabbed his and and he
looked at Ran*
2193 E Okay, I'll forget about it since Ran is here.
2193 E
But you had better not trick me again!
2194 FS Okay...
*Dini and Feby felt ashamed*
2195 FS Ran, Eggy, don't leave tight away. Let's stay and talk
for a bit.
2196 FS Yeah, let's sit together. We wanto to know more about
2197 K Oh, this is..
Grace, from class X-F.
2198 G Hi, I'll sith with you guys too. My name is Grace.
I'm friend of Ran's.
*Ran blushed because pf Grace's words*
2199 FS Oh, can we just ask something right away?
What's the relationship between you two?
2200 E Adoptive parent!!
2201 K EGGY!
*Ran pinched Eggy's stomach*
2202 K Well, my aunt is Eggy's adoptive mom so he's close to
me too.
Eggy has never been school before si he's still not used
to things, and he has to be around someone that he
knows to feel at ease.

Eggy still doesn't know a lot of things.

That's why I tried hard to protect him.
2203 G Wow, so that's why you and Eggy are so close. Now I
2204 K Yeah, sorry if it looked like I was restraining Eggy and
keeping him all to myself.
2205 FS I see.
2207 FS So that's why you're innocent, Eggy.
We've been misunderstanding you this whole time.

2208 Dn So..
You're not lovers, right?
2209 E We're not lovers! Ran isn't a monster!
2210 K What do you mean, Eggy?
Lovers and monsters?
2211 E Atan said that lovers are monsters.
*Ran and Grace shocked*
G Ha! Ha! Ha!
2212 G That's hilarious!
But he's right. A lover can feel like a moster if he or
she gets on your nerves.
2213 K Eggy, lovers are the same thing as girlfrienda,
boyfriends and couples.
2214 E Then I want to do it too.
I wan to be your lover.
*All the girls were shocked*
G I feel like I can hear her hearbeat...
2215 Dn S..So you two dating?
2216 Fe Kirana, you like Eggy too, don't you?
He's so handsome.
E ...
2217 E Then later..
Right now, Eggy isn't sure either.
2218 G He may be naive and innocent but he knows how to
play a girl's heart.
K What should I say about this..
E ???
2219 FS Eggy, seriously..
Dn & Fe ...
At the other place
2220 St-E There's nothing suspicious.
Everything is fine. This eggnoid appears to be healthy
and happy.
There's no need to keep watching him, right?
2221 Cl Don't decide that so easily. There's no way that an
eggnoid would give off light without a reason.

There has to be a reason.

Keep an eye on the eggnoid's residential environment
and the people around him.
Find the reason
and deal with it.
Episode 38
*Stranger-Eggnoid was spying Eggy's house while
Diany arrived at the house*
*He tried to get Diany's data but end up find nothing*

St-E Isn't that woman the eggnoid's adoptive mother?

Then who is she?
Strange, that woman is the only adult around the
There are so many suspicious things in this family.
There's a protocol that forbids eggnoids from living in
places where other eggnoids once lived.

Even the eggnoids themselves are far away from each

other so it's hard for them to meet each other.

Eggnoids are assugned to key places for the future of

the earth.
Is this place so important that eggnoids appeared
Is it because of him...?
*Ran opened the door for Diany*
Ran, if only I could talk to you
I'd like to talk lots about your parents..
2222 K Here's some coffee, Diany.
2223 D Ah, thanks.
How was today?
*Eggy and Ran were studying while Diany came home*

2224 K It was fine.

Eggy is adjusting to school wel, keeping up with the
classes and he's even made lots of friends.
2225 D Ah, that's no fun. I'm not asking about that.
I meant, what happened with that boy that you fought
with before?
You said you guys fought, right?
2226 K Oh, you mean Atan?
I don't know. I apologized to Atan because I didn't
want him to avoid Eggy because of me...
Eggy thought of him as a close friend...
Atan said I'm only apologizing because of Eggy.
I don't know what he wants from me.
*Eggy prepared a pillow for lying down*
2227 D Then you should explain it to him.
He might think that your apology was not sincere.
You didn't really apologize because of Eggy,right?
Let's suppose that Eggy and Atan were getting along
well like usual.
Would you've still apologized?
*Ran touched Eggy's head when he felt asleep*
2228 K I never thought about that...
2229 D Ran...
All you really know is how to study.
You're so patheic when it comes to being social~
2230 K Stop teasing me, Diany!!!!
Oh, and...
What should I do about this?! My leg is asleep...
But I can't wake him up...
*Pointing at Eggy*
D ...
In the morning
2231 O Didn't you see that show yesterday? It was so good...

2232 E I don't really watch tv. I prefer to read books.

2233 O Nowadays, a lot of books get turned into movies..
2234 E Oh, really?
*Ran looked sad*
O ...
2235 O Ran, why are you so quiet?
K Hm?
O Is something wrong?
2236 E Are you worried about Atan?
2237 O Who's Atan?
E A guy in Eggy and Ran's class..
K ...
2238 K So the thing is..
*Ran told Olfie what happened with her and Atan
while they walked to the school*
2239 O Wow..
That was mean of you.
2240 K WHAT??
Why? Did I do something that wrong?
2241 O Imagine if I told you
That you're a bad influence on Eggy.
2242 E Ran's not a bad influence!
2243 O That's why I told her to just imagine it...
2244 E Oh..
K ...
2245 O Anyone would feel bad if they heard that.
2246 K Then when I apologize, I say.
"Okay, I apologize for saying that you're a bad
influence on Eggy. So could you keep hanging out with

