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Español, Mark Tristan DC.

Remillo, Ricci Venise G.
60158, Celebrating God’s Presence as a Christian Community, MWF, 10:00 – 11:00
1. Why do you consider it as your most prized/ cherished possession? What is its connection
to your life?
Ricci: I consider my NAME as my prized possesion because it was given to me by my parents
and it is something you turn to when you hear it being called by your friend. The connection of it
to my life is that Name is the first thing i receive after my life and it is something that i will carry
until in my grave.
Tristan: My EYEGLASSES are my most prized/cherished because they enable me to see the
world clearer. Due to my extremely poor eyesight I find it very challenging to appreciate the
beauty of God’s creation. In addition to that, my parents invested a lot for my eyeglasses so I
have to care for them and make them last. Through them I feel the love of God and my parents.
2. How do you show or express that these items or objects are important to you? What do
you usually do or how do you usually treat these objects/items?
Ricci: The second gift that a parent can give to his/her child (after the gift of life) is its name.
The name id a life-time gift, it serves as the identity of an individual and because of that I
became careful with the things I do. As much as possible I don't do things that can damage my
Name and my Image.
Tristan: I treat them with care, I take them off when I play sports and store them properly from
harm. I clean it with a lint free cloth and place it in the case away from any debris while not in
use or when I sleep. As much as possible when there is hazard I would not wear them.
3. Do you think it is possible for other people to also see your most prized/cherished
possession as their prized/cherished possessions? Why or why not?
Ricci: I don't think anyone can consider my prized possession as theirs because it's my own
name but they can consider their name as their prized possession.
Tristan: I think other people with poor eyesight can understand my sentiment for my glasses and
some are not even granted the privilege of using prescription eyeglasses or have been able to be
examined by an ophthalmologist. In some cases, they are valued more and other times less by
other people. While others tease us for having four eyes, I cherish those extra eyes because of the
ability they grant me.

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