This Lesson Plan Has Been Drawn Based On Assure Model. All The Steps Have Been Used

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Manalo, Jeramel Ray Chester T.

BSEd SSTU 2201

1.0 ASSURE Model Lesson Plan

Title: The Roles and Responsibilities of the Philippine Senate and the House of Representatives
Subject: Philippine Politics and Governance
Class Level: Grade 11 students
This lesson plan has been drawn based on Assure model. All the steps have been used.

1.1 Analyzing Learners

General Characteristics
Grade 11 class is consisting of 50 students, 16 males and 34 females. In the class, it is
expected that there are students belonging in the peer category, where the lesson proper that will
be introduced is not new and have background about the lesson. They are also students belonging
in the middle group, where they have less knowledge about the Senate and House of

The last category of the class is the lower group, where students belonging to this category
shall be the main focus of the teacher since they need most the deep concentration in helping
them to learn the lesson.

Learning Styles
This lesson will help the grade 11 students to develop awareness on the roles and
responsibilities of the Philippine Senate and The House of Representatives.

1.2 Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners shall be able to:

1. Define legislative department.

2. Identify the roles of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

3. Appreciate the roles of the legislative department.

1.3 Methods, Media and Materials

The teacher will begin the lesson with a brief introduction and overview of what is the Philippine
Senate and the House of Representative. The teacher will present a photo of the Congress and
video clip about the activities of the Representatives and the Senate. The students will then form
discussions groups and share what they understand about the topic and the teacher would discuss
the lesson further and do an activity to ensure the transfer of knowledge.

Media and Materials

Books, chalk and the blackboards in this lesson will be used for interpretation. The pictures and
the Video clips will also be used for further understanding of the lesson.

1.4 Utilizing Media and Materials

Preview the Materials
The teacher should have fully covered and researched on the topic before introducing it to the
students. He should be aware of the roles of the Philippine Senate and the House of
Representatives, responsibilities, their functions and should be able to answer any question posed
by the students related to the topic.

Prepare the Materials

The teacher should ensure that the pictures and the video clips are ready before the beginning of
the lesson. Enough reading material among other teaching and learning resources should be
available and ready to distribute to the students. 

Prepare the Environment

The teacher should check that the classroom is in order for adequate comfort and to ensure that it
is proper for teaching and learning process. This includes adequate lighting, proper ventilations,
good sitting arrangements and the classroom should be swept.
Prepare the Learner
The lesson will begin with an introduction by a presenting a picture of the Philippine Senate and
the House of Representatives and ask students to share their knowledge about the picture .There
will be icebreaker and overview in the roles and responsibilities of the Philippine Senate and the
House of Representatives as Legislative Department of the Government. Reading material will
be distributed by the teacher that will allow students to follow along with the discussion.

1.5 Require Learner Participation

Initial Activities
After introductions, icebreaker, and overview of the lesson, the teacher will group the class per
table. Each group will pick a puzzle. They will organize it to form a picture. The learners will
explain the picture by means of a creative presentation. Each group will be given at least 5
minute preparation and 2 minute presentation.

Content: 20 points

Presentation: 20 points

Teamwork: 10 points

Total: 50 points

1.6 Evaluate and Revise

The lesson will close with a brief summary from the teacher. Question and answer method will
be used for evaluation and revision. The questions will include:
Identify the following statement or answer the questions.

1. It refers to the power vested upon the Congress of the Philippines.

2. It refers to a draft of law presented to legislation for enactment, by the approval of the
Congress and the President of the Philippines.

3. It is an expressed power of the Congress of the Philippines to formally charge a serving

government official because of an offense.

4. How many senators do we have in the Philippine Senate?

5. What power of the Congress that Senate examines and deliberate the budget allocation law
that emanates exclusively from the Chamber of Representatives.

Reference: Philippine Politics and Governance (Rex Bookstore)

Other References:


Title: The Roles and Responsibilities of the Philippine Senate and the House of Representatives

Subject: Philippine Politics and Governance

Grade: Grade 11 HUMSS

Teacher: Ronald Cena

School: Dagatan National High School-Senior High School

Location: Dagatan Taysan, Batangas

Name of Student: Jeramel Ray Chester T. Manalo

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