2247 O Wouldn't that annoy you?

If you don't even think that you did wrong
And you don't look like you regret it
Then it's not ana apology.
It's self-satisfication.
*Ran thought Olfie's words*
At Ran's classroom
*Selatan was talking with Ucup and Asep while Ran
called him*
2248 K Atan..
2249 S What?
2250 K Do you have a minute?
*Ucup and Asep teased Selatan*
As WOW~~
2251 S BE QUIET!!
Let's talk outside.
L ...
*Laras just looked at Ran and Selatan*
Episode 39
*The girls were gossiping Ran and Eggy*
2252 Dn So Eggy is Kirana's Aunt's adoptive son.
That's why they're close.
2253 Ra Wait, adoptive son?
What do you mean?
You mean he's adopted?
2254 Dn Eggy's an orphan?
Then he must be poor.
2255 FS Kirana is rich, remember?
I bet Eggy has a lot of meney too.
2256 Ra Yeah, being a beggar with good looks like that
wouldn't make sense.
A prince would be better suited for Eggy.
*Laras just had a smile while she talked herself*
L Gross.
What a pathetic conversation...
I only approached them to try to stir up rumors about
But they're doing that on their own without me even
fanning the flame...
Wel, they've always had rotten personalities.
2257 L Then that makes the two of them cousins. I thought
they were dating...
2258 Ra God.. Laras, you guys are all to naive..
Still, the two of them aren't blood relatives, you know.
Plus they're close and the same age. They could very
well date.

We have to stop them before it's too late..

L Stop them?
Do you guys think that you'll be able to date Eggy just
because the two of them aren't dating?

You think you can compare to smart and pretty

Why don't you look in the mirror?
It's pathetic..
2259 L I thought Kirana was still dating Olfie from class X-F.
I ran into them in front of the classroom for the
sholarship program yesterday. They looked super

They didn't act like a couple that's broken up.

2260 FS What?
So she's been that close to Eggy even while dating
2261 Ra But the three of them always come to school together,
you know.
Surely Kirana wouldn't be playing the two of them,
2262 Dn Being pretty really does give you power. It must be
nice being close to two handsome boys. Plus the two
of them are even fighting over her.
2262 Dn

At school with Eggy, and at home with Olfie...

It's so unfair..
2263 FS Ah, but Kirana isn't next to Eggy right now.
Where did she go?
2264 FS She's talking to Atan outside.
2265 Ra What are they doing?
Satan is usually such a jerk to girls. She's got her hands
on every guy. How can she be such a hussy?

2266 FS I didn't know she was like that. She seemed nice and
friendly when we talked to her yesterday.
2267 Ra Maybe she's pretending to be nice.
2268 L Then how about we try to get to know Kirana better?

We might have the wrong idea about her.

2269 D You're so nice, Laras. Have you ever gotten angry with
or hated anyone?
L Ha.. Ha.. Ha..
2270 FS That's our class president~
You know, there's a fine line between being nice and
being an idiot!
Outside the classroom
2271 S So what's up?
2272 K I want to apologize to you again..
For what I said to you, and for telling you to keep
being friends with Eggy.
*Selatan still looked angry*
I'm not apologizing just to make myself better.
I regret making you feel bad.
S ...
*Ran's heart was thumping*
2273 S Okay, no problem.
2274 K Do you forgive me?
2275 S Yeah.
K That's it??
My heart has been hurting like crazy because of this
since yesterday but I was worried for nothing...

2276 K B..But you looked really angry yesterday...

*Selatan raised one of his eyebrow*
2277 S I was annoyed.
I hated people who tell me what to do.
Because it' to me whom I want to be friends with and
whom I don't.
If Eggy wants to be my friends with me, that's his own
choice. I don't want anyone ordering him around or
controlling him.

*Scratheched his head*

There are too many rules in the world.
I have my own values at least when it comes to
friends, okay?
2278 K Yeah, I get it...
Sorry for telling you what to do...
2279 S What do you keep saying sorry for?
Even still,
I wouldn't exactly hate being friends with you...
*Ran's heart was thumping*
2280 K Thanks~..
*The school's bell rang*
2281 S There goes the bell. Let's go. Standing for too long
makes my feet hurt.
*Ran just had a smile and followed Selatan to the
Break time
2282 FS Kirana, let's go to the cafetaria together.
2283 L Want to go with us?
2284 FS You should come too, Eggy.
2285 E Eggy wants to go with Atan.
K I nvever thought the day would come when Eggy
cooses a guy friend over me.
It hurts but there's nothing I can do...
E Eggy wants to eat jengkol.
K ?!
S *Shocked*
2286 S Shh, that's a secret.
Ha.. Ha.. Ha..
*dragging Eggy with him*
2289 E Let's go together with Ran...
2290 S No, she can't climb over a wall wearing a skirt.
2291 K Let's go to the cafetaria.
2292 Dn Psst... *whispered*
Ah, Eggy isn't coming with her.
2293 Ra I shouldn't have asked her to come with us.
At the cafetaria
2294 FS Isn't that the girl that we ate with before?
2295 K Grace...?
2296 Ra I can't stand her! She's too direct. And she has no
She called us liars and said that we're mean as soon as
she got there, remember? She's doesn't even give
people a chance to talk.

2297 D Yeah.
You can tell that she lives by her own rules. Just look
at how she's dressed.
So tacky.
K ...
2298 Ra I bet she's a flirty type too. She's close to boys.
2299 FS Kirana, isn't she the one who stole Olfie from you?
2300 FS She didn't even deny the rumors about her and Olfie
dating before...
You must have been so annoyed.
2301 K STOP IT!
Don't talk like that about Grace.
She's my friend.
Episode 40
2301 K Don't talk like that about Grace.
She's my friend.
*The girls looked at Ran*
Why would you talk like that about someone that you
don't even know?
It's not good to just think whatever you like.
No one likes having people talk about them behind
their back.
Especially when you say bad things about them...
And criticize them without any reason.
You guys wouldn't like people to do that to you either,
would you?
2302 Dn We said that for your sake, Kirana.
We're telling you to be careful of people like Grace.

2303 K I appreciate your concern

But this is an issue between me and Grace.
So far, Grace has been really good to me, and I'm
grateful for that too.
So if I have something to say, I'll say it directly to
2304 L Hey hey, that's enough. They were just venting their
Don't take it too seriously.
2305 K Let's eat.
I'm hungry.
At the other side of cafetaria
2306 O Wow..
I'm impressed with Ran. She's already gotten close to
some girls.
Before, she didn't use to get along well with girls.
2037 G I don't really like those girls from Ran's class.
There's something strange about them..
2308 O Why?
2309 G It's a bit complicated but boys wouldn't understand..

After school time

2310 S Eggy!
Want to hang out together?
2310 S

We don't have any homework for tomorrow.

2311 E Sure.
But can Ran come with us too?
2312 K Ah, I would just get in the way. I don't have to go,
Eggy. It's okay.
2314 S Get in the way? Of course ot.
2315 U Let's go together.
It would be fun if you guys fight like yesterday.
*Grabbed Ucup's collar pretend he would punch him*

2316 E Let's go together, Ran.

If you go with us..
It will be more fun.
2317 As WOW~~~
Eggy really know how to ask girls out.
R Memo... Memo...
2318 K Okay, I'll just go to the bathroom real quick.
If I take a while, go ahead without me.
*Covering her back skirt*
2319 S Are you constipated?
Going poo?
Ha.. Ha.. Ha..
*Ran felt embarassed*
2320 K N~No~
It's a girl thing...
So it may take a while...
2321 S Then give me your number.
So you can call me if anything comes up.
2322 K Okay, here's my number. What about yours?
2323 As Wow~~
Atan is a pro at asking girls out too.
U Memo... Memo...
*Ran went to the bathroom but someone locked the
door so Ran couldn't went out*
K Huh?
Why is the door locker?
It won't open..
Is it broken?
*Tapping the door*
2324 K Excuse me, is anyone there?
I need some hel..
*Someone poured a bucket of wastewater*
*Ran's body almost wet*
K Huh?
What the..
K Who was that?!
Episode 41
K I'm cold...
And sticky...
This smells like the suff that they use to clean the
At least it didn't get in my eyes...
I'm so digusted, angry, annoyed, and confused.
My head is spinning...
Did they do it by mistake?
Or were they after me from the start?
They called me a rotten bitch and said I'm pretending
to be pretty? What does that mean?
This makes me even angry.
2326 K WHO ARE YOU!!

K Is no one there?
Did they run away?
Why did they lock me in here?
What if I can't go home?
K I guess no one is coming to the bathrooom.
Has everyone gone home?
What should I do!
Stay calm, Ran... You can't think properly if you panic.

That's right.
First, I'll assess the situation and then get out of here.

Is there anyone that I can ask to get me out of here?

2327 S <What's taking so long, Ran?

We'll see you later.
Take some diarrhea medicine.>
K Atan, Eggy and other guys have already left.
I can't bother them by asking them to come back to
I can't ask Diany either...

Since she must be busy with work...

Is probably at school because ot the scholarship
This kind of thing happened before too.
Olfie took my side when I got picked on by some girls.

He protected me.
But it actually ended up causing trouble for Olfie..
He was punished for fighting in school..
Quiet a few people looked at Olfie negatively for
getting involved in a girl's fight.
I don't want to stress Olfie out any more because of
problems between girls and me.
I don't want to bother anyone.
Before asking anyone for help
I should try on my own.
With my own strength.
*Ran climbed the toiled up so she could get out from
the bathroom but her shoes was slip then she fell

*Ran saw a sign that the bathroom cannot be used*

So this is why no one came to help me.

Who the heck would do all of this?
I didn't recognize their voice. It must be someone that
I don't know.
That person knew was in the bathroom.
Was it just something that they did impulsively?
Or did they plan it?
Do they dislike me that much?
Whoever they are, I'm going to looking up until I find
2328 S Hey Eggy, what are you just standing there for?
2329 E Is it really okay for us to go without Ran?
Will she really catch up with us later?
2330 S Wll, that's what she said.
But she might also not feel like coming.
If she doesn't want to come, there's no need to force
her, right?
Maybe she doesn't ant to play because her stomach
still hurts.
At the market
2331 E And where are we right now?
2332 U We're buying some cheap movie cds. Downloading
movies uses up a lot of data. It's better to use that
data to read webtoons.

*Selatan was giving Eggy a spicy snacks*

E So spicy!!
S Ha! Ha! Ha!
2333 Sl Hey kid, ahem, japanese? Western? Indonesian? I've
got recent ones...
*Eggy took a look at a porn cd*
2334 E What are these?
S Kirana might beat me up...
2335 S Eggy, that's not for you. That's forbidden biology
education for adults.
E ??
2336 E They're kissing. That must be an adult movie too,
E Ran said I'm not supposed to watch that kind o thing.

*pointed at a movie poster*

2337 U Hey, there are a lot of kids around our age who've
2338 As Cup, have you ever kissed a girl?
2339 U No...
2340 S Listen, kissing is a sacred thing.
You should only do it with someone really speciall...

2341 U Stop acting so conceited...

You've never tried it wither, you know.
2342 S No, but I should try it as soon as possible...
2343 As You are single as hell...
I want my first kiss to be on her forehead first, to make
it romantic,
I'm too shy to kiss her lips right away..
2344 S Hey, step one has to be a kiss on the cheek. A kiss on
the forehead is something that parents do.

Like building on the top of your head.

2345 As No, not like that, I mean romantically!
2346 S You're supposed to kiss her cheek before kissing her
2347 U Shut up, guys. You don't even have girlfriends..
2348 E What's the difference?
Between a kiss on the lips and a kiss on the cheek?

2349 S They're different.

2349 S
A kiss on the cheek means that you cherish the
person, and a kiss on the lips is just one level higher.

You'll probably get slapped if you start with a kiss on

the lips right away.
*Eggy grabbed the thief's hand*
2351 E He said stop.
2352 Th Damn it!!
*The thief took a knife out*
*Some blood was came out*
Episode 42
At the nurse office
2354 K Hello?
Is anyone in here?
I need some medicine to put on a cut...
2355 Nr Oh, sure.
I didn't know there were any students still here.
*Anita looked at Ran*
Why are you all wet?
What happened?
2356 K Oh, I fell over the bathroom before and hit the mop
That's why..
Heh.. Heh..
Nr ...
*Anita looked at Ran's clothes that covered by a dirts*

2357 Nr You'll catch a cold if you keep wearing those wet

Use the bathroom there. There's antibiotic soap in
there so you can use it to wash your hair.
There should be some clothes in the cupboard for
student to wear.
Let's treat that cut after you wash up and get changed.

2358 K Sure, thank you.

I'll be right back.
2359 Nr Be careful no to fall over again.
K I'm sorry for lying...
I can't tell her that someone locked me in the
And there's still no proof. I still don't know anything
about the culprit.
I can't let my emotions get ahead of me. The exam
period is coming up soon, so if a problem were to arise
at school because of this, it would affect other

But if this happens again...

I need to be prepare too.
I won just sit back and take this.
2360 K Nurse, thank you for helping me.
I'm late so I had better head home.
2361 Nr Did you write your name and class number in the
nurse's office register?
2362 K Yes.
2363 Nr Oh, and.
Come back if anything ever happens.
I'll help you.
Tell me if anything happens because you're not
No matter what happens, it gets easier if you share it
with someone else.
2364 K Sure, thank you.
Have a nice day.
*Ran closed the door*
*Anita took her phone and opened Diany's contact*

At the market
2366 E He said stop.
2367 Th Damn it!!
*The thief took a knife out*
*Eggy kept the knife off*
*The thief hurts the seller*

Th ...
2370 Th STEP ASIDE!!
*Eggy tried to avoid the knief and tried to stop the
2371 Th CRAP!!
*The thief felt down and tried to stood up but
someone threw a helmet to the thief*
2374 Ppl BURN HIM!!!
*The security blew his whistle*
2375 Sc


Could you guys go to the police station with us and
help with the investigation?
2376 S Eggy! Are you okay?
At the police station
2377 S Man, that investigation took longer than I thought.
Look how late it is already!
2378 As By the way, you were amazing before, Eggy! That was
so cool!
2379 U I had no idea that you were so good at fighting!
2380 E Eggy just found out too..
It was a reflex..
And that person who got cut before.., he must be in
pain, right?
2381 S Not only could have gotten hurt, but that was really
You could die if something goes wrong!
Just be very glad that you're okay.
Be careful next time!
2382 E Why are there people who hurt others like that?
That's bad.
2383 S That's what this world really like. Not everyone is nice.

There are people who will do anything to survive

without even thinking about other people.

So if you want to survive in this hars world,

You can't be too nice or innocent.
Otherwise you may die.
2384 E Don't tell Ran about what happened before.
Ran would worry..
2385 U Sure, but too bad.
It was awesome.
*Selatan's phone was ringing*
2386 S Wow, we were just talking about Ran and now she is
calling me..
E Ran...
Episode 43
*Ran went to the market*
K It's already getting late. Atan said they would be
around here...
Are they still here? Did they leave?
I should try calling him..
2387 K Hey, Atan, where are you?
You haven't left yet, have you?
I'm by the entrance.
2388 S <No, we're still here. Right now, we're...
2388 S
2389 K Huh?
What about Eggy?
2390 S <I don't knew, he suddenly ran off.
I don't know where he went, I can't see him. There are
too many people..>
K What's going on with Eggy?
Ugh, it's so crowded and busy in the evening..
How am I going to find Eggy among all of there
*Ran saw someone like Eggy*
*Eggy hugged Ran as soon as he closer to Ran*
2391 E RAN!!
2392 K How...
How did you find me?
2393 E No matter where you are,
Eggy will find you somehow.
Always, forever.
I'll keep finding you.
*Eggy touched Ran's cheek*
2394 S Ah, we finally found you. It was so hard to find you
How did you find Ran?
There are so many people around.
Are you minds connected or something?
2395 U Ran...
Are you crying?
*Ran's tears felt down*
Flashback on
*A car was falling down from the bridge*
2397 MK Hurry up and go... Sweetie...
You have to survive..
Run as far away as you can..
2398 K No. I'm going to stay here!
I won't leave without you two!
2397 MK Don't cry. You have to be strong.
Go.. We'll be right behind you.
2399 MK Ran, listen carefully..
No matter where you are,
2399 MK

I'll find you somehow.

Always, forever.
*Kissed Ran's forehead*
I'll keep finding you..
Flashback End
2400 K NOOOOOO!!
K What kind o dream did I have?
Why can I never remember..
I know it was a dream about the accident but I forget
it as soon as I wake up... But it felt so real.
2401 E RAN!!
*Eggy hugged Ran*
Sorry for coming in without knocking..
I came as soon as I heard you scream.
K Strange..
Hugging Eggy always make me feel calm...
*Eggy released his hug*
E Don't cry, Ran..
Are you hurt??
Is it because of this?
*Eggy touched Ran's cut*
Why didn't you tell me how this had happended to
you.. Why? Eggy knows everything..
K I didn't tell anyone about what happened yesterday.
On the one hand, I didn't want to stir up any trouble,
and on the other hand, I was afraid people would
think I'm lying.

Since there's no proof and I don't know anything

about the culprit...
People might think I'm exaggerating, lying, or that I
want attention...
I want to solve my own problem myself without other
people's help too.
But it should be okay to tell Eggy... I trust Eggy.
2402 K Yesterday, someone locked me in the batroom...
I fell over and hurt myself while trying to get out on
my own.
But more than this cut...
It hurts to know that there's someone who wants to
torment me this much..
What did I do wrong? Why can't they resolve this with
words... Why did they do such a mean thing?

2403 E Atan said not everyone is a good person. He says there

are people who do whatever they want without
thinking of other people.
2403 E

And he says not to be too nice or innocent if you don't

want to get hurt...
Ran is nice to Eggy, and Eggy really likes Ran.
Eggy hates seeing Ran hurt but Eggy also doesn't wan
to seen Ran become a bad person...
Keep being a nice person, Ran...
Eggy will protect you.
So that no one will do anything bad to you..
2404 K Thanks, Eggy... I won't become a bad person. I know
what Atan meant when he said that you shouldn't be
too nice.

He's saying that people shouldn't be weak...

You need to be strong in here.
*Ran's tapping Eggy's heart*
2405 E Hm.. My heart?
Do I have to work out lots ike it says in the textbook?

2406 K Haha that's right...

Thanks, Eggy for everything.
I'm so glad that you're by my side now...
At 6 am
2406 D Good morning, my babies. Did you have a good day
Did anything interesting happen?
2407 E Yesterday, Eggy and Ran hung out with Atan.
We played soccer in the town square and even went
to the karaoke.
2408 D Wow, that must have been a blast.
Oh right, Ran. Could I talk to you for a minute?
The sign is finished.
<Male and Female Boarders Welcome>
2409 K Is it okay to put it up?
Episode 44
At Olfie's house
2410 O Mom, I'm going to school.
Tell Dad to stop staying out so late..
2411 MO Haha sure.
Your dad has been kind of busy lately..
Have a good day at school.
*Olfie closed the door*
2412 FO I'm hungry..
Ah, where's Rolfe? Did he go to school?
I missed seeing him again..
2413 MO Your son says stop staying out so late, it's not good for
your health..
Don't just play music all the time.
You should pay attention to your son too.
2414 FO What do you mean?
2415 MO Hold on...
FO ??
MO Yesterday, while I was cleaning Olfie's room,
I found this.
2416 FO A scholarship program? Does Olfie want to go to
2417 MO You know what Olfie is like. He doesn't tell us about
things unless he's certain they'll succeed.
2418 FO But England..
That's where my partner is now.
*Olfie saw someone put the sign in Ran's house*
2419 O Ah, you're finally renting out some rooms?
2420 K Hm..
*Olfie touched Ran's head*
2421 O Will it be okay?
Do you feel ready for it?
2422 K I have to do it whether I'm ready or not.
The sooner the better, right?
And at least my parents' dream will come true a little
They made all of those rooms to have a house filled
with lots of people and joy...
The house is so quiet and depressing if it's just me
living in it...
As Diany said, it's also not good for Eggy and me to be
alone together at home..
Eggy would be able to learn how to make friends if
there are lots of people in the house.
2423 O What if the people staying at your house are bad?
2424 K Don't worrym Diany will pick the people staying at the
I can decide later whether or not I want them to stay
at the house too.
I hope they'll wbe the same age as us. Then they could
be friends with Eggy and me.
E Like Atan?
2425 O You have lots of friends in your class now, right?
2426 K Well...
What if I don't get along well with those friends?
Will I have to avoid them?
2427 O It's possible that you might not suit each other or you
might have different opinions.
Since everyone has their own personality.
There's no need to make it obvious that you're
avoiding them. You can just maintain a bit of distance
while getting along well with them. Just keeping them
as acquintances.
Like Eggy and me.
We know each other but there's no need for us to be
2428 E Who says I want to be your friend, Olpi? Eggy has
Atan, Ucup and Asep!
*Eggy mocked Olfie by stucking his tounge out*
2429 O It's 'Olfie' not 'Olpi'!
2430 E Olpi, *gag*
2431 K You guys, seriously...
Ah, and thank you so much for the advice, Olfie.
*Olfie touched Ran's head*
2432 O It was just a suggestion. It's up to you to decide.
O Ran.
She's matured a lot more now.
It makes me both happy and sad.
It feels kind of like setting a baby pigeon free from it's
Right now.. I want to hold onto her while I can..
Before she flies away later and I can't hold her..
*Eggy smacked Olfie's hand*
2433 E NO!
2434 O YOU JERK!!
2435 K HEY!
Inside Ran's house
2436 An Is this the place?
It's really close to school.
I would be able to save money on transportation..
But if I really end up living here, aren't you afraid that
your niece's memories might suddenly come back

2437 D Does Ran recognize you at school?

2438 An No, but...
It's been a few years since that incident...
But with a trauma like that...
There's a chance that memories can return at any
If her memories return,
Will you tell me to erase them again?
Flashback On
2440 GK





2441 K NOOOOO!!!!
*Diany opened Ran's room's door*
2442 D RAN!
*Ran was crying*
If Ran hadn't run away at the time...
Mom and Dad died because of Ran! It's all Ran's fault!

*Ran was sobbing*

*Diany hugged Ran*
2444 D Calm down, Ran!!
Please calm down.
Ran, don't blame yourself!!
It's not your fault!
2445 K I'm sorry, Dad...
Sorry, Mom...
*Diany ran into Anita then grabbed her collar*
2446 D Anita, I heard you could erase memories and traumas
with your hypnotherapy?
Please do something for her, please.
2447 K It's not that easy...
And the outcome differs depending on the patient.
Your niece is still young.
2448 D Please, I need your help. I can't stand to watch my
niece suffer every night anymore.
Make it so that she doesn't remember.
Help Ran forget about that accident...
It would be better for her to forget about everything
that happened in the past.
D I'll bear the burden for all of this..
I'll take responsibility.
Ran is the only family that I have left from my brother.
I'm going to help Ran feel safe no matter what it takes.

I'm going to help her live a alife without any stress or

As a happy and ordinary kid.
Flashback off
Season 1
Episode 1
6 Kirana Olfie, I just... CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR Quality


Do I really have to take care of him like a parent? It’s
hard enough taking care of myself.
Take him back! Please!
42 Kirana Um... I don’t have kids! Manner
53 Olfie Hey, let’s go. Relation
55 Olfie What if it is? Quantity
What if I don’t want to be your friend anymore...
57 Olfie Grace, let's go. We're going to be late, the event is Relation
starting soon.
60 O THAT’S ENOUGH! Relation
This is all for Ran’s sake!
Ran will never know unless I do this. Quantity
She won’t understand if I don’t do this.
87 Kirana Eggy... Hold on...
Eggy... Quantity
It’s okay.
I’ll be back soon.
Be a good boy, my little Eggy.
You're going to listen, right?
88 Eggy Still... Relation
Eggy wants to be with Ran.
89 Kirana Awww my heart... Relation
Eggy, you’re only making this harder for me.
Do you want me to be stressed?
90 Eggy Hic...
Okay. Quantity
Eggy don’t want to stress Ran out.
Eggy will wait.
96 Olfie Leave her alone... Relation
She’s not a kid, right...?
100 Olfie In a bit. Quantity
If I go now
I’ll probably end up walking with Ran.
104 Olfie Don’t tell her now, I’ll explain it later. Quantity
I’m still hoping that this method will work.
Even if I can’t be friend with Ran again later because
of this.
111 Kirana that 1.000 birds? Quantity
112 Eggy I looked around Relation
112 Eggy Relation
But I used up all of the paper and thread.
126 Eggy I’m going to take a bath. Relation
133 Kirana Ahh! It’s hard to explain! If you still don’t understand, Manner
then I feel embarrassed!
Just don’t take your pants off when someone is
Do you understand, Eggy?!
140 Olfie No, Mom. Don’t get any weird ideas. Quantity
151 Kirana Bahahaha! Eggy, ramen may be cheap and tasty but Quantity
you shouldn’t eat too much of it.
I’ll make you something tastier than ramen. And you
have to eat lots of vegetables if you want to be
healthy, Eggy.

154 Eggy Hug me. Relation

155 Kirana Ah... Manner
156 Eggy Hug. Quantity
157 Kirana Hm...
AAAHHH, I’m late! I’ve got to go, Eggy! Relation
169 Olfie You guys go ahead, there’s something I need to do. Relation

172 Grace Let’s go! Relation

177 Olfie You’re not going to the cafetaria? Did you have Relation
something to eat?
178 Kirana That’s none of your business, Olfie... Relation
Since you’re not my friend anymore.
180 Kirana Why? Quantity
Why do you keep treating me well?
You said I’m not your friend anymore.
So why do you keep treating me so well?
183 Olfie <SHUT UP..> Relation
184 Grace You didn’t make up??? Quantity
185 Olfie Have you been waiting here the whole time? Relation
187 Olfie Let go of me. Relation
This problem between Ran and I isn’t as simple as you
You’re the one who opened my eyes to this problem,
Remember when we first entered high school?
The day we first met.
193 Grace Huh? Really? I thought she was your girlfriend.. That’s Quantity
probably what the other kids think too.
You always hang out together. She visits you during
every break time, and you even walk to and from
school together.

Doesn’t she have any other friends?

Does she have any girl friends in her class?
At this rate, she might end up looking really
possessive of you..
207 Kirana Oh, does our class have a chatroom? Relation
208 Olfie Let’s hurry! Maybe they haven’t left yet. Relation
209 Kirana We were supposed to meet at six, remember? Relation
210 Olfie Ran, give me your phone, my phone is almost out of Quality
battery life.
213 Kirana Because I have you, Olfie. Quantity
As long as I have you, I don’t need any other friends.

As long as I have you, I don’t need anyone else.

220 Olfie WHO SAYS I’M ABANDONING HER?! Quantity
I don’t want to be the reason that Ran is isolated.
But now I’m not sure what should I do.
If this gentle method doesn’t work, I might have to
try something stronger.
Even if it means that Ran and I can’t go back to being
friends like before.
Olfie There goes the bell. Relation
Let’s go...
270 Kirana This pain can’t be healed with a band-aid. Manner
282 Kirana Nothing, it’s nothing, Eggy. Quantity
Let’s have breakfast.. Relation
284 Kirana Um.. H..Hey.. Quantity
Let’s see who can get to the kitchen first!!
300 Laras I understand, Kirana. You’ve always been a quite Quantity
type, right? That’s why it would be a bit hard to make

I’ll ask the other kids later to try to understand that.

And not to bother you.
Plus you just had a falling out with Olfie recently,
right? You probably need some time to be alone..
302 Laras Don’t worry, leave it to me. We've resolved anything Manner
and made up now, right?
327 Olfie I just want Ran to find some other friends on her Relation
own. She can’t keep living by herself, right?
336 Olfie BE QUIET! YOU BUMS! Relation
338 Olfie You need to distinguish between friends and Manner
And I wish you would realize the value of the money
that you have. Learn to save, don’t spend it so

344 Kirana It’s not hard but it's a nuisance to do. Manner
346 Kirana Can you do this, Eggy?? Manner
You were just born recently!
350 Kirana Eggy, you’re not a robot, are you? Relation
366 Kirana Not really... Relation
368 Kirana I don’t want to cause any problems, Diany. Quantity
I don’t want to worry grandma if she were to find
369 Diany So how’s Olfie doing? Do you still hang out together Relation
all the time?
Have you guys started dating?
370 Kirana P..Probably a cat.. Quality
I saw a cat running around of the roof yesterday.
372 Kirana Ah, Diany, where are you going? Ah, you don’t have Relation
to check.
You just got here. You must be tired so just rest.
376 Kirana Ah... Let’s go to the living room, okay? Quantity
It’s cooler in there.
380 Kirana No way, you must be imagining it... Quality
385 Kirana Shh! Be quiet, Eggy! Relation
What are you doing here, Eggy? You’re supposed to
be in the rooftop room!
387 Kirana Why did you fall? Quantity
Are you okay? Eggy, you can’t be here!
You have to hide!
391 Kirana H..Hurry up and hide, Eggy! Relation
393 Kirana Go now! Relation
401 Kirana T-That’s okay, later... Quality
I still have some homework...
403 Kirana W..Well, I don’t think I’ll want to come home if I meet Quantity
Olfie now.. So it would be better to do my homework

417 Diany Don't worry. Manner

They're still kids.
Even if they fight now, they’ll make up later.
419 Olfie Ah, Aunt Diany. When did you get here? Relation
428 Olfie Did Ran say that? Relation
430 Olfie Is Ran doing okay? Relation
431 Diany If you’re worried, why don’t you ask her yourself? Manner
And shouldn’t you know better than anyone whether
or not she’s okay?
You two always used to hang out together on
weekends, and now you’re hanging out separately. I
wondered what was going on.

So there’s another girl in your life.

433 Diany So Ran made you feel like that? Manner
Ran is an independent and reliable girl. She has a
sense of responsibility and she’s never caused any
problems, she’s perfect.

438 Olfie How could she not matter to me? Manner

442 Eggy No.. Quantity
442 Eggy Quantity
This can’t be healed with a band-aid. It hurts..
Why do I have to leave? Do you hate me?
Did you abandon me?
452 Kirana Eggy, could you wait here for a minute? Relation
462 Diany This... would have been easier if you had told me you Manner
got pregnant while living together...
481 Eggy I’m not evil.. Quantity
482 Diany Wow, he talks! Manner
483 Eggy I DON’T LIE! Relation
484 Kirana Ah, I know, we believe you. Relation
489 Kirana I... I’m not sure.. Relation
But Eggy is here now.
And I decided to trust Eggy.
494 Diany It’s a good thing there aren’t many people in this Manner
neighborhood. It’s the countryside, plus if people
found out, they would have probably forced you to
consummate your relationship right away.

498 Diany Should I tell him what “consummate” means? Manner

503 Kirana T..Then what should we do? What do we have to do? Quantity

505 Kirana B..But.. Manner

This is my mom and dad’s house..
528 Diany Yep, what other choice do I have? It would be Manner
dangerous for the two of you to keep living here by

The neighbots might say something.

Or I might suddenly get a grandchild...
535 Kirana School? Wouldn’t it be better for him to learn at Quantity
home? We could have a tutor come to the house, or I
could teach Eggy.

Eggy is still clueless about the outside world. He’s still

to pure and innocent.
If he goes to school, people will make fun of him for
being weird.
536 Diany Who could make fun of a face like that..? Manner
540 Diany That’s just it! Manner
The thing with men is, if another man touches what
belongs to them, they’re sure to react!
545 Kirana Ah, uh... I-I’ll be right back. Relation
I’ll get some snacks!
572 Olfie A close friend? Where did they live? Since when? Manner
573 Diany Someone’s sure being nosy. Relation
574 Olfie Ran doesn’t become so close with guys so easily. Quantity
It takes a long time for her to become friends..
It looks like they’ve gotten really close.
584 Diany Yeah, Eggy’s parents were explorers. He’s never Quantity
stayed in one place before and he doesn’t have any
relatives. Eggy has never even attended a normal
school before.

Eggy was the only one to survive the accident but he

lost his memories. He can’t remember his past.

So far, Eggy has been very confused trying to figure

everything out.
It may not be exactly the same, but Ran and Eggy
both experienced something similar, so they share a

586 Diany It's perfect. Manner

Bad memories from the past... are the best forgotten.

589 Kirana Ah, Eggy, Relation

I think Diany called you.
598 Olfie He seems like he’ll be a good friend for you. Quantity
I’m relieved.
The more good friends you make, the better, tight?

599 Kirana Olfie, do you remember? Relation

When we used to play the piano together as kids?
601 Kirana Olfie, right now... Relation
Are you still my friend?
609 Eggy Let’s go home. Relation
611 Eggy Eggy wants to go home. Quantity
614 Kirana He wants to go home. Quantity
615 Diany Ah, it’s getting kind of late. We’ve stayed for too long. Quantity

Eggy must be a bit tired. You two have school

tomorrow, right?
Guys, say good night to Olfie’s parents.
618 Diany The more you get to know him, the stranger he’ll Manner
621 Kirana You can read well yourself, Eggy. You should read a Quantity
story by yourself tomorrow.
625 Kirana You’re making me blush... Relation
You’re so silly, Eggy!
626 Eggy Blush? Quantity
630 Kirana D..Diany..
w..we didn’t do anything. Relation
631 Diany Hm, what a shame. I was hoping something had Manner
636 Diany You said yourself that he’s a quick learner. He may be Quantity
young now... but someday, he will become a young
636 Diany Quantity

Just be careful, all right?

Diany Ah.. Relation
One more thing.
I hope your relationship with Olfie gets better.
Good night, Ran..
645 Olfie See? You’re doing it again.. Manner
646 Kirana I know, I always bother you, don’t I? I tire you out Quantity
and irritate you.
647 Olfie STOP IT! Relation
I just want you to get along okay even without me,
652 Diany You guys look like a real newlyweds. Relation
653 Eggy Newlyweds? Quantity
654 Kirana Diany, please don’t teach Eggy anything weird while Relation
I’m at school.
657 Diany Don’t worry. He can learn weird things from his Manner
friends when he goes to school later.
665 Grace Man, it’s hot in here. It must be because of all this Relation
669 Grace There are a lot of people in this bathroom, let’s go Quality
somewhere else.
674 Kirana Um.. Are you getting along well with Olfie? Manner
Kirana Sorry, that’s none of my business. Pretend you didn’t Relation
hear that.
675 Grace It’s okay. Quantity
Yeah, Olfie and I are doing fine. But we’re not in the
type of relationship you are thinking.
681 Kirana You’re not in the kind of relationship that I’m Quantity
thinking? What do you mean?
682 Grace Olfie still hasn’t told you? Relation
683 Kirana We haven’t talked much lately... Manner
684 Grace Olfie has a lot of stuff to explain to you. Quantity
But you don’t have to worry about me and Olfie.
You’ve known Olfie since you were little, right?
You know better than I do about Olfie’s emotions.
694 Mr. Yana Can’t you just ask Kirana about the accident? Quantity
She would know better than anyone, wouldn’t she?

She was there at the scene of the accident..

We could find out if we help Kirana to recover her
memories of the accident...
695 Diany NO! Manner
Making Ran recover her memories is our last resort..

I have to protect Ran,

No matter what..
696 Mr. Yana I have been your secretary since you were little. I Relation
believe you’ve done your best.
And what happened to Kirana is not your fault.
697 Diany Whether it’s my fault or not.. I’m going to try to fix all Quantity
of this...
I’m not going to take Kirana away like they took my
brother away.
703 Selatan Wow, is Kirana always that cold? Relation
719 Olfie Do all the students that apply get accepted? Relation
721 Olfie Yes, I totally understand that, Sir.. Manner
Of course I really want to go too...
But it makes me think about the things that I’ll have
to leave behind here if I get accepted.
734 Eggy It sounded like there were a bunch of people before. Manner

737 Diany I ordered it, why would I bother making all of these quantity
complicated dishes when I can just buy them?

767 Kirana School isn’t as fun of a place as you think, Eggy.. Quantity
School is only fun for people who like to socialize and
have lots friends.
I could take classes at home
But Diany sent me to a regular school.
Reality isn’t as beautiful as we wish it were, Eggy.
768 Eggy But Eggy is sure! Quantity
Eggy will definetly like it!
Because Eggy can stay by your side, Ran.
Eggy doesn’t heve to stay at home all alone anymore.

770 Eggy Eggy wishes you wlould come back quickly. Quantity
Waiting takes forever, and sometimes it makes Eggy
Inside, I wish that you wouldn’t go anywhere if you
can’t come back soon..
But that would make things harder for you,
And Eggy doesn’t want to stress you out.
Eggy would be sad if you’re stressed.
So Eggy will be patient and wait for you.
Because even if it takes a long time, Eggy knows that
you will come home.
Every time you come home, Eggy’s heart beats so fast
and Eggy is so happy.
I guess it’s good to be patient.
773 Kirana Nothing, I’m fine, Eggy. Relation
Ah right, if you want to go to school, there’s tons of
stuff that you have to prepare. There’s also a
qualification exam.
773 Kirana Relation

Should we study?
I’ll help you!
819 Selatan SHUT UP! Relation
825 Selatan Your name’s Kirana, right? Relation
I’m just letting you know in case you don’t know, my
name is Selatan. You can call me Atan.
829 Selatan I thought you were unfriendly and arrogant like those Relation
monkeys in our class said.
So I didn’t think you would help me like this.
And if you laughed more in class like before, the
other kids wouldn’t get the wrong idea about you, I

831 Selatan Ah.. Wel.. Quality

836 Kirana Olfie, did you apply for a scholarship program? Relation
839 Olfie Ran, let’s talk somewhere else. Relation
843 Olfie I.. I still don’t know whether I’ll be accepted for that Manner
scholarship. I just applied for it.
846 Kirana I can’t do this anymore. Quantity
It hurts.
I waited this whole time because I thought I had done
something wrong, that I had irritated you.
I thought I had irritaded you by hanging around you
all the time, so that’s why you didn’t want to be
friends with me.

But now you don’t care about me at all.

You ignore me.
Do whatever you like now.
I don’t care anymore.
869 Eggy Parents? Quantity
871 Eggy But Eggy came out of an egg. Manner
872 Diany That’s right, but regular people are different from Quantity
you, Eggy.
Only eggnoids come out of eggs.
But I know, that you’re not the only eggnoid on Earth.

About the accident that Ran’s parents were in: the Relation
police closed the case as a regular car accident.

But there are too many strange things about it.

Since then, I’ve been perfoming my own investigation
without the help of the government.
878 Eggy But Eggy doesn't know anything about the accident. Quantity

Eggy doesn't know anything.

882 Eggy A secret? Quantity
883 Diany Quantity
Yeah, something that you keep to yourself and not
telling anyone else.
Not even to Ran.
887 Diany Manner
It's better to just burry and forget some things for the
sake of the people that you love.
There are still a lot of unsolved mysteries. Quantity
Through hypnosis, I've now figured out where you
came from, but new questions will arise too.
But for now, I know that you don't have any evil
intentions towards Ran.
888 Eggy Eggy was born for Ran.. Quantity
Eggy will protect Ran from any danger.
893 Kirana If you think that hugging me will solve everything, Quantity
then you're wrong.
Why did you apply for the scholarship program?
Why are you trying to leave me?
You promised to stay here for me.
894 Olfie Ran, listen to my explanation first. Relation
I want to build up experience and pursue a better
education and my dream..Is that wrong?
897 Kirana But it felt like I had been abandoned! Relation
900 Olfie Look, this is what's wrong with you, Ran. Quantity
You're too dependent on people!
Why are you only friends with me? Why don't you
make any other friends?
What if I can't keep my promise to always by your
I'm worried too. I'm worried but I'm not superman
who can always stay by your side. I have dreams and
things that I want to do too.

901 Kirana But it's not that easy to find a new friends. Quantity
It's hard..I can't do it..
902 Olfie I know that it's hard, but it's not something that you Quantity
can't do..
Have you tried making friends on your own?
Have you ever tried or decided to make friends
beside me?
We're both growns up, Ran. We can't stay like this
904 Olfie You're not a little kid anymore who always has to Quantity
hang around me, Ran. Thats gets hard and stressful
for me too.

905 Kirana Sooorry... Quantity

905 Kirana Quantity
I'm sorry for burdening you all this time, I'm sorry for
being selfish, I'm sorry for stressing you out..
906 Olfie Quantity
Tht's not the problem. I made a mistake too.. We've
both made mistakes.
What important is the will to fix those mistakes.
I was wrong to hurt you, Ran, and I regret it.. I shoulf
have told you from the start but my way of handling
things made the problem even more complicated.

This time, I'll help you make friends. I won't turn

away or ignore you anymore..
And you shouldn't just think of yourself, Ran.. You
have to try make friends.
Stop making me worry about you.
Will you di it?
910 Olfie Of course I'll miss you. Quantity
But that's still a long way away. Even if I'm accepted
into the program, I would be going in our senior year
of high school.

922 E
quality 7

quantity 62

manner 35
relation 68

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